
(863 KB, 832x816, deby02d-b142b3aa-ffb7-487a-a697-8554eb6703ac.jpg)
I've been seeing a lot of negativity inside the other threads lately and it's obvious people got stuff they want to get off there mind so if you're gonna rant or make dumb political jokes that have nothing to do with inflation (insert Joe Biden inflation porn here) then do it here and no we're else as Im getting sick of seeing in fighting amongst ourselves so if you're gonna say berry fuck this and berry fuck that this is the place to do so.

That said let the pain and cringe Begin and enjoy because once this threads gone I'm not making another one!
No. Did you not learn anything from the bbwdraw board why these threads aren't a good idea?
Yes. Did you learn anything from the bbwdraw board why these threads are a good idea?
>>85520 (OP)
I hate when threads are filled with AI faggotery, how the fuck does that looks sexy?
I don't like people sometimes
Pretty average and decent opinion
I mean why not make a ai only thread then?
Personally think of it what you will but it has it's appeals it can range from awful to not so bad and it's only gonna get better the more it improves that said you don't have to like it it's a specific taste to each their own
Ask me this. Is it possible to have fun in this community without looking like a jackass,
I remember when we were known as jackasses who were so bad we had to be banned off multiple 4chan boards and that was before the CattyN incident.
This board has a serious problem with lack of moderation. Constant low-quality bumps, begging, general dogshit content, and specifically blueberry faggots having free reign to feud and harass threads for subjects they don't like with absolute impunity.
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It's the same thing that I wonder, instead of flooding with the AI shit make a fucking thread with that subject for fucks sake.
Yes you just have to know where to look and have a mind to block out the noise
And now that there's an AI board I don't see why we allow them on here anymore.
My only problem is new threads which are too specific to have enough content.
Yes, but depends, as the way I see it there is two possible ways, one is you being the jerk, the other one is others being jerks at you, there are some spaces.
there are some places but no place comes to my mind

If you were to a any thread here on the board, the inflation general at /d/ or Twitter/Discork (specially the last one) people can be jerks at anyone, specially on Twitter/Discork part since in that area are circlejerks, and any known artists who have a friend group would mostl likely to tell you to piss because
>Muh mutuals only
>You don't have vip passage to belong to our community fuck off!
I mean It's a community not a fucking personality cult lmao
begging sucks but the old adage of "post tits or GTFO" should apply as well
post some fuckin content if you have it instead of doing carrot toting shit or whatever

seriously feels like the only moderated boards are bbw and bbwdrawn
I get that there's a mod shortage and this is just a niche fetish imageboard but come on

p much
you don't have to be super weenie hut jr on here compared to twitter
shit, even deviantart has more artists that have their heads screwed on right, that's just fucked up
The issue I see is when it comes to twitter users is most them being unable to see or recognize their flaws, twitter users complain and whine about bbwchan or /d/ but when you slightly touch or criticize them for anything instead of acknowleging their flaws, they proceed to cry on their report my post servers or tweets, I remember one time were one anon ranted about certain users on twitter, one of them was AtlasDoesStuff, Atlas instead of humiliating the anon graduating his rant on the thread he made a tweet about it, instead of actually proving that anon was wrong about his artstyle being repetivive.
Most friend groups in the inflation community are boring anyways,
Ah shit, I made a mistake lmao, should have wrote "Discuck" instead of "Disc0rd" because there is a filter that changes that word for "Report my post"
i hate rant threads because they devolve into gay ass rants about artists people dont like for parasocial ass reasons and 9 times outta 10, its just a bunch of schizo coomers bitching about shit.
with that being said, songofswelling's art is shit, skullgeist/minshoko has a dogshit personality and needs to make art instead of begging for people to interact with their curiouscat, and simsimsalaboom and piffledoodle are massive spergs who spend more time bitching about who posts underage characters or e-begging, even tho they share art from vikingskirts who allegedly was a groomer.
vikingskirts was called out due to that with evidence and her girlfriend defended her lmao
whats crazy is that there was straight up evidence n shit and to this day, those two still support them. sim and piffle are two of the most annoying ass artists in this kink, straight up. ive heard in the former's report my post they have a dedicated fucking list to people not to post, most being there due to "oh they drew a 17 year old" but not the literal groomer. actually braindead
To be fair as a artist it's not always easy to tell a characters age unless directly said by the company alot and I mean a lot of people thought botw Zelda was Gucci! 18 but nope from what I heard Nintendo literally dedicated a fucking flashback just to make her 17! One would assume at least a few years has past since then so that would can only make both Zelda and like 18+ as of totk.

But who the fuck knows! They could recon that shit again tomorrow for the fuck of it? Like why the hell is Nintendo intent on keeping Zelda a top tier waifu underage? If anyone should know us age laws it's them.

Again 2d pencil lines so who cares really but still maybe it's just me but it feels less icky to bust it to something 18+ to each there own hell I don't believe just because you've busted it to Zelda you deserve death like have of the Twitter cocks do.

But like there's even people who like link too I've seen my fair share of art of both of them floating around even inflation. Literally people doing Zelda thinking she was finally safe from scrutiny but nope fucking Nintendo lol.

One final thing to my rant I guess on what the fuck is with company's wanting to keep there characters eternally kids? Like Zelda and link aren't my only grip another that was brought up is Sonic and co. If all those characters aged naturally then Sonic would be 20+ 30+ today yet he's eternally 15? Like I'm not saying make them old as shit but there comes a time you age up your characters a bit like at least 18+. You know the fandom. You know the art that exists of him. Nothing's gonna stop said artists regardless so at least you can not make that shit taboo.

I don't know it's just like to me the eternal teenager shit is bull in general I swore to myself if I ever get into cartoon animation I'm gonna make sure my shits 18+ even if I'm doing a coming of age story so that way fuckers won't feel guilty for fanart or busting it to my characters. Back in the 80s,90s Early 2000s you had so many artists knowing what they were making deliberately making certain characters in there 20s for the purpose of fan service Frankie foster for example regular show girls gi joe women. And so much more I'm not even gonna bother trying to pull into my brain to list.

But today I swear outside of a few examples you'll find some Creator waifu baiting. Lock up the age and be like. DAMN.

I miss the day and age of cartoon waifus being of age and the days where you could tell a coming of age story for a kids cartoon and have its characters be 19 or 20 or something.
>skullgeist/minshoko has a dogshit personality and needs to make art instead of begging for people to interact with their curiouscat
holy shit thank you

they have The Right Opinions on certain pet topics so people brushed it aside

only spergs overthink the whole thing
they're drawings with fictional ages, just draw them older/taller if it bothers you
Would like if Trybat would shut the fuck up about his comic no one cares about (unless fap material is invovled) and stop updating us about its progress every day. It should be obvious no one cares but somehow he keeps missing that
To be fair it happens with anime too but that's because Japan's consent laws are fucked
I agree with you on a bit of that like why do you think shit like infinity train gets cancelled really quickly it's because these corporations want baby shows with characters the same age as there target demographic. God forbid show too many adults in a franchise even if it topics childhood issues and boom your canned.
I swear the YA genre is almost completely dead now a days.

That's what Infinity train got canned for no child entry point.

And you think ok then if it's too adult move it to adult swim samurai jack style?.

Nope garbage it goes. Network executives greenlight the dumbest decisions
>holy shit thank you
you're welcome
its insane more people dont notice it. the fact that they retweet old shit all the time, the fact they delete shit if it doesnt get enough likes or whatever and even bitching about it, constantly spamming their curiouscat link even though whenever they give an answer, its a boring ass one-sentence one. the only saving grace is that they make good art, but thats it.
Its not just the fact that they have the "right" opinion it also tends to feel like there's one giant circle jerking going on in the fetish community

I remember I think last year I saw Sugarrollart going "I found a bbw artist whos art I like but they drew a pokemon trainer (probably one of the playble trainers like hilda, rosa, gloria, etc) and that a big *insert the yikes emoji here*"
Allegedly Sugarroll created an account where he went around harassing any artist who drew 'underage' characters.
Berryfuckers always have something to hide.
Well if that's true then fuck him, and even if its not true, he'd probably be like "well they deserve the harrassment for drawing those characters lol"
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What's going on is that social media sites like FurAffinity are cracking down on fan art of characters under the age of 18. Artists who made their bones doing fan art art trying to not get banned by social media sites. The left already gave all the good adult hentai to the right, so artists are left with whatever Patreon approves of, which is that NTR and cucked shit.
Kisame here. Nintendo and it's handhelds are for children to enjoy. Adults like me want to play Grand Theft Auto, Mafia, Ratchet and Clank, or Jak and Daxter. Nintendo wants to punish hackers for messing with the 3DS. I know people think Sony is out to take over the world, but Sony allows their developers to experiment with hardware.
Nobody deserves harassment or death threats for almost anything and that goes triple for pencil lines that mentality is the worst fucking thing about our society today! You used to be able to hate someone's guts yet respect them for there based opinions when good ones came about like Charles Xavier is respected by magneto.

