
(58 KB, 900x888, inflatechan_2___what_remains_to_be_done__by_captainstupids_d9tc6dg-pre.jpg)
I guess I'm sort of making this coming from a place as a person who never really got to experience it. I always hear wonderful godly things about the place! And I think it's time to share some experiences in some good old fashioned discussion thread style. See what made it tick! And see if there's anything we can learn from these experiences that might help make bbwchan better. It will never be inflatechan! But at least maybe we can make is a passable successor.

Either way share your favorite anything from inflatechan and teach the rest of us who weren't there a genuine experience on why it was so superior to anything to date.
>>76100 (OP)
This thread is a prime (negative) example for what went wrong, aswell as discussions in general.

Too much talking. Not enough listening to your heart.
But what if my heart tells me to violently shit down my neighbors chimney? Should I still follow it?
>>76111 I almost certainly would if I were in your shoes, but I think you should spend some time off of the internet first and without listening to that psychotic fraud "Jordan Peterson", if that's even his real name. Once you are sure that it's your heart telling you to do it then I will shit with you right alongside you, but I have to say to you that it doesn't sound to me like that's what your heart is telling you.
Lol wtf does Jordan Petersons dumb ass have to do with this?
>Jordan Petersons dumb
Exactly, but I'm not picking on him, he's the only youtube or tv personality famous enough for me to know about. He's a fraud and a puppet for the illuminati and most likely all he is there for is because they needed a likeable professional to be the face of white culture and they were hoping to combat negative or potential ill-feelings growing towards white racists and their propaganda, but that is only an educated guess. I'm not part of any secret cults. I don't like humans.

I have a few humans that I can call good friends but who I can't trust even though they know well to trust me. I make friends because I'm social plus I love to fuck beautiful girls. If it wasn't for that I would likely live remotely on a mountain.
What's so difficult about making a chan?
Probably not a whole lot as long as you have knowledge of how to set up an image board.

Finding hosting for your porn site, paying for the hosting costs when your site is incredibly niche and swarming with bandwidth hogs and moderating it so it doesn't become full of illegal content or complete shitcunts... well, that's the difficult part, isn't it?
>>76100 (OP)
The reason inflationfags liked it so much was because they had dominion there, unlike here or any of the othere image boards where they're third class citizens at best and everything wasn't clogging up a single board.

It's the legal shit that scares people off; Inflatechan got killed because they couldn't deal with the cp fast enough and 8chan got asssassinated for being too free, with a frame job using social media's dirty laundry.
Oh hey, a thread. I'm still around these parts, fwiw.

>>76100 (OP)

It was around at the right time. BBW-Chan had removed the inflation board and there weren't alternatives. I'm sure if something else like inflatebooru had existed then it wouldn't have been needed at all.


There were four hard things:

1) Finding a hosting provider that won't ban you for hosting pornographic content. Most of them in the US have weird rules about it. inflatechan's host didn't have an explicit rule against it when we started, so we got grandfathered in, but even then it was on thin ice.

2) Funding. Unlimited hosting and free tiers weren't a thing when the site started. I was making minimum wage and bandwidth was $100/month. It got cheaper and my income went up, so that was less of a problem at the end.

3) Time. Mostly the site couldn't really "just run". It needed constant supervision to make sure that there was always someone to ban people that had to be banned. We added mods and janitors, but even they had lives and there was no guarantee of coverage. It felt like living two lives because I was spending a lot of time checking on the site and couldn't really talk about it. It was interfering with other parts of my life.

4) People. Most of the time it's fine, but I got tired of dealing with people being shitty and fighting. I remember spending a bunch of time putting together a new version of the site and the initial response was, "Jesus Christ this sucks." After that I basically decided it wasn't worth the stress. The existing solutions were fine.

When bbwchan got the inflation board back there wasn't much need for it any more and I'd rather use my time to make content anyway. If I end up making something like inflatechan again it will probably be just a dedicated file-sharing site.
inflatechan had
A) more people/activity
B) regularly occurring general threads people would repeatedly check and dump art on (closest we have is the imba thread)
C) drawthreads with artists in them

it's no magic formula. you need people and a reason for them to keep showing up
this place is mostly one-off niche interest threads that get 5 posts in them and then die
there is only so much art of <your hyperspecific subfetish>
threads that have done well are general threads like that comic thread which ran for two years
Inflatechan somehow had less autism than this board that's for sure. BBWChan having an inflation board is fun and all but there's just so many children and people with unironic brain issues. At least in Inflatechan the autism was somewhat restrained and directed towards art.

