
But you mustn't speak her name. She is known for being very generous with takedowns on boards like this

Hopefully this gets he ball rolling
cant figure this one out.. maybe im retarded.. maybe this month of double shifts catching up to me.. idek but i appreciate the gesture! stay safe during this covid shit
remove what shouldnt be there...
I may be retarded aswell
I can't figure the code too :(
How about a hint?
It's broken - OP - would you mind checked the one in your post?
IDK whats up with it but ill just reup. no tricks if it gets hit it gets hit.


ETA 7 minutes
Thank you
Gone. Some kind soul up for a reup?
Please reup! You are awesome!
bump for hope of new uploads
reups please!
Reup would be super duper cool!
You are a god amongst men, a true boon to our society
reup please
Another bump i guess
I was excited when I saw the date. Then I saw the year.

Think we could get a re up?
Any reups, lads?
Up, help, please!
I came in this thread and got a chubby (a limp semi-soft penis.) I did not know there was a whole board for pregnant women until now and it is interesting and exciting!!

re-up all he content, please!
Uploading everything I have of this Amazing specimen of legend. Starting with that compilation OP wanted. Let's go


Hoping this is the one he meant
A couple oldies and a more recent win.


The laptop I had all this on recently suffered a crash and I'm much in the same position as others trying to recover all the glory I cherish so much.

Looking for any of her picture sets as well if anyone can oblige.
Clinically retarded here. mega dot nz slash folder slash copypaste leads to nothing. What am I supposed to "remove" that "shouldn't be there"?
Thanks, anon!
Rounding out what I've collected so far with two more wins.

A few more scrapes I found

Bug Shower.flv file isn't showing up
Thanks for the heads-up - I re-uploaded it and it downloads just fine for me. The MEGA video player apparently doesn't support .flv playback, so...
Try VLC or GOM. They will do a .flv under most codex correctly. GOM can get a little spammy though so be aware of that. Also, double check that there isn't a hidden .*** at the end of the file. You could finally try just changing the .flv to a .mp4? I've tried that a few times.
re-up...it's been 6 months and I feel left out 😋

I agree stretch marks do not look well on ugly girls.
>...Honestly, her 1st was waaaaaaay better.

It always happens. First pregnancy is when the model discovers this fetish and how much attention she gets. Then each consecutive pregnancy is worse when either the quality of the videos drop or the prices get jacked up too high.

Madeline Bug, Jessie Minx, Brittany Brooks, InkandKink, Aria Faye, Diamon Ortega, Heidiv, just to name a few.
also before she “develops” autism and uses it as her crutch. “I can’t film another tit vid, I am extremely autistic.” HUH?

Excuses are a deliberate choice. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Unfortunately, you can bring the horse yo water but you can not force the horse to drink, and that's just the way it is.

But in this case, the horse already drank the water but now demands higher quality water for less work and ends up dying of thirst when it's doesn't get what it wants.


She lost me when she started doing the weird diaper shit and charging $17 to watch her change clothes. Clothes try on videos are free on YouTube, so why would I pay for it?

Well, why didn't you just give the stupid horse better water? Wtf? What was the big deal? Now he's dead and he didn't even give birth to a pony for you. You're stupid.
I don't know what her deal was. she did maybe three or four videos her first pregnancy. the second she came out with far better quality, offering customs and all. then people start asking for stuff and she didn't want to do them followed by her doing videos of her in diapers urinating. the exercise videos weren't bad but why didn't she keep it up? it seemed like once she got really huge she just all out stopped caring. look at the angles on the final dancing video and the outgrown clothing videos. they only show belly, not her so you don't really get an idea of just how big she was. whats worse she clearly didn't care about any of this. she seemed to just slap it together and was moreso of the "pay me" attitude.

Imagine using a mental Illness as an excuse to not fulfil requests. She could've easily release a tweet saying she's not doing customs or requests instead of lying and ignoring people.
you'd be surprised how often they do that and it never ceases to amaze me. its like they don't want the money. I get not doing some nasty fetishes but they just all out refuse to do anything, blame mental illness, tell everyone to 'deal' and then wonder why people get mad.

im not saying they aren't mentally ill. I'm just saying a lot of the stuff they pull would never work in a regular job which is why I often ponder they stick with this as their job. they know good and well that wouldn't fly in the real world. I have bipolar friends that work regular jobs. they do not say their illness stops them and refuse to work because their bills need to get paid. these ladies do this because they can take off whenever they want for whatever reason they want but I think that ends up negatively affecting everyone. they end up complaining about not making any money and charging more for what little content they have. customers get mad because they're unreliable. it doesn't profit anyone but they either don't know or don't care because they keep on doing it.

I think she's different because she barely posts anything to this day. its a shame because she could've made a fortune if she did customs, skips and all of that during either pregnancy.

American women also overcharge the fuck for content. It's no wonder Colombian girls are taking more of their buisness away.

>>I think she's different because she barely posts anything to this day. its a shame because she could've made a fortune if she did customs, skips and all of that during either pregnancy.

With two sets of twins, how do you expect her to even have the time to make content? Also that "fortune" she could've made would've went straight into the hospital bills. I don't get why you people think these women end up getting rich off of this temporary fetish.
>With two sets of twins, how do you expect her to even have the time to make content? Also that "fortune" she could've made would've went straight into the hospital bills. I don't get why you people think these women end up getting rich off of this temporary fetish.

because I personally know women that got a lot of money off this fetish. I personally know them. there is ridiculous money in the pregnant fetish if the woman is willing to work. the bigger they get the more money they can make. the thing is that most pregnant women aren't willing to work. it wasn't always two sets of twins. she had, like, three videos her first pregnancy then her second one she came out knowing there was interest and knowing she could have made money. she did whatever she wanted which is fine. she made what she wanted but she could have had a lot more. I know this from personally knowing and seeing women make money off this temporary fetish. yes, it would have gone to hospital bills but thats one less bill shed have to worry about.

plus isn't she with her man? he couldn't watch the kids while she made some videos?

