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inflation related scenes from media! like tv shows, movies or even commercials!
im not sure if theres a thread like this but heres one if there isnt!
>>92655 (OP)

OP post still the greatest inflation scene of all time. Super underrated.
The scene from Peculiar Penguins always stood out to me.
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probably the weirdest piece of inflation in media relating to the simpsons
and it was a promo for the ever simpsons ever marathon on fxx
>>92655 (OP)
not inflation but related to All That.
I remember anons somewhere on here sleuthing around someone mentioning how a later season of all that included a girl getting force-fed her "just desserts" until she was massive, with quote "a good fat suit", as her comeuppance.
I heard there is a scene on a manga called "Goku Midnights: Eye"
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I have seen all 2 episodes of the anime but i never saw a scene Whit an inflation
>>92915 idk, i just searched yp on Tv Tropes and says that in Vol 2 a female assasin got inflated by a robot
as far as I can tell, there's no inflation scene in the manga or in the OVAs
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the bubble butt inflation scene has always been a favorite of mine <3
care to elaborate?
>>92655 (OP)
Don't know if this is the right place, but I'll bite:
I remember a scene in some cheesy American movie (might have been anywhere from 80s to 90s) where some sort of burger-multiplying invention is eaten by a woman due to the main character's clumsiness, which leads to her balooning and exploding off screen.
Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
What else can you remember about the movie, of anything? Anyone famous? Any description of the girl or other stuff that happened?
That's the rub, for the longest time I thought it was the Inspector Gadget movie, as I remember the main character wearing a trenchcoat and trillby looking hat, but that wasn't the case. It was definitely one of those movies that went straight to cassette tapes rather than in cinemas.
chatGPT says:
"The Crow" (1994)
"Dark City" (1998)
"Blade Runner" (1982)
"The Shadow" (1994)
"The Rocketeer" (1991)
Problem with researching this is that only the first volume of the manga is readable online. Each volume has 3 stories in it, but sites that show volume one call those stories volumes. Physical copies of volume 2 are on sale on several sites, and the synopses of them line up with the description on tvtropes, so if anyone has 10-30 dollars to spend, they could confirm if there is inflation.
Pretty sure Blade Runner isn't the one we're looking for
Vampire Marsquerade: theres an ability known as Boiling Blood where you inflate people
Final Fantasy VIII: The Wendigo has an attack that inflates the character and uses it like a ball https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x220ak
Gokuu Denetsu Magical Beast Warriors: its a psx fighting game, the Kappa character can inflate it enemies, there are 2 female characters
Any visuals for these examples?
>>94585 Vampire Masquerade its on youtube easily. I already put on a link for final fantasy VII. and the gokuu denetsu magical beast warriors its more complicated....
There's the Brazilian telenovela, Saramandaia, where the character of Dona Redonda blows up like a balloon in a season finale before she explodes in the same finale.
Time code 8:55, thank you
i read on a forum about an scene on a dutch kid show, about a witch, who a salesman stole her spellbook, making she swell up, and if she doesnt find her book, she will pop. The person who tell this was named Firmov
library of ruina, i think it has a scene
I search this kids dutch show but i can't find sadly
something new?
>>94499 >>94516 have any more detail? Maybe the list would help you. This sounds promising
any more details like they said? What did she look like?
what else you can remember? Like how did the actress looks like? what comany make it
something new about the dutch show?
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i can guess with complete certainty it is none of these movies
anyway good luck with the other stuff everyone.
i have this scene from Cloverfield where a girl blows up like a balloon behind a curtain for a second, its pretty blatant and she even looks like she gains curves, belly included. warning for blood and mild gore.
>>95203 there is planned a direct Clovervield 2 movie, you think on that movie they would make someone inflate too? I mean, it may can be like the Mummy. Cuz on the first movie isn't shown how the Mummy "eats" his victims, but on the III everyone can see how he does.
i think theres a female inflation scene on a Jojo's Manga, her name its Noguchi
>>95218 its very gross and not pretty tho
i think theres a scene on a rpg game of Namco, like a kind of epic mickey but of Namco, having Taizo Hori on it
>>95203 god, i wish were been able to see whats behind those curtains
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animes do some good inflation scenes sometimes
but i dont know any good full body inflation scene from anime, except the space cobra one
Oh damn it what was this one from again? Was it the "School Days" anime? I don't remember.
I heard that on Mortal Kombat 1 nitara has a fatality where she shovels a lot of bats into her enemie's throat, making their bellies bloat, so if someone has the game can try it
The belly doesn’t boost it just ripples, lol sorry but it’s not really inflation worthy unfortunately
Yeah it's really underwhelming tbh
>>95700 really? oh, how dissapointing. changing the topic someone discovered a new scene?
>>94302 you have any more specific memory that you can tell us? Like the appereance of the actress, or the actor of the protagonist, or details like those ones
i heard that theres an "swelling" scene at a manga known as Holy Corpse Rising. Something about spores that makes the bandit witch swells up and maybe explode. Sadly theres no much of that manga on internet so if someone have it, or can buy it. Please sends us images if you found it. Or tell us that was underwhelming
wait, i think it didn't send up
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this is the scene i was trying to explain
false alarm, was from hentai
i heard that theres an scene at a manga known as Holy Corpse Rising. Something about mushrooms i think, atleast its at TV Tropes
someone find something yet?
someone have found something about the dutch witch, the hamburguers or the manga witch thing?
Does anyone have the scene from family where meg gets inflated
someone discovered a new live action scene?
>>97214 yes do you have the clip
>>97263 if we talk about Ai's that can make scenes, GEN-1 and GEN-2 can be perfect for make scenes, but thats more for the Ai Videos thread so lets end it here
i heard that on a manga known as Corpse Rising, theres a kind of spores that make a witch bloat
What’s the prompt for this one?
yeah ai subject matter should probably be discussed in the bbwai board
This is super impressive imo but you didn’t drop the prompt!
>>97377 the name its the prompt
It’s not showing, idk if it’s the metadata or something. Could you post?
>>97379 screenshot of a 1990's sitcom starring a female with long dark hair, with a huge weather balloon sized stomach, wearing a sweater, fully clothed, standing next to a balloon
Time for a different ai model
It's very very weird and usually this means the thing it generates is inappropriate, not the prompt itself.

