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Anything counts, but please don't be pity.
>>98768 (OP)
something that pisses me off is when people say "pity" when they mean "petty"
>>98768 (OP)
People conflating inflation and weight gain when they are two different fetishes. It makes each one harder to search for separate.
You do have to remember that autocorrect is a thing could be a mistake or a typo

That I definitely get I do think they're different but there are some crossover stuff too for example what would you consider water inflation or blueberry? It's inflation but the weight of the sloshy water makes it more a kin to weight gain. So there are some categories that kind of are both.
>>98768 (OP)

When threads go off the rail on pedantic shit.

I don't care about anyone's politics here, I just want to get my rocks off and go with having to scroll through a giant tangent about whatever.
New threads with very little potential.
>>98768 (OP)
when I'm reading a good inflation story and they start describing it more as weight gain (like rolls or flab) or if an image is implied to be inflation but the character is clearly just getting flabbier. worse if there's popping. how the fuck do you pop from gaining weight?
When I'm consuming any expansion story and the author adds grotesque body horror.
When a sequence or image looks like suit inflation but the author goes like "Actually it's herself what inflated, not her suit"
I'm not a fan of fart fetishism
It's so gross
>>98768 (OP)
Retarded discussions about fetish artists and their personality problems/ drama.

Entitled requesters that make a bunch of requests/ nitpick when an artist fulfills their request/ immediately asks for more after getting their request fulfilled
I can relate with this so much
>When a requester asks for more after getting their request fulfilled.

Vice versa, too. I'm not very into suit and it's a bit disappointing.
>>98790 when the requests are bad in general and people wonder why draw thread is dead
A disturbing number of posters on this board come off as literally retarded. I don't know if it's an ESL thing or a comorbidity between having a fetish like this and an autism spectrum disorder or what, but it's horrendous.
>being me
>Jerking off at a perfect inflation sequence
>Perfect shape
>Perfect role of inflator and inflatee
>Perfect dialogue
>Sequence is about to end
>Proceeds to end with head inflation with farts

Why well made sequences have to end in such a shitty way?
I have a question. The body inflation fan base is toxic?

Or perhaps someone here does considerate that the fandom of this community is toxic.
So trve...
Jokes aside its a combination of both the latter and the former.
Spherical inflation. Only works as a joke or blueberry. It is lazy and you fucking know it. I can't tell you how many times I've watched videos or sequences where they look great but end up turning into a ball with arms and legs sucked in or sticking out.
>Inb4 turns out this guy likes head Inflation or monobutt
Honestly my biggest gripe are the catfish in the community and the simps that stan for them.

Numerous times i saw these fake photos of people being used to get money from people on patreon/OF etc. sometimes its just a pretty face or the most ridiculous giant impossible breasts that would be a world record in size and people just being so damn thirsty not thinking straight.

A few times I called out the fake people among others, only to be blocked and then harassed by their fans saying i am wrong.

One time I did get a message back from one saying I was right and the catfish admitted to being fake. after taking thousands of dollars from people.

And there are still fake people out there pretending to be something theyre not for personal gain, and horny teens not realising it.
trying to find an scene and see that its only male, or its lost media, or the inflation its dissapointing
True. Something that genuinuely creeps me the fuck out is those deviantart ESL autists that keep making MS paint circle tool inflation art of cartoon characters from kids TV shows.
This is a big one. greedy requests. ppl who double dip when a artist is offering requests and they already got something done by them earlier.

remember that one guy who was pretending to be a girl and got so much free art from all the gullible artists in the community but turned out to be a guy and his wife called him out on deviantrt?
Dating in 2023 as a 25 single male and how society discriminates against single people through taxes (such as inheritance tax)
I'm not into farts and burps but I at least kinda understand it.

Head inflation is just so beyond me, where does that come from? I just don't get it.
>remember that one guy who was pretending to be a girl and got so much free art from all the gullible artists in the community
several things.
Some people tagging their uploads inflation when it's really vore or weight gain.

Character that just can't be pure female or male, no it gotta have a dick and a vag, can you pls choose 1? I get it it's 2023, but I just want cute round girls pls)

Image res for ants

Artists not tagging their uploads, rendering some impossible to find

The Captcha not loading new when the timer reached 0
Inflation sequences result in transformation shit or that retarded uber inflation garbage
Same, another thing that pisses me off is
>neat artist does good stuff
>Scenarios are creative
>Character design is creative
>The majority of the pics are head inflation, farts, and unappealing as fuck shapes

For real I hate when that happens
Inflatable Astaroth. And he didn't just pretend to be a girl. He pretended to be his own wife.

Catfished as his own wife to get people to give him free art. Wife found out and signed onto his account to out him. Wife is actually a talented artist in her own right with no interest in the inflation community.

Weirdly enough, the account is still up, granted he hasn't posted on it for years.

Whoever reported Bubble-Boop and got 800 of his edits taken off DA. Dude never edited one picture of a minor and he didn’t copy and paste heads over 71 or 05 Violet’s blueberry body because he wasn’t a talentless hack. Whoever reported him probably got in trouble for leaking his premium content and he blocked them, so they had to ruin shit for the rest of us. Hope being a snitch was worth it.
My main gripe is lack of originality when it comes to berry stuff. If I have to see "bratty brat get what they deserve" one more time I'm going to scream.
Bratty brat get what they deserve.
I hate to tell you this, anon, but

instant loss is not exclusive to berrykink
Really depends on the area you are with the fandom itself tbh, but if you ask me, the standard part yes, it is toxic
my gripe with TMC's berry videos, it's the same freaking thing over and over and over. same terrible acting, same terrible transitions, they don't even do it right (turn blue, then swell up)
>> Like a cream filled balloon just plop
>Breast expansion/hourglass expansion
>randomly also includes mini-giantess or shrinking/shortstack transformation
Man, I gave seen "shrinking" made in such way that it doesn't look like it, it looks like fucking age down with a character lmao
I get it, I do, but it's so prevalent in berry stuff it's like the humiliation aspect of it comes first and the berry stuff is just a means to an end most of the time.
here's some gripes that aren't just kinkshame 101

>artist says thing so they must be right
>artists who keep stepping in the bullshit and never want to admit guilt when they're wrong
>"artist" has twitter account but never posts art, only retweets political/serious bullshit
>artist who post the shittiest, lowest quality images imaginable just to funnel people to patreon
>artist who will never release full quality pics outside of patreon
>artists and IRL inflators who post amazing teasers but never post the actual content (content dripping so people stay subscribed to the patreon/OF)
>dumbass users pretending to be female/not minor (doesn't happen too often but for a fetish like this it's way too noticeable)
>ESL morons being stereotypically stupid
>terrible lack of archiving classic art/videos/stories

tmc saw how much money they were raking in with the berry shit and basically dropped regular full body inflation instantly, not to mention the overall quality has dropped like a manhole cover over the years
I think at this point we can all agree berryfags are becoming a nuisance, they refuse to play well with others, their big artists hold ridiculous and petty grudges against fetishes they don't like and they are overall disruptive even to fetishes adjacent to them.
Incidentally as someone who likes both Slob and Berry kinks I have always been convinced someone has been desperately trying to falseflag a whole "war" between slob fans and berry inflation fans for the past half a decade if not more, and I couldn't be sure why.

The only reason I know is because I rarely see any actual negative crossposting regarding these two kinks and their interactions together, but I sure see a WHOOOLE lot of "Those darn berry/slobfags are at it again!" even when both kinds of threads on 4chan and BBWchan are just peacefully posting content.
Just feels a little off to me, as all.
I honestly find this "conflict" between spherefags and bellyfags, for real is retarded to argue onto a kink that is literally the same, a body expanding to a unreal size for sexual pleasure, I mean just look how fucked up is the fucking /d/ inflation general thread, last thread didn't lasted very much.
They've been caught red-handed on several occasions. Seiga openly brags about how he shitposted and trolled threads for fetishes he didn't like on Inflatechan over a decade ago and has done nothing to mitigate his bad behavior since how popularity has only increased his already out of control narcissism. Undertaker got caught on /d/ starting shit and blames anyone who dare criticizes him of being a slob terrorist.
this, i'm tired of seeing the same factory/factory tour settings, the same blue track suits and all of that other shit all of the damn time as well.
ive seen people on this thread say about the same, but i wanna chime in: im so fucking tired of berry stuff that sticks too close to wonka shit, and i say this as a berryfag who got the fuckin kink from catcf 2005. i swear to shit, nothing bores me more than artists just straight up copying shit like dialogue, poses, clothes, etc. like i get its a trope and shit, but its been fucking 18 years, 50+ years counting the 71 movie, since this shit started and for that same amount of time people have been ripping that shit off. like theres a specific furry artist who i swear to god just draws over the 05 scene with their shitty bird oc. and dont even get me started with the songs and shit. basically fuck wonka shit, please just be SOMEWHAT original with your kink shit its not that hard
>theres a specific furry artist who i swear to god just draws over the 05 scene with their shitty bird oc
it's that stupid chipchell bitch, there's other berry artists who also base alot of their art around '71 and '05 because they're unoriginal morons
>remember that one guy who was pretending to be a girl and got so much free art from all the gullible artists in the community but turned out to be a guy and his wife called him out on deviantrt?

I just looked that up but completely missed it, thats disturbing.

I also had Fever-Neesan in mind, who was on insta and twitter. They pretended to be a big boobed asian model and was raking in a monthly thousand - two thousand dollars. Barely any face photos though, and the ones that were up looked uncanny. like a male using bad filters.

People who called him out were blocked, and the simps went after the "haters".

Eventually they came clean and left.
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Kisame here. So? My district has the George Santos guy who pretended to be a Jew and a girl while being Republican. His gimmick was better than the Mooch, Bannon, and the theme park owner
I just think the community is just mad that they got molested by the Catholic priest and won't get over it. It's not sodomy if the Lord wills it. I knew Ehlarrah Lifebringer was fake. You don't want to be like Elvira where she comes out as turbo lesbo
Ass inflation/expansion that has twerking or the Prevence Golden Boombox
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Some of the sexiest scenarios for inflationists and he draws all of them with butt ass ugly men, would it kill this guy to draw a female?
You just addressed what pisses most people, I don't get why artists do this kind of shit.
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>Blueberry juice is reddish-purple in color
>For some god forsaken reason, it's depicted as a bright blue in most blueberry inflation art
Am I just autistic? Is everyone but me colorblind? Am I colorblind?
Probably too close to blood.
Plus, blueberries themselves aren't nearly as blue as the artists draw it either, so seeing someone swell up blue and pop purple/red throws people off.
Either way it's dumb, I prefer purple juice and purple-ish blueberries.

