
(233 KB, 653x631, Sad coomer.png)
As the title says, bad experiences about this kink, it can be from a comission, from the community or a someone who gave you bad time, being disappointed from certain users counts too
I'll be adressing mine as well but since is a long one I'll try to tell it from post to post to not make a giant text, I'll be reading yours as well.
Feel free to adress it as well.
I have yet to really have one at least in certain areas(hopefully I didn't jinx myself) but I have had some weird reactions an experiences from my starting days literally having some anon weirdo hack me and having to purge my shit as result to stop them (but it was during the days before vpns and I was a naive punk who took people for face value I've learned a lot since then)

to mostly just a rude interaction or two from people on things. One of which sadly got me so down it ended up ruining my last holiday with a loved one. But I've sorta just learned to live and forget drama as that's all it is.

Weird shit happens and there's not much you can do about it but learn we're all humans who make mistakes and trust the wrong mfs sometimes but those mistakes help us grow as people. I came into this community ironically quite young (like age 12 to 15 or something) and I've learned a lot in like a 10 year period. Mostly that shit happens and you got to just go with the flow and live with it like a bad cringe comment or joke.

Although I don't really have too many horror stories that come to mind I wouldn't be surprised if someone has and my best advice to them is put you physical and mental health first and fuck anyone else's opinions. Don't let people get under your skin.
EVER! (Also take breaks when needed and don't do shit you'll have regrets on)

but that's pretty much all I have to say
Now I'm going to piss off back into the void
This entire board is a bad experience. Almost half of the posts on here, in almost every thread are filled with autism, children or autistic children typing nonsense and contributing nothing. I don't remember Inflatechan ever having this level of pure, unadulterated autism. It's just a shame I'm a slave to the kink.
You hit the nail right on the head. As bad as Inflatechan was sometimes, it was never as depraved as this place.
Depravity... yeahhhh..... That's the real problem here......... To many depraved people...... Yeah....
Oooooooh so depraved huh yuuuuhh?….?
I got expelled from my college when I got caught by staff inflating in schools gym pool in my inflatable latex catsuit over the weekend, when it was supposed to be empty and staff should be home.
You see? This nutter gets it
For years I just found shit to jack off to and didn't interact in any communities. Like this is the only real place I do it anyway and it's rare I do. Anyway I write a story post a link to it and some schizo accuses me of being their sister who has been trying to blackmail and dox them all becuase my the first letters of the words in my username spell SIS, no joke. Really the only quote un quote bad experience I've had.
i did a bunch of acid on a report my post call one time and started shouting to my friend (who i believed to be a small armenian child, and I, a hedonistic ottoman) to get big titty misato photos. with my reduced inhibition as he went to deviantart, i saw an image of blueberry inflation misato i jacked off too a fair few times, and started shouting and whooping. like two other close friends were in the call. they still bring up the blueberry misato incident.
>>75896 (OP)
Ah also for all of the newfags there saying "disc0rd" will inmidiately be replaced by the sentence "Report my post"
Not really one specific experience, but since this fetish is so weird and cringy, whenever it’s inevitably brought up as a joke, I have to pretend to agree. I guess it’s better than being, Iike, a murderer but even then, at least murder is psychologically explainable.
Channer mentality was strong there. Only the autists, children, and autistic children complain about the chan mentality. That's why you see the most unhinged evil people on Reddit and Twitter.
Never thought that i'd be here lol
At first i just look at it like a funny thing in cartoon then i saw that Db1 dude did some mk shits
I got hooked up since then
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Then get on your knees and cry about it like the fat balloon you are and maybe mistress with blow up with you if you don't stop whining I'll just stick my heel in that Balloon animal you call a dick and end you right here either that or I'll grab on tightly and start blowing til your autistic ass mind can't take no more and explode all over the room like a discorb mod that's just touched a woman for the first time!
>I don't remember Inflatechan ever having this level of pure, unadulterated autism.
I didn't, but it would've eventually
So kitanas balloon kiss of death got your dick wet and hooked down back for balloons ever since? Yeah I feel ya for me it was a weird smoking guy in a crossover guy that bugs bunny bursted ever since then I've been on this cursed rabbid train of busting my meat to people becoming Macy's blimps.

