
(12 KB, 600x338, img.manyvids.webp) (96 KB, 1200x675, FK3qNg1CkAwPLK9v.jpg) (193 KB, 1200x1200, F0wKYsiWIAABmQ7.jpg) (277 KB, 1644x2048, FzP17K6XgB01Wze.jpg) (315 KB, 1169x1757, f8563bde398b3aa9c55bd302fc25c2ea5b1c4c8cca6749c349436484a6417e37.jpg) (15 KB, 600x338, immg.manyvids.webp)
Last Thread has been bumplocked for like a month now and im surprised none of yall noticed lol. Any-way Im making a new thread with some videos. Hopefully some of yall might have some new videos or her g00gle drive vids.
What a hog.
>>113783 (OP)
thank you Sir, wow, she is really one of the most impressive gainers
Is it true she only showers once a week?
Always with the people asking about the smell. Damn near every thread, not even four replies in.
nope there's non around unless there is one on her de-funked g00gle drive
she have insta?
thank you! that's insane, just pure wow. may consider subscribing seeing how hot is her content
(1.6 MB, 1378x942, Screenshot 2024-04-01 145226.png) (894 KB, 928x789, Screenshot 2024-04-01 145400.png) (1.4 MB, 1280x941, Screenshot 2024-04-01 145508.png)
Love this girl so much dude
>super fat, but in that jello-mold way where she holds shape but every tiny movement makes her whole body bounce
>seems dumb as fucking rocks, comes off like an adorably-retarded overfed housepet
>clearly has some "i hope friends/family/coworkers/classmates/etc. notice what a whale i am" exhibitionism thing, based on how she dresses and the stories she tells
>somehow ALWAYS wheezing and out of breath, from rolling over, from stretching her arm out too far, from chewing too fast???
and the fact she's, what, 22/23? that's a mark of pedigree. you don't get this fat, THIS young, unless you've spent your entire ass life with unrestricted access to food + were never encouraged to exercise or eat right at all
She's not larping, she 100% just has a (probably-)lifelong extremely fucked relationship with food. which is so much hotter to me than models who got fat in their late 20s and are bound to just lose it again

Anyway neat videos in that last up
>seems dumb as fucking rocks, comes off like an adorably-retarded overfed housepet

can’t think of a better way to describe her with how she talks and acts. especially those "moans"
Hey, it's a positive trait! i don't want 400+ lb girls to be smart, because smart girls decide to lose weight
smart girls also don't include their FACE AND VOICE in videos where they halfway pass out from tugging a shirt over their belly, and upload them to public indexed sites like tumblr lmao. the opsec is so poor that the thought of her parents finding it (which they totally will), or the professors she TAs for finding it, gets me going

dumb girls are easy to make fat. dumb fat girls are EFFORTLESS to make fatter, talk into getting fatter on purpose, convince being fat isn't a big deal, etc
Unironically, if you want to home-grow a borderline-immobile pet landwhale or whatever, your best bet is a college undergrad who's clearly been fat since she was a kid and seems like she has zero inner monologue
does she post content outside of manyvids?
she's on tumblr but other than that no
oh man maybe two days ago I was fantasizing and looking at pics of her. I dont know which I find more enticing, her belly, or those amaaazing soft doughy arms being constricted by the sleeves of her shirts.

the clips she posts on tumblr, does she make longer versions of those for her drive and if so, how many.
The clips she has on her MV look great and ive been thinking about getting either "is out of control" or "cant help herself".

But you know... like, if anyone has those and maybe even her entire collection of full length videos I'll be you're best friend. At least till I bust, but then I'll be your best friend again when I see a cute girl out and about with upper arms as large as many women's thighs and I won't be able to help thinking about all you've done for me (ironically not completely untrue. some uploaders I'm consistently grateful; to and think "this guy is the man. what a sweet clip" or some variant
I so, so badly want basically all her clips.
I fucking LOVE that! I had downloaded that upload, but hadn't opened the zip yet. right after making that last posting, I unzipped it, and when I saw the titles and thumbnails..

just fucking awesome.
I'm smiling so broadly right now.

thank you. seriously- thank you,
what a lucky start to the day.
here's a reup of her march weigh in (and a few others if you care)

anyone got the newest weigh in?
Uhhh. She says "3rd of July" in the video. Did you get them mixed up? Would love to know what she is now.
Yeah..she just did a weigh in. Anyone has it?
I looked on her tumblr, the vid is a weigh in from july 2023

Doesn’t make sense. she’s only become a brunette in the last few months.
(1.3 MB, 400x400, giphy.gif)
Hm. There's clearly only one explanation then.
she weighed 414
does she live east coast?
She moved. 100 of cops showed up at her house someone snitched. Long gone now. Word on street
Snitched? For what? Farting too loud?
Ask the girl who did it too her
Wtf was she accused of that 100’s of cops showed up? And where’s the sauce?
Thank you so much king!
Agree fully, one pf my favourites
My ex was extremely intelligent both intellectually and emotionally, no signs of physical or mental illness, extremely energetic, not a lazy moment with her, came from a high class family where all immediate family was thin, similar minded friends and somehow she still grew incredibly obese between the ages of 16 and 20.