>>98768 (OP)
1. Artist's entire personality is being a gay man, that's it, and their favorite character is a "bustyboy", but the character is drawn 100% female with wide hips and narrow shoulders and little/no bulge at all, and has a feminine personality and feminine mannerisms... but the artist swears up and down the character's male and that he's "SOOOO gay for real".
2. Japanese artists lumping their lewd art in with everything else on social media, like burying their art under 100s of Splatoon recordings, pics of the food they ate at a restaurant recently, etc., and their media tab is unusable.
3. Japanese artists on Pixiv dumping art into galleries tagged for everything within the gallery, but the gallery is completely unsorted, ranging from male to inflation to SFW fanart to giantess to male inflation to a few memes about gacha rolls.
4. Western artists spamming social/political stuff whenever something happens. BONUS: it's something stupid.
5. Artists on Twitter who use reaction images and memes a lot, making it harder to find their actual art.
6. Artists on Twitter who mix their really degenerate nasty stuff in with their more tame stuff, like an inflation artist who does scat every now and then.
7. Artists migrating to dumb niche websites because they don't like the "hellsite", then get mad when nobody uses the dumb niche website.
8. Artists migrating to Bluesky, where the only way in is to get lucky or beg for a key.
9. Blueberry art where they quote the Willy Wonka movies word-for-word.
10. Artist changes art styles for the worse, never changes back. Nobody says anything about this because it's "toxic".
>Artists migrating to dumb niche websites because they don't like the "hellsite", then get mad when nobody uses the dumb niche website.
>Artists migrating to Bluesky, where the only way in is to get lucky or beg for a key.

Literally what happened with Pillowfort. What's crazy is that instead of coming back to it, they just create a new account on the new social media instead of revisiting it
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It's a catch 22 because twitter is just an awful site to archive art but nobody is collectively picking a different place to host art, or they're moving to places that are also awful for archiving art.

>>98768 (OP)
I really hate it when artists will draw incredibly lewd faces, scenarios, poses, etc, but refuse to draw nudity. It happens a ton and it sucks when I want to commission an artist for something lewd but they refuse to draw a vagina despite already drawing porn.
Yeah, Pillowfort was the one I had in mind, and the only one of the niche art sites that I started posting my own shit to (though I didn't migrate fully) for a while.
The site had more problems than just that though, like how they had a ton of missing features for a long time, stayed in closed beta for too long, had server issues when they finally opened, then closed back down for way too long due to a security flaw.
Now the site's collapsing, which makes sense since nobody uses it: https://twitter.com/Pillowfort_soc/status/1720473655476470154
>Artists refusing to draw nudity even tho they draw porn

THIS OH NY GOD, for real some artists seem to be scared of nudity for some reason, literally there are some dudes over there who do the detail of s SWOLLEN PUSSY but full nudity is something that they can't do.

As someone who gave Pillowfort an honest shake, I gotta say that this news is giving me some kind of catharsis.

It really did have promise, but coming back again and again to a site that would barely load even the smallest of assets made me lose hope.
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How do we deal with newcomers who make a new threads for literally everything?
Let me post my idea.
>sticky, locked at zero responses, CHECK THE CATALOG BEFORE STARTING A NEW THREAD, board-related sticky image like pic related for /c/ or a balloon for /infl/
The rest is non-sticky.
>draw thread, not board
>edit thread
>write thread, not board
>animations thread
>board-related games thread
>captions thread
>beg thread
>lost content thread
>artists' thread, because most artists don't fill 400 posts
>real life thread, same as above for real life gainers or inflatees
>roleplay thread, not board
>AI thread, not board
It'd be nice if mods created them first, is all.
I hope to "enable" janitors to warn if not ban hyperactive newfriends if they keep making redundant threads.
Some good ideas.
I just don't want to deal with psychotic 4chan levels of janitor behavior because all it does is stir up shit in threads. I can scroll past what doesn't interest me and scan the catalog for updated threads of interest, even if they are redundant. Tidy would be nice, though.
I get annoyed with impossibly stretchy clothes just because OMG NIPPLES MIGHT SHOW!!

Give me some ripping clothes letting naughty bits show through. Hell, inflation basically means forced nudity and that's a turn on for me.
You're right, we don't want 4chan's jannies. We have good jannies as far as I can tell, and the only thing I want is to reproduce 4chan's success on a small scale.
reminds me of that stupid overrated bitch 'lordaltros'
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I have to follow up on this because I just saw an ongoing sequence with a blueberry princess daisy and for one part, she's nude bc she's getting a shower or some shit and the next part THEY PUT THE PANTIES BACK ON HER. I swear to god this always annoyed me but to see a sequence draw nude and then just go back on it is AUUUUUGH.

please excuse my autistic rant but that really struck a nerve with me
No, no, no. It's okay, brudda. I understand your pain. For me, once a piece of cloth is removed, it should never come back on.
see i agree, BUT i do think that like, clothes that are visibly super stretched and barely holding on/ripped in places and letting bubbles of flesh pop out is actually HOTTER than full on nudity tbh.
I mean that's personal taste, and that's okay
Dude normies do way more autistic rants than you lmao, for real I saw a fucking post were a twitterfag was asking his friends to unfollow them if they liked permapopping lmao, I remember one comment saying something like:
>EXACTLY permapopping is like killing the character
Nigga those are drawings, drawings can't be killed nor having a life lmao
what the fuck lmao
does this person just not read/watch/play anything with death in it? if theyd played super mario bros, would they just freak out when they lost a life, like what the hell?
I literally cannot stand people who aren't into popping and always have to ask "is (character) ok?" or "Thanks for not adding popping" or "Can you make an alt without popping?" like what in the hell are they so scared of?

Regeneration after popping can also be a slight turn-off for me; it feels like the sense of finality was removed so the little babies wouldn't piss and shit their fucking pants.
I dunno but for real, artists who rant about tastes like it was a political thing is fucking entitled.

Another thing that pisses me off is when fetish artists (specially nsfw ones) whine about horny comments on nsfw art lmaoooo
>artists who rant about tastes like it was a political thing

I don't think I've seen a single inflation thread on /d/ that didn't have at least one argument over trivial shit like popping or gas.
How does permapopping even work art-wise? Like, once someone pops, you can never draw them again?
ok this is a major one for me: artists who claim that drawing inflation/expansion content isnt nsfw
this is rare tbh, but it still makes me fucking annoyed. most common argument I see is that if theres no nudity or explicitly sexual aspects (nipples, pussy, etc.) then its sfw, which is jus fucking stupid. thats like a hooters waitress saying that their wardrobe isnt sexual or something, its about intent and shit. also the same people who say shit like this are always concidentally hanging around artists who know what theyre doing is nsfw, case in point ridiculouscake. that guy claimed a while ago that he just draws the shit he does because he likes to and theres no sexual intent guize!!!! but he's collabed with artist like mabo, shydude, etc to make content, artists who do sexual shit mainly and noh-buddy especially. only reason i can think of why artist say this shit is because of some internalized shame or to attract minors. finally, if inflation art is sfw, go ahead, show that shit to someone at your workplace and see if they don't look at you weird for the rest of your tenure
I have, legit, seen artists send off characters whey don't want to draw anymore like that.
You just make a one-off character who is *gone* after the fact. Admittedly has more impact in a story, but there you go.
Kisame here. I watched Checkered Past and Dexter's Lab, Powerpuff Girls, Ed, Edd and Eddy are considered adult cartoons. This is also why Owl House failed to make waves. Disney sells their brand to children. Children don't understand stuff that theses fetish artists sell. Kids want to watch Bluey or CocoMelon, or whatever computer animated cartoon was rendered by DreamWorks. Miyamoto hired Illumination cause they make children stuff. He's going for the Spiderverse investor to make Zelda. I argue these big NSFW artists aren't popular because they're copying Joss Whedon's style. What I am trying to articulate is that creator driven shows and projects are not popular with children cause it's equivalent to Scorsese flicks: boomers talking about how great they are.
That's because a lot of these OCs like Bolette aren't characters. They're some rich guy's Porsche, Ferrari, or McMansion. I know I get make fun of for having Adam Sandler, Warner Bros style of humor, but I can at least direct cartoons. I also don't see content creators go to Dick Blick, Michaels or these art shops. Everyone's going to YouTube for monetization to get that e-sports pro gaming money. Only Call of Duty, Madden, GTA fans like their installments. Capcom would get that adoration if they allow Chun Li to do risque dances or render Morrigan, but they want to suck up to Blackrock and all these investors like Perlmutter.
The internet is highly regulated now. Computers are now using software to detect porn
Ignore him
Ironically /d/ has been so bad that jannies nuke threads because how retarded they are lmao
It's just retarded, like whining about a personal taste is stupid, also I think I got the screenshots of the tweets
> trivial shit like or gas.

And who do you think is the party most responsible for that, anon?
>Ironically /d/ has been so bad that jannies nuke threads because how retarded they are lmao

Inflation threads on /d have been turning into a vast wasteland this year. very little original stuff getting posted, jannies getting their jimmies rustled and deleting posts, autists raging at each other instead of posting smut...

Just please, fucking PLEASE to anybody coming over here from /d -- if you don't like something you see just scroll the fuck down and leave it for the ones who like it to enjoy.

This is why I installed Stable Diffusion on my own PC. Now I can generate new fap material any time I want. /d can sink under its own weight.

On the other hand. here's to BBW-chan lasting another year. Even with duplicate threads popping up it's got more decent stuff still getting posted.
If you checked out the last reply on the thread the fucking drawfag got tired of that lmao
Hate blueberry fags, that has to stop existing by suicide so that body inflation fetish gets to cure itself from this cancer
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>Character inflates to impossibly massive proportions with tons of liquid or gas
>Their belly button's still an innie somehow, in spite of climbing internal pressures
>It doesn't pop out
I hate how normalized pedophilia is within the inflation community, and the shit ton of excuses to justify it, people don't bat an eye whenever a popular inflation artist makes hardcore inflation porn of Adeleine or Cream the Rabbit
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It's a moralfag, tbh he is right but with the wrong concept, the thing is when they allow real groomers or real pedophiles.
So no, you are wrong moralfag, because if you have seen twitter you don't know the amount of artists that get called out for drawing pokégirls or shit like that.
all that being said: gonna go draw more pokegirls becoming blimps :)
Pokemon is the one brand where characters act realistically. The problem is that Gamefreak doesn't know how to program their games or animate and reuse the same sprites. This creates a clash where the humans don't match the Pokemon they own. It's like Final Fantasy where the Amano era designs clash with Nomura's attempt at high fashion.
None of this shit matters dude. One thing I notice especially with berryfags is that they WILL close ranks and defend one of their own no matter what egregious shit they get up to. Songbird/Diamondback aka PigsofDoom literally tried to get Pokemon Go players (kids I presume) killed by directing them into a ghetto, and still the usual suspects will defend him to the death. We all know what FW did back in the day with stalking random strangers. There's really nothing too low that this community won't defend because they're ((our)) people.
How come whenever they say "pedo" literally nobody agrees, literally everybody asks where's the "pedo" in the material, and they get angry like a Redditor that nobody sees what they're seeing?
Idk, but, for real there is something quite upsetting about this.

