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Could have sworn she had a thread already but clearly been taken down since. Girls still gaining and bigger than ever on her ig! Well on the way to immobility. Curious if anyone else has anything of her?
She doesn't do paid content so its a bit of a dead thread. Her insta is the only place she is active.

She occasionally reblogs on Tumblr but she delted her photos off it. She hasn't been active on Feabie for well over a year and she's just got into a relationship and she hasn't answered her curiouscat for a while.

There's a stufferdb page for her https://stufferdb.com/index?/category/7702

There's old pictures of her when she's smaller but they're not that great.
Got a feeling she’s just got into a new relationship with the guy she was just with. I reckon if she gets enough requests to do paid modelling she would but she’s just super lazy and can’t be fucked. Definitely eating herself to immobility
>>110169 (OP)
Is this all the photos she has on her insta? Stuck in pending
If she had a proper feeder she’d be miss t level
She is a marvel of flab.

Bump for one of the best hogs the UK has to offer
She really piled on the pudding. She’s only in the low 400s but she has the fat deposits of a 600 pounder. No muscle tone at all so she’ll be immobile soon.

I just wish there was more video evidence of that lard quivering
Or if some kind soul has everything she has posted both old and new from feabie and elsewhere.
She really loves the dark side of feederism, and appears to just keep expanding!
I don’t know if she loves it or is simply embracing the inevitable. She just can’t give up the take out.

Having chatted quite regularly with her, she genuinely loves it.
She just needs a proper feeder to put her over the edge
Someone needs to take her to the feedee cabin and in a month she’ll be big enough that she can never leave
Someone post more pics please, need to see her fat double belly
Some dude took her to spoons.

Keepin it classy
I remember she said that unlike most fat people that develop at least some muscles from carrying a that big frame she had pretty much no muscles at all just pure fat so moving her body at all was a huge effort. No idea how that happens but it sounds hot.
She also said at some point she lives with her grandparents and they are her caregivers. Would pay good money to be a fly on the well there to see how much she really is unable to do.
Look at Beccabae by comparison. Similar weight and plenty fluffy but you can see that her legs and calves are strong as fuck under all that fat. With Bridget You can see that she’s just a blob of the softest fat on the planet….surely she’ll be bed bound at 475. Kass and Boberry are walking around at 600 although Kass is coming to the end of her mobility finally. Boberry could probably walk at 750
Why does she need caregivers?
5coclock at night? Lmao lol whats your problem.
Try again using English

She has a boyfriend so I guess that he can be her caregiver as well... I hope at least that he's a good feeder and we'll see her put on more weight.
Who the new guy hahaha thats funny
If it’s the same boyfriend she has apparently he wasn’t great at feeding here because he was broke. Hope it’s someone new
Or, y'know, more money for food
Britney griner transgender? Damn deep ass voice yo
can someone explain both side of the aisle?
like why would someone in a relationship ask for money to be fed, when that money could be taken from their own pockets?
and second, if guys know she's in a relationship, why do they volunteer to pay for her food and enjoy none of the benefits?

i just don't get the dynamic tbh. i rather take the money and feed a girl myself into an ssbbw.
Sound someone who got fags living in their house. Lord have mercy. Abomination
because food is expensive and it takes a lot of it to get/maintain that size? whats hard tk understand?
The fact that you're having trouble grasping the whole grift here leads me to believe you're not a simp. Good on you. You know the girl isn't yours, and that giving her money isn't going to lead to anything fruitful (unless you pay a lot and maybe she'll send back a clip of her eating for you, but doubtful). Plus she has a boyfriend to pay for her binging. Essentially, you're just giving her money because you think she's hot with the thought that you're contributing in some small way to her obesity, despite there being no proof that your donation isn't going directly to a takeaway order.