That shits as dead as chivalry. And it's a god damn shame
People on the ComicalWeapons thread are such bitches. I’ll be leaving now.
>>Nintendo and it's handhelds are for children to enjoy. Adults like me want to play Grand Theft Auto

So you're argument is fantasy worlds are baby shit got it chief. Guess loving lord of the rings and playing souls games makes you the weakest of bitchs.

But I do agree with you on the Nintendo as a company part they go harder with the hammer than any other company and are among the top ten who would sell your soul for you if it meant a few extra bucks. The games are good. Sometimes rarely gold! That's the reason they stay afloat! But as a person outside of the family friendly view and the people who are kind like the game developers the higher ups are evil scum who will take your life over the tiniest leak or hack.

They show zero mercy!
it absolutely is a circlejerk, anyone saying it isn't is just kidding themselves

SR draws great spheres but he's also a total bitch lmao
wouldn't be shocked at all if he feels the need to sockpuppet
>oh they drew a 17 year old"

>Nintendo literally dedicated a fucking flashback just to make her 17

Lol. Age of consent is 16 in my country, as is the norm for the majority of the world. The people with the 17-18 age of consents are the outliers here. California and Texas do not represent the world.

Some countries are too far the other way though.
Ah yes the great circlejerk, man the people who are into circlejerks are the fucking worse because they literally contradict themselves in favor of saving their friends, take Ms-Chemi or fucking vikingskirts as an example for that.

Instead of following their "morals" and "ethics" they decide to defend or cover them by any means.
Look, Kisame gets it. America wants big boob explosions and expansion content like Micheal Bay flicks
Yeah it wouldn't be a surprise either if made a sock account to harrass people either, epsically since he's the type of person who will call you a transphobe if try to tell him that characters like Bridget from Guilty Gear are not trans because his entire lore contradicts this and comes across as grooming
He did, the account was called AgeChecker or some dumb bullshit, and he went around his own fucking peers going 'UMMMMMMM DO YOU KNOW UR DRAWING UNDERAGE???', got severe pushback and shut down the account. Also started a spatfight with /bbwdraw/ calling them bigots for not putting up with his gayops shit.
Berryfuckers and harassment go together like bread and butter.
I feel like we should make a sperate thread to discuss sugarrollart, just so this rant thread isn't filled with just them
He's not worth it.
My rant is that 99% of the users on this board are schizos who need to get hobbies

Like clockwork
Nah he's honestly right. I don't even know why any artists originally took it personally when BBWchan made fun of them. Look at us. Look at every single board, and every single thread. It's always just petty and whiny content beggers who constantly play Fox and the Grapes with artists we hate but are so desperate for content we'll eat it up even though we are meant to "hate it". We always make a big deal of artists being hypocrites yet all of us keep coming back for the slop anyway, which I'd say puts us in an even worse position.

Christ, look no further than ComicalWeapon's thread where most of the posters tend to hate some combination of character, scenario or kink in his artwork but they CONSTANTLY beg for it regardless. I don't know what they expect anymore, surely there's better artists for them who are more consistent in drawing the stuff they like?
I just dunno why anime ppl want little kids so bad
They think they're cute. Oh, and the think they're minorities too.
I choose to give my two cents into things and don’t really argue with anyone. Some people are too stupid to understand.
Anime is popular for the same reason that the Super Mario Movie made millions. It entertains children and adults without coming off as obnoxious or moralistic.
Did anyone happen to find the May bonuses while BBWchan was down?
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I would like to do a preg themed story about pro-life heroine going against Planned Parenthood, but Americans are too culturally sensitive despite pro-life being the everyman from the heartland they dream of. Say what you want about Trump, he got SoundCloud rappers to beat Dems and their mumblerap mumblecore films.
>>87245 (Cross-thread)
You are perhaps aware that not everyone with this fetish is necessarily a deranged sadist and pedophile right?
Kisame here. I work 25-30 hours minimum. We got rid of the 15 hour shifts. Have fun being a whore for the mouse.
Jannies sure move fast when the protected berryfucker class faces even the slightest pushback.
Could we get a reup of her content?
(236 KB, 1920x817, Michael-Bay.jpg)
Does anyone have:
Vdo-125-2407: College Student to Burglar to Beautiful Blueberry
Vdo-125-2402: The Trap: A Detective`s Final Story
Vdo-125-2417: Fitness Model to Giant Belly Princess: Three Different Sequences
Vdo-125-2421: TMC News: Four Extreme News Stories
Vdo-125-2426: A Queens Weight Gain Journey: Two Stages
I'm starting to think we need to add a sticky to warn newfags from starting new threads?
I don't know if anyone remembers gainmations on youtube (their channel was deleted a while ago), but they had this video called something like: "Sandra inflates and floats to the ceiling". It was a 3D belly inflation animations where, you guessed it, a chick inflates and floats to the ceiling. It also had this cheery, stock music playing in the background. There was also a nude version that you could buy on etsy or something. If anyone has this video I would love to see it again. It was one of the first inflation vids I stumbled upon and sort of got me into it.
Lowest common denominator sells. Just look at how Chick Fil A is flopping cause they bought a VP of DEI.
I don't know either, what I find ironic is some of the artists who like anime or fnf they turn out to have double standards or they are direct groomers lmao
>>87341 (Cross-thread) you fat loving dipshits are why we have to wait months for good expansion shit
I honestly think you have dementia if you think Kisame appears on your sites. Perhaps inflation as a brand is dead cause your are Kisame.
They deleted all the post. Hilarious.
>>85520 (OP)
>*We've got you surrounded. Come and follow artists' profiles which use up all of your RAM.*
Some massive argument with Kisame happened or something like that. Jannies cleaned it up and left it as is.
Who is Kisame? Are you special needs?
If you're his gay lover than you take him back. He's your problem, not mine.
Twitter is a bad image hosting.
Twitter lost 50% of it's ad revenue because Elon Musk promotes hate speech. It's also not functional because Musk used all the RAM to promote Ron Desantis and Matt Walsh's documentary.
I couldn't care less what an owner does with his or her legal property.
I don't like artists using a website that wasn't designed for artists like old DeviantArt.
Define artists. Deon Parsons is the most well known artists to the point he got Jim Davis and Disney to draw fan art of Ana.
Define artists? Where are we? We're on a fetish website and you're asking for definitions.
You're asking too much of a fetish artist to make top of the line expansion art. I know my reputation as Kisame, but even I think you're being a bit much demanding artists to curate their art on the internet.
What are you on about?
Lol. Artists are on Twitter because self funded sites like Expansion Mansion, Bearchive, Yahoo Messenger groups are gone.
I read these 8muses forums. You're trying to tell artists what to do with their art.
That's retarded.
>>87496 See the way I see the situation is as follows. Greed influences the majority towards being unjust while what everybody wants is different. The economy exists purely for benefit of the people, and as long as the costumer is always right there are few theoretical problems. The economy of ingenuity and innovation depends on technology "clones", but at the same time what the economy needs least's that, clones of clones. However, because of this and greed a perfect balance is next to impossible. What you get as a result's opportunist willing to break laws just to steal others ideas, and investors making unnecessary amounts of clones. This in turn promotes less innovation and has a cascading effect, which in turn produces less profit for risk-takers (aswell as less profit for all products regardless of quality), which in turn promotes less innovation. There are government offices in place to stop this from happening, but when the majority's determined to do the wrong thing it becomes increasingly difficult for them. So while I agree that clones are healthy and even necessary, depending on the bar of entry and return on investment it's possible to have "clones ontop of clones" that combined with other anti-consumer and anti-competitive practices has dangerous effects on an economy that's firstly deals in satisfying consumer demand, a thing that in recent years appears to be too difficult of a task even for the biggest of corporations.
Again, you're asking for fetish art to be more like Lasseter era Pixar. That's a tall wish for mere inflation porn.
>>87504 Not at all. Especially free fetish art because that's noncommercial. I was merely suggesting that everything's interconnected and that the market economy of today has other issues besides technology clones, but asking a professional artist to produce good art is no different than asking him to be reborn with more talent. The market, on the other hand, revolves only around money, and if nothing's done about the technology theft the problem will only get worse. Furthermore, money cannot solve the problems that greed created, and free fetish art isn't great for suffering many of the same reasons of too many opportunitstic artists and investors with more money than they need and possibly too much time on their hands. What I expect from a fuck up is a different matter, as I personally expect him or her to fuck up. Only time will tell, but my expectations are irrelevant especially if my own fuck up could've possibly played a part in his/her fuck up. Justice doesn't belong to me because I'm not perfect and I didn't create the universe.
>My reputation as Kisame
You really need to go touching grass.