Why normies tend to defend or support groomers on their circlejerks?
Like for real, I see a lot of people who call you out if you repost art of RC but there are groomers who have been doing stuff with children but they don't do shit about it
I'm I the only one or my perception is right?
Your perception is right. Those people defend their trash.
social media these days is all about "rules for me, not for thee" and you be havin homeless people callin other homeless people broke ass niggas n shit, to put it like that
Because inflation fetish is essentially a cult of personality where so long as you are popular you can get away with the most egregious shit. RC fell out of favor not because of anything allegedly with him and a minor but because he offended leftists about the statues being toppled during the Summer of Love. It was hilarious watching the usual gang of cretins like Swell Reads flip on him and put the knife in his back. So long as you stay in the hive's good graces you can do anything, look at how Undertaker and Seiga got away with pulling full-on harassment over fetishes they dislike and nobody thinks twice of muh kinkshaming.
It's sad tbh, I mean if you want to interact with artists (or just people in general) it ruins the experience of it, like imagine your favorite artist or any kind of content creator of the kink, and that comes out to light, and when you confront it mostly everyone will try to defend it.
I've come to realize that one mustn't use social media to be social. At best, you lurk, take what you like, and distance yourself from content creators and their hivemind fanbases.
Seconding this, but sadly some people are very naive about this, and honestly sucks that artists turn out to be jerks or extremely narcissistic or just that they hide dark shit under the rug
What I do is that I keep tabs on any artist for months, then decide if I openly follow him or socialize within its fanbase. Only a few, less than 5 people, have turned out of be just alright.
Loool well tbf some artists are quite chill (at least the few that I have found to be likable or okay to talk with) tho some others if you ask one thing about their ocs they went into berserk mode lmao
Big artists when they have a mental meltdown because their Patreon was leaked.

Listen here to the big artist reading this; as long you have a solid fanbase who's willing to pay for your content, leaves shouldn't worry you
OMG this. I stg some people don't know about the Streisand effect because every time I see an artist complain their stuff has been leaked, I'm like "oh neat I should check out their kemono".
Kisame here. I flat out don't buy into the idea that artists are popular on Patreon now. Teens want to go to TikTok for an interactive medium. Artists with their mental illness just make a few hundred, just south of people who film buses on YouTube
real shit. like i get being upset by it, you dont want shit you worked on to be leaked because thats partially/entirely your income, i get that. but publicly yelling about it isnt going to help shit, you either need to put a better system in place to stop it, or just dont acknowledge it, because otherwise, people are gonna be like "omg that sucks" on the surface, but theres gonna be a silent group wholl just go like "oh sweet lemme find out where the leaks are", like >>100869 mentioned. unironically the best way to deal with this is to just not acknowledge it, because that puts less eyes on the fact that your shit is getting leaked. also the average person probably doesnt even know what kemonoparty/coomerparty IS, so that goes doubly so
The only big creator i've seen have a meltdown because his 'content' was leaked is kagekira. It's funny though, As not a single thing he makes is actually his. He just traces from art and then gets either an IG model or a celebrity to fill the trace with.
>>98768 (OP)
vore. when its mixed with stuffing or inflation or whatever vore just makes me mad for some reason
A lot of people have meltdowns for that, If you go on search on Twitter and look for "bbwchan"
You will see that most amount of posts are about content leaks, but they have a fanbase of 4k or even 10k followers
For me, it's the oversaturation of certain characters. No, I don't want to see Corrin inflated for the 100th time.
The fact that this board used to be one of the best places to exchange content that was overpriced or unavailable, and now it's basically nothing but fucking spherical inflation threads.
Off the top of my head, Princess Peach/Daisy, Rosalina, Zelda (BOTW), Midna, Samus, Tifa, Aerith, and Lucoa are some of the most overdrawn characters of all time imo.
>>98768 (OP)
To me it would be people not taking artists who draw inflation art of non-human characters seriously. Inflation featuring funny cartoon creatures with non-humanoid anatomy is so fun and yet all people ever want is big booba anime girl #100304935
And also blueberry should be way more popular cause that's literally one of the best things humanity has ever invented (imho)
the worst part is when they retweet a lot of shit, and abuses meme reaction images, so you can't even fucking search their media tab for art
Harlequin141 did the 5th one for too long and as a result she got no attention to her patreon. Now she doesn't even upload.
To add to this, I hate when artists will have polls like this:

>Obscure JRPG character 1%
>Obscure cartoon character 3%
>Somewhat popular anime character that doesn't get a lot of inflation art 4%
>Midna 92%
Midna and Samus are the worst offenders
Polls for real are the stupidest thing when it comes to choosing characters, I find funny some polls aren't for the audience of some artists, the poll are targeted towards their circlejerk lmao
This is stupid.
Since I started this conversation, I'll add in my input too:
ALBW Zelda, ANY "main" Pokemon girl, Cowmilla, Female Byleth, the aformentioned Female Corrin, would Female Robin and Lucina count as well? I feel like I never see those 2 in inflation shit.
Not implying that they are good lmao, like it's just repetitive
Variety would be nice, Where's the love for Maribelle?
GOOOOOOOD, FUCK MAN I HATE THIS SHIT. do you fucking know how infuriating it is to be looking at a poll and see in real time how fucking bland peoples tastes are? its fucking insane. you want a really good example, look at fuckin mabocorescants patreon polls. its literally full of obscure characters getting fucking mollywhopped by flavor of the month shit or characters whove been drawn millions of times
shit like this will never not be frustrating. it's so goddamn tiring seeing the same dozen characters being suggested and put into polls, i'm sick of seeing generic final fantasy whore #79, i'm tired of seeing nintendo characters and i'm just tired and fed up of seeing the same popular characters being drawn all of the time in general. i have a lot of respect for the people that actually suggest obscurer/less than popular characters, they're troopers.
I remember seeing lowkey's big touranament bracket poll with a lot of really awesome and underrated characters in it just for Midna and Chie from El Dorado to win, which made the entire thing feel incredibly pointless to me.
who else was in that poll?
>Implying this was uploaded once before
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This shit is annoying as fuck. No matter how many times I click 'Not interested' I'll always see the same VB edits every time my page refreshes itself for new content.

The most ludicrous part is that the 'SlapstickSausage' Guy is charging money to see violet turn a different color, or be extra jiggly or some shit.
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yo, i also got the nearly full tournament bracket (the final winners were midna and chel for the non-anthro, and loona and rouge for the anthro btw)
ill say this, as much as the winners are snoozefests, especially loona, (most overhyped flavor of the month character ever, idk how furries can stand that shit) LK at least knows how to seed a bracket. All of the hydrogen bombs (Chel, Zelda, Peach n Samus) were all put together, so they wouldnt individually fuck over the entire tourney. with that being said tho, the fact that fuckin panty and bulma got beat by monika and black cat, sayori beat ROBIN, chel and midna beat fucking MARINA AND MARIE from splatoon, and the fact lola pop, a character who's entire gimmick is inflation, didnt make it to the finals is baffling to me. idc about the anthro side, but FUCK, some people got the most basic of taste
the conclusion: polls suck ass
it's not even the polls fault really, this is probably the best polling structure ive seen a nsfw creator do, and with actually decent seeding. the problem is the voters lmao. and the chel thing is even WORSE because LK was working on a seperate chel only blueberry piece, RIGHT BEFORE THE FINALS. so either way, chelfags were gonna get a chel piece! also im pretty sure lk drew midna before already, so again, those two winning over everyone else is especially ass.
They need to do what KevinSano does.
Winners can't compete in the next poll.
thats actually a pretty good idea. id also say to establish a banlist or something. like just cross out any of the characters mentioned here >>100995 or here >>100964 , and just have the winners of any subsequent poll put on the banlist for like, a year or like, 3 months.
The only thing I find remotely surprising is that the Doki Doki girls got eliminated 1st round
better yet just make polls without characters you KNOW people in the inflation community slobber over 99% of the time. Like how do you add midna, samus, lucoa, or any other frequently seen character in a poll with alternatives you know they're gonna beat. Stop giving predictable people choices and force them to choose more obscure characters.
I writed "it explain itself" wrong, sorry
One thing is twitterfags having bad tastes and logic, but this? DA users are a fucking different breed of cringe
didn't know lk was so into underage characters
He is a furry and a berryfucker after all.
People like you are the reason this schiz o threads are a coping ground
looks like i'm drawing Wapeach next
I don't get the point of bitching and moaning about people drawing 'underage' fictional characters. The character can be as old as I want them to be cuz they don't exist and I can choose what to do with them. These people act like they are real individuals and are actually whatever age the creator said they are. People drew tons of rule34 of bonney before Oda revealed she was 12 (and she looked nowhere close to 12 to begin with). Does that make them pedos now?
how tf do they know she's underage? Did the nintendo employee who leaked the concept art say that?
They act like small women don't exist
Japan likes ecchi humor. It's just that female characters aren't turbo whores like OG Bulma where she shove objects in her vagina. Oda's women are blow up dolls
TwXtter bots will moralfag about every last thing, even characters who never saw the light of day
I flat out stopped commissioning art as Kisame17 cause art stopped being fun and stated being prosperity gospel mixed with televangelism. I am now saving for a tangible car
Lum is a turbo whore who treats Ataru like fresh kill.
Yeah, I can tell, tho I find funny normies moralfagging over underage characters but they simp over the same shit, it's like if being a normie comes a bit with the condition of being a hypocrite.
I've been constantly trying to find ways to make polls better and not complete blowouts. I was really hoping that the bracket would have some upsets and we'd see some fun new winners but nah, some characters are just too powerful. I do have a plan to fix that for next year's bracket and it's likely not going to make people happy so it should be fun.

