
whats her onlyfans? we need more info i cant find anything on her
keep trying, it's under the same name
Nah, doesn’t seem sexy or fat enough
>>104938 (OP)
what's her IG or TikTok? And I don't see her OF... unless the images you shared are morphs
Jesus, only 24 and such a pig already
woah, i am in love with that belly
Yeah that thing makes me happy, hope to see more of her :
>>104938 (OP)
Perfect combination of cute face and great belly... yum
Someone already uploaded to 2 of her posts to coomer. What a fucking legend
Never rushed over to coomer so fast
Super fucking cute. Hope to see a lot more of her.
wheres the fucking coomer i cant find it
How tf are yall fiding her coomer if its not her name AND THEN WONT FUCKING SHARING IT

jeeez, ya'll dumb. It's literally the same name as the thread - squishy-brat
>>104938 (OP)
Just looked at her feabie and her weight seems to be fluctuating quite a lot.... hope she is serious with gaining this time...
Also let's pray she does not ruin her body with more tattoos.
Either way seems like we might be at the start of something big here ;)
She recently was pregnant, so that might explain some of the weight/size loss
Funny thing is, she's hardly lost any size after her pregnancy
To the unknown anon who uploaded: a 21 nut salute to you
>She recently was pregnant, so that might explain some of the weight/size loss
Weird if she had a kid (I'm assuming everything went well...?) to go straight back into porn/gaining/etc...?
Rent and bills to pay my friend.
I offer you both Eliza Allure and Anorei as examples of one’s back to work after preggo. They even shared theirs.
I know about all of this, but it just is mind boggeling to me....
Like just pretend you're a young mother who allready weighs ~350lbs, you could:

a) try to maintain or even loose weight to regain more mobility and increase your life expectancy
b) return to the old fetish lifestyle, which progressively worsens your health
Don't attribute intent where there is none. She, like so many, probably can't control her weight. She just decided to make a buck off it.
If I remember right, she did 2 surrogate pregnancies. So no kids.

You severely overestimate damage she might get by being fat. For most people being up to 500-550 lbs will have zero effect on life expectancy.

There's a lot of people that think like that. I believe it's part of their fetish and instead of staying quiet they project it out for others to read their ignorance.
Totally. Lots of people into morbid speculation but that spray it all over these threads like its fact. The amount of casual horny speculation about illness and death on here is gross.
This is not an accurate statement.

You're seriously trying to argue that being extremely obese doesn't come with a large risk of negative health consequences and even death?

I don't care because I'm just here to get my dose of hot fat women.

lmfao "zero" effect on life expectancy? That's literally only true up to around 300 pounds at an average height, and even then it depends on exercise levels.

If you're a complete thigh-gainer like boberry or randalin you can gain quite a bit more, but for anyone else it starts to affect your breathing, and past age 60 at that kind of weight you're simply not going to have a good time staying healthy.

Now, this doesn't mean if you gain to 500 pounds you're expected to just randomly croak at age 25. It takes like 800 for that to happen. But you can be under 500 pounds and still feel significant long-term health effects past age 40 or so. You're just retarded.
You are deluded if you really believe that. The average life expectancy of someone that heavy is ~50 years old. You've only seen the ones who've gotten away with it so far, not the ones who haven't. Of course, genetics play a role. There are those barely in the 200s already suffering from fatty liver disease due to their weight, meanwhile there are those 500+ lbs who aren't suffering from any health problems yet. It doesn't change the fact though that the fatter you are, and the longer you remain that way, the more strain you are putting on your body. That's why it's not uncommon for older huge people to suffer from enlarged hearts, because pumping blood all through a 500+ lb body is much harder than through 150 lb body. By the way, the body doesn't care if the excess weight is fat or muscle. Being a 300lb bodybuilder is just as hard on the body. I've love ssbbw's just as much as the next guy here, but let's not lose touch with reality,
Cheers to whoever updated her coomer but there are no videos unfortunately. Could it be that her videos are DRM protected?

I was gonna say the same. All I am seeing is seven pics on her coomer; wish there was more.

