
(1.8 MB, 2880x2280, 2370945.png)
Here's the second thread.
Did the last one got saged?
Thank you so much!
You're welcome, plus I got a lot more to show later. :)
(347 KB, 1200x1049, full.png)
Very nice!
Did you still have Celly Wonka pics?
Do you also have Necrofeline's recent Blueberry pics?
Do you have the Desert Girls pack from Necrofeline's Patreon?
We need more Necrofeline's Patreon pics!
Anymore Bluebarity pics?

what the name the pictures

Do you have the full Cadence berry animation from Necrofeline? I only have the animatic and can't find the full version.
Could someone update NecroFeline's kemonoparty thing?
We need to import NecroFeline's Patreon on Kemono
(1.0 MB, 1280x1280, 2380885.png)
I found the lost pic on Derpibooru
We need more NecroFeline's pics on Patreon!
>>18553 If I remember correctly, I think there was a video with inflation sound of these strips in the old EqG Inflation thread. If anyone has it, can they share it here?
(1.3 MB, 1900x624, image0.png)
Please add NecroFeline's Patreon on Kemono, because Yiff Party has shut down
(3.8 MB, 1080x720, cadence_exportNM[youtubetomp4.org].mp4)
I'm looking for the full, completed version of this. I think it's out there with a protected link on vimeo or something, but I was never able to find it.
We need more Equestria Girls inflations!
Is there any art where their pony counterparts are inflating them?
Good news! They've added necrofeline on kemono. They just need to put the rest of art on it.
How can i go to Kemono website?
Yea but no one update it and lost it all
It didn't lose it all. It still has 120 posts available on it.
What if they were transformed into ponies by being popped by pony pinkie pie or by magical buildup type scenario.
Anyone have the wip and lines or flats for berry pajama party by necrofeline?
Can someone put aria of effect by necrofeline on here?
Bump for more of that-one-dude-guy’s work
There should be the equestrian girls being inflated by their pony counterparts or at least by pony pinkie pie
(235 KB, 616x872, 677487__questionable_artist-colon-capnsqueaks_sunset+shimmer_pony_female_imminent+popping_inflation_j-dot-j-dot-+abrams_lens+flare_near+bursting.png) (1.2 MB, 2560x1600, 2488832__explicit_semi-dash-grimdark_artist-colon-cybersquirrel_sci-dash-twi_twilight+sparkle_human_equestria+girls_abdominal+bulge_arm+behind+back_artificial+i.png)
I have been sitting on a similar idea for a long time now:
>original (in the mirror dimension of Equestria Girls) Sunset Shimmer is jealous of pony Sunset Shimmer
>original Twilight "Sci-Twi" Sparkle is jealous, or "scientifically curious", about pony princess Twilight "Twilicorn" Sparkle
They would pursue each other in their respective home dimensions. To inflationary ends, obviously.
Edit: Typo.
I thought of a scenario where the E
G begin inflating due to a magical build up situation and when they explode, they become the pony versions or maybe even the pony life versions
Like Pinkie herself usually blows up in Pony Life?
Yeah, except bigger.
Maybe even pony life pinkie pie inflates them until they pop and turn them into ponies.
Explosive ponification
>>36442 (Dead)
I wish there were more ponies and human(-ish) inflating content!
Does anyone have more of that-one-dude-guy’s art?
Me, and those are inflation edits.

