
(36 KB, 306x306, 4A99B9BA-D90E-4CA5-95FC-EB86D3EA7E55.jpeg)
apparently gooseworx (the animator person) has a top secret (not really) twitter account where they post tf stuff
but it’s private and they haven’t accepted my follow request yet
do any of y’all know anything about it?
sorry if i did this wrong
i haven’t posted on a message board before
This reminds me of Doobus' secret twitter.
Ooh, what’s their secret twitter?
>>89407 (OP)
nuh uh!? really! I thought Goosworx only has goofy cartoons, but how if goosworx a tf artist?
he joined terriblefates stream and they were gushing about each others work. he has a expansion fetish apparently
yeah it’s gooseworse
i messed up the title cause i’m a dumbass lol
always thought their art styles were crazy similar
always thought both of their art styles were very similar
lagged and i double posted srry
Its handle was another youthful sound imitation. He deleted it.
>>89721 Thx. It's shit
Gooseworx can private their Twitter all they want, I just wish it did what they thought it would and kept their crappy art out of my sight.

The best they could do is just quit posting everything everywhere because they exclusively produce mediocre crap.
Did nobody on this god damn board learn from what happened to Tool_Circle? You're just going to run them off because ya'll are too horny to respect people's privacy.

>I can't fap to this, therefore it's shit.
Some of you will fap to mspaint edits of random screenshots from cartoons. If you're willing to sit here and say Goose's art is somehow worse than that, then you're legit a moron.
I need the rest of this please
(354 KB, 2048x1574, FqYJ__saAAE9IUz.jpeg) (168 KB, 640x640, ladies-and-degenerates-we-already-have-art-of-pomni-v0-sh4vx0zk1xfa1.png) (132 KB, 640x480, ladies-and-degenerates-we-already-have-art-of-pomni-v0-8y1htwzi1xfa1.png) (365 KB, 2800x2000, E8XpGfRWUAMRVBB.jpeg)
>>89407 (OP)
Rounded up what I could find mostly fanart that said does pomni count as they did create her

Ironic that a character the inflation community loves to inflate would be created by a fellow inflation and transformation lover
Boo hoo. If they are too much of a pussy to post content then idgaf if they run away forever scared. a new artist will come along and take their place. theres always fresh blood. . I refuse to give a coward special treatment and beg and coddle them. id rather give that attention to the ppl out there already trying their best. it didnt take long for ppl to learn they jerk to inflation so what are they even afraid of? the cats out of the bag

it pisses me off they get to enjoy everyone elses work but we cant look at theirs. fuck them
Shut the fuck up retard
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Less talking more posting fanart
No idea for all we know theres a bunch of the character inflated behind there alt account but all I know is they created this character for some new youtube series for someone
source for that first one?
Is there a whole sequence or just the one pic
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It's a lot of inflation and fat, with some TF stuff on the side. Goose doesn't use it often but they draw a bit of everything. Been following it for a few years, before they locked it down the first time.

Goose doesn't like the account being talked about publicly, especially since someone leaked their Greeta animation on reddit, which I feel kinda sealed the nail on the coffin for them to open the account again.

All this does is create a Streisand effect. A thing I learned about this fetish a long time ago (thanks to dobson) is that the more you hide it, the more ppl will rub it in your face and try to expose you

ppl resent you for acting like youre above it
I would do it out of professionalism, but frankly the internet is full of double standards and hypocrites.

On one hand, if you only draw fetish art, and your really good at it. Like Deviantseiga or Susfishious, you get constantly berated for "wasting" your art skills on fetishes.

On the other hand, if you load up a single account with a mix of fetish and normal art, it can put people away from your art at all.

I think separating it is for the best, for alot of reasons. Hiding it seems inevitable, but Gooseworx isnt really hiding it when the style is obvious, and the name is almost identical. Its just tucked away so the people that freak out over inflation dont get their panties in a twist.
I'm all for the idea of having two separate accounts but I feel like it's going a bit overboard as an extra step to lock it out that's probably what's going to be drawing more attention to it to be honest. If they just left it unlocked and ignored the haters they'd be fine lol.

Again I do feel like it sucks that there is a legit artist out there that does both normal and fetish art and we don't get to see that other side to be honest as long as your not drawing scar or diapers inflation is the most tame mid shit on this earth! For fuck sakes feet fetishes are weirder even something as tame as a kissing fetish looks off compared to a balloon or pool toy tf. Inflation exists in cartoons today. Hell one of the world's most popular mangas is about a rubber man who blows himself up like a balloon lol and if it's good enough for oda it's good enough to not lock up in embarrassment.

Fuck what people say about deviantseiga and other artist there just venting and bitching because they need a place to do so I 100% guarantee no matter what you doing this world somebody's going to be an ass about it. You can't be a people pleaser for everyone.

