
(1.3 MB, 1279x1279, 1587589746069.png)
Continued from >>59919 (Cross-thread)
Inflation that centers around gaseous expulsions from either top or bottom.

I'm sure ((nobody)) will mind a continuation of this fine, long-lived and successful thread subject.
(983 KB, 3000x4390, talicomm1_B.jpg)
There you are right on schedule.
I've seen a few artists say they want to draw it or slob but are afraid of harassment from you-know-who so they're scared to post any.
Well I don't mind drawing some personally as long as the character is 18+ that's all that matters that said diapers and scat is a bit much for me but farts with balloons I'm good with Maybe some slob too as it's just fluids lol
That said you'd probably have to pay me for something like that being the only downside but otherwise yeah I don't have a issue with it
I’m out of the loop. Who?
Berryfuckers. They've essentially been on a year+ long harassment campaign using report my post whisper networks to harass anything even vaguely slob-adjacent. Swell Reads, FW, Seiga, and Undertaker have all at one time or another been caught engaging in it. It's definitely orchestrated. Last thread was full of their psychotic shit.
So let me get this straight blueberry fetishists are on a harassment campaign against slob and weight gain stuff?
pretty sure most blueberry fans enjoy fat and some like gas but i haven't seen anything from any of these artists you mentioned
>pretty sure most blueberry fans enjoy fat and some like gas

You're both wrong and clearly haven't been paying attention.
Really? Come on, does anybody really give a fuck about being “harassed” online by people who wank over blueberries?
(772 KB, 3500x3800, (Comm)_Slob.jpg)
Looks like someone, or a group of someones, had their feelings hurt :)
Artist for this one?
Your audios are fucking dogshit, you aren't fooling anyone.
Berryfuckers aren't sending their best. Very low quality post. Do better.
It's interesting that quite a few Japanese artists have no qualms about drawing inflation with brap but western artists go absolutely berserk at the merest implication of it.
And then draw men. Faggots.
I know this is just conflicting personal tastes, but if someone was to ask me, "what's the fastest way to ruin a good piece of erotic art," one of my answers would be "have her flatulating a noxious haze of fart clouds."

However, I see a learning opportunity, so for the sake of my morbid curiosity, I want to temporarily suspend my personal disgust long enough to ask, as cordially as I can: why? What/where is the appeal in fetishizing farts?

Even for other fetishes that I personally can't stand, like WG and futa, I can kind of understand the reasons why people are into that, and I've even talked with people who are and they've given credence to my hypothesis. But farts is just one of those things that I can't even think of reasons for why it arouses some people. It strikes me as an aromatic version of scat porn, which is another thing I cannot fathom: not without proposing some ultra Freudian speculations as to how anyone could have a kink for human biological waste.

Please, enlighten me.
Dude to boil it down to, maybe it’s the humiliation and the pure sheer, unadulterated brashness of the action that gets me goin, Scat is different as in, it’s like, complete animalistic grossness, or maybe it’s just, the internet ruined a lot of sexual appeal, and it usually depends on where the “flatulence” comes from, preferably a Dumptruck ass,

Also fun fact: A fetishization for feet, comes from a neurological issue, basically if your nerves were laid out on a table, sometimes the nerves closest to your dick, are also the nerves that reside in your feet, it’s pretty interesting
No but scat is like genuinely disgusting, it’s weird how releasing gas is hot to me, but the other side of the coin, makes me want to throw up.
western artists are huge babies

male inflation is great

you're into inflation. how can you possibly question another fetish's existence?
He's a berryfucker. It's completely ideologically driven that he's at war with brap / slob.
Aren't you the same person from the last gas thread who asked that very same question?
I'm noticing a pattern with this thread: no one likes anything but their fetish.

Brap guys hate berry for some reason, Straight guys despise penis, Berry guys apparently come here to question why someone likes gas.