Some would argue that if you've enjoyed her content you could spare a little something to incentivize her to stay, but that's entirely optional and you won't get any gratification out of it unless you're a paypig. Not to mention girls like her are just as easy to leave over harassment or doxxing anyway.
What in the hell are you on about ?
She’d easily make a shit ton on OF if it was even half decent. All she posts is bad angle pictures on instagram, but if she set up her phone and just recorded herself pigging out and did some low effort stuff it would fund her eating addiction

Speaking of pictures - somebody post some
Literally could make bank if he just films her with good lighting and good angles. No point begging for money if there is no return. If he is broke at least they can make money by working together.
"Broke" is not a financial state. Broke is a mindset. I guess thats the mindset of families who grew up poor. Have decent jobs now so they look down on hours. But cant figure out how to make $100/hour lmfao!!!!
Does anyone actually know or speak to her to convince her to model properly?
why only 3 seconds ? 30 would be enough for me to explode in my pants
>>111066 anything new on her insta
You can just tell her new guy is gonna end up fat as fuck around her, already looks chubby and the amount of junk food she’s buying is gonna end up effecting him real soon

Good, there needs to be more superfat couples
Totally. If I remember right BC Steph's husband was quite fat, at least some years ago when I saw a pic. It's been a while, though, and idk if he gained like she has in the meantime.
Their weight has fluctuated over the years - she went down and is now at her peak. He's followed the same trajectory but he seems to be smaller than he was at his peak.
Is that the same dude that posted a selfie with her imitating that wojak in this thread.
(564 KB, 828x1456, IMG_1588.jpeg)
Here’s a recent she’s just posted
this was actually my question lol that picture is fucking amazing. shes so damn hot
Literally going to eat herself to death, hope she gets there. Shes needs an only fans or something to fund it
Anyone know her normal insta @? Not the NSFW one
Death feedism? GTFOH! Youre gonna waist your life to lay in bed and eat? What a messed up view of life.
concern trolling, reported. death feedism is the way.
That has got to be one of her hottest pics ever.
Yeah, can easily see him hitting 300+ being around her 😍 with her already massive, and him clearly growing they’re really gonna struggle to fuck realllll soon
She’s a pretty little head mounted on an ocean of flab.
Goddamn I sooooooo wish she made content. My cock would be a non-stop waterfall of cum.
Alexa can't decide if you want to look up information about religion, penises or famous waterfalls of the world.
What happened to her Insta account? I don't see it anymore, and it was just starting to get good.
I met her once, did a drive thru stuffing and no joke she took up most of the car. Her fat was spilling onto me in the drivers seat
Yeah, I had a small car like that once, too...
You got blocked. It's still up
Do you remember what she ordered?
When they talk about a girl becoming a blob she is the ideal.
She’s really ballooning recently, maybe the new bf is helping!
Got named for that promotion alright
Got naked. Different look & all lol
The prosecutors office. You looking for us tough guy?
wtf she has no nipples
Nah fair play, treat her well and stuff her to immobility. Get her to start an only fans
Could you post the full insta link?
We need more of the UK’s porkiest piggy, stat
You show up everyday sign up for work right. While their buddies roll over in bed get a job sent thru text messages. Yeah fuck the members right. I wont speak up for all of u forever because it seem like you prefer them fucking all of you everyday with bullshit conversation and smile. And fake reassurance in the job market. Stay woke.
She is like Haley’s alter ego. Instead of staying mobile as she gets bigger, this girl is just turning into a quivering blob of fat. Haley has massive strength and muscle under all that fat. Bridget is probably 95% fat at this point. They’ll both end up in the same place when Haley has a knee injury and atrophy sets in.
Why argue with women built for survival. Back strong as hell no ass no hips stop wasting your energy on these kind of low life women bro.
Is that her leg in the bottom right or her bfs?
That's her leg, there's just so much fat bulging all over the place that the angles look a little off lol
Literally unbelievable, she’s defo the best gainer in the world at the moment
Glad the younger generation is still into this stuff. Gives me hope for the future, there’s gonna be some really big chicks.
We got any more pics of this perfect porker?
The "health at any size" and "no slut shaming" movements of recent years are growing us a generation of morbidly obese young women who aren't afraid to expose themselves online, and me and my middle-aged dick are here for it.
I thought I was born at the right time of the obesity crisis since a lot of women in their late 20s and 30s are pushing the envelope to get to 600lbs and beyond.

I wish I was born 10 years later to experience girls my own age COMING OUT OF THE FUCKING STARTING GATE at 500lbs and then some. Seriously, the fuck are they feeding these girls growing up? How many gym teachers started drinking due to childhood obesity winning out?

