
(752 KB, 1804x1020, sarah_dubois_balloon_blimp_by_popperfan_dfv2sqr (1).png)
Another thread has burned once again and yet another thread needs to be birthed so you know the usual drill of the threads that have been created in past! Same rules as those who made them before

one to two requests at a time.
Any gender allowed.
And you may suggest more if you find something interesting but it's up to the artists at the end of the day on what they want to draw and when

So let's make it a good one hopefully with more artists involved this time around.
Let the blimping begin!
(197 KB, 631x468, 1496969869852.png)
To open the flood gates I'm gonna drop my fist request as Linda memari and Francine smith blowing each other (literally like balloons)
Both Inflated

For my second request just a repost of the previous one >>79035 (Cross-thread)
(612 KB, 3734x2104, Ms. Kawasaki Screenshot 1.jpg) (597 KB, 3716x2092, Ms. Kawasaki Screenshot 2.jpg) (1.2 MB, 1920x1080, Vlcsnap-2014-03-27-17h50m33s17.png)
For my requests I am reposting the following ones from the previous thread...

>>69269 (Cross-thread)
>>76663 (Cross-thread)

For a bonus request I would for someone to inflate Ms. Kawasaki (Yuna's teacher) from the anime "Stitch" via make her as inflated as Pocahontas as she appears in this inflation edit of her shown here.
>>84941 (OP)
>one to two requests at a time.
Why? And: How can you tell?
Again it's kind of a meaningless rule too when you think about it but it just means don't spam like 6 requests at once throw up two and wait for one to complete before throwing up another but technically you can request as much as you like as artists don't really do much here lately anyways outside of a few. But yeah just keep the spam low is all. Give the artists breathing room.

And artists for blimp sake please start drawing requests more it's been at least 2 months with no fullfillments!
It was set up as a rule when artists were drawing more fluidly and frequent but now it's kind of throw up whatever and see what sticks as most would rather focus on commissions and monetary incentives
Our king is back! I’m glad to see you again
>>85001 Excellent job here buddy. These edits are awesome. I just hope that you will somebody will grant my request for more inflation edits of Carmilla Noceda (Luz’s mom) from “The Owl House”. If not, I understand. Thank you for doing these amazing edits.
Let's rephrase the rule into
>don't spam (you can "retract" a request if you think it helps)
>don't do "this but"
>be patient
>check the other boards, too
Let's add editing ressources and turn this thread into an editing class since the last thread lasted for six months.
I think it's a great idea add how to tutorial stuff
Just the guys btw. Don’t care much for the lady in the first image.
Ok, so, my ID keeps changing. For clarity, I’m the OG edit artist again.
You don't need to restate your eminence, king.
Maybe if Darius was the one that was EXTRA THICC and not Odalia, Alador would’ve stuck with him.
>>79388 (Cross-thread)
>>79389 (Cross-thread)

Well king edit sir! Since your back around may I bring up my rolypoly requests from the last thread! You'll find the ref. of the rolypoly bodies in the thread of one of the posts.
OOOFF dang! She's working those hips even more then her other ones lol
Oh wow thank you! Nightshade is so cute like this!! still trying to be heroic while a big ol butterball lol
Hey I wouldn't mind seeing this tackled if you got time to fully blimp her at some point before the old thread pops into the void
>>79035 (Cross-thread)
Also do you have even a throw away account or somewhere I can support you on or?
(441 KB, 1920x1080, зак1.jpg) (358 KB, 2560x1439, зак3.jpg) (123 KB, 799x599, зак4.jpg)
Greetings to all. I'll try to ask for one image-can anyone inflate Poison Ivy in the very first photo? I want to make it very big and round, like a balloon-I think the examples in photo two and photo three are very suitable for the picture. Just understand-this is the perfect situation to cheat Ivy. Harley with his hand can just touch Ivy's big belly or her big breasts (depends on the artist and his imagination). Therefore, the picture for this scene is excellent. The only request is not to change Ivy's face. Thank you in advance if someone fulfills my request.(you can remove the word hbomax)
(878 KB, 1280x1362, 646690.png) (588 KB, 900x500, 1779402.png)
Requesting Adagio "Poof" Dazzle puffed up. Choose one or both.
(288 KB, 750x419, IMG_3667.jpeg)
Requesting mystique Sonia to have a Massive large inflated Ass
(4.9 MB, 3776x5195, IMG_1177.jpeg)
Requesting editting out the face for Clayface
(614 KB, 1213x940, 54e3a727eab8eaec413e4918.png)
>>84941 (OP)
Can we specify belly or body?
Can we request SFW or NSFW lewd?
Can we post a post if its fictional setting or verse has been posted before?

For example, my following request.
Requesting a full body blow up of Harley Quinn in a bodysuit that's about to rip right off. I'm not c26580 although I'm requesting a woman from the same franchise.
Anything is Open as long as characters are 18+ especially if it's nsfw content gtfo of here if you want nsfw minor balloon porn

But yeah just specify the characters like want a big belly or fat butt, breasts only or full orb please!
Thank you.
What do you think about >85101? Please respond 01f7c3's post, too.
t. 73c242
Well as long as the character is of age it's fine Kim possible is Canon 18 by the end of the series run some people debate if it's off a month or two because birthday stuff but no concrete answer is given for the most part almost every series from Disney follow this method with there finales show adult versions of the protagonist

That said otherwise arguably the loli stuff can fuck off into a void it's not ok here or bbwalt either unless it's got a good reason like it's a legal loli which is a person with a height defect that's just called a child because she's Short or legitimate factual ancient beings.