My point being that I can't decide what's the hottest, a girl like Ella or the exact opposite that has all reasons to never being even close to being fat but still becoming.
My vote is on your ex's situation. A dumb girl doesn't know any better, but there's just something different about a girl who knows better and just can't help themselves due to unrestricted gluttony.
This, in the day to day complain about how big she is and how hard everything is, planning to lose weight, only to smoke some dope and gorge all night. Reminding her how fat she let herself become and how she's still gaining weight and not stopping anytime soon.
Anyone got the latest weight in?
Ehh 225 on the flat butt still light after a few weeks
KingSteph dont want those ppl here. No no no no lol she know u wasnt showing up before so dont even
Can you do re-up pleease
Gluttony at best
Thats what amanda requested she a thot too

i need more of this precocious young fattie
i'm bumping this bc i want no need more of this cute fat slovenly cow
any reups?
Anything new?
any reups?
NGL, I'm convinced at this point that like half the replies in this chick's threads are her partner/feeders trying to drum up interest and advertise.

Like literally every thread of her ends up reposting the same 4 videos, with 1 or 2 guys begging for some farting content or some shit...and then just preview pictures.
Thanks dude! Big big W!
Thank you for the vids but the cake vid only does audio
What’s with her videos being super bright

i reuploaded it and tested, by playing the video does not work. But if you download it, it works again
Dude its not that deep. Shes just not as known as other models. This is what happens when someone posts a niche model. She used to do OF and had a G--gle drive link but she scrubbed that in favor for manyvids. Her reasoning is that she didnt want pay lock for people to see her content. I wish she just brought back her g--gle drive link and make her old OF free so people can buy it through there. There's nothing wrong with people uploading the same thing with new stuff now and then cause sometimes this is someones first time on this website. The amount of lurkers proves this lol (go to her tumblr its fucking amazing.0

holy shit thank you! i love the way she carries her weight, that cute big fat belly looks so soft :') keep eating fattie we believe in you!
I just found her like last week from stufferdb where she hides a can of pepsi under her belly
She should hide my meat under her belly

That’s if she can find it without a microscope.
My guess is that she films videos on her iphone in hdr.

He could fuck her belly button tho, smaller ones are perfect for that shit
Can we get a re up
oh wow

she's really big now
Why isn't Ella more popular? She's got quite possibly the best face in the business, incredible body shape, and a cute personality to top it off.
Well the only social media she post on regularly is tumblr and unless ur deep in the trenches with this fetish ur not gonna know. She doesn't have an only-f@ns anymore and she only uses M@nyvids to post content soo....yeah
Look at those arms, damn
I think this chick has some kind of downs but its not visible
Does every girl with a baby face has Down syndrome now?
What does not visible mean to you?
some people on this board didn't get hugged enough as children so they enjoy spending their time insulting the models
E whores arent models, if these hedonistic sluts are models then im leonardo da vinci.

Just because you, out of some or no reason at all, decided to call web models e-whores doesn't make anyone follow that sorry practice.

Don't expect anyone to follow that sorry practice in the future as well.
They are models and you are irrelevant.
People like us don’t care. We fuck chicks like this or jerk off to them. That’s all their good for
good luck getting anyone to actually care about you with that mentality dude
>We fuck chicks like this

Nigga you aint fuckin nobody. don't lie to us.
Adding more vids right now omg i leave for one day and y'all are posting unhinged shit. its not like ur gonna fuck her so who cares
your hand needs to take a day off sir. how do you call her? veronika?
This is true for normal people but keep in mind most of the people on here have parasocial attachments to the models which is why every thread has dozens of spergs arguing about them and gossiping about their social lives.
Does anybody have her workout video or her first funnel video?
so sexy. she's in my favorite creators.
I wish she would do a video highlighting those jaw dropping arms- watching her bulging out of the sleeves of a t-shirt then lifting her arms up to take it off... talk about a visceral response.

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