
(2.4 MB, 1280x720, Experiments on Fruit.mp4)
Aight, last thread hit the bump limit, so you know the deal. Just post anything related to blueberry inflation, animations, pics, stories, etc.
(10.4 MB, 1850x2450, BlazBlueberry - Es (resize).png)
BlazBlueberry 01: Es
"Incomprehensible. This transformation has nullified my combat capabilities. Self defense is currently impossible... yet I am not displeased. My entire body is registering sensations that are warm and tingly. It makes me feel... happy..."
(10.4 MB, 2400x1803, BlazBlueberry 03; Noel Vermillion (resize).png)
BlazBlueberry 03: Noel Vermillion
"Wha-- how-- What's happened to me?! Someone, please! Help m--NO! WAIT! DON'T! Please... I-I-I don't want to be s-seen... not like this..."
>("Oh my gosh... I... have... BOOOOOOOOBS!!! I finally have BOOBS! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!")
These five were the only ones commissioned so far, but if you would like to commission further entries for the BlazBlueberry series, I'd be happy to oblige. I certainly wouldn't object to blowing Bullet up into a big, sexy blueberry.
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Any videos?
Does someone have the video from violet Beauregard from 1995 exploding?
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>be bustartist
>makes insanely detailed expansion fetish related content (BE, giantess, big ass) that takes up the length of a full-fledged graphic novel
>creates what is arguably one of the most detailed and subjectively speaking best blueberry transformation sequence
>doesn't elaborate further

seriously what is up with bustartist's unwillingness to make more blueberry related content? surely there's demand for more than just one sequence. they definitely have the skillset to create another gem but instead they just keep churning out the same recycled shit they've done for several sequences now
Apparently it didn't sell well and he had to encourage his supporters to give it a chance. He occasionally does a berry request on Patreon.
I was so happy when Bust Artist had Blueberry inflation in the grOw Cinema series. It was a dream come true, but all those closed minded GTS stan's had to bitch & moan the very first time when they didn't get what they wanted. Meanwhile here I am still buying BA content and having to stomach the same non-stop GTS horseshit for the upteenth time just to enjoy the BE and AE.
I mean the only way I see it is if he opens or someone brings him a commission set of let's say a huge amount like $300 or $500 if someone has the balls to drop a large amount towards the artist for blueberry stuff it might reignite that flame

Put it this way if a artist knows the pay is well they'll double take things and rethink them if not be more Open minded to what that commissioner has to say.

So my advice?

>Save up money to large enough amount
>drop them a message with said extreme proposal for a massive blueberry set
>Artist sees the payday is massive!
>Hit them with how popular blueberry or blimp inflation is and con them into at least doing a blueberry every gts,butt,and breast drop.

That's legit my best advice but in order for something like that it would require someone with enough of a disposable income to make a dent of difference and get them seeing the dollar signs there missing.

Again if no money comes in for it artists are more tempted to focus on what's gonna pay rent so if you want more blueberry find a way to stockpile and commission it. On top of that add that subliminal suggestion constantly the more commissions you do drop to concider doing even more blueberry! You got to give them a reason. That's all it Will take!
Even if they don't take commissions drop a big enough dollar sign for a one time set of something and hammer that idea home that the reason you're doing so is to help out and bring more attention to what's lacking usually I wouldn't say it's worth it but in this case the artist looks so good that I'll say it! Someone gonna have to bite a bullet or two out of there paycheck!
Any chance anyone has a link or Mega of that issue of GrowCinema? It's one of those I've held off on due to the price and the lack of other berry content from the artist, while supporting others who do continuously put it out even if it's sometimes lackluster (like FreakinWeirdo or JigglyWiggly), it may almost be a fear to whet the appetite for it I guess if it's truly as good as everyone's making it out to be. It's not on the Kemono it appears, unless I didn't look hard enough.
Not on Kemono but if you look at 8muses, there's a backlog of all his previous works, GrowCinema included. Not sure if I can link things from other sites here but just Google "bustartist 8muses growcinema" and it should be the first result. It's in the Ever-Expanding Universe series, issues 9 and 10.
Just hop on 8muses. You can find almost all of his comics on there.

chubby_tubby_3000 on Instagram. TW- he draws burst content as well.
What happens if someone queefs blueberry juice in you face? Now we know!

Imagine your last moments on earth being death by blueberry queef fart
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Oof. I don't, can't and won't judge anyone else's abnormal predilections given the thread I'm in, but man... This is really good work. It just sucks sometimes thinking about how much good berry art there is that'd be *great*/so much better if it just involved a human transforming instead of this.
Always found it interesting and confusing how the fifth panel is a different shade than the others.
The amount of good blueberry art that I've seen from artists lately that is phenomenally shaded and detailed only for it to be of a fucking bird or a dog or a dude or some shit, what a fucking waste of talent
So we got BOTH nami and Robin but no punk hazard smoker tashigi berry... Sad. Very sad.
seconding this. Berry girls becoming desserts with vore implications is really hot
I read the filename as I clicked and got scared that it was going to be Eggman
what sequence and can I get a link
it's been posted in the thread and it's been posted in the thread
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Anyone got access to fetcoms Blueberry Bitch comic?
Woah, a character model whose face doesn't look like dog chow
Just for that I'm going to go follow this dude right now
To add on to this, anyone got access to JigglyWigglyThing’s latest comics?
That was one of the hottest things I've ever seen, it was very well made I loved the sounds and the text chat but missed opportunity with her to lactate at the end there, great find thank you for posting this.
And fetcom Willie wonka fetish factory
>>83760 Far from it, but I do the best I can. Glad you like them though!