Just reword it until it works.
(1.4 MB, 1440x1080, Angel BE.webm)
I remember a video years ago on youtube titled "Angel BE" with no description, so it took me years to find the source and remake it.
It's Steel Angel Kurumi ep16
Yeah, I went to a DALLE thread in /v/ and apparently they're censoring the fuck out of the app, almost by the minute. It won't be long until it's completely unfit for any sort of nsfw content.
>>97407 also we can modify scenes using Gen-1. I tried to do so
I don’t want to sound like a retard, but I’m not familiar with what that is, could you please explain? All of this AI is very new to me, and I really don’t know where to begin besides with Bing’s Dall-E 3. I’m extremely appreciate of all tips and info
>>97409 let me explain, ehem. (Also you dont sound retard) Gen-1 its a video2video AI that can modify videos utilizing prompts, my idea its to slighty edit inflation scenes using a video editor program and modify on Gen-1. I tried to make a Bowsette inflation video, i posted the base at the thread Bbw ai videos and animation
Thank you very much
do you have to pay after 25 times?

You wouldn't happen to have the prompt for these, would ya? I tried the one from earlier, but it seems that's been sniped down.
I used this prompt
screenshot of a 1990's sitcom starring a female with long dark straight hair, with a huge hot-air balloon sized body, wearing a blue velvet outfit, fully clothed,

It won’t work like 80% of the time, just keep trying it and you should get some results
>>97414 well, you can always use a TempMail
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I change the outfit to pyjamas
Bing are suspending accounts for an hour has it happened to you?
Big time. Which is odd because the same prompt will occasionally will get blocked but work moments later.
I tried with the same prompt about a hundred times and it worked about 25% I’d say, but I never got banned. I think you might be using words or phrases the AI finds sexual, as I’ve heard it can ban people who use it to create edgy topics like George Floyd etc. so if you’re using a prompt like “big swollen boobs” I imagine those they ban instead of not showing the results
People, I think we should make a separate thread for AI, we're drifting away from this thread's original purpose.

Here’s something to get back on track. Anime called Dragonaught: The Resonance has what looks like a kind of inflation scene. What is shown is some swelling of her arm and then a view of her silhouette inflating all over before there’s a blood splatter. Scene starts at 0:15.


Been searching around for this scene but no dice. It’s a tough one to pin down. Is there any more info on it?
>>97460 i think no, its like the Dutch Witch, we must call the best lost media seekers for this
>Inflation death by energy/magic overload
Means it's goated
He's speaking in tongues, we might have to call an exorcist
someone have found something new about the burgers, the witch or others?.
Heres my contribution "Theres a videogame known as BloodRayne Betrayal, where the main character has a weapon that makes vampire bloat up and explode, there are two female enemies
I keep seeing clips of a so called Sun Gun that just burns/obliterates enemies, but nothing about that bloat gun.
>>94302 chat GPT says its " "Better Off Dead."
I recently met a gal that has the weirdest fat distribution = she has a skinny neck, a slim face, hands slim, feet slim and even a quite flat stomach compared to the rest of her inflating looking arms, ass and thighs.
It really looked like somone took a tire hose and inflated her. Fucking her from behind is amazing. Her ass is like super huge and round and thighs enormous and her lower part of legs slimmer until her tiny small feet that looks like could be from a slim girl.
Hey, new Goosebumps show came out today and the first episode is Say Cheese and Die! I remember from the OG show there was weight gain caused by a cursed camera. If there is any in this new incarnation let us know ASAP.
>>97709 technically no, cuz the weight gain occurs at ay "cheese and die!....again!". But we hope that it maybe happens here, cuz for begin with aren't the same characters, so we can also even have a female weight gain
Don't understand what that has to do with inflation in media, but sounds hot as fuck regardless
theres an ad of a bank, Club La Nacion, where a woman inhales so much she inflate

Tough luck, I remember reading say cheese and die again. The guy gets fatter while the girl gets skinnier. I hope to god it doesn't get made for that reason . Fortunately will probably get cancelled before that.
theres a lame decompression scene at a movie named Backfire! from 1995. Where the main female and male protagonist after defeating the villain and for kill the fire accidentally got trap on a vacuum, just their bellies slighty expand but sadly they gave more detail to their faces
theres a new bellyguide page or not?
i heard that theres a scene at a show called Revenge files of alister fury in the episode luck of the Irish
theres a wikia page known as Cinemorgue, where it has a category known as "Bodily Explosions". Maybe we can search scenes from it
Now as the site its soon to close we must put all the scenes we know here
The sites not closing it's just migrating to a new domain
>>98015v ah...........ok, good news then
Someone found a new inflation?
anyway to run dalle 3 locally?
also someone found something about the burgers and the witch?
There two inflation scenes in family guy
>>98630 actually are a lot. But doesn't call my attention tho, go to Big Cartoon Wiki and you will find all of them
You didn't check it though, did you?
One of the girls stuffs pillows under her jumper. That's it.
>>98650 oh. Idk on a website said "Briefly Inflation". Thats why i put it on there
someone knows places where we can find lost media info? Or some info about the dutch witch and the burgers? im searching but its very hard
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this but i can't find, but the only version i can find is the beta
>>98882 what its that?
>>98886 Producing Parker S1E1
someone have found a new live action scene? i have shared all the scenes i know

Queen of Pump, but all i can find is the beta
>>98900 and what has that to do with scenes?
Does Producing Parker has other inflation episodes?
>>98907 no, but has a weight gain at season 1 episode 3
>>98915 i dont think it counts................
bump, we need to find more info
>>94302 i asked ai and ir said The attack of the Killer Tomatoes
Looked up a killcount on YT. No inflation at all.
the episodes are on bilibili
i didnt watch as the videos are blocked in my country but they are on there
>>99140 i investigated the wikia and it says the episode 57...but that channel doesn't have it...well another scene to seek for the list
Episode 6 of a show called Shasta Mcnasty has a supermodel eating something she’s allergic to and her blowing up as a result. They don’t show the process of it happening, just cuts to what she looks like after, but it’s still something. There’s some moaning and stomach rubbing too, and the guy even mentions juicing her.