I agree, though I wonder about correlation vs. causation. In my view, it's not so much being 500+ that is the problem as the lifestyle that gets you that big.

I know there is disagreement on how much of being that size is nature vs eating/habits for BBWs, but there is no way anyone gets to be 500+ lbs eating healthy and exercising moderately. (I mean, just about any model who reaches that milestone brags about all the "work" they put in to reach it. I've never seen one say "omg, how did I get this big? I barely eat anything" and actually mean it.)

I would posit that the thing that really is a problem for the 500+ lb ssbbw is their sedentary lifestyle and the food they consume. Probably mostly the latter: I know you can be active and get to 500+, though most probably aren't super active as it takes a lot to haul 500+ around, But even if you are active, you have got to be eating a lot of fatty, sugary or salty foods to get that big. I see no way for someone eating just fruit and veggies and some lean meat to get that big. And it is the effect of eating those foods that cause the problems like diabetes and clogged arteries.

Regardless of the actual cause, you are right about life expectancy of people being shortened by extreme weight. And I know on another thread, someone said they have seen lots of older 400+ lb SSBBWs. To that I would first question as to whether it is true, but the question I doubt he would be able to answer would be how long they have been 400+ lbs, as I doubt someone who is 500+ lbs in their 20s, let alone their teens, and stays that weight their whole life is going to live as long as if they had maintained a much lower weight.
Lifestyle does play a factor, but it's not the ultimate deciding one. A fat person who lays in bed all day eating twinkies will likely be unhealthier than an active fat person, but excess weight is still excess weight. Even sumo wrestlers, who are probably the healthiest fat people on the planet, have a 20 year lower average life expectancy than the regular Japanese population. As you said though, the mortality of a 40 year old who has been 400+ lbs since their 20s is not comparable to a 40 year old who blew up to 400+ lbs relatively recently. The accumulated wear and tear is just not there.
Did anyone buy that $10 content grab bag she was selling thru her DMs?
> In my view, it's not so much being 500+ that is the problem as the lifestyle that gets you that big.
being objectively obese relative to one's height is not and never will be 'healthy' regardless of the amount of mental gymnastics anyone tries to perform. the lifestyle and the condition of being such an extreme size are effectively one and the same, as you eventually point out later in your post

that being said, there are instances of people being mildly overweight for their height who eat healthy and exercise. being slightly overweight in this instance doesn't matter much, so long as their lifestyle is otherwise healthy. 'slightly overweight' doesn't mean overweight or obese

the people you're describing (at 500lbs) would be obese at any size. there's nothing healthy about being an average height and weighing ~250+ pounds. a healthy diet and exercise will not do much - if anything, to counteract the negative health consequences of being such an extreme size like >>105430 said. And as you said; someone that size would likely have trouble maintaining it if they actually ate healthy and exercised. the latter being especially difficult as some forms of exercise can become challenging if not impossible, even at 250 lbs let alone 500

don't get me wrong. im into morbidly obese bitches as much as any poster on here is, and im not trying to concern-troll or spread any moral rhetoric - personally the medical reality doesn't bother me, but i do acknowledge it and i think that's less maladaptive than imagining people can be healthy at 500 pounds, like some posters on this site do lol
Don't you just love how the mods leave two page long derailing autist posts about the anatomy of fat cells and what it means for society, but make a post about how someone scammed you or how a model is a felon or stabbed her boyfriend and that shit gets deleted in 30 seconds lol
get your autism in check dingus.
Because the former is just annoying while the latter will get you sued.
There's nothing to derail when nobody has any content to post, whiner. If anything, it's keeping the thread relevant by bumping it.
Active on Feabie as TabbiAlways
Tumblr as @squishy-brat and OF as @squishy-brat
That’s where all the content is. Tons of posts on Feabie, it’s worth paying for XL
Check your bitch phone she taking new dick, and have dick pictures. Hell on earth
don't waste your time like I did for a post that's easily found on her tumblr
(15 KB, 340x600, o4ymkru0omec1.webp) (16 KB, 340x600, toohxba2omec1.webp)
She drinks ice cream to gain damn we need those videos she seems to post like every day and log vids aswell :o
1st month OF is often the best gain. influx of new cash to put towards food. haven't subbed myself but it doesn't seem bad
I swear this bitch is an alternate version of my ex
Exact same aesthetic
Name is 1 letter different
Started thinner and wants to gain as opposed to already being fucking huge and wanting to lose
Legit had to make sure it wasn't her when I first saw this thread
Hate both of you
isnt this shit for the ass board
this chick dont look like a bbw
get her gone
Don't have any saved on my phone anymore, but she was on onlyfans as darthparker27, pretty sure her shit got leaked on coomer if y'all wanna look
Such a hawt belly! Something tells me watching this gal's growth is gonna be just like following Kelly Kay's wonderful journey way back when.

