
Let's discuss thoughts or whatever Wonka movie thread
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Horny fucks when they're told they're seeing an underage girl turning into a blueberry for the 200th time
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I mean it's a prequel movie, I don't think were really going to see anything new. My biggest question is, where the hell was this cursed British Hugh Grant loompa in either movie? XD
>>90581 (OP)
Idk the performances look a bit awkward. I like Timothee Chalamet but he doesn't do whimsy well. You need someone who is able to bring that whacky inventuve charm, and it just isn't in his wheelhouse.
Yeah Chalamet's a good actor but he always tends to do more broody and contemplative stuff. Seeing him try to go off with a character as wacky as Wonka seems a bit alien no? Personally I'll wait to see more. Rest of the movie looks pretty fun. I think I spotted Keegan-Micheal Key as a constable? Can't really go wrong there.
It's a long shot but I'd hope a Wonka movie turned an actual adult into a blueberry. That would be hot.
Wonka did say "it happens every time, they all become blueberries" implying Violet isn't the first one. most likely they were Oompa-Loompas, but who knows
>candy that makes people float
>WG teasing
>OG Oompa Loompa design and other cues from the 1970s original
>looks like a decent overall movie
>Paddington director has never taken an L
Looks promising.
I'm guessing we're probably gonna get some sort of reference to the Blueberry Gum. The trailer was full of member berries.
So here is my problem
They are ruining the mystery
We know Wonka is a famous candy maker. How he became such creates a mystery that draws us in to see what he concocts.
It’s the same issue with the Solo movie. We know Han Solo is a badass with a heart of gold we did not need a movie to tell us this. Likewise Wonka’s “reveal” is IMO pointless at best and at worst a ruination of a great character.

Now of course this being said I am going to watch this movie… why because it’s Motherfuckin Wonka.
>>90627 You're awesome, and I only wish we could reincarnate you when you die

Male weight gain. Shame.

Floating looks to have no body expansion.

Also if any one is gonna become a blueberry it'll be an oompa loompa. So the chance of an adult female becoming one I think is none.
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>>90581 (OP)
>Learn about new wonka movie
>clench my fists in excitement
>open my favorite site bbwchan
>create thread to immediately discuss what new ways I can jerk off to children inflating
>notice ridiculous cake in the corner
>splooge all over my keyboard
>another amazing day as a bbwchan user
almost as bad as the guy who keeps uploading 4 year olds getting inflated in the cartoon thread
I always wanted it to feature a girlfriend of Wonka’s thst he turnes into a blueberry.
“I’ve tried it on like 20 oompa-loompas……and Diane….”

People have called me unrealistic but a man can have some imagination.
now having seen the trailer, the ideal climax is Wonka turning the black girl into a giant orb that literally crushes the competition.
This is just modern Hollywood
The best we as an audience can do is just not go to see it, especially if it turns out to be terrible
>Hollywood's gonna Hollywood
Go figure
>I think I spotted Keegan-Micheal Key as a constable
>Can't really go wrong there

Come on, I don't even care much for this stuff and even I know for years that gum has been a prototype, Wonka had the whole place on lockdown and all the human workers kicked to the curb.

Doesn't the movie fuck up the lore that was established in both films where the candy he produced that made it to stores being normal and being way back when he first starts out even though all the weird shit was still prototypes by the time he retired? Was his sold candy naturally bonkers in the book?

An origin story for a company and a mercenary who isn't mysterious himself, aren't exactly close to hard to imagine.

>We know Han Solo is a badass with a heart of gold we did not need a movie to tell us this
Well you didn't get one.

Maybe if you guys sell your first born to the devil, you'll at least get female Oompa Loompas.
I am the only one who thinks that this type of fetish should never have existed, I say this because most of those who like blueberry inflation are pedophiles who surely masturbated to the violet scene, I blame the internet for making this type of fetishes spread and for being the refuge of this type of weirdo.
Yeah I kind of agree on that sentiment too there's only two things we see in the trailer everyone floating from float chocolate which one I heard the description of it my mind went to the most dirty places like chocolate that turns you into a blimp and makes you float. But I did catch a random cop who i believe we see earlier in the trailer who later on is fat as fuck so weight gain chocolate is a thing now in canon I guess.

But outside of that yeah nothing special I wish we would though get some sort of origins of three course meal gum where Wonka is exploring with colleges and there trying different fruits and one of them maybe either a snobby adult female eats a pure berry and overinflates until she explodes. I mean it could even be a female villain wink, wink.