Starts at 15:40:

>>99217 interesting find, lame theres no process, but atleast its somethign new here

Apparently, it's either Episode 27 or 28, a two-part entitled, "Graduation."
>>99418 wait, this isn't inflation content? i always thought it was
There was a clip not too long ago from some random live action sitcom. Husband shows wife some obnoxious "influencer"/comedy clip on his phone. It's a midget looking guy pretending to be a doctor speaking in really exaggerated broken English. Some bimbo comes into his office for a "check up" he gets her up on the exam table in her bra/panties and hi heels and then inflates her right breast by tapping a hose to it, the girl then comments on how she thinks he's not a real doctor, the guy then inflates her left breast but he over does it and it "pops" back to it's normal size.

Can;t remember the name of the series for the life of me. Swear it had something to do with a "road trip"?
the inflation happens over the course of several episodes (53-56), but it only happens to kids and the effects aren't even very good

Thanks for that.

I friggin' found the series in question. It was a sitcom called "The Detour" the clip is from season 4, episode 7 at around the 10 min mark. I'm still hunting for a better quality clip. https://i.redd.it/4dvwys1k7pd31.gif
have someone found some new info?

Awesome! This is a good find. TY sir!
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Someone I chat with on report my post found a behind the scenes photo of those Boost Loopt ads! Which includes that good looking lady in the orange tracksuit~
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Another backstage shot, I don't think was on here yet. This one featuring the 3 ladies from that movie theater Gas-x ad!
There was a sketch from a tv show called Hype from the early 2000’s that was about an at-home silicone kit. It was on YouTube a few times but has gotten taken down. A playable version isn’t even on the way back machine. Any video of it would be appreciated.
It was a comedy sketch where women had huge fake breasts. There was a part where even the little girls had boobs (obviously a joke). A man had boobs in a purple sweater. All the women kept saying “thanks maliboobs”. There was a part where a blonde woman had big fake boobs in a blue sweater and the commercial said they will give you a second set of maliboobs for free so she had another pair of breasts on her back.
>>100872 good find, i already post it at horror movie scenes thread btw
i already said this at horror movies sightings thread but i found a inflation scene, but dammit, the inflatees are too cute and chibi-like! atleast are females, but still. At Persona 5 Tactical Repaint your hearth DLC, the villain inflates little mouse-gals with her guns, atleast for what i saw thats the only inflation sighting in here, the inflation its good, but the inflatee makes it underwhelming
Also this reminds me, theres another is sighting at Persona, in Persona 4: Dancing All Night. one of the girls turns into a inflatable clown, and explodes in her battle, the inflation its great but sadly her head its covered by a hat, making it unable to see her
so maybe there are other hidden scenes in Persona franchise that we must find
someone knows any woman where she exposes herself to the vacuum of space and bloats? Cuz i cannot believe that there are only 3 examples on media
Used to be on a really old YouTube channel. I have a downloaded copy (in like 240p) somewhere.
someone have found a new body inflation scene at Velvet Jam channel?
Do you have a link to the Persona 4 clip?
>>100910 wich one. The mouse gals or the clown. The mouse gals clip is right there
Somebody here remembers a clip of a show that was circulating on YouTube, was about a woman in a yellow suit with anthenas absorbing the air a villain was throwing making her inflate. And later on she deflates through her finger in a hose
>>100916 i do. Was the ink thief. But i cannot find her clip. The episode was can this be really the end?
The one with the clown girl.
someone knows any scene on a movie or series where a woman "depresurizes" and bloats?
i heard that at a creepy sci fi show known as Scavengers Reign there are cloning pods that swell up and explode, someone can find the scene?
>>101050 nevermind i found it and its underwhelming cuz it only happens to some animal clones, not human clones
someone found some new inflation scene?
Since it’s coming out tomorrow and someone’s bound to ask on this thread, is there any FEMALE expansion in the new Wonka movie?

Please tell us BEFORE the rest of us pay for expensive tickets and spend up to two hours that we can’t pause or rewind finding nothing but a fat suit wrapped male cop.
I know this is probably an unnecessary schizo rambling of mine,but 'Fat suit wrapped' kind of sounds like a rap lyric.

Nope. Just fat nasty male cop. Enjoy.

Thank you for sparing me the money that would have been wasted on tickets, snacks, and gas to drive back home after an afternoon spent getting my perverted hopes up for nothing. God bless.