But yeah no children that should be common sense
I agree. Wholeheartedly.
Besides, chibi is superior.
(2.4 MB, 1920x1080, Lori scream.png)
Can someone please make Lori Loud inflated like a big balloon?
These are all excellent! Holy shit!

is anyone gonna do my request?

so no on the inflation edit?
>>86112 This just reminded me of a certain inappropriate dream I had. Would you like to here the deeets?
(370 KB, 496x583, Screenshot_20230516-060254.png)
I mean yeah 18 or + is the us law
Also outfits don't really change much she wears the same thing season 1 as does season 5
I highly suggest with screenshot edits pull for 5 onwards but yeah otherwise have fun
(1.7 MB, 1920x1080, Lori big.png) (1.7 MB, 1920x1080, Lori big 2.png)
>>86112 Then how about making her inflated in these? They're from Season 5 when she's 18.
>>86152 Don't worry, I know the rule here now.
(3.0 MB, 2143x1000, 4cec83d145ae752d67e3499241b977e9.png)
Requesting the third image replaced by a May you're inflating howver you like with a hose up her shorts and some water, pump, or gas tank sound effects.
Spoilered for nsfw.
I want to break the two requests only rule because it's a slow thread.
But I don't have more requests than the ones above.
I’m referring too the word, “bump”. If used too many times the thread closes. So say something else or get rid of the “b” and say “ump” or whatever.
Mods, please move this post to the >>>/bbwfur/ edit thread.
Sorry, I wasn't even aware that existed in the first place
(549 KB, 1280x718, SoDS_(133).png)
Can someone edit this by making her puffkissing XLR8?
>>86759 Aren't you iloveinflate from DA?
I don't know who that is I don't even use DA
Yup just checked
Luz is the only confirmed mentioned age.
Reversing previous ages
Amity is 18
willow is 18 epilogue
And hunter is age 20
>>86900 You should give the cartoon characters ID cards that way they can't lie to you.
OK, what about Oozina?
Can we reupload the edits that just got deleted?
Dr. Ann Possible, please.
(297 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20230603-184052.png)
>>87196 (Cross-thread)
>>87204 (Cross-thread)
Kisame here. I don't have a vendetta against artists. My relationship with artists are strictly transactional in the name of diversity, equity, inclusion. Artists signed their own death warrant trusting Bob Iger and the suits would rather fire them for being old hands than be buddies.
Love the ideas guys!
>>87196 (Cross-thread)
just like sugarrollart, can draw p good full body inflation but god damn are they a salty bitch
that's also free report for anyone here with a twitter account

>>87061 (Cross-thread)
lmao it was THAT account? even his mutuals were clowning on it, I bet that's why it was baleeted after a short while

>>87274 (Cross-thread)
oh hi unseen japan, of course you're an inflation fetishist, I should have known
(104 KB, 864x648, Untitled869_20230527020709.png)
bro character.ai/beta sucks.
if you really wanna talk dirty to your ai use (CHAI APP) on googleplaystore its way better than that SFW website
(120 KB, 666x500, n9o31.jpg)
Isn't Spiderman for childless adults?
(753 KB, 1920x1080, iStock-1386847296-1.jpg) (71 KB, 715x528, rapunzel_and_an_inflated_cassandra_by_peniliancasserole_dfpf7lx.png) (421 KB, 2000x812, rapunzel___kisses___cassandra_by_peniliancasserole_dfs0bt0.png)
Nobody's buying fractal artwork in this economy cause we're heading towards a bear market. Even Bob is laying off Pixar employees cause he doesn't need artist as middleman. What, you thought Disney cared? Nah, the mouse is looking out for the mouse and it's investors.
(1.2 MB, 1298x860, balloona channel.png) (2.7 MB, 1920x1080, 35mAPnk.png) (2.1 MB, 1920x1080, MNtxXdq.png)
Does anyone remember Balloona's youtube channel?

She's still on Patreon, but she used to be on youtube too. It got terminated for some reason, and because of that bunch of her old videos are just gone. I miss them, they were really good.

At one point she went by the name Kichi Prod, I think. That might help.

(2.2 MB, 1920x1080, Ms5uO1M.png) (2.7 MB, 1920x1080, rEg7fw7.png) (2.6 MB, 1920x1080, O3KOiy2.png)
you can find all of her old posts and new stuff on her patreon. If you don't want to pay, check Kemono
(2.5 MB, 1920x1080, Pk6TTyC.png) (2.7 MB, 1920x1080, dLKTjmD.png) (2.3 MB, 1920x1080, tSYCCTl.png)
Awesome man. thanks so much!

I got another vid coming tonight
(229 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20230604-190340.png) (130 KB, 600x924, coronation_blimp_by_peniliancasserole_dfdbijm.png) (521 KB, 1474x881, she_ain_t_leaving_anytime_soon_by_peniliancasserole_dfmeyqz.png) (466 KB, 1072x606, cassandra_enjoying_herself_by_peniliancasserole_dfr4s1s.png) (1.1 MB, 2310x1457, the_blimp_s_stuck_on_her_back_by_peniliancasserole_dfmk1ze.png) (468 KB, 818x760, the_best_beach_ball_by_peniliancasserole_dfdo6tr.png)
So, Kisame found out about this preggohero. How does the preg community feel about being the deadbeat black dad who abandoned their black son to be a celebrity? He even makes money filming snuff films just like famous artists. Isn't this proof hyperpreg needs Gods and Guns in schools?
Can someone update kemono.us imbapovi with the May 2023 bonuses?
I swear non-channers are the most impatient Internet junkies
(1.1 MB, 1920x820, peach_daisy_rosalina_blimps.png) (1.2 MB, 1920x1080, princess_blimps_in_space.png) (1.9 MB, 1920x1080, 1670773749.antoine17_peach_and_daisy_blimps.png) (1.5 MB, 1920x1080, 1670773890.antoine17_peach_and_daisy_berries.png) (1.6 MB, 1920x1080, 1670774044.antoine17_peach_and_daisy_berries_alt.png) (1.9 MB, 1920x1080, peach_inflates_herself.png)
It is officially not my problem. This is the Kisame free internet that you demanded.
(187 KB, 2000x1500, FxvDy9cWwAcxT_p.png)
Spoiler warning: flatulence.
Requesting the flatulence removed or made clear like air or any other clear gas.
damn (pun intended) I forgot the space between her legs can be filled out.
Removed the bump to as it was most likely either a fart bubble or her violently shitting herself
Might do more in future she's such a cutie to blow up
Rrrrgh!!! It's that awful Fart Fairy from that one episode of Total Dramarama!
(818 KB, 1000x562, 2022-10-07+(5).png)
Hehe yeah where there's farts this abomination will follow and smell them.
It was just a funny joke that crossed my mind.
That said working on some head inflation for someone and well it's getting me vibing some Harley and ivy expansion can anyone do some fantastic kissing blimps with this
(5.8 MB, 4071x4606, IMG_2335.jpeg)
can someone edit out Clayface’s face
Thank you.
Yes you are.
Thank you! I didn't even notice it. You're the best and I hope you stay with us.
Way too low quality to work with
can someone inflate her?

