
I am intrigued
Any more photos? There’s a lot of potential. We can discuss camera angles and idea if you’d like.
Any more photos? There’s a lot of potential. We can discuss camera angles and ideas if you’d like.
Thank you for sharing. Interested in doing more photos? There’s a lot of potential. We can discuss camera angles and ideas if you’d like.
She's gonna blow!
no trans pls, OP said girls
Of course a transphobe can't tell when someone's cis. Did you even bother looking up the person whose name is in the picture?
That’s BerryChicka and they’re the complete opposite of cis. Now trans people want to straight up lie and rewrite history.

Wtf does that mean? Can you tell me whether she has a uterus or not? She could be a fucking cat for all I care. I appearantly don't have the intelligence to know the difference between a cat and a mouse.
BerryChicka was born with male genitalia and is trans. I know they frequent this board. I completely support trans rights. I don’t support trans people lying about their sexual self for gratification. Lying to someone about being trans for sexual gain is sexual assault.

Everything you said makes you stupider than me, however I have 1 more question (and please forgive me as I'm mot having a particularly good day:) Why does tits board look more like the booty board with every passing month.
angry troon spotted
I love how the side that screams about sexual comfort and transparency demands that people shut the fuck up as trans people stealth rape them in the name of “equality”. Stay woke go broke.

Care to elaborate?
Stay woke go broke

I see. You either understood elaborate as sumarize, or you are a bot and have me confused with somebody's smartphone you've recently hacked. Android, I assume?

I would be interested to see a demonstration here of the extent of your hacking capabilities on the android phones, if that's ok with you.

I myself, only have basic AI functionality built-in for this site.
Oh great some post-Valentine’s Day breakup loser is ‘ARGing’ hardcore up above. Time for some popcorn and laughter as they talk to themselves
I've always had problems understanding your messages. Forgive my low IQ.

Not a demonstration of your AI. What I've seen from you is child's play. I was asking about a demonstration of your phone hacking capabilities.

Yes yes, I am very impressed with your mathematic guesses or analysis. What I was interested in is, what can you with android phones remotely?
To be fair I find the argument funny as the only thing I'll mention is berrychicka is in the photos above from op. Trans,no trans, doesn't matter as argument is invalid if they already be beating there meat and use a picture of said person to describe what there looking for.

If they had a problem with berrychicka or didn't find them attractive. They wouldn't have probably used them as a thread header?

That's the only input I'll leave

Feel free to continue said amusing argument
Oh I'm not that fucking op lol I'm just a random dumbass who found this shitfest that's all!
OP is gay.
I'm well aware. My guess has always been a centralised data collection of ip addresses and internet url traffic that was organized by the different site owners, and possibly the technology having something to do with Cloudflare. Then you pretended the rest basing it on assumptions in order to scare people.

What I am honestly interested in is your capabilities for hacking phones. It is much more impressive to me than AI. I have seen enough yo know that you can hack phones and possibly HP linux desktops, but what is everything that you can do?
Another question of mine is do you use Cloudfare or Google's Ad tracker information? Or is it both?
Bruh fuck off your hacker cunt is another motherfucker this is what you get for replying to any of these idiots they try to put and pin there bullshit on you.

Sorry honey I've been hacked before years back when I was a minor. And it wasn't too fucking fun! So don't come up on your high horse and accuse me of something something some dumb fuck threatened you with.

End of story. I'm not replying to this shit no more.
Lol funny as fuck too giving I was defending your ass that none of that shit matter's as long as there's horny for it.

Now you can just fuck off entirely with a bag of Peanuts in your ass and gummy snakes!
Again? I already know about your offline information gathering "mob", and your AI is not that good at all. What I am most interested in is the extent of your phone hacking abilities.

Is it only webcams on Linux and Android? I read somewhere that it was wise to use usb instead of a HDD. Can you access files on the PC and usb stick too? Through some backdoor?
Just leave him be… he clearly doesn’t have much else in his life aside from this…
So only webcam access through a backdoor on Android and Linux? That's it? Well, as impressive as your AI's mimicing abilities are, I've been covering my webcams since 2008, and in 2015 I began disconnecting the usb wire.

I must admit that it took longer than I thought to understand what was going on because I have a large network of devices in a VPN on local. I am glad that you decided to "showoff" your face.

When I saw the blue I didn't catch it, but when I saw the tan and then the blue again and then the turquoise I thought back to my art class and said "blue and tan make turqouise", and realized it must be some sort of effect off of somebody's phone webcam.

but for years I heard about somebody's desk being passed around and I thought maybe an older black man's HP laptop's webcam? Anyways, it'll be interesting to see where all of this goes and what HP will do when they find out.

