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Trying to learn how to draw inflation better. Anyone got some tips?
(Pic unrelated)
Aggroh it’s me. I hope you’re doing well. I would’ve messaged you on d first but I kind of wanted to do it like this so you can know it’s me.
If you can do me the biggest favor in some capacity. Can you please corroborate that I and my former partner (it didn’t work out after all everything essentially turned out as I told you when I called you in October) but yes May you please corrob as ‘community historian’ so to speak that we both have had a very rampant, rabid, and doxxy far right stalker in since we first publicly got together and that it caused a lot of problems and it was a huge controversy at the time that has gone from the public winds but did in fact happen.
It’s not that I’ve been ‘gang stalked’ it’s that her and I both have a very rampant racist follower one that has been harassing me since 2012.
I just need to prove to some people the idea of the story of F!
I’m not trying to reignite that whole thing I just need credibility to people that are not understanding what I’m saying
You know the story, I just don’t know how else to really prove this was a thing since back in 2018

Boobs don’t look good and need to be bigger. Most artists haven’t been doing a good job
>>76733 (OP)
lol ignore that dude with his spherical abomination guide and look at IRL inflations for reference instead.
>>76733 (OP)
Understand anatomy. Once you know how muscles flow, and the shaping of the human body works and changes, you can use that to create good looking inflation art.

You need to independently face your own hurdles with your own solutions. The biggest one is how do you specifically draw inflation? Is it just belly, is it full body, is it spherical? Each presents their own problems.

The biggest issues I often see are bodies versus bellies, once you reach a certain point, if your only inflating the belly, your left with this awkward and dumb little body resting ontop of the belly, which can look bad if done without thinking.
Then theres butts and breasts. Some people just do not know how to draw asses. They make two spheres and call it a day. Butts have shape, surprisingly complex shape, which varies person to person.
And then limbs. Theres many ways to mess up limbs. The general preferred method is donutting the limbs inside themselves. Hard to describe, but easy to understand in practice. But this does make doing stuff like the butt very complex.

Really it comes down to your art style, and your preferred type of inflation. It would be best if you posted some art as a reference, and workshopped it from there.
It ain't the most accurate way to go about it, anatomically speaking, but it's a cute art style.
I think it's worth learning (once you actually know how to draw), but the letters are too dang tiny. What's the original thread/board?
Now one for bellies, please.
I made this guide a long-ass time ago lmao
it's pretty outdated so I wouldn't use it if I were you :]
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>>76733 (OP)
Inflation fags have some of the lowest standards of any fetish group. And the majority of its artists are some of the biggest hacks around. Asking either for tips on drawing is basically the equivalent of asking a gimp how to train for running a 10k marathon.

Unless your content with mspaint circles, you're gonna sit your ass down and actually study art like an actual normal artist. The fetish will come second even if its your long term motivator.

You're going to practice form, anatomy, lines, and perspective. Draw the basic construction shapes till your balls fall off. Grind out heads, hands, feet, hair, and expressions till your asshole puckers. You will learn how to feel out 3d space and construct around it free form. Hone your ability to visualize and brake down anything and everything. And maybe if you actually make it past any of this, can take the time to study shading, how light works, and actually learn how to blend colors so you don't like some nuumatic tier chicken scratch vomit.

If that's all too vague and you want me to provide exact direction. Tough shit. You have the internet, so go use it. You have every opportunity to learn something, and here you are begging a bunch of autists and retards for "tips," while posting some random fuck boy retard image. Get serious or get fucked. Chances are you fucked off anyway, or you'll just ignore all of this, even if I did hook you up.

If you wanna draw inflation like every other basic bitch retard, then go get on twitter. Dedicate yourself to some fuck boy autist magnet IP. Sonic, anime, anything nintendo, whatever faggy furry shit is relevent still, Aggretsuko, Undertale, Pokemon. Whatever. And just push out pic after pic while remembering to babble like a teenage girl who just got home from her lobotomy. Use as many heckin small words and slather your speech with sugary sweet phony bologna infantile gibberish. And make sure to rub elbows and suck up to as many higher ups as you can to get in as many loser cliques as possible.

