
>>86406 (OP)
you look amazing, are you using an aquarium pump?
These r old pics too I get even bigger now
i bet, if you keep practicing you'll be spherical one day
what specific pump model?
I used to use the air 8000 I think. The one with 4 pumps but now I got a bigger one that can do 16 liters a minute
Do you know the best way to inflate a partner if they're willing to try it for the first time?
>>86406 (OP)
Are you gonna be really spherical, I.e full body spherical?
we general IRL inflation thread now

good pics OP, been on a binge of starting with regular air and then moving on to helium, shit is cash

at first it's tight and sometimes uncomfortable until you bypass your valve, then it usually feels amazing because your whole GI tract is now open to inflating

probably take it slow with them and don't force it if it's their first time
I want to see blood, I want to see how a bastard rips his fleshy tissues and his gut explodes while they have an erection and I masturbate in front of his corpse.
you'll actually be surprised how resilient the human body is, the worst case I've heard of in recent memory is inflating peanut/pumptress saundra giving herself a mild hernia because she was way too overzealous one night with a helium tank

meanwhile you got anon_user54 over on twitter filling himself with fucking giant orbeez and only getting more bold
Apparently that was fake and they use a clay model for the belly and touch it up in Photoshop
God I wish I could get that big
Why do I get I sniff farts and inflate vibes
You guys' too wild for those farts
lmao thanks for remind me of that, such a fuckin classic
Anyone into air swallowing? I have never really used a pump but I’ve gotten really good at swallowing air to the point where I’m not sure I would ever switch. I’ve always wanted to try a bike pump but that’s it
Have you managed to get good size out of that? I haven't really been able to get my hands on a pump so being able to just swallow air would be easier.
(I want to know more about expanding safely, but there isn't really a good set of directions anywhere)
It’s gonna take some practice but yes. I’ll give you how I learned:

Either sit or stand up, or lie down on your back or left side, whatever you find more comfortable. I usually stand or sit up. Get a glass of water. Take a sip but hold it in your mouth. Take a big deep breath and hold it, then tilt your head back so the water runs to the back of your throat but don’t swallow it right away. Blow into your cheeks, I usually hold my lips closed so no air escapes. Don’t exhale through your nose either. You’re gonna try to force the air down your throat with your breath and the muscles in your cheeks. When you’re ready, open your throat (the water makes it way easier) and push as much air down your throat as you can. With practice, you can get into a rhythm and get multiple gulps with one sip of water, or just your saliva. There’s also a way to breath directly into your stomach when lying down, but i honestly have no idea how to explain how to do it. It’s easier if you already know what having your throat open feels like.
It’s easier if you ate something like an hour or two ago, if I’m hungry I usually get cramps. Also have your insides as empty as you can before hand.
Fill up your stomach, but not too much or you’ll also get a cramp. Lie down on your left side or back and relax your stomach muscles as much as you can, as the air needs to move through your system, eventually getting to the colon. Once your stomach doesn’t feel full anymore, repeat the process. Hold the air in as best you can, but obviously if it gets too uncomfortable or hurts at all stop. Taking a hot shower while you do it feels great and helps with keeping your muscles relaxed. Once you get pretty full, I usually drink a glass of water (slowly don’t chug it) and that gets you humongous. If you have problems with cramps sipping water throughout the process can help as well. Hope it helps.
Thanks a bunch, I will give this a try! o/
I have tried swallowing air before and have had some success, but I have never tried adding water to the mix.
>>88184 That sounds heavenly. Why are beautiful girl's anuses the best anuses?
I tried a bloat a while ago. But I am bad at holding in the gas. I did an experiment with Lemon Juice and baking soda. I have 42 inch waist.

- I first ate 4 fiber bars, drank 3 cans of seltzer, and did a workout to get some gas brewing in my gut. No bloat but my stomach was gurgling.

- I drank a standard baking soda with lemon mix.

- I sat down and played games while waiting for the effect.

- Started slow but then my gut began to inflate very rapidly. To the point I was ready to let out the gas just by sitting.

- I drank a second lemon + Soda mix. But it did not last long. My stomach got to big too fast and I needed to let it all out.

- My last measurement was 56 inches. Got very big very fast. Will try a CBD to dull the discomfort next time.
Get out you braindead fearmongerer. Inflation is perfectly safe.
What is this Lemon+soda mix? Sounds promising.
The general jist of "don't overdo it/force it" is pretty true. Like >>87605 said if someone was to try and force it they would fuck up their innards with something like a hernia.

Sounds like a solid concoction, an acid plus sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) always results in tons of gas being formed.

I've also seen users on twitter take alka seltzer tablets, crushing them up, putting them into empty pill capsules and then swallowing them for an easy bloat session.
I would avoid using Alka-Seltzer. It's an aspirin based product and taking too much can seriously make you sick

I was considering trying a cake shake. I spoke to Reiina about recipes and she told me she blew up so much from a shake she ripped clothing and got stuck in chairs. But if you mix it the wrong way your system can be messed up for a week. Too much of a coward to try that.

