
(115 KB, 1000x667, Multicolor+beach+ball+in+pool+_+adults+therapy+columbia+mo+_+anxiety+treatment+in+columbia,+mo+_+online+anxiety+treatment+missouri+_+trauma+counseling+in+columbia+mo+_+Aspire+Counseling+Columbia,+MO.jpeg)
this thread is about venting your thoughts on this very niche community. this is not about ranting and slamming others over something you don't like. this thread is all about how inflation has affected your life, love life, or given you insecurities. this thread is about how inflation affected you for the better or worse.
I'll start. I love inflation so much, its actually a fetish and I prefer to have that inflation stimulation, like I almost need to exclusively think about it. I do however get discouraged from going on another date because I don't even know how I am going to tell my partner that I get absolutely turned on over a goofy cartoon scenario where someone expands. it's not a big deal but it embarrasses me a lot to even think about this and think how degenerate I am for liking this. its insane
>follow lots of inflation artists on Tw*tter
>"for you" and "following" are your two options for browsing
>"for you" is just full of thots that I'm not following nor have any connection to
>"Following" is completely swamped by retweets and likes from Japanese artists I follow simping for JAV and Gravure models

Also people complain about hornyposting on main, but man FUCK you if you mainpost on horny. I am here to beat my dick, I do not want to see your warhammer miniatures or what you had for lunch today.
I'll actually go opposite, I fucking hate that I have this fetish, I've always hated it. I hate that the thought of it enters my head on a regular daily basis. I hate thinking about how my entire circle's perception of me would change if they knew this was what I was into. I don't know why I have it, I don't know why I get even a modicum of enjoyment out of it. If I could just go back to regular porn for the rest of my life I think I would be a happier version of me, but every time I've tried I invariably just end up back here. I don't judge anyone else for being here as long as what your looking at is age appropriate (You know who you are) but the stigmas and the judgment I've heard outside of this are never positive. I've been in more than one conversation where the topic of inflation has come up, and to have to just sit there and nod my head and constantly go "Oh man yeah that is weird, some bizarre people out there." While crawling in my skin knowing I'm just gonna end up on this forum later just makes me feel like a monster in my skin. It's not like I haven't tried coming to terms with it, telling myself "Well this is just who you are, it's different sure but as long as you never tell anyone who cares?" But I guess it's the fear of being found out, of living this abstract lie that just gets to be a lot some days.
>tags:inflation, tags:breast expansion, tags:inflation
>it's one tiny frame on one page in a 200 page doujin

Fuck off. Yeah there's technically inflation in it but it's not like it's the subject of the story. It would be like me tagging a gallery with futa because in one panel the fold of a female characters skirt looks like a bulge.
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You shouldn't feel bad about it Anon there's 1,000 kinks out there with levels of weirdness from scat,fart,diapers,slob,vore,vore and scat, loli and shota, cock and ball torture. I'm sure chat can name more but just a few off the top of my head but to even the mundane like kissing fetish which yeah I'll just post a picture of the weirdest one I can find below all of which look 10 time weirder than inflation could ever be hell it's tamer than FEET!

Not to kink shame but as long as gore isn't your thing your Gucci! My point is even to those who have said fetishes I imagine the ones that would laugh at you would do so because they have something weirder.

All inflation is is Dom and sub with air and roundness if anything less if I didn't have this kink I'd look at it as weird but kind of goofy and cute. Especially if the type of inflation stuff you show them looks like this.

Yes there has been horror stories I do think that it's possible the exist but I have also heard of some of the most wholesome relationships like a guy who's girlfriend would paint her nose blue or push out her belly to tease them and love to watch them get all flustered at the thought as long as you present it the right way and your partner is not a ass I think you'll get a positive reaction. And if not worst case scenario just point out something fucked up there into if they kink shame you for something tame reverse that shit back on them or something.

You wanna know a secret Anon. My family knows of my fetish. They found out about because when I was young I was dumb and didn't hide my balloon porn well and yes I get teased for it there goes so and so lol or hey balloon lover or even get called the blimp lover at times but I've never really gotten a disgusted stare or glance from it. Just giggles. I get mocked but I also know deep down inside they don't give two fucks they're just happy I'm not into some depraved shit like rape or something.

So Anon don't be afraid of being horny for balloon people it's some of the most tame shit. I guarantee if you showed a friend of yours that laughs at this kink breast,butt, or hourglass inflation stuff they'll probably shut there trap real quick as 9/10 big growing boobs and butts turn at least majority of the population in so in a way most people have a inflation kink and don't know it.

To quote a guy who mixed a lot most like big butts and they can not lie a brother can't deny it does something to them when a big round thing jiggles in there face
I'm glad someone made this. Personally I've always liked butts and thighs and when they're really big. Inflation kinda does it right for me. I can't stop staring at women's asses in real life and wonder if I could make them bigger.
It's affected my love life weirdly in the fact that I liked big asses but not fat women. So I don't like bbw's but I do like big asses and there aren't many women that fill that niche. I've turned down many cute girls that liked me because I thought their asses were small. I regret those choices realizing I could've helped put them on a workout routine to get a bigger ass.
I do have a question for other people with this fetish. Is it weird to have pictures of girls you like and edit them or ask A.I. to make them inflated? It find it a bit fucked up and I don't know if I should stop it but I like it.
And also if you were dating someone how would you address your fetish properly?
*Above Anon here
It's funny I do remember telling my best friend in middle school, because I trusted him, and he immediately jumped up and started running around going recess going "Guess who likes balloon girls!" which is Maybe where it got soured for me. I did tell a former girlfriend about it and it was just a simple "Oh, okay". I guess I was just blowing off a bit of steam when I wrote the above post. I don't really think less of myself for it because your right there's other stuff out there that would definitely warrant more scrutiny. I genuinely get disgusted when I see people post stuff that creeps real close to lines that should never be crossed, so thank Christ I know my moral compass hasn't been impacted by this whole thing. Major respect to your family for understanding. With mine though, we're kind of shit about that, anything embarrassing that happened in our lives is ammunition at family gatherings like Christmas and whatnot. Example, *Remember when So and So did this? *Oh yeah? How bout the time you *Blank. So families definitely out because I definitely don't think I could stomach this coming up at the table every few months. I appreciate the support though mate, genuinely.

About the morphs:
You can say its a private collection, so dont upload that kind of shit in open forums. It can really both you, but worst, the girls life.
Is it okey to have it private for yourself? Ask yourself this: Would you mind if someone has fetish art of you? If it bothers you, you have your awnser.

About relations:
If you want to explore inflation with a pathner, be honnest about it and take your time. Know what you want to say, and be prepared for questions. If its a personal fetish, there is a lot of explaining to do because its a new world for a pathner.
If you have informed your pathner, and she tells you she is not willing to experiment, recpect that. No = no. There is still porn and fantasies, so dont force it all on her.
>>91297 Hey can you stupid niggers be clones on another site?
I'm not really ashamed of being into it but more or less afraid of what my partner would think. I recently told my partner about having this fetish and they asked how that was even possible, then they went on asking if I like larger people which I mean, kinda yet kinda not, but said no it's just something I like and would want them to try it someday, which they said they like the helplessness of it but doesn't like the idea of being big and blue. I mean I'm not so hung up about it anymore but I don't know, I feel like I should try and explain it again because it's something I would really want them to do for me. They were pretty confused which I don't know how but it's alright. What are your thoughts anon?
I'm frankly so sick of all the trannies in the inflation scene that I could puke blood. YOURE NOT WOMEN AND NEVER WILL BE. I'm sorry that women never paid you any attention, but acting like a faggot in a dress isn't going to change things. Pisscord is full of these mentally ill niggers and little can be done to help them because they live inside of echo chambers of positive reinforcement of their warped world view by a bunch of other attention deprived men who are just looking to jack off. It's fucking pathetic and borderline predatory. Save your brothers from the abyss, don't nut in their eye and push them in.

Also, the amount of narcissism among some of these people, not just trannies, is off the fucking charts. It may just be the power trip they get from being able to ban people who levy any criticism against them, but its beyond the pale cultish behavior, and nobody says anything because they're too busy sucking people off, be it artists or pornography producers pimping out their girlfriends. It's fucking disgusting and shows how low people will go just to get a nut.
>Man in a dress
Is this about Kip being a better artist than you?
Literally who?
There are servers out there that 99% of all the "women" on them are self proclaimed trannies or just men posing as women so that someone will roleplay with their ass. They're so attention starved, I'm convinced they will do anything and everything just for a bit of intimacy, even if it means living some sick twisted pig shit lie. For example, there is some faggot out there that goes by the name "Abby" that is just some fat doughy guy that goes to Clemson University using snapchat filters. Cutiebluepop is also a contender for being maybe one of the biggest faggots in this scene.
>>91306 That's fucked. I didn't need to know that
Tip of the iceberg, man. Even when you do manage to encounter ONE honest to God, biologically always from birth woman, they're some retard 2spirittranslesbian that plans on getting their tits cut off and legally changing their name to Geno. It's so fucked up at every turn, but there is little that can be done to help them besides calling it out. I don't suspect that my comments on here will last too long either considering how pathetic the jannies are around here, its the only way their ideology survives is by the censorship of others because their bullshit world view cant hold up to scrutiny.
>>91309 Niggers report posts because there's thieves and data hoarders on the internet. These days the rumors are that they're gearing up for transferring their investments into robotics and AI in an effort to dominate the industries traditionally employeed by the middle class, and control the geopolitical landscape of law enforcement as part of their agenda to conquer American supreme authority.
You went a little too far. Just talking about the micro aspect of things of just how they relate to this "community". Not disagreeing, but the military industrial complex isn't exactly what I planned in discussing. We're lucky some janny hasn't come by and shit all over everything yet because it hurts their delicate faggoty sensibilities.

Also, another person that needs to be knocked down a peg or two, berrychicka. She pumps out the same low quality bullshit, month after month and I know just mentioning her is going to have a bunch of white knight faggots come out of the wood work to defend her. If it manages to get back to her, let her know thay if she is going to be a fat dumpy whore for $5 a pop, at least put some effort into it, you sow. I feel ashamed ever giving her a dime.

Now that I think about it, thats all this really boils down to in the end: weak pathetic men defending one another's weak, pathetic decisions with petty authority granted to them by shit technology.
>>91312 Military will not be their focus. Robotics and AI for law enforcement and middle class jobs replacement.
>>91312 I was talking about rumors pertaining to the "elite" wealthy class, and I was trying to explain to you that the same AI technology that has been used on the internet for data hoarding information about the population of humans' the same AI technology that they will take into the real world to dominate mankind.
>>91312 I was replying to your initial question e.g. The posts disappearing. This tdchnology's nothing new. They've been doing social egineering sincemy moms generation, even before the internet. They're liars and manipulators because they believe it benefits the country for the greater good to go along to get along. e.g. They're whores, and thry care primarily about money, and not God's righteousness.
yeah imma be honest. this might seem biased but inflation is definitely the less weirder kink tbh. I want to say foot sounds more normal on paper, but foot feitishists are THE biggest weirdos and degenerates out there. Inflation sounds so very taboo but ways to achieve satisfaction could be wordplay or stuffing a balloon in your clothes tbh.
I have some necrophilia, I like to see a female corpse inflate due to the gases generated by putrefaction, I have never been close to a human corpse, but it is very interesting to know and imagine that situation in a sexy and thin woman.