He's black. He doesn't talk about that often.
>>85520 (OP)
I hate when rant threads turn political, fuck all of those faggots who think they are on /pol/ or something, this isn't /pol/ go back to that board and fuck off.
>Inb4 Kisame Weston Chandler proceeds to get politcal
>>87249 (Cross-thread)
God if you're gonna be a transphobic assjacket at least do it right. You literally can't even use a real slur just one some circlejerks made up on 4chan that literally feels like a kid saying frick instead of fuck just say tranny.
(23 KB, 375x500, Cock-Cola.jpg)
Everyone chill with a nice bottle of cock
Nah I'm cis bud, because unlike you I don't hate people for existing
Who seethes with more hatred for people existing than trannies? It's almost like genital mutilation doesn't bring them any actual happiness.
>>87196 (Cross-thread)
this is extra funny when you remember not long ago nyanilla did an art trade collab with an actual troon pedo
>>87196 (Cross-thread)
>>87196 (Cross-thread)
Fucking christ, that isn't unhinged that's straight up being a fucking psychopath.

People who like Nyanllia who tell people to kill themselves just people because they don't like something are fucking scumbags!
>ke s
Come again?

I feel like I need some context
First time encountering leftists?
parents neve teach you "Treat others the way you want to be treated" huh? It's not like people have been telling trans people to kill the selves for years now but when it's thrown back at them that's when people complain?
Ah yes it's trans people who are filled with hate and not the people who fucking loathe them for simply existing, the amount of mental gymnastics alone people go through to hate anyone in the LGBT is astounding
>Incels are so mad that MAGA Kisame daddy isn't noticing them and picking on troons.
Me thinks you guys need a hobby
You can try to justify Nya telling people to kill themselves all you want, it’s still fucked and so is Nya.
She did a collab with an artist named VikingSkirts, who is a mid 20s troon who got caught sending nudes with teens as young as early 15 years old
Living well is the best revenge. Lol
>>Inflate a schizo poster until there confetti
why are you defending a twitter sped and a possible pedophile
>>87773 I see the schizo posting thing was something that originated from 4chan. Well, that explains everything, tbh.
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Simple. Pat Robertson died and people forgot about his attempt to make Republicans more Christian. That's how impotent conservatives are.
trannies are a cancer in every single community they come in contact with, and this one is definitely no exception

also, dial 8 lol
I am plotting Vacation. This culture war is just dumb.
Vani go back to twitter lmao
I find crazy the amount of people who stick up with pedophiles, seriously I find ironic and yet funny the fact that a lot of normies complain about Rc, but they don't do shit about people like VikingSkirts, Sexyblimp, or Ms-Chemi along with other cases yet when they do immediately hide under a rug the incidents and the actions of those users just because
>muh art is good
>muh they are my friends
>muh they deserve a second chance!1!1!
Or just simply their friends can't confront them or tell them to fuck off or even report them to the police by any means… Because of their "friendship".
I mean it is justified any way you put it, if you can't take back what you're dishing you're more fragile than a damn snowflake. I mean it's not like she's the only person doing this type of thing either, a taste of their own medicine really seems to tick transphobes off. Like I don't think anyone should genuinely kill themselves but if you say that to to others they have every right to say it to you.
Don't care. Lol. Let artists live in their retirement home.
The only problem I have with trans people is when you disagree with them and they say disagreeing with the contributes to the trans genocide and they can beat up biological woman and get away with it,
I don't care for grievance politics. Even 4chan is tired of your whining.
(1.1 MB, 498x371, you-dont-say-nic-cage.gif)
To be honest fetish sites in general shouldn't be political, and I'm pissed off that it's always loud mouth Americans putting their politics when it's not needed, you never hear anyone going on about stuff from others parts of the would
Black women who watch anime put it into better words than I can. Guys want to be the heroic misfit who goes against the elite. Studios don't want misfits, they want that blockbuster money. It eats Nintendo up inside that the gacha market is taking their profit. They're remaking Persona 3 just so the hero isn't a misfit and making Chun Li into Miss Elizabeth to make money.
Fetish sites are not political and neither are opinions.

What's wrong with Miss Elizabeth? Or do you mean whitewash the Chinese? Chun li was supposed to be of mixed race originally, as she was meant to be a gag character based off of Bruce Lee and his dandy-like love of the dance arts. So she's half "western" with a huge ass and strong, big momma thighs, plus she's tall and portrays feminism.

There are many studios that make fun of Bruce Lee because they're whores for the money.
Chun Li was super cop who wanted to fight M.Bison. Bruce Lee is mocked for the same reason Jackie Chan is mocked: a lot of those stunts in martial arts don't translate to real life. Say what you want about Yamcha, Krillin, and Tien, they are competent.
>>87836 I don't know Chun li the character's background story, but she was supposed to be in the NYPD if I recall, some sort of parody. I don't think anything else was disclosed initially as to her martial arts interest and skills, but was probably added on after the fact. She joined the tournament as a way to get close to Bison, as part of her job.
You sure you’re not the schizo poster?

She didn’t say “if you tell trans people to kill themselves, you should kill yourself” she just blanket statement said that anyone who didn’t like trans people should kill themselves.
>>87846 Why should trans kill themselves? Is that supposed to make sense or is just what trans love to do? It doesn't make sense to me because.... If you kill yourself you go to hell and there's no cute little girls there in hell. May as well continue living with the hope that 1 day you get little girl ass.
(261 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20230609-161702.png)
No. All that stuff of 4chan gossip. Lol. Pregchan is tanking the sales of their own art with their Xanax talk.This is like watching Americans boycott Target. Lol.
Americans want a sleepy suburb safe for children. That's the best way a health inspector from Delaware put it. None of that loud noise of peeping at the neighbor's wife thing people from the city do.
Assuming the preg community succeeds, how would you convince baby boomers who watch ABC about a serial killer named Kisame on the loose? We're installing a drive thru and competing with Hagen Daaz at my day job. I am from the same area as the Marine who wasted the murder hobo on B'way-Lafayette. You know we'll vote Republican.
(354 KB, 700x699, aoc blimp.png)
True if you're going to get political at least make it interesting and give me some aoc expanding super round and fat in a bikini if we can't ban the politics we should at least implement a rule that each political topic must include a hot sexy political figure blown up like a beachball! Make it interesting for those who don't care for such or follow said stuff of our society too much.
I go to church in the same district as AOC. There's tension between the ultra Puerto Ricans and the drag queens. Complicating things is that Adams wants to build a casino by Willets Point. My cousin is a youth pastor which is why I don't mention my activities as Kisame17 as I became a pentecostal.
(188 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20230609-175557.png)
What is it about Catholics that makes them the ultimate solipsists? Say what you want about Muslims, they have a consistent morality.
Are you on the side of them, don't you?
(264 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20230610-060123.png)
Who's side? Hyperpreg is waging a war on their imaginary friend Kisame17, as expected of a solipsist. It's like watching a cult leader committing mass suicide because they were denied sex. Lol. If they want to fight imaginary Kisame17, let them. I am too busy narrowing down my car to a pickup or Dodge Charger to care about KiwiFarms rumors.
My mom already thinks that Russian and North Korea are conspiring make crypto scams out on the internet. The boomer from Georgia told her that his relatives lost their money cause of the crypto scam. How are hyperpreg with their dysfunctional retarded behavior going to persuade boomers about Kisame17? Lol. Elon Musk would rather destroy the block button on Twitter than to listen to his left of center artists.
>>87916 Do you believe it's a mental illness to be incapable of being yourself, inthere having an inner persona reflective of everything you have seen and absorbed from other humans, this making you indistinguishable as a person from somebody else?

Do you believe that this mental illness can be related to a complex known as an identity disorder and be the result of traumatic stress brought on the brain of a grown adult, possibly induced purposefully being provoked by malicious groups?

I ask because I'm not an expert on such topics, but it seems to me to be a growing problem in recent years, at least in part of the US.
I don't believe in psychology. I am happy mentally. Most of America is one sleepy bedroom community. I just can't work on these serious art projects cause there's no demand for sophisticated storytelling. At my current day job, we're trying to make less noise and less city life.
(709 KB, 2000x1333, jacob-chansley-comp.jpg)
Again, that's a hellfire and brimstone preaching mixed in with prosperity gospel. Hyperpreg is turning into Branch Davidians or the Unabomber with their talk. We already fired the Black Lives Matter supporters at my job cause they don't want to work. Nobody's going to buy hyperpreg's art if they're not friendly.