Will try out the baking soda formula again, but not gas build up with the fiber bars and perhaps fasting a night for an empty stomach and no nausea.
Does anyone know of a video where a person got tired of life and decided to stick an air hose up their anus to let all the air flow inside until their guts couldn't take it anymore and their entire abdomen ripped open until it finally burst?
Is inflating my belly using balloons efficient? Im a looner and wanted to mix both fetishes with one fell swoop.
it's okay, it's generally regarded as a better idea to use pumps since they have a higher forcing pressure, but it's not unheard of to use a balloon at the end of a hose
could the balloon pop and damage the intestines/rectum in the process?
What I've done a while is slightly overinflate my exercise ball, plug a hose to it's inlet and my outlet, put a lil twisty valve between for speed control, and wholla, inflatable inflating me and it's an espectialy strong thrill since you can sit down on the ball
Since this seems like a relative irl thread, I have a question! Has anyone here used poppers for inflating before? And if so do you recommend it? I've seen dozens of others online use this and they praise them.
damn that sounds hot, how big can you get?
Not personally, but I've heard the same thing as you heard.
I tried and still like to do weed while inflating, and in the past I did n2o while inflating (However I stopped doing n2o).

I think all drugs are gonna have some effect on how inflation feels, I find with Weed, That all my muscles are relaxed and whatever I fill with, goes in easier, travels all the way through smoother, and yeah I overall feel better doing it (Only downside, for some reason weed makes your body hold onto things, I find it hard to defalte while high)
Considering how poppers loosen your anus, trying to use them for inflation seems counter-intuitive. But, i've never tried them, so I don't know. I have noticed that smoking weed increases my capacity somewhat, or at least makes me feel like it does
I don't get very big, but I'm slim from the getgo, so it's noticable almost instantly.

If I wanna go for size, I usually do Saline/Glucose inflations, since those don't fill the intestine
Nice, not sure if I've seen too many slim dudes inflate like that. It seems like it's mostly fat guys
(106 KB, 1280x959, photo_2023-02-26_18-00-31.jpg) (96 KB, 1280x959, photo_2023-02-26_18-00-34.jpg)
Spoiler Warning: Saline inflation, inserted needles

One of my sessions in the past, the reason I prefer inflation by injection rather than enema is simply cuz you don't get any cramps, you don't get any fullness discomfort, you get to enjoy all the bigness and the thrilling pleasure that come with the stretched feeling of the skin, with much less of the discomfort (Inserting the needle, and a slight continues sting is all the discomfort I get from it)
and 3 days later, I'm almost back to normal as if I've never done it.

It's the hottest way to inflate imo, just not the safest for obvious reasons, but then again, anal inflation isn't safe either.
poppers loosen the anus but also the smooth muscles of the GI tract
the key is to start inflating, get as full and turned on as you can, and then huff the poppers in a rolled up sock

it takes practice but once you get the steps down it becomes routine because when it works it WORKS
God damn, being inflated like that for 3 days sounds pretty hot tbh. Is your belly jiggly when it's full?
at first it's rather taut and hard, but given some time it softenes and gets jiggly
Damn you ever think about recording yourself being inflated and playing with your belly? Think it’d be pretty hot to see.
(5.4 MB, 360x640, video_2023-02-26_17-59-57.webm)
I am very camera shy, and also kinda stopped doing Saline stuff unless it's with a curious partner who'd like to experience that with me, which is unlikely to happen since yeah, there's a bunch more dudes into this stuff than girls, and I'm looking for a GF

did this with a bunch of dudes, and it was just... yeah not quite what I'm looking for.
Man I'd love to try that some day, I feel like my belly would look so good filled out like that. I'm so afraid of needles though and I'd be so freaked out if I messed something up.
Has anyone ever tried inflating/bloating with baking soda? I've seen some people say it bloats them up like crazy. Thoughts/tips?
I did an experiment with Lemon Juice and baking soda. I have 42 inch waist. After a short time my gut blew up to 56 inches

- I first ate 4 fiber bars, drank 3 cans of seltzer, and did a workout to get some gas brewing in my gut. No bloat but my stomach was gurgling.

- I drank a standard baking soda with lemon mix.

- I sat down and played games while waiting for the effect.

- Started slow but then my gut began to inflate very rapidly. To the point I was ready to let out the gas just by sitting.

- I drank a second lemon + Soda mix. But it did not last long. My stomach got to big too fast and I needed to let it all out.

- It was only 10 min, so I blew up an inch a min. Too fast. I will also not eat the fiber bars and seltzer. I think it aggravated the bloat too much. Will try a CBD to dull the discomfort next time.
How much baking soda and how much lemon juice did you use?

The recipe:

ONE TEASPOON, 1 tsp., of BAKING SODA and mix it with TWO CUPS, 2 c., of WATER. In a separate glass, mix ONE THIRD of a CUP, 1/3 c., of LEMON JUICE with ONE CUP, 1 c., of WATER. Make sure the baking soda is mostly dissolved, or at least suspended in the water and not sitting at the bottom of the glass.

