
Yes! A coomer update would be brilliant. Thanks!
Someone's willing to share some recent contents from her C4S?
I'm in love with BBB's ass shape. Looks soft but massive as fuck
I'll upload the new weigh-in in a sec. If someone planning on getting it wants to buy another recent one and throw it on here, that would be cool.
Thanks man! Her ass and thighs are looking nice!
Yoooo her legs look fucking DOUGHY
Holy shit she is making content again/still? I thought she stopped like 10 years ago after her domestic abuse arrest
Im waiting outside to fucking come after you.
i am going to personally fuck you up.
I hope you can run from grenades
Why won’t both of you pussies shut the fuck up? This back and fourth threatening each other online is just ridiculous and pathetic. If you two have issues speak to your psychiatrist and take this somewhere else.
Is the the homeless mod who beg for money on the streets but still had internet access. Suck huge cock cum crackkkkkker
She is like 425lbs now. What was her peak weight?

Grow up, you pathetic waste of human life.
Concerning that, does someone have the mugshot? I'm sure I had it at some point, but can't find it anymore
Am I mistaken … is she like really short? Being blob-like at 425 is wild to me?
Anyone have vids in peak weight?
Yeah 5’4” is short
She’s 6 inches off of midget status.
5'4" is average height fot a woman
>>106190 (OP)
As always iam not giving up and asking for the 2014 Belly plop Video where she smashes toast and eggs with her belly... i mean someone must have this? Or at least is interested to see her belly smashing food am i right?
And 5'2 is average global
push this! no one interested in this or even got it?
(1.1 MB, 1595x833, [g]_wall_of_thumbs .png)
>>106428 >>106583
by now, i've coarsly checked over 250 video thumbnail sheets of bbbxxl, and found no smashed eggs. surely, there's a lot more videos out there.

if you want to do the forensic work, maybe you'll find that belly-plopped toast hiding somewhere.

Please post her stripping videos

The results remain inconclusive. On behalf of my team, we're going to need you to upload all of these videos to a mega folder, for a more thorough analysis.
(1.3 MB, 1600x1424, 480P_600K_182543891__[g]_thumbs-min.png) (1.7 MB, 1600x1890, [clips4sale.com]BBBStuffingPartIIFINAL__[g]_thumbs-min.png) (1.8 MB, 1600x2052, [clips4sale.com]BBBMidnightMunchiesFinal__[g]_thumbs-min.png) (2.1 MB, 1600x2700, [clips4sale.com]BBBDairyBarStuffingFinal__[g]_thumbs-min.png) (2.7 MB, 1600x2790, [clips4sale.com]BBBTacoCompleta__[g]_thumbs-min.png)
Do you happen to have any of these?
- Dairy Bar Stuffing
- Midnight Munchies
- BBB Stuffing Part II (and even I, if possible)
- And the one that says '480P_600K_182543891'
I adore vids where this hog is simply gorging herself; and her belches are simply beautiful
Can you upload Oiling Service ?
I can't recall hearing her burp, I was under the impression she was one of those girls who didnt really
(264 KB, 900x320, BBBXXL Tumblr_Video 2__[g]_thumbs.png) (846 KB, 1600x450, Older Weigh In__[g]_thumbs.png) (4.4 MB, 1600x1620, [clips4sale.com]BBBAnnualDrCheckup__[g]_thumbs.png) (2.6 MB, 1600x900, [clips4sale.com]BBBFeb2015HeaviestWeighin__[g]_thumbs.png)
Any chance of having these ones? Especially the first two - it's like they're from a porcine time capsule.