What happens is that many times when I'm at work, walking or with friends, I can't stop imagining zombie apocalypse-type situations in my city, I become a survivor who captures zombie girls to inflate them with an air or helium tank, thinking about it causes me spontaneous erections.
Whoever this guy/girl is, they perfectly described everything that I would've said. just ๐Ÿ‘ well done
artist here
i definitely agree
also, Ya'll will never be women lmao
Nigger has dreads?
You are absolutely right and I simply am at wits end trying to account for this disturbing trend. Have you seen the current state of KafeKafei? He just decided he's a woman and immediately everyone just plays into his delusion with no question like it's the most natural thing in the world. Cult really is the best term for it.
Well this was a helpful thread while it lasted, sorry OP, can't escape the morons of the internet forever
THis more of a petty gripe than a full blown vent, but dawg I'm so sick and tired of the jokey self-deprecation see in this community.

Maybe it's because I don't see inflation as being THAT weird a fetish anymore when there's weirder stuff out there and having a friend group of people who know I'm into inflation and are cool with it, but man. That schtick drives me up a wall sometimes.
shame. it had a quick death
That's all we can ever really ask for
>reeee stop ACKnowledging the tranny problem
said it in the last thread so I'll say it again here:
don't hate trannies for having legit personal problems, I do hate "trannies" who push their annoying shit like bronies used to
y'all ain't the center of the universe

>"oh no muh wonka connection"
>"oh no ~how embarrassing~"
>gets meme'd on once
>fucking dies
get some thicker skin kids
well tbh most of the trans in this community might actually just be agp tbh. straight up doing it for like the same reason chris chan did. chris chan was on a love quest and he fucking flopped so he became trans. some of these trans just wanna have lesbian inflated sex and its really weird sometimes. they could honestly be good looking and pull but instead they became trans and made it harder to get a gf. I don't hate the trans, but trans is very loosely thrown around with us inflatefags. gonna also say this but I notice sometimes inflation chats have an overwhelming amount of trans and its so weird. but its not a big complaint imo

Seriously when did this community become infested with so many fucking troons all of a sudden? I know that sexual fetishes tends to overlap with the general degeneracy with trannies but My God it's like a never ending stream with how many trannies keep popping up in this wack ass community of ours.
That was well put and I never thought of it like that. I mean I'd never liked to see fetish art of me but as long as I don't see it I'm ok. A girl took my feet pics once and I didn't mind.
But I've gone as far as made c.ai bots of the girls I liked and busted a few to the morphs. I don't suppose anyone else her does that and does that make me a bit weirder?
This bread has shown me that there are more of us than I had previously thought that are fed up with this shit. God speed, you beautiful faggots, and keep fighting the good fight.
You really think that's the only reason why ANYONE would go through life-altering, permanent changes to their bodies, to get laid? Sure, there might be SOME people out there that would do that, but it's just cynical projection to assume every trans person transitions just to fuck. There's a lot more to identity than just how you can reproduce.

And speaking of cynicism, it's cynicism itself on this website that's keeping everyone on this stupid fucking website so lonely and miserable, and yet everybody clutches onto it like pearls in a crisis. It seems that because you've been hurt and rejected more, that means your negative opinions matter more, and therefore nobody else can be happy because you're not. Yet it's everyone else's fault you're in a shitty headspace, right? They control what you say. They control how you feel. They made you mad. You have no control over your own behavior, and why should you? You're entitled to behave however you want with no repercussions. Because apparently "freedom of speech" on this website means "freedom from the consequences of said speech" these days.

And everyone wonders why the world is going to shit.
>I'm mad because I can't ban you from this website and my arguments don't hold up without heavy censorship
The post
I sorta figured out Cross Crescent and Bolette was transgender by the deep he gave. Art has always been for gays. Conservatives like me, Kisame17, are closer to Rob Liefeld, in terms of designing characters.
Look, as someone who grew up Baptist and Pentecostal cults, I think you are giving us too much credit. Republicans are actually losing the West Coast cause they're tired of Kari Lake, the Daily Wire, and Mike Pence. People like JD Vance and Gaetz cause they'll work will Warren to go after the big banks. Even McCarthy is taken seriously cause he made a deal with Trump and reign in the radical right. I think you are underestimating how much Baptists hate Ron Desantis, Lindsay Graham, or Tim Scott.
The world is not going to shit. Democrats are losing the culture war cause they want to own college towns, but starve their dumb liberal voters. See those Starbucks workers unionizing, those are the young Biden voters demanding $30 an hour, 5 day jobs and public transportation. If this strike continues, Biden is going to lose those voters to Republicans cause Iger and Zaslav aren't making profit.
Biden voters don't even want change and hate technology. They hate their Teslas and electric pickups. Voter turnout is actually super low in blue states.
Troons are into porn now. Conservatives like me, Kisame17, are too busy working morning shifts to care about the culture war.
Ha! I don't need to ban anyone on here. Nobody's done anything wrong, it just reeks of misery and mildew on here. No ban is gonna fix a shitty attitude.
THIS is the cynical projection I'm talking about. Too many people on here assume they know what everyone else's ulterior motives are. Nobody wants to be around that shit.
>The world is not going to shit.
Everything's fine. Go back to work and pay no mind to the man behind the curtain. Evil doesn't exist, and the government loves you.
>shitty attitude
Dude, you're trying to be condescending towards people who don't want to see men mutilate themselves and join the almost half of people who commit suicide. You're not doing yourself any favors
>Cynical Projection.

Kisame here, shut up and get back to work. Nobody is buying loser inflation art cause you don't contribute to society. Normalfags aren't got listen to you. Zone got kicked out of Skullgirls cause the female audience don't like his hentai work.
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Breast expansion and Pregnancy art are already body horror to begin with. Hollywood just can't meme the same way Peter Dinklage did fof midgets. The thing is, he drew from his experience not making money in NY and quitting data processing to become an actor.

It's like how Stutz made fat people like Jonah Hill a chad who controls women. He drew from NYU, pain and spiritualist ideas to make his own philosophy.
Because fetish communities are mostly populated by dumb as fuck impressionable zoomers who are either brainwashed or suffer peer pressure to go along with current Good Person trends.
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Kisame here. I disagree. A lot of happy songs now lack the atmosphere that R.E.M, Pee Wee Herman, Foreigner, Depeche Mode,.Tom Petty have. It also lacks the nuance that the Game or Mc Ehit. Zoomers are Vampire Weekend, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance levels of indie.
What an autistic take.
You think the transition itself causes suicide? Or is it more likely from the constant harassment and abuse trans people receive? You want to talk to me about condescension when you think you know trans people better than they do? That you know what's good for them better than they do?
I DO know what's good for them better than they do because they fucking believe losing their genitals or getting zippertits will make their lives better, you psychotic ape.
Again, there's the projection. You assume that what you value in your life is the same as what anyone else would value in their lives when you know damn well that's not true. You don't get to determine what makes another person's life better. I don't see you stopping people from becoming alcoholics. Drinking over time causes permanent damage to themselves, right?
Do you not know the meaning of the word "irreversable"? You cut your dick off or get flesh carved off your forearm to be made into some bologna loaf that doesn't even resemble a penis, there is no coming back, you're fucked. Whats really fucked is that you expect people to see this abomination, this cheap knock off of nature's craftsmanship and think "Oh yeah, that looks perfectly normal. This is fine."
I do agree with you that if that's what people want to do, we should allow them to do it. However, it should in no way, shape or form be paid for by tax dollars, which it is for military personnel, nor should it be pushed upon young, impressionable minds like kindergarteners, which it is currently is. You faggots could have just kept to yourselves, kept things behind bedroom doors, "We just want to be married!". Now look at us, faggots dancing and fucking in the streets, using it as an opportunity to flaunt their sexual deviance while calling it "pride".
And I'm sure you haven't had any vaccines at all, since you're all about what's natural. I guess you don't take any pain meds, or essential oils, or anything. I'm sure you grow your own food and medicine, and tend to your own needs like you're Amish. You take a fucking vehicle to work each and every day and yet do you complain about that not being "natural"? Or how about getting on the internet to complain about "unnatural" trans people? Either nothing in society is natural, or everything is, from driving cars, to using the internet, to changing your gender, to getting vaccines, and honestly the universe makes a lot more sense if everything is natural.
>driving a vehicle is the same as mutilating your genitalia
Well, I can see that this is going nowhere and you have no plans of making an argument with any sort of good faith, so, I'm not going to expend any more time on it. Just remember, they will never be women, no matter how much they cut, cry, cope, seethe, or dilate.
>>91448 Kisame, here. Niggers gona nig for real. They want to taste your penis. Use firewall at all costs.

Linux, Android, iPhone, Windows (cracked), they all have weaknesses. iPhone says they protect apps but it's actually not much protection. When on Android use more than 1 VPN. Linux PC and Android webcams and cameras have vulnerbilities that haven't been fixed and allows hackers to access cameras.
>>91501 Lmao you're crying over "good faith" after that fit of inflammatory nonsense
More people die in car accidents than from genital mutilation.

Kisame here. The Apple OS has tons of telemetry that constantly sends personal and device usage information back to Apple servers which's what the police use.

Android instead has a problem of offshore manufacturers gathering and collecting data and personal information. This information afterwards gets hacked from these Companies' servers or by using installed apps on the phone.