>American women also overcharge the fuck for content. It's no wonder Colombian girls are taking more of their buisness away.

thats another issue but I didn't want to go there. you notice that the other ladies around the world stay working right until they give birth? some of them work so much people throw tokens at them hoping to induce labor. they milk that for all its worth. they know theres money in this and they make all they can. I don't know if its a cultural thing or not because I know american women that have made money during their pregnancy as well. the money is there if they're willing to work. most aren't trying to work. even if its something as simple as an outgrown clothing video they can't be bothered to do it. they only do the videos they want despite people asking them for different content, they vanish for long periods of time, most of the content is terrible and overpriced and then they seem surprised when they don't make any money.
>>plus isn't she with her man? he couldn't watch the kids while she made some videos?

Who do you think was working to keep the lights on in the house? She obviously wasn't doing it.

>some of them work so much people throw tokens at them hoping to induce labor. they milk that for all its worth. they know theres money in this and they make all they can. I don't know if its a cultural thing or not because I know american women that have made money during their pregnancy as well.

It's because Chaturbate has shit pay and mostly women in 3rd world countries benefit.

Also your little circle of pregnant friends isn't saying much in regards on how profitable this community can be. They're not the status quo.

To be fair there are many models from 3rd world countries that don't succeed. Colombian girls have had a reputation that goes back atleast to my father's generation. It is some of what you imagine, and a lot of what you will never know. Brazil has the transexuals, Colombian girls are good at what they do.

A fun fact that many do not know: Colombia has the #1 marriage success rate in the entire Earth. This is vague and doesn't mean much by itself, but when you meet a handful of these girls first hand you can begin to see a clearer picture. I don't like the country, and I would not want to go there despite its beautiful outdoors, some of which can be as lush as any American landscape. My thing with the country has always been because of its drug culture, but putting all of that mallice aside the Colombian girls themselves can be as good as anything you would ever find on Earth, if not better.

I won't go into the many, many, many details of a richly complex and lively culture that is young Colombian hoes (some hoes are cute, other hoes are thick) but I just wanted to say that unless you're really ugly or just back odds are that in Colombia you will find a peaceful paradise with everything you could possibly be looking for in life.

I believe this is the secret behind their success. It's a remote fantasy that they sell to whoever so desire remotely from a literal paradise. I have no doubt that there are ugly Colombian girls, but I have yet not seen them.

nutter. Learn to read. I didn't say they didn't love to fuck, and frankly I hope God punishes you for this 1. I went out of my way to point out that the fact was vague on its own specifically to indulge American losers such as yourself, but yes they have BY FAR the highest marriage success and it is commendable and to somebody like me, because I believe that love and family is of great importance, I am happy for them. Nobody is perfect. Out of wedlock child births are not good, but it's better than literally NO CHILDBIRTHS YOU FUCKING NUTTER.

Why don't you go terrorise a child molester with your best kept secret, a mob organization of homosexuals? We're all proud of you America!

Awwww, someone's getting mad and is reverting back to edgelord stage. Look, if you're going to pull bullshit out of your ass then that's fine. Just don't have a tantrum when I start poking holes in your facts.

Now are you going to straighten back up so we can continue this conversation?

Bro..... Are you even reading my posts? Do you speak English? I woke up literally right now, and I'm always angry, you stupid bird. It's because of ugly nutters like you that I live angry!!!

Your country is a fucking failure. You destroyed your state of California and New York, and then you moved out of those states to destroy other states with your filth and your genius ideas that didn't work in New York or California.

You are a parasite. A disease. You are sick and America needs to be detoxified of nutters like you.
>Who do you think was working to keep the lights on in the house? She obviously wasn't doing it.

so the first pregnancy, her man is busting his behind to keep the lights on and she's doing what? second pregnancy well say he's working and she's watching the kids. I know of models that would put the kids to sleep and then get to work doing videos for people. if they want the money they will find a way. I thought her excuse was mental illness. now its her kids?

>It's because Chaturbate has shit pay and mostly women in 3rd world countries benefit.

that may be why they stream on multiple sites but heres the thing about that. I hear that one of our dollars goes very far over there. I don't know how much they get paid but id think they make a decent amount doing camming. in fact, I seem to recall talking to one whom told me that camming is one of the most profitable jobs they can get.

>Also your little circle of pregnant friends isn't saying much in regards on how profitable this community can be. They're not the status quo.

if you say so. I know and have met quite a bit of pregnant women. it goes both ways but one thing I have noticed is this. the ones that don't make money are the ones that aren't trying to work. the ones who cam "when they feel like it". the ones who charge too much for customs and want to make people wait a month and some change for a $500 video thats only half hour. those models make nothing. the ones that log on every day, the reliable ones, the ones that do customs and get them churned out quick, they make all the money and they're the ones chilling when the baby is born. I know one that I talked to right before she went on maternity leave. she told everyone shed love to get pregnant again because she made so much money. she ended up pregnant twice more and she started hitting up everyone that did business with her. theres no doubt she made money. I know another one that loves getting pregnant and had a legitimate day job but literally wants to quit just to keep having babies and doing pregnant customs. they do the work. I also know ladies that showed up whenever they wanted. they'd tell people they'd be there and either didn't show up or turned up hours after the fact. they didn't make anything and they got mad about it. they told me they knew they wouldn't make money like that but it didn't stop them from doing it. they kept on appearing whenever they felt like it and didn't make any money. I have watched it happen many times over. im speaking from my own personal experience from knowing and watching many pregnant women. there may be exceptions but I'm speaking from what I know.
I hope this is all being written by incompetent AI
you're probably right. whats the point in debating this? fact is the ladies do what they want when they want. walls of text won't change anything. they don't provide content, they don't make money. its just that simple.