Technically I’m not the one behind the actual original art which was the inflated character in question being given a wedgie by Twi. I am simply the artist responsible for the edit’s creation that you see as it is now. These are BBW chan exclusives to the Edit Thread.
One of the only images of its kind (spin off M6) and by far the best available. Hands down.
If you have requests, leave ‘em over on the edit thread.
Well, i have a good news and a bad news, the good news NecroFeline's Patreon has return, and the bad news the old pics has deleted after shutting down
Well? We're waiting.
(881 KB, 2178x1584, 1462454927216.png)
Lurking archives, you get the impression there was more art available. Which is odd. Also, I found out some old uploads aren't lost.
>she was one of the few artists who delivered
>others regularly purged their accounts
Oh no.
>pinkie was in the school lab working on a project with her friends. She accidentally adding something wrong and blew up in her face. She then suddenly started ballooning out of control and couldn’t help but giggle. She was also getting turned on as her clothes burst upon as her friends finally noticed before she touched the ceiling followed by her exploding into confetti.
>from the pile of confetti, rose a cute cartoony pony version of pinkie
>she then grinned at them and produced a cartoony helium tank out of thin air. She then shoved the tubes in their mouths and releasing the flow of helium into them and inflating into big balloons.
>each of their clothes were reduced to shreds as they moaned.
>they quickly filled the lab, smooshing pinkie against the wall before they all popped. The explosion released some sort of transformative magic as the environment began to change around them as the new ponies woke up and they seemed confused, as if they don’t remember what they looked liked before and just accepted it.
>the magic quickly spread through the school and beyond, blimping every adult and popping them into a new cartoony pony form or some other creature.
>within three days the world had changed into the pony life version of equestria

That is how the pony life universe is born.
Be free to add any art, dialogue or details or ideas.
This is my first time writing
Head canon, but would be logical for the creation
You will never believe what I did. I got a pony request on /d/ delivered.
Thank you kindly!
>her FA account is deactivated (again)
You're Welcome
>FA Closure
She had a journal posted some hours before she went down stating mostly that she was sick of dealing with some assholes who were constantly bothering her about comms and she was done dealing with people's shit for a while. Having followed her for a while across FA and Patreon, she can be pretty prone to outbursts like these and may just need a few months away from everything to get her bearings on her personal situation. It's not the first time she's voluntarily closed shop.

With any luck, she'll take the time to figure out how she wants to handle things and at least open up her profile enough to make navigating her content easier. If you have direct links to images, you can still access therm (like via search engines). And I'm assured if you know the right people to ask that there are archives or stashes of her work being preserved incase of emergencies like this.

Was there something in particular you were looking for?
(884 KB, 1800x2160, 1556501018.necrofeline_celeballoon.png)
Update from Necro's Patreon, she's going to be gone from FA for quite a long time, potentially permanently. Best to start your archives now if that's something you feel the need to do.
i do agree and i feel bad for her but at the same time basically blocking a lot of your art just because your tired of people are being rude cant you just turn commenting off? i don't agree with people being rude because there impatient but that shouldn’t mean people that weren't harsh shouldn't be able to see her amazing art
I can't stand of trolls fucking hate them
M6, any villains.
Sci-Twi, any Shadowbolt's.
Sunset Shinner, any Dazzlings.
She's an artist, a "cook" in a hot kitchen.
(271 KB, 1200x724, Csy-0TrmeVA.jpg)
>artists who aren't open to requests/commissions can be open to simple hints
Who do you see in this scenario?
Blimp parade balloon she's filled to bursting
Let me repeat the question:
Which humanized FiM pony or Equestria Girl would you request or commission?
He's referring to the fact there's a furry board, and anthro goes there.
I prefer humans from Equestria Girls
Humanized FiM is superior.
(165 KB, 868x804, 7D12275B-1476-4706-B6D2-D3DC606F467B.jpeg) (143 KB, 873x708, EAC24F5D-18D7-4D5B-918F-9FB5E3AC5F40.jpeg) (139 KB, 799x801, 2B94C0BC-4013-4829-8F2C-DB2F19C10B81.jpeg) (209 KB, 1116x1139, 9D35625E-4001-4671-ADED-6FDEC086B562.jpeg)
Gosh, now I wish there was a sequence of Pinkie blowing up into that goofy orb shape. Like, in-betweens of “normal small pony” and “big round pony.” We even have something kind of close to it, with that one time Fluttershy inflated herself. Her head blows up first, before the rest of her body just kind of merges into it.
>millions of pony images in one centralized upload hub that has a DNP
>tens or hundreds of thousands of stories
>oc rate rising despite background ponies and foreground(?) humans averaging less than half a dozen images (most of which are poor quality)
Who do you think gets not enough love?
necrofelines FA is back
I can't wait to see more Equestria Girls pics!
I do wish I had the chance to ask some inflation related stuff when ask princess molestia was a thing
(428 KB, 610x812, FbgLP7aXoAADSwY.png) (436 KB, 610x812, FbgLR6yXkAMxFz0.png) (9 KB, 800x600, 7899a0afcb4b4eac38bd809334de943b245bdfd2f08b4cb2a3a150e81069d1b1.png) (53 KB, 800x600, e6a220f7ef1890a50f71691b2ab6e3ec868e34a437b7168366e41386ea88f08f.png) (588 KB, 3753x4096, FaVnuChWAAEspHp.jpg) (521 KB, 4021x4096, Fat5NfaXoAAwA_4.jpg)
>find out there's a manga with a cue tea pa 2 tee who looks very close to a pre-EG humanized classy pony
>it's not Little Witch Academy (made by a Japanese brony)
Well first, wrong thread and second, source of the second and third images?