You sound crazy, but ok.
>I don't believe in psychology.
Does this mean that you don't respect psychologists as a profession? I can sympathize with your sentiment, but you do realize that reality's happening, right? You weren't able to answer my question either, and it was 1 question. You're either excrutiatingly swamped by your work or you're losing it. Doesn't look good on part of an artist, but I will not judge you because I haven't seen your art.
>I just can't work on these serious art projects cause there's no demand for sophisticated storytelling.
Oh... You're that closeted gay, Kisame. Good luck to you on your art projects. I suggest changing your collaboration partners. Usually helps. Commercial art's a drag though.
>At my current day job, we're trying to make less noise and less city life.
(372 KB, 926x1011, Mary_Trump.jpg)
Psychologists like Trump's niece just want to sell books for entrainment purposes. What the internet is doing is repeating what they see on Television. Nobody's going to bring back Stranger Danger or to Catch a Predator. FFS, Trump got arrested cause he tried to pantomime the Godfather with his aides. Then I realized that Trump is a rich child with mobster families.
I am not swamped with work. The fat in my stomach nullifies anxiety.

>that's a hellfire and brimstone preaching mixed in with prosperity gospel
I don't know what that means and I can promise you that no real Christian would understand what you just said.

All I did was ask if you were aware that there's a situation presently on-going, a situation that deals with an epidemic of what is most commonly known by its psychological aspects. I'm not a psychologist, and don't have a license to practice psychiatry in any part of the country. I do try to do what I can to help those in need during times of emergency. I can't be sure if there's an emergency though because the authorities and the elders are obviously incompetent, so I'm trying to help as I figure it out.

Bruh are you a real person? Why do you talk just like everybody else?
No. I am the content creator of Li Li the gravid ninja. I based her personality more on how model minorities act on the East Coast. Like most Christians, I already awarded custody to the Devil. Let him deal with these amicable divorced heavily drinking free screwing girl boss artist.
If the artists want me back then that will have to unblackist me from their Patreon. I am thriving experimenting with limits and restrictions. I am heading to church tomorrow and work today. Like most production crews out east, we're busy doing our own projects.
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Like FMA creator, I hate the moe genre. Men need to be buff, women need to be vavoom! I don't know what is it about cartooning in America that makes creators die at 38. I am a fitness nut outside of the internet.
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Pop stars like Estelle, Cardi B, and Megan The Stallion don't care for cartoonists and their Napa Valley wine mom drama. Even in the hood, people think Lizzo is acting white. Lil Wayne, 50 Cent, Snoop Dogg supported Trump cause that first steps act did good. Biden isn't going to listen to his solipsist fetish artists cause they'll attack Nancy Pelosi.
Nobody needs to be anything. You can prefer men to be buff and women to be curvy, but once you start forcing ideologies into others, well, that wouldn't be very freedom-fighting, would it?
I am not forcing my ideals down to you. Artists already blocked the artists and their profits are down 20%. It's like conservatives telling their braindead fan base to boycott Target, Walmart, and Bud light cause they don't want gay. We installed electronic kiosks to limit face to face interactions. I am not fighting for freedom, I am a retail worker.
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I already live on a marine-navy deployment center. I will just vote Republican like Ron Desantis. You had too much fun with the court jester. You're about to get Ron the angry adult who wants to execute witches to satisfy his bloodlust. I know that I cannot indulge in my breast expansion and pregnancy fetish. I am not in a rush to commission artwork anytime soon. The decision rests in the artists. They are 37 and broke.
Now I remember. The far right is decentralized like the far left. BLM abolished quid pro quo in the workforce. The guy working at Starbucks isn't going to listen to a smut peddler.
Ah, we're already at the part where the "Community rant" thread has more or less derailed into political schizoposting huh?
Congrats on making it last about a month.
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Artists won't let go their xanax and oxycodone talks. I was heading to the theaters to see Transformers over the weekend. They're just mad that Nickelodeon took away their 600 a week paycheck to give Dan Schindler a budget to film live action.
It's hard to avoid political talk. Trump took military secrets by recreating his favorite movie. The government won't admit his impersonation of Micheal Corleone outwitted their prosecutors.
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If you want a serious answer, the Los Angeles area is full of anti-social behavior. Hoodrats from Compton, Crenshaw, or Watts aren't going to listen to a bunch of pasty white suburban rich kids talk about me. They're going to be okay with Preggohero making money. You had too much fun in Burbank.
(212 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20230610-161035.png)
There's nothing you can do. The best hope is if these Latinas call their MS-13 or 18th Street Boyfriend, or if LAPD rough him up. Lol
Bruh I used to think you guys were niggers, but now I think you're just retarded.
mods have absolutely fucking abandoned this site

Whatever gave you that idea? The public stalking, harassing, or the blatent invasion of property and theft by companies and organized civilian groups?
I don't do anything of those things. I am just impulsive and hot blooded, but I attend church Sunday.I know people think I am a demon, but part of the fun is being polite.
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Those progressive attorneys aren't going to harm Obama's black son, Preggohero. He's free to do as he please. After all, he pays taxes, he owns his woman like property.
I already embraced Satan and the sabbatical goat. Preggohero is the preg community's problem.
Remember I can't impose my hardline beliefs onto anyone because people don't like that. So I will do nothing.

You've always done nothing though, now you just came up with a clever excuse.
That's because I am a slacker. I just went back to slacking off as opposed to working hard. I am just held up by a cup of coffee.

You're not a slacker. Don't say that. You're just Jewish. You're Jewish and stupid. You had no choice but to steal ideas, like you steal everything else.
What? I don't speak Hebrew. I am too lazy for racism or the Protestant work ethic.

You're stupid and Jew-like. You had no choice but to steal ideas because you're Godless.
I am way outside the axiom of which God judges good or evil. I am Pentecostal which is 20% Christian

Which God judges? There's but 1 true God and his a perfect justice. Creator of everything and omnipotent in his control over every fabric of reality.
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I can confirm that you can be banned from a mall or a plaza since it belongs to Simon or suburban plazas. It's just that you can't go full Trump Organization and execute people for dressing up as the Klan
Bleach has the right idea. God is a superpowers human who beats other gods and acts as a stern father figure.

Bleach's a ripoff.
Ripoff of what? Bleach was criticized by editors for not pairing Ichigo with Rukia, or promoting Hitsugaya as the lead
He's a real joker

How about I fuck your stupid K.G.B. ass up?
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Nope. It's pride month. We're turning porn stars gay. Brainwashing people pays well.
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I support Team Ukraine and the extermination of communism. Glory to Lord Zelensky!

I love Coco Puffs and I don't care who knows it

I'm coo coo. Don't trust me with your cute little white girl daughter.
I dony care. I am just humoring their Uncle Tom respectability politics. Fetish artists are solipsists
See, solipsistic and libertine.
Yeah, not entertaining such childish insults. Typical of homosexual
Nobody knows who you are talking about. Go fight Preggohero.
What's a matter? Mad that you can't fight Preggohero because big nigger Abdul will kill you?
What, like how it's so original for you to call someone a Jew? How about you stop stealing the same talking points as other racists have?
This thread is a goddamn joke. All it's doing is putting us into a fit of rage and it's not solving any actual problems.
What the fuck are you talking about, schizoid? don't you have anywhere else to lose your worthless time?
Yea… After all it was a bad idea, started quite decently but until that fucking Kisame faggot appeared it went down hill.

I didn't forsee this angry of such a backlash response

My shit was literally stolen by a black, Jewish hacker. He stole my nudes and my software that I developed. Then he bragged about doing all of this on sites like youtube (presumably using youtubers). They have all of your nudes too. They joke about it all over thr internet and it's especially obvious when reading blog posts. They put subliminal messages encoded in the posts.
Faster... Faster

The reign of King Randall is no more.

But will this bring an era of enlightenment, or have we simply replaced one tyrant with another.

This comes about from you thinking too much. You think yourself intelligent, and you don't feel with your heart, you don't trust in God's love, and it makes you fool-hearted. You think you know, but in reality I see you no different from a retard
I think the biggest problem is that all this hatred and anger is coming from either people growing up with a lack of love or people experienced enough suffering to think love was the problem. I'm not innocent in any of this, and yeah, I had a really angry response. I felt provoked when I should've known better. But thinking on it, I only made things worse by doing so. We gotta stop generalizing and creating this "us vs them" mentality and stop digging ourselves into these fucking holes.
Don't put this on me, shit heel, I feel asleep. Go whine to somebody else about your Kisame problem, white boy.

Dang. Well I guess nigger's gonna nig. Who could've ever seen that coming? ;)
I am heading to church
I was dreaming about heading to a restaurant for dinner.
My guy, artists don't care about you. Artists care about being part of television or being an editor. It's like Ray Romano bragging about being a Newsday sports columnist

Nigger stfu and post the nudes you hacked from his phone!!! You're useless!!!
Yeah, don't care about your N-2 words
Look, I don't know what these nudes post are about, but if there really are nudes they should indeed be posted. Just saying.