I have a little more work that you can find on my pages at DeviantArt, Fur Affinity, Itaki, New Grounds, and I'm going to start posting to Pivix too when I finish my next piece, which should be done this weekend.
(8.8 MB, 3501x2545, Genevieve's Golden Ticket Bikini.jpg)
And now, a continuation!


You smile and inhale a deep breath of the ocean air, clean, with a touch of salt. Your spirits raise with every step you take across the warm, golden sand under the bright sun, as though the soft crashes of each gentle wave are washing your worries out to the sea with them. You're already glad you let Genevieve talk you into this.

You set down your trademark Trainer backpack of holding, filled primarily with food and amenities for this day at the beach, and your box of PokeBalls. Without even thinking, your hand goes to Genevieve's ball first, and with the iconic crack of a PokeBall materializing its occupant, she's at your side, towering over you.

Once your shy, quiet Gardevoir, after a fateful tour of a magic chocolate factory, an encounter with a stick of that infamous gum, and a display of a naughty side you never knew she had, Genevieve has now and forever been transformed into a giant blueberry, eight feet in diameter, with boobs bigger than a pair of Gravelers.

She squinted, flinching at the sudden exposure to sunlight as her eyes adjusted, and then gasped as the sight. The corners of her open mouth turned up it a smile, and she laughed in delight, as her vestigial hands and feet flapped and kicked with excitement from within the divots of her body that they had sunken into.

"It's beautiful!" Genevieve exclaimed.

"Sure is," you reply, somewhat absent-minded as your hand gently strokes the side of her distended dress, stretched taut over her spherical body and succulent blue skin.

She continued to make subdued coos and awes as her rosy eyes scanned the scene, from the crystal clear ocean that stretched out into the horizon, where it met the sapphire blue sky, without a cloud in sight. She turned, doing her best to look at you over the horizon of her own relatively new blueberry body.

"Thank you for taking us here, Master."

"Thank you for convincing me to come here, Genevieve. I can already tell today is going to be a good day, for all of us."

"Yeah..." Genevieve says, looking away a little, and resembling the old, bashful Gardevoir that she was still coming out of her shell from. "Master, could you, um... put me back in my PokeBall, for just a moment?"

To tilt your head in confusion. "Why?"

"I have a surprise for you," she says, excitement working its way into her voice.

You just look at her for a moment, uncertain. "Okay, sure," you slowly answer, and recall your permaberry Gardevoir.

("I'll be quick, I promise!") Genevieve telepathically says from inside her PokeBall, than withdraws just as quickly from your mind.

You stare at her capsule in confusion for a moment, then make an uncertain "Hmmm..." before seeing to letting out the rest of your Pokemon. Some stretched out for a nice nap in the sun, others stared with pensive stoicism into a distance only they could see. Some, particularly your water Pokemon, made a Combbee line for the ocean, and a few scampered at your feet, eager to get your attention and some pets or head-pats before running off to play with the others, all the while wondering what Genevieve could possibly have in store. Another special outfit perhaps? She sure did... surprise you with her Violet Beauregarde-themed dress the day she turned herself into a blueberry. But what could she do here...

("Okay master, I'm ready!")

With one last moment to brace yourself, you let Genevieve back out of her PokeBall, and then your eyes nearly popped out of your skull at the sight of her.

"Do you like it?" She asked, an eagerness in her voice.

A "Whoa..." under your breath is all you can manage at the moment. You had struggled with your feelings about her after she had first done this to herself, but after she'd finally admitted why she disobeyed you to turn herself into a blueberry and the two of you had cleared the air between you to repair your friendship, now stronger than ever, you had to be honest with at least yourself that you found Genevieve incredibly attractive. But now... You couldn't deny it any longer; your Gardevoir was GORGEOUS.


You're startled out of your staring by Genevieve's tenuous voice, and you realize, even if she can feel your emotions, having sworn to herself she would never to read your mind without your explicit permission, you still haven't answered what you think.

"Genevieve..." you exhale in awe, going back to admiring your gorgeous, sexy permaberry Gardevoir. "You look..."

You struggle to find the right word to perfectly express just how amazing she looks, stuffed into her bikini like a candy wrapper on an Oran berry. You can't help but smirk as you look into her eyes.

"You look... golden."

Genevieve's eyes widened, lighting up like Moonblasts. She looked away from you, bashful, even as a smile as wide as her facial muscles could push creased her cheeks. Her hands flapped and her feet kicked, and she exhaled in erratic bursts, as though she was holding in laughter.

"You like it that much?" she asks, stammered.

"I am beyond impressed, Genevieve."

To exceed your expectations even more, Genevieve's smile grew even wider.

"I-I'm glad you love it so much, master."

"I do." Your own enamored smirk stretches wider. "So, now that you're in your swimsuit, how does me rolling you to the water for a swim suit you?"

