
(213 KB, 2048x1502, SashasSmallBra1.jpg) (220 KB, 2048x1453, SashasSmallBra2.jpg) (206 KB, 2048x1287, SashasSmallBra3.jpg) (1.2 MB, 3500x2200, SashasSmallBra4.jpeg)
Hiacinthy was a great artist for expansion content before suddenly deleting everything. I won't blame her for it, people move on, such is life, and I hope she's doing well whatever she's doing now. I thought we could make a thread for her old content, especially stuff that was on Patreon since her content was deleted prior to Kemono becoming a thing.

I'm starting off with 4 out of 5 panels of a comic where the 4th and 5th panels were only ever posted on Patreon. Someone had shared the 4th one here when she first deleted her stuff, but the 5th one never made an appearance. If anybody has that last panel I would be eternally grateful
>femme artists delete profiles
This was the full archive link I'd posted in another thread. If she didn't upload it here herself, it probably never existed.
There's still some expansion-style stuff in the archive, but no part 5, I'm afraid.


She's changed account name and working on tasteful SFW content now. Can't blame her.

Shut up, nerd.
I meant why delete without warning.
Many such cases.
I'm not in the mood to keep this thread up however I hope someone will contact her one last time to save 100/10 art
Y'all, as the OP of this thread (I know I can't prove it anonymously but just take my word for it), it needs to die. I don't understand why people are keeping it up. >>96370 gave the answer. You can find her art there. I had thought I remembered there being a part 5 to the comic, but maybe she never actually finished it. That's all. I don't think this thread will turn up any more content, so we ought to leave it be.
Post the gallery ITT.
I hope she sees this thread and reconsiders. She has a beautiful style.
I hope she changes her mind and posts again.
Tell her to come back.

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