
(26 KB, 320x240, IMG_8067.webp)
Mainly for those who have videos or photos of women balloon stuffing.
I’ve always wondered how hard it would be to use editing software to make the girl disappear when the balloon pops to make it look like she actually popped too. There are some great Japanese vids like this one that would be perfect for that
Not to hard ask prenumaticchick on DeviantArt they might be able to give you some tips
Those all sound nice, I wish there was some vids in here
Remember to contribute so I can reup more later.
Y'all got any panties stuffing videos? If so, mind if you share them?
I only got 2 videos like that. I am sending them now.
I’ll try to whenever I can
Anyone else got pantie stuffing vids?
I wish. Panties balloon stuffing is underrated in my opinion.
Oh, a stuffing thread! I love these ones.

Here's my small contribution:

Can someone reupload these please? (if it's not the same as the next two MAB links, ofc)
For real dude we need some more pantie stuffing vids
(883 KB, 1120x1440, 86238032_p26 - 12月上旬ぐらいのツイッター落書きまとめ.png) (543 KB, 1120x1440, 82274156_p26 - 6月上旬ぐらいのツイッター落書きまとめ.png) (713 KB, 1120x1440, 83634295_p11 - 8月上旬ぐらいのツイッター落書きまとめ.png) (948 KB, 1120x1440, 84956731_p12 - 10月上旬ぐらいのツイッター落書きまとめ.png) (1.2 MB, 1120x1440, 83173594_p7 - 7月中旬ぐらいのツイッター落書きまとめ.png)
I'm stretching the rules of this thread a little, but there is no explicit ban on drawn content so why not.
Not my thing, but respect to you!
Reaupp? possibly on mega or dropbox so it does not expire in 5 minutes
Mega and dropbox both cost to upload more than 20 GB. The collection is just shy of 40 GB. I can either reup on mab or you can pay for a better solution.
Let's try to preserve stuff shared here somewhat long-term. This should in theory be up for as long as someone downloads it every once in a while.

(base64; plaintext link triggers some idiotic spam filters)

This is roughly a half of that huge 40 GiB collection, grouped by being from a single creator.
(342 KB, 1092x586, brkstuffin.png)
the preview has failed to be included somehow, fixing that
I like where your head is at, but the download speed is capped at like 100KB a sec, my download got within like 50 mb then shit itself and I lost the whole thing, had it running for like 2 days.

Anyone care to try and download this and slap it up on MAB?
They've all stopped uploading, you might have to do it one at a time.
Y'all still got anymore of the panty stuffing vids?
can you guys reupload?
does anyone have mcguffin balloon world?
Absolutely love mcguffin, does anyone have her vids with panty stuffing?
anyone got any mcguffin videos im mostly looking for those
Can I make a suggestion please, can you upload the videos in smaller chunks please, my pc is struggling in the heatwave
too based for this world
Trying a new method of sharing the archive. This should stay up for as long as someone downloads from it within 60 days. I believe you can also pick which files to grab for those with slower internet speeds. If it doesn't work out, I'm still willing to use mab. Cheers

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