Her smile is all teeth. "I would love to go swimming with you, master." Although," she begins to say, her tone coy and flirtatious, but brimming with newfound confidence, "be careful when you're rolling me there. We wouldn't want anything to accidentally... pop out... would we?'


Commission for eyeoftheseen. Thanks for coming up with the brilliant idea of a golden ticket themed bikini (seriously, how has no one thought of this before?) and for honoring Genevieve to be the first to wear it!
>>84886 Great. Thanks for that read.
How did you blow it? I assume they never got back to you.
>>77663 (OP)
Anyone have an old sketch from Blimpy4000 where it was a blueberry giving a blow job? I haven't been able to find it.
You're insane to do this for free
>>85282 That's the thing, I didn't. This picture was a commission for DeviantArt user theeyeoftheseen. The golden ticket bikini was even his idea, and I was kicking myself for not thinking of it, but it was an honor to be (as far as I know) the one chosen to draw it first, and to draw it on dear Genevieve.

The near thousand word short story that comes with the image was written for no additional cost, though. I may be a proponent of free markets, but I'm still mildly autistic. ^^;
Does anyone have A Thorny Tale from blueberryverse? It's hard to tell if it's worth it or not from the pics
Damn, this is such a strange way to draw limbs being pulled into the body.
Got to wait until October before there will be any leaks (if you'll pardon the pun). Though it'll be rare, because the Japanese are notoriously law-abiding. We need a western spy!
Does anyone have the 2005 inflation in 4k or 8k upscaled? I remember seeing it on youtube but I can't find it anymore
Does anyone have “Lipstick Blueberry” by LordAltros? I missed it the last time it was posted.
>>87445 I'm sure you're of the culture that you'd "like" any idea that you could get your mangey, grubby, little hands on.
speaking of, on deviantart there was this 3d art of a woman getting pregnant with blueberries at the factory. it may have been deleted, anyone have or know what im talking about?
can someone pls re up his Natalie Portman berry drawings? quite possibly some of the hottest of all time
Whose drawings?
sorry I'm an idiot lol meant to reply to an earlier pic post. I was referring to Fetcoms Natalie Portmans Berry drawings - theres one in particular of the suit bursting/bursted that is particularly fire
>>87208 (Cross-thread)

The reason I didn’t have her bust out of her clothes was because the commissioner asked for it.
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This fantastic blueberry inflation sequence was made by DeviantArt user Leo-Nisael for an anonymous commissioner. Be sure to give him some love!
Does anyone have all of the Blueberry Vengeance comics?
hey you! what's the source for this?
can anyone update beltpop's kemonoparty, well if there's anything GOOD at least
true shit, inflation without puffy cheeks is lame as hell
Who the artist of this one?
what an existential question
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I don't understand the context.

Puffy faces?

Also Why is my art in the Naw and the Yee picture?

Here's some red instead.
Right, lads, figure this'd be the place to ask. Where do you find women that are into this? Is Feabie it? At this point I just want to breathe the same air as someone of the opposite sex who wants to be a blueberry. It's a strange thing to say, to be sure, but the question of it is driving me mad. Is there some secret that's been kept, some way of finding each other, or is it just whoever is bonkers enough to hornypost on twitter and everyone more insane enough to message them?
Chances are low many men and women have watched any Willy Wonka movie and subsequently developed a paraphilia for blue, bloated broads.
However, chances are great when you have a pleaser who's aware what power they have over you.
With some luck you can introduce them to your sexual deviancy and they like it, too.
Owrehl have some very good blueberry animations
Somebody have it?
Honestly I never saw many women into blueberry stuff on feabie. Fetlife either. There really are not many at all and the ones who say they are usually just do it to sell content.
>I don't like little girls. They look like boys.
4chan, 2023.
Right. Well. Shit. Thanks anyway. Suppose I'll just keep digging.
Sauce? This is very well done.
Like a lot of others, I'm looking for Fetcom's Blueberry Bitch and Sandra Beauregarde comics. Anybody have them?
Anyone have any of the JigglyWigglyThings blueberry comics?
I dare you
Got two quick questionf for you guys to chew on since I've had Wonka on the mind lately:

1) Anyone else realize how weird it is that blueberry is one of the most common/popular forms of inflation? Cuz like, when you really think about it, this is a *very* specific kind of inflation. A piece of gum filling you with juice until you're big and round? Who else could come up with that except a man like Roald Dahl? And yet not only is is one of the most popular subcategories of inflation, but it's had a huge impact on the culture of this fetish.

2) How exactly DOES chewing a piece of gum turn you into a blueberry? Is there something in the gum that gets into your bloodstream and pumps out juice? Does it turn your blood INTO juice? What happens to your organs? Do they also fill with juice?
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It's a kid's movie with a lot of striking visual imagery. I can't speak for anyone else, but I was utterly transfixed by it since I was like... 4. Nothing else ever went that far for me as a kid, and it stuck with me for whatever reason. It's intense enough for me that I would consider my sexuality to effectively be Wonka scenarios. I don't really even care what the genders are if it hits the right beats. Yes, it is frustrating sometimes, though I do have a few other kinks.

