
To the others yes.
11 years. They will not go away or leave you alone. They pretend to be a liberal at times bc Neanderthal conservative that’s why. Welcome to your new reality.
Legitimately all you can do is ignore him because he can’t actually do anything it’s not 2017 anymore.
But yes. 11 years.
You might see mass idiocy soon.
Just know my olive branch was always genuine and as long as I’m forced to make my points to you all in this manner you open our personal discourse up to a literal Nazi.
The only reason I’m open at this moment is because as you can tell this imbecile is fairly knowledgeable at this point yet I know how to handle him from experience.
She stood by me through it all for a reason. Losing our personal sphere to lies was just the straw that finally broke us.
Stfu stupid nutter
Why do you think I always barely had any social media presence?
You all treated me like a fucking pariah when in reality I was only trying to protect myself and her from a literal Nazi and by extension you.
I spent all my life heading towards the light only to be torn down by people around me who had heartless intention.
You probably don’t want to believe we’ve had a literal Nazi stalker for 11/5 years but yes, we do.
One conversation can corrob that if you ever seriously needed to know the truth.
I don’t know what else to say except
I’m sorry that I couldn’t shield us from the evil of one literally deranged man from bumfuck Middle America (they’re not from NY, it’s part of their act bc they hate NY)
This is what we’ve had to face.
This is why poking into this sphere you have no concept or business in and playing along for your ride was reckless.
I don’t know what else to say.
Nonstop shut downs in communication and weaponizing the concept of boundaries to shut down reconciliation via bullshitting and running out the clock led to this.
I finally found my solace and I had it ripped away by the sorts of accusations and talking points that conservatives use against gay people now. Pretty obvious in hindsight that all those ideas and overuse of certain words were just a Trojan horse to setup what conservatives really wanted. Thanks.
I’ve had nothing to lose for awhile
So after having that ultimate betrayal happen
What else is there?
So here we are
And through it all
As absolutely stupid as I may sound
As much as you probably hate me
As much as I can even comprehend at this point
For you
I still love you
Why do you think I always barely had any social media presence?
You all treated me like a fucking pariah when in reality I was only trying to protect myself and her and by extension you from a literal Nazi.
You might say ah see that’s why it wasn’t worth it. To that I say if you want to punish me for unwillingly being targeted by a hardcore delusional 4chan troll type racist due to “white erasure” hate then frankly you need to accept who are and stop lying to yourselves. I think better of you now though.
You probably don’t want to believe we’ve had a literal Nazi stalker for 11/5 years but yes, we do.
One conversation can corrob that if you ever seriously needed to know the truth.
I don’t know what else to say except
I’m sorry that I couldn’t shield us from the evil of one literally deranged man from bumfuck Middle America (they’re not from NY, it’s part of their act bc they hate NY)
This is what we’ve had to face.
This is why poking into this sphere you have no concept or business in and playing along for your ride was reckless.
I don’t know what else to say.
Nonstop shut downs in communication and weaponizing the concept of boundaries to shut down reconciliation via bullshitting and running out the clock led to this.
I finally found my solace and I had it ripped away by the sorts of accusations and talking points that conservatives use against gay people now. Pretty obvious in hindsight that all those ideas and overuse of certain words were just a Trojan horse to setup what conservatives really wanted. Thanks.
I’ve had nothing to lose for awhile
So after having that ultimate betrayal happen
What else is there?
So here we are
And through it all
As absolutely stupid as I may sound
As much as you probably hate me
As much as I can even comprehend at this point
For you
I still love you

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