
(9 KB, 480x270, images.jpeg)
Anyone remember earlier this year I think there was a dude on deviantart I think going by Audioplayer01 or something along those lines? He had wicked expansion audio clips, like 10min expansion stories some 2 parters. Stuff like WG expansion audios and blueberry. Can't remember what voice actor he used but the editing was on point. Sadly he deleted his DA along with any trace of his audio clips.
Anyone know what I'm on about or if you can still find them?
I swear the guy uploaded weekly for months before just disappearing, has me questioning if I just imagined this for months.
>>98464 (OP)
I have a few of them I'll post them later today
Thank you so much. Him deleting his account was like the Library of Alexandria burning
You legend mate, honestly thought I hallucinated them 😝
For some reason the download keeps stopping for me at 36%. Anyone have a fix?
>>98464 (OP)
dude i wish we knew where they went
like a twitter or a new da
their stuff rocked
He never made stories. He just did autistic soundscapes.
Well, he wrote descriptions of the soundscapes. I wish we had those too.
I miss these audios so much im so sad I missed them could I get a re-up?

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