
Sorry to open a can of worms that was probably glued shut but what's so polarizing about her?
Awesome more meat for devil dick kong zilla driver
Well for starters Ik she was apart of that feedee house run by that creepy guy
You probably talk about Peardise , I have seen fat women that thé owner IS a bit strange
>she was apart of that feedee house run by that creepy guy
...Okay, and? Did the people in this feedee house do something illegal and/or despicable? If they didn't, I can't think of a reason to give a shit. Anyways, dropping actual content:

thanks feedee house creep
Can i for once have a thread not dedicated to talking abt EX… thanks in advance 💕>>113329
Next time don't date German creeps? No & Nein are pretty easy to understand.
so my entire career is going to be judged by one realtionship? cute.>>113333
Welcome to the industry
i’ll take it for what it is, i know who i am, my ex has nothing to do with me getting fatter, i was fat long before him and i’ll continue to grow now that im single, im moving on and if a bunch of weirdos wanna be caught up in things in my past that’s on you, goodbye now & don’t forget to stay in the loop on my new gains 💅🏼🐷💖>>113323

Honey, you are talking to the bottom of the barrel who r here to pirate your content. Too cheap to spend a few bucks and support you. What do you expect really?

House full of beautiful women. What a dream. What I'd give to have Marie and the beautiful Kayla around every day *sigh*
Don't fuck creeps who think they can SA someone. Wouldn't touch any woman that is low enough to sleep with that creep.
That escalated quickly 😬

>come back to /ssbbw/
>see new thread
>it's about a model I've never heard of
>read replies
>model actually comes on board to reply to comment about ex
>read further
>see its about that Stefan guy and the alleged bbw 'harem' in Vegas

That dude was weird as fuck. Anything he posted was cringe. I mean, good for him he got to be around alot of beautiful women, but why the fuck did they stay around him? I get that some ppl are poly, but Jesus Christ he had to have been rich or something

The guy got made famous by the biggest slander campaign I have ever witnessed. I personally think there is a reason why so many women are there and love him. He's actually a really chill dude.

>he's a really chill dude
Anyone can be chill, but let's be honest, he's a 5'5 German man-let that dyes his hair and jumps on any trend for broad appeal. Me personally, I don't see what those women see in him, considering some of them make videos getting dicked down by 6' niggas

What a polarizing world we live in
genuinely can make a thread to talk about him, please drop itttt lmfao.>>113346

Do it. I want the tea by the gallon, and I got an empty jug and a big thirst
Jealousy is poison.

Slandering good People doesnt make you better!
He is a nice man with a big heart.

The girl in the pic is a lovely lady.. shame on you for shaming her!

We need time stamped photos if you're claiming to be who you say you are
Jealousy is poison!

Slandering good People doesnt make you a better person!

He is a nice man and the girl in the pic is a lovely lady!
Shame on you for shaming her!!
>Jealousy is poison!

Nope, I never woke up one day wanting to be a 5'5 German manlet running a bbw 'harem' shrouded with speculation of SA and other devious shit.

Besides, some of the ladies are easy 6/10. If you're gonna be poly, don't go for the low hanging frui4
The only thing you need is a menthal health coach!! Fat chill... take a pil
>fat chill... take a pill

Holy shit my sides went into orbit
Why you always gotta derail the thread you dimwits! To hell with the small dick jealous energy hating on a dude whos done nothing to you!
This about Marie, now whos got content?
Maybe there needs to be a new board for all the middle-aged women in this thread:

/gossip/ - BBW gossip
For all the fellas who are more interested in microanalyzing fat women's personal lives than beating their meat
(753 KB, 536x847, 3.png)
Marie - ItsMarieBabes


this is an admiration thread.
drama and gossip goes here:
Take this dick your big soft ass feel hands on booty
Dunno about y’all but she’s in the running for feedee of the year …she’s gotten simply enormous and I love her for it.
So long as he isn’t one of the retarded Germans ficking up the board I couldn’t give two fucks about him. Here’s to hoping she stays up on her grind and keeps those around her who aren’t trying to keep her tiny
i love u so sexy please keep growing pleawse please how tall are you
i not know. thank u babe
I haven't paid attention to things, the fuck is this about a feedee house?
This dude straight up has like a playboy mansion version of a house but with BBW/ssbbw
I want a feedee house.

