
(108 KB, 541x800, the-blue-air-compressor.jpg)
Kinda been curious about this story for awhile now does anyone got a copy of it I'm tempted to give this obscure short a read it's basically a story about a bbw woman getting stuffed with a air compressor and inflated like a party balloon until she pops
>>84188 (OP)
It was collected in a book called "Shining in the Dark" a few years back. 8 bucks right now if you wanna get it digitally on Amazon.
>>84188 (OP)
I can't imagine it's anything to write home about(pun intended). General rule of thumb with this fetish regarding any inflation media is "If you haven't heard anything about it" or "If it sounds too good to be true? It's probably ass!"
Correct. I found a PDF copy of the story and the actual inflation part is quick and dirty, not really focused on at all. I guess Stephen wasn't feeling the horn on this one.
sounds comparable to The Truth About Pyecraft, an often reprinted short story from HG Wells about an obese guy who tries a black magic weight loss spell, and instead of losing body fat gets even fatter yet begins to float like a balloon

"weight" loss, get it
Still can you share it
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It's not much to write home about. Stephen King said it was inspired by an EC Comics horror story, which I know a few people were trying to track down. This Steve Ditko story from "The Thing!" #15 published by Charlton Comics seems to most closely match King's description.

It's not much to write home about either, since we don't get to see any expansion. King got the plot a bit backwards too: his description had a thin wife getting inflated and a fat husband getting squashed flat, while in the story the body types are the other way round.
Damn imagine how hot it would be to see that thin Karen gets just deserts mmm.. now I kinda wish there was fanart of that
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I mean I get what you mean the popping seams quick but still I got to disagree it's not that fleshed out but Steven King did a pretty good job with lines like her diaphragm swelled rythmicly implying the pressure inched on at good almost musical pace and her eyes bulged, like glass marbles implying she eventually ubered from the pressure

Man imagine a bbw woman ubering I bet she probably filled the room wall to wall haha!
Another side note is it mentions her thighs getting pretty fat as well but the goofiest part has to be

At the very end her tongue popped out her mouth like a party favor like lol imagine tongue Inflation! Borderline goofy and Probably the most obscure fetish thing I've ever heard of!

Not the best and unlike a fetish story you don't get much to edge you on but there's definitely some imagination in this comedy king wrote just makes you wish there was more..
So I feel like is someone explodes like a party balloon worse case you have a bloody mess if it's realistic if it's fantasy I've always liked the idea of someone's cartoon rubber confetti how will they ever find the body again imagine a cop entering a supposed crime scene but instead of blood they find strips or rubber again I'm sure if you tested it it would read as human skin but I feel in a toon like scenario inflation as a murder method would probably be impossible for anyone to prove as rubber skin is gonna cause more head scratching than answers and again it would look so much like rubber the only way they would tell it was skin was through DNA test

The perfect goofy plan flawless because broken unrealistic physics

Like picture a read

She explodes as he watched from a distance , his eyes glancing at the window and saw the confetti that was once his large neighbor float to the floor like feathers from a molting bird flapping it's wings.

He ditched town. Too afraid to say out of fear of getting caught not that it would matter from what the local TV news and papers made out. The police were stumped. The one of her other neighbors Heard the large squeals left from her large fat lips following that horrendous bang. Got worried and phoned in a welfare check. But when the doors were brought down nothing? What was expected to be a horrendous crime scene was clean outside of a few dishes in the sink not a spot felt out of place? It was like she'd vanished! Disappearing from reality completely without a clue of her whereabouts lying around? The only thing out of place was in her bedroom. A bunch of a rubber like substance aligned the floors and outside of that a single air compressor lied by her bedside slowly spitting out puffs of air.

The cops were stumped. There leading theory is if fowl play was a fact then someone must have taken her in the night either that or she left of her own accord. They paid no attention to the very evidence that lied directly in there faces brushing was remained of poor miss Balloon woman as nothing more than some weird arts and crafts project probably some kind of inflatable toy that backfired and popped which would explain the air compressor that was in use

So close yet too blind to see what was once a person treated nothing more than a lifeless rubber thing fitting for a woman who had such a lifeless attitude towards those around her fitting for a hot head like her to be taken out by the very hot air she inhaled.

But thats just a taste of what it could have been
More like this?
Why isn't inflation more scary now that money's in a free fall now?

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