Then there's me who likes all three and never post my art here.
He's asked the same thing of artists who draw it. I've seen him on DA.
Berryfuckers are on autopilot. Their masters whip them up and send them out to do their dirty work and they will pursue their goal like automatons, in the hope that their daddies like Undertaker and Seiga and FW will pat them on the head and notice them.
(1.3 MB, 480x618, lv_0_20230404122335.mp4)
Does anyone know where this video came from or if there’s anything like it around?
You guys really aren't sending your best.
(335 KB, 850x1176, psgm1v0w.jpg)
anyone having the popping version of this? its by nylonwave
(53 KB, 220x210, Mat_the_pat.png)
>>87117 (Cross-thread)
It has to do with Japan age laws being fucked in cases of a few anime I've seen they follow the just legal or barely legal ages of there government
For us that's 17 barely/18 legal
For Japan its 12 barely/ 13 legal.

I've analyzed this fact from certain show dialogues

Examples in The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated In Another World As An Aristocrat the father congratulates his son for his first minute saying my boy is finally a full adult man or something like that when his age is 14. In a distance scene later on in same anime the mom pervertedly talks about him impregnating someone and giving her grandchildren. But what catches my eye in this duologue is that she says before he gets too old acting like he's in his 30s or something keep in mind only 14 (well technically a 40 year old man in a 14 year old body but that's not important)

Another example is hells paradise there's this girl 17 shes a prisoner talking to her body guard (she was jailed on some bullshit completely innocent keep that in mind guard knows her story too) anyways girls essentially sent to this island as many prisoners are to die. But you can watch the show itself for the plot if you like it's actually really good! Back to it said girl got covered in something and is bathing by the ocean to scrub it off it's only a back shot. Guy catches a glimpse and goes nerd panic on her . At first he thought it was a guy she tells him nope you've been chilling with a girl the whole time.

Nerd flusters more and tells her to cover up. More content they just got out a fight in which he took some wounds for her and saved her life.
So here's where the important part comes in. She cracks a joke I can't remember it exactly but she says how she's about to become of age 18 and jokes (my hero! Maybe if I get out of this alive I'll have to put a ring on that finger and become your bride) it's quite wholesome actually. And in normal context like this I feel it would be a tragic love story thing.

But there's some context I left out for the sake of a social experiment and mind game with you all.
She's actually 12 going on 13......

But you see the way I tricked you mind by aging it up to our laws and standards

The point of this hopefully not too creepy as fuck rant is this
Tl:Dr if Japan's laws were 18+ then a lot of there waifus would be too and ages wouldn't be so fucked. Some mangakas might just be following the laws of there country and not know how age laws are in the west.

Or at least that's my theory A FUCKED UP GAME THEORY
(341 KB, 2048x1487, E0kPv01WYAQQirE.jpg) (384 KB, 2048x1487, E0kPwSGXoAYdELj.jpg) (317 KB, 2048x1487, E0kPww5XEAMVwSv.jpg)
We truly are fortunate to live in such enlightened times that berryfuckers can run years-long harassment campaigns against you with impunity but if you dare speak out against it your posts get disappeared.
>>87951 Yeah it's almost like God's about to rain down judgement, huh? Here's hoping that His will be done, and not YOURS.
Berryfuckers are full-on Satanic, so hopefully you're right.

If that were true you wouldn't have to neither say it or explain it, yet I can't see how fucking berries is satanic and I've had a personal relationship with Christ my entire life. In fact, I made most of my greatest mistakes at a later more mature age, same as most humans do.

You go ahead and keep talking about berries though and let me know how that works out for you. I will continue praying for your destruction.
>yet I can't see how fucking berries is satanic

The top figures in the fetish being diabolically evil might have something to do with it. Are you really going to preach about Christ while defending grotesques like FreakinWeirdo or Fruitfrakker? Trying intimidation tactics on their behalf when they have historically too cowardly to ever defend themselves, relying on sycophants instead?
Keep the Christian God's name out of your filthy mouth, berryfucker. Your fetish literally hinges on sexualizing a child. You have a special place in hell.