The choice is yours, and yours alone. Are you just another bitch, or a bro?
lmao angry autist

guarantee this kid has never drawn anything
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This is the natural reaction to anything that isn't more of the same low iq blubbering these people have become accustomed to from over exposure to various beacons of cancer that have consumed the internet. Such as and most likely, twitter, deescord, and 4chan. Take notice of their effeminate tactic of dismissal and assumption, the go to "rebutal" for all low iq and low t men who wish to feign an unwarranted sense of superiority. Their ego consuming 90% of their character and self worth. The gauntlet has been tossed, feel free to contribute you're own works for comparison and put me in my place. If you choose to go the low road and play these off as being imperfect practice pieces, yes, this is what improving and caring about your craft looks like. Not jumping in and blindly drawing ugly amateurish garbage like everyone else

this shit sucks bro
go back to /ic/, tard
Blimey, somebody thinks they’re really something.
>speaks with aggressive authority on a subject
>is very clearly a beginner

lmao shut up retard
You are hands down the dumbest anon to grace this site
Some choice doozies
> here you are begging a bunch of autists and retards for "tips," while posting some random fuck boy retard image.
> Get serious or get fucked.
> remembering to babble like a teenage girl who just got home from her lobotomy. Use as many heckin small words and slather your speech with sugary sweet phony bologna infantile gibberish. And make sure to rub elbows and suck up to as many higher ups as you can to get in as many loser cliques as possible. The choice is yours, and yours alone. Are you just another bitch, or a bro?
> effeminate tactic of dismissal and assumption
> The gauntlet has been tossed … put me in my place
You sound like somebody Terrified of their perception that thinks they can Teach, more like force, the world and everyone to be as neurotic and destructive as they are
No thanks.
Your desperation is palpable.
Tldr, you sound like Steven Zapatas lackies. WAH I HATE MYSELF WHEN I DO BAD SO ILL PROJECT THAT FEELING ONTO EVERY ASPIRING ARTIST!!!! How about you kill yourself you overly verbose pseud. Some people like taking the challenge of bettering at art the long and grueling way. You sound like those pretentious cunts who think everyone who likes games that are not on a nintendo console are hardcore graphics over gameplay people. All because some of us have standards doesnt mean all we care about is EPIC ANATOMY and REALISTIC SHADING. Keep trying to grow your twitter and spread how comfy your artstyle is though! Less competition for me.
>types double op’s amount
With the amount of (1)'s suddenly appearing in this thread and how quickly responses are piling up I can only assume you're mad, stay mad bitch boi
uhhh do you know how image boards and social interaction work?
"Take notice of their effeminate tactic of dismissal and assumption, the go to "rebutal" for all low iq and low t men who wish to feign an unwarranted sense of superiority."

All talk and no show. No matter how poor my stuff is, I'm the only one who has anything to show for. You all missed the point and assumed I was out to prove myself as a master of drawing when that couldn't be further from it. I put my money where my mouth is and showed that I'm putting in the very grind I vouch for. And as expected you all doubled down on these clearly unfinished deliberately rough practice sketches and tried to get one over me like I thought these were god tier perfectly crafted pics. Yes I have a very long way to go, but when none of you have even taken up the path, how do you expect to put me down? By dog piling me? Pathetic. Clearly I pinched a nerve.

If I were terrified of my perception I wouldn't have put myself in the open to get predictably shit on. You've really got things warped if you believe I'm as scared and neurotic as you make me out to be. Especially on an anonymous image board where no long term consequences exist. Just like I've criticized the others of doing, you have to pull out these insane assumptions of me to craft a narrative of being some paranoid schizo to fit your narrative and calm your nerves. Force the world? I was just laying out what this guy has to do if he seriously wants to get good at art, instead of these half baked ass pat flimsy suggestions. All because I talk aggressively? Are you that intimidated by an anonymous post you interpret me as some dictator nazi? The complete irony is how palpable your own obvious neurosis and anxiety must be to wrap my words in such an insane and twisted way. I just have blue balls from struggling to find any good art to get my rocks off to, the nerve of venting angrily in a post I don't even think the original op will ever even see. Btw, what doozies did I post? You just quoted me and didn't follow up with anything. I don't get it, was the supposed to be some sort of btfo? You have a very passive aggressive way of confronting people, are you a woman?

