

sause for all of them
1st daemonking, 2nd, purrine, 3rd noh-buddy
(659 KB, 1920x1080, 100.png)
since everything got removed repost previous pics here
>>11460 Where's the rest of the 1st pic

i don't think there is rest of the pic
as far as i could find thats the complete picture

original is by Chubnbass
how does hair get inflated
>>11533 that sequence 👌👌👌
can anyone post more enigma20xx stuff here (except the sonic stuff)
Is there more by this artist
dont think so, alanES quit the fetish scene and his work is rare to come by, so its super hard to find consistently.
Where did you find this comic?
Ya 41 days early
>>11590 time is relative

saved it back when dwelled on FA

used to go by creatureofwhim/transformation nation
Where did you find this and the other B&W stuff?
you got the other pages?
Are there any other Comical Weapon pictures you got or is that it?
Okey, can i have some source on that second one?
(991 KB, 895x1200, 73121933_p1_master1200.jpg)
if someone can comm バカ作者 about uber danganronpa stuff that would be pretty poggers
Does anyone have any Comical weapon ones?
Where'd you find the Aryll one?
anyone got any Comicalweapon ones?
Question, are you saying that she copied the artist that I don’t know the name for?
Source for all of them

What is the sauce?
can you comm this person for rwby uber inflation?
More enigma20xx

Where did you get these?
Where did you find this
Where do you keep getting these?
I got them from HellResident's patreon a while ago
No, the enigma20xx ones
Sorry my bad, it was from someone on deviantart but I forgot who it was. I don't think their account is even active anymore.
(340 KB, 1128x941, 1609867299802.jpg)
is there any other characters people wanna see uber inflated
could someone make a uber inflation discord group
do you know how to draw?
If anyone knows how to draw Uber inflation please draw Team Rwby Uber inflated pls
dude just commission an artist :/
I’m just doing this for anyone who is interested
It got moved to trash, someone make a new one
There is a artist that always does uber but please for the love of god stop asking them to draw minors it really creeps them out they were talking in a discord sever saying they may just stop they keep getting asked to draw minors :/
Can someone draw Uber Inflation?
Rwby Uber inflation
>fetish art of maggie goddamn simpson
like, i know we're all degenerates here, but come the fuck on, man
Source for 2nd image?
source on this one too? seems familiar

TechtonicPressure on twitter
I agree I hated seeing uber inflation or any inflation art of babies and children
I hate this art style so fucking much
if you could uber inflate anyone who would it be?
I would uber inflate kali belladonna from rwby


her design and personality.
that's it.
I'm just curious of who the people would uber inflate.
I have a few people i would uber inflate. but like i said I'm curious who other people would uber inflate.
are you gonna draw it
I wish. I'm not an artist by any means.
draw it better yourself cunt
What did I do?!
not you the person complaining about the uber inflation artist. people fucking complaining all day i dont see these cunts doing any better or trying to draw themselves. cunts all of them
properly uber inflate the whole line of Disney princess
oh sorry my bad. ubering the whole line of Disney princesses sounds interesting.
I have a list of people both real and not that i would uber.
One that I would want to see uber inflated is robin from one piece
I can only see like 6 uber inflation artist so thats why I go hard on people for having a go at any uber inflation for their style.
>>20833 with the 6 or 8 artist we have you could maybe commission one artist to draw it
hmm i did not think about that before. the real person i would want to uber inflate is interesting
I think we all know who this is

This is one of my favorites from hell resident infl8.
id thought id never see an uber inflated Harley... i like it
Anybody know the sauce? Saucenao leads to a DA account that is just someones fave collection.

I don't know any "uber inflation" artists so I can't even guess.
Don't know if this was answered already but I discovered AWN is "A Witty Name" (DeviantArt) AKA "The DollHouse" (Patreon... but not leaked on Kemono ATM).
I discovered I like uber inflation and I don't know why.

Can anyone give the source of the 3rd (Samus) pic??? I can't find anything using the "Image Search Options" plugin.
It looks like artwork by a deviantart artist named comical weapon. There is a thread on here of his stuff and his other inflation looks like it
Pretty sure that's by Subakitsu, at least, from what I know of their art and the file name. They don't usually draw ubers to my knowledge, however.
It took a while but I've been thru Subakitsu's DA & FA gallery and it looks like its not his pic :*(
I'm just about to look through Comical Weapon now but I can't seem to find his thread on here. Can't see it on the "side-bar", and I tried using the "search" at the bottom too. Sorry if its obvious how to find it but I'm new lol.

