
I really wish she took suggestions or did customs. she is like the ultimate preggo right now and she's just doing these boring videos. I wouldn't ask for much. dancing, outgrown clothing and maybe burping. thats all. but her videos just bore me. I mean I wanted to buy the belly video but then I saw the dildo. no. just keep it simple. let me see you struggle into everyday clothes. I want to see her try to put on a crop top. try to play a game of just dance, lets see those huge breasts bounce. I understand burping is a bit much so thats probably off the table but sometimes a woman is hot and sexy when she aint even trying. she needs to learn that for herself. but instead we got what we got.

Damn dude, be grateful that we're even getting shit from her instead of her going into hiding. She even said that she's not doing any customs due to people being do demanding and picky. And I can see why after reading your comment.
I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not being demanding at all. I just said "this is what id like to see". since she isn't doing anything id like to see I haven't purchased any of her videos or subscribed to her only fans. maybe shell produce something id be interested in somewhere down the line but so far I have not been impressed.
she's given birth. were going back to lactation content soon but the good news is she still has a big belly. hopefully shell show it off.
She rarely did shit. An entire pregnancy and she only has 5 videos? I don't feel like risking $16 to look into her OF to see if there's even more.
Check the c00mer
And do you have the oil vid
In her AMA she claimed she had made a ton of content but well see. I feel like the majority of it focuses on her breasts. I'm not going to lie, they're nice but I really don't have much interest without the lactation. the breasts and that belly together though? that was definitely something id have wanted to see. now she's got a big belly, still, and she's lactating but she's not trying to do any content. they always do this mess. once they get the belly and after the birth they aren't trying to do any thing at all. I understand maternity leave but a lot of women go beyond that and don't want to show a thing until they're thin again. shell probably do the same. shell release some boring pic set or video each month and won't return until sometime next year with something very close to washboard abs. I really wish she did customs but she already said she wasn't doing anything worth seeing in her AMA so it didn't matter.

Her coomer is nothing but one 3 minute preview clip. I don't know why you people keep relying on it when everything else is behind a DM paywall.

I don't mind paying for porn, but if all you have are 5 videos with similar themes then I'm less inclined to spend money on you.
why in the world did she spread that couch photoshoot over three updates?
I'm hoping she did better. well have to wait and see. I'm sure shell drop the rest over the next few months but I'm not expecting much. I think she's one of the ones that never quite understood that people really want to see the pregnant belly as well as the huge breasts. so far we have like one belly video and thats it. hopefully there are more.
>>940 (OP)
Anyone have the pregnant oil rub vid?
she just did an Ama where she was asked if shed do any post-partum content. she said she's thinking of not doing it just because some people were rude. hopefully shell produce something worth seeing because so far I'm not seeing anything id purchase.
You all are the people she’s talking about. Notice her tweets before it.
people she's talking about when? where? I don't go on her twitter. I stick with her Instagram and amas.

Good. If the lazy heifer is upset that people are calling her out for doing jack shit then so be it. I'm not going to spend money on laziness.
I’ll post my collection if sum1 posts this
You must be the guy who is mad because she didn’t burp hahahahah
nah. I would've loved to see her burp but nah. Im mad because she didn't do an outgrown clothing video, dancing video or some real serious belly content.

She didn't do anything but slice up one video into three parts. Don't defend this lazy woman.
In fact, I just see another Jessie Minx. Hot body, but lazy as fuck and can't take criticism.
Yes you are burp guy. That didn’t make her lazy. She didn’t do what you wanted oh well. Didn’t you know she had a bad pregnancy? We were shocked she kept going. She was documenting on SnapChat.
I have no idea what you're talking about. I never asked her to burp. I knew that just plain wasn't going to happen. I haven't called her lazy nor did I know she had a bad pregnancy. you have me mistaken.
I don't know that she's lazy. she does seem to be a hard worker but her problem is she can't take criticism. holding out all post part content isn't really hurting us. its hurting her. I can already say I love big bellies so I'm anxiously awaiting all the belly content she's willing to drop. I saw on her Instagram that her belly is still quite large so id pay to watch her spray it all over with milk. if she doesn't want to do that, whatever. its money back in my pocket. jessie minx never understood that. she's saying "I won't release any pregnancy material" as if thats punishment to people. she fails to realize those same people are paying her bills. thats probably why she isn't selling anything nowadays, wanted to lose weight and is now advertising herself as a bbw. I know the job is hard. I know the people can be a pain and some will get mad over nothing but that doesn't mean go out and purposely try to anger people just because you can.