Out of all the origin stories I here I here no one ever sprout shit like bugs bunny got me hooked on balloon porn so I guess I'm a diamond in a New York sewer canal
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>>75896 (OP)
Well I used to be an inflation artist a few months back, I started on DA but that shitty site gave problems with the rp comments and the site being shit in general after some issue I decided to move on another plataform, that being twitter (big mistake), so i set up my stuff and started posting the stuff I was intended to, posting pics about my fantasies and that sort stuff, I wasn't a big artist, i actually didn't even had beyond 76 followers, and I only set up my account to see the updates about Wicked pump since Radio was more active on twitter in that time, her and other my favorite artists were there just created my account to follow them. I was amazingly stupid by how naive was on me to hink this would be a good idea on the time were the pandemic was at it's highest.
Try DA again. 73 is a good number and ten years ago you would've loved any number bigger than 2.
Were you any good? Go back to DA and post your username, I'll watch you.
With the time I gained a couple of friends, one being a scottish man who the most formal guy at first but when he gets mad.. oh boy the guy throws brimstone at you without any mercy but he draw neat stuff, sadly he is not into inflation in a fetishy way the draws it quite nicely, and then is a furfag who is a bit dumb at times and but he is the most decent furfag that that I've met until this day I'm these two have been with me until I decided to quit, specially the furfag had helped me a lot, beside those friendships, I entered some servers on Discuck, I was a bit shy at first but eventually started to post while my confidence and art improved by the time, I even gained a fan eventually, I was Yarbage's server at first and it was nice later the server died, it's still there but there isn't any much activity, later on I joined Kiria the neko's server and uhh it was more of "Wholesome uwu" shit, but it was comfortable to newfags like me, Later Modnar Yug, Blarthy Minion, General Drake and the Altas hub, thise last one belongs to AtlasDoesstuff... keep Atlas in mind all the time.
I'm afraid I wont do that, I prefer to stay anonymous, tho I post from time to time art on /inf/.
Well post up those one arts you mentioned from the obscure irish artist I'm kind curious what they look like heck name yourself Irish something so we know it's you
Scottish shit my bad
>> 75963
Inflatechan had people (FruitFrakker) defending literal CP as something inflation fetishists shouldn't complain about because raping children was just a fetish too and muh gray morals. No surprise he's an extreme far leftist commie now come to think of it.
>raping children fantasy isn't just a fetish
what part of 'literal CP' do you not understand
>>76154 What part of raping children fantasy are you incapable of paying attention to? Do you have ADHD? Perhaps what you need to is stalk/follow and "watch" some children? You would love to watch a child get raped, wouldn't you? Fucking idiot.

That's EXACTLY why none of the whole world respect you. Then you have the balls to bitch and moan and cry about it on tv while you pass the blame onto somebody else. You're worse than a joke. You were never funny.
How new are you? I bet you have never heard of Ms. Sammy "child inflation isn't fetishistic it's art" Bright.
We used to accuse others before it was cool because it's funny.
Calm down, Fruitfrakker. I'm sure they'll never find the bodies. Probably.
>>76160 Leave Fruitfrakken alone you bunch of artists assholes. It's not his fault you are all old, ugly, queens.

