
(366 KB, 620x620, belowDeck1.png) (357 KB, 620x620, belowDeck2.png)
Anyone else want to jump into trying morphing out?

For reference the model is vikingastryr.
I have been there's Soo many different methods from bloat too to png cutouts blending recolors for berries messing with x and x axis for flattenings
I've seen some good ones, but Hellresident will always be the king
I've seen some good ones, but Hellresident will always be the king
That looks real good, how big do you think you can make them past this?
If you want a few tips (I'm guessing you're using photoshop) when you copy the layer, right click and select Refine Edge, and then feather the edges a bit, just helps make it blend the edges more with the background. Up to you - just giving friendly tips! Good work though!
Wonderful work, keep at it!
been doing this for probably ten years, never thought post my works... If there's any acclaim, maybe I'll post a bunch more... though my favored medium leans toward super-size...
Fucking awesome!
These pics are damn good, and these morphs are of better quality than most you see online. I especially love the large size, good stuff.
Quite impressive how you managed to do this with that chair arm in front of her.
Love your morphs I've some images I'll be intrested in seeing you morph.

Email me at no1drwhofan@hotmail.co.uk for details
Ya, bro. I re-spawn-dead. HMU
As in, yes, I responded. Sorry if my attempt at humor came off as illegibility... Either mail me, or post the pics to the board. Maybe check your spam folder?
Ffs my email was wrong it is
Fucking auto correct

Do you have discord or something for commissions?
I don't, and doubt I will (belated happy birthday, AND apologies to N01drwhofan above)... I aim for the low hanging fruit of:

Models that strike my fancy (or, gals that already have some size to work with...)
pics taken at easily manipulatable angles/ lighting (I only use free software [GIMP], don't have access to fancy tools)
pics already in the public forum (as in, FB rips feel like a line I don't want to cross)

I do, however, feel remiss at not digging back into my previous reservoir of work on another failed computer (drive is fine, board failed...). I hope to remember to hook it up to a new rig in the coming days, so the old simulated curves can flow once again...

However, if you think you've got a good candidate, go ahead and post it here... I (or someone else) may see fit to take a crack at it...
(52 KB, 600x800, 6.jpg) (153 KB, 600x800, 6c.jpg) (53 KB, 600x800, 7.jpg) (51 KB, 600x800, 7b.jpg)
So, is the above to the communities' approval? Just hunting for attaboys, I guess...
I love it keep up the amazing work 😊
Well, thank you, Sirs! It's nice to know I'm not talking to a wall here...

This brings me up to about 10% of my backlog... If it's alright with y'all, I think I'll just drip out a few more sets a day fore the foreseeable... I do kinda like hovering at the top of the posts...

But still, it's not like I own the board...I ain't even the OP. I do encourage others to comment and post works.
can I get a lil bit of a how to for morphing?
Oof... okay...
first step, mydude, download GIMP, current stable version 2.10.22. I know it ain't mainstream, but it's all I've ever used, so it's what I know.
Step number "B": Open file you wanna modify. Quickest and dirtiest way to "plump-da-bunz": select "Filters"->"Distort"->"IWarp", and you can just click and drag (via "Move" selection) the curves where you want them. May take some fiddling with "Deform Radius" before you're moving the meat the way you want...
Step option 'tres'... free-select tool. Use it to (as neatly as-fookin-possible) select the curve you've just modified, then press Ctrl-c to copy it, making sure you select back into an un-modified area for reference (also, you'll probably want to set line-guides to zero... they just get in the way). Then you'll press Ctrl-z to undo the warp (probably multiple times) until you're back to the raw image, and then Ctrl-v to paste, and then moving it back into alignment. This will result in your modified curves, without the background stretching that makes it plainly obvious. A quick hit with the blur tool may be necessary...

Expect to spend many hours at this. HMU if you have further questions. This is a simplistic as I could make it. There's many advanced tools/techniques. It definitely takes an artist's eye, which I so did not ten years ago (and only barely have now...). Good luck, mang...
(55 KB, 410x580, 492_1001.jpg) (57 KB, 410x580, 492_1001b.jpg) (51 KB, 1000x750, 542_1001.jpg) (52 KB, 750x750, 542_1001b.jpg)
Ha Ha! Back to the top of the page!

Do you'se all find appeal? Startin' to feel like I'm talkin' to a wall again here... Really, I encourage others to post their works...
I am still here appreciating your work and cheering you on I sadly dont know how to edit/morph. Keep up the amazing work :)
(57 KB, 533x800, 771_1001.jpg) (61 KB, 533x800, 771_1001b.jpg) (81 KB, 711x479, 633_1001.jpg) (92 KB, 711x479, 633_1001d.jpg)
Well, thanks, anonylurker! You've quite made my day.
Morphin, at least the way I do it, really ain't nothin but a couple minutes to do once you've had some practice. Just try. It'll suck at first, I'm sure, but the bar around here is pretty low...
(1.8 MB, 1080x1349, tesspops.png) (546 KB, 900x1100, bubble.png) (510 KB, 1280x720, balluna.png) (428 KB, 900x678, nessapops.png)
Well, my guy, you inspired me to take a crack at it. Downloaded Gimp this weekend and made a few edits with obviously 'mixed' results, but it was a lot of fun and I plan to keep at it. Any tips are more than welcome.