I personally don't think much about the "reality" of it. Blueberry people are essentially giant juice balloons in my head, maybe with some pulpy structure to them depending on my mood. If it were to require some structure, e.g., if they're juiced partially or something of that nature, I think of it like fat but sloshier. There is no particular logic to this in my head, I just like the thought of it. I dislike the ones where it's "actual fruit" TF, where they get leaves and such. I also can't enjoy any fruit TF that isn't blueberry specifically, though I am oddly partial to chocolate/cream inflation with a similar arc. I fixate especially on the eating part of things, with the various courses and such.

t. deranged autist
I'm about to reply to >>89430 with a lot more detail that answers your question, but for me it more came down to the Yee = helpless, muted, and/or embarassed berries and the Naw = happy, smiling, joyous berries. Never meant it to be an indictment of the artists (I appreciate every artist/contributor to this kink and know not appreciate not everyone will find my own art their "cup of team"), I was more just making a hot take of my own admittedly not-so-humble preferences at the moment I suppose

That aside, I reaaaaally appreciate your art!! Red or not :)
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1) I've thought about this as well, and while initially discovering all the inflation art out there as a teen who'd had a latent kink for this since a super young age (probably around 3 or 4 years old when watching WW&TCF), I did explore and appreciate a fair bit of air/helium inflation of just the belly/butt/boobs, etc., before settling on an interest primarily with blueberry expansion. Since then, I’ve come to some conclusions as to *why* as a result of my overactive habit of “pontificating” on shit like that.

I DO still appreciate inflation of the non-berry variety on occasion (almost 15 years since initially beginning to explore), but have honed my "interest" a lot more in on specifically blueberry inflation due to it's consistent incorporation of immobility, leaking fluid/breasts being "milkable", and the heaviness of the liquid causing the victim to be floorbound. For me, the latter comes down to the blueberry girl being accessible for rolling/groping/toying/teasing, etc.

I've realized that my fixation on blueberry expansion largely comes down to the objectification/embarrassment side of the kink spectrum on one hand, and to the lack of control/mobility (on the berry's part) and the dominance/control (on the part of the onlooker, perpetrator, etc.). Because of this, I tend to appreciate spherical expansion regardless of the specific fluid that's causing it as long as the victim ends up helpless, immobile, round, nude, humiliated, etc. (though I prefer berry juice/milk/water or even pregnancy/"babyball" filling over veggie, chocolate, cream, slime, etc.)

It amazes me too, to an extent, that there's such a wide spectrum of different "underlying" kinks and varying reasoning for others' interest in blueberry inflation. I've spoken with others who have much more interest in the caring/loving/tending side of it, and/or "their" berries *wanting* to be berries/enjoying such a state of being. There very much is a glut of art with happy/clothed/flat-chested blueberries - but I almost exclusively seek out and appreciate fully or partially nude berry women with expanded, huge breasts whose arms/legs are fully consumed by their form and who'd prefer they could be “juiced”/changed back to normal.

This all was very much the idea behind the Drake "meme" I spent way too long making, and then posted in >>88687 lol

——— ——— ——— ———

2) Personally, the details of a blueberry girl’s biological transformation aren’t of any particular interest past how they might affect the transformation’s permanence/lack thereof (one image I’ll include illustrates this being done very well IMO). Much like the commenter above me though, I'm not huge on actual fruit characteristics, but they don't make it less interesting to me as long as enough human characteristics remain. And all this said, I’m very much able to separate this fantasy from the fact I’d never wish such an unfortunate transformation on a real person permanently.

I see JohnnySwell's BerryGirl as sort of the "archetype" of a perfect berry girl to some extent, in that she has enormous boobs, is visibly heavy/leaky, expresses embarrassment + a desire to be juiced, and is very definitively immobile other than hand-flapping + even vocally states "I can't move”. I have no idea how exactly the juice is dispersed throughout her organs/organic cellular form.

On a final note, I avoid the word fetish when it comes to this almost entirely, because despite it's transition into a much more broad colloquialism, I reserve that term specifically for a preference or kink that one either can't become aroused *without*, that causes personal distress, or that creates problems in the health of their sexual relationships. This was the original meaning of the word in the DSM.

For me at least, the fantasy is none of those things, I see it merely as a kink/fantasy because It occupies a relatively small percentage of my overall porn/erotica intake and I have zero issue becoming aroused by other types and forms of erotica. I do have what I’d say are some tangentially interrelated kinks (such as for progressive breast/butt/belly growth IRL) and some general preferences in partner (plump/chubby/overweight women with notably large sexual features), but I’ve been with over a dozen partners of all shapes and sizes and never have those preferences been deal-breakers.

For the sake of preventing too large a wall of text with no art, I included some examples that specifically define the kind of situations that make this kink attractive to me. Gonna be probably 5 to 6 posts, including this one, hopefully others enjoy too.
It's by SoftestCore and it was a commission. I wonder if there's a whole comic behind it considering the title and number but the stingy anon is hogging the other pages.
4 years old for you too? fucked up. it was over before it started.
>>90069 I love blueberries
Riddlercorps deleted their DA account. Save what you can!
who made the first one?
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this blueberry fetish ruined my life

since i saw that infamous scene from the movie it destroyed me mentally

every time i see some guy eating blueberries or something whit them i always worry and think about it become huge and explode

especially when i see someone of my parents, i get scared that it can happen to them just because they drinked some blueberry juice or something

and obiously i try to avoid anything of food whit blueberries to me or i get scared of becoming one because the last thing i want is that