Then again, maybe it was for the best. The kids who watched Robb’s blue butt stretch out that track suit back in 2005 (and got their developing brains ruined because of it) are in their late twenties and early thirties. An expansion scene today would take place in an IMAX theater full of Karens and their coddled kids with super computers with 4KHD cameras sitting in their pockets. All of them ready to start recording should one of us enjoy the movie meant for families and kids a little too much…

I do not envy the poor kids who actually did enjoy seeing Wonka 2023 and immediately went online after the movie was over to search “Wonka fan art.” Now that’s how our community gets new members. Ha!
For what it’s worth the movie was at least enjoyable from a non fetish perspective
I remember this short film a while ago about a guy taking his girlfriend to a factory to lose weight but the important part is that one girl sneaks into a room and eats a cake, next time we see her, she’s inflated with another balloon woman, does anyone know what this film is called and where to find it?
heh yeah I actually figured that was the short you were talking about! Also seems getting to the link is better on laptops, then on phones. If that was the way you were trying to watch it, cause that what happened to me. Not working on my phone but worked on my chrome book.
There are too many threads.
This... we have a severe lack of female spherical inflation.. in movies, tv,and other shit... for some reason 90% of the time it happens it's a guy with a mustache or balding... you never see a woman inflate in the movies
You would think a balloon under a skinsuit under regular clothes would be an obvious choice.
(2.6 MB, 640x360, 1707897255082310.webm)
was unsure if this should go here or in the horror thread as it feels like its some medical horror type stuff, but does anyone know what this is from?
Pretty sure that's x-files
Can someone please find any video from the 911 episode “Bobby Begins Again.” Season 3 Episode 16?

There is a woman named Julie who’s getting her hair done at a salon for an audition. But when her head goes inside a hair dryer it swells up and gets stuck until they cut her out. I just wanna know if we get to see her head swelling or after it gets cut out how big it is.


And please put video on YouTube. Still can’t watch videos on here in June 1st of last year. And it isn’t my device, I can’t watch videos on BBW-Chan on phone or laptop after multiple updates on both.

One video on YouTube I did find where you see swelling is a woman whose tongue inflates in her mouth until it blocks her airway.

it is, thanks!
s2e6 "ascension" for anyone else wondering
Anyone have the Joyco Solano dinner party scene
Why did her head swell up that way? The wiki doesn't clarify it for me.
It's called Netflix and chill 2 it was a lost media horror short this was literally just posted and talked about with a link to the full horror short recently in the horror channel or here
Anyone know how to how to upload clips like this?>>92702
>>108061 just drag a file to the text box
another scene for the lost media list.
a person on thread at /gen/ said that they saw a mexican milk ad around the 2000's, with a great belly inflation scene.
"The ad featured two clones of the same girl with a black bob haircut, both wearing red polka dot bikinis. In the commercial, both clones drink a glass of milk. Then, the girl on the left looks down in disbelief at her belly expanding like a balloon, showcasing how many calories other milks from different brands contain". Maybe this can ring someone's bell
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Imagine how much easier it could be to get normies to indulge us if he Who Must Not Be Named never existed. It's already very easy to convince gf's and friends with benefits but everything beyond is a fuckin minefield.
Does anyone have the ad
No but the bap driving by does
I understand this is asming him to be named, but who exactly?
In my opinion it isn't really good as an expansion scene but there is some neat body horror-eseque stuff going on there.
>>111349 i mean, its not that good, but atleast the first seconds are nice, considering the lack of scenes in modern media
Seriously are people blaming Dobson? The degeneracy of ONE MAN for a entire communities actions and assume were all like him pretending we're teenagers and shit. No although I would be lying if I didn't say I too enjoy some good balloon art of adult women. Not all of us are a giant alien hive mind you know and anyone who thinks that way of almost any community IS DUMB!
The only similarities is and that man has is a taste in Balloons. That's it! We all like blimpy women! The rest of what makes Dobson is all Dobson! A individual not a entire community against anyone who blames a entire community of any kind no matter who or what they are (outside of the acception of maps and zoos who are monsters that should be obliterated off this planet in Minecraft) are utter morons! And understand nothing of how or what humans are! We're not NPCs! Where all full and vibrant minds of individuality! Not automatons.
Now that I think about it,and this is a bit of a long shot,but anon could be talking about Solar Sands maybe? I know Dobson would be more likely,but honestly it could be anyone since anon is doing the whole 'he who shalt not be named' crap.
Yes. Some of us got into trouble because of him. You're clearly a newfag.
Dobson is the reason some normies even known inflation fetishism is a thing
dobbers was such a fucking lolcow with his political shit and never bothered to do any personal OPSEC so of course inflation got tied to his legacy
it sucks but honestly if you ask me, it's always been more of a detriment to his name than the fetish itself

plus be thankful you never sperged out so hard that you got literally permabanned off twitter like he did

>Some of us got into trouble because of him
fucking what lol
Netflix’s new Good Times show that premiered today. Episode 3 (12:30). Lots of Wonka vibes.

The show is actually funny cause it gives zero fucks about being PC. And it’s one of the few animated shows with Black main characters that isn’t waving rainbow flags and trying to make Black and white people more divided than ever. Anyone who’s watched Proud Family: Louder and Prouder’s “Slaves built this country” rant or all the anti-white people shit in Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur on a network meant for kids knows what I’m talking about. These shows should stop preaching history, hate, and division and go back to teaching family values. Like having Black dads who aren’t turned into emasculated dumbasses whose belts are only for holding up their pants.

I’d say we need Boondocks Season 5, but with how Adult Swim did Riley dirty in this vid below, cutting out all his best “you gay” lines, the liberals will probably ruin it. Thank God John Witherspoon isn’t alive to see this shit. RIP Grandad…

Are there any other expansion moments in the series, or is it just the one instance?

I think the sighting needs more details, either way. Is it air inflation or extreme weight gain?
>>111724 according to a user on report my post, Grey swells up

It’s air inflation after she eats too much candy. Sorry no screenshots. Netflix app won’t let my phone take them and you all might be anon, but you deserve better quality than a grainy paused TV pic.

Basically the girl over indulges and she’s too round to move. Then when her mom tries to roll her, she pushes on her stomach too hard and they all zip away while she farts the air out. Basically what you’d see from cartoons like Tom & Jerry.
And it's supposed to be an allegory to young women having their periods for the first time? I think it's the "G-spot" thing that got me confused.

