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No like seriously?

(The website not the creator)

I remember first discovering TMC way back in like 2013 I think, when I was exploring my ass expansion kinks. They're early work while amateur in almost everything did have a charm to it. They're peak was probably 2014-2018 when they had some legitimately decent models, good props and good ideas.

The ass, breast, belly and blueberry was all good. But after that they went downhill. I understand inflation is a fringe kink but wtf does TMC even appeal too anymore? Going on the site now is like a feverdream of the most random and quite frankly cringe content ever.

They've lost a lot of their good props and models and I just don't know who TF is buying this new shit to keep the lights on still?
>>77426 (OP)
Dude they only do vids that are requested from fans on their website so if anyone is to blame its really people like you (fans)
Who keeps letting the gays request videos?
Until someone's able to overthrow their monopoly on the IRL inflation niche, never.
I concur, 10 years ago you had to admire the determination a bunch of perverts with a shoestring budget recording out of someone's uncle's tool shed had to try and create live action inflation content. Even if the final product wasn't probably what they saw in their head you could tell their hearts were in it. Unlike today, it just feels like TMC doesn't care anymore, they don't have any desire to improve and find new technologies to up the quality of their videos. It's just generic blueberry video #1125397. Oh yeah and we aren't even gonna try to apply the blue makeup anymore, also that will be $30 please.
It seemed to me like from the start they never gave a shit at all

Rolfe Kanefsky made mood boobs on a shoestring budget, in 2006 two years before they made anything, and they have at this point more resources than he ever did and they still make garbage

There is no direction of the actors, even a terrible actor can at least be given some idea of what to do, or at least given examples of how to act, some idiot there seems to think we all wanna hear "OOH MY SKIN IS STRETCHING!!! 500 times"

They think quantity is better than quality, all their videos are about stretching something to at least 10-15 minutes so the process of actual inflation or expansion is so slow and watered down you can hardly tell it's happening

They haven't incorporated any digital vfx, when they could probably outsource to some Indian guy for $20
Same goes for props, you could probably order high quality expansive body parts through a number of professional special effects studios, down payment may be costly but payoff and more purchases would be worth it

They use one camera for pretty much every video, at least in older videos the forced perspective clothes ripping added something technical

Also Taylor has a terrible track record of being destructive to the community in getting content sites removed, the old stormrszone in particular
Also the general piracy overreaction

They know they have a niche market cornered and don't give a fuck, until they do fuck them and paying for anything
I've support other creators, BEOptimist's gofundme, he gave updates, showed progress, and listened to contributors, although he's gone MIA and I've dropped his subscription for it, even so all of his material I consider better
Legit, you wanna know when? When inflation suits and prothestics, and running a kink site become more affordable to people. Inflation shit is a niche already, sure, BE and AE is more common, but even then, its still relatively out there, so trying to start up a kink site or selling clips of that shit is gonna be hard. Then theres getting good equipment and lighting if you wanna go that far, which is additional costs. And then we get into the real money gate, which is the suits n such. First off, if you wanna get inflatable breasts, they aren't gonna be inflatable off the bat, you have to fuck around with them a lot to get them to that point, and even then, they're like 400 bucks if you're going to Roanyer, which are the biggest people selling large breast prosthetics. And then you have to account for upkeep, shipping, etc. That's not even going into the ass prosthetics either. And for an entire suit for full body/blueberry stuff, thats gonna be near a grand for a decent suit. Most I've seen that are actually good are around 700+ dollars. And that's just accounting for if one person is doing the filming and content. If you wanna pull a TMC and get a bunch of models and shit, thats paying for them as well. And lets say, all this shit, and you still get it made and start selling. Uh-oh, now people are pirating your shit and sharing it else where, diminishing the profit you could've gotten. Shit, its what happened to MissaX, she was making berry clips but then they got pirated, and considering the cost of filming, plus getting the suit, which was probably over $1k+ since it looked like a squeak latex suit, its understandable. TL;DR TMC ain't getting replaced until someone comes into a bunch of cash and wants to burn it making super niche porn.
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1. They're in Las Vegas. Sometimes they pay to fly models in to shoot with, but a lot of them are local showgirls, strippers, pornstars, professional dominatrixes, playboy bunnies, etc. They don't have a monopoly on IRL inflation, they're just in one of the best places to find new models in the event that one leaves.

Imagine Koa decided to stop working with Maxgrowth or Demora split with her husband. Most inflation creators aren't living somewhere where they can just find a new model in a week.

2. They're incredibly hard on piracy. Trading is illegal so I'm not saying they shouldn't be, but their policy very quickly went from "if you trade clips you can't buy any more" to "if you trade clips we'll refuse to make your requests, even if someone else wants that request" to today, where "we only make requests for registered members of our private forum."

3. "OOH MY SKIN IS STRETCHING!!! 500 times" is the most common request on the forums. People aren't requesting Shakespeare, they're asking for model + type of inflation + emotion. Some people put a bit more story into their ideas, but most don't.

Put yourself in the models shoes for a moment. If you're given a script with no lines and the only thing you knew was your character is supposed to feel uncomfortable for 15 minutes, what would you say?

4. Sure >77715, they could outsource digital special effects, but between Out of Control Barnyard Feast and Transformation and The Magic Christmas Candle they didn't have a sfx makeup artist and outsourced that job to Taylor, and sometimes the models themselves.

Most of the animal transformation videos from that time are just models wearing halloween masks and animal pajamas because nobody knew how to apply face prosthetics or hair.

There was a plan to bring in a digital vfx person but that didn't work out and the next two experienced vfx inflation creators who would be a good fit are one woman companies (MissaX, Ludella).

5. What >>77726 said. Most creators buy their props from Roanyer, but almost every company that makes silicone prosthetics comes from one manufacturer in China that will make anything you want in silicone if you have the money.

This butt of theirs is being commissioned right now as a wearable item. Softmary started selling inflatable Z cups because Madz used them for inflation videos and if we can get the new butt in her hands I wouldn't be surprised if they started selling an inflatable version.

The problem is even though a lot of creators would probably benefit from that, the manufacturers don't believe enough people will buy it to offset the cost of making the mold so the current estimate is over $2000.

If they see enough of their customer base (crossdressers, female maskers, sex toys, sex dolls, inflation creators) would buy that sort of thing, the price comes down and it becomes a something that anyone can buy for a slightly more reasonable amount of money.

And if these manufacturers make something, list it for sale, a creator buys one, and we immediately pirate their videos so they can't make enough to buy a second when the first one breaks, the factory workers in China say, "we aren't going to keep making these since inflation fans don't like our big butts props very much" and instead of quality content we get women screaming and flailing around in big blue trash bags.

There are a few creators who have the skills to make their own props, a limitless supply of models to work with, and enough years doing this to replace TMC, but the guy at FDD films his penis more than he does women, Mastasia's props are collecting dust in a storage unit, and Bambi Blaze is... well...

We don't talk about what happened to Bambi Blaze.
>We don't talk about what happened to Bambi Blaze.

Genuinely why? I've never got a clear answer as to how she vanished other than "she got tired of doing it"

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Bambi Blaze the great?
A detractor swatted her on accusations of possessing CP and the feds took it seriously. She was innocent but it traumatized her and she was also evicted from her residence because of the incident. She eventually just stopped making content, let her sites decay, and sold off her props.
Not only that but she had to remove her implants over serious health complications. Also her sites and forum lapsed on server fees without warning while not being notified. Even people closest to her in the business didn't know what happened.
I hate to ask more about Bambi blaze, but is there any place with the majority of her clips?
What? Why would they kick her out if she was found innocent?

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