I don't know what you're speaking of because I didn't read plus I am not aware of what the original discussion was about. Forgive if I didn't clearify. Would you like to ask my opinion on something? I love girls and vagina.

That's it, let it all out.

Hmm okay, guess not. Great. Well then allow me to instead point out that in my opinion the best thing that you can do for your situation, whatever that situation might be, is to stop fucking up.

All to often adults (mostly of ages 40-60 usually) make the easy mistake of confusing love with hate. They convince themselves that their decisive actions are proper, right, and good, when in actuality most of what they will ever do in those years of life are more likely to be intentionally evil. They become wolves in sheeps clothing, and they cover eachother with pats on their backs. Well, this will surely only help to make the situation worse. So........ don't do that.

One very clever thing that you can do when in doubt and in a position of authority is simply to mind your own business. I like to advise individuals to follow their heart, but if you don't have a heart and you care for your family you can always internalize your problems, and by not looking for trouble you get these benefits by default.

It's good for peace and family, but it's not very good for business and the economy, is it? And that is why a country's greed has brought us here. You and I, together facing our destinies in a battle for the ages. An epic in the making. I do hope you've said your prayers by now, unbeliever. I am sure you see what's on the horizon by now.

Nigga, I'm not even replying to you. I'm replying to the other guy.

Your reply was to my post, heathen.
>I don't know how much they get paid but id think they make a decent amount doing camming. in fact, I seem to recall talking to one whom told me that camming is one of the most profitable jobs they can get.

Chaturbate takes a 50% cut so take that as you will. But yes, camming is more profitable than even working in a bank in some cases. For many of them, it's either work as a camgirl or earn $100 a month cleaning houses.

If I knew Spanish, I'd consider moving down there just for the decreased cost of living and better health care.

Get some glasses bud. Although I'm pretty sure you're just talking to yourself at this point.

I didn't mean to offend or force you to read my posts. Simply spitting facts as I borishly wait for the next war.

>>so the first pregnancy, her man is busting his behind to keep the lights on and she's doing what? second pregnancy well say he's working and she's watching the kids. I know of models that would put the kids to sleep and then get to work doing videos for people. if they want the money they will find a way. I thought her excuse was mental illness. now its her kids?

Or she's doesn't really need the money since again, the husband is working. So she's not going to put in the effort of doing so. She'd be more incline to stay in bed all day as opposed to making a half dozen customs or trying to cam around her kid's schedule.

Can't say I blame her if that ends up being the case. If I was pregnant with twins while taking care of another set of twins, the last thing I'd want is to deal with some preggophiles nagging me over customs while sharing my content without permission.
Wait wait wait. Madeline-Bug's twins are from two sets of men. Hell she shared images of the father during her first pregnancy and he is obviosuly different from the current man she's dating. Yes I said dating because she isn't married. She even made tweets and chan posts telling people how her current guy was different and way better than hey previous. Girl's a slut in setting up a broken household

Doesn't change the fact that she had enough money coming in to not take this fetish seriously. If her second man was an upgrade over the first, then he was brining in more money.
Nah, IIRC she does surrogacy work while I don't know if she has kids of her own I know the first pregnancy was surrogate work iirc she mentions it in one of the videos

Which explains why she didn't go full force into this. Imagine making fetish content while carrying someone else's child inside you. Plus she could've easily have gotten into trouble for doing so if the clients found out.
What the fuck are you talking about, she never once mentioned doing this for surrogacy work and multiple times confirms the kids are hers on her twitter
>Or she's doesn't really need the money since again, the husband is working. So she's not going to put in the effort of doing so. She'd be more incline to stay in bed all day as opposed to making a half dozen customs or trying to cam around her kid's schedule.

bro. she's the one that came online announcing her pregnancy. she's the one that came online trying to get the money. she saw the interest. she didn't want to do the work. thats all there is to it.

>Can't say I blame her if that ends up being the case. If I was pregnant with twins while taking care of another set of twins, the last thing I'd want is to deal with some preggophiles nagging me over customs while sharing my content without permission.

so if thats the case don't tell said preggophiles you're pregnant. common sense man.

I didn't know that. women really gotta stop going online talking about their men and how good they are. it never ends well.

we don't know that. if she had money like that she wouldn't have bothered to tell people she's pregnant. shed have kept it to herself and stayed in bed all day.

I agree with this final statement. she never once mentioned this being surrogacy work. these are her legit kids. and I get her not doing anything now. I totally understand that. I'm talking about her second pregnancy. she learned from the first. she knew people were interested but like a lot of the other pregnant women she decided she didn't want to be bothered and laid around all day. I know women that had men begging them every day to do custom videos. they kept telling them "ill do them when my room is cleaner" or any other excuse. they messed around, went into labor and lost everything. it is true that this is temporary but those vids aren't. I know of other women that were still selling preggo videos years after the fact. its not "temporary" so much as providing all the content they can so that when someone stumbles across them they can buy it. as it is there is barely any content of hers and most of it is trash. this could've been something that she might get money from once in awhile but theres nothing to really purchase. she can only blame herself for that and thats my point.

btw, surrogates do porn too. I don't know why but they do. anorei collins pregnancy was a surrogacy for her sister iirc. and the woman I mentioned earlier? she has five kids of her own, is about to have the sixth and wants to do surrogacy just to keep the preggo money coming in. some people know whats up with this but it takes work. and this lady? she has her own money. she has her own high paying job. she wants to quit it just to do this. her man makes more than enough as well. she prefers to do this. she knows it takes work. she has done the work and she loves it. some people just don't want to do it and thats fine. its their decision. I'm just saying they shouldn't be surprised when they don't make any money.
>btw, surrogates do porn too. I don't know why but they do. anorei collins pregnancy was a surrogacy for her sister iirc.