>The top figures in the fetish
There's your problem right there then.
>FreakinWeirdo or Fruitfrakker
.....You're joking
>Keep the Christian God's name out of your filthy mouth, berryfucker
You don't know Christ.
>Your fetish literally hinges on sexualizing a child.
You don't know anything.
>You have a special place in hell.
Sure thing, pal. You're clearly out of your tiny brain, but to that I will recite and remind you what Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the light. Nobody goes to the father if not through me." Hell has no power over me, and your words are empty and void of love. I doubt you care about children, and I doubt they think highly of you either.
>There's your problem right there then.


>You're joking

FW, FruitFrakker, Beltpop, Swell Reads, Seiga, Undertaker, each one more rotten than the last and each one guilty of numerous crimes from literal stalking with intent to murder to harassment.. Petty tyrants each and everyone who thinks the world is beholden to them and them alone and respond with indignity when anyone dares say 'no'.

>You don't know anything.

You fetish literally centers on a 12 year old

>Hell has no power over me

Only if you repent, which a berryfucker would never do, because they are inherently narcissists who value nothing more than themselves and their own debased, deranged sadism.

> I doubt you care about children

I don't want to molest any either, can the same be said of berryfuckers?

Perhaps you enjoy arguing or feeling like you're right, but underdtand that this battle's one you're not meant to win.

>literal stalking with intent to murder to harassme
Are these thenames of the individuals and groups that do all the stalking in the US that I've been hearing about? The groups that communicate subliminally broadcasting on the internet by using content and media? Are these also youtubers?

>You fetish literally centers on a 12 year old
What the fuck are you talking about?

>Only if you repent, which a berryfucker would never do, because they are inherently narcissists
Now I see you're just being silly. You had me going there. Anyways, I repent only to God, and no man has authority over my everlasting soul.

>I don't care about children but I no molest dem either.
Nigger, stfu.
>Deflect deflect deflect deflect

Common berryfucker arguing strategy, never gets old

>What the fuck are you talking about?


>I repent only to God

Indeed. But you have to legitimately mean it. Berryfuckers, being Satanists or atheists largely, see themselves as the only god, and thus, would never legitimately ask forgiveness

>Common berryfucker arguing strategy, never gets old

>Indeed. But you have to legitimately mean it. Berryfuckers, being Satanists or atheists largely, see themselves as the only god, and thus, would never legitimately ask forgiveness
I don't understand how you can ask for forgiveness without meaning it, but ok. The lord works in mysterious ways. You'll know it when you see it.

To whosoever knock the door shall be open. I don't pray for your destruction because you're an idiot, I pray for your death because of your disregard for innocent human life, your invasion of others privacy, and the legitimacy of my asking for what rightfully belongs to me returned to me. You chose your fate a long time ago. I might lick a little girl's ass on occasion, but I would never dare do the things you've done, not even to an enemy. I want you dead and out of my life for good.
> I pray for your death because of your disregard for innocent human life

You mean like berryfuckers do?

>your invasion of others privacy

You mean like berryfuckers do?

>You chose your fate a long time ago

I did. The moment I openly made a stand against berryfuckers is the day I put a giant target on my back. Swell Reads, FW and Seiga in particular have tried their hardest to have their lackeys like yourself act against me, root me out and destroy me, but I continue to elude them and I know it frustrates them to no end.
I am the reason FW spent 10 years so riddled with anxiety he couldn't even answer an email. I am the one who got berryfuckers banned from /d/ and banished to pitiful existence on /aco/. I am the one who exposed Undertaker as samefagging specifically to harass and derail threads for fetishes he didn't like. I am the one who brought FruitFrakker's stalking and skull collection to light.

> I might lick a little girl's ass on occasion

Alrighty then.

>You mean like berryfuckers do?
No. Very different from what "berryfuckers" do. Figure that shit out because thats 1 thing I can't do for you. I suggest you make it quick.

>The moment I openly made a stand against berryfuckers is the day I put a giant target on my back
I don't give a fuck about what you're talking about, though. I give a fuck about the crimes you have committed against me which are crimes against my person. The suicides I've heard of that I'm sure have to do with your stalking and hacking phones, that's a seperate issue. I sympathize with those poor souls who choose eternith in hell out of panic due to manipulation of fear induced purposefully by organized groups.