WALL-E it’s happening.
that's the future I hope to live and see

The pandemic is going to make it even crazier in our lifetimes

There's a generation of kids that lost kindergarten through second grade to lazy parents overfeeding them and not teaching them

This overlaps with an era where schools are so afraid of lawsuits that a kid can have the fakest-ass doctor's note ever and be let out of PE forever

In another 10 years we're going to get those kids graduating high school. The dumbest, most obese societally-useless cows who didn't even start learning to read until third grade and have never recovered from morbid obesity that started in kindergarten when they were forced to stay indoors.

I'm not sure there will ever be a better generation for FAs than that for SSBBW bimbo fuckdolls.
She is currently the most beautiful girl in the UK nevermind the world. The fact she doesn't sell content but keeps growing dirtier and bigger makes her one of the GOATs
Stop trolling yourself
I can guarantee u have touched 0.01 fat women (sitting next to an ssbbw on a bus/train counts as 0.01)
Rofl guys calm down, you are simping to bad angles.
honestly dude kill yourself
She definitely is. Has anyone got any new wins on her? I need to see that sack of lard’s insta posts asap
She packs on weight like a bear gorging before hibernation.
update pls
Trying build relationship with ppl kids whwn there not around thats. Weird.
Wait wouldn’t that make them good angles 😂
fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK she is my queen my godess my REAASON FOR LIFE and I LOVE HER FAT

please never ever get not fat, just get more fat. i am dedicating my life and life savings and whole bein and soul to worshipping this beautiful fat queen goddess empress and to hope she gains 100 and more pounds every year or faster but i know its not good like mochi.Basically as fat as she can be i will do my part and i love her

I think that’s enough for today, bud…
You dont make the rules. What do locked doors mean?
What? Shut the hell up dude
Can someone just post some fucking pictures of the hog so we can all move on
Seriously. I doubt it though, dead thread
Her boyfriend is well fat and ugly she can get miles better from what someone posted a pic of on here. He must be broke as shit cuz she hasn’t posted him feeding her or anything. The guy is a joke and not a serious feeder
I took her out for a drive thru date 3years ago and she was talking about how much she’s into death feederism nd if she had the right feeder she would become immobile. At the time it scared me away but I wish I had carried on seeing her because she was genuinely into the kink.
I feel sorry for her she’s having to get other dudes to feed her. Her bf must be broke as shit, someone get this girl immobile ! She’s the most beautiful uk ssbbws around
She’s a shoo-in for Blob of the Year.
Literally would be immobile now if she had a proper feeder. Don’t know why she’s not moved on
Might be controlling or something, you never know
What makes you say it’s other guys feeding her and not her own bf?
Troll post from 10 hours. Why reply to yourself.
It was a genuine question to the OP dude, I didn’t reply to myself, I was just asking where the proof was for other guys feeding her and her own bf not being the one doing it
Someone really needs to tell her that the stuff she's posting pretty clearly breaks Instagram's ToS and she should change platforms before someone decides to be an asshole and reports her account.
She’s starting to get that Goddess of Gluttony body that we all dig so much.
Yes indeed. I’m a sucker for huge underboob fat rolls. She’s looks amazing!
Is anyone close with her to get her to actually start an only fans or someone local who will just do it for her. Think the problem is that she’s too lazy to do it.
I think if her wishlist gets fulfilled it might be all the incentive she needs to just take the plunge already. Some girls sit on the fence because they wonder if it's worth the effort or trouble of having naked pics out there but this girl is just posting tits on IG for free.
Oh the password???? 1.6! Now give it all.
She has fab underboobs, but not Goddess of Gluttony level. Those were one-of-a-kind, and hers don't flow out enough on the side to get to that level. Regardless, she is one sexy tub of lard!!
If she dated actual proper feeders she’d blow up but for years she’s said she has no luck finding a guy who’s serious into feeding her. I can’t do it myself as I’m not in the position to do so but someone please feed this girl!
I love that she has the slimmer face on top of a huge body. Fatties with fat faces are so clapped 8 times out of ten
Yes she is too lazy to do an only fans she needs someone to care for her every need but you are all fakes
I seen her booty up close once. Have mercy
her face is fat as fuck what are you talking about. she has a permanent double chin and no cheekbones. she's one of the prettiest fat girls in the world imo, but she doesn't have a slim face by any means,
No one said she was at GOG level. Remember that GOG outweighed her at her biggest by at least 150 pounds. Now imagine Bridget with an additional 150 and she’s gonna be in that league easily.

