

Do do know that's yoga ball underneath there, right?
Isn't Thiccpreg a guy crossdressing or something?
I'm not risking it. Hard to tell what has/had a peen these days.
Who is pic number 2? Why dose it say c-ham?
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Honestly because of CURRENT YEAR there's been an increase in dudes larping to the point that unless it is explicitly verifiably a woman, I've completely stopped with fake/pretend pregnancy....well that and the fact half the time the bellies aren't even that convincing
>>1257 (OP)
sorry but still kinda wondering where the source for those is from
Tiktok man. Nothing else.. she popped a while a go and didnt make any sort of content. That was her hottest vid, just dancing.
Its still an impressive belly though
yeah alright, but what's the NAME of her tho?
I cropped the video myself..it was a lot bigger, she had glasses and black hair.
Dunno her username neither care if you belive or not.
I originali found it on tiktok big belly comp vids like a year ago.. can be found on youtube or tumblr fyi

Likewise, body proportions is a dead giveaway. Chubbyvanessa is a good example, broad shoulders, man hands, clown feet, and never films from above the chest. Not to mentions deletes/threatens anyone who calls them out.
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I think it's wild how accepting everyone just is about this type of stuff, I remember when get outed as being a dude larping pretty much resulted in that person getting sent to oblivion but nowadays everyone just acts like it's normal and not a shitty thing to do, like I guess I don't have problems with it if they're upfront about it but a lot of them aren't or in the case of Thiccpreg only got honest (I think he's claiming to be Non-binary or something now) about it after someone exposes them

Nah, people just dumber now and can't tell apart what's real skin and what's silicon. And when someone does call them out for larping over a guy, they either deny it or have a rage fit.
Thiccpreg's tits look pretty real to me, tho.


Plus, if you can't tell, it doesn't matter.
thiccpreg is a ftm, looks like they stopped their transition. zi got em b4 they were still “regular.” sometime later they wore binders snd blah blah. Tits real, idk if still transitioning but they were originally a woman. They used to only make bloating and stuffings. 2016 or 2017
Their alt i believe is thiccboy feedee
need a name for the 3rd chick god damn

Strongly agreed. Have you ever seen the video where she does WG play/pregnancy weight complaints with another model? Someone posted a screenshot of it on here a LOOOONG time ago, and I've always wanted that video.

Too bad she's lazy and didn't do many good videos. Yeah she had a meal video, but with a body like that, I expected her to go full-blown stuffer 31 and slam down two cakes and a pint of mountain dew.

>>She was literally raking in at least 50k a month, she HAD THE ABILITY.
Yeah once you notice it. it's really fucking hard to tune it out mentally

What's wrong with them?
ok but is there more of her? what's the link to the comp?
(30 KB, 400x400, 4BkK6UJM_400x400.jpg)

>>>>She was literally raking in at least 50k a month, she HAD THE ABILITY.

Especially when she went out and got that ugly ass neck tattoo.

ALMOST as bad as Cody Rhodes'. ALMOST.
her problem with her second to last pregnancy was that she was sick. she told people off about that on preggophilia. I don't know what her problem was last pregnancy. that video is part of a two part series for some Demetrius fellow. she did the same series in her prior pregnancy. I think that was done right before her labor. I could be wrong but it just seemed like she didn't want to be bothered with doing many videos and still doesn't. I don't really see her doing any sort of stuffer videos because she doesn't appear to like her weight. tbh its hard to tell what she wants to do and I really don't think she knows herself.
if you look at her current videos she's only gotten bigger. I remember a year or two ago she complained on twitter that no one supports bbws then she started to talk about losing weight. I said whatever, thats her body and her choice. she never cams and I don't like any of her videos so support isn't an option for me. she came back even bigger than ever and now she's doing all these tiktoks about how fat she is and how big her breasts are but she won't touch any of these in a video.
think about this. years ago she used to cosplay Velma. how about a current Velma where she obviously let herself go? I don't know, she married shaggy and hanging out with him went to her hips. the same for misty. misty married brock, remember he was a chef? simple ideas but she doesn't do anything like that. its one thing to do a tiktok but an actual video? no. she posted online that these videos are fantasy and do not show her actual opinion so I'm thinking we can be sure she actually wants to lose weight or take the fat and have it removed just as she said years ago.
tbh I don't mind her teeth. I mind the lack of videos. the ones she does put out aren't very good and then she goes long periods of time without any others.
and the tats. she's gotten even more tats since then. the teeth are fine. I'm not really paying attention to the teeth. Im there for that huge belly and her burping. whats frustrating is all those tats she's getting, her lack of videos and her new obsession with sex videos. I don't care who she's having sex with but I wouldn't mind an outgrown clothing video, work out video, even another thic-fil-a part 2 where she was so stuffed she couldn't stop burping. thats what I want to see. if she's so bent on sex what about a video where she gets stuffed and then has sex? but instead we get nothing.
I honestly think her content sucks beyond her pregnancy stuff, she's fat but like not in an attractive way...if that makes sense? her body is like awkward looking fat and it feels like she's only "in the fetish' because she's legit too lazy to lose the weight and is now kinda stuck making stuff like this