Like I said, a very different thing from fucking berries. I'm not here to convince you or anyone because you WILL get what you deserve eventually.

>Alrighty then.
Girls like it when I lick their ass.
>I don't give a fuck about what you're talking about, though.

You do, though. That's what this is about. All the other bullshit you're rambling about is blatant bullshit mean to obscure the issue. You're after me, an anon on fetish imageboard, simply, and solely because I dared say something ill about your fetish cult centered around a 12 year old Anna Sophia Robb. There's no use obscuring it, misdirecting or anything else with this schizo gibberish you're rambling on about. That is the sole heart of the issue. I don't know which of the usual gaggle of cretins sent you, or which of them you're trying to get the attention of, but that is the heart of the issue.
Why don't you run back to your master and tell them to actually come here, themselves, and actually debate like an adult for once in their lives?
Seiga, FW, Swell Reads, Undertaker, whoever, seriously, you guys aren't sending your best. Stop chittering away in your report my posts and actually come and have an open confrontation for once instead of relying on these low-rent lackeys. Too scared?

I'm going to be honest when I tell you that I have no idea what you're talking about and that's why I didn't read more than a few words on this post. Because I don't give a fuck. I care about truth and seeing the way towards perfection and away from little girls suffering.
Like I said, not sending their best.

Oh wait. You want to scrap? If you find out for me who these youtubers are that are part of this crime syndicate I will promise you a bloodbath.
(1.2 MB, 480x360, Fartblow.webm)
you guys are gonna blow your load so hard once you see this
Why are they in the regular show park
why has the video been put through a hydraulic press
Someone has livpat deflation videos??????
(170 KB, 952x1200, Fx0i83gXoAEneMX.jpeg)

completely missed the assignment there bud. heres what we are looking for in this thread. art by mangogurti
>what we are looking for in this thread

Don't pretend this thread and indeed this entire sub-fetish doesn't exist solely to bait blueberry fetishists into more senseless shitflinging flame wars.
Yes and they keep falling for it
Berrybro crying to janny as usual.
Sauce for the Harley?
Noo haha please stop bumping this thread berryfuckers will get angwy nooo haha
(79 KB, 1383x1038, FObMMF3VsAYH3JJ.jpg)
>Fighting invisible enemies
>Not even sharing pics
We know what you're doing

No, they are quite upfront and vocal about it, they only become invisible when they experience pushback and run away.
what happened? was something deleted?
He draws stuff like that?
He has in the past
(806 KB, 4096x4096, FzQpH5tXgAUcg1c.jpg)
Whatever seems to be the problem, berrybros?
There was an animation of a hugely fat, gassy Tali'Zorah on the old thread, but that thread didn't just get bumplocked, it got vaporized, for some reason, and now I can't find that animation. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
are these berryfags in the room with us right now
well duh look at the board you're on
You're here, aren't you?
You are a deranged and obsessed individual, and the fact you're still desperately trying to manufacture drama speaks volumes to the kind of mental institution you deserve
Calm down Seiga. Not our fault you lot are so obvious.
dude you're awesome, do you have any of his other works?
why are you always accusing deviantseiga of being the anti-gas troll? and why are you always calling everyone "berryfags"? you can be into berries and gas, ya know.
Are you blubbering again?
Arguments like this are what make these threads nightmarish to browse.
Is that KafeKafei?
Where are the 2B images from?


Get out of here with your Twitter bullshit, man
Sorry anon,it's just that one image was a femboy and a few members of this thread seem to strongly hate male expansion.
Who cares what those babies think? Let them whine all they want.
Sorry,I just didn't want to accidentally start a flamewar and have it overtake half of the thread. I know it's the internet and outrage is inevitable,but I still wished to potentially stop any if possible.
Yes, we hate male expansion because we're not gay
Speak for yourself
Been awfully quiet, haven't they?
Anything good from DALL-E?
Usual suspects aren't taking too well to this thread.
what are you even talking about?
Impossible now because of the censorship
With the site facing final death now would be an opportune time for berryfags to finally drop the mask and make their grievances known in here. You won't get another opportunity. So please Seiga, Swell Reads, Undertaker, FW, Cloudboyo etc, all of you can get your last word in before the end. The floor is open. :)

Might as well.

