
(270 KB, 1280x1818, IMG_1511.jpeg) (353 KB, 1280x1818, IMG_1512.jpeg)
a thread about something going wrong while inflating, either the valve breaks and they can't turn it off or they get too big to turn it off or something else along the lines of that
>>97503 (OP)
is this that teacher comic spellsx made?
(417 KB, 944x944, 1590116848525.jpg)
This one's always a perfect example

Has anyone got the full thing??
What's the name of the first comic? Thanks
Teach me Please (SpellsX)

great shit
@SonicLagann on twitter
Furry shit goes in "Furry". Its really not that hard.
It's inflation stuff ,so it is where it belongs.
Also not that hard.
Poster above you is correct, just put it in furry.

I'm also opposed to this thread being a thing, stop making threads around hyper specific scenarios.
Sorry to bother you,but do you have any more of SmashBro24's art?
I know you probably didn't ask me for my opinion,but when do you think someone will finally make a move and make a thread to call for order to the current thread problem? Just genuinely curious as to your response.
There's no harm in asking me a question. The thread where the 'thread issues' are being called to order actually exists within the 'things that piss you off' thread but it's not specific to the problem, which is positively ironic.
This looks like an irl thread.
I'm a lil bit late to the occasion but I gotchu homie
You new here? Base 64 encryption
We need more generals and less spam.
I came here to enjoy fwoomp didn't expect to run into a pic I *never* posted online except DMS, but alas it's the Internet.

It was me. Like fucking 3 yrs ago lmao.
Have been getting back at fwoomp art tho again :3

I ought to post them sometime...
Lol welcome to the Internet

Encoding, not encryption, but I'm splitting hairs.


Base64 encoding is a way of changing how text is represented from one form to another, generally to avoid characters that are "illegal" in a representation. Think of it like having a username field where "#" isn't a valid character. B64 started to get used in these parts because sites were automatically scraping for the content with uploads and sending takedown requests. It also meant that a website wouldn't get the referrer info from a clickthrough (prior to when it was popular to automatically strip that).
Not gonna lie that was kinda wholesome at the end
This website is great

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