There's a difference between being a surrogate for a sibling and a random person.
>the woman I mentioned earlier? she has five kids of her own, is about to have the sixth and wants to do surrogacy just to keep the preggo money coming in.
She certainly is doing it for more than the money if she has that many kids and wants to surrogate just to keep it going. She has to have a bonofide pregnancy fetish herself.
I very vividly remember when she was posting on pregchan during her first pregnancy and said that her 1st pregnancy was an accident. Got knocked up by a guy she didn't even really like.
I would think a surrogacy for a sibling is far more personal and far worse.

I doubt it. I just know she loves money. she loves how easily she makes it when she's pregnant as opposed to her day job. it is high paying but nowhere near as easy as filming some preggo custom videos so shed rather do this. that may be hard to believe but really all she talks about is how much money she makes off of this.
So... she is pregnant again...
And is already five months along without realizing it. She's not saying if it's twins or not so I think it's just a single

She stopped being appealing after doing all those weird diaper and pissing videos. But like a lot of 3rd pregnancies, this one is going to fly under the radar.
does she have an onlyfans?
you know what amazes me about her? she wouldn't do burping videos but yet she did diapers and urinating videos. those turned me all the way off. most of her content from her second pregnancy is lackluster. I loved the outgrown videos but why did she keep the cam on her belly and chest? I wanted to see how the shirt fit, her facial expressions, things like that. instead I get a close up of belly. the same happened for the dancing videos. she did two of them and she did them so close to the camera that they weren't enjoyable. I liked her workout videos just because she was so far from the camera that you could really get a picture of how huge she was. once she got really big it seemed like she just decided to stop doing videos altogether then she did that harley quinn masturbation video which wasn't very good. I'm hoping she takes customs this time around because I have some ideas for videos that I'm sure would sell well.

no but she has a manyvids that she just updated.
why is it that she stopped doing pics? that entire pregnancy I was hoping to see more of that second pic with the bra. her belly looked ridiculous in it and yet she just seemed to stop wearing it, taking pics and doing videos.

Because she gets really anal when people share her content (shocker I know). Ever since her first pregnancy she's been playing the "You shouldn't steal from a young single pregnant mother" schtick, while having a massive bitchfit everytime a site shares her content.

I'm pretty sure she even got blacklisted from Preggophilia after going there and threatning them.
who is even sharing her content though? I mean look at this thread. theres barely anything shared in the past year. I remember her content was always ridiculously hard to find unless you paid for it. and I don't get the point of being so mad about sharing. sharing is sometimes the best way to advertise. but her content was trash anyway so who would want to buy anything else she had to offer? I'm really hoping she changes that this pregnancy. I know people want to give her their money but she's going to have to step it up.

>>who is even sharing her content though?

Preggophilia, AlohaTube, SpankBang, S.DB, Devienart (at least the morphs of her) and several other smaller pornsites.

There's a world outside of BBW chan.
listen, when do women ever make sense? literally has burping issues for EACH pregnancy where they consistently just happen… doesn’t want to cash in on that ….
Hold the phone, did she get upset about people sharing pics of her she willingly shared or did she get upset over pics she was selling because those are two completely different sets of issues.

The former. If it left her sight and was re-uploaded elsewhere, then she wasn't having it. She pretty much said "fuck free advertisment, I control who sees my photos and where they see them".
its funny you say that because you're right. I have seen countless videos of pregnant women talking about how they just cannot stop burping but ask them to make a video about it and its asking too much. I remember years ago there were pregnant vlogs where the women were trying to vlog and burping. its obvious they can't control it yet they go out of their way to avoid showing it despite obvious interest. I don't get it. its simple money. feedistdani is making a killing on curvage right now just like your_girl_sam on manyvids. there is demand for it but instead we get diapers and urinating? who asked for that?

she seems to be doing very well on her twitter. she received a very positive response and everyone is throwing money at her. lets hope she does some good pics and videos this time around.

Are twitter drones seriously the bar you use to measure how well someone's doing?
no. I do believe she actually posted thanking the pregnant loving community for helping her get her car seat. I seriously doubt that was a drone.
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lol hey guys

i’ve seen a lot of the same stuff floating about and i shouldn’t care but i do so i figured i would clarify.

First off i am sorry if i’ve been harsh in the past, i was in survival mode right off of childhood for like like 8 years lol.

i really don’t, and have never cared if you share my photos…in fact they are all free, aside from one custom set i’ve never charged a penny for them and i’m thrilled when i find my photos around especially if my name is dropped. Please share them. I just don’t like when my paid videos are shared which is pretty understandable i think. But this pregnancy i’m releasing a few free ones, i think an ok compromise is using PH to host and just sharing the link instead of downloading it so i know the response to certain content. i’m not blacklisted on preggophelia as far as i know i have a sock account i use for personal use so idk

For the burping thing…i’m not refusing to be a dick it’s just difficult to inducing burps for me and i puke easy. Why do diapers instead? I don’t like making porn of kinks i’m not into bc it feels disingenuous and fake, i’ve been active in the abdl community since the day i turned 18 and there’s an interest in preg/abdl combo porn that’s hard to come by. Since i like both, it made sense. Sorry if you don’t like it, you don’t have to watch it and thankfully we have plenty more non diaper pregnant stuff we can all find easily.

The autism thing, mostly a flippant remark but i’ve been openly autistic since like 2012 and it is what it is. Sometime so have to choose between working and burning myself out and i need to be a functional person for the kids.

My children do have two different bio dads. Like any of you when i was 19 i was excited to discover sex and got a little stupid about partner choices thankfully, my childhood best friend stepped up and confessed how much he loved me and wanted to be a family been together ever since.

Why i didn’t film much first pregnancy? I was living with my parents and mentally disabled brother with no lock on my door. Which is also why the videos feature awful back audio bc i had to play music so you couldn’t hear him in his room.