I've found that winners not being able to be entered again works out nicely, but I'm probably going to straight-up not allow characters I know will be hydrogen bombs for my monthly polls. I just find the concept of polls and trends super fascinating and I'll keep trying to find ways to have polls be engaging and not just blowouts.
>threads on 4chan and BBWchan are just peacefully posting content.

You can easily go onto the archives and see the actual shitposts the berry fetishists did in other threads. Allegedly their darling FW was also involved because he's had a grudge against 4chan for not wholeheartedly worshipping him when he spammed across the site years ago and the bad reception he got and airing of his dirty laundry lead him to hide for a decade too afraid to even answer an email.
the slob/berry shit has always been the biggest crock of shit ive ever seen. ive never seen definite proof, and from what ive heard its literally just baseline trolling n shit. and then people wanna try to put names to this shit like its some sorta great berryfag illuminati trying to keep slobfags down n some shit, and i always thought it was gay as shit. its weird fetish porn bro, its not that serious and itll never be that serious. who fucking cares. its on that same level of dumb shit like that one fag who kept trying to be all like "muh berry fetish should only be suffering and gore and people crying" in berry threads on 4chan, same level of faggot shit
That's actually pretty neat dude, I wish you good luck :)
> ive never seen definite proof

No, you just don't want to acknowledge the proof, despite it all being on the archive. Typical.
I don't need to look on the archive because I've been there for both Slob/Berry threads and it's ALWAYS been "He said/She said" with anons blaming other anons.

There's never been any screencaps, chat logs, reciepts or any other kind of tangible evidence. It's all playground gossip and rumors and the worst part is it always happens when most other anons in the thread are just doing nothing but posting what they like.
You notice how it this supposedly huge berry/slob conflict never happens on BBWchan, the place that has Post IDs? These rant threads are the only place it's ever been brought up. I wonder why?
>There's never been any screencaps, chat logs, reciepts or any other kind of tangible evidence.


These are just random posts you can find if you simply put the terms slob and berry together.

>You notice how it this supposedly huge berry/slob conflict never happens on BBWchan,

You clearly have never been in the slob inflation threads which have had probably over 100 posts deleted between them of solely berryfags coming in to start shit.
Of course we both know you aren't arguing in good faith, this is more astroturfing probably because whatever shithole report my post run by one of the usual subjects like Undertaker or Seiga told you to come and damage control.
nah i just think that bitching about fetish 4chan drama is gayer than sucking another man's cock
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i odnt think you understand bro
i said bitching about it is gay
slobfag or berryfag, both are faggots if they give a fuck about this, which no one does outside of chanboards, thank god
You realize nobody is going to honestly believe you're unbiased, right?
The only time berryfags resort to this 'both sides bad bro' rhetoric is only after you get caught.
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>slobfag or berryfag, both are faggots if they give a fuck about this
>post both sides being faggots
>literally say in my first post about the situation "its weird fetish shit, its not that serious"
>'erm ur actually biased'
lmao, you let fetish drama from an imageboard live rent free in your head for years, to the point where anyone saying anything along the lines of "both sides are faggots" you consider to be a liar and a part of the grand berryfag illuminati. this is like qanon for coomers
Notice you didn't even dispute what I said. Just deflected. Berryfags aren't sending their best.
If you're going to spin conspiracies at least give them a cool name like "The Bluminati" or "Brapjestic-12."
dispute what? All you said was "erm you're not unbiased" and I showed that I literally said both sides are fags multiple times. Not to mention, when I said >>101579 , you deflected yourself by saying "oh you dont actually believe that, you just got caught", which bro, caught doing what? Having an opinion that isn't 'one side bad'? Thinking that anyone who legit cares about fetish drama is a complete fag? Tell me what you caught me doing bro, I'm curious
You already revealed where your loyalty lies long before in this very thread, now you are trying to muddle the waters and obfuscate to hide what you and yours are guilty of. I wonder if you're going to change tactics from 'it never happened bro trust me' to 'OK yeah it happened but it's a good thing actually'.
nah, don't pull that shit, you need to show me DIRECTLY what you caught me doing. Quote the post, take a screenshot, do whatever, show me EXACTLY what you 'caught' me doing. Cuz from the first post about the situation, I said that this slobfag/berryfag drama was stupid and anyone who legit cares about it, whatever side they take, are retarded, but if you have proof of the opposite, show me
>I said that this slobfag/berryfag drama was stupid and anyone who legit cares about it, whatever side they take, are retarded

And yet the first thing you did was defend your fellow berryfags. I am making the natural (and correct) assumption you had a hand in the continued bad blood between the two fetishes because I have never once seen a berryfag with independent thought who didn't march lockstep with his compatriots in every and any endeavor. So yes, you got caught, because you are guilty of something.
>And yet the first thing you did was defend your fellow berryfags
when did I do that though, you still haven't shown me. If you arent gonna quote the post or provide a screenshot, why should I give a single fuck about what you have to say
Playing coy now?

>>101575 was you trying to delegitimize your (berryfags) detractors. Despite that very post responding to an intentionally inflamatory thread that was made during an already tense time between the two fetishes on /d/. But you already knew that. Again, muddying the waters.
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Y'know what I really hate? When the topic of a thread gets derailed because of the most retarded drama I've ever seen.
so you just forgot >>101579 where i screencapped a berryfag doing faggot shit and called it faggot shit in that same post or are you just being dumb on purpose. last im gonna comment on this shit, because its straight up a waste of time, but i wanna leave the rest of the thread with this: this shit is what happens when you obsess over imageboard drama that happened literal years ago; you become a spaz who thinks everyone around you is some deepstate undercover slobfag/berryfag in a cabal whos dedicated to making fun of another fetish or some shit. reminder that none of this shit matters, they're niche fetishes on the internet, if you legit care about drama between two groups of coomers you are a faggot, end of story.
anyway a thing i hate in this kink is people who are too pussy to draw the hands or cheeks being inflated as well in weight gain/fullbody inflation stuff, if you're gonna make the body round go all the fuckin way cmon
I'm not defending berryfags but all inflationfags were kinda nuts back then. I remember someone buying state of the art rigs to raid boards because one offhand comment.
nah inflation has def had its share of weirdos, but that can really be said of any kink tbh
that being said tho, i think the wildest inflation-related story i can think of is that inflatableastaroth guy who was impersonating his wife or something for years to get art, then his wife found out, divorced him and posted what was going on his DA. im pretty sure his account is still up on da and you can go see it
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this bitch needs to just suck it up and start doing berry content already
More deflection. You are willfully ignoring the demonstrable fact that the hostilities have always started on the berryfag side, then they cry and screech when they actually face consequences from the people they antagonize. There is no reasonable perspective in which the aggressors here are justified in any possible way.

Bro we can tell that you're just posing as a brapfag as part of a false flag psyop being run by the Deep Blue State to discredit brap/slobfags as part of a greater campaign to bankrupt fast food companies who don't support GMO blueberries. Scamper back to your CIA handlers and try again later.
Why are people falling for the bait and replying to the anti-berry schizo?
still looking to try and find all the images that his wife nuked. that husband was crazy, but had good tastes in inflated bellies.
You still haven't refuted a single thing.
Oh I think it's a person on Twitter. They love Luffy and blow up balloons in their shirts. Twitter name is something with coyote in it. Might just be that
You would think since berryfags are so superior to slob weight gain and brap fetishists they wouldn't need to obsess over those threads much less seethe spitefully about them for years on end. Can any berryfags in the thread explain this phenomenon?
Okay I have some stuff that do get in my nerves (again)
>good content creators who don't want to do nsfw stuff anymore and proceed to delate their content and promote a "sfw" account trying to delate any track of their fetish past.
>"Hot takes" like those debates of certain type of inflation scenarios are moraly okay.
>Artists not being able to take critism or thinking that their opinions are "based" or absolute moral highground
This perfectly describes Dobson.
Dobson is quite different tho, yeah, he did delated any track of his fetish accounts but it got achieved when he received backlash from his inflation art getting discovered which is ironic because of the statements he used to do about sexualizing women.

I meant "hot takes" like >>99580 or the anon in >>99615 like for real, is it necessary to debate that? I mean its debatible talking about the lolicon content or drawing underage characters, but stupid stuff like, if it's okay to pop a character or leaving them Permainflated morally speaking? Fuck no lmao
But they seem to mostly be baiting themselves into an even greater seethe. You have berryfags stewing here or in report my posts about how those damn peasants dare speak ill of them. Why not just let it go?
Chans don't like inflation OCs because it's equated with Twitter and report my post. Japan doesn't like inflation artists because they keep releasing buggy visual novels that doesn't go beyond the high school format of visual novels. People are now engaging in TikTok and other social media sites, or cellphone apps cause that generates profits. Nobody is buying Gnarly Otaku's garbage on Amazon. Tom Clancy fans, romance fans, Western fans, and young adult fiction typical go to the library to get their stuff for free. It's like how Harry Potter fans aren't going to give up their books cause fetish art man isn't on the same level as JK Rowling or even classic lit fans who like J. Gatsby.
Ur fucking right not going anywhere
Nobody cares nigger. You want to use the internet, then you have to pay corporations.
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You may hate Alex Jones and the alt right, but they pioneered citizen journalism working out the house that inflation seeks to emulate. He even gets drunk and whines to daddy for $1 million dollars
the new update to the media tab is a motherfucking god send
twitter still fucking sucks for art though