I've got your back Fruitfrakken. They're just back.
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At the time I was doing stuff on twitter and improving art I started to follow more and more artists meeting some of them or just doing fan art for them, I did for Radio, Beeblimp, Sharkbubble, Yarbage, and Maria the gardevoir it was a good thing while it lasted, for months I was drawing everyday and I improved a lot, and made a lot of friends (that really weren't my friends) I met Seableauseele (or seabomb or some shit like that), and this huy is a complete cumhead, he says he is controlled but the guy is outcontrolled and he will do fan art of any furry character you request, he was chill, I met Altas himself and became mutuals with him, same with Maria the Gardevoir and interacted with a lot of artists who were "the big ones" Like those I just mentionated even i had the honor be the first one to draw one of Kiria's ocs (wont show the drawin because beside being awful I dont wanna be recognized by certain people) everything was good and comfortable...
I got mine from a Latios one at like age 9 or 10. Not only did it give me this fetish but it made me a furfag. Thankfully did not come out an actual fag
WitchKing00 begs for money, always bemoaning yet more new financial strife and promises commissions or whatever you ask. When paid, he never delivers on his promises and only ever draws what he wants for his Patreon. The guy is so full of shit
>inflatechan closes, 4chin gets stale
>goes to bbw chan to see new artists and eventually sees my art shared here with compliments (never bothered to share it myself)
>2022 goes by
>it is just the same apeshit "bad experiences" thread everyweek and a billion AI threads
>continues coming here because i actually get to see some new artists showup
>twitter artists you like devolve emotionally, now they talk badly about BBWchan
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Then there was an event, an internet callout, Ms-Chemi was being called out for having sexual fantasies with her 2-year old brother, and the other guy with his cousin, it was utterly disturbing for everyone that knew Chemi in that time I didn't payed much attention at first but when I got into seeing what the hell was happening, I saw the convo between Chemi and Connor and saw the reactions of the people on different servers, somehow after seeing this disturbing case it triggered a downspiral of a lot of disappointment in the community that I was so confortable with I started to see questionable shit to say the least.
I dug up on Ms-Chemi's social media to see if there was any misunderstanding or something else instead i founded out that she or Connor didn't show any regret at all, and somehow they got a few followers on which supported this two.
these are a few reactions
(24 KB, 613x137, KinkOftheL supporting Chemi.png) (182 KB, 611x752, KinkOftheL was mutuals with Chemi.png)
You migt wondering, why this affected me, well it's simple, just a few weeks later while i was digging on the case to see if they had any remorse (which was very stupid of me) I saw the that Connor disappeared, while still gave him support, but Chemi came back for a little time, when I saw this I saw a lot of artists waiting her come back, one of them was KinkOftheL and you can see this when he posted this on his twitter
you can confirm this if you go to nitter and type "Ms Chemi" on the search bar on Kink's profile on Nitter
Doxxy right wing looney toons obsessed presenting lies as fact and calling everything pedo
Also for fucks sake just look at all those dcord profiles and pics.
If that’s not a server full of literal teenagers it’s full of arrested development adults.
Shit like this is why we stopped letting potato brains like them push innocent people into suicide and the like
You have just as much proof as this guy which doesn’t say much and actually proves that a year ago credible artists wanted her back so umm..
Also for fucks sake just look at all those dcord profiles and pics.
If that’s not a server full of literal teenagers it’s full of arrested development adults.
Shit like this is why we stopped letting potato brains like them push innocent people into suicide under the guise of cancel culture and the like
You have just as much proof as this guy which doesn’t say much. You actually proved on the contrary that a year ago credible artists wanted her back so umm..
Also for fucks sake just look at all those dcord profiles and pics.
If that’s not a server full of literal teenagers it’s full of arrested development adults.
Shit like this is why we stopped letting potato brains like them push innocent people into suicide under the guise of cancel culture and the like
(387 KB, 878x1745, C289477D-92C4-4FDE-8B0E-8C1DE65F6934.jpeg)
I mean seriously do you comprehend the stupidity of the idea that what you see in this image destroyed a life, cost thousands and untold emotional stress
These people.
A society where killer cops get hung juries like donuts but this collection of society’s finest get to be literal Judge Dredd
Yeah this whole societal idea and method is starting to be shitcanned, Tucker Carlson Green MM onssession and all, for very good reason
Explain to me how Chemi's "life was ruined". They've literally experienced absolutely 0 material consequences for their actions, the most they've experienced is people online reminding them that they're a terrible person for it and informing others about it - and rightfully so.

Cancel culture is a boogeyman peddled by rightoid dullards to avoid taking accountability for.their actions, and anyone with half a brain knows it.
Kisame here. Don't care for cancel culture
Give or take the person people get death threats and doxed for the craziest of things. Maybe you're not one of those types of people but politics be damned there are vengeful vindictive people out there just because you won't doesn't mean they follow that moral code and that's true from whatever you vote for don't matter who you are humans are angry people and react to things in different ways.

One eats a Snickers bar meanwhile the other throws there's in the pool to create mass panic
Ew someone shit it the pool!

Everything is its own case and not everything is that severe but sometimes it is. At best case constantly reminding someone they fucked up 24/7 can drive someone to depression if not worse.

Just bonk a fucker on the nose and move on!
See if with time they can change their ways before you condemn someone to hell.
Again keep in mind your one person shitting on someone for something but be in there shoes a second whoever it is and realize they have at any given time 300 or more other people screaming the same thing at them aka you and again I'm not counting that some of those people are literally wishing your violent end.

Give that about a week of that endlessly and get back to me how you'll be feeling! So yes cancel culture is a thing and no it's not a right wing or political one either.

It's essentially a personal mob of people bitching at you every day for the rest of your life over one dumbass thing you've done.
Yes sometimes these cancelled people have done awful things but majority of the time lately I'm seeing people get scarfed at for stupid ass shit like what video game they play or a cringe comment that even they regret more that you.