Plus being able to put niche things into boards where they won't get shitted up was fun. Boards dedicated to weirder, more niche inflation types where people didn't feel the sperg urge to talk about how much they hated said inflation type as if they didn't themselves click on the thread.

It was more dedicated rather than a maelstrom of garbage.
Yeah I agree anon like the factor there was furry stuff in here for months without a single issue then one person bitches and mods purge and it basically goes that way with whatever
>insert topic here

You discuss. Like it's separated in a thread if you don't like furry shit they why are you looking at a helluva boss thread? When most of it's characters are imps demons and hellhounds. (i.e.furries)

But that could be said about anything. Fart thread, blueberry thread, if you don't like it move on and if you gonna make a joke about blueberry fuckers for the 100th time at least get creative and make a meme or fanart like how "letusall" got there start here in the request threads

But another thing speaking of draw threads barely any artists do anything or get creative here I get some of you got things to do but at least pick a day of the month and dedicate yourself to a few requests or make some goofy aha memes like said person above did

There shit was gold!

But nobody does jack hell even if you gonna do a cringe joke make a meme or something interesting with it and stop complaining all the time those are legit what will fix this site nobody likes drama unless it's funny goofy drama

Like hellresident Jacked off with a hose up their ass or something (insert better joke here)
Oh yea, the Oekaki Board had some talents in there.
Sadly all of which have probably moved on by now probably focusing their talent into commission and other such a important things

Seriously though nothing's stopping the edits and drawing threads from becoming more op that Goku's next sayian transformation exception nobody doing anything serious theirs even just a share your own art wip thread.

Only thing stopping their growth is no activity so draw and post away and bring some life to these threads I'm begging
Good reasons. Thanks you for your post.
Did it have an archive?
I always came back to inflate chan for one thing. The morphs. I absolutely loved the morph board. The request thread was the best, blue to it being active all the time.
I miss it sometimes.
>>76100 (OP)
God, I remember the SFM threads. So many great artists got their start or their inspiration there. I would keep coming back to see what developments people made. So much fun.
Hell, I Inflatechan was where I was able to feel comfortable drawing this shit.
I loved being able to do a few requests here and there but this place just seems dead when it comes to legit interaction.
People come on here just to bitch and fight. Just fuck off, rub one out and chill.
I would open a request thread but apparently this chan has something against furries?
Anyways,. If there's any of the old artists on here from back in the day, hit me up. Let's trade or something.

Yeah, no kidding, just looking through the old furry request thread via wayback machine, seeing so many names in there that have grown more notable since then. Good times.
And yeah, I'm still here, dunno about doing trades or anything, but sitting 'n bullshitting's always fun.
I just watch from the shadows waiting for something cool to happen LOL

Hey Drake. You draw boys inflated big and round and I like that. It's pretty cool B]

And yeah, you ain't gotta, I just saw this thread and had to chime in. I miss old internet days where we could all come together and blow ropes over balloon shit.

Speaking of: Does anyone have any of my old art? I lost like... ALL of it :X
Take me back.
Inflatechan had even worse moderation than this place does. Didn't Seiga go around trolling threads he didn't like with zero repercussions?
Remember the mascot based on Loona from Hood?
It was a chan.
I remember that people kept posting inflated lolis that the thread kept turning into arguments between for or against it,

in the CG section this moron suggested making CG inflated lolis, he got obliterated and all of the comments were not surprising negative towards the idea
part of what made it special was that it had at least 1 janny on most of the time, and other than tinman forgetting that a black woman with cat ears isn't furry, they usually did their jobs right, managing to toe the line between shutting down offtopic bullshit and stifling discussion in general.

that said, there were also a lot less ban-evading schizophrenics with a grudge back then, too. the auto-mod bot got really good at filtering out that "CP" spammer (that wasn't spamming actual CP) to the point that the bot owner just straight up reported his own spam to the server host.

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