Man, I really wish I saved his art when I had the chance...
I've forgotten, sorry, but the filename implies DA.
I would love to see Aria in the mouth and Sonata up the butt next.
I think it would be more interesting if poison joke some how got into their world and started the chain reaction with pinkie being patient zero
Because you're one of us.
(5.0 MB, 6518x5000, 1592707069.notanotherinflationartist_boost_loopt_twilight_and_sunset.png) (722 KB, 1280x938, 3.png) (252 KB, 1280x1202, 1635182932.priestofjashin_проект_6pony__1_.jpg)
help? it's absurd how difficult it is to find non-anthro inflated pony girls!
2nd image related. sorry if it's unrelated to MLP.
don't get me wrong. I love pony but >>>/bbfurries/13
Thanks. Now if only someone turn that idea into art or a comic or something
(127 KB, 800x567, 2908696.jpg)
What do you want to see more of, Humanized or Equestria Girls?
Who do you want to see more of, Mane 6, background ponies/humans, or villains/antagonists?
Serious answer: ponified EqG over regular Equestria Girls.
Good piece, 10/10 if you're into full body. Proof that artists who're almost off the ride can still do pony. Also, >>>/bbfur/
You know, who would be completely open to being pinkie pie’s human balloon?
FiM or EqG? Humanized FiM has soul. To answer your question: Yes. Serious answer: every mare/eqgirl/human.
I want to love you, but the blue one's supposed to wear a skirt.
Better question: Who would be completely open to being a human balloon?
Hard mode: no Pinkie Pie
How good is Image 2 Image ?
Seconding. Which girls have had the least content?
We need a little more of the oldest pony it’s been long enough since the big show
Seems as of around a month ago or so he deleted his DA account again. Snap1994 brings up nothing on the DA site. Last image of his was posted to Derpi only 3 months ago. Although when you google his name pretty much all his DA pictures still appear on Google images.

No clue if he's got an alt already or if he fully wiped for good but if he does maybe someone can find it.
Since posting this I also found that apparently he used to go by the name mintydrop2013. Although this was before he even called himself buttonbuster so likely won't help now.
For a short while after deactivating your DA account your uploaded content remain in the search section.
Safety bump
(4.4 MB, 3989x2479, Fk8OrkZaAAE8UNU.jpg)
>follow artists because they don't upload to DA anymore
>find this
(1.6 MB, 1063x1507, 278079.jpg)
>Dig Dug school event for Nightmare Night
>girls go as pooka's and boys as mr. poppers
Yes please.
I like this idea. I have koikatsu and I dont know how to use it bc my brain small. I do have mmd tho and Ik how to use that. might make a thread where we all learn how to model in sfm, koikatsu, and mmd. we can even use it to distribute sources and what not.
(861 KB, 1000x1300, 1963191__questionable_artist-colon-mad'n+evil_derpibooru+import_discord_sunset+shimmer_anthro_equestria+girls_ask_bbw_belly_belly+button_big+belly_bi.jpeg)
Within these threads you'll find various download packs and guides how to use Koikatsu. Give me some time to find a Disharmony channel that has an expansion/inflation plugin.
Cute. I knew I recognized an artist I've been following. Do you plan to make the entire eqg M6?
If that's something people want to see, then I suppose it's pretty likely they'll all get the spotlight at some point.