So goose if you're reading this just unlock the account you'll get more flack for keeping it locked and honestly from what I've seen I love the inflation stuff you do do it's not weird it adds a almost Skullgirls level toon force to your characters and I think that's badass! Fetish shit be damned I say do you transformations for the sake of toon force shenanigans shit who cares what others think!
Again just get creative with your kinks look we live in a fucking world where totally spies is scene as a kids show and gets 7 seasons balloon toons are not gonna scare off your audience believe me
I don't dislike Goose's art because I can't fap to it, I dislike it because they exclusively produce monster girls with ugly faces against gradient backgrounds. There are countless artists out there that produce better content than Gooseworx, and all of them do so because they aren't afraid to be themselves so much they don't even the balls to be out and proud about liking fat chicks.
They're insecure, unoriginal, and all their characters are all basically the same quirky Hazbin Hotel reject after another.
If they were an average internet artist, sure, but they're making content that appeals to minors, and the separation is important, especially when dealing with turbo-autists like us.
Seriously, some people here'll leave public messages about fetish shit on people's normal accounts. We can't shut the fuck up about this stuff, and it's really invasive. Sure, it must suck for you to not be able to see most of the private stuff, but I completely understand their reasoning. Would you wanna deal with cyber-stalkers conflating two completely different ventures? It's creepy. Random webcomic artists shouldn't be harassed about blueberries or transformation on their regular accounts, and yet I keep seeing it happen.
I don't fap to any of these monster girls. Spiderverse 2 was the last human cartoon that I watched.
>Harassment. Kisame checks the Twitter. It's just fans asking Futaba's VA for permission to do a jingle using AI. VA mald she can't be mommy E-thot and shuts down.

I swear we need to make anime more closer to DiC levels of dull again. Something that doesn't stimulate nerds.
To answer your question OP. Zaslav and Iger knows who fetish art man is. DocGyara was mald that fat art made it to Toonami and Demarco autistically screeched cause it cramped his LA artsy fartsy scene. Animators and fetish art man wants the approval of the academy of artists and sciences despite it being runned by elderly boomers who just want classic Looney Tunes and Disney.
Yeah and those artists make their career OUT OF drawing kink stuff. It's not hard to spot the difference and see why goose would want to keep this on the side if you think critically at all.
Catty-N, all you need to know
Please elaborate
how tf are you on here and don't know about Andrew Dobson? he's an insecure lolcow who tried to hide his inflation fetish and pretended to be a girl (catty n), he's known for his shitty webcomic and virtuesignaling on social media
Ralph Bakshi wore their interests on their sleeve and made an entire career from it.
Robert Crumb, much of the same.
JollyJack, if you want another internet artist.
Salvador Dali, you can't tell me that man didn't have a serious obsession with his wife that negatively affected his life on a massive scale, a constant fetishization of Gala.
Even Frank Frazetta, you can't tell me that dude didn't squirm to put curvy bitches in everything he made.
None of these people were afraid to be themselves and none of them were afraid to make art of their own interests. Goose is. Goose doesn't make content that appeals exclusively to minors, Goose just makes content. It'd be understandable to want to keep these horny bullshit and serious kink stuff separate, but then what's the point of a public Twitter account at all? What's the point of calling your "super secret please don't associate me with this" horny bullshit account "Gooseworse," an obvious play on their SFW username? It'd be like if Pee-Wee Herman wanted to bill himself as a porn star so he called himself Pee-Pee Herman and dropped sex tapes.
Again, it's a "please don't look at me" tour. The British Royal Family does the same thing. They rove around and complain about bad faith criticism while only ever forcing the target onto themselves. They're just an attention whore, and the crap they make isn't even good enough to justify it.
I'd hardly call making a private alt 'forcing a target on themselves'. Without any context, I'd think it was a regular-ass porn alt, like 'normal' artists have. Most people wouldn't blink an eye at that. If you can't understand why someone wouldn't want to be associated with their kinks, that's on you. Besides, the real-world examples you listed (probably) didn't draw characters turning into industrial-grade excavators. One's weirder than the other, and I don't fault them for keeping it close to their chest.
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Man, you know you're getting old when most people into inflation don't know who Dobbo was.
We inf fags used to be seen as the angry bully who set fire on a bag of dog poo until he came around.
What the fuck do you expect? There isn't a history book full of retards I should know about before using a fetish forum.
The better question is what's the point of being so cryptic about pointless bullshit? If you were really annoyed by the question then why even reply?
Found a random youtube vid with around 500 views that has a decent bit of what they post www.youtube.com/watch?v=JC7lvtJX744&ab_channel=Critic%26Horny
Get off my lawn.
what even was on it tho
Maybe come up with a better argument.

So you're not into the character designs, so what? Why're you even in this thread?
Anyone have the rest of this ?
I only learned about the because other artists I knew tagged her, never knew it existed. While I feel like content creators having deviantart fetishes is a bit more normalized (insert pyrocynical joke here) it’s probably for the best the account is locked down since her upcoming web series will be consumed by mostly 9-15 year olds. Also her art style is terrible for fetish art.
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I mean technically what content isn't consumed by children? I mean for fuck sakes we could censor things all we want but all somebody technically has to do is say there 250 years old in there profile creation age and they can easily skirt by any system that exists whatsoever mostly with relative ease.. I mean for fuck sakes most porn sites operate off of a button click "are you 18 years old" system without asking for any sort of verification or id. Again I'm not complaining I'm just saying if somebody really wants to search up whatever topic no matter how bad they're going to find a way! I guarantee most ten year olds with their first access to mommies tablet probably first search of two things. Free vbucks and BOOBS! Never underestimate the hubris of humanity or the lengths somebody will go when they're horny or curious.
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I mean I know I did when I was young how the hell do you think I'm here in this community to begin with lol! My point is the only way you're going to truly censor stuff is if the big corporations get off their butt and actually implement good nsfw blocking measures like the requirement of state Id or something like that to prove age until then for all we know the people we chat to daily on these boards could be some pre pubescent turds. Every one of these websites technically exist off of more or less a trust system lol.
glad im not the only one who hates their style and characters. all these other artists sucking on goose's dick because of their popularity is annoying

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