1 way or another your personal information eventually's GUARANTEED to end up either being broadcasted on the internet through subliminal messaging within artworks, or beforehand possibly being sold in underground black markets to the highest bidder.
Dog whistling over this conversation now?
>>91508 Dude I don't evrn know wtf you just said, but if you're thanking me, no need to thank me. All in a day's work, mam.
Act coy all you want, you're intelligent enough to know, if not find out. But if you're willing to go to such lengths over another person's right to exist how they want, that shows just how insecure, self-righteous, and controlling you really are. I hope you can heal from your traumas and learn to live and let live.
I know what you're driving at, but what are you realistically going to do? Make him lose his job at the dick sucking factory? Oh who am I kidding, they probably don't have a job.
>muh right to exist
Nobody cares if you want to be eunuch faggot, that's their choice, they're free to pursue it. However, it's not my responsibility to participate in their lie, financially or otherwise. You're more than welcome to keeping pursuing people's children as well, but I can tell you, no dogwhistle needed, there are plenty of parents out there that will kill you to defend their children from your chomo asses.
Who are you talking about? Must be KiwiFarms or Gnarly Otaku. I work in food service and don't speak with Southern Vernacular
I am flat out too busy to care. I wear the Pride Shirt at and think it's neat.
Being trans doesn't inherently mean you molest children. Molesting children does that. I don't see any mature trans people chasing after kids, trying to isolate them from their families and abusing their power over them. I don't see any trans people forcing others to transition en masse. Everything's been a choice when it comes to transitioning and I bet you'd know that if you took therapy. Get help, man. You got people convincing you that the world's violence can only be solved with more violence. In the meantime, you can gloat on the fact I'm done with this board. You got me to leave.
BRO STOP FUCKING NAME DROPPING YOURSELF IN EVERY FUCKING POST. If your egocentric ass is that desperate for recognition because thatโ€™s the only way you can get it up then just be a namefag
> I don't see any mature trans people chasing after kids, trying to isolate them from their families and abusing their power over them
You best be joking, nigger
They donโ€™t all molest kids but they do absolutely try to recruit them while theyโ€™re young.
All gay people do this shit, whether they realize it or not. They realize that they cannot produce offspring, so they rely on heterosexual couples to produce more children to add to their pool of potential future sex partners. Literally every trans or homosexual person that has ever opened up to me in the past all had one thing in common: they were molested as children. Not saying that this is a 100% absolute, but it is something I refuse to turn a blind eye to.
I donโ€™t know why this is such a hot take, 99% of โ€œwomenโ€ on report my post are just guys who want affection and know they wouldnโ€™t get it if they admitted they were men, and the remaining 1% are either lesbians, minors, or content creators who only see other people as paypigs. Look on any server that has a trans tag and see how many โ€œwomenโ€ there are who donโ€™t have it, and then remind yourself that the ones who donโ€™t are still probably men.
Iโ€™m glad that other people are picking up on this. It seems like every artist is a fucking looney troon these days, which would be tolerable if they didnโ€™t constantly fill their feed with that shit and inject it into their art.
>>91527 Yeah..... Whatever nigger just said.... That's what represents my views, values, and morals.
New rule guys. Do not let ugly nerds draw. I know this' a vent thread, but please don't post art by ugly nerdz or their children. thanks.
Nobody cares about your moralfaggotry. Hell, I Kisame17, just woke up from sleeping. Are you cranky that I'm not buying your shitty preg art and moved on? Too bad, that money is going into getting a pickup.
Me thinks it's that loser Ilikapie espousing dumb Florida opinions. IIRC, people got tired of his ass backwards Pensacola Christian College views and abandoned him
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They made sacrifices to the sabbatical goat and Lord Satan.
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Careful if you bring up Satan some furry will get horny and then inflate your goat god into a fat parade blimp. It could be anyone maybe even me if I get bored enough. But there will be goat inflation .

>> Get bent sniff my dogs butt
I flat out don't know what you mean.
I am guessing that not being attracted to Cross Crescent's Bolette has made his lackeys obsessed with attention. Oh well, it's a Saturday.
Hi, Kisame17 here, I think what theyโ€™re trying to say is that all furries are gay satanists. As someone who loves Baphomet and his furry goat cock, I can confirm this is true.
Satanists do LSD, frolic the woods of Suffolk county, and operate their own brunch spots. The Satanic Temple are just people who don't want to be metalheads. Plus, I live near a military base. They all hate Ron Desantis for being nasty and mean
What's everybody over reacting about? Not posting art by ugly artists or art by ugly children sounds perfectly reasonable in my humble opinion
What? You homeschooled Catholics are too lame to listen to KISS, Motorhead, the Motley Crue, or System of a Down?
>>91557 Ugly old artists especially tend to make shitty and ugly art that I can't enjoy. Look at those ugly asian lesbians, for instance
As someone who has experience with both Satanism and the IRS, most of us just want to be able to worship Lucifer through our gay orgies. Like any other church, we have the right to be exempt from federal taxes.
Satanism is more associated with upstate tourist.
As Kisame17, I don't have any ulterior motives.
idk what any of you hoes are on about but Tail-Blazer's pfp pisses me off and I wanna punt him like a football whenever I see it.
>the guy who derails every rant/vent thread is a mega swarthoid
I think you are self dealing. I just finished my shift. You were replying to yourself
I am your cell data must be broadcasting from Orlando and your white given the exaggerated way you speak
What's weirder, half of us are "swarthoids" or half are women?
I don't know. I am normal by the standards of society.
I think Cross Crescent and his loser lackeys aren't drawing in any revenue. They blew it on a dumbass baby's game called Trial By Fairy. It looks like Cocomelon or Bluey. Thank God the Writers and Actors are on strike to spite producers in NYC. I can freely go to church in secret like all the other cult 45 members
(85 KB, 874x900, cult-45-proud-member-donald-trump-paige-parkinson.jpg)
We're doing prayer petition and pledges July. Now that I think of it, most people are working from home and are doing Zoom meetings which is why Cross Crescent got shadowbanned by Twitter. I heard they want ad revenue so they're blocking the porn
Seth Rogan said that animation is supposed to be ugly on purpose. That's how Barbie is able to do tie ins with Cheesecake Factory or why TMNT does tie in with Pizza Hut. Hollywood just copied Adam Sandler's businessmen like decision, but they're just shameless about it.
Seth Rogan is a collosal piece of shit kike. Fuck him and everyone who likes him.
>inb4 muh antisemitism
Yeah, and fuck you too.
That's who's getting all the animation contact. My minimalist style as Kisame17 is too neat. I just don't focus on Hell concept.
I take after Toriyama in terms of style. Toriyama was influenced by Xerox era Disney and said 101 Dalmatians looked clean. That said, my own style was influenced by Superman the Animated Series. I don't get along with West Coast artist cause I told them that Evangelion, Ghibli, and Disney are boring.
All Steve Crowder and Ben Shapiro has to do is stop being retarded for five minutes and maybe they'll watch them.
Nope. I think you have me mistaken for another guy. What's a matter? The hyperpreg scene not generating revenue? Your attempts at doxing is not only pathetic, but it derailing the thread. Especially since this is an inflation sub board.
Furthermore, I find Cross Crescent and Ilikapie hilariously pathetic thinking they can use fake photos I took for fun during the pandemic. That below minimum wage cartoonist jobs isn't going to sustain them. Right now I am striving towards having fun during the summer
Who knows, maybe Ilikapie and his negress of a wife are going thru a messy divorce and Ron Desantis has abandoned him for office. Either way, it's a Sunday and I am heading to church!
You can delete this pics mods. I am not part of the preg community and am happily a private citizen now
ilikapie is based
Na, he works for Chick Fil A and sucks at it. It's not a real job
Read Kenneth Kagin
I will leave you just like the insurance industry left Florida state cause of climate change
I bet the bastard son that sprang from your groin don't respect you
Everyone in this thread kill yourselves for the good of this community
Except you you are ok
I am going to see Barbie tomorrow at AMC.
Appreciate it, glad I got my shit out of the way before this thread got annihilated by a bunch of idiots yelling about how much they hate trans people, the internet was a mistake.
>nobody says anything because they're too busy sucking people off, be it artists or pornography producers pimping out their girlfriends

Bro I'm so glad someone else said something. I've seen some of these people be the shittiest people I've ever experienced and their "fans" defend their psycho behavior because it interrupts their fapping. Absolutely disgusting

Suck a dick with your butthole, lol
There's no such thing as community. It was made up by capitalists to keep us down.
Sucks to be you, I know all my neighbors and they're all pretty nice people. Go say hi to them sometime.

Oh wait, you were talking about these chucklefucks? No, it's not a community, it's just a collection of people who like the same shit. Community implies I give a fuck about their well being
i want to draw
i can draw
but im fucking retarded and i keep doing things i now i shouldn't fucking do and now everyone who know me fucking hate me
it feels like most of the people only care for your art and are willing to drop you as soon as you fuck up
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like fucking look at this juxtaposition lmao
it's a god damn joke
I want to believe in Berry expansion, but I saw that they're doing a remake of Wonka with Blacks in it. It's odd cause the trailer for the movie looks like Harry Potter, but the bright dancing Oompa Loompa contrasts with everything. Slugworth is played by a Black man and part of the Chocolate Cartel. Who knows, maybe Berry Expansion will be used to execute British women
I honestly approve of this deception of Blacks as businesses man with mobster ethics doing gangbusters on Berry Expansion.
I've been into this fetish since childhood and I've been in this inflation community (more so the berry one) for ages. Very few women are into this fetish, period. Most "women" are either trans or guys posing as women online as stated. I didn't know cutiebluepop was trans but I guess I'm not surprised. I always thought beltpop was a guy even though they try to present themselves under a female persona. I can think of only 3 for sure women I've had talks with and of course they all just vanished as expected. I was semi surprised to talk to a girl this year at length in text and voice calls who seemed really into it but again after a few weeks it seems she got busy-bored-whatever and scrammed. A bit disappointing because I thought we made really good roleplay buddies. It's true you can show women this fetish but they will never exactly understand it like someone with the fetish gets it. You can look at places like feabie and very few women there are actually into this kind of stuff.
Most normies like me, Kisame17, are far too busy IRL working blue collar jobs between 11-4. None of us have the time to attend streams to commission art. There's also office workers doing WFH asking Twitter to throttle fetish art cause it's a distraction from making Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
Kek, what a fag
Sadly, this is the truth
I'm starting to think whoever Kisame17 is, is based, considering how aggressive you faggots attack them. And yeah, some of us have real fucking jobs and aren't worthless coomer niggers that sit around in their pajamas all day drawing tits
you also missed that women who do have an inflation kink are the minority and would prefer male inflation (pr they are butch lesbians). inflation is dominated by men and trans women and might be for a long time; however, there is more male inflation art and some of those artsits are actually women
That's why I edit celebs
Ya know what, I'll vent a bit in here. I'm going to preface with this. Yes I know that it's about preference at the end of the day. With that said, each month I get bummed out that my edits don't make onto Monty's monthly "check this out" list. My biggest gripe that sometimes poorly made edits make it on the list, like the math isn't adding up sometimes.
Cutiepop isnโ€™t trans, her girlfriend is, or are they both trans?
Iโ€™m convinced that most of the posts from โ€œKisame17โ€ are actually just randos saying that to troll chat and/or the real Kisame. Hell Iโ€™ve done it and no one seems to realize which posts are legit, if any of them even are.
Artists are uninterested in my ideas for hyperpreg because my OCs are simple to do. I've told them on numerous occasions that nobody wants to do furry woodland creatures or moe garbage cause it's overdone. I also live in the northeast, far removed from the Hollywood-Burbank-Fresno area.
Nobody likes that troons garbage either. Some BLM dancer got stabbed to death by a Muslim Albanian cause they hate that Broadway melodrama.
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>Be me
>At dinner with my family
>Drinking lots of water for some reason
>Qt waitress comes by to fill me up again
>โ€Wow youโ€™re drinking so much water, weโ€™re gonna have to roll you out of hereโ€
>Immediately pop boner

Why the fuck am I like this
Artists have been complaining about decline issues. IIRC, a lot of their subscribers in Patreon hit their credit limit and have to pay off their debit plus the 28% interest.
I am unaffected because autistics like me always pay debit, which means I still own Li Li, Vanessa Love, Mona. Also, they have to pay off their student loans along with 28%, along with the mortgage. Again, math doesn't scare me because I am autistic.
I canโ€™t stand all the morphs to make โ€œberryโ€ art. Like either slapping someoneโ€™s face on violet, or cut and pasting them into different scenes. All morph stuff is absolute shit and a fucking embarrassment.