Why didn’t i make more second pregnancy, really confusing bc i made like at least 50 which is a lot for a heavily pregnant person with little kids. My partner was working 6 days a week morning to night, by the time kids were asleep i was exhausted bc…i was lugging around 40lb of fetus. I also couldn’t film for a month because i was in the hospital because my babies were dying, not something i thought would help raise interest. i didn’t do more exercise stuff because (a) i physically couldn’t (b) i was scared if i shifted my weight wrong the fetuses already deformed cord would be compressed and i would lose it. Prices were high because i was desperate and some pregnant fetish guys told me people would pay it, and a decent amount did which was sweet of them. plus those 20$ videos were also typically 20-25 minutes long.

i am sorry about the angles and stuff it’s really hard to get the right shot and frame when you are so big and also i wasn’t overly keen on having my fairly stoic and average face on screen especially when men can be so cruel like being upset someone with a massive monster bump got stretch marks i don’t need people making my anxiety about my big ass forehead worse too on top of it lol that being said, if you have tips on how to improve them in a kind way PLEASE email me because i feel good when my shit comes out right.

I didn’t just get pregnant and decide to get into porn for easy money…i was already in porn and already had a pregnancy fetish i just didn’t expect to be participating so soon so i made what i could so i wouldn’t have to get an abortion i didn’t want.

so hopefully all of that will clear up some bad feelings, probably not but it’s fine, i hope y’all enjoy the freebies on pornhub and the free photos regardless of if you like my personality let’s keep our expectations of pregnant people kinda moderate tho this shit is intense and i have five kids and two partners to take care of so i’ll do my best.

here’s a tummy tax
i cant read bro :( please
hey bug, thanks for the post and clearing all of that up. ill be the first to apologize for any rude comments I may have made. will you be doing things like outgrown clothing and dancing this time around as well? how can I purchase them?
>ill be the first to apologize for any rude comments I may have made.

How do you not know if you made any rude comments or not?
I flat out am indifferent cause everyone does scats and farts. They want to humbrag about being innovative when they're being obnoxious at best. What's worse is that soft sciences encourage the man child mentality and gets salty when their rebels engage in performative theater .

Shut the fuck up.
she may have taken something I said, such as my questioning why she doesn't do burping videos, as rude. different people take things differently. so I'm saying that if I offended I apologize. that surely wasn't my intent. I was frustrated and didn't know what I was talking about. I thanked her for clearing it up. now I know so I will drop it.
jesus what the fuck did i miss lol

if they are worried they said something rude and want to apologize i don’t get why anyone else would care? it’s fine either way there’s very few adults in this world totally innocent of not occasionally being a dick to a random internet person i definitely have its nice to mutually decide we have both been a little harsh with each other and set it aside it’s fine lol
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anyway, to answer your question i didn’t want to go overboard with try ons this time, i know i made a looooot last time and i figured y’all would probably be a little sick of it from me, plus i just finished compiling all the trimesters into comparison videos. I am focusing on a couple other compilations this time around based on what i would’ve liked to see and what i’ve seen people ask for on here, i’m doing a weekly weigh in, tape measuring, body check in and i’m making a weekly update of my symptoms. MAYBE one of me laughing/sneezing/coughing bc i think what my belly does is neat but idk if anyone else would care? i might do a try on of my rave clothing collection bc i didn’t have them last time. For dancing i’ve been doing a couple tiktok’s to post for free on twitter and ph but i also do not have the ability to dance so it’s cringy.

Thoughts on when i get bigger using my tummy as a table for my drink or snack for a clip like this? 👀
thank you for your understanding and thank you so much for posting here. I hope that I, and others, throw some ideas your way so that you can do some amazing videos.

I, personally, love your dancing videos. I loved the tiktoks and the ones from your second pregnancy. just kinda wished you panned the camera out a little more but you explained that. you mentioned ideas? you're doing good with the angle you have now. I like mine horizontal but you're going for a tiktok kinda view so I understand you're doing them vertically. I think the main appeal with pregnant dancing is watching the womans curves bouncing and its also nice if the lady is having fun. thats probably why people love tiktoks and youtube dancing videos so much. I don't know if you visit preggophilia but they have entire threads dedicated to youtube dancing videos and tiktok dancing videos.

as for outgrown clothing, that never gets old. thats another one where I think people like to see the whole of the lady. personally, I prefer crop tops or too small shirts and shorts. I like those shorts you're taking pics of on your tiktok now. those are awesome. id gladly buy dancing videos in those, if you put them up.

another idea, kinda silly, but have you considered looking at actual dance routines on youtube and trying to do them? just as a gag and having fun? those might be something you could do as a free tiktok or actual videos for sale.

as for the laughing / coughing / sneezing. I wouldn't mind seeing this interesting thing your belly does. I know there is both a coughing and sneezing fetish and I remember years ago there was this one youtube video where this man recorded his wife laughing just because of what her belly did. folks might like that and the belly as a table video.

have you considered JOI?
oh, btw, happy belated birthday!

and I forgot to say your dancing isn't cringe. you did great. seriously.
got a lil something on your nose, pal.

How about something outside the box this time like alien impregnation, office roleplay, fake labor on a date, pregnant cowgirl in daisy dukes with titties barely being supported by a cow themed bra, idk something new....

Clothing and dancing videos are honestly boring as fuck. As if paying to watch someone change clothes isn't mundane as is. Same for eating videos and other boring daily activities that other people here have suggested. We need to see something new this pregnancy than hasnt been done to death or be seen for free on YouTube and TikTok.
also good ideas. I would check out a date role-play video.

the thing that makes outgrown videos is the dialogue. if theres no dialogue they really aren't very good. example, personally I like to hear the lady complain about how big she is. I don't know why but I think thats sexy. so a lady struggling into a too small top saying her belly is so big is sexy. if theres no speaking then I'm not interested.

also bug, there is a thread on preggophilia where they've asked what people would like to see in pregnancy videos. you may want to check that out as well. id link it but I'm not sure if thats allowed.
No one's done a pregnant she-hulk yet. Make it a joi or something. And you don't even need to paint yourself green, just use a screen filter wear a black wig and tight suit and mini skirt.