shit today my sisted bought some blueberry yogurt
Mans fetish became a phobia :(
yeah I've had that feeling sometimes, don't know why though...
did the artist of this just make one thing then drop off the face of the earth?
>>90723 Yeah I wont lie it has gotten to me sometimes. Like if I see anything with blueberries like a breakfast bar or something it really kind of sets my anxiety on edge. I will actually avoid most of it and I don't know why. Like what is the psychology behind that? It's fucking food, wtf is wrong with me?
I am the same way, mostly because I honestly don't trust some FW-tier berryfucker psychotic to have made it into the food industry and poison the berries. Would you honestly put it past them?
Stop listening to Dream's music video and take your normal pills
Yeah idk if I'd go, quite that far. I don't actually think anyone is trying to "Poison" me. It's just sort of a weird trigger
It's not anxiety, for me, but I totally get how you feel. Like, I have to take a step back before I even attempt to eat anything blueberry flavored, cause of what this fetish has done to me (or perhaps, what I have allowed it to).
>>91104 Yeah. You certainly do sound like a bitch right about now I can tell you that much.
>>91105 Projecting a wee bit aren't we?
Nah mate I totally understand where your coming from with that, I guess anxiety not the right word. Like I see anything with blueberries and this fetish just pops into my head, it sucks.
No he's completely on point. You sound like a complete and total faggot right now. Who the fuck reacts like this? Does seeing Gene Wilder or Johnny Depp trigger you to? Do people at the gym wearing tracksuites twist a knot in your tummy as well? Get a fucking grip you retard. It's a fucking fetish not a defining aspect of your entire being. Right? Riiiight? Fucking fruitcup. Guess you really are what you eat.
Definitely projecting. It's alright mate, you don't have to twist off the handle because your self doubt about your pwn feelings are confusing you, we get it.
I mean were all confused no? Why do you think were here? Clearly something went screwy if you ended up on this board
>It's a fucking fetish not a defining aspect of your entire being.

It most certainly it is for berryfuckers who base their entire identity around it.
i feel like this loser just goes from thread to thread finding any way possible to bring up how much he hates "berryfuckers". rent free.
You mean the way you cretins try to brigade slob threads because Seiga had a spergout about burps in a picture 15 years ago? Do you really believe everyone you attempt to bully should just take it because you're so convinced in your own superiority?
Yeah I've noticed the same confusingly rage filled rants on a few other boards, just seems like someone with a few insecurities they haven't confronted yet. There was a vent thread that went up a few days ago, seems like the best place for them to let off steam
My vote for having this guy per a banned if he has such a problem.
I honestly don't even know where to start with this mess
>a few other boards
FYI, that is the exact same person that got berry threads banned out of 4chan's /d/ by falseflag spamming berry porn on every other thread on the board and astroturfing himself a "slobfag war". If, by pure fucking happenstance, it wasn't them, I'd be genuinely surprised, because they use the exact same rhetoric, wording and talking points.
This is a man that has been autistically screeching at berryfags since well before 2016 and has never once changed his whole spiel.
You are talking to the clinically insane.
Man and he calls us twisted. He who holds the pitchfork is usually saddest individual no?

I think you just had what they call a 4chan moment, nigger.
Man this thread went off the rails, and that's saying something considering what like 90% of us are here for
Glad somebody else remembers the berrytroll. I don't even wanna imagine how much time he's wasted on this.
>>91219 I do that on purpose. It's easy when you have an above lukewarm IQ.
>>91219 Why did you delete my comment?
>>91221 I can't say nigger now?
Missed opportunity. Not sure why he had her face shown in the first stage but not the better, later stages
Intellectual discussion time: Do you guys think that mystique from X-men could turn herself into Violet Beauregarde as a blueberry? In the first X-men movie we see her change into Wolverine, claws and all, so she has shown that she is able to exhibit non-human or extra physical characteristics. Even if she can't turn into an actual blueberry, juice and all, she is also able alter her outfit. She could probably give herself an inflatable blueberry suit.
All morphs are pure trash and cringe
is this part of al arger sequence?
There's a Part 3 in the works?!
Do you have the rest of the sequence? Like some of the first parts?
(5.9 MB, 3505x2545, Nessa, the Happiest Blueberry in Galar.jpg)
Milo’s eyelids drooped, and his lips pulled tight in a big, dopey smile that only a man head-over-heels in love with a woman could make.

“Who’s my big, beautiful, blueberry bride?” Milo asked.

“I am!” Nessa squealed in coquettish delight, emphatically flapping her dainty, vestigial hands.

Milo chuckled, each chortle becoming deeper. His smile twisted with rapacious masculine hunger, and he leaned in closer to Nessa, penetrating her eyes with a lustful leer that she found as hard and irresistible as his cock.

“Who’s my permaberry… princess… p r o p e r t y?”

“I… UUNGH… I-I AAAH… I AAAAAAM!!!” Nessa howled and wailed in ecstasy, ecstatic bursts shooting from her twitching nipples and pulsating, plump pussy as her blueberry body shuddered and trembled in pleasure from the bewitching words of its true master. “OH!… I… OOOH!… MILO, I… OOOOOOH!! I LOVE YOOOOOOOOOU-MPH!!!”