It really seems to add up that cutiepop is a tranny. I don't why a real "woman" would simp for troons so much.
>All morph stuff is absolute shit and a fucking embarrassment.
It may be cringe but it's fun making them
Digital Art is supposed to be cheap and easy. I bothered to ask for revisions but artists whined that they wanted to do everything in 1 take. It's a factor as to why Oppenheimer is a bad movie. Nolan does that 1 and done BS. It's also why TMNT flopped. There's just too many 1 and done.
Because her girlfriend is trans
Jesse what the fuck are you talking about
Not sure what you mean. I am now reform and no longer play Kisame.
So her "girlfriend" is a guy pretending to be a girl?
There's a good reason mods are deleting hyperpreg's work on 4chan. You guys are so ultra right wing that you make Nick Fuentes and Richard Spencer look moderate. Nobody wants your mentally retarded Bible Belt views.
Imagine how far gone you have to be to think that not going along with trans shit makes you more extreme than literal neo-nazis. Touch some fucking grass. Most of the world holds the same opinion, so quit pretending youโ€™re the moderate.
Here is a femanon take on all this.

The "community" at large fucking sucks. If you're looking for actual women, we're in smaller groups far away from people DMing us "hey do u rp". Having any conversation about a fetish or a kink you like with anyone 99% of the time will devolve into how much a guy wants to turn you into a "bratty blueberry" and fuck you. Boundaries don't exist because most guys think they're into inflation in the exact same way and intensity you are, and if you aren't you're just fetish-ing wrong. I'm not saying every guy is like this. But if any guy mentions "inflation community", that's a red flag. It's a kink. It's what I enjoy. Like hell I want to go into a creepy report my post and be hit on the moment I let slip I'm a woman.

The reason most girls you know are trans is because they don't know how thirsty guys are (or do and that's why they say they are girls because it's an automatic target put on yourself for RP and approaching). I don't want guys like SBBeauregarde in my DMs trying to be deep and come off as a creep either. Most guys I talk to regularly about the kink can just be goofy about it rather than totally horny all the time and never turn that brain switch off. We're attacked by autism at all sides.
using trans as a label to deter men is a clever tactic. doesn't take away from the fact that there's still a lot of trans women tho. it seems like there's more trans women in this community, I still don't mind that much. but I also think that inflation fans are horribly degenerate and the only thing running through the minds of male inflation fans are how to inflate a woman or straight up harassing a girl until they edate them, send pics, or force into an rp. most guys in this community are relatively tame, yet still degenerate . some of the people in this community are downright predatory and shit. all of you don't need to harass that one girl online to date you or inflate for you. you can honestly just get a gf who likes to do things with you and won't mind doing a kink roleplay with you because she loves you. yet these mfs prey upon one girl in the community. also the male inflation enjoyers (people who like men inflating) is very minimal and I think there could be more of them.
Kisame here. Relax. That troons shit is just silly. I wear Pride Shirts despite being a straight far right Christian. I didn't get converted.
She's lying. She's GIRL. Women like my zoomer sister do digital marketing and don't care for chan culture. Even I am barely on report my post and don't care for e-drama. Pregchan is already a dumpster fire without me. Us schizos are just wagies working service jobs
Trump is already in trouble cause his lawyers want to sue Target over ESG and Pride Merch. I honestly want to see the culture war so we can get fist fights at Target and Walmart over free shit.
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There's a good reason Trump is retaking the house. Dems are blowing too much money on PACs that do nothing for the house and Senate but grift off their fanbase. It's going to be funny when Manchin and Sinema retain their seats while progressives get skull fucked by MAGA cause Pelosi care about herself more than Party. I am just going to vote Green Party if my choices are a real estate tycoon that wants to murder half the country before it shed it's mortal coil and an insurance salesman selling junk bonds to seniors. Hyperpreg is already the community that sells it's house for a reverse mortgage
You thought Trump was nuts when he tried to make the Hunger Games on 1/6? Wait till 2024 where he makes Vince McMahon his VP and they make the military, FBI, CIA fight WWE style matches for that defense budget.
Well said. Read carefully, anons. The way women indulge in this kink is different from how men do.
It isn't that they're using trans as a tactic IMO. It's that they're mostly like in this kink presenting as men, and are now identifying as women after the fact. There could be a vague chance a few of them are genuinely trans but it's a long, long stretch for me to believe literally all of them aren't using it as a way to benefit from both sides of the kink. You're presenting a woman so you can profit from the girl things (like the overwhelming attention from guys), but you can get your rocks off in a very masculine way and dick down a balloon or have that safety net for if you decide to post yourself or talk out loud and get outed "as a dude" and put your hands up and say "but I IDENTIFY as a woman"

For those wanting a GF that's into inflation stuff, trust me, it gets old really fast and is a rancid way to start a relationship because you're basically saying you're only after your fantasy inflatable waifu and not an actual relationship. I know from experience. The goldmine is finding someone accepting of the kink who'll do it occasionally for you.

But there is a vibrant gay inflation scene in the furry community. What's weird is that I see a lot less predatory and gross stuff from the gay guy furries of all people than the generic inflation lovers I can encounter. And it makes me wonder why roleplay as a woman when you got a lot of gay guys who are into inflation and are willing to do all kinds of stuff for you.
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Kisame here. I flat out don't know or care about gender identity. I just commission dumb expansion cartoons as a hobby. It's like the new Barbie, Sailor Moon when it starts preaching. My own theory is that hyperpreg grew up in Christian households and artists weren't hit harder when they started acting retarded. This is why pregchan blame Kisame, or Neo Nazis. The fetish community so desperately wants to be flawed father figures, but they modeled their style from Optimus Prime, Captain Kirk, or television. Just look at the complaints against Lizzo "How can dad be so cruel?"

I rather not humor the inflation community's demand for father figures. Soon. They'll start voting Republican, carrying guns, and going still whining about nothing getting done.
first option true af. most these people turn into women for the feeling of inflating as a girl and aren'teven trans mfs, they'rejust horny af. furry mfs are genuinely less problematic too. as for the girlfriend part. occasional is a good way to do it. not always about sex, cherish the relationship. sex is there to chill, you can go to a fair or something
y'all mfs do too much sometimes for a egirl, goddamn
I am too autistic to feel horny. A that tacky stuff Andrew Tate has just looks tacky to me, or aa if he's overcompensating
I don't know about you guys, but some of us bad guys have day jobs outside the community. I at our don't have the time to don the Kisame mask and terrorize the preg community. I got bill to pay.
If you really want Kisame's opinion, nobody cares for community drama. Developers know who Zone is and make fun of him for making terrible flash animation of cartoons. Nick already knows who the Nostalgia Critic is. It's unrealistic to expect Disney to go to Chez Axel Rosered to offer him a show. The industry likes Life With Kurami because Ana isn't a fucking weirdo
Can we just stop with the american politics on this INFLATION-FORUM? You make yourself look silly in front of the Europeans.

Also could we just stop hating on random trans folk? If you dont like trans-inflation, dont watch it. I dont watch trans nor male inflation, and I am fine. I dont feel the urge to hate trans or male people in the community.

For the love of god, make the inflation community that is fun again. I just want to talk about "would you inflate Gal Gadot or Scarlett Johanson", not endless hate you find on twitter all day.
Studies have shown that market value for corporations are down 30% cause they keep pandering to troons.
Again it's up to artists to unban me from their streams. I am too busy to attend streams and am saving up for a car to care for community drama.
To answer your question anon, there's nothing I can do to make fetish art fun. The internet nowadays is far more barebones.
I dunno. I was motivated to get medicated and stop being Kisame cause I am tired of community drama. Now my nephew respects me
I currently have fun with my low risk and low stress job. Artists are going to have to deal with the deadlines of their vanity projects themselves.
>troons are bad... be-because corporation lose money!!!!
Masterful. I couldn't come up with a more retarded example of brainwashed American logic if I tried.
Trooning is medical malpractice anon.
Corporations earn money to spend it on medical malpractice and they're surprised why the oppressed peoples don't like that.
To think, if y'all would put half as much energy into making content as you do putting effort into replying to this braindead thread, you'd actually have something to jerk off to that isn't made by the people y'all don't like.
Nobody cares for content creators and their vanity project. 4chan /a/ hates preg community for their retarded views. Why should I use my black talent so whites like Cross Crescent can LARP as Walt Disney? Blacks like The Boondocks cause the creator is okay with Blacks wearing the Freeman Bros on their shirt, putting Dragonball Super on their Nissans or Sakura and Hinata on their cars.
I got kicked out because I submitted my commissions in a day and expected artists to complete it in a hour. Artists whined that it was abuse and they weren't getting respect. I countered by pointing out that their vanity projects are bad because of the cost and lack of focus. I am still vindicated when artists aren't selling cause there's no coherence to their expansion projects.
I currently work a low risk job out in the suburbs. It's up to the artist to find me. I am not doing their homework for them. Even Disney is starving their artists to lose their homes cause artists won't make them a billion dollars like Barbie. Artists signed their death warrant when they let Blackrock own their house
Trannies are an infection in this community, they keep multiplying and taking over. Itโ€™s not about some deep feeling, itโ€™s about taking the pink pill because youโ€™re a failure as a man and think it would be easier to be a woman. If you donโ€™t agree to go along with it and pretend the men in dresses are actually women, they freak and kick you out. Thatโ€™s why people are sick of trannies, they keep spreading their shit and getting pissy when you call them out because theyโ€™re delusional, retarded faggots.
this is the opinion regularly expressed by people who have never met a trans person in real life and has only seen them in porn
You are the one with the problem, you are someone who has subjected themselves to so much porn that you cannot separate females - or the desire to be female - from your own sexual depravity
what a projection lol
being a troon is the direct result of porn addiction
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Why are blueberries typically drawn with an innie rather than outie? I don't understand. There is so much juice inside their bodies, so much internal pressure. It would make sense for the navel to have popped before they had become fully spherical and on the brink of bursting.
>Oppenheimer is a bad movie
Anon is... lying?
This is the opinion of someone who has interacted with trannies and seen their behavior in real life. Itโ€™s not an exaggeration.
You know what really would be good, one of these vent threads that isnt just retards projecting their egos on artists, gay or trans people or anyone that makes this shitty fetish more bearable than 99% the shitstains posting same regurgitated crap they hear in threads like this.