Hey, not the original requester. Now she looks like she ate too much and now she’s laying back in a puddle of her own vomit.

She must’ve seen the latest Marvel movie and the live-action Little Mermaid.
(221 KB, 1920x1080, Laila Ali Screenshot 1.jpg) (229 KB, 1920x1080, Laila Ali Screenshot 2.jpg) (204 KB, 1920x1080, Laila Ali Screenshot 3.jpg) (628 KB, 3111x1750, Gigi Hadid Inflation Edit 1.jpg)
Reuploaded Request: Can someone Laila Ali the famous boxer in these screenshots from the episode of "Scooby-Doo and Guess Who" that she guest starred in via make her as inflated as Gigi Hadid as she appears in this inflation edit of her shown here please? Thank you.
(195 KB, 1920x1080, Tara Lipinski Screenshot 2.jpg) (173 KB, 1920x1080, Tara Lipinski Screenshot 3.jpg) (254 KB, 1920x1080, Tara Lipinski Screenshot 1.jpg) (732 KB, 3775x1986, Millie Inflation Edit 1.jpg)
Can someone also inflate Tara Lipinski the famous figure skater in these screenshots from the episode of "Scooby-Doo and Guess Who" that she guest starred in via make her as inflated as Millie from the 2023 reboot of Total Drama Island as she appears in this inflation edit of her shown here please? Thank you.
(290 KB, 2000x1990, export1686093144551.png)
Hello everyone. In case if you don't recognize me, I'm the OP of the first ever edit thread. I'd stuck around doing edits for a few of the early threads, but I eventually became unhappy with what I was putting out and began looking for ways to improve.
Now that I'm making edits I'm more proud of I thought I'd check by to drop a few things!
(341 KB, 1600x1610, export1686374448615.png) (340 KB, 1600x1610, export1686374941826.png) (294 KB, 1600x1610, export1686274585891.png) (293 KB, 1600x1610, export1686275300508.png) (253 KB, 1600x1610, export1686237280991.png) (252 KB, 1600x1610, export1686237443618.png)
But most importantly, I felt I owed the biggest contributor to the threads a little something for their absolutely 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 work. Someone with such talent is hard to find, and they've more than deserved some sort of reward for all they've done.
Also, it's just hard to say no to some ballooned boys every once in a while, 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 Rocket boys~
(1.4 MB, 1920x1080, 1560471620279.png)
can someone edit to where her ass is huge?
(252 KB, 1200x1103, thanks.png)
Good to see you back hard to keep track of who's who lol but long time I guess! both of you are doing some fantastic work been trying to keep the threads alive in your absences as best as possible and to be fair I never thought either of your arts were anything but amazing heck if it wasn't for you guys I probably wouldn't have got back into drawing myself and improving my craft so thank you and welcome back
>>87901 It looks fantastic!
not trying to start anything here, but she's 14
>>87961 That's the DC Super Hero Girls version.
still Karen Beecher, canonically she's 14.

Fine, forget I asked
(2.3 MB, 1920x1080, Katherine Mulligan.png)
Can someone make Katherine Mulligan inflated like a big balloon with sunken in limbs and puffy cheeks please?
(86 KB, 1025x768, IMG_5519.jpeg) (72 KB, 1000x563, IMG_5520.webp) (920 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_5513.png) (739 KB, 3775x1986, IMG_5521.jpeg) (636 KB, 3111x1750, IMG_5522.jpeg)
Anyone willing to inflate Nani and Camilla in these scenes? Would appreciate it if both were fully round when inflated

(Inflation pics are to provide a better idea of what I want)
(243 KB, 859x656, clumsy_cass_by_peniliancasserole_dfmsys0.png) (498 KB, 1500x881, challenge_of_the_brave__alternate_ending_by_peniliancasserole_dfrduzv.png) (71 KB, 715x528, rapunzel_and_an_inflated_cassandra_by_peniliancasserole_dfpf7lx.png) (115 KB, 722x561, that_s_one_way_of_stopping_a_villain_by_peniliancasserole_dfdj9tz.png) (1.1 MB, 2310x1457, the_blimp_s_stuck_on_her_back_by_peniliancasserole_dfmk1ze.png) (83 KB, 514x444, she_is_the_darkness_by_peniliancasserole_dfdc72w.png)


now if they're 1 or 4 years old that's a different story, BUT IF THEY'RE TEENAGE OR ADULT AGE AND THEY LOOK OLDER, THAT'S NOT A PROBLEM!!!!!
>>88042 It's what the people want, iloveinflate. Deal with it.
Someone made it fat
(255 KB, 2380x2044, Fxfooq0WIAQ6W8E.jpg)
Red bellies. Stretch marks. A li'l bit o' blood. What are you able to deliver and willing to try?
Pic related but not a request.
More flurries plz
Calm yourself I know it's you but I won't say who and just because she looks like you're aunt doesn't give you the right to tell people who they can inflate or not you did it to popper and it's not right I get it upsets you but then just don't look why are you actively hunting for it
why would anyone edit a 16 year old character just because they look older, that's just being ignorant
There's a particularly good reason we don't sexualize minors even if they look older than they are. Go on a walk and think about it.
>>88224 Yes. Listen to this post. Listen to reason and and sit and tjink. Think very deeply and very hardly about what you've done. Figure out why you're wrong and why you're evil. Then afterwards make sure to pay your tea taxes.
Please, let's not turn this thread into nothing but age discourse, we have more than enough of that going on in this site already...
(520 KB, 1427x1432, 2521061__suggestive_artist-colon-niban-dash-destikim_sci-dash-twi_sour+sweet_twilight+sparkle_equestria+girls_friendship+games_abuse_ass_atomic+wedgie_bare+shou.jpg) (3.5 MB, 5500x4080, 2944850__safe_artist-colon-gmaplay_indigo+zap_lemon+zest_sour+sweet_sugarcoat_sunny+flare_human_equestria+girls_friendship+games_clothes_crossed+arms_crystal+pr.png) (1.6 MB, 1920x1080, 2469676__safe_screencap_indigo+zap_lemon+zest_sci-dash-twi_sour+sweet_sugarcoat_sunny+flare_twilight+sparkle_equestria+girls_friendship+games_chalkboard_clothes.png)
The 10th Equestria Girls anniversary is upon us.
Requesting the girl getting a wedgie, Sour Sweet, replaced by any one of the five other girls.
If you know you know.
>>88356 You do realize that belly button and navel are synonyms.