I can't say who I am, but all those names you listed, and more, are part of an underground cabal with its juicy blue hands reaching into every aspect of global society. The "Bluminati," if you will. The Wonka prequel that's coming out? All us, baby.

If your sleeping patterns felt off in recent days, it's because we snuck into your house and surgically implanted a microchip into your amygdala. The signal range on it kind of sucks though, so we put boosters into the walls of your home next to all the recording equipment. No hard feelings, but we do need to keep you ready to mind control in case Operation Videodrome kicks into high gear. "Long live the blue flesh" and all that.
(374 KB, 1452x1694, F9MbnZ5X0AA-Xtb.jpg)
Alrighty then. It's clear berryfags would rather take passive aggressive potshots than actually hash this out. The bad blood will only continue.
Anon,I mean no offense by this,but you have the right to be angry at this post if you wish. Are you really going to continue your invisible war into this site's dying days? Is it even a war? Are you the only 'soldier' in this war? I understand your hatred for those who are overly aggressive towards fart inflation,I wish they weren't so aggressive too,but I doubt fighting them in this thread will change their views or prove them wrong. Call me a thin-skinned cunt,call me whatever bullshit 4chan lingo fits,call me stupid for trying to stop a meaningless flamewar on a dying pornsite and reasoning with an anonymous figure on the internet,but please at least think this through.
The responsible parties know who they are. If total war is what they want, I am content to give it to them.
Holy shit guys are you seeing this some random dude on a fetish board is saying he’s mad it’s total war out here
Going all out, aren't you?
(1.9 MB, 1505x1141, 5WyrGAa_.png)
Coexist already you fucking rats
Where did Keiji lost that?
Might ask about this on the lost media thread, but I feel I might have a bit more luck here
Since they've been deleted
Would anyone happen to have bought the slob/gas alts of Burstoid's morphs while they were around? If he's not keeping them up for sale anymore I'd say there's no issue in them being shared
(234 KB, 1040x1224, troll_post_sorry_by_hgswells9000_dgitdmq.jpg)
Why should we coexist, with people who not only have a terrible fetish (my opinion) but constantly complain about us and look for fights. If it were up to me this trash thread and your entire fetish would be banned from this site. You will never beat berry, so stop trying.
He's just not as good as he used to be. These fart SFX are barely distinguishable.
This one is hot. Would’ve been even hotter if her belly button became an outie when she got bigger
Just need more like this in general
That and the fact he doesn't even draw the farts anymore. He still seems checked out to me.
Sauce plz? Does this appear anywhere on any of chubnbass' or LuckyJack's accounts?
(565 KB, 848x1200, 112669143_p2_master1200.jpg)
Happy New Year. Reminder that berryfags do NOT have human rights and any action you take against them is morally justified.
Oh my fucking God shut the fuck up, we are not fucking doing this
I am with you dude!
Fuck the sick berry retards! Dreaming about the day, those mentally ill morons would be banned from the inflation community
Let me get this correct. So he does want to be in his son life but theyre keeping him out. Crazy how it looks from the inside out.
Retard we all get off to the same cartoon bullshit of women blowing up who cares with what and what color they turn. Have some humility with your cartoon fetish or go to church
Now is not the time to play at being humble and magnanimous, berrybro. That ship has long since sailed.
love seeing retards complain and whine about which balloon woman is better to jerk of to. fucking fabulous
Berryfuckers cannot tolerate it when the objects of their harassment actually retaliate.
this is the most pointless hating i've ever seen in my life
we're all weirdos here let's just be weird together
>>95481and the second image of >>95423 have me HARD AS DIAMONDS. Where did you find these? I recognize them as Kafe’s but can’t find them…
Is this the part when not a single one of you can actually defend your behavior in a debate so you pull this mealy-mouthed 'umm ackthully we should all get aloooong!!!' song and dance you hve absolutely no intent of adhering to and will slip back into your old ways the moment your victim's guard is down? Not playing that game, berrybro.
For fuck's sake, you're on a thread about women being inflated and ripping ass on a board about women being inflated on a website dedicated to people being horny about fat chicks and dudes at bare minimum, whether or not the inflated person is blue or not should not be the basis on you derailing the thread to schizopost about berryfuckers doing something to wrong and war against you.

