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Anyone know what Jackie’s deal is? Messaged her about parties on her OnlyFans. She’s like don’t hesitate to message me if you haven’t heard from me by Sunday. So, I messaged her the following Monday. Then again asking if everything’s all good. That was a week ago, I’m moving on man. Waste of time

In addition, any of y’all have a good experience communicating with her?
Panties not parties. (She claims that she sells them)
>>114865 (OP)
she's notorious for improperly managing her OF

making a separate thread just to complain about her OF is probably unnecessary. the jj thread is already filled with others doing the exact same thing >>109293 (Cross-thread)
Yeah but she might come back you never know
How often is she online? Probably does come back just too lazy to write anything lol
Instead of being a denegrate who buys panties you can actually be a moral and upstanding bbwchan citizen and upload her livestreams here
Lol cut me some slack. There is only one live stream on her OF and it ain’t worth it. I never watched it personally, just screenshot whatever was good
Can you share them screenshots so we can see
She just became a twice auntie…she a human being….gahhh
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Probably have to put two king sized beds together to sleep with her
Why pay for her shitty OF when you get it all on coomer?
What is coomer?
I subbed to her OF and in the space of a month all she did was upload a photo of a tree and lie about when she was going to post actual content.
I would like to know her behaviours and attitude off cam. Maybe her whole juicy J thing is just a persona and really she’s just stuck up 🤷‍♂️
Juicy Jacquelyn pre 2015 was reasonable lol
In the tumblr days she was a raging man hating feminazi. Literally raging and cursing at anyone who asked her for anything involving content. She apparently chilled out sice then.
That sucks. All I see of her now a days is her gaming 24/7. I think that is taking up her time. Try reaching out on her X account?
Time to move on. Shit content, shit personality, just wants your money. O.F. is overrated and over priced.toxic,easily triggered. two word sentences when you buy something nice for her.a paragraph if you ask to see when she ghost you.to much emotional baggage. not a "sex worker" in the true meaning. Just another wanna be. Not to worry, does not seam she'll be round for much longer
Does she have any other good onlyfans videos
What emotional baggage? And thought she was married too? Where is proof of that, I keep reading posts every now and then that she’s married but fuck all lol and I sent her an email I mean she sounded committee giving me a price and all. Not subscribing again though.

Must be full on crazy lol
I totally forgot about her crazy femnazi days lol. Her content has been shit for years. She never shows her ass any more she just shakes her gut and every body throws money at her.
Probably too stoned on those edibles that’s why she cannot show her inner nazi anymore lol
Feminists aren’t Nazis, Zionists are Nazis.
She’s just a boring old housewife with lipedemia
you know what, she probably stopped engaging with you cause you're goofy af
The fact you thought that. Make all of us " assume " thats your past experience ? You could of said anything else.
This is what you tell her. Oh I didnt notice other rich hoes in my phone.
I don’t know what Jackie’s problem is clearly she doesn’t care as much as she used to about making content because I messaged her and she literally blocking for telling her how inconsistent she is
does any1 have the video where shes wearing black and just rolling around in bed?
Instead of waiting for her to come back on her onlyfans maybe we should go on strike and not purchase and vids at her onlyfans and clips4sale pages our she makes money so if we stop buying them then maybe she’ll wake up for once
Dude, relax. She doesn't need this money so don't waste your time. Look at her videos -- online some in this business, she has a nice, clean home -- her partner pays the bills and this is her fun money. You can strike all you want and she won't lose a wink of sleep.
This interest gets toxic more times then not. I wouldn’t waste money or time on an OF girl unless you’re ready for that emotional damage. Most of them don’t care some of them have too many guys to talk to it’s work and the type of work it is you can easily have too many customers. Not to mention the emotional damage on the models part dealing with really crappy people or just complete weirdos. If you want something more personal try connecting with lesser known models if it clicks maybe there will be a better working relationship between you the customer and her the OF model.I did this with someone who now has 80k. Even if there’s a good connection be ready to pay and maybe even feel ripped off that’s just the nature of the game. Idk I think us the consumer if we stop paying the models whatever they want for anything they give us and boycotting certain people might actually have an impact. Idk if it’s fun money when you get so big they’re making 6 figures easy upwards of 200-300 thousand not usually but someone like Jackie maybe. I know kaybear said she makes 6 figures. That being said she could have some rich dude she lives with and it doesn’t matter lol there’s just the possibility it’s her money doesn’t mean at the least there isn’t a second 6 figure income in the house
There is nothing more likely to make her stop altogether than melodramatic fans hassling her and making this a less fun and pleasant experience for her.

