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This model is postpartum - any idea? I've struck out elsewhere. I know this likely appeals more the inflation/ruined aesthetic people than preg, but I'm just hopeful someone here has an idea - ALSO hope there is pregnant content with her.

FFS, this is the third thread on here for this woman. Give it a rest already with the duplicates.

>>Great news: She's pregnant. Again.

She's honestly meh at best. Headless torso doesn't do it for me, especially when it makes her previous two pregnancies blend together. I have no doubt that pregnancy #3 is going to be as mid as the first two.
this is what turned me all the way off of her. she did show her face the few times she was on chaturbate and she was very nice when I spoke with her on onlyfans but I also don't like these headless torso shots. i don't understand why she keeps flaunting her belly and not showing her face. if she never did it id get it. some women are like that. but she has and still does show it once in awhile. it doesn't make sense to me. and her other content really isn't very good.
You two are fucking idiots she doesn't show face probably because she wants a bit of privacy or doesn't want the kids to know it's her in the future or I dunno IT'S FUCKING PREGNANT CONTENT, why the fuck would you focus on the face? I bet you ignoramuses would complain about swollen vagina content creator not showing the dicks she takes in it, holy shit i've never seen a more stupid comment today.
I see you didn't read.

she does show her face. she shows her face in other content and she always shows her face on chaturbate. she logged on many times during her last pregnancy with her man and showed everything so if any of those are her concern she's already thrown that out the window.
and you’re clearly a retarded spazz, she literary shows her face on the regular. If you request a custom, it’s a toss up on whether she will show her face…. Doesn’t block when masturbating, blocks when ironing .. wtffff

Lmao, did I struck a nerve? You preggophiles are so touchy that you can't handle your queen getting criticised.

Her pregnancies are mid and you'll accept it.
>>1888 No, but gayness is often found to be irratable by most, especially the flaunting kind of gayness.

Mispelling words is also found to be "irritable' by most. But at least gay people can spell and not look like they ride the short bus and eat animal crackers at lunch.

>at least gay people can spell
>I would ratherbe gay than retarded
Now I know you're a bot.

And you're retarded.

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