I'm well aware that if they're not posting the nudes' because they're scared to, which means CP..... and still I'm saying post em! Hahaha
Fuck's sake drop the CP already. And the software too. Don't drop subtle hints on 4chan like you've been doing just post the software pussy.
>>88092 I care passionately about nudes and poop porn.
I dunno. I am pentecostal. Why can't you be like Hank? Hank is an aspie, he loves his wife
>>88095 If I didn't love my wife I wouldn't be here
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Kisame here. That's sad. I find people like DocGyara, Gnarly Otaku, Cross Crescent, and Marrazan pathetic for wanting approval. This is why we have government programs.
Agreed, we should risk the destruction of our entire planet over some frozen hell hole to save white people!
cmon guys why can't we just shit-talk artists. i don't lurk these threads to see some no-life samefagging with himself about THE ANTICHRIST RISES THE NEW WORLD ORDER WILL KILL US ALL for hundreds of posts 🙄🙄
(51 KB, 193x240, Tumblr_l_135147083779589.png)
> its just a bunch of schizo coomers bitching about shit.
crazy how i fucking called it weeks ago
rant threads are shit, and they will always BE shit
Artists don't want their feelings hurt. They want culturally sensitive Kisame17
At this point it's not about the artists, it's about the shitty entitled attitudes of this community tearing each other apart over said artists.
I am at AMC Theatres, far removed from community drama. I was just curious when Cross Crescent's Bolette get a daughter.
(2.5 MB, 2048x1365, 7xm.xyz101253 copy.png)
Speaking of Political edits....This is the only inflation edit of Kamala Harris I could fine....
The communist party of Japan is cancelling artists for making forbidden works of art. Old Japanese Media used to make fun of the PTAs by depicting them as senior citizens. Simoneta flopped cause the protagonists wanted to fight the government, but MC is too pathetic to impregnate Anna and her mom. It's like how feminists are painted as prudes in World End Harem despite IRL, feminists putting out better than conservatives.
>>88207 Japan? Japan will dig its own hole and have the US pay for the casket and burial after death.
I am to effeminate to care about the comic book world
I am not sure what to make of the information. I am still curious when Bolette got a daughter. I want to head to Japan to try their McDonald's
>>88211 You like McDonalds? They'll be coming for that next, so enjoy while you can!!!
>>88211 Because they don't stop...
>>88217 The children of the anti-Christ. Fallen from grace.
Bro it's Monday afternoon
>>88222 oh shit he's back from the future. Traveller, how is the breast size situation looking?
I dunno. I seldom get asked for breast expansion like Sui
>>88225 Wh- Uhm- Erm.... Preposterous. I don't think I'll like the future very much. I prefer not to be in it then.
I work in breast expansion when I can
fuck these dumbass AI "artists" on deviantart

especially the ones charging for comms or to even view some of their art. it's not even art, they just type words into a prompt and their computer does it all for them
Kisame here. I don't do AI Art. My demands when I commission artwork are simple and speedy.
Nobody asked you for your fucking opinion
I wouldn't be surprised if AI art is siphoning customers away from big named artists cause the latter is using Patreon to fund games and comics.
The computer is making all those Bust artists, FDD morphs you like. AI art is the zoomer equivalent to Chelsea Charms morphs. Best part is that without autistics funding paypigs, artists can't make rent.
I'm glad AI art is getting better.

Fuck the artists, and fuck the ones who want you to pay them to do random garbage, I'm not paying so you can make some shitty SOL comic. AI will light a fire under their ass and force them to get better evenually.
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>AI will light a fire under their ass and force them to get better evenually
I can't believe you still have hope for these ego driven ass holes. The only thing that will happen is that they'll do nothing to get better as artists and die out before a new crop of artists show up but I don't have faith in Zoomers producing anyone of any notoriety or the goobermint not kneecapping AI for everyone who's not a part of it or a large corporation.
I flat out don't know what is going on in the community to care. I am enjoying my sleep and cartoons
AI art is pushing out people who do hi-res pinups of big titty anime girls, not hyper-specific kink shit like full body inflation. you will never be rid of dealing with lazy self-absorbed inflation artists
I been looking at deviant art fat and inflation stuff since i was a teenager and even though I'm not a huge fan of the terminally online personalities of a lot of the artists who are particularly E famous now im even less a fan of scrolling through that massive cascade of the samey looking ai anime girl with nine fingers and wonky anatomy. What gets me are the accounts that have ai art behind paywalls and it looks the same as 500 other random accounts doing teh same thing.
(318 KB, 496x458, get more creative.png)
Nice tribute come on people get on there level and at least contribute some cheeky inflation edits at least
Get more creative with your posts!
I don't care of AI want ecchi. The anime industry is always using computers cause it's dealing with a labor shortage. Naruto is dwindling in interest cause of how boring Boruto is.
Anime is supposed to be cheap and limited to convey emotion. Toei and Sunrise were cutting corners since the 70s. Hentai was created mostly to give animators work and tell stories without restrictions on television.
I would fuck her
>Estelle, Cardi B, and Megan The Stallion don't care for cartoonists and their Napa Valley wine mom drama.
Note to self, make an inflation edit of Estelle.
Speaking of black celebs. Why do they barely get edited. Outside of some celebs. It's like a small niche of it's own. I'm glad that least some accounts focus on black celebs inflation/wg edits
Then maybe they should push themselves so that they're not stuck doing pics of characters just standing there or sitting around.

>wonky anatomy
I'll give you nine fingers but come on, where AI is in anatomy is where most artists are, at least within weight gain.

>get more creative
Of all the people to say this, it's a berryfag; so fucking rich!
Blacks are okay with expansion art. At worst, it can just be an Eddie Murphy comedy bit. Mike Tyson worked cause Mike was okay with expansion and violence.
I mean that's cool and all. I just want to see more edits of black celebs
i hope everyone in this thread slips on a banana peel

Lol bold to assume I'm some berry elite fucker na I just chose it as a example I don't care if it's half assed or lasy like a blue nose just post something funny or fappable with each post at least. Ironically berry is low tier for me I'm more of a water fan
>>88396 Holy shit wtf's this thing.
(7 KB, 194x259, download.jpeg)
Water a fluid like substance that fuels your coom your made of 60% of it
>>88399 Thanks nerd, you're invaluable to me. Without you I would've not ever gotten to taste not a single pussy.
It isn't elitism I'm talking about, it's their inability to think past Wonka; the most they'll change is swapping out the characters or aging them up; even when they're trying to just have blueberry in a series world, they'll still be using the gum and going through the process the exact same.

>I don't care if it's half assed or lasy like a blue nose just post something funny or fappable with each post at least
Does this satiate your thirst?
Can anyone tell me why the captcha refused to work until I split the the two up?
>>88414 No. The finger memes are going onb4 days late.
there's so many artists now on deviantart that still stick to the factory setting with the same outfits, its ridiculous how uncreative they can be. chipchell's one of them, but who else?
>>88842 Ya Americans gay as fuck. Jus saying. Fucking limp. No wonder no other countries like your bitch asses anymore fucking cry baby. What's even the issue just virtue signal some more because this new world order war and we're going to win. Fucking retards. When are you going to just die?
(20 KB, 548x366, lmaoowned.PNG)
ayy lmao same here

cry some more speds
learn to think about why people dislike certain others instead of just telling everyone to off themselves
You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.
All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.
Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
next time mayhaps follow the rules. perchance 💅💅💅

>Cry some more speds. Learn to think about why people dislike others.
4chan, 2023.
I dont think I've seen a more pathetic thread in my life and theres a dedicated altzego and robot001 thread on here ffs
You really have nothing better to do with your time, do you? Seems like you love subsisting like a leech on everyone's hatred, like it'll get you anything substantial.
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>hey can you send me the thread?
It's a pity artists lose soul when they circlejerk on Twitter. I like his/her art.
(311 KB, 720x496, FqWRVM1aIAAooMm_waifu2x_art_noise2_scale.png)
>image board users makes death threats
>disrespectful and evil
>twitter annoyances make death threats
>empowering and good

anyways go ahead and report the new account for ban evasion too, I see the circlejerkers are in
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good to know you can dish it out but not take it, you spineless faggot
I find nyanilla annoying too but following someone around trying to get all their shit banned for a stupid edgy post is extremely pathetic and lame.
Honestly Nyan's such an unbearable psycho. Makes me wish they won't get a thread here when they give up on trying to get back on Twitter and shuts down their other accounts out of rage quitting protest.

Like, I like how their art looks, but I really can't separate the art from the artist anymore, so it won't be any skin off my back if it all becomes lost media.

Y'all should probably archive just in case.
Honestly I never saw many women into blueberry stuff on feabie. Fetlife either. There really are not many at all and the ones who say they are usually just do it to sell content.
eh fuck nm meant for other thread
Had no idea who this clown was before this thread but the result of this shit's hilarious.

