
Thanks for the upload looks to be pretty much everything
Shame she shut her C4S
>>104228 (OP)

can't believe I only saw that now, can you reup it please my man? i'll be following this thread now
She was a meh/10 anyway and was mean as fuck if you talked to her
She was a cunt tbh. She deserved to get the beetus

I mean she wasn't the meanest feedee on tumblr but I did always think it was hilarious when she'd talk about how much she smoked and then two posts later would whine to the ether about how no one ever wants to go on a second date with her

I guess she found someone eventually but jesus christ connect the dots, bitch
she was an asshole to me too and I was just having a random casual conversation with her in a public chatroom a few years ago.
I never paid attn to her (not hot imo) until I saw her calling other women ugly on feabie's main feed. Like first of all you're not that cute, 2nd why be a bitch, esp in such a public way and then complain about how rude people are to you or how there's no good men

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