Those old Korgskaboom Yahoo Groups morphs with the unbearably cheesy text blocks were one of the first encounters I had with this kink way back when and I've been a sucker for them ever since, so...
(76 KB, 525x691, big-butt.jpg) (65 KB, 525x691, big-buttcb.jpg) (857 KB, 1600x2358, bo4.jpg) (823 KB, 1600x2358, bo4b.jpg)
Well done! Keep it up! None of it is worse than anything I've seen...

Only critique I'd give is to work on the shading... The burn/dodge tool will be your friend... really sells the illusion. Lighten in the direction of the dominant light source, darken toward the shadow side. And do it in multiple passes with a low exposure and the blurry sphere tool, preventing sharp lines.

Otherwise, I'm impressed! Especially for early work!
Whelp, you are already my favorite morpher. Way too many don't mix BE with any weight gain, which is just a damn travesty.
Just wanted to say that I absolutely love how your morphs have turned out myself, plus their captions are just straight up good. Keep up the great work, man!
keep up the good work
These are fantastic! I love the text with the morphs. I hope you add some more!
(133 KB, 600x800, yummy03.jpg) (120 KB, 600x800, yummy03c.jpg) (115 KB, 861x769, yummy07.jpg) (121 KB, 861x769, yummy07b.jpg)
So, this is gonna be my last upload salvo for a bit, till I can get back home and get the hard-drive back on the test rig... enjoy, I guess...

Maybe someone else can pick up the slack in the interim...
I am still here quietly appreciating your amazing work 😊
(2.7 MB, 6400x1000, jackiecumflation.png) (159 KB, 382x550, blowjobblowup.png) (2.7 MB, 1920x1080, bluepops.png)
A hell of a salvo, thanks again for putting out some quality content. My output's a little lower but here's some of the ongoing effort.
holy fuck these are so good
the progression comic is phenominal
(41 KB, 365x486, 01.jpg) (42 KB, 365x486, 01b.JPG) (53 KB, 599x384, 2ba.jpg) (50 KB, 599x384, 2bac.jpg)
Well, made it home, and the legacy drive of legacy works has been scrounged... back to normal(ish) upload schedule for a bit. Maybe I should work on new stuff someday soon... A lot of this is EARLY works, so don't judge too harshly...
Is there a source for that first one?
(10 KB, 145x200, 220639[1].jpg) (40 KB, 435x600, 220639[1]b.jpg) (7 KB, 145x200, 226412[1].jpg) (18 KB, 363x500, 226412[1]b.jpg)
Yeah, man, keep it goin'! The only thing I'd recommend is be wary of stripes and checker patterns... It can be done, but it takes a lot more work to make it convincing; re: >>15768

And for that one, no, I don't know original source... I snagged that one in 2011, according to file info, and probably from an old TGP. I'm just dumping my backlog of old works.
If your taking request I'd love you to morph karen Gillian and mary Wiseman
We should make some kind of hyper/inf bodymorph discord.
Do you have a link to the vid of the last 2 I remember it being a good vid. And I'm looking for it to edit it
Nice one I'll link back when I've made the edit.

I was wondering if you could do an edit for me?

This freind has just announced shes pregnant and was wondering if you could depict what she might look like full term?
Forget the pic lol shes the one in the grey
holy fuck that first morph is powerful, well done man
You all need galleries on dA or somewhere and you need to post them there. This entire thread is solid fucking gold.
(8 KB, 320x240, vlcsnap-00383.jpg) (29 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-00383c.jpg) (8 KB, 297x238, vlcsnap-00386.jpg) (29 KB, 594x476, vlcsnap-00386b.jpg)

Well now... can't speak for '7757f2', but for any of the posts sharing '3e73df', feel free to repost any-old-where you want. This is the internet, after all...
I think I'm hesitant to fill up a dA gallery because I seem to be averse to commissions. I'd rather just slow-post to this thread till it sages-out, then fade from memory. The occasional "kudos" is certainly appreciated, but I don't have the time or mental energy to do this on-the-regular.

However, another dip into the reservoir...
I mean, I just ask because work this good deserves to have a stable place on the internet for a very long time, but I get that :p

Oh yeah! Lovely stuff.
A discord server for all of this would make sharing and posting alot easier. Anyone in?
discord (dot) gg EJbK7Ht6Jb (need to put / after gg)
I remember this vid on xvideos. Any chance you have the original vid?
Been a struggle to find it


All of the pics I've posted that start with "vlcsnap", I do have the videos. Just narrow it down for me, and tell which image you're referring to (files are numbered).
the vlcsnap-00444
I remember it being titled like "pear fuck" or something like that
(995 KB, 594x793, 1317.png)
Try morphing this girl

After a fair bit of digging, I have procured your request... It's ever a pain to dig stuff up off the old XP rig with no mouse...

