
(812 KB, 1680x2136, mushroom_topping_girl_but_blimped__by_dylanyoung2007_dfxdpcm.png)
So I was watching this psyched substance video on YouTube I was recommended and it was some guy going into safety tips followed by eating mushroom drugged chocolate and my mind started pondering around and I wonder has anyone with a inflation or weight gain fetish trip on drugs and have some sort of inflation experience? Like imagining there body bloating as whatever the hell you took kicked in? Not much of a drug person myself but this topic does make me curious so anybody got some tales to tell?
while possible. shrooms make you see differently. so you won't get trips about your favorite stuff sometimes, but there's a chance you could see inflated men/women. my experience was that lights were brighter or patterns moved. it's crazy but no inflation trips, at least yet.
>>91828 (OP)
Speaking of which I'm very surprised that no one has made any inflation mods for this game yet.
Scarybabe aka Reiinapop mentioned doing drugs while inflating on her tumblr.

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