Can anyone link me to the thread?
Who would you uber inflate like this?
(174 KB, 1280x960, 67_by_elobeidzip_debjdr9-fullview.jpg) (332 KB, 1280x960, 76_by_elobeidzip_debjei2-fullview.jpg) (182 KB, 1280x1280, 77c_by_elobeidzip_debjeq6-fullview.jpg) (176 KB, 1280x960, 23_by_elobeidzip_ddclyid-fullview.jpg)
Mmm, this elobeidzip's work is something else.
>Imagine going up to one of these ladies, brimming with enthusiasm and air.
>She notices you and seems to beckon you to come near.
>You do so, and she plants those massive lips on you
>Your entire face gets coated in those luscious smoochers, all thick and wet and warm
>She begins to blow hot air into your mouth, causing you to swell
>You moan in delight as your body stretches and grows, the pressure sending pleasure throughout you
>After your face plumps up, she plunges that huge tongue into your mouth, starting a deep French kiss as your lips and cheeks smush together
>Eventually, she breaks the kiss, gazing at her new love balloon of a mate with those huge eyes
>All you can do is stare back, delighted to have a good view of her blimp of a bod
>You could get used to this
Oh goodness, yes!
(1.1 MB, 2415x1882, 74662291_p2.png) (1.8 MB, 2732x2048, 74662291_p15.png) (1.6 MB, 2507x2048, 75930542_p2.jpg) (3.0 MB, 2732x2048, 75930542_p8_master1200.jpg)
Wrote some more sap because that's what I'm into darn it
>it's been some time since you've become the bloated lover of a blimp girl
>in that time, with her help, you've managed to regain some mobility
>mainly, it involves "walking" i.e. bouncing on your feet while waving your arms to change direction, as well as wiggling your fingers
>you've also regained your speech, though it takes a bit of practice to understand you through your rubbery mouth (fortunately, she has that)
>most of your time together is spent talking, holding hands, and lots and lots of kissing
>sometimes its simple and cushy lip smacking, while other times its sloppy and passionate Frenching
>these sessions often end with both of you even bigger than before, to your delight
>often, you'll just stare at each other, admiring your figures
>that popped-out navel, those bloated nips, those near-helpless limbs, those permament kissy lips coupled with those bouncy cheeks
>and those EYES; those shimmering, gleeful, gigantic eyes, adorned with what seem to be actual heart-shaped pupils (you suspect you've developed them, too)
>you two simply can't get enough of each other, your happiness and love seemingly as infinite as your body's apparent endurance
>you only ever consider deflating for one reason: to experience that wonderful growth again. And again. And again.
Your little stories are so good!
Can you do more?
Certainly. I hope you don't mind things getting naughty
>One night, she admits she's been in the mood for sex
>You blush, admitting you're not really sure how that'll work for you two
>Smiling, she slowly pulls off her stretched clothes, then lies on top of her bed, naked and on her stomach, her rear facing you
>You're surprised to see her pussy and anus are also bloated, both rivalling her lips in size and puffiness
>She grins at you and says softly, "Come and get it"
>You quickly (relatively) move in and go to town on her privates, covering her rump in kisses and tasting her insides
>She moans as she feels your tongue invade her holes
>Before long, she cums into your mouth, sweet spunk flowing down your throat
>She then turns to you and carefully tugs at your pants, releasing your erect cock
>You both marvel at the engorged thing, estimating about 3 feet in length and a foot in thickness, paired with testes comparable to beach balls
>Excited, she resumes her lying position and motions you to have her
>You float to her, lightly grip her shoulders, and press your cockhead against her hole
>Feeling her shudder and gasp, you pause, concerned
>"No, i-it's fine," she says gently, "it's just.... been a while. Please, don't stop"
>You manage to start thrusting into her, slowly getting into a rhythm
>She sighs as she takes in your entire member, feeling your sack bounce against her huge butt
>You feel your balls swell, growing heavy with seed as your climax approaches
>It arrives, a huge burst of jizz shooting out of you and into her guts
>Her tongue lolls out as her insides warm up, the sensation prompting her to spurt again
>You roll off her onto your side of the bed, winded from the effort
>She, however, isn't done yet, as she gets off the bed and approaches your still-hard dong
>She lightly kisses your sack, then smooches her way up to your tip
>In one fell swoop, she takes your entire dick in her mouth, her lips smothering your crotch
>You moan in lust as she wraps her tongue around your length, gently lapping your balls with its tip
>As she milks you, she begins to blow, causing your body to swell even more
>You can hardly think as waves of pleasure wash over you
>She gently grasps your gonads and squeezes, feeling them getting fuller
>Your size increases dramatically, your head gently brushing the ceiling
>Finally, you blow your load, draining your balls into her mouth and shouting in pure lust
>She murrs as she tastes the salty load in her cheeks, marveling at the giant blimp that was her lover
>Gulping down your semen, she floats up to your face and pulls you into a kiss
>As you smooch, you fell yourself shrink, quickly realizing she's inflating more
>The growth stops when you and her reach the same size
>Pulling away for a second, she smiles and says, "That was incredible. I love you so much"
>You respond with an "I love you, too!" and lean back in for more kissies
>You and her lie down together, smooching and cuddling (sort of) until you fall asleep in each other's arms (an odd sensation when you can't close your eyes)
>Meeting in your dreams, the two of you continue your love-making session throughout the night
>Not once do the feelings of joy and passion lessen as you repeat your lewd and loving acts
>As you awake, gazing at her soft face, you feel like the luckiest person in the world
Oh this is so good!
What about the males?
Can you do a male Uber inflation story?
Perhaps later. Besides, I sort of just did one.
(174 KB, 966x828, ubercare_by_plasticextreme_depjm8s-pre.jpg)
I want to be a patient here forever. Undeflateable, untreatable, and constantly on the verge of bursting. I would need a special room thats padded like a bouncy house, and I would constantly whine to the nurses "me...want...ooouuuuttttt....me...want....squeeeeze!", they'd reply "Oh no no no no sweetie! Outside is bad! There are pointy things outside." But I want to feel that. I want to get as close to blowing as possible!
>>28618 that sounds cute
Can you make more uber inflation please?
Are you still working on that art yet?
Would anyone be interested in joining a server for uber inflation? I'm thinking of making one.
>>34076 I absolutely would!
I draw that kinda stuff alot, but I'm usually too shy to post it on sites like FA.
Can you post it here?
Yes, I will when I get it set up
I'm trying to share the link to the server but it's not letting me shate it here
When I try to post the link here, it won't allow me, it autobans me if I try too.
What if you encode it?
Here's the link encoded, use a decoder for this.