If anyone has any (besides the small clip on Tumblr), please post vids of her burping
Fat cells are fascinating. Use the hide post feature and stop whining.
darthparker27 is not her.. she as an onlyfans account squishy-brat
>>111363 This is my upload on BBW on the subject xbbw_kitty, someone has is content ?
cool, I uploaded content on your other thread.
>>111347 Could someone please reupload some videos of hers on gofiles, pls?
Surprised this thread is dying since she keeps gaining so much weight?
Could anyone update coomer?
Can anyone update her coomer?
Coomer importer has been down for a week you troglodyte
Am I supposed to smell that or what? Also who tf immediately insults someone for asking a question
Am I supposed to smell that or what? Also who tf immediately insults someone for asking a question
Been living this life before u got in the union kick rocks bitch.
No, you were supposed to have a functioning frontal lobe. Basic self research is out of your scope huh
that someone pass a video of her please
Well with coomer being supposedly dead, could someone upload her most recent weigh in?
Does anyone have a video of her?
I forget about her.. but dammn she's got one of the best bellies in the game 🔥 pretty face too. Real nice body on her.
Do you have any more videos of her?
He uploaded over a dozen vids, if you want more buy them yourself or check c00mer
Well with coomers uploads being down could someone upload her recent weigh in?
C00mer newbie here, where do I check the status of it? I tried looking for it on the website but didn't find anything
Do you have more videos of her?
Dude sound like a bangbros commentator lmao
You do know that bumping 20 different fucking threads with begging isn't gonna get you anywhere?
Islamic dudes starting shit today! Walmart run!
something about her?
don't forget the toilet paper!
something in the way?
I'll upload some of her later stuff in a bit if someone could update her coomer?
a desire to penetrate the navel that holy god has
a desire to be with her and touch all that belly that she has hanging
any video of her?
Can anyone re-up her April weigh in on coomer or upload it someplace else? It's flagged and doesn't load for me at all
Does anyone have her newest weigh in?
(359 KB, 1156x2048, IMG_2678.jpeg)
There's just no end in sight. She's absolutely MASSIVE
What was her latest weigh in?
Where’s Curly and Larry?
She ate them.

I went on an OF subscription spree between relationships, and hers is the only one I've bothered keeping since I started dating somebody new. If you're into gaining, hers is top-notch. Frequent sexy uploads, clearly actually into it, and a gaining rate that hasn't had a disappointing monthly weigh-in yet. I also think she's beautiful, and while I could see her voice being an acquired taste, I find it cute. Highly recommend.
So could we get a cooler update?
I have to say that she's definitely the best new feedee in recent memory
>Her voice
Sounds like a standard woman voice with a US Deep South accent, p hot tbh
Idk if I’m extremely unlucky, but zero of the SSBBWs I follow on Coomer are being updated.

Coomer uploading has been broken for OF for two months now. Only fansly can be updated. They usually fix it eventually.
Anyone who has a new video of her
Does anyone know any other way to watch her videos other than through coomerparty, which is never updated?
You fucking got me with that one lol
you can upload new videos of her
Videosss pleaseee
Anyone have her newest weigh in? I'm wondering how much she weighs now
(319 KB, 1171x1920, IMG_2910.jpeg) (98 KB, 476x750, IMG_2909.jpeg)
She is getting so big. I truly wonder how big she will get.
Immobility on the cards? Honestly if she keeps gaining the way she is
Would love to know as well, fucking sucks Coomer is still broke as shit so haven’t seen any new weight updates since like April.
Sorry for poor quality screen record. DRM sucks

Are there new videos of her?
Anyone got July weigh in?
something about her?
I bet she's getting huge!
got an OF account today, but they've made some changes to the platform and I can't figure out how to save vids. Any tips?

