
(4.0 MB, 4093x2894, nagatoro kink shame 5.PNG)
What are some lines/phrases/words that just get your brain going?

“You’re getting so big!”
Ommpa Loompa Songs
Probably what is everything generic and normal whenever I take a look around.
“She’s getting bigger!”
“She’s not gonna fit!”
“……Im stuck.”
things along those lines
“You’re gonna squeeze me?”
“I’m too big, I can’t move!”
“Don’t poke me, I’m delicate.”
“What do ya mean it’s permanent?”
“Who’s down there? I can’t see you.”
“What’s happening to me?”
“I’m getting bigger and I can’t stop!”
“I’m a person, not factory property.”
“What are you doing with that pump?”
“Why do I feel so bloated?”
“Don’t roll me downhill!”
“She’s gonna blow!”
Pretty much the whole dialogue from the Frog and the Ox cartoon on a super-old Sesame Street episode of all things

"You think you're pretty big, don't you? Hmph! Well, I bet I can be bigger than you! In fact, you're nothing compared to how big I can be. Just look at this!"
"I'm great!"
"Look! Can you see me?"
"Can you believe it?"
"I'll be bigger than you!"
"Bigger than a tree!"
"Bigger than a mountain!"
"Bigger than the woooorld!"

What about the Painful Blueberry Feet and Belly inflation Quote
Do you have a brain dysfunction?
Probably unrelated but a huge bonerkiller to me is when a blueberry just starts going "MMMFFF MMFMMFMMFMFFFF."

Violet spoke plain English when fully inflated in both Wonka movies so someone decided "I'm a lazy fuck and don't want to write dialogue so I'll asspull blueberries not being able speak". It's aggravating. I want my blueberry to talk.
If there's a lot of dialogue beforehand and it only starts when they start getting too big I actually enjoy it. I agree if it's just silent the entire time.

One of the best parts is when the inflator is asking the inflatee teasing questions, like they know what's going to happen.
(7.1 MB, 4961x7016, nagatoro kink shame 1.png)
Not sure where I got them from, I think it's a Patreon exclusive that I found ripped to a Japanese image board, but I can post the rest.
we need a thread for his art
>>77276 (OP)
None, let characters shut up sometimes.
I disagree, though I've never cared for the "Factory Tour" Tropes, either. However, you are right in that a simple "Mmmph!" is pretty low effort, even in my eyes.
imo, it's the best when you can get glimpses of what they're actually trying to say, with their wording partially revealed behind some kind of muffled effect.

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