If you really think, as a total rando, that lecturing her unprompted and pretending you have leverage over her is anything but unhinged and counterproductive then you need to spend some time offline and outside your own head.
I am beginning to believe that she knows she is past her prime.. I mean, in her stream on OnlyFans she said her cat caused the sores on her belly.. what a buncha bullshit. Lol
Wah wah wah she doesn't make content as much as I want her to wah wah wah let's boycott like it's going to change her mind wah wah wah I'm so special she should do what I say wah wah wah

Fucking moron. Go outside. Get a fucking girlfriend instead of whining about a model who doesn't know who you are, doesn't need your money, and doesn't give a fuck about you. Incel
I just want to say that it’s hard to find 500lb women too. Like looking for an emerald and giant ass pit for a Canadian
So many people think theyre the "cool" fetish porn website user.
Six figures, my derriere
Oh don't worry the Team Rocket mods are ready to scam and steal your money, it's like to watch a Pokemon episode without paying don't worry 😐👍 LGBTQ diarrhea incoming in 3, 2 ... 1!
You sound defeated my friend lol
The best part is learning the "code" for what kind of freaking horny furries decided to program this shit, ah yea "49a70d" made this post .. is it #RGB color code or am I too cooked to know technology better than all of you fucking demented creatures?!

Oh wait I need to hack the "governament" to know shit that even fucking BABIES know!!
Poster ID is tied to a hex color code. It's just an aesthetically pleasing choice than to just assign a random 16bit tripcode.

It's genuinely not that hard to understand.
To the dearest imbecile, throwing the nuclear bomb and calling "people" Incel I just wanna say something.

This youtuber is trying to save and help the fat people around the world, look what they are talking about in this video: https://youtu.be/dfoI8HdDc58?si=NFj4_QJK0KGy9jlY

Maybe instead of hating MEN for no fucking reasons, you should appreciate them for still watching and supporting your enormeous flappy fat ass? Or maybe are you gonna report me to the Pokémon Company because I KNOW EVERYTHING about this shit nuclear place called BBWCHAN?!

Oh wait I forgot that I need to go outside, touch the grass and GOTTA CATCH THEM ALL right stupid horny bitch?
Your job is obbessed with you. Watch john travolta life on the line. About electrical linemens. They love you 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
This is why sincerely I understand these fat women hiding over the internet, making Onlyfans .. probably because CREEPS like you that IDK for some reason download stuff without paying them?! Piracy I guess?
Anybody have either of her recent OF streams
Wasn't there another Jackie thread on the go? I could swear I saw one with pics from her latest weigh in video, and I wanted to ask about that (whether it is a worthwhile investment of $16). Anyone here maybe seen it?
A weird guy named Mark kept making threads and complaining that she sucks
Does anybody have her recent livestream I’ll trade for a compressed file of her vids for it
Not really a complaint when it is the truth. Most guys here agree she sucks dimwit
She absolutely does suck and the defenders are even worse. She puts out one low effort video every couple of months or so. That’s insane. Considering how easy it is to make any sort of content as everybody essentially has a camera on them at all times nowadays (phones)

Shame cause she’s been my favorite for years and idk how much money I’ve spent over the years on videos and such lol. Seems since the end of 2023ish to now she’s barely even trying to make decent vids.
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Anyone got this video?

My guess is that now that she is married, her husband may not like sharing her with all of us. Greedy pig! :)
I got it you tryna trade
She was with that dude for like a decade. A piece of paper wouldn't make him stop her modelling. She is a late-30s 600lb stoner. Her energy for doing almost anything has gotta be pretty low.
Has she posted anything yet other than her new weigh in
Wow she posted "hates most Americans" today.
Men who like big tits normall have small cocks.
Lol hey jackie. Why do you care this much? There will always be haters if youre a public figure of any sort
Redacting my post. She redacted hers
>canaditard hates Americans
Reup pls?
Can someone update the coomer page
Try her X account. She is the most active on there
I don't think about these things when I am coing to her.
Yo FR though can someone update her coomer page and like do a big one
So is anyone ever going to post that livestream or was that just a fever dream…..
we really just need that new live that somebody posted screenshots of awhile back. otherwise, her whole catalog was either shared on here or is on the internet for free somewhere.
Whoever has the live can you drop it so we can see it
Esta privada la carpeta crack
This folder is not public.
Any one have a site rip from her old site?
Anyone have Supersize me set?
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I stg this guy, this *fucking* guy, has been asking this for over 4 years in almost every single juicy Jackie thread.

Not only that, it's already been shown to him before, with everyone else laughing at what the "Supersize Me" set actually is. So, fine, you win. Here are the three different "Supersize Me" sets Juicy Jackie has.

And before you ask, yes, this is seriously what she posted on her website. A series of extremely low-quality morphs and distortions of her previous older sets, which look like someone used the spiral filter on Microsoft Pictures.

To my knowledge, she only ever made three bundles, and stopped after that, because they were awful.

Yet for some reason, some guy has been asking for them for *years*, always chiming in with "DAE Have Supersize me set" or "Supersize Me pics pls?" messages every time, without any content or elaboration.