On her old Tumblr which she doesn't really post on anymore, she posted a picture of GOG and said that she imagines she'd have the same shape as her if she got to 600 lbs.

I hope we see it someday.
How does she accept people on her insta, is she active there?
Semi active last post from 17th of April.
Last story was also some time ago.

As to whom she allows in idk. I just know that she probably didn't check or doesn't care, cause I follow 700+ accounts of mostly fat women/fetish models on insta. Maybe it helps that a have a fat girl as my insta profile pic.
What also probably helped the most was the timing. She probably doesn't check her follower requests often.
I Have my belly as my pfp so idk if it helps but I sent a follow requests a few days ago she accepted like a day later
God I need that gut on my face
Fuck she is glorious. Every SSBBW troll is making content but this one hides away. Argh
She doesn’t make content because she’s too fucking lazy and slobbish. She has no luck with guys who will encourage her to do it and will help her out with filming. I swear if she did onlyfans I’d be cumming non stop she is such a filthy sexy hog
what a shame shes not into mideling and creates at least some bad filmed videos from her gut... that thing looks humonous
Can you add me on Instagram?
Hope she doesn’t mind fat guys, because her boyfriend is seriously starting to look like a fat ass lately 🐷 must be all that junk food he’s around bc of her 😂
I met her few years back we went on a drive and she couldn’t fit the belt round her huge gut. I fed her Maccyds and she was loving it begged for more such a fat fucking hog of a thing
I don’t wanna know her phone number
How do you know her bf is fat?
Because he is
Does anyone know what her Snapchat
I know him irl lol, dude looks massive
She’s massive. He isn’t but probably will be in the not too distant future. Both will be too fat to fuck…

Bridget: are you in me? !!
Dude: I don’t know, I don’t know!!!
Dare her boyfriend to show off how fat he’s getting in this thread lollll 👀
Does anyone know if she has Snapchat?
Being late to this party - does anyone have a folder of pics or a 'best of' collection they could share? Thanx

I dunno about him, but as for her she always seemed like the type of person who really doesn't need sex. She seems to genuinely just love fat and stuffing her face, I'm not really surprised if she's a mutual gainer and gets off to the idea of them both just completely filling a room together
Why doesn’t she accept me into her insta?
she aint accepting me either. this a cult page or sum?
lucky. she declines my request and ignores it for months
Can y’all record her insta vids or sum She is not letting me in.
I was like you before
you should put a fat lady on your profile she accept me after that
i did. its anna oli 💀. maybe a hotter one?
This lesbian dont shut up. New comments
I put kramer as my pfp lol and got in very quickly lol
(57 KB, 828x663, IMG_0593.jpeg)
This is my pfp and I got accepted, cry about it you fucking loser
Anyone ever see big stimmy in the garden? No oh ok told you fake jesus doesnt grow never did
Can anyone post all her vid from her Instagram here? She’s not letting me in.
Put the McDonald’s Golden Arches as your pfp, she’ll let you right in. Oh, and change your name to the Hamburgler.
I want fuck her so badly
Her ex was so lucky to hav such a fat lazy slob who actually wants immobileikity
I nutted so fucking hard.
me on Instagram anyone help me
What are we supposed to do if she doesn't accept you lol
Can someone post her instagram post here? Videos and all
Here is a full rip of ig with stories and all
Does anyone know she has Snapchat? Bigbellybridget
Does anyone know it?
Her bf is hella fat n she can get way betterrr
See the community knows something. 🤫

Why is it ok for us to prefer plus size women but not for her to prefer plus size men?
Breaking news:::: fat girl gets a fat boyfriend

My days this page hits new levels of retardation each day
Has she posted any weight updates recently or is her latest recorded weight still 400-something lbs?
Diddy & beleaf genetics one in the same. Going down.
(1.7 MB, 1920x1080, bbb.gif)
From her insta story
lmao what

the psychology of some of you on these boards ought to be studied
Can someone update this thread with the content she’s been posting?
I once drove a 300 pounder in a Camry and her fat almost spilled into the gear shifter..
What is this? Fucking amateur hour?