This. Sadly this site's had an infestation of them for quite a while now.
> I really can't separate the art from the artist anymore,
This is such a forced meme. You can judge an artist by the art. Have you read the essay titled "Death of the Author"? The Frenchman criticized Americans for seperating art from artists. Seperating art from the artists is apple pie-tier American.
>foster an environment on social media where you target and get people banned for wrongthink
>never ever, ever, ever, ever, eeeeeeever expect it to happen to one's self
you reap what you sow :p
Now that Trump is going to jail cause Biden said so, troons have no common enemy to unite against. They're dependent on Musk not taking away their tweeting privileges
Stinks of turbo faggot man babies in here
You shit on fetish artists who are trans (of which there are loads) and then go right back to jerking it to their work
Makes it all the more funny when you realise they are ranting about an artist while having one hand beating their dick senselessly to that artists work. Some arguments here even say I dont want the artist to get better I just want to fap to their stuff
(1.0 MB, 200x126, boohoo.gif)
Nah their art is mediocre.
Besides, you want to know what would solve this problem? Keep the "serious" twatter autism ranting bullshit (the TOS-violating death threats especially) separate from the fetish art account.

It's been brought up before, it'll keep being brought up again and again until artists like nyan fucking learn (they won't).
They lack empathy. Empathy makes you consider other sides.
>Stinks of turbo faggot man babies in here
Mothering is a subset of condescension which is something people without empathy do.
>You shit on fetish artists who are trans (of which there are loads) and then go right back to jerking it to their work
We shit on everyone. If our shit happens to land on a straight or a gay person it lands on a person.
>Cross Crescent's Bolette is trans
I kinda figured Cross was trans given his voice was too deep to be a man
>I kinda figured Cross was trans given his voice was too deep to be a man
Teach me.
Alorok was the first trans fetish artist. Troons either have a robotic voice or a deep voice
Troons are the only group of people who die their hair blue, green, or red.
>I figured he was trans given his voice was deep.
How do you type that with a straight face? I need to know.
Straight men don't do porn
If the art is mediocre then why are you looking at the profile? Don't like it? Don't look at it. Simple as
Why would trans people show any empathy to people who want them dead? Suck start a shotgun if you think like that
>Why would trans people show any empathy to people who want them dead? Suck start a shotgun if you think like that
See? That's the type of response you perceive from people who lack empathy. They make up lies to justify their lack of empathy and hide their lack of humanity. Nobody wants them dead.
I have yet to see proof of the existence of transphobes. I haven't seen them in real life and neither my homosexual friends have met any. You live a coddled life.
>>89036 I'm scared of trans and I heard that they all smell like feces.
You can only fear what you know.
>>89038 I'm a transphobe and I fear the smell of trans feces in my immidiate vicinity.
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The autistic ramblings still spill onto my feed, nyanilla's charming piece of shit that got them suspended certainly did. Also
>to people who want them dead
This shit right here is why people are being fed up with you lot. You're all acting like bronies circa 2012. Most people, ACTUAL people, don't want you killed, they're just sick and tired of you being everywhere all the time, pushed by the mainstream media or total schizos like that keffals fucknut.

If you want the "Total Tranny Death" meme to stop, maybe stop fucking feeding it on your end.

I'm a fan of pushing transmisia over transphobia, because people In The Know aren't afraid, they are just sick and tired of the constant fad noise on social media.
Sometimes, I am glad I am not part of the preg community. This looks like a five alarm fire left after I got kicked out. I can't wait till I get enough money to get my own car.
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I don't hate Gen Z troons. I just think that the LGBTQIA has no culture because gay and lesbian elders are just boring. How are zoomers supposed to relate to a West Village lesbian couple who are ugly, or a gay man from the South who wants to relive the 60s just so they can be the underdog? I think the left is trying to profit off counterculture. Counterculture just look like dorks when placed next to Nam. Nam had timeless visuals
looks like you forgot to take your meds soldier, on your face and give me 20!
Fine I will talk normally. Fetish Artists are unpopular cause they treat cartoons like a white collar job. So when troons are whining that they can't afford sky high California, people don't care. Disney and Capeshit are flopping cause people are tired of Democrats spending billions on the arts at a time when test scores are down among GenZ. So now Gen Z is going to grow up uneducated and vote Republican cause troons destroyed the education system
Blacks already hate Troons for making the clearly stern Miguel from Spiderverse with his cheekbones into a generic sexy e-thot.
>i hate rant threads because they devolve into gay ass rants about artists people dont like for parasocial ass reasons and 9 times outta 10, its just a bunch of schizo coomers bitching about shit.
happy almost a month anniversary of me being right about this thread
>I use "parasocial" to sound smart
I am too medicated to understand your concerns. I am now part of modernity and wish to obtain a nice studio and a car.
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Reminder: nyanilla’s account was banned, reviewed, and their request for reinstatement was denied. Their creation of a new account is a clear violation of Twitter’s policy on ban evasion. Report @nyanillart for promoting self-harm/suicide and add a comment about their ban evasion.
>GenZ porn, It's just furry and gay porn

I can almost understand why Japan just gives their Otaku fanbase Asuka and their rom com fanbase gals and kendos their boyfriend who wants to get into university. Gen Z are the people who would watch 90s Sailor Moon, Utena, Cardcaptor Sakura, then lie and say they saw DBZ to avoid getting bullied at school.
>>89098 I didn't always hate niggers. I learned to. Similar to how blacks have changed over the generations going from kind, humble, cookers of pit pig to possibly the most disgusting man on Earth besides the mentally-ill trans and such freaks. Everytime I see young black men 10 times out of 10 I find them or whatever they're doing repulsive. They gross me out. They turn my stomach. The niggers that try to be pretty boys and always look like they're wearing make-up are especially revolting to me. I've never seen a young black man that doesn't cause me physical illness.

I'm glad that the BBC porn thread posting has been toned down on this site, and that most ebonies are women because they're less gross to look at. I'm only offended when the black women are posted on /tits/ because that board already suffers from lack of quality models and porn and it's disheartening to see ebony threads posted back to back like it's black history month. Ither than that though I don't technically hate the blacks. Mostly just the young blacks they're gay looking and love being on social media and taking pics of their BBCs and showing off the pics to everybody because their mom told them growing up that they were beautiful.
Holy fuck you autistic little worm. You're so OBSESSED. Just leave vani alone. Not your personal army. Etc
I get more demands for submissive hentai characters despite being black. It's time consuming to reverse engineer them
Despite my status as Kisame17, I don't care for GenZ
>>89131 Reverse engineering is the easiest most low effort approach. Trying to reimplement a character and do so at a sufficiently good enough quality is what's both difficult and much too costly to be a sound investment, but that's usually of the time.
The problem is that I invested in Sui from Inyouchuu to be more of a milktank. I was wondering how her tits got back to normal after each installment and got more demands for her. I made something out of a few screenshots.
>>89134 You invested too much time and money and because of the amount of investment you failed to recognize when the time to abandon ship had arrived, further hinderance to your returns on investment should be avoidable, but recovery impossible.
Kisame here. People don't like it when I start cutting back or being stringent due to inflation. It's like the guests at my job, they demand custard filled to the top.
(10 KB, 211x239, images (2).jpeg)
Zaslav was hired to pretty much get rid of all those niche shows and cinema that the left like because the weren't focused. People want to see Looney Tunes, DC, and 80s movies. Millennials and Zoomers are getting the corporate daddy they've always wanted.
>>89148 I've not seen sweets such as those, and I wouldn't know where to buy them, but I would have few regrets about working full time for the purposes of feeding a cute bbw gf with huge tits and a sexy body all of her fave foods and coming inside her tuna salad filled vagina and cheesecake with whipped cream filled asshole.

The problem's that cute fat girls don't hang out in the streets or in stripclubs. They go to school and eat cheap junkfood. They would rather work a job than stay at home, get pregnant, and raise children. Sometimes the turd with the most visible corn sinks to the bottom of the toilet the fastest.
I don't understand. I don't have fantasies anymore.
>>89155 Fantasies are required when there's a lack of reality. I prefer reality. Tuna salad pussy tastes the best after you fuck it.
Nope, I am team reality now. No more imaginary Kisame17
>>89158 Have you ever tasted a tuna salad filled pussy? I don't think you have. Thst's where we differ.
Again, team reality. I am medicated.
>>89160 Have you ever tasted an asshole filled with an ice cream sundae complete with cherries and chocolate fudge? Don't judge me then because the taste is sensational.
Too medicated to care. I am guessing you are that incel. I want back to independent Baptist without art
>>89162 Why do you continue to repeat that you're on medications, and what are you trying to imply with that? Baptists are known for many things including their strict church rules and I don't think they would have a problem with you making art, but being "medicated" all the yime "beyond caring" does sound to me like something that could be potentially damaging to your percieved respectability if they were to find out.
My brother already knows about my art. I just went back to being a strict Baptist because hyperpreg whined that LiLi was taking away too much time from their vanity projects, or I was stealing Bolette despite artists having 1,000 OCs. I attend church and everyone knows about your porn. I am just not uptight boomer.
I find the sum of hyperpreg to be very repetitive. It clashes with my freewheeling direction.
(74 KB, 500x678, 1471319879346.jpg)
Fuck whatever other drama is going on.