Nessa’s shrieking cries were cut silent by Milo pressing his face into hers for another deep, passionate kiss that descended into a sloppy make-out session, lips and noses and cheeks rubbing and grinding into each other with no discernment but to touch another. Milo broke their face-sucking to whisper, their noses still nestled into each other.

“I love you too, Nessa.” Milo moved to the side of her head, cradling her cheek on the opposite side of her face to him, and whispered into her ear in a way that sent electric tingles all throughout her body and raised bumps across her skin. If she still had a neck, the hairs on the back of it would be standing up.

“And I’m going to keep showing you, just how much I love you… every… single… day…"

Then Milo kissed her on the cheek, powerful but gentle, and burning with barely restrained manly passion, just like when he had lifted her veil and kissed her on their wedding day.

Nessa’s eyelids squinted in heavenly contentment as her eyes nearly rolled all the way back into her head from the overwhelming pleasure and love she was feeling. Her cute, cherubic, chubby cheeks were creased by the widest smile she could make as a line of juice dribbled from her plump lips, the happiest blueberry in Galar.


Alternate title: "The Fruit of a Farmer's Labor of Love."

Commission for anonymous.
Is there any way to view the last blueberry thread? There was an image posted there that isn't in this thread, and I can't find it anywhere online.
(9.3 MB, 2480x3508, IMG_1264.png)
Anyone have this comic full
I’m just waiting for them to drop the price that thing is too fucking expensive.
(258 KB, 820x1160, 14b57eb6e9e66f03445782b9d675d25811b7636272b106e800ad820bff428a9b.jpeg) (579 KB, 3072x1728, 8.jpeg) (735 KB, 2480x3508, 22.jpeg) (849 KB, 3840x2160, 1.jpeg) (1.8 MB, 2480x3508, 327e603173c0a137238d9655b926098bd54e77968dbf112d7170c9198c53f2d3.jpeg)


Discount code is SAMURAI


Still just under $26 with the discount though. I appreciate the work these artists do, but I kinda max out at $9 or $10 on these, even as someone making 6 figures. Plenty of coomers across this forum you can update for that or less,
bro just casually had to mention that he makes 6 figures on a fetish board

alright then jeff bezos you shell out the $26 for us wage slaves then
Worst thing it is it's not even worth it. Half of it is the same model, just at 20 different angles.
Its as if he knows some sperg is gonna trip out about it
If you have it just send it
Also this is my 2nd time posting leaks and stuff so hopefully there are no problems with the link
(112 KB, 1507x1009, media_FlxZbY8acAI_RYl.jpg)
Anyone happen to have the rest of this beijingbeef sequence?
Looks like they deleted it
(160 KB, 1080x1900, 9mpz9uirxs-1080x1900.jpg)
Found a slightly bigger version, hopefully someone has the original

Noticed a few of their pieces have been getting deleted. Can't seem to find that Mei hose inflation either
is there blueberry inflation pics where not only the body is fulfilled with blueberries juice but the hands and feets?
With the pop included too

(2.5 MB, 2500x2500, 10 (1).jpg)
oh wow that's a weird color for a blueberry
(97 KB, 928x862, IMG_2453.jpeg) (108 KB, 1092x732, IMG_2454.jpeg) (86 KB, 1216x657, IMG_2455.jpeg)
What happens when you combine elastic powers and blueberrification, you get Incredible Edibles
Too be continued?
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You know there's a begging thread right? You don't have to ask this on every board
Does anyone have any of the blueberry pics from the ai thread that was here in the inflaton board? Or does someone know how I can still find that thread? it doesn't look like it's in the archive anywhere
Can you post it?
(142 KB, 1838x1418, Bambi_Blueberry-1682794744215228418-20230722_094826-img1.jpg) (617 KB, 3000x2100, Bambi_Blueberry-1683577368382676992-20230724_133818-img1.jpg) (470 KB, 3000x2100, Bambi_Blueberry-1683577368382676992-20230724_133818-img2.jpg) (532 KB, 3000x2100, Bambi_Blueberry-1683577368382676992-20230724_133818-img3.jpg) (481 KB, 3000x2100, Bambi_Blueberry-1683577368382676992-20230724_133818-img4.jpg) (358 KB, 3000x2100, Bambi_Blueberry-1683577562813939714-20230724_133904-img1.jpg)
(194 KB, 1807x1237, Bambi_Blueberry-1684755975402586112-20230727_194140-img1.jpg) (316 KB, 1367x1722, Bambi_Blueberry-1685466722172547072-20230729_184555-img1.jpg) (185 KB, 2074x1540, Bambi_Blueberry-1686148868566618113-20230731_155632-img1.jpg) (187 KB, 1740x2349, Bambi_Blueberry-1687236994848440321-20230803_160021-img1.jpg) (257 KB, 2143x1484, Bambi_Blueberry-1688662120357867520-20230807_142317-img1.jpg) (231 KB, 2000x1644, Bambi_Blueberry-1690175973533069314-20230811_183848-img2.jpg)
Does anyone have the rosiemariefeedee Violet Beauregard edit someone made a few months ago. It was posted on the bbw inflation thread
Does anyone have Gotham City Blueberries by freakinweirdo?
There's no chance that'll ever end up on the internet. To this day there's still no footage of the english version of Juicy - bear in mind I'm not including the versions played by the black girl. Black girls just don't work as blueberries.
Can anyone reup this plz? Never knew this was here
anyone got floatful's subscription content?
Anyone got Shydude's old blueberry pics to share? His account got nuked recently and we lost most of his old work.
3rd pic was considered the best blueberry pic of all time back in the day
(850 KB, 3076x3554, dehgsps-7df5225e-5bc7-4f11-985a-feaf3d513029.jpeg) (1.6 MB, 3040x4731, dejai7k-bad24816-34d3-4604-b31d-9a9a116233e6.jpeg) (1.8 MB, 4116x4648, dedkk9c-3a5b4c2f-338c-4b49-974f-0e6748ca012d.jpeg) (4.6 MB, 5215x4900, bbsf.jpeg)
Floatful still does have some consistently great work, but I've been bummed to see them go from having these awesomely big-breasted berries a while ago to the trend of the tits flattening and assimilating into the sphere