Was there a particular one you were hoping to see done?
To be honest? The villains other than the Dazzlings and the Shadowbolts. You never see Juniper Montage or Vignette Valencia?
Indeed I have and I do have a soft spot for Juniper. I'll see what all can be done in giving her a little something to live up to her star-power fantasies.

Equally so, I appreciate your feedback
Well, depends on exactly who you are looking for, but there's plenty of places, like dA, FA, Derpibooru and its variations (Twibooru is decent), threads on /trash/ (and the archives on desuarchive), etc.

I'm sure there's other places to try as well, some giving more of the explicit needs than others.
Thank you. I wish more had your dedication to draw and post.
Thank you in kind for the fun suggestion, it was a pleasant experience getting Juniper into a fruity form.

As more things are made, I'll do what I can to have them cross-posted here
>out of frame
>out of frame
Please do the opposite of out of frame next time.
This was done on purpose to give the illusion of a larger scale and manage limited page space.I'd like to trust your imagination would fill in some gaps

Your feedback will be considered for future works.
(117 KB, 1178x1600, 2938321__explicit_artist-colon-baohda_derpibooru+import_fluttershy_pinkie+pie_human_big+breasts_blushing_breastfeeding_breasts_butt_drool_eyes+closed_f.jpeg) (244 KB, 1125x1600, 2938325__questionable_alternate+version_artist-colon-baohda_derpibooru+import_fluttershy_human_belly+button_blushing_breasts_busty+fluttershy_clothes_d.png) (305 KB, 1125x1600, 2938323__questionable_alternate+version_artist-colon-baohda_derpibooru+import_fluttershy_human_belly+button_big+breasts_blushing_breasts_busty+flutters.png)
me myself and I'm a fan of the movie villains, Sunset Shimmer, the Dazzlings, the Shadowbolts, and Gloriosa Daisy, and I know I'm not the only one.
thank you for contributing.
your the one who posted them why are you asking yourself for more
source? the name in the filename lead to dead ends.
i honestly don’t remember where i found them ive had them for years
(476 KB, 2363x1350, 1511034.jpeg)
>10 years Equestria Girls came and went
Post your gallery.
Human > pony > EG
(108 KB, 900x1100, 1411616787.fishinabarrrel_tennoblueberry1.png) (178 KB, 900x1100, 1411622231.fishinabarrrel_tennoblueberry2.png) (118 KB, 1189x1280, 1411795266.fishinabarrrel_tennoblueberry3.jpg) (96 KB, 1280x1182, 1411867240.fishinabarrrel_tennoblueberry4.jpg) (72 KB, 1280x1056, 1411867453.fishinabarrrel_tennoblueberry5.jpg) (69 KB, 1280x896, 1414270481.fishinabarrrel_tennoblueberry8.jpg)
You guys missed 2 good sequences so I will add another after a while when this one is up
I love sequences.
We have a pony thread over at >>>/bbfurries/36921.
I don't want to sound entitled but can you do an M6, too? Maybe an M7 since it was EqG's 10 anniversary recently.
its called my little pony not my little human you just gotta acepet there will be pony's
Should've been MLP humanized/eqg
please come back ;-;
(1.4 MB, 3153x2783, Celly_W_12.png)
My child, you have not been forgotten. Be at peace, for I am with you
Can you make more?
I reckon so, what all are people interested in seeing?
id kinda like to see the cellywonka cadance but its just cadance or fluttershy from cellywonka
Gloriosa Daisy, in the Everfree woods surrounded by thorns, blueberry and non-bb variants.
(910 KB, 3504x2544, Sketch_Studies_45_9_30_23.jpg)
I'm getting my sketching warmed up, so thank you for your patience as I get ready to further invest in these. Have a Twilight while you wait
(4.1 MB, 7500x5400, berrysleepoverpg08end-fullres.png)
And as a partial aside, I was speaking to a few people over in >>>/bbwalt/44954 and I'll pose you the same question: do any of you know someone who would make a good artist to commission for a potential continuation of the Pajama Berry Comic?

