
>>79259 (OP)
Thanks for making the Sink thread a reality!
>>79267 Get over yourself. You're an idiot. You just don't know it. The proof is all around you but you ignore and lie when it is convinient. You do not realize that you are a thief, your whole life is a lie, and you're a whore, no different from the nutter.
I was surprised when I realised that this wasn't a thing until now. Absolutely love this trope and hope to see more stuff related to it here. Maybe someone will even post the thing I was looking for a few months now.
Mhm. Let’s find more to help this thread thrive
Who's the author of those two?
>>79259 (OP)
i actually don't care for this shape, i prefer limbs to keep the woman looking at least a little human-like, but got DAMN this artist is good at depicting it
>>87276 (Cross-thread) Well yes, but the ones in Twitter aren't in full resolution and the ones in Deviantart are missing the Download button
Have you asked yourself if girls requested themselves?
Always nice to think she did

Who made the 1st pic on this? The name in the top left is the owner of the OC and not the artist, and I can't find this picture on the owner's DA to look for the artist..
namagaki3, it's on his skeb page
Where do you go to get their art in high quality? All of it on DA and Twitter are low quality sadly
>>92071 I commissioned that one

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