post IDs are visible, sperg

dude is a notorious autist on dickcord and twitter and THAT is what you hate them for?
Nah, I hate him for being a complete creep, like for real, doing a statement saying teen category is bad while this faggot groomed a teen is so fucking outrageous, beside the fact that they do low tier dubs.
There's a lot to hate.
I hate twitter as a platform, and I hate how many artists will exclusively post their content there and nowhere else, and probably use that to drive people towards patreon.
I hate how people having mutual interests in the form of wanting to see women turn into cartoon balloons from some fucked up socialization as a child somehow means that this has to be a "community".
and then, on top of that, I hate how this being a "community" means that there's high and low profile individuals, and how people will take advantage of the fact I need this shit to jack off in order to berate me with their 500 character political shittakes.
I hate how artists give a shit about stopping leaks or piracy. It's maybe losing you some money, I dunno, run the test, but it's cutting out my JO material and if I had to fill a drive it'd be honestly like maybe a terabyte or less, which is not enough. I want to see new shit. I understand this is a whiney complaint or whatever but it highly inconveniences me. Please let me access your shit, I couldn't buy it anyways.
I also hate how many of you little freaks are autistic schizo bastards
I hate how many people pretend that personal taste is a substitute for some sort of absurd objective rating. I don't like inflated heads or farting or whatever, but I don't endlessly bitch about how it's the worst shit ever. Same with sphereshit. I don't even know what sphereshit is. Is it low effort ms paint art, or is it just kinda when an artist doesn't do intermediate pictures of the progression? who knows. If someone asks me, I'll tell them my opinion, otherwise, I don't give a fuck and I have pretty well filtered the artists I dislike from my life.
Finally, I hate how isolating this shit is. I do not think it is very probable that I find anyone who's both cool, attractive, and mutually shares this fetish. Finding a partner that's willing to entertain you is probably the best chance you could have. Idk.
Oh, I also hate how sexless this fetish is. I don't really care how you handle the logistics of balloon sex or whatever, but exclusively viewing unsexualized pictures of women turning into balloons or blueberries or whatever seems like a good recipe for brainrot. I would appreciate if artists drew their characters having sex more often, or at least showing some pussy or something. There's a lot of things you could mix up there, instead of drawing another fucking violet beauregarde yadda yadda go fuck yourself idc. I would like to be able to move past that and not be defined by some weird childhood trauma fuckery, please.
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This amount of mental luggage from a kink is absurd. The most issues I've ever had with this kink isn't the kink itself but the twittroons that police the community.
I can accept cumflation
Futaflation is the fucking worst
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Berrybros how do we stop these dang dirty slobfag trolls from making us face consequences of our own actions?!
Not bait, you massive retards really believe it.
GG you almost got me to take your schizo ramblings seriously. Meds, et al.
Uhh let's just ignore this guy
No but, seriously, >>102111 is right with the things said
>Lack of originality
>Patreon shills
>Mental meltdowns over Patreon leaks
>Bitching about certain tastes like it was the plague itself

I would add the issue of some artists (or mostly everyone) that they do fetish art but not for their audience, but, for their own circlejerks, but they shove that art onto your feed because they think that's what their audience wants to see.

Another point for me (this is minor for me btw)
Is artists doing a million ocs just to them using just one character (usually the same self insert of their personas)

At least for me those are some points of the the things that particularly I don't like

Just one more to add; shitty requests with characters like a inflated girl from the paw patrol series on the draw threads, for real you can ask for better characters.
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This cunt is an absolute clown. Has nuked his gallery before, Wants people to pay for the hardly occasional morph he uploads. And on 4 different fucking tiers... whatever.

If you by any chance browse this board (if you aren't jacking off to edited images of fat celebs shitting themselves), go fuck yourself. I'll be sure to make plenty of requests in the begging thread so I can spread your pay-content and diminish it's value.

(Alright, little bit of a rant but I'm sure you can see where I'm coming from. Morphers don't have the right to say 'pay for my shit'.)
Oh. No, she is a dumb cunt. Hard pass
probably said this earlier in the thread, but ill say it again: most morphers are trash, a few are decent, and barely any are good.
oh and also fuck the deviantart subscription shit, just make a patreon like a normal person goddamn
DA users are really a strange type of cringe, twittertroons are outrageous, but DA users can be dangerous even.

I mean I have seen cases of harassment over popping a character or artists/content creators not wanting to rp or chat
yeah deviantart has a much more cringe tint to its shit, as opposed to twitter. i think its because twitter as a whole is a much bigger and mainstream site, so the possible cringe is diluted by the masses, but dA is a lot smaller, so the cringe is more potent.
also dude, anti-popping fags are so weird to me. like, i personally prefer non-popping stuff, but im not gonna sperg out in the comments about it if there isnt any. i remember seeing a piece where someone gets popped in a kinda mean way and some sperg in the comments was like "who ever popped them should DIE" and they got really fuckin graphic with it too
Artists have themselves to blame. They guy rid of the autistics like Kisame17. Now artists are fat, middle aged, and divorced begging people to buy their art before they get evicted from the studio
They probably choose DA subscriptions as an anti piracy measure since you can't upload it to kemono, but regardless its probably still shit. I bought marshmallow729s premium gallery a while back and fuck was I disappointed, So you can use that as the standard for whoever opens these subscriptions up.
Dude I remember seeing a whole thing with Ms-Chemi promoting his whole old art if you have them a subscription lmao
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Hmm today I will make a hyper-specific thread on bbw-chan. Surely the other members of this site will appreciate my efforts to further the appeal of said hyper-specific thing.
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annoying retard "artists" who are overly obsessed with the factory scenario. their whole life revolves around it and they can't do anything different/original to save their life
OH MY GOD the most unoriginal and repetitive art that I have seen, for real she can do a lot more creative scenarios then just Violet Beauregard having in mind their art quality
where is the obligatory celebrity face crudely pasted over the picture?
As much as I love Chipchell's work, it'd be great to see them break away from the Wonka chocolate factory setting, especially the 2005 one due to how bad the lighting is in that one.
This is why this site needs a reboot to make it look a lot more like 4chan.
>threads that are basically just begging threads
>general threads about a hyper niche character that maybe gets like one reply every 2 weeks, saving it from getting bumped off
>artist threads that are all pics that are publicly available, basically making them pointless
>threads with just generally 'who cares' topics (the normies reacting to inflation one)
>and since this board/site is generally slow, they can take weeks to get bumped off
we need a sorta rule where if a thread has no replies for at least 30 days, they just get auto deleted or something bro this is ridiculous
I disagree.
A bump should be deleted if it's nothing but a bump.
I think artist threads aren't bad, mainly because kemono is often down and even then some of them have subscribestars, to which I'm pretty sure the importer for that is permanently broken. Also extra lost media that wouldn't go awash in the lost media thread.

I agree with everything else, On the /booty/ board the moderator's are smoking guns in terms of taking threads down within mere minutes.
Why is it that on most okayokayokok posts you'll have somebody making retarded/unnecessary fetish inserts on his posts. I get that he's a controversial figure for his other stuff, which is disgusting and I share that sentiment, but I think his expansion/inflation stuff is top notch.

Unfortunately, this is the kind of people it attracts. Oh well.
doubt that'll happen for a long time lmao, she'll stick to recreating every shot of the 05 sequence
you'll find that at sbbeauregarde's page
ik they bitch and moan about ai art for being unoriginal but then they do one scenario only... because thats more original somehow?
he does make some weird ass foul shit sometimes, but i feel like its more than just his account where you can find absolute freaks doing those retarded fetish inserts, or straight up rp'ing in the comments
I mean sure there's other accounts but with him it's incessant. Obviously not his fault, but he should moderate how these creeps post on his stuff.
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also idk how this bitch has such a big following, her art is so fucking garbage. takes sphereshit to a whole other level - pic related
i haven't looked at his pics recently enough to notice so i'll take a look soon and see what comments those retards are leaving
Same goes for that veruca gloop... person. Incredibly questionable as to how people can like that shit.
Well they started in 2018 so COVID retardation probably helped. Second they pull from the inf crowd as well as the fur fags which accounts for their numbers.
Their work has all the hallmarks of a first year art student who has 0 clue on any of the elements of art or the principles of design. Nearly every pose is stiff, and the colors my god either they are color blind or they need to sit and watch a video on color theory because fuck me they ruin anything nearing good by a poor pallet and saturation. Once or twice they get lucky with a work but even then there are still plenty of errors that really tear down the work.
so real, she's been making shitty berry content for at least over a decade now. there's some like super old clip of her in a real cheap blueberry suit, never improved. too fat too
so they've been doing this for 5 years now? that's even worse lmao, made zero improvement the entire time, just her shitty circle tool'd character in some setting talking
While I don't find her attractive, at least she is actual woman, as opposed to all these troons making inflation porn.
Everything is fake until proven gay!
Alright, I'll say this, if you know how to use a circle tool, you can make neat sphere stuff, if not you are basically Jonwii or anything that comes out from DA.
you know what, that's actually a really good idea, i fuck with that. if you're gonna bump, bump with content, that should be a rule tbh
that makes sense. but im still adverse to those kind of threads because it leads to a lot of begging and complaining if they dont get the thing they want (see the imbapovi thread and the comicalweapon thread)
"Atleast she is a woman"
If that's your standard...

I don't think women should be made insecure about their looks, full stop, but VG is downright strange. I heard she has some weirder accounts on f-list too where she rps as a teenager. Key word heard, but I doubt somebody would make that up about a relatively unpopular content creator in a niche community as-is.
Should probably add IRL inflation doesn't do it for me regardless of who it is. Wearing a blue suit and getting filled with air doesn't match up to something like an 0pik 0ort inflation piece.
ok's other fetishes are indeed trash but I've gotten to the point where I just mentally filter it out because the inflation stuff is S+

the lack of boobs on berries that big is a fat fuckin L, agreeing with the other anon that oort gets it right

this but unironically

inflation suits and props CAN work but it's dependent on the content
bambi got good (or at least better) before she got forced to retire, don't even get me started on how bad TMC is
IRL does it the most for me.
There's a reason humans care about biological gender.
It's true that okayok has S+ tier inflation art but he seems to be drifting away from it, Probably because ABDL/Age regression fags are more willing to open their wallets to buy his comics.

I'm also pretty sure that the Wendy wonka series has ended, There weren't too many bad parts in that comic excluding the dreaded 3rd issue of the 1st leg of the comic. Somehow I can't see okay dropping such an enormous cash cow though.
Pedos have deep pockets and they pay a premium.
Agreed on his inf work and his movement always form it. He’s done now 2 crib keeper comics and 0 inf. Maybe we will see something new but I have my doubts.
>If that's your standard...
Science says empathy makes you transphobic and circumcision makes your dick smaller.
Just because you don't read publications doesn't mean they don't exist.
im curious what mental gymnastic is about to unfold but continue
There are none. If you're like me and have a publication you're privileged to an account to read and cite scientific papers.
i mean it wouldn't surprise me given how obsessed she is with mainly doing factory scenarios. sure, she has some other videos not set in a factory but she doesn't seem to take those ones as seriously.
0pik 0ort should really get back to making other pieces of art instead of working on the same comic for 7 years straight
okayok is a freakazoid, only does age play stuff, all his berry stuff now has pregnancy mixed in with it for some reason- or he just straight up draws violet like a fucking pedo
Personally, Opiks PDE/whackyverse comics are amazing, but I hate the dripfeed of it all. I understand occasional breaks, but there was that awful preg comic he did for im unsure of how long, plus the slob comic that ended in vore, of which nobody asked for.