>when the first post with a (2) appears immediately after getting called out for same fagging
holy fuck you people
didn't realize how inconsistent these tags where, well, guess I ate shit on that last part lol
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Thanks for admitting you’re the original idiotic op. Not gonna bother refuting your sameing accusation when this post does enough to discredit your psychobabble

bruh how are you gonna go on an image board for fetish porn and sperge out that hard
I hate Andy Vazquez
glad to know this is the hotspot to find the most miserable human beings around.
OH GOD, another person who uses autism as an insult who probably doesn't knows anything about ASD. we found the last caveman
I'm surprised he didn't throw in like fifteen "wokes" in there.
(1.3 MB, 1050x1200, Amala.png)
Here's some of mine. Most of my fat stuff has been on request and would unfortunately have to go on another thread to not break rules, but this is at least a decent example of my skill set.
> here you are begging a bunch of autists and retards for "tips," while posting some random fuck boy retard image.
> Get serious or get fucked.
> remembering to babble like a teenage girl who just got home from her lobotomy. Use as many heckin small words and slather your speech with sugary sweet phony bologna infantile gibberish. And make sure to rub elbows and suck up to as many higher ups as you can to get in as many loser cliques as possible. The choice is yours, and yours alone. Are you just another bitch, or a bro?
> effeminate tactic of dismissal and assumption
> The gauntlet has been tossed … put me in my place
Dare I say they sound like a woman trying really hard to be an “anti-woke” hard right man..
I was about to post this then saw the captcha. I will leave it at that.
Val here,
Wanted to say the above two posts are me because hecc
I dont know why people are angry at him, he isnt wrong.
Not to say circles can look bad, but a alot of artists really gravitate to drawing circles with no effort ontop of it. No rendering, no variety, no interesting shapes or topology. They draw the same type of shape they are comfortable with, and never deviate.
This isnt really bad when you have really good artists who not only have great rendering and shaping to begin with, but also draw lots of different poses and angles. But alot of these artists only ever draw the same three angles.

Fetish should absolutely be a motivator for being a good artist. If you cant handle the difficulties of learning anatomy, topology, shading, color theory, and other nessecary concepts, your art will forever be dogshit.


Hate to tell you, this is exactly what an artist sounds like. He understands the difficulty behind growing your skill, and finds it borderline mocking that you can just throw up a guide and become a good artist.

A guide at best shows you good tips, practices, and concepts. But it does not turn trash into good art. Being harsh pushes those who arent willing to do what it takes to be a good artist, and encourages those who know they can do better.
Okay nevermind he is being a dick, but you should atleast get my point. Harshness is a good motivator for those actually trying to do better. If it breaks you and makes you not want to draw, you probably didnt have what it takes to begin with.
Sometimes I like circles. It's like fast food. Sometimes you want fast food.
Sounds temporary, stress based, and easily fixable within a few days
Better than forced butt pellet/breast augmentation
I am not OP, but you seem to know what you're talking about. Let's get some discussion up in here, if you're willing.
For starters, while I agree that many artists do tend to draw circles and leave it at that, can we really call those people artists? What separates the infamous "circle tool" artists from the big leagues? Furthermore, what are these "same three angles" you speak of, and what makes them so problematic for anyone who draws them?
I like how this one completely random thread has the same similarly typed longed responses that keep defending that one very very clear garbage troll op with a few sane anons refuting.
The same troll saying “inflationfags” have no standards
As if you’re trying to distract from something damning
You’re fooling no one.
I would love too, ive been drawing most of my life. I work traditionally and 3D CGI.

A circle isnt inherently bad, its the execution and overall consistency. Any good artist wont use a circle tool, they will freehand the circle. And they wont use a circle for every single piece. Usually for aesthetic, or for a commission request. I know Molaveda did a cute one of a Vaporeon of something as a circle, taking up a quarter of the frame. Using the rule of thirds to make it visually appealing, and their great rendering to not make it look bland. And more importantly, this circle art is only a tiny portion of most of the art Mola makes. An artist who works soley in these circles are boring. Like Nuumatic, the other guy was talking about.

Nuumatic has good rendering, but a basic sense of anatomy, and doesnt explore any concepts at all. Every single image is the same pose, formula, and shape. EdgeofMind does something similar. They both are good artists, but they are bad inflation artists. Theres no variety or sense of artistry, they just draw round characters and call it a day.

The same three angles is something more common with less skilled artists. Ones with middling skill who maybe cel shade their artwork. They draw 3/4 profile, 3/4 behind, and sometimes inflated laying on their bellies. And their entire gallery contains those same exact poses regardless of character, situation, or time they have spent drawing art. I cant remember any off the top of my head, but its really common and you can notice it in some artists.