- BBBXXL Tumblr_Video 2
- Older Weigh In (20130408003457)
- BBBAnnualDrCheckup
- BBBFeb2015HeaviestWeighin
(684 KB, 716x473, Screenshot 2024-01-20 131159.png) (851 KB, 718x647, Screenshot 2024-01-20 135535.png)
Hey its me, still searching for this Egg and Toast smash Video - dont know why no one remember or knows this - BUT thanks for your help i found 2 i would like after closer inspection, see pictures

2014ish Belly smash Video description:
- She starts out behind an table and pulls out her Belly, proceeds to put a few slices of toast/bread on the table and then drops her belly on it, after that she uses way more toast/bread and keeps smashing it with her Belly. Then she turn sidesways to the table and starts smashing one egg, wich does not break. After lifting her Belly higher and "throwing" it down the Egg breaks, she does this again with 3 or more Eggs. At 3 Eggs you can hear the nice sound of Eggs sticking to her belly and table after lifting it back up - explanation end!

- Hope this helps someone finding it in their own collection to than share for me and end my search, thanks
Thank you for expanding my collection. And thank you for trying to help that poor guy find his eggs.
(49 KB, 637x505, IMG_0672.jpeg)
Does anyone have the vid this screenshot is from? Been looking for it ever since my laptop got cleaned.
Back when she was on pills
Does any1 have the ass clench video? I think thats what it was called or any other videos where she spreads her ass open.
(684 KB, 716x473, Screenshot 2024-01-20 131159.png)
Thank you for the Videos. But what do you mean there is >"over 9000" videos on the information data highway, except the Dragonball pun?

The video you sent me with the Belly Focus (pic attached) is from the same era and time as the Egg smash video, iam realy shocked no one knows or has this video... it was not a custom or anything else. It was just a regular video on her C4s back then when she was in hear peak time.
she churned out over 600 vids on her C4S, if you've never seen it uploaded here the chances are low someone will do that now. those circa 250 vids are all what has leaked pretty much.

has anyone tried messaging her about her old vids on OF? I've had success twice with other models with such a request.
(110 KB, 563x563, [g]_over_9000_bbw_videos.png) (600 KB, 627x709, [g]_fading.png)
just that, hijacking the meme to say that there's tons of videos out there. and i'm not "shocked" if a few were probably never popular enough to survive a decade.

well, if you remember all videos you've ever seen so vividly, congratulations, you're exceptional. ;-)

good points!
There is a picture of her I was a massive fan of.
It's her sitting down in a hotel, naked, eating something cheese like. Belly on her knees. If anyone has it, do share!
is there a rule i violated? i just requested if the person uploading all the videos can upload the porch yoga vid and my comment got deleted wtf i see it in his collection.
personally, i don't recall seeing or even removing that comment, and based on your description i see nothing wrong with it.

"porch yoga"... not sure which video that would be, but i'll upload two outdoor videos:
Anyone have the video where she puts a big bottle of wine between her ass cheeks??
Imagine the smell. What a Fine vintage it would be.

Only up for short time. Enjoy!
What makes me angry is they have sex tapes but try to make it seem like I did something to them. Whole time bitch getting cracked on camera. Fuck outta wait till I see u again. Im asking u about the sextapes. Now watch how she moves.......
thank you!! a lot of good stuff in here.
Anybody happen to have any of her apartment tour videos? I remember them having some good stuck stuff in them
wtf lmao. How do people look at a picture like this and go "yeah i should post this" What a goofy fuckin picture

You sir are a scholar and a gentleman.
You're a paragon of horniness. I salute you

any chance of a re-up? i had 10gb to go, waiting for my daily quota to expire
any chance of a re up? i didn't manage to get it all before it expired :(
thank you for the drop! Unfortunately for me, it expired before i was able to get it all as well... is anyone able to reup?
Anyone a subscriber of her OF? Only 62 posts - probably not worth it. Maybe a coomer update??

Its a reup, Only up for a short time again! Enjoy
(402 KB, 446x703, [g]_whopper.png)
excellent, THANKS!

