
(46 KB, 640x848, 53584dpjl3ga1.jpg)
It didn't explode when it was hit, so was it filled with helium instead of hydrogen? There's a worldwide shortage but the Chinese have a bunch of these things now. Can it control where it goes? Can any pilots weigh in here?
It's only a matter of time til someone in the inflation community makes or commissions a spy balloon chan avatar that has a inflation kink
>>77867 (OP)
Probably not unless they're remote controlling it like a Goodyear blimp
Oh no...I think I've posted this in the wrong place.
That probably already happened
And stay out!
Thicc smoldering eyed Chinese Spy Balloon spotted in North America
(3.3 MB, 1571x4219, China2.png)
She done got got.
China is just spying on America. Sadly, people think that some kind of virus has been leaked onto the area because Joe Biden won't answer basic questions.
Ngl, I'm really disappointed with these designs. It was a good opportunity for a unique character with some sort of spy theme or something interesting like that. Instead it's just some woman with white clothes.
(4.9 MB, 3360x4200, Rep._George_Santos_Official_Portrait.jpg)
Spy fiction will never be a thing in the states because people are too stupid to not accept lies. I just learn to accept the absurdity of the situation while boomers are still absorbing conspiracy about China trying to take over the world.
(1.2 MB, 1125x1843, 654427D3-8D78-4830-BC90-89FAA7F72C7E.jpeg)
Actual Chinese/Russo assets are being spotted/revealed as we speak for a reason.
Don’t let them posting horseshit crap to distract take away from the truth.
The Chinese Spy Balloon happened for a reason.
Get ready to see a lot of propaganda and misinformation trying to
A) Pretend Chinese/Russo spy activities aren’t happening in North America
B) Blame it on Blacks and Latin people because racism of course
And of course always remember this nice meme
Hey, it's the guy who played Willy Wonka.
(1.2 MB, 1125x1843, 891A7418-B513-4579-8473-0C659D56ABAB.jpeg)
Actual Chinese/Russo assets are being spotted/revealed as we speak for a reason.
Don’t let them posting horseshit crap to distract take away from the truth.
The Chinese Spy Balloon happened for a reason.
Get ready to see a lot of propaganda and misinformation trying to
A) Pretend Chinese/Russo spy activities aren’t happening in North America
B) Blame it on Blacks and Latin people because racism of course
And of course always remember this nice meme
(1.2 MB, 1125x1843, 76DEEC1F-E661-4F3D-8F86-C39E7654B841.jpeg)
Actual Chinese/Russo assets are being spotted/revealed as we speak for a reason.
Don’t let them posting horseshit crap to distract take away from the truth.
The Chinese Spy Balloon happened for a reason.
Get ready to see a lot of propaganda and misinformation trying to
A) Pretend Chinese/Russo spy activities aren’t happening in North America
B) Blame it on Blacks and Latin people because racism of course
And of course always remember this nice meme
(1.2 MB, 1125x1843, 6C58BC90-2A6A-41B0-B3AF-B0FE86EFA9A7.jpeg)
Actual Chinese/Russo assets are being spotted/revealed as we speak for a reason.
Don’t let them posting horseshit crap to distract take away from the truth.
The Chinese Spy Balloon happened for a reason.
Get ready to see a lot of propaganda and misinformation trying to
A) Pretend Chinese/Russo spy activities aren’t happening in North America
B) Blame it on Blacks and Latin people because racism of course
And of course always remember this nice meme
I think that’s George Clooney
Run. Run far away as far as you can
Your instinct is correct
>>78129 You're a fool.
It's not anything new. They've been at this for years. Since long before smartphones. I didn't know of them until I noticed them.
They are thieves. They steal anything they can get their hands on that is useful information.
(1.2 MB, 1125x1843, EE15CF3C-B289-4A46-8AE1-F8C8C2E49909.jpeg)
Actual Chinese/Russo assets are being spotted/revealed as we speak for a reason.
Don’t let them posting horseshit crap to distract take away from the truth.
The Chinese Spy Balloon happened for a reason.
Get ready to see a lot of propaganda and misinformation trying to
A) Pretend Chinese/Russo spy activities aren’t happening in North America
B) Blame it on Blacks and Latin people because racism of course
And of course always remember this nice meme
(1.2 MB, 1125x1843, BC5FD145-7AED-4678-9B96-A43325D510FD.jpeg)
Actual Chinese/Russo assets are being spotted/revealed as we speak for a reason.
Don’t let them posting horseshit crap to distract take away from the truth.
The Chinese Spy Balloon happened for a reason.
Get ready to see a lot of propaganda and misinformation trying to
A) Pretend Chinese/Russo spy activities aren’t happening in North America
B) Blame it on Blacks and Latin people because racism of course
And of course always remember this nice meme
(1.2 MB, 1125x1843, 1FB11D07-DB8F-4793-9024-AC9EE769380F.jpeg)
Actual Chinese/Russo assets are being spotted/revealed as we speak for a reason.
Don’t let them posting horseshit crap to distract take away from the truth.
The Chinese Spy Balloon happened for a reason.
Get ready to see a lot of propaganda and misinformation trying to
A) Pretend Chinese/Russo spy activities aren’t happening in North America
B) Blame it on Blacks and Latin people because racism of course
And of course always remember this nice meme
Oh I do glad to see you still active here haven't seen you much since the edit request threads miss your memes and fun quick balloons you should post more here whenever you can
Oh god did anyone she has a bigger sister too? Apparently there was a second balloon?
So I guess their a pair of balloon twins lol
Can't wait to see what double bubble fun comes of this!
>foreign spy balloon shows up
>someone's first thought is "can I fuck it?"
we have already lost the war
This is a sinking panicking ship and it couldn’t be anymore obvious.
(1.2 MB, 1125x1843, A7BBBBDF-F4F4-4A9D-9BE9-0A09D6AB0E81.jpeg)
Actual Chinese/Russo assets are being spotted/revealed as we speak for a reason.
Don’t let them posting horseshit crap to distract take away from the truth.
The Chinese Spy Balloon happened for a reason.
Get ready to see a lot of propaganda and misinformation trying to pretend Chinese/Russo spy activities aren’t happening in North America

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