Maybe she should've said something on her other accounts instead of locking everything behind Snapchat. Don't expect everyone to know what's going on with you with a message that only lasts 24 hours.
That sounds stupid. You shit talked and you say she’s trying to anger people. This isn’t criticism in here. You are being an incel. You are why we will not get the belly content and it won’t hurt her. It never ever hurts these girls because we are the minority not the majority.
She said it on Only Fans too but o don’t know why she don’t in other places. People were mean to her so maybe she did not more attacks while sick
bro, what? I never shit talked. seriously. she did an AMA. I just asked "will we be getting any postpartum belly content?" thats all I said. she said that some people shit talked and she was debating holding it back because of that. I don't even know her to be going to her talking shit so please stop throwing accusations out. I asked her two questions. after the birth I asked about belly content and that was my answer. before the birth I asked about a dancing video and she said "oh so you want me to kill myself LOL". I have never said anything offensive to her nor am I an Incel.

If she's going to place an embargo on content over a few "mean" comments, then she wasn't serious about releasing it. She doesn't need or deserve every single person kissing her ass. You make porn for money, leave your feelings and other shit at the door.
I am talking to who called her a lazy cow.
They will make what they like. Cry baby. You want people to jump for you.
thats what I'm saying. id like to know what these mean comments were and I agree with you. shes saying she's holding the content back because some people talked trash, fine. I'm holding my payment back because thats all I wanted to see. I said nothing to her. I have a belly fetish. she knows there were belly lovers out there as she made a specific pregnant video saying "if you love bellies this is for you". she is hurting herself by doing this. I'm not the one that talked trash but I have to pay for what they said? is this even a punishment? because to me its her saying "thats fine, keep your money" and I'm totally okay with that. ill give it to someone that can actually produce content without the unneeded comment.
thats another thing about this industry. I can't stand the fact that lovelylilith doesn't show belly but ill say this much. I respect that she doesn't really interact with her fans. I can't stand it but I respect it. you won't catch her talking bad or saying "so and so said this". she isn't bothered with all that drama and I can respect that. its annoying to log on and hear models talking like this when you, or I, are the ones trying to give them money. they need to produce the content, take some ideas they like, and leave the rest alone.
bro, I asked further up why in the world she split one photo shoot into three updates. I never said a word to her. I posted that here. to me thats extremely lazy. Ive been nothing but respectful to her in her AMAs. what people say on here and what they say to her are two entirely different things and even if they did call her a lazy cow so what? look at her content. she is lazy. seriously. and to counter that point what does she say? "I'm going to withhold any content". thats punishment now? and people willingly take it? you serious? her content isn't that good for all this attitude. I personally know women that are pregnant, charge a fraction of what she does, do customs, don't give anywhere near the snark and yes they are making bank because they do the job and make the whole experience enjoyable.
if she wants to withhold content, cool. let her withhold it. people will just go elsewhere and then shell be whining about how no one is giving her money. same thing happened to jessie minx. she got pregnant and didn't do jack. first pregnancy she was dragged on preggophilia. she personally went there and defended herself saying she was sick and anyone on her social media would know that. lies but fine. people accepted that. second pregnancy she did nothing. she has yet to get pregnant again. she has said that she will not produce any content at all because her content was leaked. where? when? how? she has come out bragging about how she's a millionaire then she ghosted and came back talking about no one supports bbw models. thats how it is with these women. they talk trash and then when people stop paying they get mad.
man I don't even understand what you're saying. listen. this is the argument. she seems to have made the content. she is refusing to release it because someone hurt her feelings. she already made it. and even if she didn't, people do have a right to want what they want if they're paying for a service. doesn't mean the model will honor it or that they will get it but they have a right to requests. I wanted a pregnant dancing video. I didn't get it. I'm over it. some women don't do that. I'm sure if she even tried the bouncing of her breasts alone would have caused her to stop within a minute or so. I wanted a burping video. never requested it. someone else did. she turned it down. I'm over it. she seems too sophisticated for such anyway. that doesn't make people into cry babies nor does that mean people want people to "jump for them". paying customers should have a say.

>>They will make what they like. Cry baby. You want people to jump for you.

And if they make shit, then I will call it out. And funny how you're defending a hypocrite since she's the only one crying about rude comments.