At the very least, I can make out what Cody's tattoo is. I don't know wtf is that supposed to be on her neck. A bunch of rats or something. Also that shoulder tattoo that looks Barney jizz.


>>her problem with her second to last pregnancy was that she was sick. she told people off about that on preggophilia. I don't know what her problem was last pregnancy.

I'd always assumed it was her housing situation as she recorded most of her second and a bit of her 3rd pregnancy in a camper/RV. And it looked like she was living in it for quite some time.


It's the flabby skin/celliulite from the pregnancy. She never really plumped back up after popping. Her gut is bascially just hanging off her at this point.
I think she looks good but I also understand that we have different tastes. I know what you're saying though. I also believe she's only into this fetish because she can't be bothered to lose the weight. I have seen her complain it online many times before though. IIRC one time she was talking about getting liposuction and at some point last year she was talking about breast implants. the last thing she needs is breast implants. her breasts are huge and beautiful as is. its those trashy tattoos that are taking from her beauty, her attitude and her prices. AFAIK she raised her prices t $20/min back during her latest pregnancy. she raised them for the last few weeks before she gave birth and it looks like she never dropped them. she barely produces any content and most of her twitter is complaining. why would I support her? and I say this as a fan. I want to give her my money but she's giving me every reason not to. I looked at her manyvids recently and she's charging $20/min with a 3-4wk turnaround. thats $200 and ill see my 10min video in a month. thats way too long for that price when I can get customs from other models far cheaper and faster.
>I'd always assumed it was her housing situation as she recorded most of her second and a bit of her 3rd pregnancy in a camper/RV. And it looked like she was living in it for quite some time.
about that, she claimed she was engaged and they had moved out of the house due to renovations. I almost feel bad for her because she was so proud that someone had proposed to her and then it all fell apart. she doesn't talk about any of that any more. maybe it was the stress of her life at that point that caused her to film so few videos and raise her prices to that amount. I understand cashing in for the last few weeks of pregnancy. I mean, she was huge and were sitting here right now discussing how it was a missed opportunity, but I also think some models overestimate just how much people are willing to pay.
and I think she's well aware she messed up because we have that swolledupjessie onlyfans which has her wearing a huge fake belly and older pregnancy content. she has to know there was interest and there still is but she said that if she got pregnant again shed never release any pregnancy content due to content sharing.
I also read that she has mental issues such as bipolar so that could be another reason why she doesn't really release content.
>It's the flabby skin/celliulite from the pregnancy. >She never really plumped back up after popping. >Her gut is bascially just hanging off her at this point.
you think so? to me it looks as if she really just said forget it all and leaned into being fat. shed make a killing at someplace like curvage just dropping videos weekly but she isn't into this fetish. thats why she went online and said that the videos do not represent her opinions and they are just fantasy. why did she need to say that? who cares? let people believe the fantasy. the truth is she's clearly blown up even more since she had her children so why not cash in on that girth? and the crazy thing is every single time I see her she's even bigger. look at her profile and it really does seem like she's actively gaining. maybe not on purpose but she's piling it on. plus her tiktoks are nothing but her talking about how big her breasts are. she should take that and make videos out of it. as I just said, she could've cashed in around halloween with that huge velma craze and cosplayed as a married velma who let herself go. shed explode out of her old velma costume and that'd be three kinks right there, outgrown clothing, stuffing, and burping. for some reason she just doesn't want to be bothered. thats fine. its her life. I just cant understand why she doesn't want to be bothered then she gets mad when people don't buy her videos.
> maybe it was the stress of her life at that point that caused her to film so few videos and raise her prices to that amount.