For the love of god just shut the fuck up and post something relevant in the weird fetish thread thread instead of crying that someone has a slightly different weird fetish than you.
I've been looking all over nonstop but can't find the sauce for either of these. Anybody know the original artists for either?
(466 KB, 768x1024, big gassy satsuki.png)
I kinda figured as much based on the art alone but hopefully I can still find some gold through all that shit. Thanks regardless.
Everything this guy does is scat unfortunately. I almost feel like he does it out of spite.
source on the third image?
Of all the fetishes, I can NEVER understand why people think shit is sexy. Piss for that matter too.
Comes with the territory sadly
(21 KB, 800x450, Fart.jpg)
Does anybody have a folder of this person's animations?
Fuck em! Lets pump up all stock to the point they have to cash out! Fuck SEC! PUMP2024!!!!!!! SUPERCYCLE!

Source on the blueberry one, please?
Sickstar of all people. I can't imagine his peers are too happy with him repeatedly drawing this kind of content. Cancellation when?
Where is Keiji posting these?
Not inflation try again
Ass and pussy inflation is the hottest thing
Keeping her pussy tight for her new dude. U know when women cheat they skip a week inbetween to tighten back up. I have alot female friends I been knew the game. Life gon hit you and them so hard for fuckin with me
do you have the rest of these he did?
Thank you, seems they draw it pretty often though most OC stuff which I'm not really a fan of
Kinky_Arnne on twitter,I believe. Their signatures are in the lower left corner.
Sorry lol I didn't even pay attention to the signature
Because ppl like you. Show up for the wrong reasons. Now go about your night
Berryfags are not doing well.

You know, I honestly wanted to laugh and gloat over the fact FW needs back-surgery that might potentially leave him laid up for months, for a condition that is already quite painful. After all, he would do the same towards anyone else out of nothing but sheer petty maliciousness inherent to his character, and while I can solemnly acknowledge and take comfort in the fact some karmic justice has finally caught up with him, I not only refuse to stoop to his level, but I see the futility of it, when there's just another berry freak around the corner who's existence will be almost as poisonous to the world at large as is.
No one asked schizo, get back to posting bitches farting
>the berrynigger cries out as it strikes you
Mods posting child porn delete everything else
>the berrynigger cries out as it strikes you
Mods posting child porn.
>the berrynigger cries out as it strikes you
Put your fucking name back on, Lurker.
this is wild what cuases this sort of behavior?
I'm not aware of the situation nor do I know if this person has done anything seriously damaging or harmful but I'm going to say one thing which is it's sad we live in a society where people actively wish you to not just have mundane bad things happen to you but serious medical issues that can be life-threatening or life damaging what the fuck has the human race become
Given that it's Freakin Weirdo we're talking about there's little doubt in my mind he WOULDN'T wish the same or worse on random people out of sheer malevolence. He's done it before when he drew inflation of random vacationing people he saw and even involved stuff like including what if their parents saw them inflated begging for death.
What's worse is that being in this vulnerable position will do nothing to cause him to reflect or question himself or his demonic hubris. How much sympathy can one have for such a person?
>He's done it before when he drew inflation of random vacationing people he saw and even involved stuff like including what if their parents saw them inflated begging for death.
Crazy, unhinged, and cringe if true.
It was his 'island girl' sequence. He readily admitted he stalked a random woman and came up with an elaborate death-inflation scenario about how she just wanted to teach kids to read and write and got inflated by demons in the woods.
He would also draw his classmates inflated begging for death and swore each and every time they were totally OK with it, every time.
Keep in mind he is basically a sacred cow among berryfags and they WILL dedicate all resources they have to deflecting any criticism he gets to this day. Why NOT consider these people inherently evil?
>Keep in mind he is basically a sacred cow among berryfags and they WILL dedicate all resources they have to deflecting any criticism he gets to this day.
Is that true? I don't interact with other berryfags, so I wouldn't know.
>Why NOT consider these people inherently evil?
that's retarded as hell ngl
>Is that true?
Only in the sense of "If you disagree with me in any capacity, you are defending this guy"
Don't be gullible
You do defend him though.
Everyone find you appealing bro. Nobody care about them narcissist on that side of town
(145 KB, 716x712, sdl2.jpg) (54 KB, 605x631, sd5.png)
>Is that true? I don't interact with other berryfags