I can understand if it was piracy or her personal life as a reason, but never have I seen a so call model NOT release content due to rude comments. And yet your goofy ass is defending little miss lazy snowflake.
Y’all are typing out essays and shit abt a girl who does porn, whether she makes the vids or not who cares find sum1else, get a life; either post something or not dont go crying bc she’s not doin exactly what y’all want; Let’s gets back to the main piont of this page b4 it gets deleted
and here we go again. y'all want to come on here, talk trash when people disagree then talk about "I aint reading all that", "don't like it don't buy it" or some other junk like that. why even bother responding?

as for her content, IIRC she has her eyes on this site so it'll be pulled off immediately anyway.

How about you post something for once since you want to talk down to everyone else. Go on and upload something from her.


I beg her to come on here and make a response instead of hiding behind her little snapchat story.


Here you go asshole now let’s get back to topic
For a person who does not care, you write a lot and complain a lot. Did you ever think that photo look lasted long because she was late in her pregnancy and struggling. If you did not see announcements you should still have common sense about pregnant women. It is your kink. You are weird to go on so much all because one model did not dance.

You just gave him what he wanted, genuis.....


Stop feeding the trolls and move on dude.

LMAO, this is the same lazy shit she released earlier. Try again fag. And this time it better be something new
man I don't want to complain but thats a .13 second clip that shows literally nothing. this is the pregnancy board. was she even pregnant in this clip?
you're not reading what I'm saying are you? it isn't about not dancing. I don't care about that. I said I'm sure she couldn't do it anyway. if she was so sick why did she not mention this in her many AMAs? I was there bro. I read them. she seemed to to be doing just fine. and stretching out a single photo shoot of about five pics over three updates is inexcusable. sorry. id rather get one photo shoot and then no more than three updates with one or two photos from the same shoot and a different pose. thats just a slap in the face. if she was that sick she could've said she was on Insta as well and completely vanished. why didn't she?

Because she's trifling and her white knights here are defending her garbage.
bruh she wasn’t “sick” … like i found her through mutuals, who clubs while pregnant, she was literally networking

Exactly. The guy who says that she was sick needs to fuck off, as well as the other guy who's defending the lazy heifer.
She did say on insta story and only fans and the other person lies. She does not club. I asked her and showed her this. She laughed and said she hasnt been to a club in more than a decade. Liar troll.
Just shut up because you are hurt.
what? now people are really supposed to believe that you are in such close contact with her that she answered you, today, as you asked her about people talking greasy about her online? I seriously doubt that.
Yes stupid She talks back to me.

How much simping did you have to do to accomplish that?
I was not an incel like you. She said in her insta the apps where she answers all her messages but you stupid troll never listens. I added her and she always talks back.

Keep simping, it amuses me.
So, this is one of the simps that report back to her and show her these forums with links to content? SMH.
No stupid. I showed your comment. This page is not secret. You are really stupid if you think she did Not know. She can google.
Dude shut the fuck up and stop simping. All weekend you faggots have been bumping this thread for this petty ass argument.

I don't care if she puts out shit. I don't care if you're a simp for her. Fuck off and quit bumping the thread just to speak. Get a fucking life.
pussy whipped and you’re not even getting pussy… that sounds like a shit trade. So what you think is.. she got pregnant, continues the same trends(schedule/upload pace) from before pregnancy… and you think she’s “sick?” Are you fucking retarded?
You do not get pussy in real life that is why you are here crying over models. Shut up. I am done talking to you little bitch boy.
she can read? then why is she withholding content? she can read? can she read the comments here asking for pregnant content? easy money for her. lactating, postpartum belly content? easy money but she's holding it because someone said something that hurt her? I don't even know what was said but come on. even she has to know that she's hurting her bottom line right now. no content means no money. she can read but she aint got sense. got it.
to be fair thats the way it is with a lot of pregnant model threads. barely any content ever gets uploaded. not even sure why.
what I don't understand is why all models do this. seriously. they have bs schedules to begin with. they get pregnant. they do even less work and somehow expect to continue to make money. I know, personally, many women who made bank doing pregnant videos. she doesn't offer customs. she does what she wants when she wants. fine. thats her. I get it. but why is it such an issue when people want to hear her downright massive pregnant belly? the only thing that would have made it better was milk and look at that, her belly is still huge but now she has milk. people are wrong for wanting content? I don't understand. Is this not her job? she wants to keep making money but she doesn't want to work? what am I missing here?
>easy money but she's holding it because someone said something that hurt her?