maybe i'll manage to reel in the second half this time. the file host has that nasty habit of sending me on a break and wasting time when i have reached a certain download limit. so it's hard getting this entire whopper in one go, before it finally vanishes. ;-)
Much appreciated. If anyone manages to snag all this and mirrors it to a DIFFERENT host, that would also be appreciated.
Man she fell off. Old vids are still gold tho
Is it true she took a shit on cam?
No it's just bs someone keeps bringing up every few months
Someone got the Video where she used a dildo in a brown chair? Its pretty old, would be awesome.
Can anybody give the coomer link?
>>106190 (OP)
Still searching for that Belly Food smashing Video... Someone of the elder ones must come across my post, and bless me with it...
>>106190 (OP)
Anyone has new clips from bbbxxl or updates of your onlynfas, please??
i have BBLXLs content hmu b!gm@rvb on t3l3g@m
drop the link then don't be stingy
Does she do custom videos or meet ups?
>>111609 even if she did she's a felon and a well known scammer
Is it true that there is a video of her taking on dump on someone?
She's back on Feabie and recently posted an insane 150lb+ gain that can only be fake.
I swear, I don't know what to say to anyone that believes her. She's a verified scammer.

>She's a Weezer fan

My god, it only gets worse
You got a photo of her gain or something?
I can see that with Leta, but I don't think Mary is as bothered. I think she just enjoys the food, attention, and lifestyle and that outweighs her feelings about her size.

Hell, you could probably poll America with "Would you agree to be 500lbs if you were lavishly paid, admired, able to maintain a decent amount of physical fitness, and never have to work?" I'm sure the number is higher than it would be if you asked 10 years ago.
No. As I said, she's lying again. She lied before, admitted to faking her weight, and now she's at it again.
NGL this is a pretty accurate graph. Well done
Hard to say if that is really her or an imposter. Many sites like Feabie to Instagram are filled with imposters.
>>111674 no notes honestly this is so real lol
Does she do meet ups? Who do y’all think is the worse scammer, her or Jexkaa?
Hi fellas, new here. What’s with all the dislike towards her? I heard she faked some weights? Anything else though. Heard the story runs deeper

Long story short the attitude you're describing seems to stem from parasocial entitlement and judgement. She's a boiling hot morbidly obese MILF hog with an ass like a trash bag full of jello. Myself, that's where my interest in her life stops.

She was in a marriage with a guy who ran her C4S account, with whom I think there were kids (maybe they're still together). This wasn't something she put out there but rather something dudes dug up by trolling her social media. The guy was by all accounts a strange one, and wrote (perhaps with her permission) absolutely bizarre and objectifying clip descriptions for her. Appears to be or have been an intense relationship.

There were apparently some instances of domestic violence that resulted in an arrest at one point - there was a mugshot of her from that incident that, again, some weirdo fetishist dug up and passed around and has since become somewhat famous.

She's deleted her account and come back several times. Also she's confessed to falsifying her weight at various points, and I think (others can verify) there may have been instances of her taking money for customs and disappearing (she's not the only one guilty of this). There's clearly some strange stuff going on upstairs with this one, but in my view no stranger than a lot of other models.

So I guess long story not so short. In my opinion, there's nothing especially objectionable or dislikable about her. Her content is by and large very good, and she's one of the more beautiful gals to have graced the scene - but unlike some of the more stable models out there, was never able to fully optimize her appeal or brand.

Most of the gossip and anger toward her stems from things in her real life that we only knew because some fans vastly overstepped appropriate boundaries.

Personally I just hope she comes back to us 150 pounds heavier and willing to shoot boundary pushing content.
> She's a boiling hot morbidly obese MILF hog with an ass like a trash bag full of jello. Myself, that's where my interest in her life stops.
This. Full stop. I can't wrap my mind around people getting so invested in these girls that they get their feelings hurt to the point of bitterness. If she stops producing interesting content, I just move the fuck on.
>Myself, that's where my interest in her life stops.
>proceeds to detail every bit of drama about her
y'all don't have to care but you DO realize it's like the same excuse the girls who still listen to chris brown have right ?
>Asks question
People then bitch that there was an answer? Some people on this board are serious mouth-breathers.

