
To those that actually matter.
Please tell you realized what just happened.
Please tell me you realize this wasn’t me.
I never shared a single one of those loaded message TMC clips She can corroborate too you how much I hate those fuckers content.
It’s someone else and I know who.
I only wanted reconciliation.
After that message on the 11th. That random slew of posts?
Out of nowhere?
That wasn’t me.
The comic posted the morning after? Not me
I spoke the Her about all of this
I showed Her all these things
I showed Her the images
The Chan
She knows.
This person knows everything about us because this person saved my Spotify profile link from literally fucking five years ago because they’re literally that that. Because I had shared it a couple of times back in our dco server and this dumb Nazi stalker fucker actually saved the shit this whole time
She can corroborate this.
Please let all the dots connect.
We’ve all been subtly doxxed.
That Spotify pretty much connected all the other dots for them which unfortunately makes total sense.
I’ve been plastered on these works too without wanting it I’m sure you’ve noticed.
Do you seriously think I’d be stupid enough to do something like that?
Trust me I confronted themq directly about it and showed Her the messages myself in person
I’m pissed as shit about that too.
Please connect the dots.
Please know that if your intentions on reconciliation were genuine that I spent that weekend hoping and dreaming too
I’m so sorry
I wish the implications of this could’ve been taken more seriously back in the fall when I first connected the dots and warned of this happening
Can only hope for the best for us now.
Just know that I’ve been transparent with Her about all of this and She too knows about all of this going on. The images and bullshit.
Anyways! Anyone got any full blimps of her I've seen some fantastic butt stuff but I'm curious if someone's done a full inflation.

Like I get there would be no reason why but like at the same time I don't know you can make the joke that the butt gods blessed her too much and now she's going in the local parade!

But seriously we need more stuff of her I'll try to dump what I can find but fuck it artists assemble and let's blimp some bitchs!
And yes this person is a super MAGA type which is why you’re seeing all these conservative American flag type rants. It seems they made it a point to mimic all of us in some capacity at some point.
They also seem to really really like Samus to an unfortunate level.
They’ve hated her and I being together from the beginning as did most due to jealousy or racism. Ironically enough the biggest racist MAGA idiot in Her and I’s life has just been given what they've been looking for for half a decade.
Let the implications of that sink in and everyone’s role in that outcome.
And yes it’s them. Even she agrees it’s the most likely outcome because on the same night those
You know
Really special images of someone were shared they actually trying to fucking follow her for the first time again in literal years
Also their obvious alt profile that as of now features two very obvious works has a direct reference to their old names right in their profile
Just know that she literally knows everything and if you talked to her about this she would actually know what you’re talking about
(114 KB, 2048x1074, FN6C1oaWUA0xWv1.jpeg) (194 KB, 1822x2048, FN6C6g6XsAEBnGo.jpeg)
First up some obscurities I found.

Love this one where she flattened his ass with her expanding cake
Let's Laarp because those thin Korean's are making fun of ugly "American" whores and their fat asses, yeah. Good shit, big brain. This is exactly why the whole world doesn't respect you or like you and they laugh at you behind your back. Rightfully so. Let's post links to sites with beautiful girls some more. That was much funnier, big brain.
And yes
They named themself Kisame for that very obvious reason.
They’ve gone by that for three years now and as you may know by now are very notorious and hated by this whole site not just this board. She was there through all of it and can corrob.
That’s the guy that mortally hates Her and got what he wanted and made a pass immediately after. And at this point has an obsession with all of you due to some obvious interference on your ends that I’m sure even they noticed
And look at him still going now
In all seriousness this idiot is what I was warning about back in the fall and had you all not poked your noses into a hornet’s nest just to fuck me over this wouldn’t be happening right now.
He was dormant for literal years until I’m pretty sure someone with glasses found this site and decided to play OSINT with my life and made themselves part of the story
Her and I had experience with this years ago. I wish you all could’ve realized the fire that this all is and just fucking let us both be.
Nobody cares. Laarping will not make ugly "Americans" asses get smaller, or help in any meaningful way. But if it makes you sleep better at night I guess get a boob job plus buy a vibrator.
I’m okay considering this a larp and yeeting this tonight as long as my message gets across to the relevant people
>Laarping won't not make ugly "Too old."
Just ignore the fucker and post/make more butts they'll eventually be drowned in a sea of cheeks.

And a work of advice to the other fucker if your gonna start pulling some I sniff farts and inflate shit drop it in its own thread! Why you gotta bring that off topic shit in a Korean butt expansion thread a ruin the fun?

Fuck off back to fartsville jackass
Whatever traumas ale you this thread ain't the place!
unfortunately I think we've posted every piece of art ever made of this lady
There’s plenty of celeb look alike for alibi fuck them blow these bitches up hottest thing to happen in years!
There’s plenty of celeb look alike for alibi fuck them blow the big butt beauty we all want up! Hottest arcade ever!
Fuck them blow the big butt beauty we all want up!
I barely know what the fuck people are talking about in these threads anymore. Is there any moderation? Give some context and keep politics out of the balloon image board ffs. Why is everyone's brain so fucking broken all of a sudden?
(35 KB, 768x1024, korean_girl_s_big_fat_butt_like_western_women_by_bootyhai97_df2cplj.jpg) (1.7 MB, 1949x3179, big_fat_butts_like_western_women_by_jackd22_df1zpoy.jpg) (43 KB, 850x759, sample_13a34c830a09ddf715c7cfadd4e9f851.jpg) (74 KB, 850x1134, sample_04e1bdb2e3087205da8865dc69fcac1e.jpg) (21 KB, 662x522, she_has_a_big_fat_butt_like_western_women_by_kaleb_kai567_dfb25rh.png)
OP here, I also found these
Also what did that guy who got his comments deleted say?
Can't find original video. Source please.

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