
I agree. She is one of the all time greats
She might as well be blacklisted on this site cause nobody ever posts any of her content or talks about her. Wild.
It seems like the shit with LisaLou really backfired on her
The reason her stuff doesn't get shared anymore is because she's ruined her face with those god awful bimbo lips, I mean that look works well for certain people but not her!
>Basically anything with dick.
That figures, anon.
Has she gained any weight at all lately? Seems like forever ago she hit 500 and she's just kinda plateaued there
This and the short hair
She was incredibly attractive before the Botox and haircut
She was in my top three before all the face work, my guess is she took that joke about her looking like John Candy a little too much to heart...
Here's two videos for the Fat Chat fans from Caitidee from about 2020/1ish, "Newer, fatter struggles" and a Doctor's Visit video


I'm on the look out for her Almost Immobile Workout video here:

And if I can crosspromote any threads, I've been posting a bit in the Documentary thread for a while, and remember Caitidee being in one of those feedism/ Fat Admirer documentaries. If you have it/remember it, chuck it there too please.
Caitidee stupid for what she did to lisa lou, she hasn't gained any weight or barely but lisa lou been packing on the pounds good
So this might be a long shot but I'm looking for an older video of hers, "Return of the body fatteners." But I can't find this damn thing anywhere. I don't even care if anyone posts it but if someone could point me in the right direction.

and another caitidee fat chat video. This one "How I know I'm fatter than ever'. On MAB this time because it's a large file sorry, but I don't trust myself with compression.
What did she do to Lisa? She’s a crazy bitch for sure so I’m curious
Catidee tried fucking Lisa boyfriend and then said she was a racist or something like that
Who cares, women will be women. Post content and move on
someone told me Lisalou is a narcissist who lost her shit over caitidee criticizing her in some group chat about racism, so is now spreading that caitidee is racist....? it's all woke white girl yapping
The screenshots said CaitiDee was racist to LisaLou’s boyfriend and Roxxie backed her up
>All white girl yapping

reupload please :(
Weird butt crack, not entirely sure she even has a you know what or does you know what (avoiding the thought police hopefully)
Yeah roxxie backing Lisa up really was what confirmed it for most people, but honestly I just think she fell off cause of the plastic surgery. Like I personally don't give a shit about any of the model drama, I just stopped watching caitis stuff because she looks weird and bad now. She must not have liked losing the youthful look of her face from when she was younger and tried to retain it unnaturally. Dont get me wrong I like intox as much as the next guy but sadly a decade of daily drinking ages skin faster than any amount of lip filler can undo. The short hair is really ugly too.
>>105728 i think she looks great, botox makes her look even better, ur probably all homosexual and need bitch drama in ur lives, talking about all this drama she has, who actually give a fk
It's called homiesexual
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Can someone address her ass crack?
It ends where you’d expect a butthole to start.

And that's one of her supreme features.
Another fan and alluring fact about her is that she has a degree in philosophy.
And when a girl has a better degree and a better ass than her colleagues she make sit to the GOAT list.
Fr these fools gay as fuck. They all worried about her ass but will say ogres like Brianna are beautiful. Move on
Yes. Dear Ass Crack:
I love you.
This looks like the girlfriend of Stefan73, Angel/ Mary.
I think, she made possible some shootings with her together (as with other SSBBWs as well)
Hello guys, do u have actual videos with Caitidee?Can u share with me plz🙏🏻
angel isn’t with stefan anymore and that’s definitely not angel lol >>105809
It’s a weird mystery. Why does her butt crack only go half way?
I saw on tiktok models sometimes get a cloaca installed because it helps prevent seepage and discoloration around the thong-line.
I think it crack was normal but grew less than the rest of her so it seems unfinished .
Is it me or does she seem to be a little stuck up or something?
A cloaca?