I'm the original commissioner and it'd be nice to explore more of the concept, but with NecroFeline in retirement from everything, I'd need to explore some new avenues
unlike his draw style, lmao.
Your feedback is appreciated. What would like to see improved?
appreciated? now I have to answer. before you draw use the softest available pen for sketches. the more you draw the faster you improve and artists will open up. post sketches. I like works in progress.
Yes, I appreciate your willingness to critique, it helps me have another person review the work and give critical feedback that I'm liable to miss even in my own reflections of the work.

Just to make sure I'm understanding you correctly, what is a soft pen? I know pencils come in a variety of hardness and I do have a few other pencils that run softer than the 2B one I'm using right now.

I definitely agree with you in practicing to improve. I've been more serious this year in making time to sit and draw and have kept a log of progress (recently got the 50th done).

Most of what I've posted from myself have been from that sketch log (would never consider any of these finished pieces yet). I'll admit, I'm bad about WIPs, but you raise a fair point.

(Also, apologies for the missing "you" in the previous post)
you're too nice you force me to respond. I meant soft pencils. they don't stand out when scanned so you don't need to think twice about drawing a line. some, like me, like unfinished works. the more unfinished works you have tucked under your belt the more you can show off.
I'll have to be a bit more cautious, can't be killing you with kindness just yet.

Thank you for your clarification. I had suspected that's what you meant, but wanted to be sure I wasn't missing some clever new tool or an old staple I hadn't come across yet. I'll be certain to find the softest of the lot and give it a try for my next sketches.

I hope my work can eventually come to leave a positive impression for you, so I apologize for the wait time as I work towards improvement. You have my gratitude
you're so nice you coerce me into being nice. I'll explain with eclectic images.
see Necrofeline's and ButtonBuster's art above? literally circle tool and clothes drawn over it. and yet it looks great.
see EdgeOfMind's and Cipactli's above? obvious circle tool is obvious but they went lengths to avoid obvious spheres by adding skin indentation and puffier midsections. and it looks amazing. don't worry. using a pair of compasses is a-okay. redraw in different poses to the point you can choose your best sketch to finish. and being an available and reasonable artist is the best possible impression enough.
I apologies if in being kind I'm causing you discomfort, given that you seem to view such as a form of pressure. Rest assured, I'd rather you be comfortable in being yourself than feeling like you need to make any drastic changes on my behalf (as appreciative as I am for your kindness).

I strongly believe I see what you mean, using the form factor and subtly of shaping detail to give even the humble circle its due with a tidy look and feel. I suppose I shouldn't shy away from an honest tool like the compass if I want that proper form to start, using it more as the guide it should be instead of a raw base.

The more we speak, the more I'm feeling I've been a bit too casual in fulfilling the asks of the others above, opting for a fast and dirty sketch as opposed to something more earnest in its intention and approach. I again want to thank you for your criticisms and insights in helping to illuminate such.
(1.3 MB, 1920x1080, 1381679.png)
you're so eloquent and kind you're leaching out my vitriol. no, I'm melting. nooo. will I see the day you'll have muscle memory in place of compasses?
The only way to stop the burning of kindness is to release me as you would a live coal. Only then will the flames relent in sharing their warmth and good will.