And if there's anyone who's going to claim that I am a kid who doesn't understand what's happening, please don't. I am an autistic 22-year old man who lives with his parents because he's too afraid to move out, cut me some slack!

Don’t worry, bruh. Most of the anons on this site who can post paragraphs during work hours or on work nights are in the same boat as you. Thank you for having the courage to be honest.

But the “G-spot” is meant to be Grey’s “sweet spot.” A place that is forbidden. Her mom is from an older generation that shamed young women for being horny. The allegory is all about self acceptance and rejecting shame.

If you don’t what a G-spot is. That’s just slang for clitoris. The whole episode felt like a season’s worth of health class lessons you’d pick up from watching Big Mouth. Sad their eight season coming soon is gonna be their last one.
And she swells up because it means that her horny levels are off the charts?
Boy I sure do love unhinged rants when I'm trying to jack off to round chicks
It wasn't unhinged though?
You just think anything that's critical of political correctness or Disney is unhinged.
Check out this playlist. It has inflation and weight gain I’ve never seen from shows I’ve never heard of. Chinese and Indian cartoons making more ladies blow up nowadays than we do. Can’t post vids here, but here’s a link to the playlist on YouTube. If you can post as MP4 before they get taken down, move fast and go nuts.

The fact he's ranting about it on a fucking orb fetish imageboard makes it unhinged
Remember how you felt when Tom & Jerry rebooted Willy Wonka and they skimped on the Violet expansion? This just came out today. Skip to 2:30 and prepare to laugh and cry.


To his credit, he drew Scarlett sexy as hell. Still would have loved a scene where she tried to shove blueberry Violet through a suspiciously circular door.
also i heard of a fighting game called getamped where you can use balloon-powers to inflate or your fighter or the oponents
I heard at Idbm that there is an inflation scene ina show called The Mind of Herbert Clunkerdunk, i didnt get further information sadly, someone can see in what episode this occurs?

It looks like it’s in the first season, which is 4 episodes long, each about 10 minutes. I found clips from each of them on youtube but nothing that leads to an inflation scene. It looks like it used to be on something called iPlayer but was taken off early last year. I don’t know of any other platform it would be available on
Disney is for pornstars. Who never grew up
there will be released a sequel to Vampires Masquerade Bloodline, and atleast for what i read its gonna have the same blood bursting power from the first one. Also good news about the clunkerdunk inflation=

What is this good news you speak of?
>>112816 i tried to put an ? Symbol, but my pc put an =. I was just asking if someone found the scene
(482 KB, 976x491, clunk.png)
It's in Episode 4; the old man puffs up randomly about two or three times talking to Herbert. Not much to write home about.
I regret watching this series.
Not much to watch from long island yankees suck

So regarding this "dutch witch" thing, there's a 70s Dutch kids show called Tita Tovenaar


The shows revolves around magical mishaps and such. Season 2 introduces a recurring witch character named "Grobelia" and from what i've seen there's a spellbook that's relevant to the story. Seems like a solid candidate here

According to the single review on IMDB the show includes some bizarre shit like turning people into cucumbers, so an inflation episode seems plausible

The problem is that the series has a swooping amount of 490 episodes, some of which can be found on YT but i don't know if all of them can be found on the internet (probably not). There's also a revival series from the 00s.

Another thing is that if that IS the show we're looking for, the inflation is probably pretty crappy since this is a 70s show lol but hey it might still be interesting so maybe it's worth giving a shot
I asked chatgpt about the episode and he replied, In the TV series "Tita Tovenaar," the episode where the witch inflates is called "De Reuze Luchtballon" ("The Giant Hot Air Balloon") in Dutch. It's the 25th episode of the first season.
On youtube they have like 30 episode of the first season but the episode 25 is missing sadly
Shit so is that the deleted one I ran into? Hunt people we're onto something interesting
Nice choice of words to dox yourself woman
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Did a bit more research the witches name is grobella and she's a hottie she's also called a herbal witch. It has to be from the 2008 remake probably because in the original she didn't show up until season 2 but maybe it's a typo? So check season one and 2 of the original for the scene and the remake from 2008. I did as much digging as I can but I can't find the full episode
Huh. Fuck off jackass fuck why do I bother to help people if you're gonna troll my ass with dumb shit. Go back to sticking Legos in your nose

On a unrelated note does anyone have scans of the yoko inflation scene from Goku Midnight Eye volume 2 it's legit the first story In the chapter I'm not finding it online and I don't feel like paying $20 for something I'm not gonna read

Don't wanna be pessimistic here but chatgpt is really unreliable when it comes to more obscure stuff and it often just makes shit up. I don't think this episode actually exist.

Here's a some sort of a database for dutch kids shows (both dutch ones and non-dutch ones that aired in the Netherlands) page for Tita Tovenaar: https://kindertvgeheugen.nl/series/serie-overzicht/2080-ti-ta-tovenaar

There's a list of all the DVD releases along with the episode names in each release. There isn't any episode named "De Reuze Luchtballon". It could be an episode that wasn't retrieved for a dvd release but if that was the case chatgpt wouldn't know about that so im pretty sure it just made this up.

It still could be the show but if that's from an episode that didn't get the dvd treatment it may very much mean it simply got wiped out off the tapes in order to make space for something else - a sadly common thing for many shows from 60's and 70's when the demand for new shows was high but there was still no way to record them for a personal use

BTW there's another 70s Dutch show called "Kunt u mij de weg naar Hamelen vertellen, mijnheer?" that apparently also includes witches or something but out of 45 episodes, only the last 6 survived.