Honestly, the problem with her was always that she was the fat girl version of the hot chick that everyone knew was supremely trashy, but we all figured it couldn’t really be THAT BAD. Then facts begin to unravel and you’re like…oh, it IS that bad. Yeeeeah, I’ll pass.
Has anyone tried her OF and seen if it’s worth while? The price is steep and she doesn’t seem to post that often but if there are some decent full length videos it might be worth a subscription every now and then.
This isn't a "Long story short", this is the ramblings of a weird faggot.
The reason we have to keep having this conversation about this girl is precisely about questions like this. Is he content any good? No, it stopped being good like 6 years ago. Everything she does is blatant repetition of the same thing. She has shaken her ass from every conceivable upwards angle. Just jack it to her coomer or the library of half-assed amateur shit she's put out and call it a damn day already.
Its maybe not short, but hes writing facts... thats just some piece of BBBXXL Lore!
I'm with you, I don't really care about her personal life but it seems her content was way better when her SO was directing things. I actually liked the loopy C4S descriptions... Nothing like having an actual FA behind the scenes.
genuinely sometimes hate myself for being into this fetish, not because i wouldnt be seen dead walking around the street with some of these girls but because of the utter autistic fking weirdos who are so utterly engrossed in their personal lives, how utterly fking lonely and retarded would u need to be
it absolutely isn't

the history of bbbxxl is a bbwchan classic at this point
you realize the fetish has nothing to do with that right? guys ( and girls) do the same thing over skinny women just as much. hating yourself for something like that is kinda autistic tbh you’re not better than anyone lol
definitely more retards into bbws than any other fetish for sure.

anyway htf do i upload, i got stacks of vids, gofile is saying no server and wetransfer wants my email address
Apple employee privacy evading iCloud accounts. NEW LAWSUIT
I just uploaded a vid to gofile, works fine for me. Don't even need an account.
(34 KB, 301x438, Screen Shot 2024-03-23 at 5.00.10 PM.png)
>"FAs are retards"
>"wetransfer wants my email address."


Just kidding... kinda. You need to select the "get a link" function, rather than sending files to a specific email. Do this by clicking the little dots next to the TRANSFER button.
can also use MAB or pixeldrain. Those are about as simple as it gets.
>hopefully a few not seen on here before
>got loads more
Maybe you got the one where she smashes food with her belly on a Table. (she smashes toast and eggs)
thx for the drop
I don't know if it's just be, but the KFC one in the BBB1 folder doesn't have sound? Do you have one with sound?
Is anyone else having issues extracting the first zip?
you the man cant wait to see the loads more
that video never had sound sadly, still a rare one
It was live moments ago. Nice try.
she still making clips every other day
Does she do request videos or meet ups?
(2.6 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_2301.png)
Has anyone got this video
How much weight did she gain?
feels like she gained a lot, but from what I see (and I'll admit it's not much cause I haven't bought any of her more recent content) the new material is severely lacking compared to her old stuff
I love how flabby she is, 1000% hotter now tbh.
Her last weigh in was about 430 range.
Her ass looks like 100 pounds of cottage cheese in a 50 pound bag.
>>113330 few lesser seen ones on here, get them quick. I remember one time she was watching starving kids and she said it was disgusting and put her off her food :-D this the video for it and another were she eats her boyfriend.

enjoy u stinking perverts

that one where she talks about world hunger while stuffing her fat face with fast food made my dick turn to granite... Does she have more content along those lines?
amazing uploads. but could you upload the "starvinmarvin" video again? I unzipped the file and got the bf video... but the starvation one didn't appear it all, I'm assuming there was a file corrupt error or something.

In exchange, here's one of my favorites from BBB. https://gofile.io/d/p2Yorp
the file is there, it is just hidden
wtf is this shit. just post the file or don't
fucking clown
nm i fixed it sorry for cursing you out. can't complain about something free
anyone got that mugshot? Gotta say, she was very obliging to me with a custom back in the day
maybe not the same thing but there was an also morbid video where she imagined skinny and underfed sweatshop workers making the huge pants she buys. always wanted to see it but its long gone from her old c4s.
nah, no one has it can you share that custom please?
why does she post less nude content nowadays?

any more of her old shtuff from tumblr/c4s?
Does she do request videos or meet ups?
Probably has scars from being raped in prison or it could be she’s old now and has super cellulite and gross liverspots
(259 KB, 1241x1582, IMG_0645.jpeg)
Literally I just wouldn’t buy anything from bbxxl or he husband or support these two in any shape or way possible.