can you do this request?
1. Never trust Google search.
2. Jessie and James are both 25 according to the Japanese sub of Pokémon the Movie 2000
(84 KB, 358x452, glimmering_blimp_of_cuteness_by_popperfan_dfzxw7m.png) (86 KB, 358x452, glimmering_blimp_of_cuteness_cape_version__by_popperfan_dfzxwjk.png) (94 KB, 488x568, arm fix.png) (94 KB, 488x568, blimp bow.png)
Again no have the same rule 18+ characters only sorry gladly willing to inflate someone else though although now that you mention it it is weird that they'd animate a ass like that on a teen? Like wtf titans go.

Anyways did some more shera balloons
warning ⚠️ male inflation ahead as I got a quick request done of some season 5 bow and this glimmer done as a thank you to a friend
(84 KB, 488x568, bow_blimp.png)
Bonus with original face
Again these were quick edits
>>88536 I know, i just need to have the pic with a different belly button
(827 KB, 4550x4054, Garnet Edit 1.png)
Can someone please take this inflation edit of Garnet and make it bigger to the point that her arms and legs are sucked right into her big round inflated body and maybe make her cheeks puffy too please? Thank you.
(62 KB, 800x1236, IMG_8200.jpeg) (3.7 MB, 3000x2696, IMG_4396.jpeg)
Requesting Trudy Proud replacing Dr. Ann Possible in the pic
(196 KB, 900x900, kontents_under_pressure_ii_by_dj_bapho_d484whz.png) (5 KB, 181x279, download.jpeg)
Very simple edit request, but Bapho made this back when MK9 was announced but accidentally got Jade's skin tone wrong. Can somebody edit the skin here to match her tone in MK9? Thanks.