But another scenario and I'm more goofy way as I guess they all try it and it just ends up making Wonka and friends including at least one female into berries as a montage thing of where he writes his little notebook certain things to need noteworthy on what's dangerous what's to potent.

Like I really wish for things like that. Like I don't want it to be just about chocolate I wanted to be about his experimenting with things and maybe that being one of them but I highly doubt it
Fingers crossed female adult oompa loompa but high doubt they'd never have the balls
I mean that's what I'm talking about that's the whole reason why I want some sort of blueberry origin to finally kill this stupid fetish spawned by a child bullshit stigma everyone gets I wanna see a adult blow up in canon not just fanart and for the love of got make it a girl hell I'd even take someone non binary or something as long as there feminine in nature just blow up someone that isn't violet. Plus again like I said I don't want this to be just about chocolate. I feel like what would make this a good origin story is if we saw him experimenting with a bunch of different things including the three course meal gum. You could even put a deep back story behind it like the reason he wants to create it is to literally end poverty as there were times when he was younger where he dreamed of big fat meals on the table his family couldn't afford or something. And we could just see it on the sidelines being worked on and the constant failures it goes through.

Even though I do think the chocolate should be a focus I want to see some of the other crazy inventions get their origins started up too. How he comes across the crazy and wild not of this world ingredients he uses to make his creations. Like that was one of the favorite things about the 05 version was we saw him in the jungle we saw him picking up wild and crazy things that feel like there's something out of one piece or some sort of wacky fantasy world not food of our world for sure. That's why his experiments were always hated Miss because these weird fruits would have side effects it's all about trial and error and finding what fit and that's what I really want to say with this movie until he perfects it
I haven't I mean closest I got was getting a boner from it when I saw it for the first time when I was her age again WHEN I WAS HER AGE

Otherwise the things blueberry that turn me on have been community or tmc stuff or parodies with adult actors. This fetish gets stigma and yes I do think there are some very sussy people in this community who actually are pedis but in my case I love the concept of the inflation itself it's a virus inflection for one which is a rare and sometimes contagious expansion type, the blue spreading all over as you panic, the sloshing filling your body, the tautness as you might pop if it's too potent. Some people it's the idea of being squeezed by people or juiced. Not to mention the taste of delicious orgasmic berries that you can spit out because Wonka made something as addictive as crack on steroids.

There's so much more you can analyze from this fetish that people are just pedis who wish to see children blow up. Berryfuck shit aside I gotta say I'm sick of hearing berry shits for pedis it's fine as a joke but if anyone takes that shit seriously your the joke
>>90656 Your not wrong, just a few days ago a thread went up where someone posted like a "Puffy" cheek thread, and they posted an image with actual children, just straight up a shot of some kinds in a minivan puffing out their cheeks. Thankfully mods stepped in almost immediately but there are some very not okay people lurking on these boards.
Yeah I know boards can get crazy I was here when people were dropping n bombs and dead fetuses mods are pretty good reported it and was gone in like half hour minimum
>British Hugh Grant
The Department of Redundancy Department and Tautological Tautology Society would like a word or two.
By that logic weight gain shouldn't be a fetish because there are fat children and inflation shouldn't be a fetish because Dee Dee inflated in Dexter's Lab. It's "Hitler drank water so water is bad" logic.

This revelation might shock you: An idea can be removed from its original context!

As has been pointed out many times before, most people were attracted to the idea when they were a comparable age to violet, and as they grew older the idea was transplanted onto older characters. For many it probably didn't even really begin as something sexual.
>>90704 Wait me a second.. Sex's bad now??? Fuck this millenial America's stupid!
I love watching you pedo schizo berryfuckers do every possible mental gymnastic to deny the obvious.
Yeah I should've put a comma, what I meant was that an oompa loompa with a posh accent just seems really strange considering in the other two movies they never even had spoken dialogue aside from the singing
If anyone will turn into a blueberry in this movie, I hope it's Natasha Rothwell.

I didn't like her character in the Sonic movies, TBH.
You keep burying you head in the sand Anon like a good little blutch and keep believing that just because a fetish was spawned from a weird scene that instantly makes them a pedo! The truth is a lot of us watched this shit berryfag or not as a kid and it's one of the many insert random fetish fuel here that gave me my first boner stories and that's the reason berry shit is so popular. Anon has a point it's just another form of inflation. Nothing more or less

I don't mind the average troll with but I swear to fucking God people throw the term pedo or Nazi into arguments more that they say fuck these days and I'm so fucking sick of it. Keep up comments like that Anon and people are gonna start calling you a twitfag
Speak for yourself I never did

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