They’re both psychopaths and their bigger scammers than an Indian call center
soooo any more content or

really looking to see more of her older pics/vids
Boys tell stories ’bout the man
"literally" he wouldn't buy...
Chris or Jonda. I have not interacted with you or your content for literal years now. Why are you trying to fuck with me now? Out of no where. You threw the first stone. I had literally no intention of interacting with you again or your content or really anything to do with you. Why are you coming at me out of no where?
(183 KB, 1242x2443, IMG_0859.jpeg)
Gather round want to hear some lore about this fat psychopath?

Ten years ago on here when I was new to Chans in 2014 I shared one of her videos on here. The piggy spanking video.
And I put my then email in my post because there used to be a section for email. I thought it was for verification purposes but turns out it was public.
This monster reverse looks me up on face book and shares a profile picture of me and my then fat girlfriend like I’m presenting her to you lads.
Then she falsely accuses me on here of being a pedo despite not having any proof because I guess she wants to ruin my life.
She catfishes me on a dating site gets my number and threatens me. She then continues to send me threatening text until I change my email and my number and I have an IT guy change come over to change my IP address
Because she or her boyfriend have hacked my network.
So I think the drama is over? Right
Fast forward to a couple months ago you know TEN YEARS LATER
. I dont pirate videos anymore I only buy them I’ve got the money plus why risk a virus from another computer if you can just buy your own? Like directly from the source? So I make a clips for sale I happily buy porn and I notice she has a account again so I give her a follow and think hmm maybe I’ll buy her clips again

but they’re too expensive in my option 10USD for 5 minutes. But I enjoy watching the previews so I don’t unfollow.
Well turns out I never should of followed to begin with

See all this info that clips4sale asks from you on your profile? Yeah I assumed that this was private info. That this was again for verification or mailing or password verify…something that would make sense.

Turns out when you put this on your profile at clips4sale it’s just…fucking public! Yeah your postal code your email your fucking phone number. For any studio you follow.

Who thought this was a good idea? That person needs to be fired and sued..this is retarded.
Anyways turns out if I had not changed all my info ten years ago this psychopathic cunt would have just never stopped terrorizing me.

That’s probably why she was in jail. She’s actually fucking insane. She’s like the stalker from the Netflix series little reindeer

She’s been texting me again and emailing me again and she hacked my network and my email and god knows what else.

For one shared video on here ten years ago.
So yeah add that to your lore. This woman is fucking insane!

Also don’t use clips4sale or if you filled your profile info then update and take it off now

I don’t know i think I have to get cops involved actually now she keeps emailing me And texting me and she won’t fucking stop!

It’s been ten fucking years! It was one video…. let it go!
Your mom left you guys home alone alot I can see it. Oh I can see it
Motherfucker gives his email to ANYONE who asks for it lmao
man I love living in a country where I can put women like her into their place without risking getting shot
Anyone know her weight in the new weigh in
>an IT guy come over to change my IP address
sure, that's how it works. they send the IP man to come over, cut out the old IP address with his network saw and weld in a new IP address. fan fiction.

>I put my then email in my post
yes, it's sad. 30 years of public internet, and people are still giving their real life information to shady people and companies.
buddy why would you use any actual real information 💀
Jesus all I want is to see all her old content idgsf about her insane lifestyle I'm just tryna cum to a fat woman
blud used his ACTUAL email to pirate and buy porn. You use your real number to make prank calls too?
Blud used blud in actual vocabulary 💀
Clips4sale is an official site. Thought it would be safe from scammers or retarded decisions like the ones listed above.👆
I don’t pirate 🏴‍☠️ I only buy porn and she’s been sending me weird emails for months directly from her studio. Like “I made this just for you” as if I would or could ever buy from her again after what she did to me.
I have permanent long term trust issues to this day, I don’t trust anyone until I can physically touch them and even then I just can’t trust anyone.
Being catfished fucking sucks
So the insanity of just sending me though emails.
I think I’d rather kill myself personally then buy anything from her,
The IT guy stopped it. I called in an IT guy. I’m not a computer guy. I guess he installed antivirus and flushed them out of my system.