also maybe a blueberry edit too if you want that'd be sweet.~
(137 KB, 1920x1080, Garnet Beach Outfit 1.jpg)
>>88733 I've decided for my request that I would like for someone to take this inflation edit of Garnet and make her bigger via inflate her more to the point that her arms and legs are sucked right into her inflated body and put her in the beach outfit that she wore in that one episode of "Steven Universe" as shown in the screenshot here. That is, if it's ok with you guys and if someone can do all that for my request please. Thank you.
>>88356 I'm bumping my request if anyone is interested
>>88855 It’s fine like this. In fact, it’s perfect. Excellent job here and thank you.
>>89010 Wtf why does she look like she's about to fart?
>>89015 Lmfao this nigger didn't answer why fart he just said no she's not farting. Hahaha Americanz be like "Let's all go to college together" Hahahaha "You're so intelligent" Hahaha They think they're asian now Hahahaha!
Would anyone do my request?
(264 KB, 2816x1482, Lois Lane 2023 Screenshot 4.jpg) (252 KB, 2814x1478, Lois Lane 2023 Screenshot 3.jpg) (753 KB, 3834x2096, Spinnerella Edit 14.jpg) (1.5 MB, 4978x2800, Miss Heed Inflation Edit 1.jpg)
I've decided that with the new Superman anime "My Adventures with Superman" premiering in a week on July 6 on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim to why not request some inflation edits of Lois Lane from the show? Can someone inflate Lois Lane from the show until she is as inflated as Spinnerella as she appears in this inflation edit of her shown here, or as inflated as Miss from "Villainous" as she she appears in the inflation edit of her shown here, or whichever one of the two ways mentioned above would be possible please? Thank you.
>>88356 bumping my request if anyone is interested
Bumping my request!
(107 KB, 1240x1240, Lilo's Birthday Surprise by Paperflurries.jpg)
>>89202 For my request I've decided to provide a third option for how inflated I want Lois Lane to be just in case if isn't possible for anyone to make her as inflated as Spinnerella or Miss Heed as they're both shown in each of their inflation edits. For my option, if it's possible, can someone inflate Lois Lane in one or both of the screenshots until she's as inflated as Nani in appears in the inflation drawing by Pufferflurries shown here please? Thank you.
>>89290 Just want to you guys that the got name of the artist who did this inflation drawing of Nani. The name of the artist is Paperflurries not Pufferflurries. Just wanted to let you guys know that for clarification.
>>89383 Excellent job here. This inflation edit of Lois Lane is really cool and perfect. Thank you for fulfilling my request.
>>87983 Here's a bump for my request.
>>89559 Excellent job here. These inflation edits of Nani are really cool and perfect. Thank you for fulfilling my request for these.
Would anybody do my request?
(269 KB, 1920x1080, HolaMariachi%21_-_Maria.webp) (112 KB, 1474x828, ForeverFolkloricobyMoonkeli12.webp) (167 KB, 1440x900, 1687596703_HQOj8yFVQl_xxhdpi.jpg) (239 KB, 1500x1500, Maria_Fun_Facts.webp)
well enough time has passed so I'm here for more rolypoly requests to submit. First one of this screenshots of Maria Mariposa from Let's Go Luna. As per usual for me, have her rolypoly with no big boobs like this anime episode! https://bigcartoon.org/wiki/Dororon_Enma-kun_MeeraMera#Roly-poly_Shock_.28S01E06.29
(303 KB, 1920x1080, Scooby-Doo Female Character Shot 3.jpg) (106 KB, 1366x768, Scooby-Doo Female Character Shot 2.jpg) (193 KB, 1920x1080, Scooby-Doo Female Character Shot 1.jpg) (578 KB, 3111x1750, Nora Rita Inflation Edit 1.jpg)
Can someone do some inflation edits of this female character from "Scooby-Doo and Guess Who" via make her as inflated as Nora from the "Animaniacs" reboot as she appears in this inflation edit of her shown here please? Thank you.
(254 KB, 1920x1080, Scooby-Doo Female Character Shot 5.jpg)
Here's another screenshot of her that I found that I think would also be perfect for an inflation edit of her along with the others.
Ha I asked for and got that rolypoly Nora request, and yes I’d love to see her rolypoly too!
(887 KB, 961x642, Nami_and_Luffy.png)
Let's see if anyone can do something fun with this in there spare time. Make nami as big and round as possible as Luffy still wrapped around her squeezing her and her captioned saying don't squeeze to hard dumass! I don't wanna pop!
(228 KB, 1282x1823, Fj8Ye_AaMAARf1I.jpg)
Requesting everything implying stuffing removed.
What am I, chopped liver?
(84 KB, 1024x720, big_blimp_battle_seto_vs_washu_part_1_by_robot001_d78p4cy-fullview.jpg) (46 KB, 1024x787, big_blimp_battle_seto_vs_washu_part_4_by_robot001_d78r7uf-fullview.jpg) (60 KB, 1024x780, big_blimp_battle_seto_vs_washu_part_3_by_robot001_d78p520-fullview (1).jpg) (73 KB, 1024x664, big_blimp_battle_seto_vs_washu_part_2_by_robot001_d78p4sd-fullview (1).jpg) (44 KB, 1024x728, big_blimp_battle_seto_vs_washu_part_5_end_by_robot001_d78r8v5-fullview.jpg)
Can someone make opposite of this battle inflation body by Robot001 ( Seto wins and Washu loose )
(361 KB, 3800x1984, Millie Screenshot 7.jpg) (347 KB, 3840x2002, Millie Screenshot 9.jpg)
Can someone do some group inflation edits of Millie and Priya from the "Total Drama Island" reboot via make them both as inflated as Millie is this first inflation edit of her shown here at >>85001 please? Thank you.
>>88356 Once Again, Bumping my Request
(704 KB, 1280x720, 1452565.png)
She's quickly becoming my waifu.
Requesting the girl on the right inflating for the two on the left: lowered or unbuttoned shorts, hose up the butt, and an inflated belly lifting up her shirt. It's a popular headcanon that the green band on her tee is a form-fitting band hugging closely to her thorax. I like to think she's using a foot pump.
(1.0 MB, 1440x1080, Velma Edit 2.png)
>>92036 Now if any chance it's impossible to have her inflated that way then maybe perhaps have her as inflated as she appears in this other inflation edit of her?
(1.4 MB, 1912x1072, export1690469081480.png) (945 KB, 4550x4530, export1687835638179.png) (1.5 MB, 5300x5100, export1689731464042.png) (949 KB, 1920x1290, export1690514532277.png) (797 KB, 1920x1080, export1690526063254.png) (1.6 MB, 3832x2100, export1690671998477.png)
Hey! Did you think I'd disappear again after my first visit? Well, I'm planning to stick around from now on!
Here's a batch I just finished, hope you requesters like 'em~
(1.0 MB, 3800x1984, export1690667999698.png)
(Btw, I know the Garnet one was already fulfilled once the requester changed what outfit they wanted, I mostly wanted to do that one for fun XP)
>>92083 These edits are awesome. Excellent job here. Thank you for doing them.
>>92085 This edit of Millie and Priya from the “Total Drama Island” reboot is also awesome as well. Excellent job here with this one as well. Thank you for doing it.
(76 KB, 1239x3087, Priyanka Profile 1.png) (169 KB, 1750x3689, Vidalia Profile 1.png)
How about also an inflation edit of Priyanka from "Steven Universe" and one of Vidalia also from "Steven Universe" via make them both as inflated as this recent inflation edit of Garnet shown here at >>92083?
Bonus on some jimmy edits too I know a few people who have wanted to see him ballooned too
(141 KB, 788x1063, E6mdX9cUYAIzNHG.jpg)
Will someone inflates these two ( like round )
(10 KB, 180x263, Obama_girl.jpg) (8 KB, 250x188, Sara.jpg)
>>84941 (OP)
To whoever made this sarah duBois balloon bravo! She's so underrated it's fun to honestly see someone finally blow up toms wife from the boondocks! So much other screenshot potential btw and not to mention I'm sure there's a handful of other girls in need of blimping too like pimp named slickbacks girls
>>88356 Once again, i'm bumping my request if anyone is interested
Very nice. Saved and thanked.
Patience or try the edit thread on 4chan's /d/. We're here for a reason tho.
Wow thanks for doing the Maria and sunshine requests I asked for! They both came out perfectly! And all these others are pretty good too!
I mean technically we're just a 4chan clone without the multiple n bombs dropped every two minutes so still counts as a balloon chan
That's the SFW blue boards. Try the more civil NSFW red boards.
(86 KB, 1280x720, Pocahontas Inflation Edit 1.jpg)
Can someone take this inflation edit of Pocahontas and inflate her more via make her bigger to the point that her arms have sunk into her body and maybe (if possible) have her laughing as she is enjoying being inflated please? Thank you.
(238 KB, 1394x2048, F27qFeuakAAbDwq.jpg)
Requesting the lower part edited: instead of a literal balloon in her vag the tube's in her ass.
>forgot the spoiler
(205 KB, 1920x1080, Muses Screenshot 4.jpg) (214 KB, 1920x1080, Muses Screenshot 2.jpg) (226 KB, 1920x1080, Muses Screenshot 5.jpg) (639 KB, 2450x1858, Alice Edit 7.jpg)
Can someone do some group inflation edits of the Muses from the Disney movie "Hercules" via make them all as inflated as Alice from the Disney movie "Alice in Wonderland" as she appears in the inflation edit of her shown here please? Thank you.
(171 KB, 1739x1402, F0nwXj3akAIvLEL.png)
Requesting the tiny dog boy replaced with a bulb pump.
(222 KB, 1517x1080, IMG_0758.jpeg)
Requesting Mystique Sonia from hero 108 inflated while an outie bellybutton being exposed
Re-request this one plz
Are there requests you want to do but don't think you have the time or skills to do?
(949 KB, 1920x1290, aswellbutterflyconducter.png)
Since you made this awesome edit of Maria Mariposa, can you edit more pictures of her inflating like a beautiful bug balloon?
(325 KB, 1442x1080, Tea balloon.png)
Can you make Tea inflated with sunken in limbs and navel please?
Do you think agreeing to pay for edits doomed this thread ?
>>95808 You're thinking of another thread. This one is done with requests, not through commissions.
Last thread the best editor has asked whether anybody was willing to pay. I said yes.
Last thread the best editor has asked whether anybody was willing to pay. Someone said yes.
I'm just gonna say it. I really feel like chopped liver, not gonna lie...
Bumping on this one for anyone who is interested plz?
(450 KB, 1436x1080, Happy Jenny.png)
Can someone make XJ9 inflated like a balloon?
To the guy who inflated Maria Mariposa before, is there a way you can do it again?