Its always the same shit eco chamber and these suck ass.
(1.2 MB, 1280x719, ZarbonVsVegetaNV..png)
Even gay characters like Zarbon and General Blue can beat Saiyans when they get uppity about their supremacy. When did content creator man beat conservatives?
It wouldn't be such a problem if said "artists", assorted fags, and troons didn't just automatically throw a bitch fit whenever confronted with a modicum of criticism was presented towards them. Hell, fuck criticism, basic objective reality is enough to completely send them around the bend because they themselves left that notion behind them long ago. What you're really mad about is that this thread is one of the few places where people can air their grievances without automatically being banned or censored, which is the only way your shit cult ideology manages to survive. These people that have negative things to say about the aforementioned people didn't just fall out of the sky. They were created by people like yourself that thought they could just ban all their problems away and the more you tried to censor and silence, the more people got tired of dealing with your bullshit.

So, they found this place to have the conversations they are not allowed to have elsewhere, like pisscord or plebbit, where your post stands on its own to be judged and critiqued on its own merits, as opposed to gay ass shit like updoots or making sure your thoughts align perfectlywith the moderation staff. What's ironic is that you mention this place being an "echo chamber", which is exactly what the two platforms previously mentioned are: heavily moderated, heavily censored bastions of positive feedback that do not allow any sort of wrong think because the people running the place are mentally ill or worse, intentionally malicious.

In short, cope, seethe, dilate, and deal with it, because we're not going anywhere
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The problem I have with Troons is that they don't own it in a way that makes them relatable like Team Rocket. Jesse and James ran away from Pokemon Society to be bandits with coordinators as a side hustle. James even rejected becoming a Trump like businessman to become a Rocket Agent.
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Kisame here. So? Master Asia was gay and in a cult, Megatron was gay and a cult leader in Beast Wars. Sometimes he have to become a great demon to punish evil. It's why Koji needs the power of Mazinkaiser to punish Baron Asura
Silence, weeb, the sensais are talking

This, though there's more contributing factors. All the trannies I used to know before they an heroed were molested as children and were latent homosexuals to boot. I'd also wager that the unbridled gynocentric and hypergamic trends of Western civilization have left a large portion of men alone, sexually frustrated, and confused, so they have resorted to becoming their own girlfriend. This isn't even accounting for all the xenoestrogens we imbibe on a daily basis from microplastics and birth control carried over into our water supply.

That's show biz. Your consoomer base is as fickle and retarded as an average adolescent. Do it because you enjoy doing it, not because you are trying to make a buck.

>>9291 (Dead)
I'll take SSBeaurgarde and raise you aagroh, sassyviper and riddlercorps. Those are maybe the most narcissistic, psychopathic, chomo sympathizing motherfuckers I've ever met in this community. Who the fuck honestly wants to sit and listen some sperg prattle on for 3 fucking hours about ANY fetish? Also, you probably wouldn't recognize someone trying to drum up a genuine conversation with you if it bit you in the face.

Sounds vaguely like someone who is afraid of the notion of white people forming any sort of racial identity and replenishing breeding numbers
>racial identity in current year of our Lord and Savior
This must be why Pence and Desantis are being laughed out of the Iowa State Fair. Killing fun just to larp as the Mighty White Savior. It's like Zelensky firing his generals.
Even Evangelicals laugh at Fox News for promoting White Supremacy and knows it's fake.
Thank God my job fired the Catholic homeschooled kid for fighting the teens in the chat over a backpack and being late.
You think actual white supremacists follow either of those two clowns? They both shill for Israel so much that the cum they fart is kosher.
>inb4 Jewish people are white
They're only "white" when it serves themselves and will claim Jewish when any sort of criticism is levied against them

It makes me giddy to see any time a mention of white people forming any sort of racial identity, like any other race is applauded for, is called "white supremacy", because that will be the next term you midwits will drive into the ground, make meaningless, and bring social awareness to other white people who are tired of being treated like shit.
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This thread is really something to behold.
I honestly miss the 90s when the federal government was militarized and ready to murder innocent civilians for the greater good.
I am convinced that Obama was a scientist fiction nerd. He so desperately wished to be Picard in Star Trek, he just woke up as Sisko and wants to fight the prime directive. The Bidens are just ferengis
Kek, spotted the kike

Best bread on the board right now
Why is splatoon inflation so prevalent?
Video games have abandoned cartoon illustrations for realism except for Splatoon. The sad thing is that Splatoon looks like the kind of game that would exist on the Nintendo 64, but it's loaded with modern features like online multiplayer, waifu characters, and is liked by the community for being the last true game.
Found out that I was one of the reasons why udonsoup quit making inflation edits, I was just explaining why he quit, but in the post on DA where he said he's "done" my post was added too.
Good thread. Lots of salt.
>get hit on at club by girl
>small latina girl who is really cute and petite
>me, a short but athletic guy
>she buys me a drink and we end up chatting
>go on a date and it goes well

man. I do not wanna tell her about this shit. how tf am I gonna tell her that I like inflation when the time comes
If true, take your time, you've got no reason to sperg out about your dumb kink the first time she shows you her tits. Good luck, anon.
Well, I have a thing.
Once I started to interact with the community and posting art I tried to reach out some artists who I found cool and chill, as the time passed and I do more art for them or others, I would just get ignored by them, I wasn't acting like a fucking creep nor like a weirdo, I did fanarts art trades, but for some reason, some of them would just ignore me, or just fucking making me feel like shit, some of them were just being twats with me, and the only reason why they were behaving like that it's because I wasn't like their friends of their fucking circlejerk, they would just see me as a a weirdo or some kind of freak whe I'm just a coomer just like them, why the fuck normalfags act like assholes towards people who aren't into their fucking circlejerk?
Don't ask how I know this but even moderately popular artists get a metric ton of requests and at some point it's impossible to respond to all of them. I would not take any non-reply to mean anything at all.
you have a point there anon
I think I may have an unhealthy obsession with v-tubers. I haven't simped, but in the past month I know that I am spending increased time watching clips and thinking about them later during the day.

Also, thank you to everyone in this thread who have encouraged people not to disfigure themselves irreversibly. Your words make a positive difference in people's lives.
Those two sentences literally contradict one another. Vtubers have encouraged more people to pretend to be girls than ever because they can hide behind cute PNGs and models. You're just part of the problem encouraging this shit.
Half the "positive discouragement" is telling trans people to neck rope and the moment they say it back to you people it is "SO MUCH FOR THE TOLERANT LEFT"
We know we will never be women nor have any want to be. Do you?
>vtubers are just guys behind an anime picture and a voice changer
it's ok anon you'll be cured of your retardation someday
unless you're talking about complete attention whore pieces of shit like MarinaVT in which case you're right

that generally only comes after you types act like smug faggot bronies in the face of actual criticism
maybe stop acting like smug faggot bronies and have some self respect
>>91032 (OP)
There are too many threads and we need a rules sticky not three for begging and sourcing.
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โ€œThe oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear.โ€
โ€• H.P. Lovecraft
Deviant Art is dying.
I feel like morphers wouldn't be so widely hated if they would work w/ actual fetish content creators instead of pasting the heads of the same 3-4 celebrities/unknowing content creators onto their shit. There are literally plenty of people in the general WG/inflation part of the web that would be fine having their likeness tacked onto that schlock, but NOOOO these mfs think Pokimane or Belle or whoever the fuck you wanna name is prime for this shit. If half of your craft is literally tracing over other's actual work, at least have the dignity to make the subject someone who'll actually work w/ you, instead of messily puffing the cheeks of whatever streamer catches your eye.

The majority do have self respect and understand that there are plenty of issues with the trans community.

People spit vitriol because of a very visible and vocal minority.

Believe it not most trans people just want to be left alone and left to live life. They don't care about sports or bathrooms, they just wanna live like they wanna live.
What Trans community? Elton John and Billy Joel fans hate Troons for barging into Women's NCAA and violating Title IX, which prohibits sex based discrimination
There's no women that want to do that. If they do, they have an OF or something equivalent and capitalize off of it. All the "women" you see wearing masks are troons.

>left to live life
That's literally the opposite of what half of them do. They realize how badly they fucked up taking HRT and unnecessary surgeries and end up offing themselves.
Kisame here. I don't know what you mean. The world of health care is unionized in the states and you need to know a guy to get you that stuff. Usually HRT is pushed by quacks who mooch of Obamacare. It's like 7k for healthcare
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I don't understand people who hate cringe. I adore cringe and enjoy watching it ascend to new levels that should not have been possible. Godspeed this writer and I hope he blesses the internet with his grand opus.
If someone can think of an inflation story more 2023 than a racist white blueberry girl getting vigorously juiced by black slaves as part of a race-marxist allegory then I would love to hear it.
Most HRT effects are nullified if not outright reversed by simply not taking the drugs anymore, and only 28% of trans women and 46% of trans men ever take any kind of surgery.

Also, the often-quoted 41% suicide rate figure is an outdated statistic from a 2015 study and has fallen considerably since. It's also considerably lower in areas with gender-affirmint healthcare and greater protections for trans people.
Turns out people don't want to kill themselves so badly when you don't treat them like dogshit, who knew?

Tl;Dr: You have no idea what you're talking about and your ignorance is like bleach - caustic yet boring in equal measures.
Kisame again. I don't know what you mean. Suicide is more common among policemen, military men
Wow, who pissed in your corn flakes this morning?
Same for you.>>93111
I don't know if you're the same person as 93105 and 93111, but you need to get a grip.
Maybe that's what you, Kisame, are told by right wing authoritarian media, but it if you stop and take a look around, and you clearly haven't, you'd be surprised at what said media doesn't tell you. Retards like you can't be convinced otherwise, so I'm not going to bother.
Tranny here. First of all, kys lol fag

Second of all, yeah youโ€™re not wrong. Only some trannies on twt, a breeding pit for them mind you, are fine. The majority are actual gooner retards and gives such a bad reflection for the others. The loudest trannies in the room are the culprits imo, and you can tell from them having a flag in their name or going out of their way to post โ€œWhat if transgirlโ€ฆ but berry!!โ€ like that sugarroll cunt.

Itโ€™s annoying bc as I said >tranny, and those cunts are giving me a bad look, leading to posts and rants like this. I personally avoid trannies on twitter, and iโ€™m not impressed by the likes of kafe and bamboo putting the flags in their bios because I know for a fact thats for gooner reasons, they only want tits to get their dicks hard.