Pregnancy, engagement, and house renovations all at the same time. Either it was all poor planning or she was rushing to get a man who'll take care of her and her three kids. Especially when none of the baby daddies wanted to put a ring on her.
>>1397 Holy shit dude wtf? That is fucked. America's gay.

It's less about America and more about her not being able to keep a man down long-term. Like seriously, she has three kids and not once has gone past the engagement stage. You don't get to that point and not have self-issues.
>>1399 I am sure us a stupid slut and that most likely she loves drugs mire than even dick she would rather be doing drugs of getting a new tattoo... But this conversation is fucked and why America's gay.

At least learn to form a complete sentence before talking shit you gay-faggot ESL.
>>1401 You are repeating some shit somebody else said almost a week ago dickbrains. English is the language of America and America is gay. Ever thought about that?
I dont fault her for that. lets be real for a minute. she can only do this job but so long. she's a single mother of three kids. I have no doubt in my mind that all this faking sex and the like gets to her mentally. I am very sure she wants a man in real life. this isn't to insult her. I wouldn't fault her for it. she has three children. that has got to be hard. she has her career where she is either simulating or having sex. you really think the thought doesn't go through her mind once in awhile? you think she doesn't feel lonely once in awhile? have you seen her attempts to get a boyfriend? putting out those applications? then speaking about how the men who made it didn't stay around? she had men apply to be her boyfriend, she chose them and they never showed up. how bad must she really be?
we also have to recall she is bipolar. I believe she said that before? I have bipolar friends who refuse to date because they admit its a lot to deal with. that may be chasing the men away.
also, I remember she spoke about how she got into porn. she was with a man who threw her out and all she had was her laptop. I think she had already had her daughter then? you think that wouldn't damage her mentally?
thats the thing about this. I know were supposed to just look at these women and fap but most of them are seriously damaged mentally. look at their twitters. listen to them talk. these are some hurt people just trying to make some money. this isn't saying its fine that they don't do the job. no, I think a lot of them need to seek therapy instead of taking this job but nobody asked what I think.
I seriously doubt she's on drugs. if there are any drugs at all they are legit and prescribed.

I think you're gay since you keep bring up dicks. Don't worry, pride month will happen soon. Until then, keep the self-hate homophobia to a minimum, okay?

>>I am very sure she wants a man in real life. this isn't to insult her.

>>she had men apply to be her boyfriend, she chose them and they never showed up.

No wonder she's still single. It's not a hiring process at a job. If she's expecting applications, then she either has bad taste in men, or nobody's ever taught her how relationships work.
To be fair, i have heard of this with models before however I don't think Jessie is anywhere near that tier of renown to be pulling shit like that so it didn't work made worse by the fact she's a single mother of three that i'm willing to wager don't shared the same father which is like the ultimate redflag, she comes off high maintenance when i don't really think she's in a position to be so
Jessie's Jewish, but you're not supposed to know that. Sometimes they're Jewish. Sometimes they're Indian. Sometimes they're white, but usually they are black or latino, and they're always middle class/lower class.