Also, threw in another that always managed to drive the ol' nail home... enjoy, I guess


Feel free to request any other of the VLCsnap sourced vids... just don't expect them in a hurry...
(246 KB, 503x610, done.jpg)
Just did this real quick.
As a morpher myself I'm very impressed with all these. I'd definitely like to be that big myself. Keep it up!
Late update, but thank you very much for finding this for me!
Am forever in your debt
(128 KB, 432x504, woah, MAMA.png)
> It's been great, see y'all around, don't let the thread sage out in my absence...

Sir, yes sir!
Wow!.... This is shit!
this is fine, theres room for improvement sure but its not too bad at all
Never too late... Aye, what's actually worse is not trying at all... Personally, I aim for "physiologically-feasible", but you do you, boo. Plenty of us would be down for a good smotherin'...
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Still feel a bit amateurish with my morphs, but I don't wanna let this thread die!

PS. Expect more, however, some may be bigger or smaller than normal. (really just depends on what I'm feeling when I make em)
PPS. Not trying to go for realism and don't really care about making background things not warped, mainly just going for the look of the expansion
I need to find some good images for morphing to add to this thread. These morphs have been very interesting to see
god we need a discord server to keep this sort of thing alive. Anyone got one or willing to make one?
refer to post #18748 above, mebbeh
That's actually a girl
Oh god do more holly

Does Grimes know about that one?
(365 KB, 480x612, 0001.png)

Eh! Good to see some of my work floating around. Here's another from back then. Not so much a scene girl but it'll do.
(359 KB, 750x810, 3.jpg)

Speaking of which. I have a huge backlog of newer work waiting for me to perfect face swaps. Which will possibly end up on a cheap patreon account.
Anyone still taking requests here?
>>26893 This ticks all of my boxes...just incredible. Do you have a deviantart or something?
Mild bump.
I feel like this is the best place to ask but does anyone have the works of thepencilandpaperguy, he cleared out a lot of his stuff and I recall seeing them posted here before
Great job keep up the great work.
The second image you morphed is really good.
Does anyone take requests here?
Yea, I also do comms as well.
I think Poke needs some bigger boobs.
Healthy bump.
(510 KB, 523x936, drinkbloat.png) (717 KB, 529x946, advantages.png) (716 KB, 529x946, shock.png) (720 KB, 529x946, titties.png)
I saw a morph on DA of her recently as a blueberry, so then I looked up her page and found a ton of potential morph material from her!

I reckon she'd be perfect!
Can you provide a link to the DA or to where this girls pics came from?? Caues yes~! Shes got amazing potential for a body inflation edit!!
>>35960 Who made that?
Like I said dude you want that to happen you gotta comission. Maybe not now, but if you want those morphs done you'll have to comission to get those done
>>36348 Okay, but I don't have a Paypal account. So that might not happen. I was just kind of spitballing an idea for you.

I don’t know, but I think they’re about 12.
Hey, I was just wondering where the 'tight jeans' pictures came from?
(645 KB, 637x800, 7 Small.png)
Daz3D is a powerful morphing tool if you have the right resources.
The face and background are real photo or render?
Anyway cool work, but i would added real nipples and belly button, they kinda stretched
Oh, you're that guy? Your stuff is great, keep up the good work!
(245 KB, 1280x1280, P0 (24).jpg)
Can someone make her a fat fucking berry?
Thanks! I’m just a simple man making his way in the galaxy, more to come~
Who are these beautiful women?
I second this ripen til she explodes all over my rock hard cock leaving me looking like a member of blue man group as I'm painted with her cum
hi i got some
Yes, yes, good, good... You'll find you're much more welcome here than posting morphs over on /bbw... Just a favor, though: stick as many pics as you can in fewer posts... this thread only has about twenty more posts until it locks out.

Glad to see someone else here with a good eye for composition; spheroids really don't do it for me...
Who is the 2nd and 3rd picture of?
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P. 9? Really? Post up the big girls before the thread is gone to oblivion! Pics, no bumps...
God even these morphs need morphs.
Dunno what it is about it, but that early Kellie Kay morph is really pushing the right buttons for me
Nice why is bbw inflation's such a horny concept for me. I guess I'd something's on the verge of explosion you just gotta push it's limits and edge it further
Very nice, keep at it and let us know if you post anywhere else!
>>>Or just an even bigger, more womanly body.

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If someone is still doing edit requests how about something more interesting. Sandra Oh in this outfit blown up real round like the blowfish people in the skol ads. And that includes no large boobs like the people in the ads please.
Can you add pumps convincingly into a scene?

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