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Well, Lucky's DA is kaput

We need to archive le art
>>96347 (OP)
Can't you make a DeviantArt thread?
This is Luckytatooki. Thank you OP for making the thread. Nobody replied but it means alot to see that someone cared enough to start it. I hope you're doing well OP (:

And if someone really wants proof that I am who I say I am, reply to this and I'll screenshot the thread and post it to my Twitter page or something idk.
Check my Tweeter friend
To be honest, I don't see the point of making a deviantart thread if some art in different threads are from deviantart
What's up how are you doing Anon
I'm doing good Tatooki, also good you came back by the way.
Glad to be back Anon
For real, what brought you up here?
If you're asking why I'm on this website specifically, its cause someone told me about this thread and I wanted to see it. Although I do also browse some threads on here from time to time.
Oh I see, you were curious about what Anons thought about you and your art?
Can you give us a drive archive of your art Lucky
Haha yup. It was cool to see the thread even if it was dead as soon as it started. I have seen my art posted here on other threads from time to time, so its nice to know some of y'all thought it was good enough to be shared.
That means no lmao.
That's pretty neat dude
You never know Anon
Uhh are u sure?

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