They go by many names but I first heard of them as "Mob". They think they're very cute and clever. (They're dumb as bricks.)
Legit question, but does anyone know a software that can REMOVE text from a video? I have a bunch of TikTok videos that would be a lot better without the cringe captioning. I've already started muting the audio to get rid of the annoying robotic voice.
it was a huge thing on her twitter and I think she talked about it on cam. I should've grabbed an app just to see what she was looking for. id assume a man with a high paying job. she don't want no scrub. I may be wrong but she may also be on dating sites? but the thing about this job, her career choice, is that no man will be fine with this. sooner or later they will put their foot down and make her quit. I get the feeling that there are a lot of reasons why she doesn't do videos, including being lazy. there are reasons why she doesn't have a man, including her mental illness and possibly also being lazy. if she's at three children with three different men, one of which had a ring on her finger when she was pregnant which she no longer wants to discuss, she needs to really sit down and think about what she's doing. but a lot of people don't have that in them. everything is everyone elses fault.
I can understand putting out apps but being a porn star she should know most people are only trying to smash. I seriously doubt anyone is really in this to get to know her for who she is and provide for her children. she aint going to find that kinda man online and if she does he's very questionable. saying that she did, chances are he's cutting this off and she's done with this "career". I don't know that this would be an issue for her as she seems to pride herself on being strong and independent yet her websites and videos show she isn't very reliable. I was on her of years ago and dropped it because of lack of content. I have yet to go back.
she may have also told them some things that chased them away as well. who knows?
thats what I'm saying. she's bringing a lot to any mans table. it would take a special kinda man to deal with all of this from the jump and big breasts, a huge belly and sex aint gonna cut it. she's got to have more and Im thinking she has nothing else to offer which is why she keeps losing men.
what video is this?
I think most use a tiktok downloader that already removes the watermark.

im kinda wondering why no one has made a massive tiktok thread with downloads already listed or something. I know of plenty of tiktok threads but who has the time to sift through all the videos. I've learned the hard way that what one may consider "big" may not be big at all. that gets very frustrating when you're looking at about a hundred links. it'd be much easier if it were the actual video in a zip or something so the person can just scroll and delete whatever they don't want.

Some random video I found on preggophilia. I'm sure the original link is long gone.

>>im kinda wondering why no one has made a massive tiktok thread with downloads already listed or something.

Too much time and effort especally when links get shut down almost immedietly since people are too stupid and are stil using MEGA to share content.
see thats what I'm talking about. on preggophilia they have that tiktok thread and this has already been brought up. people like a bunch of videos with no description or anything. no one knows whats what and its just a mess. I appreciate the threads where some attempt to describe the videos but even that isn't very good. they'll say "massive bump" and the belly is barely noticeable. its a minor nitpick but somewhat frustrating when one is trying to sift through all of these videos in these mega posts.

The first one is fake dumbass.

Yup, the first one is a camgirl who uses a fake belly. Name is Stella_Vestal.

You have to be an idiot to not realize that.
speaking of fakes, theres a lady on streamate whom claims to be pregnant. first she started with the name reginagalore. a few months later she was chloegoddess and now she's something like rubyclark? she continuously says she's 5mnths with twins. I don't doubt that she was originally pregnant but Im sure she isn't now. some ladies get wind of that preggo money and start lying about being pregnant.
>some ladies get wind of that preggo money and start lying about being pregnant.

And that's somehow a problem? Or do you expect pornstars to be honest, knowing that you're being a hypocrite when you know the pregnancy community are full of lying-ass pirates.

I don't get why people can't just fuck off and leave these women alone. Their fans don't care if the belly is fake, so why should you? It's not hurting you.

Agreed. You're all pathetic.

Nice B8, M8, I R8 0/8.

Why are you such a good whore, thou?

Such a good little slut
Again.. tiktok. Don't spect to find content on these girls. They just upload her pregnancy journey and we are the ones capturing the best part. Theres nothing more.
Those two are on YouTube, guaranteed. Just look up for tikok pregnant bump compilations.
More posting, less asking.
natalybbwmilk on chaturbate

geeannewills on tiktok
yeah I mean more preg bump jiggle, not her username. Thanks though
Heres all her links though.
A bit pricey but one of the biggest bumps I've found yet.
Anyone know girls this big or even bigger?
(Vannah Cream, Jessie Minx, Bustymara...)
yeah....god-tier belly but jeez her face brings things down immensly
Oof men really will fuck anything.
>A bit pricey

A bit pricey my ass. She charged $112 for a 22 minute stuffing video.


Just be glad you didn't sign up to her OF. I've never seen warts ON the asshole. I'm just wondering how many frogs did she suck faces with to end up with so many.