Regardless, end your life
I am the real Kisame17. I am far right. None of us support Fox News or McCarthy or Ron Desantis. Most right wingers I know want to be William Buckley conservative. Rupert Murdoch, Mike Pence, Alex Jones, Steve Bannon are seen as grifters by MAGA.
I've seen trannies. Most of them work out of the Rego Center at Best Buy or live off the 7 line, or Industrial Maspeth.
(166 KB, 1280x720, Fz4Oa1cakAAqN55.jpg_large.jpg)
I also don't know what is right wing authoritarian. Real New Yorkers hate the Ivy Leagues since they're party schools. We roll our eyes when Netanyahu calls us in the middle of a Sunday football game and hate the Daily Wire. I am not voting for Tim Scott since he wants to fire me. I've worked the warehouse before in Manhattan and it's comfy.
(84 KB, 750x842, Beauregarded3.jpg)
I just want to see morph sets again.
>Godspeed this writer and I hope he blesses the internet with his grand opus.
It's going to be one of the worst blueberry inflation stories to have ever been written.
Ok. I am the real Kisame17. I don't know what to tell you cause I am on vitamins. Biden's approval is tanking because he's taking on Trump's views. It's possible for progressives to vote for RFK and Cornel West, handing Trump to victory. It's even possible for Kari Lake in Arizona, McCormick in Pennsylvania to flip red. Texas can flip blue because there's outright hatred for Corbyn
(50 KB, 1200x800, tommy.jpg)
>It's going to be one of the worst blueberry inflation stories to have ever been written.
Yeah. Do you have no taste for things that are so awful they're amazing?
>cogs in a machine, a machine that desires to be filled like a fat water balloon and rolled,fucked, and sucked by cute waitresses who bring us water
Fill her up with the surprise water hose under the sink, always works like a charm for me! Best to let the water filling out your partners cheeks do the talking words just lead to embarrassing scenarios.
It's a good thing you tranny faggots always end up joining the 41% club anyway.
I hope you undergo exorcism for your gender confusion demon.
Maybe the real vent was the transphobes currently masturbating to bbc in this thread
Maybe the real transsexuals were the friends we made on the way.
fun fact the suicide percentage for straight cis white males in america is 69% isn't that cool?
>69% of suicide deaths were white males
>not straight white males
>not 69% of white males
>When adjusted per capita the suicide rate for white males is 0.0001%
>that 0.0001% is cheifly composed of trannies
Mad tranny needs to blatanly lie about stats kek
If I understand right that is physically impossible as America is 30% white males and we know a lot of them are killing themselves
I did not understand right, weird way to describe what you were saying. The rate isn't 0.0001%, it's 0.0001. The leading demographic to commit suicide though is in fact cis white men. This makes sense because there are a lot more cis white men. It is not chiefly composed of trans people. It's hard to make a judgement about trans people in the matter because the proportion of trans people is insignificant and there are a FUCKING LOT of white guys. Chances are vhigh enough cis white guys are still the majority. You also didn't account for whether the statisticians use birth sex or gender.
>sex or gender
Made up Jewish bullshit nonsense. Biology dictates the former and nobody gives a shit about what you "feel" like you are.
>birth sex or gender.
Literally one and the same
>no they're different
I'll start treating them differently when the trans community does that themselves.
(19 KB, 596x197, le-neurodivergent.PNG)
here's an account that went from good to completely insufferable in record time (and even got banned once already)

like I get that it's your first month on pervert twitter and you're excited that you now have friends with the same fetish but not everything is tied to your autism jfc
can't believe I'm siding with the fucking tiktok users here
You say that but I can actually understand the point of view when I see all the autism in this fetish has, on DeviantART and Twitter, all the stupid personalities and habits of artists, writers, commission whores, this thread...
Would we really have this kind of thread if there wasn't so much spedding going around?
(48 KB, 1440x1080, eminem-mosh-music-video-1-george-bush-reading-book.jpg.webp)
Maybe inflation got worse without Kisame17, or are copying him. They want autism for the creativity. Let's face it, people who call themselves autism now were the ones making fun of Ken Penders and Chris Chan in Yahoo Messenger. It's like how the Nostalgia Critic and Linkara are a one trick pony. IRL, many of theses artists would be fired like Skyler Page and Justin Roiland, or John K. Just look at how Tara Strong is getting harassed cause she supports Israel.
you do have a point, it's essentially that classic "you discovered you wanna fuck toasters" greentext if you think about it
doesn't change that shit from being totally fucking annoying tho
(80 KB, 640x641, F3hOeYhW8AEkW7s.jpeg)
Their past like 50 posts have all been "I am a woman and I (as a woman) don't want to be sexualized even though that's literally the whole point. Please feel sorry for me...did I mention that I'm a woman?"

and all of the responses are like 50 dudes with their dicks in their hands going "Oh my gosh, queen you're so right. I would never sexualise you even though that's literally the whole point. Please respond."
(96 KB, 306x243, 156503475975_7.png)
>posts straight up sexual fetish content
>makes posts about being horny for said content
>"oh no guys I'm totally asexual and sex disgusted teehee"
She might be actually retarded.
(152 KB, 220x346, Rain_Man_poster.jpg)
Women aren't autistic. Autism is more closer to the Rain Man or Bill Gates. She's the manic pixie dream girl from indie movies. I doubt she's autistic since female comic geeks tend to be Akatsuki fans, cosplay as Raven or Harley Quinn.
Funny you post this since ME-TV airs the Jetsons and Flintstones Sundays. Cartoon Boomers would were up front about going for Tenjo Tenge, Battle Vixens, Milk Junkies.
I thought Dr. Oz, Dr.Phil got rejected by women voters because they didn't want the 12 steps programs. I am guessing inflation art is flailing to be the social misfit and being ignored.
my question is what cunt content creator advised her to not show her face
And I hope your dad keeps raping your mom you neglected uncared for cunt.
She's a dumb, attention seeking tranny cunt
>If half of your craft is literally tracing over other's actual work, at least have the dignity to make the subject someone who'll actually work w/ you
Yeah i don't really care about that, i just like to edits celebs man.
Thinks she's being edgy, but really she's just attention seeking.

Everybody's racing to be labelled 'neurodivergent' these days, and they use 'neurotypical' like an insult. What kind of backwards dimension have we entered?
>What kind of backwards dimension have we entered?
The one made of fail, wank, and man-made horrors beyond our comprehension.
The fact she posts her inflation shit with irl friends following her and even her own face to her twitter and talks about where she works etc. is really fucking weird.

Also not a fan how every popular inflation artist in history is meatriding her. Itโ€™s not like its the second coming of christ, sheโ€™s just a weirdo who somehow got very popular
Iโ€™d shit if the comic or story was real and thatโ€™s what heโ€™s been doing this whole time. Rest in piss.
she already seems insufferable, and i can tell she'll only get more popular because the other insufferable retards in the community are eating that shit up like no other
>an insufferable, yet, seemingly biological woman interested in a niche fetish attention whores to coomers
In other news, water is wet.
More at 11.
autists and aspies learn that people really don't want to tolerate your fetish if you're being obnoxious about it challenge (fucking impossible)

the intersection of male feminist and coomer fetish artist has suddenly gotten a horrific traffic jam
Anyone else fed up of artists clogging up their DA "Watch" feed with generic over used "Streaming" posts?

Why post it there? No one cares. It's not new content. I am sick of having to click the X to get rid of the damn things. lol
(752 KB, 588x1194, stop being a spaz.PNG)
Like who the fuck thinks this shit that's spilling onto my feed is endearing?

Shout out to the ones that post it as a journal or status update instead of clogging up the deviations page with spam that will get deleted or moved to scraps.
Mabo in particular is bad with this, he's been teasing an animation that'll probably come out next decade or something with the Streaming notification pictures.
apparently there's 1100+ morons who love her shitty posts. gotta love whenever she says an opinion and someone has a different opinion she blames it on her autism and calls them ableist
Had the displeasure of being mutuals on her old account. "Conveniently" decided not to follow on her new one. I think she eventually got the hint and unfollowed me. Either because I wouldn't follow back or her deciding I'm some flavor of heckin X-ist Y-phobic chudderino lol
ITT: retards
You're all just mad that she flies in the face of every horrible thought you've ever had about women, and that she's happy with herself about inflation and you're not.

Cope mald seethe cope die mad about it, I'm glad this site is going down.
>every horrible thought you've ever had about women
She confirmed one thought I had about women, that they're retarded, by reaffirming trannies.
>I'm glad this site is going down
Should someone else tell them or should I?
Anon you sound like one of those people that say
"Actually!" While raising their fingers up to make a point
I'm also thankful that you now know that "women are retarded" as it really helps knowing you will never get to reproduce and have a equally smooth brained child
I don't know what else to call them when they say retarded shit like "Trans women are women" because they're clearly not. I have a sneaking suspicion that women that support trannies only support them in the same way they always keep a fat dumpy friend around when they go out to look prettier by proxy and to score social brownie points with their other fellow retards.
You're just mad cuz trans women are hot and getting more sex than you, and that you find them hot but you're afraid that that might make you gay (don't worry, it doesn't) so you turn that worry into aggression against anyone who doesn't agree with you because you can't stand the sight of the disgusting neckbeard in the mirror to hopefully distract yourself from the fact that by the time you turn 30 you'll be a pathetic, sad, empty shell of a manchild that not even your stepmom wouldn't want to molest

How's that, am I in the ballpark?
Or just maybe, people don't like dudes with tits. Seems pretty simple
>>99018 Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Sleeping beside an actual woman. You do you, but stop thinking we care that you like cock
>i hate bbwchan so much
skill issue
(38 KB, 500x680, Bike-Fall.jpg)
Just mute/block her then, you fucking retard. Is everyone in this thread a fucking mongoloid?
"Be myself"
That's the problem she doesn't seem to understand, she was genuinely fine initially, but she's now some annoying prick that constantly talks about "cumming" with some other equally retarded furry inflationist. Her entire personality is "I'm mentally incapable!!". I've seen retarded women in the community just like her, you know why she has a greater following? Because of her looks. One of the only who is not butt fucking ugly and isn't a tranny.
simps and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Has anyone ever noticed that the people with the most ugliness inside of them are the ones who tell others to "be kind?"
she lives rent free inside your heads lmao
do any of you have anything better to do other than constantly complain because you don't like a certain person
just fucking block them, simple as that, or continue to act like a basement dwelling report my post moderator
this vent thread has gone to shit
can't even say dick cord on this site, but slurs are fine lmao
Jesus Christ, some of you need some serious help.

First off, when she says sheโ€™s asexual she means she doesnโ€™t have typical sexual urges. She can not have intercourse, she doesnโ€™t feel urges for intercourse. And basic sex doesnโ€™t do anything for her. She only has sexual urges around her inflation rig. Hereโ€™s the official description: Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to others, or low or absent interest in or desire for sexual activity. It may be considered a sexual orientation or the lack thereof.

Next, she has the right to say she doesnโ€™t want to be sexualized. And how she prefers to be sexualized. She has said, she doesnโ€™t care if you yank it or rub it out to her video content. She does not want the same to be done to her normal posts etc. She has that right.

Everyone has simps, but the people youโ€™re referring to as simps are simply people that accepts her, sheโ€™s autistic, neurodivergent, atypical. That means she is unique and for lack of better word has eccentricities. The people youโ€™re referring to know that and have the respect to interact with her accordingly. She has clearly been hurt and and treated differently in the past for simply being her. So of course sheโ€™s sensitive to it. Thatโ€™s how trauma and scars work.