Just look at what's hot at the moment in the entartainment/movie/tv/video game industry and capitalize on it.

The new Zelda game is coming out next and will sell like hotcakes. Make a video dressed up as Zelda and turn Link into a cuck for letting Ganon knock you up for those 100 years.

DragonBall Z has a ton of characters to choose from. Android 18, Bulma, Chi-Chi, Rouge, Miss Buu, Caulifla.

A pregnant Super Sayian. Hasn't been done before ever within this fetish.

There's so many ideas, the problem is you have to think like a company looking for the next biggest hit instead of relying on suggestions from users since they don't know what's best for them.
the thing is that we have to remember she's a very busy lady. thats why I'm trying to keep these simple. she can easily film an outgrown video just trying to put clothes on in the morning. she can film a dancing video just doing a quick song. I don't know that she has time to role play like that. it'd be nice but I doubt she has the time.
Alien pregnancy would be a good one. You should also try doing a video of you complaining about your pregnancy and talking about the changes you’re going through. I think that could make for a really great video.

So quality over quantity. We don't need anymore clothing videos, diaper/pissing ones too, as well as any dancing videos.

This may or may not be her last pregnancy, so why give her softballs?
I get what you're saying. I do. but outgrown and dancing sells. preggo workout videos sell. I've talked to many pregnant models who've told me that. this is reliable money for her.

thats the appeal of both videos. complaining that they're so big, struggling into those clothes then working out or dancing. its all in the clothing and dialogue.

I get what you're saying about quality over quality but Im trying to get as much content as possible. sure id love to see a role play. hit em with a pregnant slave leia. theres something we haven't seen in a very hot minute. but does she have the time for that? does she have the time to think up plot lines and the like? is she a good actress? I know all of this because I have helped many women do videos over the years. they told me two things sell. burping, which she's established she might not be able to do, and work out videos. I wrote scripts for the ladies and they have sold very well when they stuck to the script. when they go off it, whether they don't like the lines or they say "I'm not an actress", you get a hot mess of a video that has no point. they just start throwing random lines out hoping it'll make sense and thats no way this will work. this is her last pregnancy. we want it to be epic for our benefit and for her to have content to sell for years to come. lets make sure its easy for her to do so she can chock out as much as possible as fast as possible not make this overly complicated for her.

>> lets make sure its easy for her to do so she can chock out as much as possible as fast as possible not make this overly complicated for her.

I'm not sure how dressing up in a costume and reading a script is complicated in any way.

She's not dumb or fragile, yet you're acting like she's on the verge of popping and can barely move without triggering a contraction.

And yeah, yeah she's busy and what not, but she clearly has enough time throughout the day to record and upload videos. I'm just saying more originality this time around instead of the same videos from the last two videos. And she has plenty of time since she's still small to do so.
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i totally see both sides i’m soft planning some role plays/cosplays and some more specific kink things BUT having two partners one of which is significantly more vanilla than me along with an infant in our bedroom and the rest of the house completely dominated by children my filming space is limited to my walk in closet and bathroom more often than not. I am working on convincing hubs and the wife to take the kids on an hour or so long drive each weekend starting soon so i can use the rest of the house but we will see.

i’m definitely not the best actor i’m not even very good at acting like a normal functioning person sometimes lol BUT something that has changed since my last pregnancy is i started watching those asmr role plays and they are a shockingly good resource for figuring out how to pull off an OK roleplay so the acting i’m somewhat ok with if the requirements are something i’m familiar with and not overly specific (like a literal script or a character i know zero about like link) I’ve done a few mommy dom role plays though and a handful of cosplays

I will be making diaper content and pee content. It sells like fucking hot cakes and i’m surprised you don’t think the pee stuff is good. Plus i piss my pants every time i try to lift anything over 20lb now and imma make the best of it.

Some things i am planning are rose quartz from steven universe bc someone bought the outfit for me last pregnancy and i didn’t get to use it, a mermaid one for the same reason…hucow complete with ears and hopefully those tubeless pumps they make now once i hit the point where i can risk starting labor, i would -like- to do elastigirl and i have an inflation video that’s going to take time to make

on the niche side of things i did do a burping video the other day it was fucking painful but i managed not to puke and i’ve been running polls on twitter and questionnaires about niche facets people enjoy like trying to tie shoes get off the bed or paint my toes, what angles to focus on. cuz i know what i’m into but i’m a queer woman so my interests are obviously not going to be the same as a straight man’s who may not be my best paying customers but are the vast majority.

and yeah it’s ok you don’t need to baby me through everything i’m definitely not fragile lol the week before i found out i was deep cleaning my floors with power scrubbers and cutting down bushes with power tools at like 18 weeks pregnant and didn’t notice anything was off (another video idea hm?) i’m just extremely busy at almost all times and have to be realistic about my time and also how quickly a pregnant persons health or energy can turn so i don’t want to over promise or expect too much from myself. And to be fair i am really cramming in filming at every tiny opening rn and uploading on my phone while mopping and doing laundry and showering lol

the hopeful goal is to make enough from direct sales to get the car seat, pump, stroller add ons i need for a newborn and a year of diapers since my poor partners are taking the hit on buying a whole ass passenger van when we bought a brand new car for our last baby literally last year and i’m trying to earn mostly direct so that my insurance doesn’t drop me and having enough videos to continuing updating manyvids for 6 months to a year

belly tax this time is from the burp video i got bullied into 🙄
>I'm not sure how dressing up in a costume and reading a script is complicated in any way.
we can let her decide but, again, im speaking from experience. the minute you start asking that of ladies it gets very complicated and many times they refuse to do it.

>She's not dumb or fragile, yet you're acting like she's on the verge of popping and can barely move without triggering a contraction.
I see you haven't actually spoken to some ladies before. once you start talking about changing costumes, reading from a script, all of that, things change. drastically. a lot of ladies just don't want to be bothered with it.

surely shed need multiple takes to get the lines right, right? editing? things like that? maybe she might not want to put all that work in. maybe she doesn't have any suitable areas to film it. slave leia wouldn't look right in a regular house would she? who knows?