I made two

Drink the baking soda mix first. I advise you don't eat anything for 10 hours. And if you have heartburn, deal with with it before or all your extra acid with turn to gas rapidly and you will burp everything out.

Then drink the lemon water slow. I say about half a mouthful a min. That way you will inflate and not feel gas pressure.

Do something to occupy the time. And take a tape measure to record your bloat. If your belly begins to shrink the gas is going to your intestine. You may want to wear a plug if you will be doing this all day.

Once you are done see if you belly is tender. If you can press it lightly and not need to burp you can do another.

SIP THE SECOND BAKING SODA. Down it fast and the soda will rapidly become gas and the pressure will be too great and you will burp out all your hard work.

Also, hydrate. You are ingesting a LOT of salt. Drink a lot of water before you do this. It will help you purge the liquid and the abundance of salt when you urinate. You will urinate a lot. The key to remember is you are trying to fill up with gas, not water.

Enjoy your bloat as long as it is not painful. One time I did house work inflated and it was amusing.

To get the air out just burp. Or, if it worked all the way to the guts jut remove the plug and fart it out. Farting takes a long time. Try to burp it all out and you will appreciate how big you were as your stomach shrinks back to normal.

After that drink a lot to pass out any extra sodium. Avoid salty food for a few days.

Happy inflating.Would love to see pics of your results. I intend to do a three drink bloat while high to avoid cramps in two weeks.
Thanks a lot! I'll certainly be trying that soon!
I have been VERY tempted to try a cake shake bloat.

You can get huge off those things. Like stuck in chairs 9 month pregnant huge.

But between the unpredictable nature of the recipes, how it is, and the fact you need to continue to eat to get huge, it sounds dangerous.

Even got a recipe from Reiinapop and I don't feel comfortable with it. And the girl drinks three servings sometimes.
I've thought about it before, sounds fun. I imagine it would make your belly feel super heavy and full.

Ever since I stopped inflating I've been looking for ways to get big, so if you have any other ideas/have tried different methods, I'd definitely love to hear about them.
Could you share the recipe from Reiinapop?
just saw this yesterday, and ngl couldn't thing about anything else all day today. You looked fantastic, and want to try myself more than anything else, but have no idea where to find the relevant info to do so
I'll try to make it short and easy, and stop my self from overexplaining.

Supplies for Liquid
-saline and/or Glucose solution
-medical tubing
-something to sterilize your hands and skin(I use liquid hand sanitizer [wouldn't recommend using those gels])
-needles (18g is a good size imo, but for first time 19 or 20g is prob gonna be easier[higher number, smaller needle])
-somplace high in your room to hang the iquid bags/bottles

How to do:
-clean/Sanitize your hands
-Boil some water and pour it into a bucket, mix with some room temp water, or warm water from the tab (Goal is to have hot, but not boiling hot water) Then put the bags/Bottles into it, keeping the access point out the water (Wanna keep that sterile)
-once they are warm, hang them someplace elevated to you, and pierce the tubing into the access point, keep the valve of the tubing shut while you do that.
-Sanitize the area you want to insert the needles into
-place 1 or 2 needles into your belly fat layer, I personally go for above the belly button each side, but roughly a thumblength below the rips.
-let the tube(s) run disconnected until there are no bubbles in the tube, sometimes takes a bit of help by shaking it or snapping your finger against it to get the bubbles to travel out.
-connect to needle(s) and get comfortable
-open the valve, start slow, get a feel for it before you open it full way-
put new bottles into the warm water and maybe reheat the water if needed so you can replace the ones you're filling with, once they are empty.

If you need to go places like the WC, just carry the bottles/Bags with you.

Happy filling
Note, saline can sting a bit, that's normal, Glucose enters almost painfree
Needs more grills.
I've been trying to get into shower inflation for a long time, but I could never get a chance. The showerhead in my house has no hose, and I can't just ask to change it. I tried enemas but they are just too slow for me. Anyone know of a way to get a pressurized water inflation without a shower hose?
The needles make me nervous but no2 truly seems to give the biggest inflation experience and I wanna try it compared to just tube up butt
Its an incredible experience. Needles are scary, but the pain is only in needle insertion. The skin stretching has no pain, and really little sensation at all. Just tightness, expanding tautness. Would highly recommend it. Far better shape and size than that of anal inflation.
Same guy from >>92991
I've done N2O as well, and it is easier to set up, and also easier to store away after as well.
The result doesn't last as long (24h and you're almost back to normal, if not for a few pockets of gas here and there)
Pain is also much less, no continues sting as with Saline. (It's much like Glucose, almost painless, minus the initial insertion)

It's just the whole "What if I hit an artery" that makes N2O so much more dangerous in my opinion.
Other than that, it is a lot more handy, AND also feels so much more intense!

Lil recommendation from me, don't use a tube that's too short, the gas leaves the canister at freezing temp, the longer the tube, the more time the gas has to gain room temperature.

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