It takes nothing to be kind to people. To respect boundaries. And perhaps the reason someone advised her to not show her face as much is because the minute one of you had a problem with her, you ran to a pirating thread on a toxic site and doxxed her account out of anger and selfishness. Now sheโ€™s receiving hate because of a single anonymous snowball. Which is NOT a new occurrence in our community.

If you wanted to hurt her, congrats you did. She saw it. Yes sheโ€™s mad, and seething. And trying to cope. But why make her do any of those things? Why drag her for being her? Sheโ€™s autistic for gods sakes, the entire world drags her for being her. Why add to it?

And Iโ€™m not really a simp before those accusations happen. I followed her and wrote literature for her. I made a joke based off of one she made herself, and she misinterpreted it and thought I meant something else that disrespected her boundaries. I apologized, she accepted my apology and I graciously understood I made her uncomfortable and left her alone. I didnโ€™t get upset or get revenge. I did not get angry or flock to a site to talk shit about her. I was not annoyed by it, because I understood that she can misinterpret social cues. Sheโ€™s said that, and it typically can be a big part of autism. I respected her enough to apologize because at the end of the day regardless oh how something is intended, intention is only part of it. How itโ€™s received is just as important.

Anyway, end of my little rant. Lifeโ€™s too short the worlds too fucked up. Letโ€™s just be better at being there for each other please? At least thatโ€™s what Iโ€™m going to do.
(23 KB, 400x270, 20050905_124432_CD05_columbine1.jpg)
Kisame here, she's lying. There's no such thing as autistic or whatever eccentric behavior. She's trying to be Patch Adams or Forrest Gump. Autistic people fit the profile of the Columbine Shooters, Unabomber, or Donald Trump. Women are just copying Rebecca Sugar
(20 KB, 767x767, 16270013_804.webp)
Pic related is autism at it's purest form. Not that poser playing Tyler Durden or D-Fense just to deliver a message about commercialism. Whites just fell for the propaganda that cops will keep their own in check.
Autism is a spectrum. Thatโ€™s literally the whole thing. Neurodivergency is so divergent, thereโ€™s no two cases the same. Everyone is different.
Not reading all of that, maybe don't follow someone with a non functional brain? If she reads what you typed out in defense of her stupid ass and genuinely feels better then it really shows how truly retarded she is.
I am sympathetic, youโ€™re right
No it's not. I need medicine and discipline to complete tasks and pay bills as a schizophrenic. I can't do as I please.
Im sorry but itโ€™s true. You can google or look up this information itโ€™s readily available, I'm on the spectrum myself. And schizophrenia isnโ€™t related to autism, but Iโ€™m sorry you have to deal with that. I know itโ€™s not easy. Are you in a okay space in terms of managing it right now?
I doubt it since my aunt is a psychologist. Your friend would be locked in Creedmore
(6.2 MB, 320x180, 2a0xPM.gif)
wow that's a lotta words
too bad I not readin em

Get fucked, cunt
(200 KB, 2011x1080, FSgAKpaagAA3eDf.jpg)
it's always so obvious when a post on here gets linked on a d*scord or whatever because the white knight faggotry shoots up several levels

same lol

eternally seething against the imaginary chuds

ok whatever dude gonna go back to my original reply up above:
>like I get that it's your first month on pervert twitter and you're excited that you now have friends with the same fetish but not everything is tied to your autism jfc
>you now have friends with the same fetish
Oh boy this has reminded me of a whole other side of talking to people about inflation. Kink Servers and social media become echo-chambers and I suspect there are a lot of people in them who don't socialise much, if at all, outside of those groups. Kinks get completely normalised as a result and when those individuals do interact with actually normal people it is an absolute trainwreck that makes everyone with the kink look completely insane.
I beg everyone who is deep in to this kink to constantly remind themselves that it IS a kink and absolutely weird to 99% of the population.
I'm glad this website is going down. I'm glad you're all gonna fucking DIE.

Seriously. Go die.
>i'm on the spectrum myself
clearly. what is it with people being like "uhmm im autistic so that means nobody can criticize me or say anything bad about me ever"

i found the parts of that trans furry and all of them being like "they're only saying these things because they're sad people who hate themselves!" like thats not it at all lmao

and people call us the miserable ones, lol ok
>swellreads hate

they have bad scripts and are friends with that pedo ridiculouscake
Is there any good reason why youโ€™re all circlejerking about this person? Thereโ€™s plenty of good content in the community, is she really worth all this negative attitude?
>swellreads hate

guy does nothing but stir up shit then acts quite jewishly when he gets caught, 'whaaaa, MEEEE? ;)'
He is also quite deranged and is more obsessed with death / gore (had a story where a pregnant woman got gorily murdered) in which expansion is merely a means to an end
>Friends with RC
Wasn't just a Collab with business in mind tho?
(63 KB, 1200x675, MonkaSSS.jpg)
wait ridiculouscake is a pedo? man, I'm so out of the loop. I donated to their animated chocolate factory project because it sounded cool but I didn't look into their history
LOL check the news sweaty!!!
He admitted a long time ago on Tumblr to stalking a fat kid on one Halloween that he claimed looked like one of his fat humanized pony designs.

Whatever you feel about the whole "pedo debate" when it comes to drawn art, RC confessed to doing it to an IRL child, offline, so fiction and reality is absolutely blurry for him. The only other time I remember someone confessing to that was fucking MistyStuffer.
(12 KB, 814x560, Ea6iws-XsAEB3ek.png)
looked up the "stalking", doesn't seem that bad. a weird thing to do but he was a dumb teenager getting egged on by his friends on halloween. doesn't seem like an event worth cancelling an artist over.

I also looked back on his older art. I don't think drawing fetish art of teenagers is that weird but fetish art of preteen children is pretty cringe, his mabel art and animation is pretty blegh but it's still just a drawing I guess. at least he's stopped doing that kind of art if only because the public reaction against it is so intense now.

I thought there'd be something damning like sexting underage artists on twitter or making public posts defending underage relationships but this seems pretty minor (no pun intended). he's a pretty normal level of cringe for a popular fetish artist with years of activity lol
Why don't you listen to that autism and kill yourself, Yote?
Think you can write better scripts? DM me. I'm always willing to pay people for their work ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿฅ‚

I may be deranged and a shit-stirrer, but I'm not into preggo.
His two girlfriends stalked a girl. Nowadays everybody's a pedo except your own allies.
gotta be honest, I can never get into your work because I find the voice acting cringe but the sound effects are alright. how much do you pay your voice actors? are any of them actually into it or are they all in a million fetish VOs
oh wait no he's still regularly making fetish art of mabel and pacifica... welp, just drawings but RC is up a notch on the cringe scale. at least his style is so cartoony that they don't resemble actual children
You really need to lay of the capitalism. It's a deadly drug.
>Go die.
Zoomers are literally soulless husks.
I'm not gonna rake a guy over the coals for being a cringe teenager, dude has been adamant for a while now that he doesn't approve of that shit anymore
Besides, there's actual predators going after actual children on expansion fetish twitter.

Do some soundscapes, your SFX library is great (like the other anon said, voice acting doesn't do it for me either).
I currently pay them $0.25/word (generally considered ballpark for indie projects), and they're mostly just vanilla NSFW VAs. I've had one that was into at least breast expansion (Dorn), but she got health/IRL issues and is basically out of commission indefinitely. Unfortunate, but these things happen.

Might consider soundscapes... I'd probably want some form of visual element to it though.

>Did you make it by accident?
Kind of. During 2018 I'd just take whatever other people suggested, plop it down in front of a VA, and be like "hey read this". I know that won't move someone who's convinced that I'm a "slimy kike rat" or whatever, but at least I now know what you've been schizoposting about for the better half of a year :^)
Getting under your skin a little, is it? Are you hitting up against the unfortunate reality that not everyone outside your circlejerk discuck is obligated to tolerate you? Want to play an eye for an eye, how long have you and the rest of your gaggle of cretins been pulling gay ops shit against slob threads on /d/ and the brap threads on /aco/? How much of the antagonism between berryfags and basically everyone else are you personally involved in? You did so little to disguise yourself I feel as if you wanted to be caught. You're so close now. Admit it. Say the words and vindicate me.
Not an argument.
Not gonna lie this is cute as heck if it weren't for this autistic as fuck """asexual""" bullshit the big money people made up.
Not gonna lie this is cute as heck if it weren't for this autistic as fuck """asexual""" bullshit the big money people made up.
Silly anon. You need laws to protect the afraid ones. Only when you're afraid you sue over misgendering, another thing the big money people made up.
It's literally just another person using the classic "everyone I don't like is a pedophile" debate strategy.

Also, to spice things up they've thrown in a "Oh, you drew lewds of a character without a copy of her photo ID and birth certificate proving that she's over 18? I'm calling the cops!"
You are a worthless bitch-ass nigga. Your life literally is as valuable as a summer ant. I'm just gonna stomp you, you're gonna keep coming back, I'm gonna seal up all my cracks, you're gonna keep coming back why? Because you keep smelling the syrup, you worthless bitch-ass nigga. You're gonna stay on my dick until you die. You serve no purpose in life. Your purpose in life is to be in my stream sucking on my dick daily. Your purpose in life is to be in that chat blowing a dick daily. Your life is nothing. You serve zero purpose. You should kill yourself NOW! And give somebody else a piece of that oxygen and ozone layer that's covered up so that we can breathe inside this blue trap bubble. Because what are you here for, to worship me? Kill yourself. I mean that with a hundred percent, with a thousand percent. I've never seen somebody so worthless in my life, I deadass have not seen such a more worthless nigga in my life. If he has kids, oh my god imagine if a nigga like that has kids. Like imagine. Imagine if somebody like that actually has kids I would feel so sorry for his children because the nigga literally serves no fucking purpose. Imagine a father: now, we got lots of niggas with wives and kids and shit that suck my dick daily on the internet, but imagine if this nigga actually had children. This nigga's devoting the time he could be spending with his kids checking out a black man on stream cucking over him relentlessly! It's crazy! I've never seen somebody so relentless to be seen. Somebody, somebody, somebody's value so worthless that they'll come into a fucking stream and keep coming in this bitch over and over and over and over and over and over again we keep banning you! Nigga let me, let me, let's do you a favor. Let's go to the 99-cent store let's pick out a rope together. I'm gonna give you an assisted suicide. Let's pick out a rope together, right, and we're gonna take all the greatest troll clips, put a tv screen right in front of you. I'm gonna hang that rope on top of the motherfucking garage. We're gonna forcefully, pry your eyes open, I don't even need to do that because you're on my dick daily. We're gonna pry your eyes open, and consistently watch clips over and over and over and over and over again. You're just gonna start going crazy, you're gonna start feeling crazy, just your eyes are gonna bleed, the retinas are gonna just start pouring out, pouring out blood veins and it's getting cracked and the veins and the retinas is just going to start engaging and bulging. Then, I'm going to grab that rope and say "Are you ready?" You're gonna say yes imma take it PULL it. Why you beg me? Beg me? And I mean beg me? To kill you? And choke you, choke the worthless life of your sorry ass until you fucking dead roped with a blue face nigga. Somebody like that needs to die, I guara-like, there's really no reason for him to be alive. Come on, my nigga, like, your life is worthless, just please kill yourself. Go outside, throw some steaks in a fucking alley and hope for that bunch of stray dogs come and just start chewing your fucking dick off, biting pieces off you and shit like that nigga, cause you, you literally just gotta go. Like get this nigga off earth.
I feel pathetic because I started interacting with artists and people on the community just to cope and deal with depression, for real that was a mistake because normies tend to be harsh at people who don't have any skills with social interactions.