I'll die on the hill that okayok is top tier but I agree that now more than ever his art has dropped in quality but its because his commisioners are absent of any new ideas. Devcommission is the dude hiring him to post all the twin content and there's another dude that has that 'momma' character.

I'm against the drawing of underage characters full stop and he should stop, But whenever it isn't a horrific ABDL preggo gummi worm tf or anything of that nature, it's always top tier.
Take the last issue of Wendy wonka for example, shit had a girl being unbirthed but it was followed by something 100× better.
>all his berry stuff now has pregnancy mixed in with it for some reason
maaaaaaan, that's the MAIN REASON I haven't read any of the wendy wonka shit. I've seen his standalone berry/inflation/wg art and it's really fucking good. But I've also seen the weird ass tf/Abdl shit he does, and I know that some of that is IN the shit I wanna look at. That's the thing with okayokayokok, he has this thing where he'll make some really good shit but then just blindside you with something abhorrent, like the blueberry cat vore in that one comic he did
>blueberry cat vore in that one comic he did

yeah, so in one of the blueberry inflation comics he did, one of the early ones, theres a part where a character turns into a blueberry, but also shrinks to match the size. A cat comes in, eats them, and then later on, I think one of the covers or just one of the pages, you see the cat blue and partially inflated. I am not joking, this was a real thing he drew.
see, this shti is one part of why everyone thinks berryfags are all insane sociopaths.
Honestly peak okayokay has already happened with wendy wonka chap2issue3, has imo the best interpretation of shrinkflation plus none of the adbl/vore garbage you normally get from ok nowadays
I'd say the peak was the triple-inflation chapter one issue 5 or the even chapter 2 issue one because of the Andrea sequence. The whole 'Guy to girl to shrunken fat girl to egg' process was great but it was drawn out over 3 issues.
I remember that shit, thinking "Well, this is fucked".
(52 KB, 148x138, Where's the Dong.png)
I really hate it when a male is expanded, to even huge sizes even, only to have the penis be the same size as they were before. Like come on (heh) if most artists give woman big boobas and large pussies, why can they also make big boners. So I say to you....
>when a male is expanded

Problem starts there.

Unrelated to post above but I think we seriously need to get this board out of this phase of useless threads. I'm not the first to say it and I've probably said it before on this thread but I can't be arsed to look back, it seems like this thread goes unmoderated for most of the day unless somebody posts 'p (Take a hint).

Late response but he isn't drawing the berry-preg stuff on his own volition so to speak. All of the new shit is comms.
I'm sick and fucking tired of those "woman inflates you" vids taking up space in my searches for women being inflated. same for when a search engine sees "inflation" and assumes "inflatable" is close enough.
People's absolute unwillingness to pay for anything digital. This isn't even specifically an inflation "community" problem, this mentality is why the internet is an ad-filled data-selling hellscape now.
Circumventing a paywall and then bitching about not seeing the type of art you'd like is fucking retarded.
Artists have zero reason to give a shit about the opinions of people who will never be paying customers.
Not everybody has a 20 stone pocket full of gold, if your going to sperg out about people circumventing paywalls, which in most cases are extortionate for the content produced (in terms of both quantity and quality.) Then do it in some 'cordtroon server with the fizzykink crowd. Look at harlequin141. Failed to even pick up in popularity after they returned like 2 years ago because they offered 5 dollar tiers for virtually no art for a few months, then the said art would be uploaded to DA everytime they churned out a new art piece. Sure this is one example but the same goes for okayok, 0pik and even tailblazer at times because of his obsession with the idea of not being pinned down to a single fetish, so he feels the need to draw frieza with a horse ass or some other horrid amalgamation.

Point is, nobody wants to pay for the shit artists come out with these days. I'd only really pay for one artist if they couldn't be pirated and that's 0pik 0ort. Has produced some of the Gemmiest content this year and I can only hope it continues.
Forgot to mention, by the most former mention of 0pik in this reply this wasn't a criticism, I'm just saying that not many people would be willing to pay for something that can easily be pirated regardless of how good it is and that goes for all things.
>Not everybody has a 20 stone pocket full of gold
Okay but what about the ones that actually do? Besides the few exceptions that make enough money to actually sustain themselves regardless of leaks, I've already seen several artists over the years abandon the paywall format and go back towards commissions to make ends meet and the same stuff tends to happen on average each time.

That is, a good chunk of their content now ends up getting decided by a handful of commission whore whales, with characters and OCs only they care about, being Private Commissions or report my post exclusive where availability now becomes pure luck, or even worse if the right person curries enough favor with the right artist. LucyGuy's got creative input on BWS's stuff now, for christ's sake.

I can't be the only one who thinks this isn't a worse outcome overall? >>103057 is actually right but only barely alluding to the right reason. They'll absolutely listen to the whales who have too much money to spend and that's going to be damaging for content in the long term. Either that, or they go cold turkey on fetish stuff like Jeetdoh and break into the SFW scenes.
If an artist is doing a shit job on their patreon/substar or overcharging then yes they deserve to fail. That's the free market at work.

>I'd really only pay for one artist if they couldn't be pirated-
This is my entire point. Pirating is just a fact of life for all media and I think it's a net-positive, but pirating ethically is important. If a creator is putting in effort and charging reasonably for a niche thing you like, you should pay for it rather than pirate it. Either vote with your wallet or don't bitch when stuff you don't like gets incentivized.
is there a general niche topics thread? that might solve it
Also please mods be gods and tell us how we can report a thread with too narrow subjects so you can delete them and ban the poster for 24 hours.
The existence of threads like >>102387 (Cross-thread) is a stain in the catalog and its OP is likely on the spectrum.

Retards would still feel the need to post entire threads about aunt marge or eyeball inflation so I don't think it'd help. They don't wink from one thread to another if we're being honest and again mods just don't give a shit about /inf/ as it seems, to be honest I only browse the site to view this and a few other threads at this point because of how badly the state of the board has gotten.


Nobody should stop pirating regardless of who it is. Most people aren't going to want to spend whether they do or don't have money, not to mention alot of people view Piracy as not just a way of circumventing paywalls but fighting digitalpayfags in general. I don't believe that the latter actually matters when it comes to pirating artists but it makes a point.

people that complain about “useless” threads yet they post comments in them essentially keeping the thread alive
Click the play button beside the post you want to report. It will give you a menu. Report from there.
You are correct. I don't give a shit about inf, but I do keep it clean to the best of my ability. Reporting helps do that
You don't ignore a tumor.
I fucking hate people trying to make friends with artists, 99.9% of these people are massive fucking asswipes who don't care about said artists because most of the time, you're their drug dealer, and they want free shit. As soon as you stop, or as soon as you do something that don't please them, witness as every fucking one will abandon you.
you're literally nothing to them, you could off yourself and they wouldn't care past one or two days, why ?
Because there's 70 other artists behind you, way better too. You're just a fucking cog in the coom machine.
>Nobody should stop pirating regardless of who it is

I agree. Like I said piracy is a good thing overall, tons of media is preserved thanks to it.

>Most people aren't going to want to spend whether they do or don't have money

No artist is entitled to your money, on the inverse, no artist is obligated to give a shit what you think if you're not a paying customer.
We constantly see the same 5 Nintendo girls and shitty furry OC designs in inflation art because that's what the autists who are willing to pay artists want. If someone isn't willing to financially incentivize good artists to draw more interesting things, they have no right to complain about the subject matter sucking ass.
Good to know that this thread exist. Cuz I have a big problem with Deviantart. Not only as someone whose fetishes flourished on this website, but also as someone who'se an artist and likes artworks that isn't just some girl in a bikini (let alone one who got a hose shoved up her ass.)

As much as it is no secrete that this old relic of a site is decaying. For fucks sake, why did they mangled the algorithm in a way where not only using the search bar will dump on me a shitton of unrelated artworks, but not even searching the artist name or tags would give you unrelated shit.

Beyond that, I also have a harder time finding new inflation/blueberry fetish artist in deviant art (atop also other shits like artists like 0pik not posting much). So either I have to search them on other places (like in twitter, tho it is a less simple ordeal) or draw some myself (which I occasionally do)
dA has become an AI dump even with the AI filter turned on - it's become even worse for more niche communities like inflation
DA is money driven and they're making money off of AI and subscriptions and commercialization. So artists who don't fit in any of those boxes can just fuck right off and be filler for the site. They don't give a shit.
something else that pisses me off is how shitty a job the jannies of this board do at keeping things clean. it seems like they let just about anything through now, and reporting doesn't help
real shit, art sites have been kinda fucked for a while in general. tumblr had the whole porn ban back in 2018 that basically killed that scene, pixiv is full of loli shit, newgrounds allows nsfw but the site culture shits on nsfw creators even if they're vanilla as fuck, pillowfort is a ghosttown because they paywalled it when it first dropped, itaku is decent but theres no real userbase and the front page is full of gay furry porn, and dA is constantly trying to kill itself with the eclipse shit and the ai shit, as well as other stuff like taking away searching your own faved posts. twitter doesnt count as an art platform, its literally just the only thing with a semi active base of artists/viewers. like, in terms of just having a general gallery of art as an archive or something, those sites work for the most part, but if you're trying to grow some sort of audience or following, youre fucked basically. and theres also the all-encompassing santization of the internet as a whole thats trying to wipe out anything nsfw or non-ad friendly in general. its a pretty shit situation all around
And still they delete the comments about berryfags. I fucking hate berryfags and I hate janitors here even more for trying to shut me up and defending that cancer, letting it exist here and actively shielding it from shaming and grossing out. Berryfags need to GTFO from this platform
OH DON'T GET ME STARTED WITH AI SLOP. In just one/two years this accursed Pandora box of a technology has already drowned art sites in mountains of AI generated "Art" (to the point where searching for reference becomes less easy with AI images polluting google search), is threatening art itself and has led to retarded frauds managing to misinform in an easier fashion.
I cannot fathom how twitter of all platform, one in which its difficult to scroll to older artworks and is more a standard social media (emphasis on standard) than a dedicated art one, somehow managed to become the main platform for artists
Heh, whats wrong with berry stuff ?
(43 KB, 500x602, Dfu77iOV4AESYHq.jfif)
>picrel is me when artists keep depicting blueberry juice as though it's actually blue, despite it generally being a reddish-purple hue
>Blueberrified characters are a bright blue, regardless of their skin tone prior to blueberrification, and never take on a naturalistic shade
>Innie navel
Having individuals within their community who are walking malignancies both IRL and online can rub some people the wrong way. Just an observation.
Don't be a faggot. There's far worse happening in the 'inflation community'
that's all ?
well I am interested in hearing about said malignancies
What did the berry people do to you guys lol. I'm not a very person but I've never even been inconvenienced by one
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>crying about us on Christmas eve
get a life bro

afaik it's just a ton of 4chin /d/ autism that spilled over thanks to a couple of spergs shitting up threads there
hes right, this place is a cesspool
It's true, only need to look at all the schizoposting, underage autists and third worlders that plague this community because of the Free Content banner.
And remember, redundant threads, overly specific threads and pointless bumps are complained about here often. They are made by people that don't think, the ones I've described above. Honestly if I was an artist wouldn't even be worried if BBWchan didn't like me, because there's far worse enemies to have than the pathetic husk this community's turned into.
>rewteeting your own tweet after I came across it
please get a life bro

but you know what I did on Christmas eve
not seethe about a website
Whiny piss babies with poopoo dipeys who keep crying about the littlest shit. Life sucks then we die. Live with it or learn to laugh at it like I have.