She wouldn't last a day with a real job. No wonder she's doing porn. It's the only job where white knights can do the defending for her.
You assume she is not making money. Stomach is a weird category not best category. That is possibly why she can reject it. Most do not love belly like you all.
anyone get wingdings on the second decode? base64 right?
haha. Love the insertion. it's offline, can we get a reup???
Oh you must be the admin? Deleted your argument?

Funny how all of the Jessie Minx bashing stays up, yet most of the criticism here was deleted.
Almost as if the mods work off of reports they get or something. Crazy.
the jessieminx talk over in the tits thread got shut down real quick. no one really pays attention to the pregnancy thread.
The defense is deleted but criticism stays. So might be a mod who is writing long posts mad at jesse and ronda?
Guys can we please stop talking about drama and get back to posting
someone updated her coomer but so far it seems she barely did anything in the way of preggo content.

No and only dickholes gatekeep content behind private walls.
her onlyfans is dirt cheap at 60% off due to black friday but I wouldn't join. theres no milk content. personally, I'm more into spraying milk then sucking it and letting it drip from her mouth. I feel like she needs to do all the postpartum belly content she can but its obvious she isn't comfortable with her belly being so huge. she has got to have had one of the largest pregnant bellies I have seen in a very long time and with those huge breasts she would've made a fortune in pregnant content. she didn't do much and it seemed like she tried to cover up her belly most of the time. if you check out her Instagram you'll see she's deleted most of her pregnancy pics. now she has such a huge postpartum belly that people still think she's pregnant and she's saying that she doesn't really cater to the belly fetish. its her loss.
(30 KB, 680x577, FhDohEPUAAA-P2n.jpg)
pretty much, she has nice boobs but a lot of her content is fairly samey, while it would be nice if she did more belly stuff I can understand why she wouldn't want to and can get why she'd be weird about it given how autistic some people get in this community
I get it but I don't. she seems to want to have that "I don't care what anyone thinks" kind of demeanor but here she is withholding an obvious check for herself. I mean if you look at any of her videos you can tell she goes out of her way to not show her belly. even the video for pregnant belly lovers didn't really show belly. how does she claim to be doing something for belly lovers and barely show belly? thats her own insecurity. she takes no ideas from anyone. she does whatever she wants whenever she wants and thats great. I'm just saying that I want to give her my money but nothing appeals to me. looking at her coomer I'm glad I didn't sign up for her only fans during her pregnancy due to the serious lack of content. I think she claimed there was some pregnancy content she had on the back burner to release but I seriously doubt it.
Broski you talk about her on a website that shows her content for free. She does not think you will ever be a subscriber. You will always have a reason to not sub. She could make everything we ask for and we will still watch for free on coomer.
afaik none of her actual vids are on coomer, all the vids are just snippets, I'm pretty sure sure she's one of those accounts that makes people buy the videos she uploads ON TOP of pay a subscription AKA the worst type
She does have full videos on there but all the pregnant videos is on the pay wall. It makes sense because if she didn’t leave some as pay wall, everything would get uploaded anyway and we still would watch for free and not pay. It is funny to want her to care. We don’t pay her. Use common sense.
it doesn't matter if I'm buying or not. thats what these ladies fail to realize. some people are willing to pay if they release the right content. if no one paid there'd be nothing to share.

I'm sure theyre the same videos that are on her manyvids and I'm sorry but those videos are boring. she has one single video really showing off her belly. that is it. that video has her riding a dildo which messes it all up. the one that really shows her belly is the pregnant oil rub but her belly was so huge that half of it was off the screen. now you can see a little bit of her post partum belly in both milkshake and spill but thats it. her second to latest video outtakes from spill looks like it may be her best yet because she actually backed off of the camera and showed her entire belly. she's really. missing out doing so little belly fetish videos.
in fact people have commented on her videos asking her for more. this really is her loss.
That’s the thing broski. You think she wants that money when she showed she doesn’t. All these women have their niche. You keep checking for her hoping she will be something she already said shes not. Get over it my boy. We want to see what she makes not you complaining every month.
None of these bitches should have you making essays on a porn site. You are doing too much.
Does anyone have a florenfile by chance?
Good post man so now we know why. She did talk about her heart on fans only. I remember that. Everyone told her to take it easy and don’t worry about content. I guess she did what she could.
like video
Wooooow, is that real or a morph, if not, incredibly awesome to look at. Are there more pics where they are so big?
I would imagine she didn't make any money off her pregnancy because she didn't do anything that excites people with a pregnancy fetish. Unfortunate that it makes her uncomfortable but what can you do? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Did we read the same post? Where do you see it say “didn’t make any”
>>940 (OP)
Buy then dickhead.
Random nobody in here making demands!
Fuck outta here!
Anyone have her preg oil rub video?
You’re an idiot
>>1365 Here’s the real link aHR0cHM6Ly9zdHJlYW0uYnVua3IucnUvdi9QcmVnbmFudC1PaWwtUnViLS0tT25seU9uZVJob25kYV9QcmVnbmFudC1IRC5uZXQtWDBYTkYxU0QubXA0
Just tryna help to where to don’t get taken down
thanks for that.

