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We’re mainly active on IG, but also post a bit on fet and Twitter. She loves being turned into a blow up doll and shown off.

Most recent inflation session.

We do all sorts of inflation play - inflatable suits (although both of ours are currently torn, balloon stuffing, BE rigs, real belly inflation, N2O and saline stuff). Just a couple of inflatable freaks!

Have plenty more to share if people show interest.
I absolutely love that spandex suit she's wearing over top, giving it the look of an inflated wetsuit. Well done, anon.
Whats the name of your IG?

Can find us under balloon.daddy on IG and inflatadaddy on FL.

Just fyi we don’t sell content or take requests. Just share things as we want to!
Been following you guys on IG for a couple of years and absolutely love your content
this is sick. have you ever done or plan on doing any ass expansion specifically?

It’s tough to do with it looking quite right, might feel nice but always looks a bit wonky. May try again though.
Nice please blow her up more and share in future. Do you have a ball suit or have you thought of buying one?
Also I think if your gonna hide someone's face you found the perfect brilliant method Anon libre masks give enough humanity with eyes and mouth to not make it look uncanny hopefully more suit inflators follow your method

It’s latex actually, but that white outline 100% made it look like a wrestling mask 😂
Would love to swap breast expansion rig/setup thoughts. So nice when a significant other is there to share in the fun.

Feel free to reach out on IG - posted handle earlier.
You're so hot. Please play with balloons while being inflated.
Do you have a TikTok or youtube channel? Or a Patreon It would be a great opportunity.

We don’t. Have considered but we have good careers, don’t need the money and don’t want to turn our fun into work, you know?
Hi Inflatadaddy. The pictures are amazing! Could you please post the video you have just added on IG of her riding in inflated purple, without the black label. It is fantastic! Just the text is a little in the way! Thanks in advance!

I think everyone can respect that. Or at least should be capable of respecting that. Folks should appreciate that you share when and what you do.

Definitely. Appreciate that. There’s obviously a handful of weirdos but we just block and move on.

Plus once you start charging money for an OF or Patreon, you need to post regularly to keep people happy….reasonably so, they’re paying after all.

And we’re not consistent enough to do that, we go through fits and spurts of making stuff. Life gets busy, etc.

Tried but size was too large. Feel free to DM me on IG
>>91646 (OP)
I got a question, maybe a little personal, but while I commend you on not turning things into a money making business, do you not feel like it lessens your relationship between you and your lady posting intimate moments online for everyone to see? To each their own, but I personally wouldn't be about it, but I'm also possessive of my lady, as I would expect her to be of me. Also, I see a lot of guys doing this with their SO and at a point, it feels kinda greasey, but most of the time, it comes out down the line at some point that they model in question was getting essentially pimped out by their other half. Not saying that is the case in this situation, but the whole thing just doesn't feel right to me. Curious to hear your opinion.

Pimped out? What sort of white knight bullshit is this?

My wife and I are ENM and clearly exhibitionists.

You want to come in here and refer to this as “greasy”, cheapening a marriage and pimping out my wife…and then want to passively say “curious to hear your opinion” like you’re trying to engage in something meaningful.

So, no, I’m not going to engage in that and you can fuck off. Don’t ruin a fun thing for everyone else.

And by the way, all of this talk of “intimate moments” and “being possessive of my lady” leads me to reasonably believe you’re some neckbeard talking about his pillow.
Ah, gotcha. Well, a "go fuck yourself" to you too, faggot.
Hey jannies, how about you let the men have a conversation and fuck off for a change?
Before I was so rudely interrupted, a "go fuck yourself" to you too. Clearly, I hit a nerve or else you wouldn't have come back as agitated, not that anyone else would know because the retarded jannies of this website have no clue what the word "context" means. I was trying to be nice and respectful as I could, trying to gain an understanding of your relationship dynamic, even saying "This is not the case with you", but I guess you felt the need to neglect mentioning that part.
I saw an IG post offering an opportunity to join in on inflation sessions with your wife, and I got quite curious about it.
Are you comfortable with someone sharing the fetish with your wife? I'd say it takes a lot of guts and maturity to be comfortable with it.
What would this 'shared inflation session with strangers' relationship entail with the two of you, exactly?
I mean still you could go the Markiplier route and just make a free one too only fans does have a free option and have maybe donate tiers available for people to support you or help fund upgraded toys Kofi works too. Just figured I'd mention it

Totally. I mean set aside the kink thing for a moment, we’re non-monogamous. I’m not going to go into details about our boundaries because this isn’t the place for it, nor do I want to.

But it works for us, we have a ton of fun with it and are completely comfortable sleeping with others (together and separately). It’s just sex.

That being said, it isn’t for everyone. Like you mentioned, it takes a lot of emotional maturity and being comfortable and confident in your relationship for it to work well.

And this is going to drone on a bit, but this fetish attracts a lot of socially….awkward folks. That’s the nicest way I can put it. So we haven’t had much luck in that arena. Most of our play partners are into kink, but more so the BDSM side of things (as are we).

Going to leave it at that.
Thanks! I've sent you a DM :)
>>91646 (OP)
Why not make a second gf/so thread? One thread for one pair is a bit expose-y.

No idea what you mean by “expose-y”. It’s exhibitionism on the internet….that’s the point of us sharing.

That being said, I stopped sharing anything on here (and asked the mods to remove the thread to no avail) after we started getting weird white knight incel neckbeard comments questioning our relationship.
>muh incel neckbeards
Your "relationship" is a sham, go cry about it elsewhere faggot
Super happy for you two, this is absolutely awesome.

Curious, how did you guys meet? Was it somewhere kinky, or did you just get really lucky?
Lucky mofo. Congrats.
You're on the internet. If you can't handle whiteknights don't bother.

This is literally the only place we’ve had that issue. IG, Fetlife, in person play events, etc…never happens.
Call them slurs. White knights hate slurs.
Funny how our IG account was reported and disabled after years of posting on there without issue. There’s some absolute basement dwelling losers on here. Bravo. 👏🏼
Wasn't me, but you're welcome
(18 KB, 591x202, keepyourselfsafe.PNG)
>posts thread
>generally well received
>literally ONE sped whose post got removed trying to start shit
>instagram takes down your account because their TOS is strictly against NSFW stuff
>blame it all on le ebil chan website on twitter

maybe you deserved to have the insta jannies take your shit down
We did it, reddit!
What shame. Incels ruining everything again.
But if they really had good careers and a lot of money, it's weird they didn't invest in a proper inflatable latex suit. those cost around 1000 dollars. Not much if you have even just an average income

Get a fucking grip, loser
I mean to be honestly Fair it would probably happen eventually anyways if nsfw stuff is really that strict
I talked to balloon.daddy on IG and he is genuinely a nice guy. He likes the same thing we do and what is more special is that his wife does, which is so rare. We should all be thankful that he and his wife are happy to share what they have. It is not an easy thing to do on an anonymous chat board. I am disappointed to hear that your IG was flagged. It is a real shame. Anyway I have found you on fetlife inflatadaddy. I am looking forward to seeing more of your posts. Please keep them coming!
To be there it was one that was bound to happen eventually anyways even if somebody didn't report it for trolling the account some rando probably would have. It was a matter of when so it's silly even arguing who or why that said I wish you best luck and endeavors like a only fans as you can open up a free account there offering both paid and free content if you wish. Plenty of options
I think anons were set off by the mask.
We used to ask cam girls to inflate or stuff with their heads off frame for a reason.

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