It has been only a day and I already hope every trend hopping wishy washy hack shit for brains drawing Elephant TF has a portal to hell opened up in their chest cavity to broil them alive from the inside out.
If I was an artist I'd feel only compelled to draw Big Game Hunter Wario putting a hole in these fucks and prying their tusks off.
Elephants are now moral to hunt, overpopulation has taken hold.
I just don't care for Nintendo as a brand.
(12 KB, 218x182, 20230623_031258.jpg)
I was depressed until I played The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom for the Nintendo Switch™
I don't care. I was playing Battle Network Legacy
I get more demands for 02-Tamers-Frontier era Digimon characters being heavily pregnant
(62 KB, 627x476, Spider-Peter.jpg)
There is no drama. Libs have been complaining that evangelicals in the Southern Baptist Convention gets to be groomers while their dumb neopaganism made from Star Wars and cartoons are crumbling. The truth is that nobody is buying this pride shit and the Juneteenth watermelon is offending the blacks that vote blue. People want Miguel from Spiderman for the same reason people wanted 90s Peter and Cyclops. Square jawed linebacker sells more than 5'2 manlet insecure about rejection
Not sure if this is the right pace to put it, but this guy is definitely using ai to make stories and worse, Comms. Pretty sure hes the same 'songauregarde/soobek' Guy that got exposed as a minor because they all send the same capeshit gifs.
(103 KB, 589x835, soobekproof.png)
could definitely be him. each account he makes comes with some "super sad backstory". last time he said he was a gay girl in a European country and that "all her friends were nazis that would hate her if they found out"

now in his DA bio he's "raising money for his mother's health issues" and every dollar he makes goes straight to her health fund.

scrolled down on his page, seems like it's already proven that this is him, just gonna report and block him
the mental illness thread
oh thank christ someone else hates the elephant bullshit
all nintendo had to do is bring back the p-balloon but nooooooo

I was depressed until I got trepang2, the true FEAR sequel we never got

>listening to the autists that sperg out over "minors"
the AI commission shit is lame and reportable but fizzykink et al is lame too
its most definitely him, just look at his twitter feed on either accounts.
yeah all of those guys are insufferable and are pretty much obsessed with him, the only issue i have is that hes ripping people off with that 'if you comm me enough my mother will survive cancer' bullshit. theres a whole iceberg of info regarding the 'minor' in question, would probably clog up this thread.
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I thought this was a rant thread, why ya’ll posting cringe?
(1.9 MB, 2400x3000, MV5BNTJiNzAyOWMtZTVmYS00ZDc2LTkwZTgtYTg0MGEzZmExODg5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjA0MjA1OQ@@._V1_.jpg)
DeviantArt is based in LA. AI art is used by any guy with a computer to make money as cheap as possible. It's like the guy who uses PowerPoint or Movie maker from Windows to make those cheap documentaries.

Teens don't want to work hard. Zoomers are literally dindus. Best part is that they learned from the best. Even Samuel Jackson admits they scan him to make Disney movies. It's easy to use Christina Hendricks biometric data to make BE or Kamala Harris to make WG and sell it to AMC for a quick buck.
I honestly think artists really want to make Adam Slander movies. Like Adams Sandler, fetish artists hide behind parody to make films and get cartoonists to make cheap entertainment. They're the kind of people who would be on SNL with Rob Schneider. It's why they envy Mindy Khaling. She got to make her self insert fanfiction with Zaslav.
I feel bad for him(?)/her(?) and hope s/he gets better. I'm not equipped to make suggestions but I wish to tell this to him/her: Please don't listen to Hollywood, they're demon worshippers who prey on the oppressed and tell them they were born in the wrong biological gender. If you for them, love sounds like hatred.
Kisame here. Define normal. My mom's idea of normal is me working in healthcare and getting a union job despite it dead end. Private sector workers like me made a lot of savings thanks to Biden.
According to the news, Disney lost 900 million cause they pandered to the woke left with science fiction.
So my path to normality is just working normal jobs and paying off the mortgage
>>89369 You're only as boring as you're black, Kisame. Say Hi to your schizo friend and his CIA buddies. I'm going to try to get some brunch
You fucking talk like the faggot who blew up her mom.
>Inb4 replies with how politics are related with fetishes
There is no politics. College women want to be girl boss. I am not interested in leadership.
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>Comically evil character quotes the Bible

Yawn, I've seen this one.
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to hell with the /pol/ schizos, can we talk about how fucked in the head berryfags are? I mean, jesus christ, just look at this shit.

I now completely understand why 4chan decided to have a site wide ban for blueberry content
They were banned from /d/ and sent to /aco/. It had nothing to do with the actual content, but their conduct. They harassed and tried to derail several threads for other fetishes they personally dislike (particularly slob and brap, but also even vanilla weight gain). Some of the bigger content creators like Seiga, the aforementioned Swell Reads and particularly Undertaker (who supposedly instigated the whole affair) got exposed during this time.
To this day they blame everyone but themselves and claim the mod was a secret slobfag conspiring against them. It has yet to dawn on them just how significant a nuisance one has to be to get your entire thread fucking banished to another fetish porn board.
American Art is banned on /d/ because of the incompetent craftsmanship and lack of composition on the part of artists. Japan likes obvious and fake gimmicks over reality. Blueberry inflation is hated because it's really ugly and not helped by Johnny Swell being the only competent berry artist. Japan's idea of a happy ending is making women sex slaves after drugging them or modifying their bodies.
Part of the problem with blueberry and expansion art is that the characters are too obnoxious to be likeable and their gimmicks just don't work.
That's furry autism, don't blame that on berry.

>Johnny Swell

That was every infl fag until some told others to quit it.
The OG berry comic book artist.
Furries will never be mainstream. It's too concentrated in Florida and Texas. They'd have to give up all the orgies that goes in at conventions to be mainstream.
No that is solely berryfags. Nobody else goes out of their way harder to antagonize other fetishes. Fruitfrakker used to call regular BBW enjoyers 'peasants' (when he wasn't justifying being a literal Satanic tranny commie pedo)

he cried so much he got pity art of his shitty, loli OC
>twitter sperging out over RC
Literally all he does on there now is post his work and video backlog, and they're still throwing tantrums like the shit he apologized for happened yesterday.

Followed this guy for about two weeks, had to tap out because the pity party is constant with him.
How can you guys tell? Twitter is limited take artist pay Elon Musk his 8 bucks.
His main oc’s are loli’s and a made in china Mrs Brisby, he’s a pedo furry thats plenty to hate. He even has his own made in china knock off who gets butt hurt when you bring it up.
mentioning the one-off coof parody character, you're probably the one that's "butt hurt when you bring it up" my guy
You need to go back to school and learn how count if you think it was a one-off
The butt hurt person was RC’s copycat
Did I stutter, berryfucker?
That's more of a symptom of expansion artists never bother to improve. Expansion Artists haven't changed their styles over the past 20 years. This is why nobody cares about their grievance about Kisame17. There's no optimism. It's just angry white guy.
(181 KB, 1023x768, Delightful_Children_From_Down_The_Lane.jpg)
Simple, Gen Z is the most uber conformist generation ever made and fetish artists have no counter. Best part is that they're soulless obedient fans that artists wanted. Millennials stuck with their girl boss and autistic fans with no way to get out. I can't wait for the Ken Burns documentary on expansion Artists to explain the mindset of a failed cartoonist.
Shut the fuck up and go back to deviant art
Still mad you can't move on from the past?

