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I’m curious, those who have a partner or an ex who you have told about your fetish, how did you tell them, how did they react and what did they do to indulge your fetish? Would be interesting and fun to see people talk about this
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We had casual vanilla sex at first. Then, when the time came to spice things up, I proposed a game, to reveal our sexual desires and fetishes, one by one - one from my side, one from hers and so on. After one secret revealed, we discussed and got explanations if needed, then got busy having fun if both parties agreed. At first we revealed not so special stuff, like feet, nylons, nippple sucking, etc. Then we got close to reveal our final, biggest desires. By that time we both got addicted to make our partner satisfied by fulfilling their fantasies, even if we didn't dig it or completely understand it. So her final was hard-core bondage, mine was inflation. She was shocked at first, but not in a bad way - she just couldn't understand what is so arousing in fantasies of inflating like a balloon. But as I said, we got addicted on fulfilling our partner fantasies, so she was open and willing to understand (and use it later for her advantage). After some explanation, sharing some art and stories with her, drawing parallel between pressure, inflation, popping and arousal, getting close and orgasm - she understood it pretty well. And even though it didn't became her fetish and inflation stuff doesn'tmake her wet, she usually likes to tease me with inflation themed words, situations and especially in public. Like being at a guest dinner, pushing her belly out and saying out loud how full is her belly after eating, that she is going to pop. And she knows that nobody cares, but my dick will get hard by that comment.
At first we played with weather balloons under clothes and zentai suits, but later we bought our first latex full body inflation suit and a powerful air compressor. Now occasionally she proposes me to get in the suit, tie me to bed and ride me with a compressor hose and valve in her hands, while I am inflating helplessly under her. Some years later I proposed her to try the suit herself and she liked the bondage feeling of it, when the suit just spreads her hands and legs and she can't do much. So she had her bondage fun, but she is not so happy to do it for long - she hates when she gets hot and sweaty in the suit. So we usually stick to inflating me. I am not ready to share videos of our fun times, but here are so shitty screenshots of those videos
>>83612 I have no idea what I just read
The greatest love story ever told
What? OP asked and I shared
ima bleech my fucking eyes
Pussies ITT smh
>>83478 (OP)
We met in a pretty kink-positive space to begin with, and it just kinda came up. She thinks it's cute, even if she doesn't get anything from it directly.
Pretty boring response but we can't all be winners.
Not even from the kink stuff, but from everything surrounding it, you guys probably have an awesome relationship. I'm a bit jealous.
>>83648 Don't be. If you prefer large breasts move to Britain but not London.
We are 8 years together, 5 of them married, with kids and sex life just keeps on getting better. As more my wife understands my inflation fetish and what turns me on, then more creative she becomes with ideas on what to do with me and how to tease me. I do concider myself lucky, because when I opened up to her about my inftion fantasies, I just hoped that she would accept me as a weirdo, love me for what I am and we would not discuss it anymore. I didn't expect to be inflated by her pretty regularly. She doesn't get turned on by the inflation itself, but if she has access to my dick and my tongue, she has a lot of fun bouncing on me. And we both love to hear each other moan, scream and cum, so it is a win-win for both of us.
Tell someone in a natural conversation about kinks. Start a conversation about sex or sexual interests, and then lead into talking about kinks and fetish. You think what you like is weird, right up until you find out what they like. lol
I have an ex that after some time of us together I mentioned my fetish as "a weird dream" I had of something she did. which later later became a convo about sharing kinks. She was open and I explained inflation (at least only the parts that actually arouse me, which for context is mostly being the inflatee by puffkiss). So then one day when we got in the mood, I proposed doing some of our kinks, and we just played a bit, getting used to them. That relationship later ended because of long distance changing her mind.
My current girlfriend, when I first met her I was mostly a good friend, listening and being a lowkey therapist (again for context, I kinda am with all my friends cuz it's what I do) so she was open about her sex life and kinks. Later, when we started to like each other to the point of dating, we got together and by the end of the day we were teasing each other with being weird. It's there that I introduced my kink, playing at that I would be too weird for her if I tell her, which got her more interested. This time I explained it by steps, starting with only puffkiss before explaining "inflation". With just that she was down, and actually finds it attractive, sharing a "puff" of air between each other in one kiss. After some long time we started to get more detailed with our kinks while having sex (which usually is vanilla sex. We both don't mind sex, we are not too sex crazy, we just like enjoying each other and sex is a nice cherry on top) So later one we discussed what really gets us on while having sex and there I explained and shared videos and pictures she she better understands the concept of the fantasy and the actual "action" that would get me off.
We are still together, and we enjoy each other a lot. with more time we will probably play with more toys, like balloons and dressing up, cuz we have talked about it.
Yea, went smooth. Told her about 2 years in, we’re at year 13 now. We had finished up normally and were talking about kinks during cuddling. She already knew what it was because she’s into vore, so there was no real shock. We play with balloons under her clothes usually, but sometimes she lets me inflate her. When she was pregnant she’d act like her belly was really inflated
I had decided to tell my girlfriend of a year that I was into blueberry inflation. We were talking about kinks and such, when she asked me what I was into. I explained that mine was definitely not the ordinary stuff. Eventually I explained the kink and how it worked. For me personally, I enjoy watching the helplessness of the blueberry, and I explained it that way. It worked out, because she is into being tied up/dominated. She asked a lot of questions and to my surprise said that she would love to try roleplaying sometime. Since then, we’ve gotten one of those cheap blue inflatable suits and messed around with that, sometimes she’ll intentionally wear all blue to tease me, and she’ll even put blue makeup on her nose and face (even her boobs sometimes) to really get me going. She’s even stuff a bunch a pillows into blue clothing. Honestly it was the best case scenario!
>>83933 Could you tell a bit more about in what ways you've used the blue inflatable suit in the bedroom? Always wondered if there were people who have used them in that way and what's it like playing around with them
Told my ex when i was with her years ago

I was really nervous and shaking just at the thought of telling her but she wanted to know nonetheless

I said:

"I like Breast/Ass expansion, It involves watching women's breast and ass grow.