>>And someone still knocked her up

Let's not act like the coomers here wouldn't stoop that low. Also keep in mind that if Amy from 1000lb sisters can get knocked up twice, then any woman can.
lmao why she pregnant again(pornhub)… she’s reading the suggestions here i stg

She had her second kid ages ago. You've been living under a rock?
The bug chick is the only one with a recent pregnancy announcement on PH
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new updates from her, she has great bump-fat ratio imo, awesome belly
Not really a model, she's a friend of a curvage model. So no ID yet.
Theres the clip >>1791
LaurenLush on curvage. She already popped, though.
massive bumps does not mean "woman who happen to be pregnant"
relax they deleted it. this shits almost becoming as bad as tits in retards

this is why i stopped posting shit.
thats the hottest thing Ive seen a pregnant woman do
who is this? this a true BBW+pregnant moment
That's Lilmamakay

Fuck. The logistics of trying to have sex with a twinner like that simultaneously terrifies me and makes me hard as diamonds.

At that point, sex is out of the question unless you want to hurt her or cause early labor. She's already in pain having to lug around that hug sack
Ah, so hot. Surely these Tiktok women showing off their huge pregnant guts have pregnancy/breeding kinks or at least crave the preggophilia attention of others.

Her last video before she popped is a masterpiece. Just sitting on the couch making faces everytime she even moves. Her hairy ass belly button.
care to share it, pal?
These are classic pics. Lots of good fapping has come from them. 🙂

what's her onlyfans username? I'm considering subbing myself but I can't figure it out from this conversation alone :(
It literally says it in the image........

Don't help him. He needs to use his eyes, the blind bastard.
heyy, blind people can cum too jk

I'm still waiting for her to drop that final video.
she did. it was some sort of check up video explaining how she was doing. I was more interested in that burping video she dropped a day or so ago than her final one.

Nope, there's at least one more according to her OF (since I'm subscribed ATM) Coomer hasn't been updated either so I'm not basing it off that.

Hot, nice underbelly. What's with Latina women and huge babies? Seems like every pregnant Latina I see gets fucking huge.
im basing it off curvage.

She just released a new video.
Pics vids
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Interesting, I was missing the front belly pic.

I follow her on social media, this is actually her 2nd pregnancy.

Will post moar soon.
the link will work until dec 8, 2023
wow slash who is she? i wanna go follow too
this might be the best drop in the thread, name tho?
(411 KB, 653x964, 20230914_100821.jpg)
found this huge bump with a belly button, anyone got more like dis? I mean big belly without outie
Helloooo baby! 😍
God, tiktok delivers the fucking hottest pregnant bbws, but it just crushes me knowing I'm not gonna get porn. Fat and pregnant lances immediately to my caveman brain and makes me start carving Neolithic Venus idols with the diamond that is now my dick
if you want to show us her tiktok page why not just link it? you can just type her tiktok username here, it's part of the reason this site exists
Name is in the pics, found it easily.
Google search also exists y'know

Agreed. What honestly is better than a fat and massively pregnant woman. If you don't like this, then surely you are a latent homosexual.
or not into snorlax.. how about you publicly post your fetish if its so great.
>What honestly is better than a fat and massively pregnant woman.

Literally any other pregnant woman? She doesn't even look pregnant if she's already 300+
This girl still looks pregnant, quit whining, post bellies
(56 KB, 431x728, 20230928_010246.jpg)
Not massive but stunning
Anyone know who she is?

Suck dick white knight. Not everyone here wants to fuck butter faced whales.
hey do me a favor and check which site you're on
do me a favor dipshit, look at the section
celesteveles on chaterbate
She will eat food for you on stream she is into feedism and ganing weight
She ain't preggers tho
I desperately want to see someone bigger than her
scroll up a lil then
(39 KB, 555x533, VS.jpg)

She looks like a vienna sausage
Like... You're not wrong lol
All the jobs are easy. They try to keep you in the dark. So u dont become smarter lmao im ahead of the mother fucking GAMETIME!!!
He may be gay. But when your not home trust & believe he have some inhouse puuuusssyyyyyy




Got taken down, sadly
It's not getting late stop making excuses. Its the weekend
Damn her husband copyright strikes it lol anyone saved it?

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