If there's anyone else who wants to take a crack at it, don't let me stop you.
Bumping on this one for anyone who is interested on it.
>Can we specify belly or body?
Question: Are the nice editors here only in it for the body? I have posted quite a few belly requests in the past.
Requesting food removed and a hose up the skirt.
Anyone interested on this one?
(237 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_2866.jpeg) (30 KB, 374x210, IMG_2865.jpeg)
Can someone inflate Harley Quinn via make her as big and inflated as Poison Ivy appears in this inflation edit of her done by Jinglevellrock please? Thank you.
No worries! She can easily be put back together!
(170 KB, 1920x1080, 5823280.jpg) (1.0 MB, 3150x1780, Poison Ivy and Catwoman Edit 1.png)
Can someone do a group inflation edit of Poison Ivy and Catwoman via make them both as inflated as they appear in this first group inflation edit of them shown here please? Thank you.
(205 KB, 1078x869, 20230924_235353.jpg) (876 KB, 2208x1768, Screenshot_20230924_182043_Google Play Books.jpg) (1.2 MB, 2208x1768, Screenshot_20230924_181402_Google Play Books.jpg) (1.2 MB, 2208x1768, Screenshot_20230924_182321_Google Play Books.jpg) (1.7 MB, 2208x1768, Screenshot_20230924_182334_Google Play Books.jpg) (1.5 MB, 2208x1768, Screenshot_20230924_182434_Google Play Books.jpg)
Get a load of these. This version of Violet Beauregarde looks just like Anne
You're absolutely right, I do see the how they both share the appreciation with the hair
(2.0 MB, 1920x1080, Carlota.png) (2.7 MB, 1920x1080, Leni and Carlota.png)
Can you please make Carlota and Leni inflated like big balloons in these pictures?
I'll say right away-I'm not an artist, but your idea is gorgeous)). I hope someone can do it)).
>>96715 Thank you so much. I also didn't expect individual inflations as well.
Well I hope anyone is interested in mine, not trying to rude and all, just saying.
(236 KB, 2048x1152, Copernicus_seng_and_emma.webp) (126 KB, 1000x1293, Unicorn_Warriors_Eternal_key_art.webp) (67 KB, 1247x1080, Melinda_Original.webp) (196 KB, 1920x1080, 7d43ac61-c152-4403-aef6-96677d1b1c6a.jpg) (287 KB, 1600x2400, Unicorn_Warriors_Eternal_poster.webp)
okay time for some new requests, and some spooky ones. First, one of these of Emma and Melinda individually and in sharing a form from Unicorn: Warriors Eternal. and Have Her (them) in the roly-poly body I like! https://bigcartoon.org/wiki/Dororon_Enma-kun_MeeraMera#Roly-poly_Shock_.28S01E06.29
(1.4 MB, 1920x1080, r87906.png) (1.7 MB, 1920x1080, ipdinw.png) (1.9 MB, 1920x1080, fdzk09.png) (1.3 MB, 1920x1080, 4qmjq9.png) (1.9 MB, 1920x1080, 1mtub8.png) (948 KB, 1920x1080, kibfwk.png)
the other One of these Posey from the music video "Sing a Worried Song" Again also roly-poly if you please.
Also in regards to the Emma/Melinda and posey rolypoly edits, no big boobs. Still not too into it. >>96743
How well can you remove backgrounds?
(5 KB, 300x300, 112703 - Dig_Dug neko_no_hito Pooka.png) (5.4 MB, 4231x3656, 2458535.png) (707 KB, 3983x2039, 2460219.png) (3.0 MB, 3698x1743, 2843176.png) (463 KB, 1334x2227, 2791702.png)
Requesting one of two groups in Pooka suits based on first pic related. No inflation or insertions requested. I won't stop you from suiting up both groups. Spoilered for nudity. Replace the purple girl with the glasses with the one girl without, or add the purple girl with the glasses to the second group.
(1.7 MB, 2894x4093, 1773214.png) (1.8 MB, 2894x4093, 2697560.png) (295 KB, 636x965, 987622.jpeg) (504 KB, 636x965, 2446754.png)
be a edit-god inflate the young woman's belly and stick a tube or a hose up her butt.
tubes are roughly as thick as a pinkie finger. hoses as thick as or thicker than a thumb. look up aquarium pump and mattress pump.
Would anyone ever do my request??
Should we reduce the number of boards and concentrate posters?
Along with the regular request threads, yes.
(383 KB, 2048x1249, IMG_7544.jpeg)
Anyone willing to inflate the blue-haired girl?
(78 KB, 1280x938, Screenshot_20220908-130456_YouTube.jpg) (467 KB, 2208x1768, Screenshot_20231015_161213_YouTube.jpg) (483 KB, 2208x1768, Screenshot_20231015_161220_YouTube.jpg) (464 KB, 2208x1768, Screenshot_20231015_161207_YouTube.jpg) (520 KB, 2208x1768, Screenshot_20231015_161233_YouTube.jpg) (628 KB, 2208x1768, Screenshot_20231015_161242_YouTube.jpg)
Would someone inflate one of these pretty women like these inflated pretty women?