they will defend anyone of their tribe, it's actually kind of endearing how they will circle the wagons and defend any one of them who gets caught doing any kind of reprehensible shit. look at how a legit dangerous psychotic like Songbird/Diamondback (aka Pigs of Doom) who tried to get Pokemon Go players killed by sending them into the hood and discusses his fetish with an underage boy is protected by the likes of Swell Reads.
Woŵ time out guys...im kind of new to ythis info but pigsofdoom did what?
(74 KB, 648x535, sd1.jpg) (43 KB, 519x930, sdL1.png)
Even completely divorced from inflation fetishism he has been such a repulsive pest he has been doxxed and banned from multiple sites because of his deranged behavior. When you get into the fetish side of things he is an equally deranged freak obsessed with teenage girl characters, forcing his dogshit art in people's faces, spammed 4chan for years, and admits he only exists to spread pain and misery, all the while being the most insufferable leftist freak you could possibly meet (barring perhaps FruitFrakker). Again, his fellow berryfags like Swell Reads protect him.
FreakinWeirdo's back surgery is today. It would be too easy to say something vindictive and malicious, but I will not stoop to his level, no matter how much I want to. I really hope that by some miracle it gives him time to reflect on his past actions and maybe resolve to better himself.
I was looking up “Murasaki Shion fat“ on Google and while scrolling, I had came across a fart inflation drawing that featured Mori Calliope and maybe Kiara Takanashi?

The picture has her farting into Calli’s face. Cali then lets out a lot of farts when being overinflated.

I went back to the tab but then the picture is gone. I’m not sure if it’s deleted or if it is still available. Does anybody have it?
что нужно есть, чтобы часто и очень громко пердеть
what you need to eat to fart very loudly often
Delayed til June 20th. He claims to be in pain still. Thoughts and prayers.
Does anyone know of any full body fart inflation stories or writers who specialize in them?
YES!!! Thank you so much!
Thank you and I tried finding the sauce but their art is amazing.
>berryfag hivemind
Take your meds.
Yep, FW is still not sending his best.
Actually, who am I kidding, you are his best.
Shit, you got me. I am one of Freakinweirdo's report my post goons. He sent me to incite a long bloody war between the slobfags and the berryfags. A "special military operation", if you will.
(58 KB, 1280x771, 1195912-22.jpg)
Anyone have the fart inflation alt for this pic? Artist removed it and now this image is also removed.
where is smappa posting all their art now?
Got aby of there other stuff
Maybe the smell could vary depending on the berry? In some berries, their gas might smell light and sweet, but in others it can smell like spoiled fruit
Yeah, maybe have it addictive, promoting the person who smells it to encourage the berry to fart more for them and pressing down to their gut
I think it would just straight up smell like blueberries + however whatever they consumed was made. like it'd be sickly sweet if they ate like a super sugary blueberry but otherwise it'd just smell how blueberries usually smell since 90% of their body at that point is blueberry juice.
glad to see you're finally taking your pills
Berryfuckers not sending their best.
answered a question and got yawned at
Everyone can see what you're doing, dude.

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