
(319 KB, 2200x1200, samus to doll.jpg)
Doin' another thread, the same rules apply, just post inflatable tf related stuff, like pictures, fics, and animations
Ooooooooooohkayyyy now I get oh my lol
It’s 3am we’re nervous communication is hard lol
I hope you morons realize all the irl people you’re fucking with including their close circles are completely aware of what’s going on.
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Why can't we have TF Thread, Dolls+Looners thread and Suit Thread in the same thread? All 3 threads always suffer from the lack of content.
Maybe. I can speak for myself: I'm into dolls and loons, not into TF and suits.
But I browse all 3 threads, and two more from /bbfurries, searching for gems like this one https://bbw-chan.nl/.media/9cafbc4b36559b3a407dfbc75476e6990eb1aa8f50ef1343ac2abb58b03f0ed3.jpg
Some suits are also dolls, and there are "furry dolls" in Pooltoys thread on /bbfurries.

Although I'm into neither TF nor suits, they don't turn me off so I think having an Inflatables thread per board is good: it attracts more attenton and single thread won't sink too fast.

But this is my personal taste. I prefer active threads over dedicated ones.
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So does anyone have the full Sumire pooltoy tf image that Skullgeist did. He deleted it from Twitter for some reason and I only managed to have a small screenshot of it from report my post since I didn't think to save it.
Bet you $5 someone has commissioned a chun li sex doll like that off Alibaba $10 on it has a belly too
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do balloon tf count?
Who's the artist for the first image?
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I am making a request if anyone could please add the full version of these paid art of Japanese artist, saitouyo (さいとう) to here?

It is via a site named Fantia, and here is the link to get them:
This isn't the begging thread, also you're fucking annoying. Get it yourself.
I would try.

But they are locked behind a paywall.

So I would please like some help.

And I know I sound like I am annoying, but I re-edited my posts to rewrite their grammar and I have not heard any immediacy responses from anyone here.

So would you guys help me get these art from the links I provided?
Has anyone found the art from Fantia and added it here?
Has anyone purchased the paid art from the link provided and put it here on this website?
Has anyone purchased the paid art from the link provided and put it here on this website?
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Could anyone please add the full version of these Paid Inflation TF Art of Kaede Hozuki from Onii-Chan wa Oshimai by saitouyo (さいとう)?

Here is the link to get them:
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Could anyone please add the full version of these Paid Inflation TF Art of Kaede Hozuki from Onii-Chan wa Oshimai by saitouyo (さいとう)?

Here is the link to get them:
Why hasn't anyone gotten the art that is locked by a paywall from the site via the link I provided?
Does it even have a continuation? Theres four panels that take place before it still on the artists Twitter but I dont think theres anymore? I wish there was though
I think there's a full continuation of it including the pic I posted on their patreon but I can't for the life of me even find their patreon, I got this image of the sequence off their fur affinity, but idk if that's it or if there's more
I reached out to them on Twitter a few months back after they nuked their patreon they apparently felt bad for accepting funds but not keeping up with updates so they yoiked the plug on it ill toss em a dm asking about if the additional panel/s exist!
Why hasn’t the art from Fantia been posted here yet?

The person who made this post even provided the link to the Fantia website.

I mean, the people in the Weight Gain section of BBW-Chan were able to post images of paid art, so I wonder why this side of the Inflation Section of BBW-Chan doesn’t.

Anyway, could you guys please get these art for him?
(176 KB, 2048x1626, IMG_2831.jpeg)
Camie Utsushimi Wobble Doll TF by D1G1TALF4CE.
Got a reply from them earlier this morning
"that one is the final one of the set, curious that people thought otherwise!"
Hello? I am begging anyone here if they could kindly please get full version the photos from here via the link provided?

Why? Because the photos are locked behind a paywall and the user does not have a proper bank account yet.

So could you please help him?
Why do you want me to “shut the fuck up” instead of getting the art for me?

And why use profanity like that?
No one owes you anything. Especially when you demand it like that. No ones gonna help you retard.
So no one is going to get this paid art from the link provided?

It’s not like the original user owes you all, it just that he believed that you all would give him what he want like in the Weight Gain section of BBW-Chan.

So why not do the same thing and get the art from Fantia via the link provided and post it here?
Hello, I am still wondering if anyone could please help me get the full version of this Art that is locked by a paywall.

I am kindly begging you all fr something like because I really wanted to see this Art from last year and sites like the weight gain section of BBW-Chan were kind enough to post paid Art for people who beg for this.

And I would appreciate it more if you guys weren’t very rude by using derogatory swear words like “fuck”, “shit”, “retard”, and others.

So could you please get it as I am unable to get it myself because I do not have the necessary means to get it.

So with that, could you please get the paid version of the fan art for me via the link provided as it is an Inflatable TF after all .

I appreciate the help and thank you.
Can you please leave the site and not come back or at the very least go back to weight gain section and stay there, no one cares if you beg constantly because you don’t have the means to get whatever it is you want, if you really want to beg then go beg in the thread that is literally titled beg thread for crying out loud
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Plenty of room. Lmao making more room
Look, this guy is not just begging, he is kindly asking you all to get the fan art made by “saitouyo” since it has a character turn into an inflatable, like what this part of Inflation BBW Chan says.

But you are all being rather rude, so could you at least try to get this paid art for him?

He was just kindly asking, and you all had to be so rude and offensive towards him.

So could you at least just please get it for him with the link he provided?

The people back in the Weight Gain Section thought the same thing too, so it sounds rather unfair to insult him and make a flame war like this.
You need to keep your own threads afloat.

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