(The two women I'm talking about are background characters from Uncle Grandpa and Teen Titans GO!, BTW)
(95 KB, 1280x576, Screenshot_20220712-002624_YouTube.jpg)
Here's the other woman I was talking about. For some reason r9k has been telling me at least 1 file can't be uploaded. What the heck gives with that?!

*sigh* I'm sorry I yelled. I just wish I knew what the heck is going on...
are you 10 or something?
No, I'm 21 and I have frustration issues.
Shut up, asswipe.
(259 KB, 1000x563, sketch1697552542476.png)
Since bbw is gonna be on temporary shutdown you can reach me on my da or disco cord for the occasional request or commission just label which is which accordingly

18+ only will do male female or anything really as long as it's of age
Because somewhere on this website that file has been uploaded before

Put a emoji or something in the corner and you should be good
At least there's one benefit of this site shutting down, you won't call me a child!

And BTW, your mother's a bitch.
To be fair I've met 21 years olds that act like children when their pissed off so it's possible it's true
(227 KB, 1920x1080, плющ20.jpg)
I'll try to say it as it is. Harsh, but true. This page has degraded a long time ago-this is a fact. Look for yourself-EVERYONE AND EVERYONE ENDLESSLY ASKS AND ASKS, BUT only one person does it (he's great, but I feel sorry for him). RARELY DOES ANYONE MAKE EXAMPLES OF THE DESIRED IMAGE AT ALL-ALTHOUGH THIS IS SPELLED OUT IN THE RULES.And most importantly, no one observes queues and are constantly outraged that no one makes their requests. And you think for yourself-you are not asking, you are stupidly waiting, as if someone owes you. You can't do that.
In fact, I wanted to say this for a long time-I myself have not been asking for anything on this branch for a year, no one will do my requests for sure. But I decided to break this vicious circle and make images of the person who politely asked and gave an example of his desire. I decided to try and put one image together with another, it seems to have turned out well, I hope you like it).
>>98064 Nice job here. This looks great. Thank you for doing my request.
Now that BBWchan is dying do you think we can fill every request and go down with honor and deliveries?
(4.9 MB, 2500x2975, JK-Mei-4.png)
Requesting a nude edit pls
>>88732 Can someone please do this request I want to see some final inflation edits of Spinnerella before this site shuts down. Thank you.
>>93148 Can someone also do my request for some inflation edits of the Muses from the Disney movie "Hercules" please? Thank you. I would like to see some inflation edits of them before the site goes down if that's ok.
Please, I am very glad that you liked it). I tried).
Let's be realistic-it's IMPOSSIBLE. There are too many requests and people keep asking without stopping. And there are only one artists and he is already tired (I'm not talking about myself). I have tried to fulfill requests-but it takes a lot of time. Here it is necessary to do it all together, but alas, no one wants this, everyone is just waiting for their work and no one is doing anything for this (((. I tried-but only one image came out (.
Less boards. More guides. Why is there an art board?
(39 KB, 711x480, osaka.jpg) (57 KB, 708x480, osaka_2.jpg)
hiya! im here for an inflation edit request of osaka blowing up like a balloon in one of these images!

that's literally a child
It's very understandable what you're saying, not trying to be rude here, but may I remind you that almost every request here has child in it? Like Leni and Jenny?
>>99184 Leni and Jenny aren't children. Leni's 17 and Jenny is a robot.
True, very true, no arguments there, but my point that they are children, even if Leni is 17 or Jenny is a robot. I don't want to be rude or anything, just saying.
They also aren't real
Very true, they are cartoon characters. I respect your words my friend.
(103 KB, 595x526, IMG_0542.jpeg) (1.1 MB, 543x1470, IMG_0590.png)
Requesting an edit of the Crash Bandicoot drawing as a shirtless inflated Sora please
Requesting the same edit but with Coco Bandicoot instead of Crash.
This is absolutely beautiful work! You've really helped me here!
You’re welcome
I cannot overstate my satisfaction.

Hey not sure if you are still around But since the site will still be up, think you could give my suggestions of roly-poly Emma/Medlinda and Posey a try. That is if you don't mind drawing roly-poly bodies!? Or I guess even the over inflated bodies would be ok too.
Man, I love Dig Dug.