Are you sure that's what you mean? If it is, I don't think I understand biology anymore.
Have you seen her ass? Frankly speaking nothing is too bizarre to explain why her ass crack mysteriously vanished exactly where an anus would be. Explain that buddy.
My gf butt is deforming all a long becouse weight gain. You know the smile dimples above butt that many have, some get more fat on that spot, and if the weightgain is fast it can develope that what Caiti had.. the skin on the butt crack is crying for help 😄 it can detach from the bone..
Guys guys.. bunghole is right there just before the thigs start. Nothing special here
Did he have therefore with his ex-girlfriend Kass a video chat on TikTok last week (which I watched)?
I guess the child is either from Mary or from an mature black SSBBW.
How this shit get derailed this crazy y’all really talking about her ass crack. Nobody cares go outside for once in your miserable lives and focus on real life issues.
And shut the fuck up and share some content ffs

Thank you. I will study this deeply and report back as per the whereabouts of her bodily orifice. I’m still in camp cloaca.
Thanks for the voice recording calls over the years I can't believe he talks to you like that. Then tries to gaslight you. Thats no friend. Thats no brother. What he said to you was boiled up over years more of premeditated subconscious conditioning of he already felt about you. He is a narcissist. Why would he say those things on the phone. Thanks for all of the records. We finally got him.
Big if true. She’s looks like she’s got something to hide.
This only adds to the mysteries surrounding her nether regions.
Anything new ?
When’s Caitidee gonna cave and make blueberry content? She’s already massive enough to be considered a blueberry
Obviously you don’t have to, but could someone enlighten me about why blueberry stuff is such a big fetish? Is it because of willy wonka awakening young people’s inflation fetishes or something? No disrespect, I just legitimately don’t understand.
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>enlighten me about why blueberry stuff is such a big fetish
excellent question, and i hope some "insider" can explain it.
personally i find it fascinating due to the high popularity.

i understand the appeal of
* big girls (obviously)
* intense physicality (focusing on the body)
* tight or even ripping clothes, when the body contained is (too) big
* massive size affects mobility
* the popularity effect (like cosplay). the Beauregarde character is iconic.

i even understand that there's elements of
* liberating effect of ignoring the rules and just eating
* punishment (punishing the bad girl)
* dominance (wonka being the guy who punishes)
* morale (don't eat what you shouldn't eat)

i'm trying to understand the appeal of
* inflation (since i usually prefer girls to be big by fat, not gas)
* a spherical blueberry-shape (since i'm more of a pear shape guy ;-) ). sure, it's part of the original story, but not necessarily 'sexy'`?
* the actual link to being an EROTIC phantasy as such.

this could even be a >>>/gen/ topic

There is also a Freudian element here; a lot of men watched this iconic scene when they had developing brains in childhood. The strangeness and excitement of the scene caused a strong crystallisation of this imagery into a deeply held erotic fantasy. Similar to how a lot of fetish content revolves around Velma, Lola Bunny, breast suckling and dominant mother archetypes. When such fantasies are formed at a young age they become a deeply ingrained fixation.
interesting points, thank you!

yes, with freudian goggles, the entire stages of development have a sexual background, which primes our sexual preferences as adults.

i don't expect that all kids hear/see the Chocolate Factory story at the same age, but even when later in life, those learned archetypical forms and preferences may help adopting those elements more easily.
Now imagine Caitidee, an already enormous and massive SSBBW rapidly gaining more weight and blowing up like a blueberry
this 100%, i swear to god something happened to my stupid 12 year old ass in that theater, like a switch was turned on. I couldn't even focus on the rest of the movie after that, I just wanted to rewatch that scene.
Damn, thanks everyone for the insight. I totally could see it, when I watched that movie I was definitely intrigued by that scene it just didn’t really have that much of an impact on me, I guess. I’m kinda jealous tho, tbh it sounds like going to see that movie ended up being a pretty good time for you! Lmao
on the other, if EVERYONE would be tuned to blueberries, humanity was doomed. :-)

be proud of being different. long live DIVERSITY.
anybody has her late big cuties videos? set 288 onwards
Most accurate summary
> if the weightgain is fast it can develope that what Caiti had.. the skin on the butt crack is crying for help 😄 it can detach from the bone..

He’s actually corrected I read that in this months New England Medical Journal.