For extra anger fuel
>>politics suck your presidential waifu is shit
Exactly >>piss babies need they're doodoo cleaned
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insufferable bitch got worse, actually looks so fucking foul haha
It's literally just 1 autistic guy with a lizard avatar.
I don't care about the looks, I just know she's from that vile Twittroon crowd of the artist circlejerk.
Oh hey this lady has shown up in the algorithm on twit for me a couple of times but I’ve never actually looked at her content. What’s the whole deal with her?
Being a dozy cunt that is in a sea of thirst and troons apparently
basically what >>103777 said, some 'holier than thou' retard on twitter with some tranny partner, just posts a bunch of thirst traps of her inflating and some other retarded shit
>>98768 (OP)
I made a suggestion to improve the website and fatfags showed their clinically retarded colors.
Why are fatfags so widely known for their inability to take constructive criticism?
I want to invite fresh blood without having to explain why an image board isn't like 4chan.
>>98768 (OP)
Biggest thing I can think of is when a fetish community is so hugboxy and circlejerky that people within said community start to believe that their circlejerk is widespread and widely-accepted. This also happens in things that aren't fetish communities, it tends to happen a lot in various social/political circles, but I'm mainly leaning on the fetish side here.
Happens a lot in/around furry communities, like the really degenerate furries asking for animal vaginas on all the characters in a relatively-tame furry sex game, totally expecting literally 100% of other furries to be into cloacas and dog pussies or whatever. Another example is when you've got a totally normal sex game with human characters and human physics, and some horny-ass MF begs the dev for cumflation of like, gallons.
"You know what would be really cool? You should add a horse so she can get fucked, it'd be so hot!"
"What? A horse? What the fuck, you're joking right?"
"Joking? Horse dick is sexy, you should add it, it'll make your game really popular! Everyone I know loves it!"

Semi related:
>NSFW game site has a big tag list
>decides to add a ton more tags to make sure to cover everything, hundreds of fetishes, art styles, races, etc.
>about 10 different NTR tags for different situations
>about 20 different incest tags for different pairings
>tags for basically every letter in the LGBTIOUHSUIGHO list, including some combos
>tags for every game engine, including weird ones AND separating all the RPG Maker engines into different tags
>nasty tags for nasty fetishes
>no inflation/expansion/stuffing tags at all
>when asked where the inflation tag is, the reply is "stomach_deformation", and there's no comment as to whether or not they'll add more relevant tags
>months later, the tag plan list still includes no inflation/expansion tags
I repeat, "stomach_deformation" covers literally anything that affects the stomach, meaning stuffing, inflation, pregnancy, oviposition, gas, bloating, hyper insertion, tentacle fucking, weight gain, hyper cumflation, "realistic" cumflation, parasites, enemas, anal vore, vaginal vore, oral vore inflation with bursting, writhing swollen guts full of alien worms or whatever, hard vore; literally anything that makes the belly change shape. There is no other belly-related tag that has anything to do with inflation/expansion, and that means this single tag will pop up on any game that contains any single thing of this entire list, so most games will have this tag because most games contain at least some aspect of at least one of these things (mostly the internal dick bulge thing), so the tag becomes worthless for anyone into anything on this list.
It's not like F95 is some clean site full of vanilla sex between lovers or anything, and there's significantly worse fetishes already on the list, so it's just baffling.
Speaking of tagging
>Hentai has an inflation related tag
>It's one small panel in a 300 page tour-de-force of the most disgusting kinks you can imagine
>Hentai has a pregnancy tag
>It's literally the last page only
It's like classifying a movie as a fantasy film because in one scene Lord of The Rings is playing on a TV in the background.
While I'm complaining about hentai another thing that drives me bananas is when the art starts out relatively normal and then degenerates into a completely impenetrable maelstrom of scribbled sound effects, fluids and extreme closeups. You could tag that shit as anything because it's like doing a rorschach test.
Hentai is supposed to be a dramatic story hence why the close up. It is not theatrical like Tomino where the woman becomes mad and starts demanding sex
some schizos have personal beef with like 2 guys from nearly 2 decades ago and seethe about berry art because of it non-stop
I want to find a decent picture and see some faggot like Kagekira or Ssbearugarde.. and vomit...
So fucking shitty looking, looks like a 3 year old made it..
TMC/Clips4sale studios... I Fucking Hate that bitch Taylor St. Claire... she is the most over-rated whore i have ever seen... her garbage spills out and floods every website... Bambi Blaze atleast doesn't make me wanna gouge my eyes out... and all real life inflation suit video creators are now tainted by the influence...
Most modern artists... They draw the most cliche shit... awful artwork hiding under shading and complex line work with basic tranime noses and other such things...
Gay Inflation art... it's fucking disgusting... i don't want to see some asshole's drawing of a chode or a female with her tits chopped off and a tiny little penis dangling out...
I think the glory days are over... the silver days are over too... the bronze days are coming to a end... All new artists look all the same anyways..
No one pushes the envelope anymore..
(465 KB, 910x642, ack6.png)
Can't wait for the day TMC goes bankrupt
>No one pushes the envelope anymore..
i get that, i'm trying but not hard enough,
What are you looking for when it comes to things that push the envelope? (this goes for anyone else in the thread too)

I'm not very good at it, but I really enjoy drawing inflation, and I'm sure I could use some unique ideas for pieces
(58 KB, 1063x752, violet_beauregarde_2005_concept_art_by_drunderciver_dgd3w61-pre.jpg) (434 KB, 1920x1424, 5016457fc1829d80d35fae64_rw_1920.jpg)
for me personally, I think i'd like to see more experimentation with different poses, shapes, textures, lighting, angles, methods, even characters. at some point alot of art starts to blend into eachother, i'm not expecting like mf high art or some shit like that. just shake up the formula sometimes

i for one am definitely guilty of these too (a mf needs his quick fix) but all the same blueberry/helium sphere shit or tiddie ass inflation at flat boring angles with the same flat boring backgrounds with the same flat boring colors starts to wear thin after a while

thats why shit like the concept art for VB (2005) is really appealing to me. looks really out there and cool, often my fav inf pieces are the ones that look visually striking and with lots of depth and character. shit I'd prolly appreciate if I wasn't a fuckin degenerate

Or idk, at the end of the day a nuts a nut. Masterpiece or slop, doesn't matter anyways
These are goodgood! Hassan like!
I have to agree. People need to play around more with shapes more. Becoming a berry is unrealistic, so why not have fun with the idea? Like, why must the limbs be sucked in the body? Depending on how big the person becomes they become useless even if they also swell with them.
(435 KB, 1104x1836, 1694642450.addde_herry_zoruafied[1].png)
This upstanding fellow DM'd me once sobbing that I was 'sexualizing minors' because I made inflation stuff of MHA characters.

Anyway his OC that he hornyposts about every other week looks like this
(97 KB, 1920x1080, cover2.jpg)
I like Addde's crap, but that head inflation shite is so damn unappealing.
of course lmao
that being said, keep drawing MHA characters inflated; they are really good for it
furry artists need to be shot
Which character u drew?
The dirty tub becky edition
Uraraka Ochaco? Or any of the other classmates on the series?
yeah since they're high schoolers and are like what 15/16. besides there are way more adult characters that omg them anyway
I give advice how to improve the website worth 1 or 2 weeks salary non-American money and I get to see fatfags haven't changed since the early days of 4chan /d/.
I'll take time to save enough money to donate. I hate to see chan's go away.
That and the fact that berryfags have consistently started the most amount of shit with other artists and fetishes at every available opportunity.
(102 KB, 652x365, imagen_2024-02-07_203211190.png)
Agreed, but tbf this guy and other artists do art for their art for their circlejerks and that's okay but head inflation (or that kind of shapes) ain't for everyone, and I feel they forget that lmao, tho tastes are subjective, but won't like to find head inflation on my feed because it's not my fucking taste and shoving it down my throat doesn't makes things better

but nothing than a button can't solve
>furries telling people what they should and shouldn't draw
fuckin lmao, especially when theres a large section of their fandom who draws feral animals in sexual situations
mf is throwing stones in a glass house
When people in the colorization thread don't post references of what they want colored in.
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Sixsidesofhead makes some pretty good smut, but good God almighty his faces are FUCKING UGLY! I’m absolutely baffled by the fact that he can draw really good breasts and ass but then offsets it by drawing the most hideous, disgusting faces I’ve ever seen.
I don't mind em too much imo, matter of fact I find the grotesque attention to detail very human and I think it gives his work alot of character but I think that's the artist in me talking. I could see why it's a turn off

also me likey funi face and it made me ha ha so that too
>feel like chatting about inflation
>go online
>immediately pinged a hundred times by terminally online autists with ultra-specific sub-fetishes
I should just stop entertaining them. I'll often make the mistake of having a session with them and entertaining their whims before realising
>It's going to be this same thing EVERY TIME
I'm happy for them that they know exactly what they like but this is a two-way conversation we're having - I'm not some AI chatbot that's going to spit out highly tailored stories for you on demand. Also these fucks are always the ones who will ask shit like "do u have any limits about age?" before every conversation. Yes, pedo, I do have limits about age that we've spoken about many, many times before but somehow you always forget.
furries getting mad over underaged characters being drawn is funny when they have a large section of their community dedicated to doing that, and theres multiple known IRL pedos in the furry fandom that are still allowed to attend conventions that have minors in attendance
I'm not gay so I try to avoid any male related fetish art.