>And yeah, yeah she's busy and what not, but she clearly has enough time throughout the day to record and upload videos. I'm just saying more originality this time around instead of the same videos from the last two videos. And she has plenty of time since she's still small to do so.
theres a difference between recording a dancing video, which as you admitted is nothing more than a simple tiktok, and what you're asking. what you're asking takes a lot more time and effort that many women just aren't trying to provide. you have to think about it from another point of view. I'm still keeping it simple saying slave leia. just get the costume. pregnant hooters waitress. thats new. I haven't seen anyone do it before but I did see an actual pregnant hooters waitress on tiktok. to get the costume and wear it is one thing but you want her to act out the roles and now were even tossing around the idea of a script. who is filming all of this? she's just going to leave her phone stationary in her room? who is going to make sure she gets the lines right? what about editing it when she messes up? have you any idea how much work that takes? I know you're not trying to get her to do all of this for a simple 5min video. were talking 10min+ right? when I wrote scripts they were half hour easily. you think she wants to put all that time in? I'm speaking from experience. I have actually tried to film before so I know all of this. I don't think she has the time to do all of this.
oh hey, you responded as I was typing. hey bug. question, when is that burp video going live? id love to see it.

I'm thinking of some simple cosplays. I love that bra top you have, the car ear thing? is that still around? but for cosplay id like to see simple stuff like slave leia, a pregnant hooters waitress, of course a pregnant cheerleader and maybe a pregnant harry potter teacher. you could surely pull off an adult hermione if you had the right clothing. those should be simple, id think. that'd be huge around halloween but you're due roughly in sept right? maybe film it close to your due date and surprise everyone on halloween?

now, I spent all that time yakking. would you be willing to look over a script? I could always try and put something short together and I'm sure others might throw them your way as well. if so, how long would you accept? the rule is a page per minute. I'm thinking 10 pages at the most?

>>I see you haven't actually spoken to some ladies before.

I see you're acting like a know-it-all and a jackass. You've spent more time defending/talking for her while running your mouth about what other women have done, as if everyone's case is similar.

And then you have the nerve to try and shove a script in her face and act like you weren't a complete douchebag in the previous comment.

The woman is here and is being open-minded to both sides and you're still white knighting? 🙄

Ease the fuck up dude.
>>1775 We all fart sometimes.

Yet it's rude to fart when a lady is present. Mind your manners.
>>1777 Where I'm from it's rude not to fart infront of le lady. And if she has to ask you to fart for her more than once or twice then you get a firm spanking.

Good for you. Just don't be a dick for the sake of whiteknighting. You're not going to get a free custom from it.
>>1779 Believe me it is good, it's very good. If you're jealous now then go lie in a ditch and rot instead of posting endlessly here crying about your opinions.

Jealous over some random person? My self-esteem is that damaged. I mean, I could tell others to go lie in ditches and rot, but I was raised better than that lol.

Funny how the same person who's so kind to a pregnant model is the same person telling others to go rot in ditches. But hey, maybe I'll email Bug myself over some ideas I have. At least then she'll know where it's coming from instead poking her head into this toxic dump.

Well, have fun. And also thanks for the script idea, I'm make sure to see she'll have at least one that isn't cringe lol.
I hear that some preggo girls develop a condition where they poop endlessly. It's intriguing for a white knight such as myself that loves liking his wife's anus daily. I'm such a cuck for large milky breasts.
>>1781 Your brain's garbage. Do the world a favor and keep your "great ideas" to yourself and not imposing them.
actually bro, I was trying to take it from your side. I'm willing to admit I was wrong if that is the case. but you can take it that way if you like.

how is any of what I've posted white-knighting? I'm just trying to not overburden her. I've spoken to many ladies, as I said. maybe she's different. I could be wrong so I asked her instead of continuing to assume.

oh wait. we can't tell what anon is what here can we?
Nobody wants this garbage my guy. You incels need to touch grass
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Nobody cares for Onlyfans. The models have a backstory of a cliched supervillain. Some of us normies just want to chill and have interests outside of this garbage. Judging by that slap fight between DocGyara and ClaraPreggs, it seems preg is lesbian vs transgender over trivial nonsense. OnlyFans may boast adult content, but normies like me want to spend our money on other stuff like Super Mario.
No way, you guys are incels
Stop simping for femcels. She needs to be locked up in the mental health facilities like Chris Chan
I think she's faking autism since real autistics like Madthad and ChrisChan would be sent to prison with probation. There's also a parole officers and courts to make sure they are not violating parole. We have three people at my job with disabilities and they can't do shit without social worker supervision. That's lucky if you're up north, down south they'll just abduct autistics and put them in teen-adult camps with the heroin dealers, opium smokers, and fentanyl users
self diagnosed autism? that sounds still autism, right??
No. You don't self diagnose. Only medical professionals can.
>>1794 I want a second opinion.
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well, good morning to you too lol i feel like i’m missing some very big pieces to this conversation or context…

first off you can believe or disbelieve i’m autistic it really doesn’t matter to me it’s fine but this is a place to design and share porn though not debate disabilities and human rights. like i get you are a troll but just look at some boobies.