Are there any dutch people here that could get into that mystery? I'm relying on google translate here when doing research but i'm sure people from the country could shed some light.
Wouldnt have made it with out the black queens
Have kids with niggas then depise them spanish women man lol not these niggas dont fuck with me
Black men dont cheat for no reason. Lol
>The Mind of Herbert Clunkerdunk
Check again?
>De Reuze Luchtballon
Sorry, wrong show. I meant could we check again for Tita Tovenaar?
That's the episode name supposedly. Or translated the hot air Balloon meaning I guess they use the witch as a transportation vehicle
Still worth a deep dive most of what it said was factual. We have both a the original and remake run. it's not out of the question and alot of time not looking into things could lead to loss and translation. Example The Lost media community has this happened all the time where they think oh there's nothing there there's no lead and in some cases after finding lost media we come to find out that those leads have been pulled up before and people have just shrugged them off.

So what's best to check every nook and cranny and if there's nothing there then there's truly nothing there

Yeah, was only giving some insight. This show's still a priority as it's the closest thing to the description we have. That being said i've actually gone through every episode I could find on youtube and found nothing so far. All of them are from VHS or DVDs although there are DVD episodes that seem to be missing online

Here's the list of the dvd episodes: https://jeugdsentimentportaal.wordpress.com/tita-tovenaar/ - missing ones are Tante Truus, De hoesjoesbloem, De versneller, De zweverik, De toverplak, Krachtaardbeien, De kamezel. There are also 3 episodes that were released only on VHS in the 90s - Grobelia steelt de toverfluit, Grobelia werkt met kruiden and Grobelia maakt een plaatje.

I also found a neat database that has info on all the times this show was aired: https://tvenradiodb.nl/index.php/49232/tita-tovenaar.html
So the reason why it has that many episodes is because they were 5 minutes long and then they were merged into longer stories. Some of those stories are completely missing now tho. One of the missing stories/episodes is called "De knalgroei" - "The booming growth". Take from that what you will.

I also checked the 00's revival thing and it actually has a full rundown of episodes on IMDB with plot descriptions, none of them implicating any inflation content. I can't find any full episodes online (there are some short snippets on yt) so who knows.

That's pretty much all there's to this show for now.
Bootylicious twerk on me
I watched one I'm not sure on the remake but the originals are 30 minutes long. Again if someone has time to waste best to check so we know whether or not to punish chatgbt for it's war crimes with a hose up its ai ass.
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Does anyone happen to have a copy of the inflation scene from this 1990 sitcom called Babes? I believe it's from the 9th episode, the Thanksgiving one, but I'm not too sure. All I've been able to find so far were bodyinflation forums that lead to deleted Youtube videos and a gif at best. I checked the internet archive and they didn't seem to have anything either. Any help would be appreciated, I doubt this has become lost media.
>I doubt this has become lost media
Well can you find it? I've searched IA as well and found nothing. Apparently it was present on the old http://airytales.net site but this specific video hasn't been archived i guess.

Those deleted videos presumably refer to the show's opening, which is still on YT.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKxDRZm0BxA (0:23) - another shot from that scene
Imagine they replace those guys with all the simpsons female characters! now that'll be hot! lol
>>amber might have her beat lol
(3.7 MB, 640x360, killer klownz breast expansion.gif)
Killer klownz from outer space breast expansion. Is there any other horror movie where the inflatee isn't one of the victims?
Wasn't there a movie where a pair of Japanese women in old period times blew a guy's cock up and popped it to defeat him or was I just high?
If i remember village of the giants has a brief breast expansion scene with a girl in a blue dress as her top pops open before she grows into a giantess
This is from all that right? Did anyone fact check if the actress was of age at the time? If not someone should and get back to us all on it. You can usually backtrack timeframe of filming with there age now to get accurate ages if there at least 19/20 it should be alright for example that so raven food for thought has been fact checked this way and raven was a adult at the time of filming the scene even if her character isnt

Reason I say this is the community recently learned mila Kunis may have been underage in her that 70s show blueberry scene as she lied about her age
I looked it up the actress in the scene in Erin Cardillo she was born on February 17, 1977, the episode of All That came out on October 18, 2003 meaning that she was 26 years old when the episode came out
I don't have it but yeah it's ep 9. I've been searching high and low. It needs to be found.
Well, the first two (cuz i werent remated in the last one) were found by the hard work of literally searching across the web "verb related to inflation + media related noun". Or by searching inflation scenes across the web, like Curcage Tv and Movies threat, youtube, reddit, or this same threat as well
For an strange reason i cant open it, can you describe the specific name of the movie if its written?
i asked the OP and they said it weren't that scene.
The OP describes a woman blowing up like a balloon very similar to Brenda from Slither but with fat (???, and then she exploded in "milk" i guess.
this is what the OP told me
"There’s one girl, she’s in a dark room. What I say of warlock: the amargeddon looked very close to the scene. Dark corners of a relatively conservative/old times house.

She speaks defiantly to someone and as punishment he makes her grow with some magic, she was wearing like a tank top and shorts.

It goes on a while her getting real big and pleading.

Then explodes and is fine but clearly shaken. The explosion is loads of milk like liquid."
So it's not the scene from Faust? This is getting kinda interesting then, hard to believe a scene like this would go unnoticed by this community for literal decades. I hope OP is not just fishing for inflation content on this sub cause that scene sounds neat as hell.
me too...me too...But i mean, actually across the many scenes i stumbler on, and how no one speak about them, tells me that maybe there are a lot of scenes behind the community's eyes,
So this reddit now belongs to the all-mighty yet infamous list of lost scenes wich needs strong searching
-Dutch Witch
-the autoreplicating burgers who a woman eat and exploded
-the goddamn salamander man
-And the woman who swells up and explodes in a new version of herself
Someone knows if Lesbian Vampire Killers has an inflation scene?
(8.1 MB, 1856x1044, ntsf_sd_suv_-_piper_doll_tf,_inflation,_shinkage-8.webm)
there's a scene from the live action adult swim show ntsf sd suv where one of the female characters piper gets transformed into a doll and then is shunken

her body inflates during the doll transformation
>>120122 well, there were some discussions about an anime episode where a sorcerrer woman swallows a salamander man to kill him, but the salamander man survives and inflates himself inside of her, causing her to inflate and then explode freeing himself
not bad, could be better but works
great find, thanks
the critic is for adult swim, not you, btw
Honestly love the idea of Santa turning naughty adult women who did bad things into big puffy living blow up dolls in which he stress tests.