open mic night at the asylum
I love u
Anyone know her current weight? She was around 380 when I met her in 2022
What did you get up to when you met her? Did you get to feed her?
We did a drive thru stuffing that went on for a good 4-5 hours. Had to help her out of the car by the end of it
Was it McDonalds? What did she order, I’m guessing A LOT if it went on so long? Did you guys just park up somewhere? I’m very jealous - I’d love to feed her sometime in person
You are telling the truth
Sure dude. And I went to the moon last weekend
Post some proof or I'm calling bs
I can confirm; I was there with him
Believe some clearly made up stories is also not a sign of great health.
>>121331 It’s true. I was there too. I remember riding shotgun.
Anyone got her Amazon or something? I wanna contribute to this blob becoming immobile
How can upload a video without it telling me the file is too big
Good lord, succulent fat!
She’s definitely a regular on “Britain’s Blobbiest Talent”
if she made an OF and actually took decent photos/videos she would make so much money

that will never happen
if she ever posts a pic in a scooter i am going to coom myself to death
god I love whales in scooters
Damn where is that from?
Do they even have scooters in britbongland
yes but not to the extent america does with lardass mobiles in every store
one day though, give the obesity crisis a chance
It’s a couple years old, dread to think what kind of pile of lard the same pic would look like today
this girl would make so much money if she did content.
If she made content I would never leave my man cave. My dick would be worn to a nub.
(976 KB, 1080x1363, 1642616304587.png)
I think I have more saved like this if anyone's interested.
(447 KB, 416x673, 1603482563873.png)
Here's everything I could find that I don't think I've seen posted on here, at least no recently. Pretty sure these are from pre 2023 at the latest though.

I think this is actually afatvikingbabe
It IS afatvikingbabe
She is single now
So happy she’s free of him, can finally explode again
Weird question but how many of you would be down for genuinely fattening her to immobility? I find her hot, but there’s no way I’d be comfy presenting an immobile to my family, and I’ve been with plenty around the 300 range
I’d push her to at least 600/700 but try to help her be semi active, as for family wise and “presenting” her I wouldn’t give a toss, as long as shed be happy and didn’t mind a bit of travelling it’d be fine.

In fairness, she has changed her relationship status on Facebook to “single”. It used to be in a relationship with her latest guy
>face of the lady of the lake
>body of a large marine mammal
Actually checks out
Yh can confirm she is. Someone wife her and get her to make content
very pretty. that is a kissable, embraceable woman
I couldn't drive, I would crash hahaha, a woman with that type of curves distracts me too much and my erection wouldn't let me move the steering wheel XD
(8.0 MB, 400x708, 1000009325.gif)
Just a "lil" domino's. My god she can eat.