So think back deeply to this message whenever you cancel culture is just a fucking joke.
Dudeee she came back REALLY not long after the incident and startted trying to be “positive” and boost others’ art and come across as a nice person, genuinely sickening. I hope that cunt chokes on their own bile and dies

There’s PLENTY of other weird mfs, many of which i’ve had run-ins with, but all i’ll say is it’s not uncommon for people to fantasise about 5 year olds in their scenarios
You sound simple
>call out
Have they ever thought they were the oppressor?
What's wrong with calling? Enlighten me.
“There will be consequences.”
I had that said about me last year by someone going off on a paranoid rant to cancel me from someone else in their sphere’s life. For a few weeks they were obsessed over the idea that my mere existence in their sphere was a ticking time bomb meanwhile they were the actual active bomb socially destroying the mental health of everyone around them like a living self-fulfilling prophecy. They literally thought they were the Mirabel of their family’s Encanto story when in reality they were tearing everyone mentally apart living out their Main Character story in false reality
It was a nightmare and it is traumatizing. And oppressive.
Some people really just don’t get it until the mania is over and they realize the whole town is in ashes them at the epicenter
Nearly always they demand others to condemn perfectly normal behavior and get mad when normies think they're being antisocial.
Imagine getting mad over positive consequences like a raise or a simple "good job!"
Wow yeah sounds like you've got a nutter problem
It's not right to condemnate anyone (you can judge between right and wrong though), but what is wrong with being anti-social?
“There will be consequences.”
I had that said about me last year by someone going off on a paranoid rant to cancel me from someone else in their sphere’s life. For a few weeks they were obsessed over the idea that my mere existence in their sphere was a ticking time bomb meanwhile they were the actual active bomb socially destroying the mental health of everyone around them like a living self-fulfilling prophecy. They literally thought they were the Mirabel of their family’s Encanto story when in reality they were tearing everyone mentally apart living out their Main Character story in false reality
It was a nightmare and it is traumatizing. And oppressive.
Some people really just don’t get it until the mania is over and they realize the whole town is in ashes with them at the epicenter
>>76554 is now >>76563
Stop deleting your posts so often and read before you post.

It's our duty as pro-social creatures to condemn anti-social behavior or it spreads.
Wow you made five replies in like three minutes. I guess since your mask is off you reverted to your primitive Neanderthal ways.
11 years and you’re still stalking me.
You are literally brain dead. The only thing to be done with you is ignore you.
>It's our duty as pro-social creatures to condemn anti-social behavior
Says who? Who told you that lie? And you believed it? What a fucking idiot. Alright dudd, clearly your mind is made up and uour a whole lot smarter than I am so I will fuck off now, and you should fo the same.
I'm not sure who you're talking to but I was reassuring you. The calling out ones have already been dehumanized by AI. Why else are they so afraid of diffusion artists?
You're a human who lives in a civilized nation, aren't you?
No. I live in a society. One that is barely civilized. If being social means being a massive whore then I'd much rather die alone (if that's ok with you)
I think it would only be fair to append the following: I live in a country that is far from perfect. Where I live was substantially more to my liking only 15 years ago. And to top it all of the fuck up of a government that we "voted for" has done nothing about a growing threat of stalkers/terrorists that spy on the population in all public areas and do so in secrecy. They are highly organized and have databases of citizens from information found both online and information they gather offline aswell. So, I can't say that being part if a "nation" has brought me any benefit lately.
That was all predicted. Next stop: societal collapse and aliens.
Captcha: deaf 17
How so was it predicted? Because part of my outrage is that nobody ever told me. I had to notice it on my own. Now I am here to tell as many as possible so that they don't have to go through that hellish torment that I went through when I discovered it. It's obvious that it was a more recent development, but one that I feel not many "civilized citizens" are warning about. Instead they're keeping quite and getting ready for war. I only care about helping as many as I can by telling them the truth that they may not know. There is an organization of a network of spies and I have seen the proof with my own eyes. I may not sound like it, but I am more thoughtful than most.
Same here. Only difference is that most Americans love to find groups via anonymous public sharing on Twitter. You should try, too.
Yup the mask is off and here he goes.
Welcome to what we’ve dealt with for half a decade from two fronts.

