
(575 KB, 992x653, Testing.png)
This is the thread for modeling and playing around with stuff. The main purpose of this thread was to hopefully make a thread where people give eachother tips, share models, share artwork, or other stuff. I use MMD, but I am open to hearing other suggestions too, as I have koikatsu but don't know how to work it at all. I will post a tutorial on what how I build my horrible chernobyl models, but I am open to criticism and I hope to get some more tips. My shitty tutorial will be coming soon I guess.
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From what I've seen, you have potential. So here's my two cents.
on this. Start by clicking your accessories and/or the shape in question (aka sphere) and look for a tab called "Material Editor.", Now that you've found it, it should look similar to the image. Repeat for your Koikatsu model, but on the body tab, scroll down to "Maintex Export the Skin. Now, with an image editing program of your choice, single out the main skin color and import that as your accessory. and then change it from "Shader Forge/main_item" to "Shader Forge/main_skin" to attempt to get as close to the original. The four points of interest are "SpecularColor A," "Notusetexspecular," "ShadowExtend," and "SpecularPower." Please keep in mind that this only applies to skin and NOT CLOTHES. That's something completely different. Here's some examples if done correct your results should turn out.
okok for clothes it's almost similar
just change Shader Forge/main_item" to "Shader Forge/main_opaque". the next points of interest are "Rimpower," "Notusetexspecular," "RimV," and "SpecularPower."
oh my god. thank you for the advice. I managed to create spheres and color them, but this advice will go a long way. I used pmxeditor to make my base model. thank you
Huh, i don't think i've heard of that
but please do tell
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I open up PMXeditor and click on any model I want to work on. Once I open up the model, I import a sphere model. You can convert a blender fbx sphere to pmx but I don't do that anymore, I just downloaded a shape pack. in the first part you see me creating the base shape. I was too lazy to finish this one up, my bad, but once I got my base shape. I delete the model and all its bones and stay with the base shape I have, as seen in the second photo. that way I can import it to mmd and use it on the original model.
Pictures sent a little out of order, but the first one is actually the second photo. second photo is the first photo. 1st one should be the one with the head, second one should be without the head. I will show how that looks it when I post it to this thread some other time.
you're not using koikatsu
no but when you said that it makes sense now. I have it installed and now I can make that. but yeah, I was using mmd the whole time...lol
do you have any platforms like twitter, kemono, or anything? youtube can lead you to banning.
Yee i do on twitter @IrregularSyd
or RegularSyd on Deviantart
i should have a link to my server there
it should be whole lot easier to reach out me there on the server

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