
The god of highschool

What’s the manga strip?
(1.1 MB, 476x360, tom inflation.mp4)
First cartoon inflation scene I ever saw
I won't lie. This looks like an edit, but if it's legit, what is the source?
Once again I am reminded of the horrors of popping. What is this series anyway
I never understood that scene. Why is she inflating? Why was she doing it? Who's that weird guy in her dream?

Well that was a trip, full scene is 'His clone overdosed on pleasure' on youtube.

Interesting idea of an anime, people say its good.
Yeah both these things have that whole face gets puffy right before the boom thing and that's fantastic! >>81074
(135 KB, 816x460, 0f73d326-5b7b-44cd-9217-57c828d787a0.png) (411 KB, 250x141, Kaiba_Parm_Me_And_My_Copy_01.gif) (489 KB, 250x141, Kaiba_Parm_Me_And_My_Copy_02.gif) (886 KB, 1500x992, kiriban_2020___parm_growth_scene_by_zabuzabotz.png)
In case anyone's wondering her name is parm
Here's some uninflated/outfit designs as well as a artists rendition of how the inflation probably looked without the weird white bubble slime thing

The hand things are like her robot bird servants or something?
>without the weird white bubble slime thing
That was the confusing part because what was that. Watching the clipped left me with more questions so i checked it out. Like was that her blood or what. Luckily i'm glad that she wasn't in pieces, but seeing her life less body was quite chilling
As someone who's actually seen the entire show, the 'weird white bubble slime thing' was basically a futuristic bedsheet. There's a lot of odd tech in this show, and a semi-permeable membrane in place of a cotton bedspread is probably the least of it.
(8.7 MB, 432x320, Gonzo.gif)
shit, first image didn't upload right, trying again
I mean probably would be better to just see her spray the walls to be honest plush kind of a continuity error as we see her face swell up like she is gonna paint the room but then to see her somewhere intact. It wasn't belly expansion it was full body expansion meaning ever part of her would have released shrapnel everywhere!

My only assumption is then did it more a a morbid creative sad note but I feel spraying the walls would have been better. (eh at least there's fanart ;) )
She essentially died like that one person from 1000 ways to die where this woman had too many orgasms

The only thing I love more than poorly done commercials is ugly, aging latinas wiyh no breasts and a face with a frankensnauser, so this hit that sweet spot for me.
(3.7 MB, 2400x2100, Ludmilla 2.png)
Heck yeah!
I've actually done a few things of her the past year or so for myself and other fans I've found.
This is probably my favorite part of a short series I did kinda putting my own twist on her.
Self inflation, which makes it better. Self inflation via natural means is super rare outside of, like, furry art of dragonesses with their mouths strapped shut or whatever.

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