If the women balloon can't handle the extra pressure as they're blown into Christmas blimps in the living room or outside on the lawn and blows into scraps they get made into pool toys and beachballs or something, if they can they get deflated and shipped off to good perverted men and women to become their playthings who does who knows what to them.

Reverse roles for femboys,men, or trans individuals to however you please you're balloons to be! Story elements remain the same. One could also switch Santa for Mrs Claus or hot elf's pumping up the naughty lists worst
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I believe killjoy 3 has a blink and you'll miss it scene just like this not very impressive but his girlfriend batty boop stands up to him or something so he despawns her from reality causing her to very briefly swell with I believe party balloon noises if I remember correctly before bursting into confetti or sparkles.

It's very quick but I'd describe it like the bee scene in Futurama. Shame she didn't blow up bigger.
And Yes quite literally she's basically wearing body paint and stockings
first: why my searching methods sucks a lot
second: how did you find this great scene?
well you're right is pretty underwhelming, but my question stand, how do you (i mean all users) find scenes? cuz despite i search i can't find
I just do sometimes it's like fishing it just comes to you sometimes. But hey if anything can upload a full high quality MP4 or gif rip of the scene I appreciate it as I'm finding no luck finding it anywhere myself I just know I saw it once awhile back on tv
57 minutes into the film if I remember correctly it was because she accused him of cheating so he bursted her bubble
i haven't made a gif, but you can watch it on a page called m4uhd, was hard to find so the page is shitty
hey i was searching and i found this kdrama about a supermodel who if she eats more callories than always she swells up like a balloon, idk how many scenes are in total but i found one in EP1 at the second 22:10
>>120500 Where's the inflation?
Happens exactly at 3:44, it's not much though
There is a scene on the show "The Talk" which is their special sweet episode. Sheryl Underwood is dressed as Violet and swell into a blueberry. CGI is pretty well done but its nothing spectacular.

i can't find any inflation on that video, or is on other video?
more information provided by the OP
"It looked like cgi mostly, she was pretty, wearing tank top and shorts or jeans, long straight brown hair and otherwise a regular woma."
rings a bell?
Not really, I mean it's nothing groundbreaking compared to what we knew before. If anything it makes me want to think back about Faust again, weird how OP haven't straight confirmed yet whether that's the film or not.

BTW aren't you the guy who brought up the possibility of it being a lovecraftian TV show? Can you elaborate on that here?
they confirmed, twice, is not. And yes, im the deerboi, for the lovecraftian thing, well it was a sugestion, cuz when i was searching across the Tv Tropes "sea", i found about a series called lovecraft country or smt, and there is written to be an scene where the bodies of two different female characters technically explodes into monsters or smt like that, im not fully sure
"Ruby and William/Christina's later transformations is quite horrific, where their original forms slowly burst out from inside of their assumed ones, with the latter's skin being shed bloodily." Also i search for the series i thought it was, atleast under my opinion it wasn't due being too different ;-;, the show i thought it was was Todd and the book of pure evil btw
Also i really find weird how i haven't with this scene in my "searchs", except of well, facing with this thread thanks to my searchs. But also something odd wich makes me believe this scene is real is the fact that out there are a lot of buried scenes wich no one can find, like, the scene from Maria Stomach wich despite isn't being nice, is female inflation with all it words, and also when i was younger i saw a show called "Amigos en Ronda" on a channel called pakapaka, and in one of the idents the robot who got a crush with a ballerina tried to inflate a balloon for her, but he accidentally makes her inflate, wich makes her fly away and let the robot sad, and i haven't found this scene on any other site like bigcartoon wiki
well, i found that there is a new fighting game called Monstroscopy where one of the characters is a vampire woman called Lisa who can inflate her enemies with blood until they explode, i haven't found any footage on gameplay of her using it on the female characters but she inflates a character in this trailer

Which was never gonna happen and not anywhere near the director. Don't be like the people who said squirrel games SpongeBob episode was gonna have an expansion scene too
Good scenario though, still an enjoyable read. I have to give credit to our guy out here finding some of the most obscure shit imaginable, keep at it.
Thanks, i guess xd. But hurts the fact that due my efforts to search scenea this is the beats shit i could find ;-;.
But atleast the mostroscopy one looks promising, we just need someone to make footage
this is surprisingly good.
whoever Stacy is it seems she was never even in the final cut of the movie.
Btw someone got a copy of Mostroscopy?
Or found something new
Looks like the link isn't working, have the pdf by any chance?
i think no, but you dont miss too much
something i been thinking on and i found interesting is "accidental inflation scenes", i mean, like, we have intentional inflation scenes where a character swells up on media, ok, but what if instead of swelling up the character is "mutating" or "transforming" into something, and on the process the character inflates, like for example Ludmilla or stuff like that, or "gross" expansion, like a character mutating into a blob, or stuff like that. Cuz i think this is more probable to happen than actual inflation, so someone knows any movie or game with stuff like this?
What do you mean it technically did happen? Ashley tisdales tits inflate at the end of the movie nothing like that is out of the question for the series and at the same time inflation via expanding peeps in a tan bed The sounds 100% in story element
Tit inflation was also in Scary Movie 2
I think your best bet for that would probably be slither? You don't see the actual growth and it's definitely played more for the gross out effect but I think that's about as close as western media has gotten to what your describing.
Forgive me for going on a weird rant unprompted,but holy shit the scene from Slither does things to my brain. It's like several kinks at once and I love it.
>>121081 well yeah thats the idea, i mean cuz i think this kind of stuff is more probable to happen on media, than actual inflation. Also this reminds me of the vacuum woman from creeptales (2004) heh, weird scene.
Also btw if someone liked Brenda and the inflation of Mr Creosote i think you should give a look to Maria's stomach, the "woman" looks slighty gross, and the way she eats the body is pretty diagusting, but her clothes look nice, her voice is good and she inflates and explodes. Also i heard that the manga of Alita, a kind of spinoff or smt, has a kind if disease wich makes people to bloat with masks or smt, i think the empress were a strong victim of this turning her into a blob made out masks.
Btw i heard a guy on reddit talk about an inflation scene on a movie i think calked "Were all going to the bight carnival" or smt
My bad, was We're All Going to the World's Fair, ring a bell?
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>Also i heard that the manga of Alita, a kind of spinoff or smt, has a kind if disease wich makes people to bloat with masks or smt, i think the empress were a strong victim of this turning her into a blob made out masks.