man she needs to do more belly content with that huge belly. she could still pass for pregnant.

Haha wtf!? Lmao oh no, please don't post this milk vid
Don't mess my Thirst game up!!!
I want to watch milkshake onlyonerhonda
Any1 have the link pz tks guyz
(72 KB, 1200x675, owoxI0ziHUAAu8vC.jpg)
I have funbags if you have milkshake share link
Literally one of the first fucking rules is no trading so either post content or don't
If you have milkshake post it , and I will post funbags
Come private on Facebook messenger if you have it milkshake onlyonerhonda
Any news on milkshake and spill rhonda
Who's got Dat Milkshake, I need some Cream in my Coffee?
fuck she's amazing, can I get some reups from earlier in the thread please?
(7 KB, 299x168, تنزيل (1).jpeg)
U have this one vid outtakes from spill , this the best vid for her
I'll get send the funbags vid for yall since that one guy is being difficult, just give me some time.
Any 1 have(imagination) and (gaze) u the best
Gaze , imagination
Can you reup milkshake for onlyonerhonda agian
(9 KB, 300x169, 13570326-t6-enh.jpg)
Any 1 have new vids for rhonda pls share
she did a recent ama where she admitted in audio that she will not do belly content and she does not like her belly. even though she's given birth she's so big that she could still pass for pregnant but she goes out of her way to cover it up. this could be an explanation as to why theres so little pregnancy content and she does her best to keep her belly out of her videos these days.
(30 KB, 739x415, images (15).jpeg)
Please if anyone have this video for rhonda please post it

>>doesn't like her belly

>>still does pregnant content instead of hiding

I don't like my job either, but you don't see me bitching about it.
she could’ve easily made a few YEARS of salary to invest off of the pregnancy and could stop doing S/W forever… damn why do they stick their leg in thinking they have moral high ground
it frustrates me to no end but its her body her choice. I never understood it and never will. how does a woman get a job showing off her body and refuse to show it off? and you can tell she's doing a terrible job covering it up. its always there in every video looking like she's overdue with twins despite the fact that she's already given birth.
she had one of the biggest pregnant bellies I have seen in a very long time plus she's lactating. thats two kinks in one and you rarely ever catch a woman with a belly that big spraying milk everywhere. she could have indeed made a fortune if she made a bunch of videos. again, I get that its her body her choice but I don't get why she would do this. why does she even pose nude if she doesn't like her body? and people have asked about this. if you look on her manyvids there are videos with comments showing people begging her to show her belly. there is interest. she just refuses to show it.

but the thing is she's only hurting herself. thats years of salary she lost out on. if she did customs shed have made even more money. id have paid for a burping video or an outgrown clothing video. she refuses to do custom videos. she refuses to show her belly. another thing that bugs me is her lactation videos. she likes so suck it out of her breasts and let it drip from her mouth on her body. id rather she spray milk everywhere. she does the videos she wants and thats fine. that is her choice but the only one she's hurting is herself because thats money she's missing out on.
Whos got the tutor video, anyone?
(30 KB, 739x415, images (31).jpeg)
Any 1 have this vid milkshake re up please
Who has the new video gush?
You, if you buy it
One thing I’ve learnt from all this porn shit is to never pay for anything because some other simp will and share the content
so you got the nerve to call them simps but expect them to upload shit? lmao
she just revealed that she gained a lot of weight after her pregnancy but she is actively trying to lose it.

there goes that huge postpartum belly.
anyone has some recent vids / reups?
Videos Please
(109 KB, 768x654, Belly-OnlyOneRhonda_thumb-768x654.jpg)
Does anyone have this vid? Accidentally created another thread asking for it without realizing that this was her thread.
Anyone got her Pregnant Stimulation video? Not sure if it was ever posted but the preview is on her coomer
Someone share this

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