Sorry for the outburst, but god this guy has wasted enough of my time and thread space. Hoping this is the last I have to see a "Supersize set" post again


I'm missing no more than 10 C4S vids


Help me and i'll help you further.
This is the only one of those i have sorry

If i happen to find some of those ill let you know

If you can upload some other video of the list it would be great thx in advance
Hello, I have tried to download the file but it won't let me since apparently the limit number of downloads has been reached
so youre telling me you got all C4S videos of Jacki, except 9??? congrats on the full collection.
Would you mind uploading them to gofile xD?
ah, not public but thanks for the attempt.

The folder's marked as 'private'!
anything new on OF?
Anything good in her 10 most recent posts? Uses to sub but it's so far between updates and they can be timid at times, been gone months and only missed 10 updates
Can anyone drop her old sites picture sets if you have it? Can't get any luck anywhere!
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she finally posted new video...its so unfair that her posts are so rare cause shes amazingly HoT Imagine a new van video at her current size!
Looks like a gym bench... its over.
even tho its sounds like u would trigger somethihng

remember, 70% of Man/Boys who like woman this size, must come with much strenght. No skinny builds allowed. So i guess shes using her Husbands Bench. Cant be skinny and feed such a Goddess.
She's married to a dude who is not obese. Having a weight bench in the house is normal.
As someone who is skinny and dates women this size, that's not true. Jackie just wanted something to hump that wouldn't get obliterated under her after a single use.
It's a shame her content is few and far between. Just want to see her hit 600. If she wants to retire after that let her. She is so close!
Body weight deadlifts would be impressive
> Just want to see her hit 600
She’s not a gainer. She’s got some kinda lipidemia and trying to lose but too lazy.
I mean, when go out to dinner and order two entrees at a restaurant, you're a bit of a gainer.
Exactly. She might not be a gainer in the traditional sense, but considering she's got an out of control food addiction, is enabled by everyone in her life, is allergic to exercise, and is seemingly indifferent to her enormous size, then the end result is pretty much the same.
You can only say you are not a gainer so many times until it's not true. Neither was Jae yet she finally admitted she was.
Jackie is a secret gainer. Gets off on loving food and what it does to her. Been that way for decades.
She had a goal of returning to her heaviest, but we all know with her addiction she won't stop.
Anyone have new vid?
Anyone have her old site's content???
Jackie needs a gym press for sitting. They are made for weight.
you can´t imagine how much Chairs and other stuff she breaks with all that Massive ass.
Anyone willing to share her new vid?
Does anyone have her food diary video?
She will though. She’s going to be 40 next year
only a woman can live 40 years without working a single day in their life. this website taught me that they dont even have to be hot either.
Go back to bitcbing in the Beccabae thread, loser
You honestly believe that worshipping whores will get you a girlfriend?
Anyone seen her of vid howler is it
I mean, he’s got a point.
You little dick losers can rely on the mods to delete any criticisms of your white models who are obviously inbred, suffering from mental and physical diseases.
This woman’s face is butt ugly and basically a lipodemia filled water balloon.
Got a wife AND I worship whores. Work harder.
Imagine coming to a fetish board to troll after you fap because it makes you feel a bit better about the shame you feel for liking em bigger than big.

Poor things. Either share some production shit or just fap and leave. Y'all making all us non ashamed fat lovers go limp with the nonsense.
> Boring troll
Jackie or the troll? Jackie’s content really is a snooze fest and she’s not looking any less troll like these days.
Hmm you've lost attraction to women. Next step you'll be waking to dudes. Congrats faggot
i love you
Anyone have the new video?
I think somebody here is watching too much Furry porn, is this the main reason some imbecile decided to hack them?
You dropped this king. 👑 Thanks for the drop.

Could it be they magical 600?👀
I spy with my little eye two diabetes dots
i pray everyday for a new Van vid by Jackie ;////
> I spy with my little eye two diabetes dots
That’s just how Jewish people’s skin is, they’re called “shekels spots” and they’re good luck, more means more money.
That drive thru vid was epic. I wish she’d make a new one at heavier weight.
Yes Sir 100%! We need a stair struggle/ walking video too! She needs to show her body more her gain is up there with the greatest ever!
That walking one where she’s outside on the deck makes you realize just how damn enormous she is. And now she’s probably 50-75 lbs heavier! When calf is rolling over the ankle, girl is big!

Just wish she’d post more than every couple months.
It’s Wednesday. I’m waiting
if its a video of her on the bed eating, im gonna kms
Seriously...tick tock tick tock. Waiting for "oh sorry there was a technical error" excuse and not get it for another week
She did it, fellas. She achieved greatness.
Someone drop the new weigh in plz
She hit 600 finally
Maybe new weight new content
Is vid on OF page or do you have to pay extra for PPV? I stopped subbing because nothing was posted in months.
This will literally be history when someone drops the weigh in

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