Any hero have her video on pool plz
Any Content
Big content energy right here
last upload in this thread: january 15th !

there's your choice:
1. save the thread by SHARING instead of begging
2. let the thread die
Any masturbation movies for her
She had a big Blacklives matter bullshit thing on her feabie description. Funny how it's always the ones who shout the most hate niggers.
Why don’t you get your ignorant lookin ass up outta here? Ya fuckin nazi.
Didn't she like... donate $500 to BLM or something after that whole thing happened to prove she was an 'ally' or whatever? They're all disingenuous cunts but I think it's hysterical how quickly they are to throw each other under the bus or rush to prove they're on 'the right side of history!!'
same with Kelly who's with the whitest black dude on the face of the earth , and would talk shit about the blacks in the ghetto neighborhood she lived in
Stank ass thread
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It’s def sus how little she shows the backside in a thong since the “common-channel vs anus” talk debate started. I’ve learned so much here.
what the fuck am I looking at?
It’s clearly labeled and has a copywrite. That’s a medical schematic you doofus.
Pretty standard stuff along with fake tits, BBL and all the other surgeries instagrammers and models need to get to compete. It’s tough out there, no customers wants to see an asshole and other models literally have *perfect* bodies via cosmetic surgery.
I’m gonna be another toxic user and say didn’t fucking ask
Someone can re-up all the videos of Catidee from BIGCUTIES? I NEED THEM!
Are you really saying that women are turning themselves into birds by getting cloaca surgeries?

The amount of autism you're giving is off the charts.
Can someone post any stuffing vids we never get any of her content here. I would post something but I legit have nothing of hers.
Anyone have any of her stepmom videos or her fat professor Joi video?
caitidee so fine yes
anyone have complete BCs pic sets please?
Does anyone have her sex videos?
does anyone have her newest stuffing vids
I need closure on this topic. Any experts?

Thanks for the photo king. She's beautiful!
How a man supposed to eated da poopoo!?
That third pic is fucking great
caitidee got da rump yes
I know her personally, in the sense that I’ve been in her bed, and her ass crack is actually weird. She told me she had surgery on her ass crack and that she’s extremely self conscious about it. It’s short and if you look closely you can see a scar right above it.
Lot of very angry no-pussy-getting retards in this thread.
How much does she weigh these days?
She's a nice girl, can ya'll leave her asscrack alone?
When she was smaller she had kind of a bubble butt and her love handles grew into it because the fat starts just going all over the place. That's morbid obesity for ya.
> Lot of very angry no-pussy-getting retards in this thread.
You’re the one being uncivil. It’s reasonable to ask why her ass crack looks like it was made by GenAI art.
If you get too fat the body needs to make a bigger anus. The old crack and hole start to dissolve to make way for the new one. She is in that transition.
Caitidee ass is fucking great. stop this nonsense.
>If you get too fat the body needs to make a bigger anus. The old crack and hole start to dissolve to make way for the new one. She is in that transition.
I used to be in Team Cloaca but this is now my leading pet theory. Do you have any sources? (I’ve seen this with numerous women in my predominantly white midwestern community.)
Women are not supposed to be hard & tough. Screams dominate lesbian.
>If you get too fat the body needs to make a bigger anus. The old crack and hole start to dissolve to make way for the new one. She is in that transition.
I used to be in Team Cloaca but this is now my leading pet theory. Do you have any sources? (I’ve seen this with numerous women in my predominantly white midwestern community.)

As far as it being with certain group the question should be what group doesn’t have it.
"It is the cocooning of the anus, not well known, but it has been with us. Statues from ancient Egypt have no rectum and no crack. Although they are not depicted as obese, it is clearly a transition to a larger anus. I am a physician, but I have been met with ridicule and career sabotage because they are clearly afraid of new discoveries that contradict what they have learned.
It makes sense give the lifestyle of luxurious foods rich in calories and low in fiber.
I need closure on this topic. Any experts?

"When the anus is exposed to excessive humidity, the crack can slowly start to close. If left untreated, the buttocks may fuse together, leading to severe bacterial infections in the intestines that can be fatal."
I just want to see her get fucked. Anyone feel like sharing?
Could someone upload the videos that she has recorded with Lisa Lou?
I came here for porn not an anatomy lesson. Can y’all shut the fuck up and move on this is all that’s been talked about here for months.
100% accurate. The other notable change is she used to have a real cleft in her chin (super turn on for me), but the double chin spread out and now she has barely a dimple there. But DAMN does the extra weight look good on her!
something new?
Any new?