can you rip the other recent short vids?
I’m the biggest Bigbellybridget fan Iv been following her for years and she’s grown so much over the years wow!!!! I love her
Let’s all try our best to make her immobile she would luk great
LOL her trying to cut the video without us seeing the 3rd pizza. Hell yeah.
I'd love to see her get a lot of Dominoes. And dessert. She seems deserving of it all.
Is this a morph created by AI?
That was my bad, the gif creator I used just cut it off a few sec early. But yeah 3 large domino's + sides + desert + large coke is crazy. Says she spends 300 a month on food, that's bs when she eats like this every other day fr.
Hate to break it to you but if you think she’s eating 3 large pizzas, sides and a dessert you’re retarded lmfao. Obviously thats a couples order?
Lmao Have you never seen how much a person can eat when they smoke weed. regular sized people easily take down a large pizza while sober. Probably took her a few hours and a smoke break or two but its far from impossible
She's single now and often posts stories like that on ig, and just look at the size of her, she's definitely not a 1 pizza girl anymore. Not to say she's eating it all in one but I'd put money on it being all for her
Gonna have to agree with that dude^^
She told me she’s more of a snacker throughout the day kinda girl rather than a couple hour binge
What's her age?
You are (partly) right, they (other models included) do this just for the camera or rather their customers to sell the fetish, therefore you barely see eating all in one sitting, without cutting, this is just part of role-play.
If you see them eating all by one, then somebody here maintained, they ate before nothing for a few days.
I suppose you can add 5 years at least to this...
Why? She’s literally turned 24 last month…
Lmao she doesn't even sell content, just has a wishlist she sometimes posts if people ask and even that's just food stuff. You're definitely right with those who sell content full time though for sure.
Iv met her and fed her before when we was 18 and just new into the fetish, I’m proud how far she’s got with the weight gain. She is a true feedee goddess.
If this is true, then you're kind of a creep
damn wish I lived in the UK
No I am apprechating my goddess !! 😍😍😍😍😍
what's creepy about it?
Jfc so hot. She has transferred to being so big you wonder how that's humanly possible.
I fucking love you
Imagine being so droolingly stupid that you spell appreciating, “apprechating”.
She has literally grown a second pair of tits at this point, holy fuck
Her rolls are out of this world sexy. Any man would be lucky to have her, shame I’m in Australia. Someone fatten her up plz
She has a real potential to end up immobile. When we spoke before she couldn’t hardly walk or shower or move. I know she doesn’t work and has carers to help her. She is on the verge of immobility any time now. I couldn’t be with her because I fumbled it to hard with her and work commitments 😓
Has she got a Snapchat or just instagram
She's hot. But all the LARPing going around here is a major turn off.
I doubt she gets immobile anytime soon barring a serious illness or injury. Fact is i am not sure if she is even 500 lbs. yet. She's in a similar boat with LisaLou; both of them look like they're at least 600 when they're in their 400's.

BigBellyBridget definitely has potential as i don't she is very strong or limber, but she also is still rather young.
She is way bigger than Lisa lou. Are you blind or retarded? 😭 Lisa doesn’t have rolls and a lardy cellulite body like bridgets
Her and kass were the hottest ssbbws about but unfortunately kass passed away. Jackie is good too. I wish Bridget did content I’d cum all the way to Japan and back

Also you’re a weird dude
You're right in the belly department, but Lisa Lou has way fatter legs.
Bridget has rolls and a bigger belly, maybe not bigger legs than Lisa but I can tell you she is bigger than Lisa. Iv met Bridget in person and she is a lot fatter in the flesh
Bridget barely ever shows her legs and they seem small. Also, she seems like she doesn't have much in terms of muscle under the fat. While that could lead to mobility issues earlier, it also explains why she isn't 500 lbs since muscle can add to the number on the scale in a big way.
Yeah she’s literally just pure fat, no muscle whatsoever, how she isn’t immobile yet I do not know. She struggled to get out of my civic I had to get out and pull her out
And that was 2 years ago
That's amazing dude.
You picked the right car at least lol, having driven both saloon and hatchback it's probably the best small car for fatties
Did she look huge in your civic car? Also did she fit in the seatbelt
(152 KB, 1086x1824, IMG_1963.jpeg)
Nah the seatbelt didn’t fit at all. Every time we hit a bend her side fat and belly would spill over the handbrake/centre console etc
>>126171 does she know you posted this, feels very intrusive if not.
Why most of her pics are bad angles, bad distance, and bad quality?

Yetti or ufo sighting pics are better, and they are a scam...
Is that what I think it is on her chin and chest 💦

It’s probably from her instagram. Seriously doubt this guy knows her

lad it looks like she puked. Tf were you doing?
It’s a screenshot from like a 8 second vid she took when we met
She loves a McFlurry
Fuckkk she’s so hot and fat I want her so much
She's probs reads this thread and is gassed about the number of random guys who simp over her -she deserves the best. In the pics we've seen of her ex he isn't all that and probs explains why she broke up w hin
This is such a virgin comment, guarantee she finds him hotter than ur skinny ass bro
Yeah tbf she does seem to like bigger guys maybe she's into mutual gaining
> In the pics we've seen of her ex he isn't all that and probs explains why she broke up w hin
You’d be surprised how few decent looking guys will wife up a disabled barley mobile food addict. It kinda ruins your image.
Not in my experience. Makes you look better
Nah bro she likes skinny dudes her first ex was slim and I’m a slim dude and Iv spoke to her before and she told me she doesn’t like fat bros
Has anyone seen her irl recently cause I need to kolnow if she’s gained
She’s so fuvking obese and pretty and into death feederism someone wife her up
Realistically. You have to have no freinds or family to wife up a young woman who you’ve fattened into immobility.
Atm I am talking to her and been on a few dates and wow.
Proof or it didn't happen!
I don’t need proof to know that it didn’t happen
i'm sure potentially outing yourself as a terminally online coomer who seeks validation from anons will do wonders for your future dates
If anyone has her content, even if you're trying to sell just reply to me I'll buy.