I would recommend art studies to help yourself improve. Either take an artist, or concept, find as many examples of it that you like, and replicate them, understand what makes them so good. I would personally recommend Molaveda, Sushfishious, and DeviantSeiga as great examples of inflation artists with great rendering, anatomy, and artistic expression.

Do keep in mind you should value art style and personal expression over your examples. Its easy to just learn how to draw in other peoples artstyles and neglect your own.
Hypnotic wordplay is a thing Love. Protect yourself I know you realize what’s going on timing and all.
Kind reminder that this idiotic troll is sameing and got caught doing it via this post
Long winded bullcrap like that is just the continuation. If you can’t make your point short and sweet it is probably for a reason.
>>79592 >>
Kind reminder that this idiotic troll is sameing and got caught doing it via these posts. It’s awfully convenient that all they’ve managed to do with all of this is cause confusion. It’s by design because they’re trying to distract and cause confusion.
Thankfully they got caught sameing but because of the nature of the sameing idiocy and trolling it almost makes the proof post look like them. The above post and the image contained within it itself is the people proving the sameing. It’s a whole stupid web by design but you can look through the posts and thread yourself if you want to verify.
Which also wastes times and makes you lose interest. Which is also by design.
For those seeing this “war” between two sides playing out it should be painfully obvious by now that one “side” is desperate scared and throwing shit at every wall.
And they really hate ocean and fish motifs.
To end it off simply the above post is literally the same op calling us all “inflationfags”
It’s all bad faith participation to purposefully fuck things up
Sounds temporary, stress based, and easily fixable within a few days
Better than irl forced butt pellet/breast augmentation
Sounds temporary, stress based, and easily fixable within a few days
Better than irl forced butt pellet/breast augmentation
Sounds temporary, stress based, and easily fixable within a few days
Better than irl forced butt pellet/breast augmentation
Sounds temporary, stress based, and easily fixable within a few days
Better than irl forced butt pellet/breast augmentation
Sounds temporary, stress based, and easily fixable within a few days
Better than irl forced butt pellet/breast augmentation
If you want to call me the same guy as above purely because you dont like my advice, your only proving my point from earlier. Your unwilling to learn and blaming others for it because you find it easier than actually developing your art skills.

>actually developing your art skills
Look at the art on this site. Look at the art on Netflix and Hollywood. Look at the art from asia. Listen to any rap song. Then, stfu.
Whats your point? The art on this site varies from great artists to robot001. The art on Netflix and Hollywood either have incredible cinematics and passion. Or they have such shockingly low standards that you wonder if its a joke. Art from Asia, depending on the part of Asia your talking about is beautiful, but also mass produced. Factory style. Its a fascinating study, but it really means nothing towards whatever point your trying to get at. Are you saying art everywhere in America is bad?
No you’re literally the same person you replied to yourself up above with the same ip tag at one point. Just more obfuscation as usual
Sounds temporary, stress based, and easily fixable within a few days
Better than forced butt pellet/breast augmentation
I meant im not the asshole above with the whole inflationfag rant and the spongebob screenshot. Of course im the same guy above with the art advice, the tags spell it out.
>>79877 (Dead)

Bruh, you literally write like retard bruh.
Kind reminder that this idiotic troll is sameing and got caught doing it via these posts. It’s awfully convenient that all they’ve managed to do with all of this is cause confusion. It’s by design because they’re trying to distract and cause confusion.
Thankfully they got caught sameing but because of the nature of the sameing idiocy and trolling it almost makes the proof post look like them. The above post and the image contained within it itself is the people proving the sameing. It’s a whole stupid web by design but you can look through the posts and thread yourself if you want to verify.
Which also wastes times and makes you lose interest. Which is also by design.
And they really hate ocean and fish motifs.
To end it off simply the above post is literally the same op calling us all “inflationfags”
It’s all bad faith participation to purposefully fuck things up
And of course they’ll repeat themselves and say they’re not compelling people to waste their time, confuse, and such as stated above
Makes you wonder why there’s people out there this manic about a chan board huh
Sounds temporary, stress based, and easily fixable within a few days
Better than forced butt pellet/breast augmentation
Dang there’s a lot of insecurity in this thread.
You talk just as inflammatory here, as you do on 4chan. Do I need to start reporting your comments to get you to stop?

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