What decoder do I have to use?
Just use the base64 decoder, it should work just fine. There's one on the bottom of the page here.
Can you send a new link please?

Here's a new link encoded
Can you make Nina's World and Dot. female characters uber inflation art please?
keep doing more pls
You think there's any tragic stories or media from that place like a popping accident or massacre
More enigma20xx please.
Any chance the report my post server is still up?
Rubbery person maybe
Can you please make Nina's World and Dot. female characters uber inflation art?
Can you please make Nina's World and Dot. female characters uber inflation art?
I remember there being an uber of Sakura from Naruto and an uber of revy from black lagoon. They are from an artist called Art201. Anyone remember them?
>>10036 Who draw this again?
Strangebump on twitter drew them but I was the one who came up with the idea for the pictures
Somebody help Uber my nuts til I'm a big fat fuck
I think it's his mom and sister but it's been ages since I remember finding it on DA
sauce on artist?
Excuse me, who is the author of the image of Lilith and Lusamine
Victory with a dose of mercy but the last time I did that it got taken advantage of so the game state is here instead. Sigh.
>>9650 (OP)
I want to like the artist but her emphasis on eyes is such a turn off.
Yep. Eye inflation is some serial killer shit.
(954 KB, 1280x720, why the agony.png)
Yeah maybe true but it does offer for some funny as shit enjoy the gift this one of a kind abomination exists because of you
(847 KB, 1900x1516, RiskyBlimp.jpg)
Time to bump the thread
Can anyone link the uber inflation report my post server again?
(6 KB, 225x225, images (43).jpeg)
No way he ate the fart stick! He's a fart fart man!
Can't believe invisible man inflation porn exists now !
>girls and women who draw inflation draw serial killer shit
Cute? Hot? Both?
I mean it's fine but I'll give the sediment that eye inflation is a acquired taste
Personally I like the more overinflated head look and my eyes.
More mobile and expressive I see it in a lot of furry based arts but not so much human and it's a art style I'd love to see more of in the Uber inflation community.

Some may say it isn't Uber but I tend to think so. Only thing that really changes is the eyes and face and the massive filled to the brim sentiment still remains intact!
Live damn you
Not giving up hope
>>11460 2 pic is Patrick Star lol
keep this thread alive damn it
Need male uber inflation
Come on
My doors always open for commissions I do both girls and guys as long as their 18+ and other as well
I’m looking for a comic where a big woman starts blowing up a balloon for a stream and the balloon starts making her swell. It eventually pops and so does she.
Very good point.
>what's an archive
How would a girl feel if she were uber inflated?
Please I'm begging you
No, I don't like it is all.
Some people should just never draw uber
Let's see if this thread goes up.

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