Hang yourself, you're only proving him right lol
Could be the factor some artists move on to brighter pastures as well because let's face it drawing balloons is fun but unlike let's say some chainsaw man fanart or some heavy metal cd cover you drew it's something you can't really show the folks or your friends so that drives some of the passion away as well. If your not overly passionate about something your art is gonna suffer. I still try to improve my stuff from time to time but I'd probably focus my time on something I can put on a Tshirt and walk around town with more than I do my balloons. But hey I still try to improve those as well as my personal moto is if the person your drawing for is happy or ecstatic at what you've made then your art is successful enough the goal for me is to please others more than myself with what balloons I do draw while in this community.
Happiness are for retards. This is why they cling to Bluey and other preschool shows or why Owl House and Steven Universe, or other art projects flopped. There's a good reason Hayato got killed off in Zeta. He wants to prove he's better than Amuro, him and his loser son get killed trying to prove they are happy. The WGA strike exists cause writers are still eating noodles and living in Inglewood despite working gig jobs. Artists aren't successful, they're still in Cambridge student mode.
I actually work with Gen Z and they're Uber conservative. This is the respectable Republican fan that fetish artists longed for. They have more demands than autistics.
>>90327 Are you retarded? If not then Conservative probably doesn't mean what you think it means.
They want to be winners. Just look at how Dragonball fans want Yamcha, Tien, or Krillin to win because they're tired of aliens dominating everything. Conservatives have more demands cause they want to be the winner
The popular villain is Miguel O'Hara because he's a stern authority figure.
>>90330 They're scared out of their panties. They do all of the same evil things that they acuse their enemies of doing.

They real Conservatives, the ones that fight on the side of love and speak the truth, they're not virgins. They're not running scared and gossiping in secretly formed groups while they plan evil attacks against their neighbors. A Conservative virgin's a joke. Get married, pansy. You're a fuck up running your mouth on the net when you don't even have the balls to fuck blueberries. Zzz

Buy a gun and be ready for a war.
>Kisame brothers to check the news. It's just inflation, war, Trump, and Biden. Look outside, it's just another boring day in the suburbs at 10am. Too busy wondering if that 2 for 8 special is still a thing.

Yeah no, it's not the 90s when you were a kid. You're just stuck in the past. Conservatives aren't going to take away your anime and games.
Will you be fighting in the war, berrybro? Willing to take a bullet for FW or Fruitfrakker? Must be something your lot have dreamed of doing for over a decade.
Nothing about Fruitfrakker or other artists scream anarchist. Art departments are already firing anarchist chicks for threatening the NY Post reporter. I think they just don't have that incel edge that made Ditko Peter fun
Fruitfrakker describes himself as Satanic socialist and thinks Satan is a tranny, little wonder he's treated like a god by berryfuckers
Bust Artist could've paid Eric Adams is cut to host SizeCon in NYC.
Nah, Satan is a glam rock, hair metal, nu metal, grunge guy. He wants MS-13 and Trump voters for when we fight God in Israel. Fruitfrakker and his ilk are just annoying communists who don't want to pick up the AK-47.
Sorry to double post, but the problem is that GenX are the boss that Gen Z is rebelling against. Younger Millennials like me aren't going to stop blaring Vampire Weekend and Gwen Stefani, the Weekend over the radio. Even Gen Alpha and Gen Z thinks Gen X TMNT and their niche are super lame. They want Hannah Montana
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>commissions open
My commissions are always open too wink
>> Apologies for the shit self promotion I'll see myself out.
I honestly don't think Commissions are a thing. The sad part is a Sound of Freedom, that crowdfunding Christian Movie is king of the box office.
reminds me of the life or death for berry boy meme. there's a psychotic person who gets a kick out of turning infant boys into blueberries and killing them. I appreciate berry art even though its not my thing, but there's definitely some horrific and sadistic people.
The funny thing is, Berry Boy was actually a forced meme and falseflag by someone in the fandom just having an "edgy period" and shitposting on 4chan for a laugh.
Not entirely sure why it's been revived again in recent years.
it may have something to do with things like >>89750 being made without even a hint of irony.
Is it really that beyond the pale for berryfags given what people like FW and beltpop have drawn? Berryboy was pretty much par the course.
Blame bear boy on YouTube dude did a video on it can't remember the YouTubers name all I know is he's Winnie the Pooh's cousin but he believes it's a real thing. YouTube DeviantArt cringe reviewer get clucks kek
>beltpop have drawn?
What did beltpop do?
We haven reached 400 posts yet, sillies.

For fuck sakes, nobody cares if a post reaches 400 posts or not. Threads under 400 posts die frequently.

People like you need to get a life.
I'm getting horrific flashbacks from the berrybaby stuff
I would assume its about the 'darker' stuff they've made. That one Berry comic where she gets sealed in a winery, The humiliation stuff and a few other things, but they aren't exactly disturbing. It's reaching to say beltpop is comparable to FW.
She's a she and if you had spent any time on DA you would've known that grills draw darker stuff with a passion.
10/10 would marry to save money on commissions
The fucking what? Do not post anything about that I dont want to see just tell us who the sick fuck was that did that
> Do not post anything about that I dont want to see just tell us who the sick fuck was that did that
This place needs actual moderation to get rid of the 4-5 threads that pop up every week for the same shit, pushing actually populated threads into obscurity.

Do we fucking need 8 sphere threads when people are trying to jam all the IRL inflators into a single thread? FUCK NO
> is comparable to FW.

Hm? Hasn't our esteemed community already unanimously decided that dear leader FW did literally nothing wrong, and all those naughty rumors about stalking, drawing real people he both knew and were complete strangers dying gruesome deaths, and harassing female artists is all misinformation dangerous to our democracy? Mods, please remove this post.
there's no good inflation artist outside of like idk Mabo and FFL (both somewhat debatable) and others who basically fucked off decades ago, it feels like people have no drive to improve their art.
WHO WOULDA FUCKING THOUGHT that force aggregating all the RL inflator threads into a single link wouldn't fucking work because there's no reason to update it!?
what? what link?
Some dipshit thought it would be a good idea to try to force people to combine Reiinapop, Livpat and several other RL inflators into a single thread, but only linked the archived threads.

Ya know… the threads that are filled with temporary dead links.

And surprise surprise, the thread that was basically just links to the archived threads didn’t get any traction or updates so it got eaten by the archive.

But yea, let’s add a 19th spherical inflation thread
Still kind of pissed at SX-Deluxe for banning me from his report my post server while I was the mod, but then blocking me on almost ALL social media pages AND kicking me out of his Patreon without even saying ANYTHING to me. Fuck man, if you had problems with me, why not SAY it.
It's too true and nobody ever seems to mention it. Despite being neck deep into the fetish, I can't get off to anyone's stuff. So many hacks who get away with their shit styles, but still get endless cock sucking which encourages them to stagnate. It's a headache. And they're all so full of themselves and think their actual shit. Alot of these cunts just fall into the trap of, if you've seen one pic of theirs you've seen them all. Galleries just blurring together into the same stale checklist. It's maddening. I've basically been reduced to having to use rp and my own imagination to get my fix now. Art in general is in a dire state when it comes to being posted online. It's very unfortunate.
not to mention the crazy amount of artists who stick to just one scenario for all of their art, like chipchell ONLY doing '05 factory, gets super boring and lazy quickly

could def think of more artists like that for sure
You know what annoys me so much? Is the hate for male inflation content. I mean there are guys who inflatees, rights?
(78 KB, 900x1000, 1667288549616035.jpg)
>"You guys should try this amazing inflation/growth/fmg game!"
>It's another shitty text adventure
To anyone who does this, please, put your head under a truck's wheel
I heard Marrazan's report my post got hacked cause of this scam.
I meant social media or whatever Twitter calls itself
why are so many inflation artists fucking pedophiles
I dunno. Due to being born in the 90s before becoming Kisame17, I tend to want Xena types, Power Girl types, or mature women.
i mean i cant really blame them considering the vast majority of male inflation content is very shitty
it takes forever to find good stuff
t. male inflatee
I remember that early breast expansion was more adult or adult woman living in the city. I chalk up the modern immaturity due to the old artists retiring and new artists being influenced by what they see in DeviantArt
i mean i cant really blame them, its still stigmatized as gay for a male to be in the "sub" role even if the dom is female, and on top of that, the vast majority of male inflation content is very shitty
of course i dont really care about the first part because im gay but whatever
but anyway, finding good male inflation content takes forever
t. male inflatee
we talkin pedos or """pedos"""

yeah same, personally love being the inflatee or some mutual inflation but it doesn't take a ton to understand why that sort of position is stigmatized
just don't be a sped when you see it and don't like it
It's a loaded question.
Better ask yourself why so many pedophiles try to fit into every "community"? Every single one of your artists was part of more than one convention.
Because some of them can't differentiate fantasy from fiction, that's the case with VikingSkirts or Ms-Chemi
Those report my post messages that leaked with chemi were awful, how did they avoid prison for that shit
I don't fucking know, I find disturbung how people are definding her, or fogiving her, like why the fuck would you do that?
there was one guy who I thought would actually break away from that shit.
then it turned out some of his art was traced auuugh
I think I know who you're talking about, his SFW art is cool but you can just tell he's phoning that shit when he's drawing his fetish slop

Nowadays that would be called being sexist unfortunately.

(BTW what 90s movies and shows.)
@UnfunValentine on twt, no idea abt his sfw twitter
So....what happened
I wouldn't even be mad have you seen who he's friends with?
Where's the other rant thread?

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