Uh oh looks like I made the jannies mad when I called the German man-let a man-let. Lol let's be honest he got a face of a sexual predator ngl. He probably got blackmail on some of those women, which is why they choose to stay with him.

Wow you really got issues there.
Back to some content!


What a retarded moron you are! You are going to get the whole thread nuked again :/
Oh God you again. You wish you could pull any single girl let alone a house full of the most beautiful SSBBW. Who here would not want a feedee house? Sign me upppp
Who has her latest weigh in?
Thanks for the video!

But was it only me who thought that with this weigh in being released after the chocolate milk one, she would be heavier and not 20lbs lighter in the end....? Kinda disappointing tbh

I have noticed she's been fluctuating probably due to life circumstances. She needs a feeder!
She fucked an SA diseased weirdo. Her pussy be rotten and nazi for me.

You must really be a fan. Moderators keep removing the nasty shit you retarded child molester keep bringing here and ya dumb short dick mofo keep coming back with the shit. Get a fuckin life mate! We can all see that you wish you had a house full of SSBBW but you will never have that because you wouldnt get past the feckin cheeks buahahahaha

Woaaaaa wait a minute. Isn't that the chick that was screaming all about SA for a while and got a RAPE FETISH ??? Sick fucking world!

Oh way over the line there! WTF is wrong with you?
The fact autists on this site think chat gpt posting is peak comedy speaks way too much on the absolute state of r9k these days
Chatgpt is based off google searches
IDK, but judging from her Vegas video I wouldn't be surprised if it was an old video bc:
a) The house looked her ex-boyfriend's house
b) The camera man driving her around was also probably her ex-boyfriend

So the video is probably from before her breakup??
That video was just released. She was in Vegas at the content house this past weekend where they made multiple videos. They talked about it on a live
The fact that she could eat herself up ten pounds in a couple of days is hot. It’s also pretty incredible how well she walks for a 540+ girl. She’s got an additional 150 to put on before she becomes borderline immobile like Kass. On that note I spoke to Kas the other day on Feabie and she confirmed that she’s hovering right below immobility…she’s so fat that she can barely walk at this point 620 pounds…
But probably also very misleading.
1lbs of fat ist about 3500kcal excess calories.
So to gain ten pounds you get 35k extra kcal in her claimed timespan of 2.5 days. Let's be nice and count 3 full days which gives 35k/3 = 11666 extra kcals per on top of her 4000~4500kcals gor maintaining her 540lbs. So round about 15k kcals per day for three days straight. And if she filmed nearly everything she ate I highly doubt that it was physically possible for her to gain 10lbs. I believe what rather happen was some "minor" weight gain, and the added weight of food and in her stomach/bladder + weight fluctuation maybe from something forming in her bowl ready for it's way out.

Still immensely got seeing a ~550lbs girl wearing such revealing outfits and going out to eat large quantities of food in public.

Agreed…Hamgasmicallyfat Sabrina had a video where she weighed herself in the morning, went out and stuffed herself and then weighed herself and was up 8 pounds. She’s an incredible eater though.
God tier drop. One question though about the new video. Wasn't there supposed to be a scene of her getting stuck in the turnstile?
She's not 620lbs. Proof or stfu

She claims to be 620 and that’s what she says on her Feabie profile as well as when I asked her about it. So she’s possibly lying but she didn’t seem to be lying when she described how hard it is for her to walk now. You claim that she isn’t but you don’t have any proof of that either.
Wish we could get a coomer update, hasn’t been done for almost a year. She’s undoubtedly getting huge
Why did you leave Stephan? He was the best thing that ever happened to you.
All kinds of anons with real life stakes come out of the woodworks whenever Voldemort is mentioned.

