
(48 KB, 854x480, crystal Preg.jpg)
Dang! Just found out that the owner of overinflated EE Tits and an ass to match, Cry$tal Lu$t was preggo last year. Guys, she blew up according to the pics that I could find. I want to see HOW FAT THAT ASS GOT!

Does anyone have any vids of her Preggo?
>>1640 (OP)

You know she wasn't pregnant right? That bump is fake. Also her areolas not darkining was a huge giveaway.

I swear, you people are easily tricked.....
(3.3 MB, 373x498, insane-cat.gif)
>charging $30 a month AND an additional $20 per video because those aren't considered a part of her sub
I swear to Christ Of shouldn't allow people to double dip
Thank you! Exactly what I was looking for!

Isn't this a reup from Preggophilia that you stole from?
audacity to say anon "stole" a post from another board...when you're on a board for stolen content...

"stolen content"?

Nigga, most of the people here don't even share the stolen content. They're too busy arguing and shit posting. Just go look at DiscoKitten's thread for proof.
(26 KB, 600x315, of2kSFCP9LYW8O9NjKZG2MANKsrOICOt1R8Fv7DYIEM.jpg)
>Artists complaining about stolen content while supporting BLM looting from retailers.

Nobody tells OF that people have been using Livewire, E-Mule, Rapidshare, and the Pirate Bay because cable sucks. They should be grateful we're not in the area of 1.44MB and dial up.

>>Nobody tells OF


Proof-read before making a comment next time dumbass.
Nobody cares tourist

You cared enough to respond clown 🤡

Sure thing clown.

And you're a retard for responding to a 2 and a half month old comment.

Even a nigger is smarter than you.
Yeah and I bet you refresh this page faggot hoping for a response lmao
You just gave him a response

Yup, dumber than a nigger.
Man, no better evidence how dead this board is when the 3rd thread down contains nothing more

- 2 pictures of a freak with lips the size of fuckin' Texas cosplaying as pregnant

- 14 comments (literally 2/3 of the thread) featuring a holy race war that's lasted from March to July
This is what the preg community wanted, a gated community. Kisame isn't coming back to entertain senior citizens

That's because 99% of people flocked to Preggophilia. At least there the Child P*rn isn't a weekly occurance.
That's what happens when the vast majority of other site are a shit show, this board is dead and Pregchan being down for as long as it was did a number on that place and it's basically dead outside /d/ which leaves Preggophilia a place I really can't stand because of the ESLs and Autism

I asked for /preg/ to be created, then took a compromise and got a sticky thread on /gen/ instead. Then for a year or two I posted in my thread constantly trying to revive interest in /preg/ ...

I got my wish, then I decided I didn't need to work so hard to get my wish anymore. But maybe it turns out, that /preg/ wasn't wise, and I was wrong to ask for it.

>Preggophilia a place I really can't stand because of the ESLs and Autism

Not including the Pedo site owner who will go out of his way to damage control anytime someone calls him out for lusting over pregnant 14 year olds.
Wander Franco runs that site?
It's fucking INSANE there's just a section for underage shit on the fucking front page, like yeah "There's no nudity" but we all know what people are coming to the site for, how that has lasted as long as it has on that site astounds me

>>which leaves Preggophilia a place I really can't stand because of the ESLs and Autism

The site is legit ran by an ESL. Than Andy guy's from India and has the Admin wrapped around his finger just because he has an upstore account.

It is hilarous seeing him screech in broken english since so many people there can't read.
Nobody cares because pregnancy artists are so unpleasant that potential clients don't want to commission them. Preggophilia is just pure cringe.
/d/ doesn't like preg because most of it is made by American Artists. Japan hates preg and see it like body horror or a chance to challenge themselves

Pregnancy artists don't even go on Preggophilia for commissions.

>>Japan hates preg and see it like body horror or a chance to challenge themselves

So a pregnant belly crosses the line, yet tentacles and underage school girls doesn't?
Only Visual Kei band, Demons Kings, Sports, Dragons, and Orcs are willing to impregnate women. Goku from Dragonball started the trend of heroes getting married and having a child, followed by his rival Vegeta and friend Krillin. It's more Toriyama's editor wanted Bulma to marry Goku, but he chose ChiChi at the end of Budokai. Relationships are complicated. Even Yamato and Sora from Digimon are controversial cause the writer wants to subvert the hero marrying the heroine.
Another problem is that Japanese Women demand a tall and successful man who operates a business whiles being wealthy and educated. Unfortunately, Demons are tall, dark, and handsome.

The average height of a Japanese man is 5 foot 7. And since Japan is xenophobic as hell, a 6 foot 5 business man are rarer than black people over there.
That's a fake belly
fake everything, this girl is mostly plastic
Japanese women want to fuck Japanese Men like Shohei Othani. It's the same reason the 6'2 Yamcha and Tien are considered chads
Yamcha was gettin that Bulma pussy tho

Lmao, Yamcha got cucked by a manlet.
>yamcha getting absolutely fucked up by a seed
lol, ok

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