I'm not a python guy. Thanks anyway though.
Internet Download Manager still works
UC Browser/downloader on Android works great
She's a DRM user so any suggestions that don't work with DRM will be pointless.

I paid $30 for the lifetime license on PPTube. That has allowed me to download any DRM video. I tested most other "solutions" beforehand.

Alas... PPTube is windows only. Need a Mac solution. Thanks anyway
The pptube wesite has a mac version on it
Just tested the free trial on my Mac, it worked.

I knew I could count on you guys! This is why Google is losing the search battle.... Hang tight, might be a few days before I can get you back.
Anybody have her july weigh in plz ?
Anyone got any belly jiggle vids, hers are great
(398 KB, 422x750, IMG_2922.webp) (1.1 MB, 378x672, IMG_2921.webp)
Thanks for the great share! Would you be able to share this vid since you got her of?
The fact she’s just gained such a massive amount of weight and still posts several pound gains each month is awe inspiring.
Can someone update the coomer??
No one can update the coomer. No one can update any coomer. It hasn't worked since May.
(380 KB, 1874x1010, matrix.jpg)
I think the problem is the system, they force us to like only thin, skinny or athletic women, and before you call me crazy, look at this (the image, the dates), coomer updates all the models but not the bbw and ssbbw or ussbbw, and google is the same or yahoo or duckduckgo, they are not willing to show us results, they are now the internet police, youtube does something similar but it simply returns a lot of false results, we have not been free on the internet for a long time and not to mention of filters by country
Are you fucking blind?!
Of course no bbw models have been updated as most of them aren't on fansly. If you use your brain and look at the recent updates you will notice that only models who are on fansly are being updated, since the only fans updater remains broken.

Also radio silence from the coomer admins as to fixing the of importer. For further speculations/potential updates see:

People as retarded as you should be executed, man
someone forgot to take their schizo meds LMFAO
She's bigger than ever!
Weigh in postponed til next month due to scale issues apparently

Excuse or not, the gain is sure to be insane
>excuse or not, the gain is sure to be insane
Definitely. She looks huge. The two possible reasons for this delay are 1. she was just too lazy to do the update (she's a total lardass, what are we expecting?), or 2. she is too heavy for her scale and/or somehow broke it.

Either way, that bodes well for the gain
Anyone have any of her new stuff?
Or three she hasn't gained anything and didn't want to step on the scale on camera for that reason
What a fucking cute face attached to that giant body
New videos???
holy based these gofile uploads are legendary, thank you. what an incredible belly, insane how far it sticks out at her weight.
my ex was 380 and had a huge belly but wouldnt be able to compare at all to this girl.
Weigh in up
(17 KB, 828x120, IMG_2932.jpeg)
This pops up for the last two recent gofiles. Anyone know why?
I thinks it just you but I'll reup, which two recent links specifically do you want
417lbs. 3lbs in two months, at least it hasn't gone down, at least it explains why she skipped the one in august lmao. I love her but monthly weigh ins can be a "trap" and get really disheartening if the number doesn't go up alot each month. Hopefully it doesn't disencourage her
Anybody got the weigh in?
I feel as if she's not even trying anymore and just eating to eat. Which I don't mind either
Dude she gained like 74 lbs this year that it gets harder the fatter she gets and that there are plateaus on the way is normal
We should sponsor her more stuffings then she will gain way more and buy sweets of her wishlist if the money keeps flowing the belly keeps growing similar to kaybear only that squishy-brat doenst demant it openly xD
Thanks for the private folder dickhead

Here ya go, dickhead.

As far as I can tell I'm the only one with a sub who posts new shit in this thread.

I don't camp out on this board monitoring every response. If it takes you an extra few days to get your free content that you'll never say thanks for, that's you problem, dickhead.

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