Yumm! she went supreme!
Do you have more récent photos
Always wondered just how fat she was willing to get. Looks like she’s trying to really gain again which would be great. She has always been a nice woman to talk to.
348 downloads and not even a damn thank you 😢
she's finally hogging out
Fatter and fatter she so sexy fat fat fat pig omg fatass!!!
thanks fam, still up
sorry, it must have been too good people forgot to thank you haha
How much does she weigh?
295 last weigh in. She’s really short tho.
Are you dumb ? You could visibly tell just from looking at her that’s not true. Her wi from last july she was 526…
would that be July 2024 or July 2023. also do you know any other of her weigh in's and what month and year those were
It was 2023 and no I don’t sorry that’s the only recent vid of hers I have which was uploaded here not too long ago
Seeing her most recent photo here>>125842
Makes me thinks she has got to be pushing or past 600 now from how she looked last year.
I hope we get a weigh in soon then
I don't think she got that old...
It will be faked anyway...
Any number which get pretended over 200Kg of her would be a lie; if it is something of 150 to 180, then it could be possible trusted!
If you watch old wrestling event, then was Andre The Giant measured with 500lbs (225kilogramme) and he was 2,24m tall (between 7'4 and 7'5 feet), so it is not plausible how a woman which is like 60cm shorter, shall have more mass than him...
why the fuck is kilo troll back?
Since you think every model is lying about their weight, has a non-model huge woman ever told you how much she weighs? She'd have no spurious reason to lie.
I mean in the sense of exaggerating her weight.
Anyone with an eye and a brain can tell she’s not faking shit. Don’t start this bs here too idiot.
The Antonov AN-225 weighed almost 315tons. The General Electric ET44AC weighs around 216tons. how can an airplane, which flies in the air, be heavier than a train?

this is what your comparison sounds like. a beast of a man who is mostly muscle does not compare to a fat woman.
It seems about time we saw a 600lb Caitidee
They have of course, as they want to sell content or services; the higher the number the more you will buy; does that makes sense?!
And you guy are very ready to fall into that trick, but I think you are not a fat admirer, but you are promoting here (as anybody with a little human sense can imagine this)...

Usually they are at least 200lbs less than they pretend, from my experiences, but few of them appear honest, like Ellie (which not claims more than 200Kg) and these which are not so deep into the buisness (make it more amateurish/ like as hobby); so when someone claims to weight like 120 or 140 kilogramme, it can be rather trusted than something over 300, as that is pretty rare actually (Lexy was it) and most are bedbound when
Yooo SHUT THE FUCK UP !!!!!!! GO AWAY !!!!
mate, go fuck yourself. Every single person in this chan hates you.

You won't get the truth as you as at either a unbelievable grade of simple minding or just scams who cheat the real fetish guys, probably both...

Anyone with a working brain-cell have to question, how shall she weight more than a guy who was about a half meter taller at least and not slim (but rather opposite), as the later Andre the Giant, who was at his peak estimated with 500lb (or 225Kg)...
Even obviously cheats ay Lailani tried to turn it around, as the promptly lost over 90 kilogramme...
So if you are not frauds here, then you are kids with a number-fetish (which is not the same as fat fetish, as BMI and body-fat is quite more importants) and you doing role-play but nothing for real!
Some of these models even doubled their weight, like Miss T weights maybe 190 to 230Kg, Caitlin is somewhere in the range between 130 and 180 most likely.
Well maybe in 30 years...
Oh wow she’s turned into such a blob. Anyone have any of her more recent content?
I’ve tried making this point with him and he continues to be a dumbass. My wife was over 600, I saw it with my own eyes on the scale and it wasn’t faked. You can tell the models that have faked weigh ins (Lailani, BBBXL) compared to the honest ones who have visibly gotten bigger.

Seriouslynjust don't engage with that fuck. He's jacking off having arguments with him. Only reason he's still here is people taking the bait and that other touches that thinks he's cool because he says dumb shit in Google translate to him
Never claimed that, you just put words into my mouth to support your propaganda agenda!
My only thesis was, of my experiences are it approxiametly 90 - 95 % of the professional fetish models which made higher numbers (like with adjusted digital scales) to promote content, like weight-ins, as they sell these...
Like Plump Princess, Lailani and Randalyn, where it is rather obvious for these with have experiences in real life and are adult.