There is a strong possibility you'll be alive to see the day, but I'll first need to acquire the compass and play with it enough to understand its mechanics for implementation. As before, thank you for your patience in this process.
I eagerly await your next posts.
oh snap I forgot the stellar work an editor on this site has done.
see this? stellar work.
her FA shows her to be somewhat active again.
Duly noted for the sample you have provided in reference.

I'd be very curious to know what activity you are seeing that would suggest such? I've kept tabs on her for the past bit and I've not see much of anything from her since her shutdown in March
furaffinity. also an active account has recent faves.
(3.7 MB, 19808x2502, 873156.jpg) (1.2 MB, 10905x1196, 879273.jpg) (892 KB, 1240x5437, 888662.jpg)
Hey guys, look what i've found the lost pics on Ponerpics.org
The artist made by RockerGirlBubblizer
you're probably right. I saw 2023 and expected activity.
Can I hope to see your newest works?
You can. If you reverse search the image on >>95987 and go to the one who commissioned the piece, you will find me and my works. Seek me there before this place is shuddered
Can I suggest for you to visit the /trash/ big pony general?
Besides an EqG-hating OC-posting fat lover and a OC-hating ponification-loving expansion enjoyer you'll find they're very open to newcomers.
I have enjoyed some time spent exploring the Expansion threads in /Trash/ from time to time. I'll make an effort to be there and not be square
says the man on a pony board
We'll need a new thread soon.
Be sure to name it MLP humanized&EqG general next time.
(1.3 MB, 1024x1536, 3243691__suggestive_ai+content_ai+generated_generator-colon-stable+diffusion_prompter-colon-oj_trucy_trixie_human_g4_belly_big+belly_big+breasts_breasts_clothes.png) (1.4 MB, 1024x1536, 3242623__suggestive_ai+content_ai+generated_generator-colon-stable+diffusion_prompter-colon-oj_trucy_sunset+shimmer_human_g4_belly_belly+button_big+belly_big+br.png) (1.5 MB, 1024x1536, 3244928__suggestive_ai+content_ai+generated_generator-colon-stable+diffusion_prompter-colon-oj_trucy_aria+blaze_human_equestria+girls_g4_rainbow+rocks_annoyed_b.png) (1.6 MB, 1024x1536, 3245504__suggestive_ai+content_ai+generated_generator-colon-stable+diffusion_prompter-colon-oj_trucy_sonata+dusk_human_equestria+girls_g4_rainbow+rocks_belly_be.png)
(493 KB, 3504x2544, Sketch_Studies_52_12_2_23.jpg) (607 KB, 2544x3504, Sketch_Studies_51_12_2_23.jpg) (458 KB, 2544x3504, Sketch_Studies_53_12_2_23.jpg)
To the kind gentleman who was awaiting my trials with using a Compass, I finally present my first efforts with the tool. It feels clunky at the moment, but I wholly acknowledge it's mostly me needing to learn the proper techniques for how to use it.

If you have any advise on the best way to draw the circle, I would be indebted to you. At the moment, I feel like a monkey in using a two-handed slow-turn approach.