can anyone do my request?
(3.7 MB, 3718x5724, KomiLEWD.jpg)
can someone do a blueberry edit pls?
Asking once again if someone could do mine
(657 KB, 1280x1481, Untitled48.png) (1.9 MB, 1392x1870, Untitled47.png)
Anon edits out of frustration. Most inflation artists are mid/erotic and clothed at best. The best out there seam not to want to pornography their work too much (Imba,Snow,Raik). However anon does, as many other fetishists out there do. (Fugu,Featherhead,Patch). I’m no artist and still getting used to Ibis, constructive criticism welcome and I hope better anons than me will try making good art, great.>>100832
(202 KB, 1299x1978, FOZ4G5MXsAYyl81.jpg)
Requesting Charlie's belly inflated and a hose stuffed into her bubbly ass.
(413 KB, 2048x1644, F_ybeU8XwAAxZPm.jpg)
Requesting everything relating to pregnancy removed. Make them look like their inflated or stuffed to bits.
(221 KB, 1800x3400, Mrs. Boonchuy Profile Pic 1.jpg) (777 KB, 3731x2100, Eda Edit 1.jpg)
Now I know that "Amphibia" ended a year or so ago but can someone do an inflation edit of Mrs. Boonchuy (Anne Boonchuy's mom) via make her as inflated as Eda from "The Owl House" as she appears in this inflation edit of her shown here please? Thank you.
>>101399 Sorry but this is thread for you to post this request. You'll want to post this in one of the art request threads.
Ha that rolypoly Nora and Cora was a request I asked for awhile ago! And yes I agree, any one of those would look good with her rolypoly!
(410 KB, 1032x774, unknown-1.png) (80 KB, 718x760, tumblr_m7s4b5OUsj1rcqu9ao1_1280.jpg)
Might sound too ambitious but requesting someone replace Asuka with Rei, suit and all, and with a faint smile and blush as if she secretly enjoys the D-Type Plugsuit's puffiness
Hope this leads to more edits finally!
(332 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_2935.jpeg) (30 KB, 780x439, IMG_2936.jpeg) (31 KB, 780x439, IMG_2937.jpeg) (29 KB, 780x440, IMG_2938.jpeg)
Can someone inflate this female character from an episode of “Amphibia” via make her as inflated as Mrs. Boonchuy (Anne’s mom) appears in these inflation edits of her shown here please? Thank you.
Still requesting this
Thank you!
It's beautiful.
Should we try to reduce the number of threads to a handful of generals and advertize on 4chan /d/ and /aco/?
Should we advertize on 4chan?
I think enough of 4chan has found its way over here already
(209 KB, 1920x1080, Leshawna Bloat Shot 1.jpg) (149 KB, 1920x1080, Leshawna Bloat Shot 2.jpg) (151 KB, 1920x1080, Leshawna Bloat Shot 3.jpg) (659 KB, 3735x2100, Leshawna Edit 4.jpg)
Can someone inflate Leshawna in these screenshots from the famous "Total Drama Action" Episode "Full Metal Drama" (the episode where her belly was bloated) via make her as inflated as she appears in this first inflation edit of her done shown here please? Thank you.
I mean technically 4chan has its own inflation boards
They have inflation *threads* and because they have them we can know they're interested and thus we can advertize in their draw, edit, and write threads.
>>104282 bumping my request if anyone is still here
(83 KB, 490x773, Liam 27s_Mee-Maw.jpg) (2.8 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (79).png)
Okay, I think I've got an idea for a new edit picture. Can anyone inflate Mee-Maw Hunnicutt from The Loud House using this screenshot? I also have her picture for better reference.

Now when she's inflated, I think her belt should stay on for comedic effect. And if there's a way to remove the oil, that would be nice. If not, that's okay, too. Either way, I hope this will be a good picture.
New content doesnt get posted. For one reason. If I post new content. Watch how fast the relevance of what I post end up on here. So I keep them stuck dumb & envious with old shit
And what does that have to do with my edit request?
It means NO ONE is interested in it. Either do it yourself or wave some ACTUAL money for someone to do it.
Been meaning to draw more edit requests like I’ve done in the past (was the one that carried these threads for a good chunk for a while) but I’ve lacked energy for it as of late.

Sorry folks.
(2.8 MB, 4500x4000, First Picture.jpg) (303 KB, 2048x2047, Second Picture.jpg)
Can someone edit the Second Picture so that the art style is the same as the First Picture?

Also, add the details from the First Picture into the Second Picture so it looks 'much better' (mainly the hair, the face, the Wii Fit logo, the details off her pants and her feet)

I would be super grateful ...
That's a straight up remake you're talking about, you dolt.
It's ok, take your time. We all need our breaks from this
>>madhouse of tomfoolery
>>106945 bumping my request.

Could anyone do it please?
(81 KB, 1500x500, 1500x500.jpeg)
Can someone edit this into Attea from Ben 10?
(643 KB, 1600x900, maria_living_large_and_taut_by_poppersrepumped_dgxz76f.png) (474 KB, 1280x720, maria_taut_and_angry_by_poppersrepumped_dgxz1q5.png) (1.3 MB, 1920x1114, Marias_airbag_suit_malfunction_text.png) (1.2 MB, 1919x1119, maria_hill_the_ball_of_anger.png)
On top of one piece girls I've also had a taste for maria hill blimps lately! So here's some of my past ones. Might Also make more someday? And yes I know her collar is off on the other image! I didn't notice it until it was too late sadly. But the way I see it a outfit may be off in alignment all stretched out on a balloon woman anyways? Right?

Also I wanted to do more for the thread but I apologize commissions have been taking priority right now as I'm paying off bills and other things. With sick family to boot right now! So it's been a mess!
You're lurking that means we treasure your presence.
(900 KB, 1920x1080, april_o_blimp_rising_in_size__by_poppersrepumped_dgxhf2k.png) (910 KB, 1920x1080, april_o_berry_rising_in_size__berry_bonus__by_poppersrepumped_dgxhlp3.png)
Well I tap in to see what's up from time to time. Again I always post my stuff up to da so you'll find my stuff there. I'll see what I can take requests wise in future? But I'm mostly commission only right now. Still I'll share what I make edit wise! Like for example here's a 18+ April o Neil from the Netflix movie in which she's in college.

But if it's any consolation I occasionally have suggestion ideas im always looking for right now it's alvida, Viola both from one piece. And maybe Maria hill/black widow from same series earths mightiest heroes

But you can find me on my new account, Old got locked out. Poppersrepumped on da, check me out sometime I guess?
It'd be nice if we had a much more open approach to invite normies on other platforms so you don't have to feel you need to run this general.
Bumping my request
And with that the thread is dead..

That was bound to happen eventually! 😔

Save what you can! Archivenow! New thread opening soon.
Reposting for good measure.


>>84941 (OP)

- All editors welcome!
- Request in moderation.
- Post a sample of your art when "taking x requests".
- No AI requests/deliveries or discussion. Take them to the relevant threads or board.
- Respect /infl/ and global rules.
- Do not request edits of real people. Take them to the relevant morph threads.
- Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost your reference. You'll have to repost your full request after the thread 404s anyway, so please conserve post count.
- Do not "bump", "re-request", "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
- Be patient. Art takes time.
- Not all requests will be filled. It all comes down to plain dumb luck.
- Take it easy and please be nice to the editfriends! Remember, they do this for fun.
- Editfriends, don't hold back. If you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take.
- If available, anchor your posts to make deliveries easier to track.
- Do not anchor your requests to the OP.
- Have fun and enjoy the lewd edits that come from this.

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