
(1.9 MB, 1920x1080, HS2_2021-11-30-11-03-10-976.png)
Plain and simple. Honey Select is a very versatile game when you've got the mods. If you've got it, post some of your favorite cards related to Inflation, Expansion, Hyper, Pregnancy, etc.

FYI: Cards are used to import custom characters into the game.
>>222 (OP)
Oh, I see you are a man of culture as well. TBH, one can share scenes as well, as larger models require specific posing to look realistic. I could post my BM stuff here, if someone is interested.

I haven't experimented with anything past character creation yet, so by all mean share anything related to HS2 that you'd like!
>>222 (OP)
What are the mods for weight gain, inflation, expansion and hyper pregnancy?
I'm interested.

Look for the most recent Modded version of the game for download. It should already come with all the mods you need preloaded.
Out of curiosity, what would be the most recent modded version of the game? Been checking download links, but most of them seem sketchy.

Better Repack R6 is what I'm current using. That was the last update unless there's one I don't know about.
I hope this isn't a dumb question, but I'm new to this sort of thing.Does Better repack require a pre existing version of the game or does it include the full game?

Nope. Or at least if you download the whole torrent or file it shouldn't. There's a lot of GB to it. I think mine around 80GB of files for the whole modded game.

Hey, call me a dumbass but how exactly do I use this betterepack thing? I got a bunch of files from the download and now I dont know what to do with em, I got a bunch of numbered files and like one winrar file.
Cmon lads anyone have some characters to share? I'm not too sure how the whole sharing thing works myself

We share them with Cards. I have a few posted here already. If you're looking to install them you need to go into the main folder of the game. Here's the file path once you're in it.


You save or copy them to your Female folder.
Alright thank you for that, I downloaded the characters you posted here and moved them to that folder but I dont see them in the character cards in game.

Ayo, since I'm having trouble getting the cards to show up in game when I put them in the game files I gotta ask, are they made for Honey select 1 or 2?
Hey Spoons, I downloaded the character cards you uploaded but no matter what I try I cant get them to show up in game, got a discord link to the cards or something because I gotta say, they're pretty well done and I haven't quite been able to replicate what you were able to make with yours.
Yeah pretty sure OP gave us a bunch of broken uploads, non of them work for me either

Hey guys. Sorry, back injury took me out for a while. Anyway I've posted these on the Illusionsoft discord and they seemed to work just fine for others. I'm not sure what the problem is. I'll see about reposting them again tomorrow. There shouldn't be an issue.

Here's a link to Illusion Booru. Try downloading some other cards under the Honey Select 2 tag. See if they work or not. https://illusioncards.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list

Also, make sure you're using the modded version of Honey Select 2. Otherwise it might not work. I will add that Honey Select 2, especially when modded, can be temperamental.
Oh damn, I hope you get better man that sucks, I tried downloading the images a plethora of ways from here and even got a guy on that same server to help see what the issue was and we both figured it was some issue with the actual website/upload after I gave him the link to this thread, maybe it just deletes the actual data while only keeping the name and image, if you've uploaded them on the discord before then think you could give us a name or word to search for? Scrolling can only go so far especially when things are uploaded so often

ZacoraSharp#5036 should show any of my content on the Discord group. Sorry it didn't work on here. Pretty annoying that the cards just, don't.

Additional. I haven't posted the first few cards that are in this thread in that Discord. I wasn't up for ridicule posting that kind of content.
thats fair, but honestly I know firsthand there is def a market for that, I honestly think you'd be good posting them, but hey thats just my two cents, they're your characters in the end
Also, the card works perfectly from discord, I guess its just something with the site lmao

Good to know! I guess I could post these there. Or maybe make a Google Drive to store them on. I'm sure there's a market for them on Discord but I'd feel more comfortable.if they had an "Alternative" HS2 card section.
Honestly I gotta agree with ya there, but I do think a google drive could work well...assuming it handles the files better than the ol' chan here lmao

if this content is not getting dmca'd 24/7 365 then a google drive link would work great for it, google drive is quite reliable filehosting (unless it's content being heavily dmca targeted then google's fast response time to such matters makes it worthless)
good point, but since its just homemade character cards for some porn game I can't see why there would be any targets on it

Well alright then. Tomorrow I'm going to start putting out HS2 content on Google Drive.
LETS FUCKING GOOOO we can pitch some in too, maybe that could be the card sharing thing this threat was built for

I've got some ready to go but I'm having an issue with the Pregnancy+ mod. The bellies aren't saving or morphing correctly. I'll post them when their fixed. Sorry
All good man, you could honestly post the drive link as is and I could post some of mine if you wanna make it a collective thing

I would just like to add that the Pregnancy+ mod is very finicky. Especially with bigger sizes.

You may have to tweek things.

a lot of these are honey select https://pregchan.com/d/res/104493.html

I do wonder though what mods specifically these people are using, is pregnancy+ the only mod around or are there competing ones?

Pregnancy+ is all that I'm aware of. There's also morphers in the accessories section in HS2 but I haven't played with them. It's a shame we don't have more mods but there's very few people in the HS community that are into it.
So uhhhhh about those others?

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