Her response didn't surprise me honestly

"Its not even real how can you like that? Its really weird"

I still laugh looking back on that conversation.
>"Its not even real how can you like that? Its really weird"
What kind of basic normie-ass bitch were you dating?
A big chested NPC lol
>>84055 honestly there’s not much you can do with those on besides teasing and feeling through the suit. Since it’s super cheap (just a blue version of the suit in the thread picture) it doesn’t inflate much. She says she can’t move much in it though which is nice.
>>83478 (OP)

I had partners who either supported it or were indifferent.

New date is pretty kink friendly, knows i have a nsfw account for art but never seen it. So Imma probably have the infamous "so what kink that turns you on?" conversation soon.
I told my highschool gf that I was into heavier girls because she was always self conscious and thought I was settling and pretending to be attracted to her so she broke up with me and called me a creep. I never said it to any girl ever again.
Unfortunately insecurities can bubble up and make people do all things. I'm sorry to hear that.
First person I ever told was a friend in middle school, who immediately jumped and began screaming "Guess who likes balloon girls!" Not a great first experience. Took me years to muster up the courage to tell a former girlfriend. Didn't really care, never brought it back up. Literally just "Oh". Told my current partner, same story, not super invested. Personally to me it's just a thing that feels better unsaid and kept to myself but 2/3 ain't bad for positive experiences.
Told my last girlfriend after getting drunk 2 years into out relationship. I had intended to take it to my grave, but she was very accepting pretty much straight away. She saw hyper breasts/ass as a understandable, and was cool with the growth part too. We'd roleplay it quite often.
After that relationship ended, I told my current girlfriend about 4 months in. She had a few kinks that were even less common, but both of us really get off on fulfilling each others fetishes. In the 3 years since, she's the worn 2 pairs of breast forms I bought (Z cup and expanding H cup I modded), while I've done all sorts of depraved shit that would make my ancestors weep. While I'm on a roll, I also have to brag that she's a very talented artist and has drawn a few pieces for me over the years.
My advice would be to take the leap and talk about it with partners. Even if nothing comes from it, just opening the discussion helps you build a deeper connection.
>>84146 that still sounds great though! does she wear it for you often and has she ever used it outside of fetish play? I know not a lot of people on here are a fan of those kinds of suits but I think they're awesome
Only person I ever told, wasn’t a GF, but a sisters friend who fooled around with in HS/college.

She let me tape on vhs her giving me a BJ with the suit inflating and deflating. Used it as blackmail against me later.

Been terrified to tell anyone since.

That's fucked up.
>>84359 That’s horrible, hope you’re doing alright now. What kind of suit was it?
Anons, I need some advice, so me and this girl have been talking for like 4 months I think, we're pretty close and she seems open to talk about anything, should I tell her about what I'm into or should I give it more time? Dumb question I know but I'm curious.
Don't fucking do that. If you do it, record you telling her
Plot twist what if she tells you she has a shit play fetish?
I did this and my strategy was literally just to cease to care. I didn't so much as mentally acknowledge the idea of discussing my kink. When the time came, and the conversation had gone to the topic of fetishes, I could talk about it naturally and without her judging me. Turned out she had a weird kink too, stuffing to be specific. Would recommend going the monk route about this, it was chill.
It's definitely something you wanna ease into, don't straight up just blurt it out. Start a conversation about kinks, find out what your partner's comfortable with and it'll come out pretty naturally. If they like you as much as you like them then they'll understand.
When I was with my ex, after we fucked a couple times I told her I had a weird fetish. She was curious and really wanted to know, but I told her she had to guess it. She couldn't guess it. I gave her some hints and she still couldn't figure it out. So after a week or so we were hanging out and things were getting hot and heavy. She asked for me to just tell her and I did. I told her I specifically liked breast inflation and she chuckled. She just said, "That's normal." I couldn't believe her reaction. She then said, "I think my tits are big enough."(She was a double D). So after this conversation she would tease me and puff her cheeks out randomly and make hints at my fetish.
Sounds like she had some false image of you up on a pedastool and telling her broke the illusion.

It's always risky dating the self-conscious ones, often they're just out to sabotage themselves, consciously or not.
Can confirm that London is a shithole.
Not so sure about Brits being big breasted.
I say don't give up hell if anything In today's climate you'd probably get more love for that and more hate if you tell her to loose a few pounds as that fat phobia thing so again as long as you find a girl and don't tell her to loose weight you should be fine
>Can confirm that London is a shithole.
Not so sure about Brits being big breasted.

Don't worry as I'm sure that most here, as I, have already heard this before. Lovers of breasts are hopeful. I think most of that comes from rumors that are supported by "statistical" data that is in turn used by the media and news outlets to entertain the all popular bra market. Everybody's fave.

Let's face it. We've all seen a ladyboy that we were like "Oh shit! I wish you were a girl." Too bad they're not, though, and that's the thing. Vagina's are a necessary evil to a man, and breasts only serve to augment what was already there. The beauty that lieth within the woman. Sleeping dormant.

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