And finally, just blue. Yup, somebody's webcam got hacked. I wonder if it's a backdoor of all Linux machines or only Android?
For some reason I don't believe that it's the Japanese manufacturing a backdoor into Android phones.
Mods just save and find out who it is and report to authorities, ip ban, and purge the thread if some dumb ass actually is hacking people cut him from access as stealing people's shit is a serious offense that could get the sever in legal shit
I think that I'm supposed to believe that it was Germany. Those beautiful huge boobed tall ladies. What a shame. Oh well. If it's a war they want it's a war they'll get.
There are ways to find out if a phone is hacked. If they went through the trouble of bragging about it on an imageboard then I would assume that they're using an untraceable ip address to hack the phone. But I don't know much about phone hackers.

The first thing I would do is dump a record of network traffic with something like wireshark. Do that for a week straight. Then do that 1 or 2 times a month for a few months, but I'm no expert on these things. Either way, whether it's Germany or not, it seems to be legit and they're most likely using AI to post on imageboards in order to create paranoia and fear.
(98 KB, 768x894, 0F81D742-1667-4CBC-967A-3650AD1633AD.jpeg)
Come on mate, don’t feed the trolls… He’s just some weirdo sperging out on a chan board. You know his parents change the subject when people ask about him. Just leave him to suffer. The thread will get nuked soon, we’ll all be gone forever, and everything will be lovely once again.
It might be a piece of fabric that isbeing used to cover the webcam, and when the light shines through the tan it turns the sky into turquoise.
I mean I know I get it but if there's proof that people are getting hacked at least purge the bull and ip ban the fucker doing it. If it's a troll I'm truly fine with letting the fucker do as they please but some of us got sensitive information, family contacts, and other shit on our device's. If some dumbass is trying to actually do something nip them in the ass now before they cause damage if not. Let them fuck off into oblivion and just ignore them.

This is truly my final opinion on said subject matter

Because fyi. Mods always know! Even if your secure about it they have ways to tell what and who said what at any giving time. So careful what you do people
(7 KB, 300x168, download (1).jpeg)
Oh this fucker thinks the sky's a webcam? Nvm then my mistake I thought actually hackers were involved fuck off with that conspiracy shit!
I've heard the dodged a bullet meme here before, but I don't understand what it means. I'm not into memes. Like at all. I'm boring.

The sky isn't a webcam. The fabric covers the camera. If the camera is pointing forward the blue of the sky would pass through the fabric. At night the blue would turn black. In the afternoon the blue would turn tan (the color of the fabric).
I have been watching them communicate on this board for months. They respond to posts with cryptic messages. You just have to put 2 and 2 together.

They started with the blue. Then they began messaging the tan and I noticed about a month ago. (Before that I had noticed a dark brown but I didn't know what to make of it.) It wasn't until the turquoise that I realized what they were saying. I waited to see what they did next until now that it just hit me that they were putying all 3 colors together. The blue, tan, and turquoise.
It's obvious that they are either sending messages by broadcasting them on imageboards, or that they are using AI to post messages because they want to scare people. I'm thinking that something as simple as a camera footage is most likely meant to scare.

Keep in mind that it's been confirmed that they have secret mobs of civilians that follow people around to gather information about them. Why else would they use imageboards if n9t to broadcast and try to make people paranoid?
There appears to be one particular troll that’s extremely pressed today. Must be someone who suffered a Valentine’s Day breakup and is “burning the world” in their own Very Special Episode of life today
I didn't know today was Valentine's day, loser. I haven't had a girlfriend since college.
Hmm.... Russian hackers then?
Not as great as previous photo, but it is still miming inflation, probably someone will like that videos as well:


If someone have similar videos, would be grateful if you share.
Nice videos thank you :)
Thank you very much, my g
Berrychica is very much a cis woman. She just uses too much makeup.
>>87235 (Cross-thread)
plumpers revenge vdo 125-1827
pushed to its limit vdo 125-1785
instant karma vdo 125-1861
Contribution: https://mab.to/t/AMW9AyQpCKj/us3

Looking for:

Ginary Filled With Air Until She Explodes

Ginary Puts A Hose In Nikki Brooks' Mouth Until She Explodes

Auntie Teaches Teen Niece How To Get A Man By Growing Giant Tits With Jessica Marie & Nikki Brooks

Inflate Into My New Chubby Girlfriend With Miss Pandora & Nikki Brooks

Nikki Brooks Impregnated With Magical Alien Eggs By Ashlynn Taylor

Constance Impregnated By Alien Greasy Rose

Vika Impregnated By Mysterious Alien Entity

Nikki Brooks Impregnated By Mysterious Alien Tentacle
She’s an actual woman you retard good job brainwashing yourself so you can’t Jack off to women due to your paranoia lmao
Much triggeration when, to be honest, I’d never actually looked…

Now I have though… yeah. There are definitely safer wanks.
>>90610 I don't know. I can't be sure, but I feel like cute girls might be my fave for making love to. After huge breasts my second fave has to be cute faces.
Actually really effective. Would love to see more!
this is mandalorieann ssbbw. she used to have content but now she pulled her content from the store. it's hard to find her content
Transphobia doesn't exist.
Do you know who made the edit?
captainstupids, same as >>90772
The name is hidden in there.
Amazing!! Who is this!?
What's her name?

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