One SSBBW offered me around 2013 or 2014, when we met at night in her flat (with her teenage daughter sleeping in a neighbour room) to go on her scale, previously in chat, but I can go first on it, to see if it is correct working (if that is about the number which I have), which claimed to weight 190Kg and was over 1,75m tall, without any doubt of me about this number (didn't show it to her).
But finally we didn't do that when I met her, though it was already after 1 a. m. and I stayed maybe 4 hours at her.
fake news. ssbbw's don't exist in your world remember.
600 pound men are rare as fuck. Bullshit your wife was the size of three NFL quarterbacks.
I’ve talked about her on other threads quite a bit and posted a lot of pics of her, this isn’t the thread for that so not doing that here…it’s ok if you don’t believe me lol. She’s not that big anymore, she had gastric bypass 3 years ago and got as low as 370 but has since gained some back and is over 450 now. But her over 600 was absolutely amazing while it lasted. Also, plenty of girls that size exist or there wouldn’t be a show called My 600 lb Life.
So any drops?
> Also, plenty of girls that size exist or there wouldn’t be a show called My 600 lb Life.
That show exists because of how rare and fucked their life is.
I’m not gonna deny I found a unicorn and know how lucky I am to have her. But they’re out there man.

They know I'm honnest and what I explained is just the truth, if you want to read it or not (it have to be something true, as otherwise wouldn't you deny it so emotional and getting upset...)!
Even if she weighted 150Kg it is still category supersized BBW for me (she had a walker in the flat), while Lailani maybe not, she always was possible just a BBW.

But that woman claimed to be at that time in her late thrities (39 maybe) and that a scupture of her is either in a museum Barcelona or California (like San Diego or Los Angeles) made by an artist, as she was proud for her big buttocks. But honnestly it was too muscular for me, but I came on the huge tummy early. She told me, as she visited USA, she misses most Taco Bell in Germany.
She was a friend of Tittenfee Viola (which was 24 when, was going to move to Florida and I had sex with her later too, but her vagina smelled strong), which was a bit smaller, but has more breast.
Can we stop arguing and go back to posting content?
nah, stop making shit up

This is no fetish model, so she has no reason to lie or to promote; but claims to be just around 250Kg; She is twice the size of Plump Princess at the least
Not alleging to weight 700 - 1000lbs, as others (she appears bigger than Jaimie Lopez did)
This should now anybody convince I am right, who is willing to see the truth...
Even Lushes Thunder probably didn't really wéight over 200, but possible 180 at her peak

While there were already more than a decade ago scames, as Heather Boyle pretended around 2010 to be at the same weight as Summer and being heavier than Candy Godiva (which looked at that time quite fatter than her)
Destiny also alleged to me in 2014 or 2017 to be at her heaviest (it was durin a casual cruise with older people), but she looked in 2007 to 2009 much fatter
Did she make any videos of herself farting?
They are very much out there. If they aren't 600 already, date one that's 400-500 and enable the hell out of her. Within a few years they'll gain the weight to make up the difference.
This. You don't get to 600lbs without someone enabling you. If you got to 400lbs on your own, you have the building blocks to be spoiled to USSBBW size.
These women want the path of least resistance. You get them past 300, and they’re more likely to just accept a guy who enables over trying to lose weight. Add some “you shouldn’t deny yourself” and size acceptance stuff and they’ll keep doing this to themselves.
For my girl, she had a lot of things align that made her 600+ lbs.
1) Genetics - her mom is a 500lb plus immobile hog
2) Stomach capacity - I’ve never seen anyone able to eat as much as she could. Like I’m talking meals for 8 people. Multiple times I witnessed her eat more than 20,000 calories at a time.
3) Various medical issues caused her to gain. PCOS, thyroid, depression meds.
4) Absolute laziness. Days she doesn’t have to work she can lay on the couch or in bed and devour entire bags of chips, cartons of ice cream, family size packs of cookies.
5) Height…being 5’10”, her weight had more places to go and she was more mobile than most 600+ lb girls. She also gained EVERYWHERE…huge boobs, massive double belly, big butt, tree trunk thighs and the biggest calves I’ve ever seen.
You are one lucky dude.

And I’m guessing her family is cool with it if mom is also a huge blob. “Just our genetics” when the fridge and pantry are stocked with nothing but fattening food.
But she is even 100 below this...
Appetite is heritable. These people are just reaching their biological potential they couldn't have done centuries ago.
So..... can someone post some content? Is this a girl's discussion page?
Does she have a single sister that's into German guys
Yes, but she’s not quite as big (around 5’4” and 300 lbs). Cute as hell though.

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