I will say though i looked up femcels definition as i am too elderly and having of a life to be fully with the internet speak of the day and i doubted that i knew it but i did…and dude how the fuck are you going to call a chick on her third pregnancy a femcel lmfao there is so much good material if you are going to try and get a rise out of me no need to try and throw out random words and hope they stick.

but also why would i be arrested or on probation r whatever for being a horny little housewife who can’t touch velvet or read social cues

im hardly an expert here but feel like a veryincel thing to do would be to see a girl asking specifically how she can satisfy your sexual needs and giving out free porn and your instinct being to drive her away because???
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I live in a state where we apprehend autistics for commandeering the bus or subway just to LARP as a transit worker.
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Also there's no such thing as trolls on the internet. I don't care for the slap fight between Gamergate, radical feminists, and strippers. I already have a girlboss pastors or bosses and they fucking hate influencers from Onlyfans.
I’m a chump that will 110% buy any outgrown outfits videos and anything belly related. Don’t count us out!
How? It's Spring Break. Families are spending their money on vacations.
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I thought we were discussing video ideas. bug do you still have this? please do a dancing video in this when you're much bigger. also, please get your belly and above, including your face in the videos. that should fix the camera issue.
I don't know my guy. It's Spring Break. Everyone's too boozed up on IPAs to care about porn.
Aspies have been suing and boycotting each other over Bud light, NCAA, TikTok, schools lately.
Asking coomers for video ideas is like asking a thief for tips on home security.

You know they'll give you terrible ideas and will end up stealing from you afterwards.
bug, kinda off topic but have you ever considered camming? I feel like you'd get a lot of people in your room if you were on a cam site like streamate or chaturbate.

You do realize how shit the pay is for cam sites? The site takes a 50% pay cut. Why do you think the majortiy of camgirls are Colombians? They're realistically the only ones who can make money off the site.

Not to mention most people aren't going to tip, so she'll be sitting there for hours wasting time looking at dicks and answering to horn dogs.
33%. I was told they make 33%. I know of some models that charge around $10/min so $3/min aint half bad for a side hustle but I see what you're saying. shed have to commit to a regular schedule each night just so people know when to find her and that might not be an option.
I unironically have no idea how people watch shit like camshows they're so boring, it's usually just a chick sitting around for 20/30 minutes to an hour doing nothing or maybe playing with herself and like you said, they more often than not aren't making as much as the probably would be if they were putting out regular vids
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yeah sorry that’s not my thing i’m really bad at direct visual communication and also i’m a 24/7 on call mom and my partners and i room share with our youngest baby so the best i can do is record what i can at nap time lol so live isn’t an option on so many levels i like selling videos i’ve already made because if life gets the best of me besides some social media management and customer service stuff it’s fairly passive income

all the women i’ve personally known closely who have done camming had really hard times even the super gorgeous ones making tons of cash were over extended and ended up sick
I'm surprised this thread died.

thanks for that response bug. I was thinking you were pretty busy which is why I tried to move away from scripts. you just don't have the time for it. it would be nice to see you role-play a few things, maybe someone could hold the camera while you role-play a date? something like someone managed to nab a date with the pregnant hooters waitress? wed have to get you that outfit first though.

Dude, respond to her on one of her sites instead of here. You'll get a faster response since she actually visits them more often.
wym? she’s autistic

Don't mention that in front of him. He's her biggest white knight and will sperg out to defend her from criticism.

All in hopes that she'll his stupid little scripts one day.
I wasn't any sort of white knight. I was actually one of the ones mad at her. I wanted her to do a burping video. she was nice enough to come here and respond. I apologized. some other anon talked about quality over quantity and giving scripts. i said she doesn't have the time for that but hey, I could be wrong, and asked her if she did. I assumed that even if she did do a script it would be very short, ten minutes tops. that is it.

I dont see what her being autistic has to do with anything.

He's talking about the ass kisser who wrote those long ass paragraphs and was arguing with that Musikal guy last week, not you.
so defensive… was that guy you??? :0
sorry i’m just a bit overwhelmed with keeping up with so much social media, i am keeping twitter up to do date but once i have my shit straight i’ll start a new thread on here since this one is super long on weird arguments and light on pictures lmfao
Stick to this thread until it hits the bump limit. When I have more time, I'll clean out the arguments and crap
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Hey bug, if you see this message, would you be willing to recreate the video this image is from?
I don't know what's come over me. I suddenly have the most peculiar urge to buy a whiteboard.
Had to ask lol. It was one of my favorites of your vids from your original pregnancy. It was just a cute masturbation video you did while you were 7 months
shes got a few burping clips available for all that are into that.
Awesome! Thanks bug. Love seeing your videos.
Omg 😍. Your amazing bug thanks.

Not sure why you feel the need to advertise here when 99.9% of users don't even pay for porn.
Maybe, but hey the ones who are willing may very well be around here
i already have the screenshots and it’s a quick way to share the sample photos with the titles included just in case, i get a surprising amount of emails just to ask if something is from a video and which video

and yeah most of my more invested “fans” found me on these websites, the best customers pay me because they enjoy supporting and encouraging the people they are attracted to to make content or just value their own time even if they have the option to fap to scraps that make it on torrent sites
the historical tradition on bbw for self promotion is

`tits or get the fuck out`

but since this is /preg/

I think bump is enough :D

In other words, why advertise here? because as long as she's delivering on free previews AKA content for the chan, she's traditionally allowed to do so (I'm not a mod though)

"Free previews"

Yeah, screenshots from her twitter is her delivering. That's like me driving a homeless person with no money to the grocery store. I could've went to her Twitter on my own if I'm still expecting to pay at the end.

It's not like it'll kill her to do a minute long teaser.
i swear some people just live to complain my god lol.

it wouldn’t kill you to pay 5-10$ on a video that you would get tons of mileage on but no one’s giving you shit about it. Also, my pornhub HAS free videos that are mostly a lot longer than a minute with more to come and are linked up thread which would be easier to find if there was less whining.

You are acting like it’s behind a paywall I just don’t feel like posting 200 videos worth of ads on here that i already formatted somewhere else. I’m not getting paid and sexual attention from strangers does nothing for me so while i’m weirdly happy to share i’m not overly motivated to use maximum effort. You are more than welcome to follow my twitter and enjoy all the images that are still completely free over there.
the tits or get the fuck out rule predates the existence of all social media especially twitter

and since I'm not a mod I don't have a clue how that rule would be updated for 2023 :P

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