>Same here. Only difference is that most Americans love to find groups via anonymous public sharing on Twitter. You should try, too
I don't know if you are still acting like you think I'm psychotic or you are honestly suggesting that I join these pussy pathetic whores in their Domestic Terrorism? I would rather suck a horse's dick. I wouldn't join these whores even for 100 little girl brides. And know that if there ever is a war, because I doubt it, I will kill whoever mercilessly for my country. It's good for me that I will be protected and likely won't have to lift a finger, but I would be willing to do so gladly.
who are any of these people man
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A lot of anon cross chatter going on between some group of people and some known audience of theirs who know each other in real life and are communicating in a form that has barely any context to anyone else.
Interesting times at the moment so everything is on the table it seems
Wow my captcha just now: c1a1f1
So are you bemoaning the state of society, or are you willing to hurt others for the same society you're complaining about is declaring "domestic terrorists" because a journalist on TV said so?
Nope. The only thing that interests me is the question how can humanity be as stupid? To end up as a Domestic Terrorist you have to live a certain type of life. And everybody knows it. To even end up as a Domestic Terrorist you have to trouble maker, not courageous. I look forward to this boring ordeal being finished then.
No. You're a butthead. I said that Domestic Terrorists are of a certain type of "citizen", and if I were in charge they would be rewarded with death for their trouble making.
They are not "anti-socials", they are whores. They have assumed the role of Domestic Terrorism out of their own volition. They did so willingly because they enjoy the flirting with evil and they crave destruction. Nobody in their right mind would ever do something like "anonymous twitter stalking" or harassment, and it is unbecoming of ANY citizen in ANY civilization. If you don't know that what you're doing is wrong then you belong in prison for doing the wrong thing even though you thought it was the right thing. Yhat is what I'm saying.
There are people warning about the woke on Twitter, too is what.
No. These are not woke. They are criminals and gangs in coordination with retired workers mainly minority black and latino neighborhoods but also have been reported in some low-class white neighborhoods of this stalking and surveillance by spies who keep records everywhere they go and have databases and profiles of American citizens and all their information.
They are citizens who are part of a spy network. They try to watch and listen and collect information on other Americans through various means. They share information on Americans. They go as far as to track them to their local banks and apply for jobs there. They have members who hack phones. There's plenty of info around this site in threads. Read the schizo thread
>>76600 (checked)
What schizo thread?
Ah, I see we were talking about the same thing.
Yeah I've seen them noticing me and when I ignore them they have gone as far as to jokingly mock me in my own face, I guess because I was pretending not to notice, oh but I did. Boy did I ever notice. And one day, it will be my turn to laugh.
Yeah, here they are
Yup mask is off and full idiot mode is waking up. As you can tell they’re delusional. They’ve been talking like this for years now
Breathe in and out don’t let them get to you
When the aliens come they'll be afraid and we'll laugh.
>Yeah, here they are
Nope, evil scum. No different than a nutter hiding in the shadows on a dark night with no moon. Pathetic. Useless. Stupid. And trouble makers.
I got the trouble maker from my relative who is an ex NY cop
As an autistic dude, I really don't understand why people constantly use autism as an insult. Yeah, I have a weird kink, but I try to be polite and contribute even if this place is a hellhole. What did we ever do to you, man?
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Meanwhile this happened I talked to some people around, among them, there was this guy Lineder, this wasn't a bad guy mostly of the time, at the time he started talking I did fanart for one of his friends, and since then we started to talk, he told me a one his mutuals was Nyx a guy from pic related who has (In my opinion) a shitful taste on inflation fetish, after a while talking about the Chemi situation, he inmidiately denied he know or met Nyx, I think Line cutted ties with Nyx, also Nyx was a follower of Chemi, this wasn't the only one sadly, and this happened even after she was called out.

Also their rections to the case were these.

Oh good, schizos who think they're important enough for "gangstalking".

The delusions of grandeur required to dream up this shit are hilarious.

> They are criminals and gangs in coordination with retired workers mainly minority black and latino neighborhoods but also have been reported in some low-class white neighborhoods of this stalking and surveillance by spies who keep records everywhere they go and have databases and profiles of American citizens and all their information.
Why would they need to go to all that effort when you carry a mobile phone in your pocket? A GPS-enabled device from which your location can be tracked, your thoughts monitored through your browsing and shopping habits, profiles built up by Facebook and Twitter and Amazon.
They don't need spies when you give away every tiny bit of inoformation about yourself willingly, dumbass. You're worried about the state tracking your every move, while your corporate overlords got away with it right under your nose years ago.

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