
She's randomly and constantly deleting her stuff
So I thought it would be a good idea to create this board to archive every post
>>99919 (OP)
That's a man you fucking faggot.
I've actually talked to her no she isn't lmao
It's 2023, people lie about their sex for attention all the time.
Yeah, he's a man. Ironically his photo is also the logo picture of the Female Belly Expansion subreddit.
How does talking to someone on an anonymous website where people commonly pretend to be women make you sure they aren’t a man? Did they send you pics of their vagina? Did they show their neck to prove there’s no Adam’s Apple? Notice how none of his photos ever have any easily identifiable ways of seeing if they’re a man or woman (no pics of neck, rare pics of hands, no pics of below crotch area).
Don't care, the inflation's still cute
Lord have mercy for Americans (in case you are)
They know nothing about basic differences between a man's body anatomy from a woman's

It doesn't matter if she identify herself as "non binary" or some shit like that, you can easily tell it's a woman
Yeah? Prove it you dumb eurocuck.
In her reddit, she has confirmed she's a female, but like I said, she's always deleting her stuff
And also you can easily tell it's a woman by her hips, waist and the curve on her spine

Oh, and I'm not european lol
It's a joke because all inflation fags are girls.
Man or not, IDK.
All I know is I think this huge explosion of crossdressers, femboys, bustyboy OCs and trans people all have given me a weird "super straight-ed-ness" where I can't fap to something until I see a clear label/tag that says they're "she/her" and "female". I can't even get it up when I know a character in art is female but the artist misclicked the tag to say the default "n/a" or "none" or whatever.

Free thread bump.
Anybody posting on the belly inflation stuff and never posts a video or any picture waist down / neck up is a man. End of thread.
Fitting, as most of the posts there are from men.
(53 KB, 1080x810, bloating-the-night-away-v0-t2cjwikqm7ob1.jpg)
There's armpit hair in the fourth picture and I've met a guy with the same room and chair on dating sites. He's "female" online but refuses to shave his pits legs and face because he's afraid to come out of the closet. He isn't on hormones either.

I don't care what you all fap to, and if you are attracted to trans people that's fine, but this is very literally a man pretending to be a woman.
That's clearly a man torso, any of you who refuses to see it are just straight lying yourself lol
Don't want to sound accusatory, but this happened to me a long time ago. If the only thing keeping you from being attracted to a guy even somewhat, is how you or someone else would perceive yourself for doing so, you're probably bisexual. Society's ingrained it into men so absolutely fucking hard that gay = bad that it's stopping people from exploring who they really are and it's sad to see. I'd recommend thinking about this a while, because accepting yourself and unlearning the hatred feels like a massive weight off your chest, trust me. Best
I hate you dirty faggots who try and pretend like everyone is a closeted homosexual. I don’t like men and I certainly don’t want a dick in my ass, so shut the fuck up and get off your high horse.
Bruh, I'm not bi or gay, is this some kind of copypasta?
I lived with and around really awesome gay dudes more than once in my life, including a legit drag queen, I'm 100% sure I'm straight.

Besides, "how you or someone else would perceive yourself for doing so" isn't really that big of a thing on the internet, nobody cares who likes guys and who likes girls, especially on anonymous places like this.
Just because you have a history of being unsure doesn't mean other people are like that too.
Sounds a lot like you're grasping straws to defend a scammer there.

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