I'd appreciate if you could also tell me where to find her now she is not on OF anymore


The opposite, letting her be completely sedentary while you run around to her every demand, every spare penny goes to her. Having to change the towels on the bed regularly as she sweats so much, having to wash her in bed everyday and clean her after she does the toilet, even her just trying to roll over onto her side so you can wiper her ass will become almost impossible
She had an OF? I didn't think she ever sold anywhere, every time I saw someone ask her about it she said she was scared of the pressure
me too. Met up with her couple of nights ago. She is not as fat as the pics

A couple of nights ago? I was with her too. I don’t recall you being there.
I'm spartacus
I'm Matthew
I’m retarded

You absolutely can have friends, family (and even pursue a carrier in a competitive field) while openly girl friending/marrying a severely morbidly obese girl.

You just need to decide to pursue your interests first. Oh and live by that decision, not just declare it.

Yes, it take some dedication but it aint that huge either.
What the worst thing to happen if you do? Your cousin or mom frowning at you every once in a while? They'll have to get used to it.

Coworkers gossip? Come on

Give it a try. Once you stop making decisions to pleasure your surroundings your life will only get better.
Did anyone on here get access to her private on feabie before she abandoned it? 184 pics in there
She may very well be the most beautiful blob in all of England
>What the worst thing to happen if you do? Your cousin or mom frowning at you every once in a while? They'll have to get used to it.
That's not the worst part of it. The worst part is that you have a girlfriend who is too fat to participate in basically all activities with family and friends. Bike ride? Cant keep up. Skiing/snowboarding? Not strong enough to hold herself up. Kayaking? Nope, too wide to fit in the hole. Amusement park rides? Nope, doesnt fit. Hiking? Nope. Hot air balloon ride? Nope, too heavy to ride. You cant justifiably tell everyone else in your life to conform to your mega obese blob girlfriend so your only options are to do everything without her or nothing alongside her.

My GF is barely 300 and my life is already like this. She's not unusually out of shape for her size but she already either outright cant do a number of these due to her size or if she can participate, she cant keep up at all. Its not a fun situation to be in.
Who does these activities with their family?
And obviously you have to plan activities accordingly to accommodate the needs of your gf, that’s basic empathy.
All you mentioned were active/outdoor activities. There’s more to life than walking up a big hill and walking back down. If you are in a relationship with someone who’s fat, they likely have no interest in those things. There’s plenty of activities to do that don’t require extensive stamina. If you’re looking for someone to go hiking and kayaking with maybe find a gym girl
Let's be honest, the only stepping she does it to the door to pick up food
She looks amazing
Tfw no melted ice cream gf
is she actually single
Yes she is she confirmed it on a q&a on one of her stories like a month ago.
Anyone got our phone number
As perfect as she is, I bought her some stuff on her amazon wish list and got no response or anything from it so... Just be careful guys
Man figure it out you're our plug here we need this
oooft, I'm so hurt....
not like we've all had similar stuff happen with other people
Fuck she’s so hot I want her immobile 🙃
It’s insane how fucking fat she’s getting, chances of her becoming immobile?
over 300 posts later and not a single fucking video

what are you doing here?
She was born in 2000? What the hell, does anyone have other pics of her from back then?
back then, in 2000? as in baby pictures of this woman? brother
Similar pics like the one she posted smartass
Learn to speak properly, instead of instantly going for insults.
Especially when asking for things.
Any updates
Does anyone have the pic of her on the sofa with her belly hanging between her legs in a white top think it was in the old thread
I'd love to lift that up and play with it
Thread dryer than the sahara dessert
She almost never even posts an Instagram story, this thread will always be a slow burner.
slow burner implies there actually is something coming "in the end", which i see no indication of ever happening here
She’s more of a shaggy dog story

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