Not really bloat, just giving them head-like tumors. And the queen character isn't even fully shown, it's just what's on the pics
>i heard that theres an "swelling" scene at a manga known as Holy Corpse Rising. Something about spores that makes the bandit witch swells up and maybe explode. Sadly theres no much of that manga on internet so if someone have it, or can buy it. Please sends us images if you found it. Or tell us that was underwhelming

Found all raw volumes and went through all of them, didn't catch any inflation at all

>i found about a series called lovecraft country or smt, and there is written to be an scene where the bodies of two different female characters technically explodes into monsters or smt like that, im not fully sure

Yeah it's Lovecraft Country (2020), the transformations are just sort of literally shedding skin though, no inflation or exploding

Feels like we're kinda running dry at least when it comes to just googling stuff and searching for it specifically on sites like TV Tropes. Not discourage anyone from doing it but I think our best bet for finding new AND solid content is to just watch some obscure shit, horror movies, gross-out comedies, some more surreal stuff, anything that could potentially had an inflation segment. It's not that uncommon, I'm sure there's some good stuff out there.
Something i have also been thinking of is searching in other languages, thats how i found Maria's stomach
But well, for now the only good new inflation scenea are the ones from Mostroscopy "wich for see the effect on female characters someone must buy it and record it" and that MK1 now will have a new animality that is a pufferfish entering on someone's mouth and inflating from inside out
>But well, for now the only good new inflation scenea are the ones from Mostroscopy

Yeah I don't think so, it kinda looks like Kitana's Kiss of Death from Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe which doesn't do much for me. Then again even Rain's Bubble Burst fatality from MK 2011 doesn't do much for me, guess I just don't trust fighting games to deliver. Exploring and watching some weird, unknown shit is the way to go imo, preferably stuff from all over the world.
hey technically this scene is like what i was talking about on
Mmm, but atleast is something i guess
Also i found an horror series or smt called Sealed Videos, wich i think are a compilation of spooky videos in a found footage, episode 67 says that includes a woman who become fatter while sleeping due the effects of Nebutori, maybe someone wants to give a look
I think it was called curse of izanami
Does anyone know where I can watch them?
9c2005 is cracked at finding inflation media
Its that an insult or is an ccompliment?

So, i keep finding this short floating around about a woman who lives in a world where fat is beautiful, and she rapidly grows into to her favored size later on. (do correct me if this is the wrong thread to ask this question) but anybody know what this animated short is called?
>>121696 Im pretty sure is not worth it honestly, checked the post and the photoshop story seems to be "Photoshop Nightmare", where most of the stuff that is described happens but instead of getting fatter, the woman gets thinner until she explodes(Dont ask how that happens.)

I could be absolutely wrong but from the episode descriptions i found, none of them fit what they said. Again, i could be totally wrong here but yeah, feel like it's a case of misremembering
>>121714 i mean in terms of the photoshop stuff lol, the operating on the bullies thing is an episode
There's something i been thinking of, im not very sure, but on Maria's Stomach there is an inflation scene where the protagonist gave her a poisoned corpse eich made her explode. The problem here is, how they knew it would have that effect? Did the poison was used before? Some reviews says that the killer kills some girls in goofy ways, so maybe one of them include the inflation scene?
I honestly wouldn't think about logic too much,the film looks like it deserves MST3K style riffing for all of it's flaws. On a sidenote,I honestly found the inflation scene mostly hot,but I wish they showed her stomach more as it expanded.
oh, what a shame, but well, despite not having 2 scenes has a very good scene after all
and yes, they should have shown more of her belly, but well, its hot anyways. Also i wonder if someday we will find the "lost scenes"...
Ah fuck,we're near the bump limit. Do we wanna do a sequel thread and get yelled at for 'taking up thread space' even though a rough 20% of threads here go unused or nah?
Doesn't Clarissa Explains It All have an inflation scene?
Explain yourself please
I searched and i havent found one. Can you please elaborate?
All I can remember is Clarissa imagining herself eating too much until her belly inflates big.
And you're sure you also don't remember it involving pancakes or tracksuits in any way?
That's from Sabrina the teenage witch, where she is shown to have "retained syrup" after its revealed that witches weakness is pancakes and Sabrina eats a bunch of them. There's also another Sabrina episode where their teacher becomes round and fat but in both these cases you don't see them get bigger. Although I have seen Sabrina when she gets thinner at the end of the pancake one reversed so she swells up. There's also two scenes in the animated sabrina, one where the aunts inflate/fatten up in a sumo gag actually getting so big they fill the room until they pop but then they reappear later. And another one where Sabrina inflates her friend/bully in a hallway but there's no process she's just standing there and then has a big bulbous lower body and is floating around.
No, I'm very, very familiar with all of that; I'm just trying to make sure this isn't a false memory

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