Particularly with blueberry inflation, I've seen some cases where it's male inflation but I can't tell because the artist makes them twinks. And no, I'm not willing to put aside a dick just to get off. I like girls, plain and simple.

This goes with pregnant art too where the artist makes the men very feminine or androgynous so I end up almost busting to guy belly. I'm not kinkshaming, but this annoys me a lot.
I get your take anon and I'll say fair and to each their own on what they wish to sex. but I'll also say cope and cry about it. Do some research on said images if possible and find out character origins yourself or ask it's kind of your own fault to a degree if you fall for the astolfo classic.

You're only excuse is if a drawing is so obscure you can't find info outside of that the Internet is Vast! You should hopefully be easily outside of a few cases of obscure artist or original character creation be able to tell what has a penis or not. Again not to shame you or anything but sounds like a fix it yourself issue. But if you want to fatten up this community with more useless threads you could create a femboy/trans/whatever you wish thread title to sort said things better. But I don't see it as a reason you should be seething let alone complaining for change? Mine you if that was your intention. If not I apologize.
>If something bored you move on to something exciting!

Otherwise make the CUM make them cum HARD! my best advice.

Nah you right. Most of it is definitely on me too deep in a cloud of horniness and not bothering to check. And to clarify it doesn't piss me off too bad, at most it's just an inconvenience.
The guy who commissions or request people to draw Erika and Sabrina from Pokémon
It wouldn't be bad thing if that guy didn't make everyone draw the exact same thing over and over while keeping the expressions, angles, and even underwear exactly the same.

And I'm starting to dislike him even more after finding him on Pixiv and he also likes underage characters.That guy is disgusting in two different ways.
(20 KB, 609x594, 1646953228641.gif)
Pixiv is like the easiest way to spot a fucking degenerate tbh, so I'm not surprised
I would like to complain about an artist by the name of Raygo008. This guy is so stubborn when it comes to criticism. He drew one of character inflate fucking his child oc. When people called him out on this, he called the commenters with common sense a bunch of sissies then disabled comments. This ain’t the end however. He drew the said child oc fat as fuck along with Dora the Explorer. This time he actually deleted it. And made a response to it all of this tomfuckery. He says he can draw whatever he wants and says he isn’t weird, just unique. Whatever the fuck that means.

I could go on but I’m like really tired. Sorry.
there's too many men and men pretending to be girls on twitter with those violet costumes and inflatable suits, like holy shit. everyone sees right through that shit and for whatever reason nobody ever says a thing. bunch of fucking freaks, i wish there weren't so many autistic retards in the community like joseph barnes who scares away every girl who does something inflation related
Kisame here, I feel like there's a lot of people, like me, who go Kisame here, when they are posting.
I dont understand what is the issue with people doing their kinks but maybe im expecting too much from you.
This. This is the one thing I hate the most about this "community" is all the fucking troons and spergs everywhere on deviantart and Twitter. I know there is a lot of overlap between LGBT-related faggotry and weird fetishes but even still, it's no wonder why the very few actual women in this fetish always leave because they always get chased by autistic retards being creepy spergs and the trannies sure as hell don't make things any better.
Probably because most of us aren't interested in trannies pretending to be girls with an inflation kink, but you do you pal.
>very few actual women in this fetish always leave because they always get chased by autistic retards

Back in the day you could get away with it if you had clout (like Freakinweirdo did), now you simply need to have the accepted groupthink opinions and you can do whatever you want and the alphabet mafia will defend you.
You know wherever you go whatever you do whatever the place you're always going to get idiots. Weirdos are diverse they come from all aspects of the world and every corner! You don't have to love them you could even hate them. But one thing is clear.

>If you can't handle the heat get out of the kitchen. You're just thin skinned.

That's almost a guarantee that somewhere someone is always going to say something unhinged you just grow a pair and learn to live with it and ignore it or get a restraining order
Because it's the internet for fuck sake when isn't there somebody breaking the ice of the tenth nice comment with shit like. Let me rain in your pussy juices and stick you're big toe in my anus. Or something lunatic like. Hell sometimes people just make shit up just to get a rise out of people! How many weirdos are actual perverts? How many are just unhinged edgelord trolls? Honestly I'd say it's 50/50. But again wherever you go whatever you do you could be bob fucking Ross yet some mother fuckers gonna ask to lick your feet if they for a second enter a frame of a video! Fetish content is no different. Ignore the dumb people, respect your fans. That's my advice for any female or inflation based content creator. Pass it along as I'm so sick of the always that one weirdo gonna ruin it argument when you know damn well that's how the entire Internet works with everything!
(19 KB, 583x108, goodriddance.png)
fucking finally this ugly ass cunt goes away
this doesn't piss me off as much as it is a hot take, but breast expansion is boring as fuck. When we look at the major types of inflation (which are breast inflation, ass inflation, belly inflation and full body inflation, you could also technically say hourglass or 3B inflation too but regardless), breast inflation/expansion is easily the most boring and basic one of em, with a close second being belly inflation.
Wow, this thread is basically just becoming the "transgender hate thread" isn't it.

Anyways, I agree with breast inflation but i'd also like to say cum inflation. It's just so overdone and any time I run into someone who is into inflation they're suddenly like "Hehe oooh I only do cum inflation X3". Just EVERY FUCKING TIME.
And granted, inflation as we see it is way more niche, I get that, but it fucking SUCKS to see an inflation tag, only for it to be cum inflation. It honestly can't be that hard to just put what TYPE it is in front of it. And true, cum inflation is a bit boring and its basically on the same tier of meh as belly inflation. Both are just really boring, especially if it's just that 'I swallowed a basketball look'
I know right? I have no idea why people here hate transgendered folk. They're as mentally disabled as EVERYONE here. You're never going to get new blood if you keep gatekeeping.
Nobody hates transgender people. Heck, early /d/ threads were the only welcoming ones because we had lots of trans men. Our problem is we push LGBT and normies hate LGBT and now normies find out they like what we like.
I agree with this sentiment but for character monotony in general. Artists and commissioners are allowed to draw/pay for who they want of course, but it still sucks seeing the same characters and series get inflation art over and over again. Feel like there's a lot of newer shows that would make for prime inflation material but sadly go unnoticed.
something else that pisses me off are the retarded mods on this site that delete posts that go with the threads, but take their sweet ass time to remove posts that are just schizoposts, or bad/niche threads in general.

"wah you're not allowed to talk about things that piss you off in a thread called 'things that piss you off'" shut up fucking loser

more mentally disabled*
you dense turbo cunt the point of the thread is to moan about things related to inflation directly not your weird turbo autists going on a rant about sex
I would say most curve inflation is more boring than belly inflation because it feels like it's just playing safe to appease more normal people, though belly inflation can be boring imo if it's spontaneous or has no cause/scenario to go with it and is just "uh oh my belly is bigger now for no reason".
breast inflation is def the most vanilla and basic of the curve stuff. I think another reason I hate it is because it always looks weird structure wise. Like, ass inflation looks a bit better because most of the time they include the thighs in the inflation, so it all looks a bit more natural, and hourglass usually allows for equal ass and tit size, so it also looks sort of normal. but with most breast expansion, its JUST the tits, so they look like a fucked up P, and it just comes off weird looking.
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>>98768 (OP)
No Patrick, basing your personality on being black is not a personality, it's just attentionwhoring.

I'll say this, I don't care if a girl is trans, black, latin or even a fucking male, I'll jerk off at it if I find it appealing, not attentionwhoring about it, I won't be like:
>look guys I jerked off at a trans inflation pic!
Fuck off, I don't care about the race or gender, it appeals me then it appeals.
i fucking hate fetish artists going on long fucking rants about current world issues, motherfucker, you're a fetish account, why the FUCK do you RT so much political shit, worst part is when you go through their acc and you need to scroll 700 meters before finding any fucking drawing because all they do is post shitty memes in twitter replies
>trans inflation
No thanks. Not my cup of tea.
Uber artists that are shit at it but people keep buying their YCH’s cause they are cheap
Monobutts and monobutt expansion, I just don't like them and I hate to see good artists wasting their time with them. Barley anything sexy about a monobutt but I'd be down to hear from those who do
I feel this. IK this isn't a furry thread but i keep seeing this damn wolf furry with monobutt/bottom heavy inflation and its the most unappealing shit I've ever seen.
People portraying Bridget (yes, THAT Bridget) as trans.

Dude was literally the worst character to make trans. His history makes it even worse considering he was forced to be a girl from the day he was born and fought to be recognized as a man.
Good or shit it's honestly up to each individual how they want to spend their money. Again if you want good stuff drop your dollars on it that's kind of the way the world works

>capitalism baby!

I mean I guess if you're really that unhinged and you really don't want to see it you could try asking the commissioner to pay double the amount to just delete the item entirely off their playlist although that might be egregious? But hey I say if you pay somebody fairly enough they might just remove something off there page but it's your money loss don't be surprised when people chew you out for either
the incessant amount of noncon with inflation shit compared to other fetishes is shocking and annoying and its a turn off for me
Boring scenarios is a good one. I feel like a piece loses out massively if it doesn’t show why the inflation happened. Or it’s something lazy like “oh no I slipped and fell on a hose!”. If you can take a character and think of a way they’d get inflated in their world if you looked at it through fetish goggles then massive props, that makes the art way better.
cry about it? i think you need to re-read what OP put... retard
The incessant amount of noncon with inflation shit compared to other fetishes is shocking and delightful and its a turn on for me.
Said every born female and a handful of transmen in this fetish """community""".
A fancy way of saying... Rape.
People get put on blast for hornyposting on main, but no one seems to care when people mainpost on horny and it's exactly the fucking same, if not worse.
I want to barry my face in all of that ass going up the stairz
yeah, mainposting on horny is so much fucking worse, you're pretty much selfsabotaging whatever cause you're for, because no one wants to be be on the side of the scat ssssssbbw furry fart twitter account
Maybe but both Sabrina and Erika have different oufits and yet he commissions/requests the same ones over and over again and the rest of same details I mention before If he wants to commission the same characters *atleast* change something right? even if it is something small instead of everything begein the exact same thing
I even hear some artists had to convince him to make them do something atleast some changes because they are also bored of having to draw the exact same thing and I can understand why (it's just no enjoyable and boring) it is just annoying at some point and that guy already pass that point 10 commissions/requests ago

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