I feel like someone just needs a hug.
Yeesh. Venting to the extreme.
(84 KB, 1080x1087, B7337E4A-0934-45A1-B7E0-516501768B95.jpeg)
Why are these niggas tweeting this shit as if itโ€™s recent news. Bbwchan fucking sucks for things other than art haha

The circlejerking is actually insane with these fuckers
I felt that dude
kekking at your life
Yeah it is.
Some anons on here are a perfect match to the twitter spergs: stop posting and take your fucking meds.
>buhh what is copypasta??
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
I don't care about the retarded drama or whatever but the thing that stopped me from following their account was their obnoxious spamming of reaction images and unrelated gifs on their media tab. If I can't easily find your content and have to spend over a minute to find another real post from you you're not worth my time.
You are owed nothing
that's true, but then this is also the thread for petty bitching about inane things. I am honestly on a similar stance to >>91035, if you're going to clog up my timeline with absolute garbage then I really do not think you are worth following
their pinned has all their content in a thread
(337 KB, 3600x3000, 1699045828901103.jpg)
I can actually understand anons who love inflation and hate the fetish. It's cute, and funny, and silly, and without the likes of us, it would've been a wholesome trope in the entertainment industry.
Okay Austin boy or whoever u want to be call. Your fucking stupid and childish asf you need to learn when to shut your mouth and that time is now nobody wants to here the unnecessary bulls hit you have to say about how u can kill people and gone to school and can do this and that. If you were calling anyone a bitch u should call your self that talk about how she is talking shit over the Internet well guess what so are you. You think your all bad ass but truly your not and i kinda feel sorry for u that u have the need to act like a kid that is 3 years old even 3 years old are more mature than you. So don't be a childish dick and talk shit no body wants to hear it and all u are doing that can hurt anyone is giving us a head ach over all the unnecessary bullshit that come out your damn mouth.
Kek, noice one m8
I'll vent about some stuff that has been bothering me for a while.

For a little context I used to be a small artist, my art isn't the best but then again, I love doing art and expressing my horny ideas.

For a while I engaged with a few people, non artists and artists as well, it was fun until there was a drama that occurred with a "big" name, I won't drop names since some of them lurk on bbwchan but, all I can say is this "big" artist was a pedo, got called out but it came back.

Me and a "friend" tried to research for evidence to send a report to the police to finally get rid of the problem, turns out that my friend was actually friends with this pedo, and he betrayed me and left me behind with this.

Seeing this caused such rage that I regret so much being friends with this guy.
i can't tell if this is actually a retard who has genuinely fallen for the copy paste or not
Poe's Law in full effect
>got called out
This means nothing in current year plus whatever. Calling out makes you the villain if anything.
What do you mean by this Anon?
p much this
you can have all of the annoying opinions you want, but if it clogs up my feed THEN it becomes a problem to me
bro probably means there's so many "callout" threads made these days over the most trivial bullshit imaginable that it has lost all actual meaning

the latest one I saw was over some artist daring to ship some characters, it's downright retarded (so retarded that people turned it back on the thread maker)
Bruh, I mean one thing is call out posts for pedophilia or something similar (even with Lolicon is understandable).

But for a ship? Fuck no lmao.

But yeah I wanted to actually report that user to the authorities (mostly because there were some stuff that were quite suspicious those being
>Having fantasies about abusing children
>Not acknowledging nor debunked the allegations
>Not a sign of regret on their actions
>A lot of people defend this artist
If it's untrue the allegations mean nothing and nobody needs to debunk what isn't proven in a court of law.
You're starting to sound a legit old school nazi. Into the camp if they can't prove their innocence, lmao.
The thing is that there was literally a whole circlejerk with this guy, literally mostly of the people I met at the time are (or where) supportive on this guy, I still have my doubts about certain stuff that for me is unclear

It just frustrates me mostly because my friends at the time turned their back at me just because I wanted to do something about it.
a couple of years ago, I used griscord and I met this guy, he was a known pedo even some people in the community contacted his irl family, his tactic was to use a female celebrity who i assume he had a crush on at the time, you can tell it was him he always used the smile emoji at the end of every sentence,
god he was annoying what's worst he used his real name,
You know who I was talking about if you was there
You prove it or you don't bother.
Yeah I would, but, I just find stupid the fact that he used his real name
I'll try to do a research for that, because it just irks me the fact that a lot of people who where close to me supported this twat, funnily enough my "friend" (the one who turned his back because of his friendship with this pedo guy) was this "anti-lolicon" guy but this guy used to be a server raider
>was this "anti-lolicon" guy but this guy used to be a server raider
You know what? I wouldn't be surprised if your former friend was in on it.
What do you mean?
For some reason the most vocal anti-child protagonist fags are very often later in jail for possession of rl loli.
Oh yeah, ironically this guy had beef with a lolifag, even to the point of threatening him of leaking his up address (which is someythat he has done a couple of times in his "former raider" phase).
Tho to being fair the lolifag was a complete sperg, he already had a bad reputation of being a sjw and anti-loli, but then got outed as a lolicon defender, is hilarious to being honest, but outraging knowing he has leaked real names of a few users just because he gets annoyed or a butthurt.
Oh with "he leaked real names" I mean the guy who betrayed me
can you say the names of who you're talking about? I don't understand any of this lol. why hide names on an anonymous forum
His name was Tyler Sevilla
Nope really no, but, I can give you one name
(469 KB, 1080x1344, Screenshot_20231114-183454.png)
I am begging twitter retards to just block ridiculous cake and move on already jfc
Stop with the purity spiral shit
I know who you're referring to. I sent a file of all his doings to the Tampa Bay branch of the FBI. He's a real piece of shit, took photos of underage girls by omittence of why exactly they were wearing a blueberry suit.
Wow... that's just.. messed up , bu no it's not him.
The Irish guy from the blueberry podcast has removed his videos
Kisame here. The FBI under Wray are a joke. The best I can explain it is that they're just IT workers and bookworms who operate under a conspiracy theory. They're not competent like the CIA who are Ivy League and William Buckley conservatives that dress like prep school graduates. Sure Bill Barr is educated enough to deduce Trump's motives but the moment the FBI and CIA has to face Congress they freeze up
No idea of who that is, but no, it's not him, tho I can say it's not a male; it's a female actually
There was a girl who everyone thought was a guy at the time, took screenshots of Wonka jr productions morphing the young actress into a blueberry, the shady thing was she did clothes destruction and didn't senser nudity
Why people who are into recreating the Wonka scene (05 and og berry scene) have to creepy weirdos or unhinged jerks?
The female that I told you about likes toddlers
I think that's all I will say for now, but it's very depressing seeing big names supporting this twat, for real it's so depressing
I hate the kind of artists who let their identities become their personalities, because they become insufferable and annoying people
Probably the scariest thing about being aware of all of this is the fact that they can fuck me if they want to, for real it feels impotent that you can do barely anything while you know that u are the only one that can do something because you are the only one who knows this...
It just fucks you up
oh my god, faridae, i remember that asshole. and yeah, they straight up looked up school plays of minors doing the wonka play, find a violet, and morph them to be berries and/or straight up nude. like, idk f this is a reach or not, but thats straight up just cp, lets be real here. they also did the "what if violet got bigger" series, iirc, which again, was a morph of a child getting bigger then nude, which AGAIN, feels like thats basically cp. kinda bolsters my feelings on how 90% of morphers are shit, theres only 2 that i can think of that arent completely ass and thats hellresident and luvemripe, and even then, they do have their own problems
because a large majority of wonkafags are autistically obsessed with that one scene and that one scenario, and will not for the life of them try make anything else blueberry-related
I'm pretty sure Faridae was a dude pretending to be a girl. And I agree that that guy was pretty fucked in the head since most of the stuff he made was blatantly CP or it bordered on it most of the time. Does anyone know why he left? Did he get outed for being a pedo IRL and lost his job or something?
id assume that they left because people were like "hey this fucker is making borderline cp, fuck this guy" and they saw the writing on the wall
>There was a girl who everyone thought was a guy
If I had a nickle for everytime this has happened
Mostly normies nagging about him, because of his drama of stalking a kid irl because of this looking like one of his ocs, but they always bring it back everytime he posts art or something like that.

Tbh I'm kind confused with this tbh lmao
His? His gf's stalked the kid. Can you read?
Un-normies don't understand that normies see nothing wrong with a man walking behind his two girls following another.
That's actually fucking creepy, for real, what the actual fuck?

Anybody can answer me on why the heck normies go on full rage mode over RC while with others faggots like Sexyblimp don't do shit about it?
for real I don't get it.
they did tho
like, sexyblimp did get exposed for being a weirdo a while back, no-one really fucks with him anymore. hell people dont even bitch about rc like that anymore either, at most its an off-hand joke here and there. sure you got those couple of people who do the whole "if you follow ____ then unfollow me" schtick every now and again, but they were fags anyway so who cares
it's like normies make a Documentary about Dobson every now and then
see i think thats less cuz of the inflation shit he drew, and more for the gay shit he did as the blue bear as thats whats he's more widely known for. the inflation shit is ironically the least embarrassing thing dobbo has done, imo
i think dobson's infamy is only because of how early he was. back then there were far fewer degenerate autists to make fun of so people like dobson stood out. if dobson were to instead have been discovered today, he would have just blended into the massive horde of autistic artists with autistic fetishes that currently populate the internet.
Don't forget inflationfags were infamous at that time for infighting that spread to other threads, boards, and finally websites. It was only "thanks" to CattyN that they had a way to tell them to fuck off.
I just put Icy Hit on my balls because I was curious. DON'T do that.
I really get annoyed when I get DMs from this particular person who keeps changing their profile name and character, most of the time it's a cartoon female who he fapping too, I made some OCs and he unironically has fallen in love with her, wants me to let him call me mummy even after I tell him I'm a guy,
hot take: if dobson stayed an inflation artist he wouldn't have gotten himself into greater internet lore
there's plenty of spastic shitlibs in this fetish on social media, he would have been right at home if he didn't try to go normie

probably would have still gotten banned off twitter for sending trump death threats though
Tbh knowing how this guy turned out to be, i doubt it, the guy is more famous from his political rants and his inhability to take critism, you can see this on his comiocs of "So... Are you a cartoonist?"

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