It's illogical for boobs to be big and start filling with juice but then just shrink onto a larger mass. Think of a Mickey Mouse balloon from Disneyland. It would pop long before the ears just disappear into the head if it was overinflated.
(49 KB, 894x894, blueberry_1_by_we_are_not_ready_dg82aqm-pre.jpg) (49 KB, 828x828, wedding_day___when_your_bridesmaid_is_a_blueberry_by_we_are_not_ready_dg86eyw-414w-2x.jpg) (34 KB, 828x828, prom_night___when_your_best_friend_is_a_blueberry_by_we_are_not_ready_dg86eso-414w-2x.jpg) (69 KB, 894x894, blueberry_2_by_we_are_not_ready_dg82aqr-pre.jpg) (58 KB, 828x828, best_friends_by_we_are_not_ready_dg86f0x-414w-2x.jpg) (66 KB, 894x894, blueberry_4_by_we_are_not_ready_dg82aqy-pre.jpg)
Sharing these AI generated berries by
we-are-not-ready on deviantart, probably the closest we have to what it would actually look like IRL
These are mediocre at best, but they are admittedly better than what AI used to spew out just a few short years ago.

The real offender here is that other guy on dA, Mclean-Inc who is literally putting some of the AI generations behind a goddamn paywall of *$5 a month*
Anyone have any of TheBlueBaron’s Blueberry Asami work in progresses?
Was that apart of a larger sequence or just a one off?
Does anyone know if DeviantSeiga ever finished this animation? I was under the impression that this GIF was simply a WIP and that they would eventually revisit the project once they worked on other stuff. Or is this GIF the final product?

I would usually reserve this for the beg thread, but I think it will probably get better attention here. Lately, creators have been more keen on privating videos, like ladyluckfate. Some anon was able to get the video, probably through screen recording software, but they didn't provide the specific method. I would both like to ask if anyone has access to this, if anyone would be willing to rip it, and if that anon is maybe still around. There are ~24 hours before it's released, so I thought I might as well get on top of it now, alert everyone to its presence, and this dilemma.
(8.9 MB, 3400x3200, IMG_4570.png)
Imma just drop a berry boy here
nvm that shit's public anyways. also, see all you chucklefucks later, this is probably the last post I'm gonna make on this site before it goes down. it's been a pleasure.
Site’s not going down it’s just migrating to a new domain
Might wanna read some more
Misread the sticky if anything - but so does that mean that this site will be no more and there's not necessarily going to be a replacement?
correct. barring some millionaire paying for the site out of the goodness of his heart, the site is kill.
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Does anyone have the Bloomph anthology?
CloudBoyo on dA
Does anyone have TheBlueBaron’s new Blueberry Asami WIP stuff? The kemno hasn’t updated in a while and now there’s like 7 new sneak peeks for it
Dunno if anyone else has asked this,but does anybody have the Mother and Daughter blueberry images by Lord Altros? I can't find them on his DA.
I pray this gets a sequel.
(2.7 MB, 4128x2322, 20231028_121849[1].jpg) (3.1 MB, 4128x2322, 20231028_121912[1].jpg)
idk if this is the proper place, but it is a blueberry.

Spirit Halloween has these Violet Beauregarde pillows. about the size of the soccer ball and super soft
(834 KB, 3526x2900, 1692729167225920.png)
who's your favorite blueberry inflation artist?
Dude. This dialog fucking sucks. If you can't write dialog; don't do it at all.
Good talent is wasted on the furry art. Such a shame
It's crazy just how much good blueberry art comes out of this particular artist that produces no effect greater than a near-immediate pang of disappointment upon realization that the otherwise excellent execution is sullied by a tail, feathers, fur, a cat nose, or etc.