Kaybear and Babygothipz have been sighted in the mansion now as well. Is Voldemort the filmer in Kaybear's sex tape?
That's some manipulation there bro

What are you trying to say here? Also Kbear lives there at least for now. What a dream! And Don't even get me started on Babygothipz. That guy literally has the most beautiful SSBBW around and gets so much hate for it! Waiting for Boberry to show up in Vegas.. Kass will be there in April. Hoping there will be good content made!!
Dude everyone knows about the sneaky vegas trip shhhh we are trying to catch them in the act might get cancled lol
That is in the heart attack grill video. Glorious. Buy it! Support this queen she deserves it!
Im sending private investigators out there the same week of vegas trip in july no worries lol
Who is sneaky? Catch who and cancel who? Kass announced it all over her page she will be in Vegas!
you're doing exactly what i'm describing, every time someone slanders Stefan someone comes rushing to defend him, when a thread is started concerning one the mansion girls we're urged to buy clip and support a "queen". people with stakes are trying to control a narrative. and yeah it's probably Stefan in Kay's sextape (and who i'm replying to) cause he isn't particularly well endowed hehe.
Prove it off the internet. Face to face
So are there wins of her at her new weight, or wins at all, or...

Sounds like the general public who has been watching for a while is just tired of the slander and defamation and if you were to actually educate yourself and go watch Marie's OF content, since you are a fan of hers on here seeking content of hers, you would see that Stefan is in her OF videos and looks completely different than the guy in Kaybear's sex video!

I agree with
Get your ass off this anonymous cesspool of a forum and post proof public on your instagram or facebook for us to see.

I come here for Marie. Like many others I am sick and tired of retarded ass motheruckers bringing this nonsense here. Discuss Marie and drop content or GTFO.
Trolls are underpaid people. Who take orders from colored managers
Racism must sound really cool in your native language.
Anyone have the heart attack grill video? I missed it
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nothing lasts forever, everything changes and you Gotta shoot your shot when you have it - Marie I've been wanting to talk for a long time and I never had a chance. My name and everything else I'll give ya, no secrets, I'm all yours. Food, travel, dates, whatever you want. My car might not be big enough, we may need to get a bigger one, or two. thatbitchzeus@protonmail.com
God damn bro that's one way to do it. Godspeed and I hope you get what your after

She couldn’t fit half her ass in that car. I think you need to size up before trying to bring this one to ground.
Feelings got hurt on the internet lmao
>>113272 (OP)
Anyone have any more of her videos? She is simply amazing
thanks for deleting my shit you jackass. You are the reason this place sucks so hard now.
She made a comeback with Stefan_1973 (as Kass before too) but it seems she is on a diet, as she didn't take a dessert when they went out (to restaurant) and ate not so much.
While I think her tummy was never that huge, rather on BBW level, than on SSBBW.
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Why? I have watched their lifestream this week on TikTok...
So it was what I have noticed (and she said, she don't want dessert).
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Do people actually live at the creepy guy's house? I thought he just threw parties.
She looks like she has downs syndrome and I can't fap to that
Yeah end of day that blokes got money and essentially gets to have all the fat birds he wants. Strange bloke in general but I think he lives all of ours dreams
Maybe I can see that from these few pics, but if you see more, you'll just see that she is unattractive rather than down syndrome.

Oh yes! Several beautiful girls, kaybearcutie is one of them and there is a tattoo artist she is HOT AF very sad she does not model. Gah lee that place really is a paradise. I swear that dude is doing it right he be swimming in beautiful fat babes. No wonder he be getting so much hate. jealousy is 1 of the deadly sins
Marie babe down syndrome? What are you, fucking retarded? gtfo with your small dick energy! She has the potential to be the most beautiful feedee of the year!!!
Why does Marie thread always get side tracked to Vegas house? Should we make a fan thread for the place? Bloke got $$ and charm seems like a fun place. Ok moving on. Anyone got any new weigh ins? She at 600 yet??
She does kinda look like she’s a bit special tho lmao
Sounds more like you're a dickwad with some anger issues mate!
she looks like she’s missing a chromosome maybe the most beautiful special needs feede
not to kill the vibe or anything but more than likely your missing a chromosome or autistic if you hyper focusing (especially in a sexual manner) on bigger women & them gaining weight.
i geuss you can say your the worlds most special feeder?? perfect match.
Did they let you pass BroScience 101?