It’s not a fiction you fuck wit. But go ahead continue to jerk off to this disgusting creature. Keep funding her psychotic actions. As long as it makes your dick hard who fucking cares right mate?
Ok boomer…

bro on one end i sympathize with you, cause if i were in your shoes id be tripped tf out too

on another end...i mean cmon dude nothing on the internet truly disappears...i cant say its common knowledge to be anonymous on porn sites but id expect almost everyone to be. really fucked up there.

can we seriously just drop all the extra shit and go back to dropping her shit. her new shit is seriously lacking compared to her old stuff. if
(84 KB, 1130x548, IMG_0994.jpeg)
So I emphasize with her?
Yea at the time and over the years I did
You make a video which means you and another person( photographer) film you in character in one long take and with another model.
You have to get it done in one take or if you fuck up you have to edit it over and over to make it look seemless

You put it altogether combine how much of your time it took and the materials used and the people called. You put it on your store

Then some fuck wit buys it and pirates it in an anon forum. Suddenly your profits are gone and you use that money to feed your family

Suddenly you have the email of one of those pirates. So you’re going to terrorize and destroy them as much as possible in the moment -make an example of them for daring to take from you and your children by extension. So it’s not like I don’t understand and emphasize with the vitriol of it after it happened.
But to go after that same dude ten years later after theyve reformed after you performed scorch earth on their mind and after you got what you wanted. To continuously go after them after you find them ten years later is absolutely ludicrous!
I believe in eye for an eye as well
Just appropriate punishment for the action.
If someone takes from you one time that doesn’t give you carts blank to destroy their life forever. If you shit kicked them or gave them a proper smack it’s done and move on.
They learned their lesson and you put the fear of god into them good right on 👍 but ten years later and still just over 1 clip? That not a life destroying action. I would get it if murder or rape was involved but it was one shared clip on a chan site ten years ago.
Ten years is a lot of time to change reform and live.
So I understand the initial anger cause yeah I was the villian in that situation
but now further punishment it’s unfounded excessive and actually insane.

Oh and here’s the email part (I’m a sperg and it was my first chan experience I was just trying to connect with people) spergs will join any online space cause we understandably reject them from in real life spaces due to their awkwardness and inadequate social understandings.
So I thought in order to post I had to put in my email.
Why does this site even have that?
Oh sorry I didn’t see your post. You can I’ll leave I don’t pirate porn. I was in another thread here focussing on the drama of something else and they(bbbxxl) messaged me indicating they had hacked my email and that I’d get fired if I kept calling in sick at work.

So yeah you guys can have at it I’m leaving just needed to address it and vent

like i said i feel for you dude, the world is a sick place..just be more careful

if anything pirating her shit would get back at her no?
I’m leaving I’m long done with that I just want to move on with my life.

Enjoy your pirating matey
All of you guys are fucking crazy we’re all here to just have a quick wank at fat chicks it’s not that deep lmao
lmao this video where the camera is out of focus for the full 7 minutes. Just thought it was goofy.
[clips4sale.com]BBBgetready2020 (1).m4v
dam any more? deviantart has some of her old pics
I've managed to misplace my BBBPastaSoda in 1080p, anyone have this file?

Here are my favourites
Any reups
fucking cant get ENOUGH of her new content
obese, sloppy ass sexy ass milf vibes
Does any1 have the clips4sale video called ass clench? Its older i think she would break things with her ass.
Ass clench vid?
Simply the drop of the century, thanks for the vids king
Does anyone have the RP video where she claimed SSBBW Gamer Girl was immobile?
Lesbians must be friends again check this out. Weak decoding
Any legends have any other content?
what are some of your favorite newer clips in that folder? seeing mostly vintage stuff there honestly
It’s not really in order I had to click on every clip around 2hours to find everything.
New ?
>>106190 (OP)
Honestly if someone could find this video, i would buy whatever video you want...!

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