(Please disregard anything I've written on the images, those are very much in-the-moment thoughts just used for rough progress tracking for my part)
very good first try. try again with a compass and finish one girl. then draw a circle as best as you can and finish another girl. post them for comparison. also post them in >>>/bbwalt/32419 so we can keep this thread a little longer.
We have some of the best mods if not *THE* best mod(s) of the whole website.
Does anyone have most or all of snap1994's art?
ah yes the man who would post somewhat wired preg/bottom heavy art the about a month later he hides it
Some of the best artists and editors who delivered for us have been pregfags, strangely enough.
Where are the other pieces of the other image?
How many posts can be deleted to save the thread? By the way the /trash/ general had an AI artist over.
(199 KB, 1024x727, art_trade___two_inflated_sister_s_in_law_by_metaldudepl666-dara7dj.jpg) (206 KB, 1024x724, art_trade___fluttershy_flyes_over_mountain_forest_by_metaldudepl666-daqtpc8.jpg) (493 KB, 1024x1456, a_walk_after_hard_day_by_metaldudepl666-dbeh8u0.jpg) (553 KB, 1024x1460, commission___jogging_love_by_metaldudepl666-dbe85zs.jpg) (1.7 MB, 3490x2457, trade___blimped_cat_lingerie_dean_cadence_by_metaldudepl666-db8k6gw.jpg) (3.6 MB, 3482x2449, art_trade___inflated_principals_by_metaldudepl666-dbapg2r.jpg)
(198 KB, 1024x722, love_is_love_by_metaldudepl666-dbfb3xm.jpg) (222 KB, 1024x1705, commission___hyper_pregnant_fluttershy_by_metaldudepl666-damdjbq.jpg) (321 KB, 1024x1610, art_trade___her_whole_world_turn_upside_down_by_metaldudepl666-dan2x3k.jpg) (353 KB, 1024x1486, art_trade___after_shopping_by_metaldudepl666-dajgomd.jpg) (510 KB, 1024x1981, commission___pregnant_nurse_redheart_by_metaldudepl666-dashmrk.jpg) (607 KB, 1024x2093, commission___pregnant_sunset_shimmer_by_metaldudepl666-dbf2dmx.jpg)
(180 KB, 1055x757, mlp__first_three_back_page_53_by_eternaljonathan_ddid69u-pre.jpg) (78 KB, 1038x770, mlp_pregnancy_by_0p0lice0_debw66d-fullview.jpg) (190 KB, 1280x1707, mlp_pinkie_pie_by_kudann2506_dg2my67-fullview.jpg) (237 KB, 1280x1707, mlp_fluttershy_body_inflation_by_kudann2506_dg3cngt-fullview.jpg) (199 KB, 1280x1707, mlp_twilight_sparkle_body_inflation_by_kudann2506_dg28fuf-fullview.jpg) (980 KB, 1280x931, overwatch_MLP_derpibooru.png)
(626 KB, 1280x1047, 1418264907.necrofeline_celestiasexy.png) (439 KB, 1024x2561, celestia_s_bed_room_be_by_rickydemont-d9x8tyo.jpg) (190 KB, 1024x725, birthday_gift_for_megatronusrevenge_by_metaldudepl666-dagwckg.jpg) (292 KB, 1024x668, art_trade___summertime_by_metaldudepl666-daayjzp.jpg) (297 KB, 1024x720, art_trad___hyperpregnant_vice_principal_gamer_luna_by_metaldudepl666-da986fj.jpg) (361 KB, 1024x1598, inflated_dean_cadence_by_metaldudepl666-d9w9ey0.jpg)
(399 KB, 1024x1497, trade___extream_love_with_dean_cadence__censored__by_metaldudepl666-daft81f.jpg) (287 KB, 1024x1628, trade___hyper_inflated_hooter_adagio_dazzle_by_metaldudepl666-daft6od.jpg) (306 KB, 1024x1755, commission___inflated_fluttershy_by_metaldudepl666-dahdkjj.jpg) (277 KB, 1024x1686, pregnant_starlight_glimmer_eqg_by_metaldudepl666-d9w50gl.jpg) (465 KB, 1024x1441, hooter_scitwi_puffed_up_by_metaldudepl666-daegx10.jpg) (4.3 MB, 4896x6938, pregnant_vinyl_scratch_ii__based_on_cm_hana___by_metaldudepl666-d8p4shs.jpg)
then ignore it if dont like
(2.9 MB, 3624x5220, 529.png)
I wanted to keep this thread alive as long as possible.

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