Sexuality has nothing to do with missing chromosome count or communication disorders
My suspicion confirmed again. Only the bottom of the barrel scum on this forum too cheap to buy content from the beautiful ladies and too fucking ass retarded to even grasp the simplest concepts of life. LOL you fucking fapping to fat girls so why you here talking out of your ass!
Naw she seems a bit entitled and cocky for having a face like that she needs to be humbled lmao
Sounds like you need to be raped in the ass hahaha
Im going back to sleep lmao
Ok but seriously now. How does he do it? Keeps pulling the prettiest SSBBW and so effortless what the hell
Pays them and most visiting there are ugly as hell
He does not pay them are you trying to insinuate they are fucking hookers? You clearly have no taste either hahah
Stefan, no one believes this is anyone but you. Quit trying so hard to defend your mid fuckpig
Shut up Stefan, invite some Jamaican men to the bbw mansion and see what happens
Fucking weirdo lmao why defend a Down syndrome looking bitch she ain’t gonna sleep with you! You sorry sack of shit lmaoooo
Ja this is me Stefan hahah what do you want you stupid fucking asshole? You want rapey rapey?

Zeit dass die Deutschen hier übernehmen und den Scheisshaufen dicht machen!!

Fick dich du dreckiges Krüppelschwein! Direkt in das Arschloch Ab ins KZ mit dir du Drecksau
Was ist das denn hier für ein Verein alles voll behinderte Pisser. Das reddit post was ja nur lustig! Wird echt Zeit dass die seite hier verschwindet
GEIL Noch einer von Reddit? Jawohl!! Die haben alle den Arsch offen hier. Wie kann man so bescheuert sein. Amis oder was???
Wow it really is time that shit shit gets shut down. Anonymous fuckbags stealing content and body shaming Marie WTF
Bring your tight little asshole and do not forget the lube har har har
Aber HALLO! Ihr seid das Gespött auf Reddit! Ich wusste garnicht dass es diese Seite noch gibt?!
Wurde die nicht wegen krimineller Aktivitäten geschlossen??
Salomon der weise spricht, Hundekacke frisst ma nicht. Und wenn du's doch getan, du dreckinge Sau, spüle den Mund mit Kakao!
What the fuck?
Christ, really breaks the immersion to know the owner of the Mid BBW Harem House is a thin-skinned loser. Rapist and generally uncomfortable person, we already knew he was. Then again if you hit up EVERY BBW in the community you'll be sure to get a few ugly women desperate enough to come down and be in your cringe TikToks.
Was issn das für eine Scheisse hier?
Illegales Drecksforum für gestohlene Daten? Sollte geschlossen werden!
I totally agree with you FUCK these retards!
Who else is here from Reddit? Is that really true ??? Thats fucking crazy! Bitch needs to be charged!
Alter sind da ein paar Kackbratzen hier in dem Forum! Furchtbarer Abschaum!
What the FUCK??
Was für ein Scheisshaufen!
You fucking retarded?
Wo kommst du denn her? Reddit?
Say does Kass still make content or she retired?
I have a few sets and videos fresh from curvage
Why boeing kill the 2nd whistle blower. Everyone know they did it lol
Holy fuck I didn't even know this pile of shit site still existed until I saw the post on Reddit. Trashy as I remember!!
Please don't call Marie a pile of shit because of her connection to Pearadise.
Did she really speak of dead people like that. Excuse me but work mail box hoax isnt just coincidence. Dont be a cunt
One of these days I need to go to a party there. Always looks so much fun and beautiful women
Lmk ill text papi tell him slide through

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