In general, even on anonymous rants like this one, I hold my tongue about others' atypical kinks and fetishes given my own predilection for berry girl art -- but if only chellchip simply released 2 versions of their artwork with a human female version to complement the furry version they prefer to create, I can't help but feel like they'd be in the S tier of creators in this realm of kink smut.
yeah I think that's my biggest gripe with chellchip's content. they do WONDERFUL body proportions and really detailed skin and cloth textures in their work, and even does a damn good job recreating elements of the 2005 CATCF Violet scene, but it's an instant letdown to know they waste that talent on birds with zero sex appeal whatsoever.
Has anyone imagined what it'd feel like to get head from a berry girl

I just had that thought and I think it'd be weird but a good kind depending on if the juice is warm.
of all the furry artists who make good shit, but only for furries, you chose chellchip? the person who's entire portfolio can be described as "hey you know the 2005 blueberry scene? just basically do that forever"? the person, who even when they do humans look like steven universe extras? i get that feeling of "damn, you do good shit, wish you did more humans" i do, but not for them, their shit sucks. maybe when they learn that theres more clothing out there than blue tracksuits and more settings than a fucking candy factory, MAYBE ill agree
(574 KB, 1600x1700, IMG-8606.png)
Yeah this kinda sums up my thoughts of them. Decent artist but they just cannot come up with a scenario that has nothing to do with the Wonka films.
chellchip's also a little crybaby bitch lol, don't forget that part
They're definitely not the only offender of "good talent wasted on animal porn" but at least for me, that kind of shit is my bread and butter. When artists do their own interepretations of the 2005 scene it can be done very well and I always look forward to it but yes I can agree that their art can get very "same-y" at times
>2005 CATCF Violet scene
What does CATCF stand for?
Charlie and the chocolate factory, dude for real?
(661 KB, 1170x736, IMG_7872.jpeg)
Here is a preview for Spider-Gwen by JigglyWigglyThings over on DeviantArt. I’m not subbed to them so unfortunately I doubt l will be able to get the full thing.
>>99428 I don't even mind if it's furry, but the issue is the furries they usually choose are mostly unappealing
>>99477 What does it matter it's the best and most organic scenario anyway
Looking at the captions, looks like she made an inflation set??? Idk if it's the full-blown (lmao) thing or just her in blue paint, but Imma begin the begging process regardless.
Hmm, not sure. Maybe the inflatee has developed a blueberry inflation fetish over the years and once they find out about blueberry inflation gum or blueberry inflation object and experiences blueberry inflation… not sure if that’s the most natural, but that was the first idea that came to mind.
I can’t wait to see her inflation set. if it’s full body or not.
Probably should save this for the begging thread but fuck it I'm bumping this
Anyone have link to the beg thread for blueberry inflation? I can’t seem to find it.
(10.1 MB, 2999x2256, Dangan-romp-a; Chiaki and Ibuki (resize).png)
Trade with Bloopsyblue, who requisitioned "Chiaki Nanami and ibuki Mioda from Danganronpa as two caked-up blueberries hotdogging a giant ass speaker."

This was, of course, Bloopsy's backup request after I turned down drawing Chihiro Fujisaki.
“You make us ashamed to be ourselves”
so glad this is still making rounds, I cant remember if Ive seen a non berry version of this too.
It is Eishiban. He posted it on his Pixiv
Did Fetcom ever make a Blueberry Bitch #4?
I love Chip Chell, their art's hot as fuck
(618 KB, 1500x1250, chiaki_blueberry_by_purrine.jpg) (5.0 MB, 2224x1668, ibluki_by_sugarrollart.png)
You too could also make beautiful blueberry inflation artwork if, of all the things you choose to use years and years of drawing experience and education on, you choose to draw blueberry inflation, and be willing to spend up to but not limited to forty hours (or more) on a single drawing.

Don't be ashamed of yourself just because I got fat off of eating experience candies... unless you're one of those people who does nothing but recolor e-thots blue or copy and paste pictures of other people/characters onto Violet Beauregarde.

I will not apologize for having standards and sticking to them.
Forgot all about this piece
Wish he'd do a sequel after all this time, but with both Rika and Renamon
too bad they're a furry and only do '05 factory scenarios bc they're unoriginal af
(1.8 MB, 1024x1536, 00188-2492493431.png)
One of the better results I've gotten from SD + Loras
Did the Sabrina Banks OF set ever come out? Anything decent?
The projection here is crazy. Squirm more you insecure little fart!
(223 KB, 960x1280, wonka_academy_undergrad_fails_lab_safety_by_hgswells9000_dgil6hl.jpg) (291 KB, 960x1280, get_a_mop___blueberry_inflation_by_hgswells9000_dgil62n.jpg) (252 KB, 1280x960, noisy_in_the_juicing_room_by_hgswells9000_dgil4p5.jpg) (197 KB, 1280x960, begging_to_be_rolled_off_her_sensitive_spot_by_hgswells9000_dgil5i1.jpg)
Dang, I didn't realize the LoRA worked that well. Just tried it and got pretty good results with CardosAnimated and DreamShaper 8.
If anyone wants spherical blueberry inflation, start the prompt with
>purple sphere
>blue sphere
First term in the prompt. Seems to give SD a good basis for creating a full sphere. And in that case leave out body part descriptors like legs, breasts, etc.
It’s not eishiban you dumb fuck, Villaru literally watermarked the image. Can you idiots not read?
Anon are you okay? They were asking about the Rika sequence
There is no watermark it must be Eishiban.
Madness breeds innovation,Anon.
Madness breeds innovation.
Was considering posting full tutorials, including prompts, but only if there's enough interest from people who would actually want and be able to do it.
Prompts would be for Stable Diffusion and blueberries need the LoRA, so you have to be able to use those.
i'm definitely interested, got a couple tabs up on how to download/use both stable diffusion and lora!
please tell us in the new thread since this one got bumplocked
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